during a presentation, promptly complying with requests raised by audience members:____.


Answer 1

Responding to audience members' demands during a presentation in a timely manner builds your reputation as a responsive speaker.

Why does a society value reputation?

Reputation affects an individual's social standing in a society. It acts as a barometer of their influence. Clearly, higher jobs and leadership positions are chosen for people with good reputations. And having a good reputation has never hurt anyone.

What effects does your reputation have on your life?

Your reputation directly decides your future chances. This is because people's opinions of you as well exist in the room before you even go in. You could not get the chances if you reputation is bad.

To know more about reputation visit:



Related Questions

in this type of question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


In this type of question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.: double-barreled.

A double-barreled query might be something like this: "Do you believe that students should take more history and culture classes?" Do you believe that students should take more history and culture classes? These are the two main topics that are covered in this inquiry. Combining the two questions into one makes it unclear what exactly is being measured, and there is a greater chance of confusing the respondents because each question can evoke a different response if asked individually. In other words, some respondents would prefer to answer both "yes" and "no," while others would answer "yes" to both and others would answer "no" to both.

Professionals have used double-barreled inquiries, which have caused media reporting to be noticeably skewed.

Learn more about double-barreled here: https://brainly.com/question/29514189


Rosie the riveter was one of the most successful propaganda campaigns of the office of war information (owi). What best describes the objective of the poster? a. To encourage laborers to work efficiently b. To encourage women to the stay at home c. To change attitudes about women in the workplace d. To create a visual call for peace e. To encourage people to buy savings bonds.


Rosie the riveter was one of the most successful propaganda campaigns of the office of war information (owi). The best describes the objective of the poster is To change attitudes about women in the workplace correct answer is C.

The Office of War Information (OWI) was established by the United States government during World War II to create propaganda notices for films, radio programs, and newspapers to communicate between the government and the public. OWI created the Voice of America program to distribute propaganda messages to the public. One of the War Information Service's goals was also to develop a campaign to attract and recruit women and minorities to work in factories.

During World War II, OWI's work encouraged women to move out of the kitchen and into industry. At the time, OWI's campaign played a major role in the inclusion of women in the labor market. so they're not treated bad.

learn more about The Office of War Information (OWI) at https://brainly.com/question/9254619


in a sly way, the friar actually blames juliet’s parents for her lifelessness. write the lines in which he says they are being punished by god.


He says - "The heavens do low'r upon you for some ill; Move them no more by crossing their high will."

He instructs them to dress her in her finest attire and arrange for her body to be transported to the church. In case the potion wears off before it should, the Friar is eager to get Juliet's body secluded.The Friar excuses Juliet's alleged demise by claiming that she was devastated by Tybalt's passing.The Friar maintains his deceit by consoling the family and expressing his belief that Juliet is in heaven as they express their grief for Juliet in a theatrical manner. The body of Juliet is then transported to the family vault under his arrangement.

To know more about Juliet here



tommy has been in trouble with law enforcement off and on since he was 13. his parents despaired of him because he lied so much, was irresponsible, and never seemed to feel bad about the harmful and hurtful things he did. tommy is now 23. he has never held a job for more than three months. he has wrecked four cars, three of which belonged to other people. he feels no guilt about disappointing people and is selfish and manipulative. which disorder does tommy appear to have?


Since he was thirteen years old, Tommy has occasionally run into difficulty with the law. Because he lied so frequently and as a result of his disordered behavior, his parents were quite disappointed in him.

What condition does Tommy seem to have?

Having an antisocial personality condition, Tommy was afflicted.He has never worked more than three months at one position. He has totaled four vehicles, three of which belonged to other people, and he is selfish and manipulative. He also feels no remorse for failing others.

What exactly does antisocial personality disorder entail?

A particularly difficult kind of personality disorder known as antisocial personality disorder is characterized by impulsive, reckless, and frequently criminal behavior. A person with antisocial personality disorder is often manipulative, dishonest, and careless, and they have little regard for other people.

To know more about behavior visit:



which action would be characteristic of the environmental justice movement? a. petitioning against a new plant that will harm local fish b. protesting for the development of a new park c. fighting for the rights of local wildlife against hunting d. picketing for water purification filters for residents of a poor neighborhood


Actions that will characterize the environmental justice movement are a. Petition against a new plant that will harm local fish.

what is the environment?

