What are the core values of FEMA?


Answer 1

Our agency's capstone philosophy, "We Are FEMA," or Publication One, contains the fundamental principles that direct it  Pub 1 provides guidance for our agency's

Over 20,000 employees work for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) countrywide. We are a nationwide organization with 10 regional offices and our main office in Washington, D.C.FEMA was officially created in 1979 through an executive order by President Jimmy Carter. Our history can be traced as far back as 1803.On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the Department of Homeland Security.FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during and after disasters, and our core values and goals help us achieve it.

learn more about FEMA here:



Related Questions

Why blackstone’s $69 billion property fund is signaling pain ahead for real estate industry?


The real estate sector is struggling with a decline in investor interest, issues with financing, and additional layoffs.

The wealthy investors in the $69 billion Blackstone Real Estate Income Trust Inc. learnt Thursday that the fund will restrict withdrawals as they want to get their hands on what has become a cash magnet for one of the biggest owners of real estate worldwide.

As rising borrowing prices stifle demand, Wells Fargo, the largest home loan originator among US banks, said Thursday that it is laying off hundreds more mortgage workers.

Withdrawals will be restricted by the $69 billion BREIT as market headwinds slow down the real estate sector. Bloomberg photographer Angus Mordant

In an interview, Susan Wachter, a professor of real estate at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, stated, "It's a one-two punch."

Both are reasonable withdrawal reactions to the current state of the economy's general deterioration and the recent increase in interest rates.

To know more about real estate:



on july 1, year 7, x company purchased a machine by paying a $20,000 down payment and signing a noninterest bearing note for $360,000, calling for payments of $6,000 per month for the next 5 years. x also paid an additional $10,000 for delivery and installation. the equipment could have been purchased for $310,000 on the date of acquisition. the equipment has a 10 year useful life with no salvage value and will be depreciated on a straight-line basis. what will be the amount of depreciation recognized in year 8? multiple choice


Answer: A, C, and D


What is the adjusting entry should be at december 31, if the balance of prepaid insurance account is $8,250 while the unexpired amount per analysis of policies is $2,300?.


c. debit Rent Expense, $5,000; credit Prepaid Rent, $5,000

credit (from Latin verb credit score, that means "one believes") is the trust which allows one birthday party to offer money or sources to some other birthday party in which the second celebration does no longer reimburse the primary celebration straight away (thereby producing a debt), however promises both to pay off or return the ones sources (or other substances of same fee) at a later date.[1] In different words, credit is a technique of creating reciprocity formal, legally enforceable, and extensible to a big organization of unrelated people. The resources supplied can be monetary (e.g. granting a mortgage), or they'll encompass goods or offerings (e.g. consumer credit).

Learn more about credit here



a budget deficit occurs when: government spending exceeds government revenue. government revenue exceeds government spending. discretionary spending exceeds automatic spending. imports exceed exports.


Government budget deficit when an excess of government spending over government revenues during a given period of time.

When spending exceed income, there is a budget deficit, which is a sign of a nation's financial stability. Instead of enterprises or individuals, the term is frequently used to allude to government spending.Budget deficits have an impact on a country's overall debt, annual budget deficit total, and total amount owed to creditors.If there is a budget deficit, there may be increased borrowing, greater interest costs, and less investing, which will decrease revenue in the next year.A budget surplus is what a budget deficit is not. A surplus happens when revenue is higher than current costs and leaves extra money that can be used for other purposes. A balanced budget is one in which the inflows and outflows are equal.

Learn more about Budget deficits, here



How can you practice an ethical communication as a student?


ethical communicate Even though hard skills are crucial in every field, SMEs and larger businesses are increasingly aware of the value of soft skills and emotional intelligence in building productive working connections.

Unlike emotional intelligence, which is based on an empathetic ability to comprehend people and is related to having the ability to effectively  ethical communicate with people, logical intelligence refers to one's cognitive aptitude. The second half of a worker's skill set, known as soft skills, consists of a range of workplace competences that are centered on getting along with people, including ethical communication, the most important soft skill. While there are many different communication concepts that organizations need to be aware of, the most crucial is ethical communication.

learn more about ethical communicate here:



In thinking about the channel structure, the level of difficulty a manufacturer experiences in getting retailers to purchase its products is determined by all of the following except


In thinking about the channel structure, the level of difficulty a manufacturer experiences in getting retailers to purchase its products is determined by all of the following except the degree to which the channel is horizontally integrated.