An environment is a spatial unit with all objects, resources, energy, conditions, and living things including humans and their behavior that affects nature itself, the continuity of life, and the welfare of humans and other living things.

Doing justice for the environment is one measure of progress. the civilization of a nation. Doing justice aims to benefit the environment so that it can be passed on to the next generation. This can be done by protecting the environment from pollution.

Learn more about environmental pollution here :


according to our textbook, the key word for the book of acts is "_________." it is used more than thirty times.


According to our textbook, the key word for the book of acts is "witness." it is used more than thirty times.

What does the book of Acts' central theme entail?

Acts focuses on the crucial time in Christian history that occurred between the ascension of Jesus and the passing of the apostle Paul. During this period, Christian concepts and beliefs were being established, and the church was beginning to take the form of a global movement.

The fifth book of the New Testament, Acts of the Apostles, is an important chronicle of the early Christian church. Acts was likely penned in Greek by St. Luke the Evangelist. Acts begins where the Gospel of Luke ends, namely with the ascension of Christ into heaven.

To know more about book of Acts, refer:



a political party can be (a) principle-oriented. (b) issue-oriented. (c) election-oriented. (d) all of the above.


In the above case, a political party can do All of the above.

Hence, Option D is correct.

Political parties are crucial democratic institutions. Parties provide voters with a selection in government by participating in elections.The Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the American Independent Party, the Green Party, and the Peace and Freedom Party are the current qualified political parties with legislation governing their operations and the holding of their presidential primary elections.Currently, the two major parties in Congress are the Democratic and Republican. Learn more about the differences between political parties in the US Senate.

To know more about Political Party here



with bipartisan support, the us senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for:____.


With bipartisan support, the USA senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for same-sex marriage.

All U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories, with the exception of American Samoa, have laws allowing for and recognizing same-sex unions. The Respect for Marriage Act, however, requires American Samoa to recognize any unions of two persons that took place legally in another country. Due to a Supreme Court decision in 2015, same-sex marriage is now legally recognized in all 50 states. However, as a result of the Dobbs v. Massachusetts decision, the state's top court decided to allow same-sex unions in 2003, making it the first state to do so.

In a historic decision on June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized the constitutional right to marriage for same-sex couples.

Learn more about Same Sex marriage here: https://brainly.com/question/28315002


the definition of polarization is a. the bringing together of the two poles of american politics in policy marriages of convenience.b. the entry of ideological media into american politics.c. the entrance of personal attacks in american politics.d. a sharp cleavage between in american politics between two relatively cohesive parties.


In American politics, polarisation refers to the stark division between the two generally cohesive parties. The right response in this case is option D.

Political parties' adoption of increasingly ideologically divergent viewpoints may polarise the populace and elites alike. For instance, after the Voting Rights Act was approved, the proportion of conservative Republicans in Congress increased while the proportion of conservative Democrats decreased.

Today, Republicans and Democrats are further apart than they have been during the previous 20 years. Political polarization is the movement of political beliefs away from the center and toward the ideological extremes. Political parties and democratic systems of administration are considered in most political science discussions on polarization.

To learn more about polarisation



Marking as brainiest!!

Topic : Indian nationalist movements begin

Answering the three multiple choice questions:


it's not that clear, repost pls

Determine what information moves from sensory memory to short term memory


Through the process of attention, which is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things, information is transferred from sensory memory to short-term memory. This effectively filters the stimuli to only those that are of interest at any given time.

What controls which information is transferred from sensory memory to short-term memory?

What information moves from sensory memory to short-term memory is determined by selective attention. STM can also be stored as images, but it is most commonly stored as sounds, especially when recalling words. resembles computer RAM memory; provides an area for working.

How is short-term memory accessed?

Without active rehearsal, simply reading or listening to information means that it will only be retained for a few seconds. In contrast, repeating the information and even making a mental association are more likely to be stored for a minute or longer in short-term memory.

To learn more about short-term memory here



3.in the more developed cultures, majority of the population is engaged in tertiary sector whereas in less developed cultures majority is engaged in primary sector. why?


More primary and secondary workers are employed in less developed nations while fewer primary and secondary workers are employed in more developed nations.

The main distinction between less developed and more developed nations with regard to the proportions of workers in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors is that: In the three-sector model of the economy, it is true that developed nations tend to have an economy with less emphasis on primary and secondary sectors and more emphasis on tertiary sectors. While the economies of less developed nations typically consist more of workers in the primary and secondary sectors and less in the tertiary sector. Thats why we have tertiary sector more in developed countries and more primary sector in less developed countries.

To learn more on economic sectors:



What reasoning did some critics use when calling for the repeal of the 22nd amendment?.



it removes competent executives from office without good cause.


Some critics want the 22nd Amendment repealed because  Supporters of Roosevelt's four terms in office argue that flexibility was important in times of crisis such as during World War II and the Great Depression.

what is the central idea presented in the introduction to the way to rainy mountain? responses the migration of the kiowa people to rainy mountain was disastrous. the migration of the kiowa people to rainy mountain was disastrous., the kiowa people were victims of their own poor decisions. the kiowa people were victims of their own poor decisions., the kiowa people and their historical journey are intimately related to the land. the kiowa people and their historical journey are intimately related to the land., the origins of the kiowa people are not known.


The history of the Kiowa people is closely linked to the landscape.

What essential concept drives The Way to Rainy Mountain?

The importance of storytelling to Kiowa survival is emphasized throughout the book, and Momaday reflects on the power of language to not only depict the world but also to act in it. For Momaday, words have the ability to evoke strong feelings, work magic, and are always potent.

What mood does The Way to Rainy Mountain convey?

The narrative has a sad tone throughout. Momaday laments the past of his ancestors. He recalls the life they led, but he also thinks back on how everything was taken from them.

To know more about Kiowa people visit:-



learning is most effective when student differences are taken into account. differences along linguistic, cultural, and social backgrounds influence students' learning. which learning principle best captures this belief?


The "Learning and diversity" principle best captures this belief.

learning is “a process that results in change, which occurs because of experience and will increase the potential for progressed performance and destiny gaining knowledge of” (Ambrose et al, 2010, p. 3). The trade in the learner may additionally appear at the extent of know-how, attitude or conduct. studying is the process of acquiring new information, knowledge, behaviors, abilties, values, attitudes, and preferences.

The capability to study is possessed via humans, animals, and a few machines; there's additionally proof for some form of getting to know in positive vegetation. train students to bear in mind academic principles and communicate their thoughts in a thoughtful, powerful, and respectful way. The Language of mastering covers five core talents: Listening necessities; speaking essentials; Asking and Answering Questions; Crafting an argument; The art of Agreeing and Disagreeing.

Learn more about Learning here: https://brainly.com/question/24959987


ethno-linguistic groups share the same ethnicity and language but are rarely living together at the same time and place. t or f


It is untrue that ethnic and linguistic groups frequently coexist in the same area and time while also speaking the same language and belonging to the same ethnicity.

What are ethnolinguistic groups?

A group that is united by both a shared ethnicity and language is referred to as an ethnolinguistic group (or ethnolinguistic group). A common initial language exists among most ethnic groups. However, the term "ethnolinguistic" is frequently used to emphasize how important language is to an ethnic community, particularly in relation to its neighbors.

The ability of a group's language and ethnicity to survive on its own is known as ethnolinguistic vitality and is a key topic in the linguistic study of ethnolinguistic groupings. Lacking this vibrancy makes an ethnolinguistic group less likely to endure as a separate entity.

Learn more about ethnolinguistics, from:



role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity will be the first role process variable to be covered in this article. Role ambiguity occurs when individuals lack enough information about their roles.

What is an article?

A word called an article is used to denote a noun's status as a noun without explaining it. The article a, for instance, designates the word dog as a noun in the line Nick bought a dog. Anything that functions as a noun, such as a pronoun or a noun phrase, can also be modified by articles.

An article in law is a separate and distinct portion of a written document that is sometimes separated into sections, such as a contract, statute, or constitution. a document that is written and that has a list of requirements and restrictions, each of which is referred to as an article.

Social support is simply the level of trust, concern for one another's welfare, respect, and overall favorable esteem that organization members believe they can place in their peers.