Who are Retailers?

In contrast to wholesale, which is the sale of goods and services to companies or institutional clients, retail is the sale of goods and services to consumers. A retailer makes bulk purchases of products from manufacturers, either directly or via a wholesaler, and then makes a profit by selling them to customers in smaller quantities. The chain of distribution connecting producers and consumers ends with retailers.

Retailers and stores have been around since the beginning of time. Itinerant peddlers were some of the oldest types of sellers. Retail establishments over time developed into the sophisticated shopping malls of the current era from little more than "rude booths." In the age of the internet, more and more merchants are trying to reach bigger consumers by selling through various channels, such as brick-and-mortar stores.

To learn more about retailers from the given link



Both dividends paid and dividends declared during the year are reported in the statement of cash flows.
a. True
b. False


It is a false statement that both the dividends paid and dividends declared during the year are reported in the statement of cash flows. The Option B is correct.

What is a dividend?

In accounting, a dividend refers to share of profits and retained earnings that a company pays out to its shareholders. When a firm generates a profit and accumulates retained earnings, the earnings can be either reinvested in the business or paid out to shareholders as a dividend.

Only dividends actually paid in cash during the year are reported in the statement of cash flows. Also, the statement of cash flows only reflects an actual cash flows.

Read more about dividend



Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees' health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. True False


It is a true statement that an Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.

Which legislation guides this Employer act?

The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996, is the federal legislation that protects the privacy of health information. In the workplace, the legislation ensures that employee health information is not provided to parties, such as employers without the consent of the employee.

In essence, the laws protect the privacy of all past, current and future employee health-related information. All employers is required be familiar with HIPAA to ensure compliance with the law.

Read more about health insurance



finding an apartment math quiz question 10 of 10: you review a lease for a new apartment. the lease requires you pay the first month's rent, last month's rent and a security deposit of one month's rent, at the time of signing. the monthly rent is $500. how much will you need at the time of signing?


The time of signing is $1500 because 3 months of rent equals $500, which multiplied by 3 equals $1500.

A renter gives a landlord or property management business a refundable sum of money known as a security deposit. Normally, they pay it when they sign their lease to reserve the rental home. This assures the landlord that the tenant will abide by the terms of the lease and pay rent on time.

Security deposits are a little different from other expenses you might have to pay upon lease signing, such administrative costs, first and last months' rent, or background check costs. The property manager retains these refundable fixed sums for the duration of your lease, and they are only redeemable for repairs and final cleaning costs after you vacate the property.

Know more about management here:



which type of evidence collection methods can be used when litigation might be needed? [choose all that apply]


Documentary evidence is the type of evidence collection method that can be used when litigation might be needed.

What is the collection of evidence?

This includes any items the offender may have left behind or any tools they may have used to perpetrate the crime. When a criminal case is presented before a judge and/or jury, the correct gathering, preservation, and documenting of physical evidence discovered at the crime scene frequently determines the outcome.

To avoid altering the evidence in any manner and to avoid contaminating or destroying pieces of evidence, it is crucial that officers and crime scene specialists exercise sufficient caution and adhere to protocols while processing crime scenes.

Learn more about the collection of evidence, here:



karolyn takes out an installment loan to finance the purchase of a violin costing $14,750. her loan requires a 10.625% down payment and equal monthly payments of $355 for 48 months. calculate the total deferred payment price.


The total deferred payment price of loan is $1567.19 + $17040 = $18,607.19.

Find 10.625% of $14,750 first.

$14,750 x 10.625%=$1567.19

$355 times 48 equals $17,040.

Total deferred price: $18,607.19 ($1567.19 + $17.040).