Therefore, Role ambiguity will be the first role process variable to be covered in this article.

Learn more about The article here



prejudice is a(n) ; discrimination is a(n) . ingroup bias; outgroup bias attitude; action dispositional attribution; situational attribution normative influence; informational influence


Prejudice is an attitude Discrimination is an act. within-group bias outgroup bias behavior-temperament attribution; situational attribution; Beneficial impact.

Prejudice determines how people interact with each other and can result in any of the following: It can be an advantage or a disadvantage. If a bias occurs outside the perceiver's consciousness, it is classified as an implicit bias.

Prejudice It includes attitudes, beliefs, and feelings towards members of another group. discrimination. Includes actual behavior group members unfairly because they are members of the group.

Learn more about Prejudice here



when children are told that certain classmates are learning disabled, they may behave in ways that prevent those students from doing well in school. this best illustrates that


This statement best illustrates the danger of self-fulfilling prophecies.

The self-image of a child does not exist at birth. Through interactions with individuals closest to them, they gradually shape how they see themselves. Beginning with how parents feel about their kids, which affects the signals they convey to them both vocally and non-verbally, is where it all starts.

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?

A self-fulfilling prophecy is an anticipation or conviction that has the power to change your actions and manifest reality.

Self-fulfilling prophecies are not necessarily unfavorable. Positive expectations might occasionally motivate activities that increase your success in accomplishing your goals. However, if your self-fulfilling prophecy is founded on unfavorable assumptions, it may limit you and keep you from realizing your full potential.

To know more about self-fulfilling prophecy visit:



the traditions of kwanzaa reflect african culture, but it is an american holiday. what is the meaning of the holiday?


Kwanzaa is a time for families and communities to return together to do not forget the beyond and to celebrate African American culture. Created in 1966 through Maulana Ron Karenga, Kwanzaa is an African .

Kwanzaa is a weeklong birthday celebration held in the united states that honors African historical past in African-American subculture. Kwanzaa is found from December 26th to January 1st, and culminates in present giving and a big ceremonial dinner. the vacation is incredibly new, in comparison to other holidays celebrated inside the U.S. Dr.

Despite the fact that Kwanzaa (first day) isn't a public excursion, organizations and faculties can be closed because it falls on the identical date as Christmas Day in 2022, that is a public excursion in forty nine states and 1 federal district . A candle stick maintaining seven candles is symbolic of Kwanzaa inside the united states.

Learn more about Kwanzaa  here



which document set an international standard by enumerating civil liberties for individuals?


The answer to your question is bill of rights

On the way to her mother's home for a visit, Brooke becomes worried that she left the garage door open at home She remembers checking three times before she left, but she still decides to return home to check again Brooke would
likely be diagnosed with


Answer: Obsessive-compulsive disorder


I took the test and got it right

Hope this helped :P

what is the function of the tfcc? cushion correct! more than one of the written responses increase stability deepen articulation


The function of the TfCC is to provide Stability.

Hence, Option C is correct

Between the lunate, triquetrum, and ulnar head lies a load-bearing structure called the triangle fibrocartilage complex (TFCC). The ulnar aspect of the wrist is stabilized by the TFCC's role in this process. The TFCC is susceptible to both acute and long-term degenerative damage..Its purpose is to stabilize, cushion, and promote fluid movement in the wrist joint.

To know more about Stability here



humans who have pets tend to be healthier than humans who do not have pets. which of these terms applies to the relationship between a human and a pet?


These terms applies to the relationship between a human and a pet in mutualism, both members of the species pair benefit; in this case the human is healthier and the pet is getting room and board.

Mutualism, affiliation among organisms of two exceptional species wherein each advantages. Mutualistic arrangements are most possibly to develop among organisms with extensively distinctive residing requirements.

Mutualism is defined as an interaction between people of different species that results in superb (beneficial) outcomes on according to capita duplicate and/or survival of the interacting populations.

A mutualistic dating is while organisms of various species "paintings collectively," every profiting from the connection.

Learn more about mutualism here : https://brainly.com/question/13645013


Which has been the dominant US foreign policy approach since World War II?


Internationalism has been the dominant US foreign policy approach since World War II.

Greater political or economic cooperation among states and countries is promoted by the political principle of internationalism. It is connected to various political ideas and movements, but it can also represent a philosophy, way of thinking, or movement by itself.

Internationalists are those who support the idea that people should work together to advance their common interests regardless of national, political, cultural, racial, or class boundaries or that governments should work together because their shared long-term interests are more important than their short-term differences.

Although there are many different interpretations and definitions of internationalism, it is typically defined as the rejection of nationalism and isolationism, support for international organizations like the United Nations, and a cosmopolitan outlook that values and promotes other people's cultures and customs.

To know more about internationalism:



The authors of both documents write about the same event in different ways due to:lack of informationauthor biasthey are secondary sourcesone being from the perspective of an Armenia


People frequently harbor a variety of biases. Due to author bias, the writers of the two texts present the same event in different ways.

An author who is prejudiced is simply one who, in some manner, did not pay attention to all the facts, or evidence, or build a logical case to support his or her opinions.

In this context, bias is simply defined as when a point or remark demonstrates partiality or preference for a person, thing, etc. When you suspect a source may be prejudiced, when the author's viewpoint is strongly held or skewed, etc., you can usually tell.

Prejudice is a synonym for bias, which means that the arguments used to justify a position are frequently irrational. To assess an argument's worth and validity impartially, the reader must be able to identify any author's prejudice.

To learn more about author bias



10. if a large, violent tornado is approaching your location and you are on an open roadway (with no strong or sturdy buildings nearby), what is the safest course of action?


Pull your car onto the side of the road and seek shelter. The best course of action if you spot a tornado while driving is to pull over and seek shelter.

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air this is in touch with each the surface of the Earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. it's miles regularly called a twister, whirlwind or cyclone,[1] although the phrase cyclone is utilized in meteorology to name a climate machine with a low-stress region in the middle around which, from an observer searching down closer to the floor of the Earth, winds blow counterclockwise within the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern.[2] Tornadoes come in many sizes and styles, and they are frequently seen within the shape of a condensation funnel originating from the base of a cumulonimbus cloud, with a cloud of rotating debris and dust underneath it.

Learn more about tornado here



Which statement describes dramatic irony o There is an unhappy ending for one or more of the characters?


This remark illustrates dramatic iron because reader understands something about a scenario that the character doesn't really know.

Dramatic architecture (also known as dramaturgy structure) is the framework of a dramatic work like a book, play, or film. Throughout history, critics, writers, and scholars have speculated several types of dramatic frameworks. This page discusses a variety of dramatic constructions from around the world. The form of the acts and the central theme of the story vary greatly depending on geography and time period. A story structure typical in West Africa recounted orally by Griot storytellers. Anansi folktales are among the most famous stories from this genre. This storytelling style influenced later African American, French, and Caribbean African exile stories.

Learn more about influenced here



religious groups that turn to violence also tend to be influenced by . a. patriarchy b. mysticism c. modernization d. urbanization


The religious groups that turn to violence also tend to be influenced by a) patriarchy.

They preserve every position of power and authority viable. they're considered superior in all ways. An example of male domination in a patriarchal society might be a man who holds the location of CEO of a corporation. He is going to work each day, controlling all components of his task, then goes home.

Patriarchy refers to male domination both in public and personal spheres. Feminists especially use the time period 'patriarchy' to explain the electricity dating between ladies and men.

Learn more about patriarchy here https://brainly.com/question/29547218


luke's school must apply the accommodations that his diagnosis of dyslexia legally guarantees, so that he has an equal access to an equitable education. which civil liberty applies?


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) recognizes dyslexia as a distinct learning condition (SLD). Dyslexia has an affect on reading, specifically on word recognition and spelling as well as decoding.

Due to issues recognizing spoken sounds and understanding how they relate to letters and words, dyslexia is a learning impairment that makes it difficult to read (decoding).

Dyslexia, sometimes known as a reading handicap, is brought on by individual variations in language processing areas of the brain.

There are several different varieties of dyslexia, including phonological dyslexia, rapid naming dyslexia, double deficit dyslexia, surface dyslexia, and visual dyslexia. Dyslexia can be developmental (genetic) or acquired (coming from a severe brain damage or disease).

To know more about Dyslexia here



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