In fact, installment loans are a prevalent type of credit instrument. You may even already possess one or two of your own. Installment credit, commonly referred to as installment loans, are closed-ended credit accounts that you repay over a certain time period. They might or might not have interest. Continue reading to discover more about the various kinds of installment loans and how they operate.

Know more about credit instrument here:



since toni brookfield is retired, she has used income from her investment in the alger mid cap growth fund to supplement her other retirement income. during one three-month period, the fund grew by $1,450. if she withdraws 70 percent of the growth, how much will she receive?


Toni Brookfield will receive an amount of $1015 from her investment in the Alger mid-cap growth fund

A growth fund is a diversified stock portfolio with a focus on the capital appreciation and minimal to no dividend payments. The portfolio is mostly made up of businesses with above-average growth that reinvest their earnings in growth, acquisitions, or R&D. (R&D). The majority of growth funds have bigger potential capital gains but often carry higher risks.A mid-cap fund invests in companies of average size.

She wants to withdraw 70% of the amount, by which her investment grew. Therefore,

Withdrawal = 70% * Growth amount

Withdrawal = 0.70 * 1450

Withdrawal = $1015

Learn more about funds:



mathew johnston invested a total of $95,300 in the new colony pacific region mutual fund. the management fee for this particular fund is 0.80 percent of the total asset value. calculate the management fee mathew must pay this year.


Mathew Johnston invested a total of $95,300 in the new colony pacific region mutual fund. the management fee for this particular fund is 0.80 percent of the total asset value. The management fee mathew must pay this year will be  $5200.

Management fees are the expense of having an investment fund expertly overseen by an investment manager.

The management fees cover the expense of paying the managers as well as the expenses of financial backer relations and any managerial expenses.

Charge structures are normally founded on a level of assets under management (AUM); they will generally go from 0.10% to over 2% of AUM.

Management fees can go from as low as 0.10% to over 2% of AUM. This divergence in the fees charged is for the most part ascribed to the investment technique utilized by the fund's manager. The more effectively dealt with a fund is, the higher the management fees that are charged

to know more about assets click here:



the success of an advertising program depends on how well the advertiser can identify its audience.


The success of an advertising program depends on how well the advertiser can identify its audience. Thus, the given statement is true.

What makes advertising successful?

The efficacy of a brand's advertising may be assessed to see if its marketing initiatives are successful in reaching its target market and generating the greatest results. It lets businesses assess the benefits, drawbacks, and return on investment of certain marketing initiatives and make necessary adjustments. Advertising should ideally grab potential customers' attention and persuade them to utilize your goods.

Whatever the technique, all of your advertising should be concise and constantly reflect your company's distinctive positioning statement. To be effective, advertising has to integrate with other marketing techniques and corporate components. Advertising needs to be disruptive, which means it needs to get you to put down your newspaper or stop thinking about your day long enough to read or hear the advertisement.

Learn more about advertising, here:



Lid on it hat shop has an inventory turn ratio of 6. 2, $1. 55 million in annual sales, and $620,000 cost of goods sold for the same annual period. What is its average inventory?.


Lid on it hat shop has an inventory turn ratio of 6.2. Its average inventory is $100,000

Inventory turnover, or inventory turn ratio, is a ratio that shows how many times a company's inventory was turned over with respect to its cost of goods sold (COGS), over a particular time period. A corporation can then divide the number of days in the period, by the inventory turnover ratio to obtain the average number of days it takes to sell its inventory.

The formula for the inventory turn ration is:

Inventory turnover = cost of goods sold / average value of inventory

Parameters given:

COGS = $620,000

inventory turn ratio = 6.2


6.2 =  $620,000 / average value of inventory

average value of inventory = $620,000 / 6.2 = $100,000

Learn more about inventory here:



New Labs just announced that it has received a patent for a product that will eliminate all flu viruses. This news is better than the market expected one month ago. Which one of the following reactions to this announcement indicates the market for New Labs stock is efficient?A. The price of New Labs stock increases rapidly and then settles back to its pre-announcement level.B. The price of New Labs stock remains unchanged.C. All stocks quickly increase in value and then all but New Labs stock fall back to their original values.D. The price of New Labs stock increases rapidly to a higher price and then remains at that price.


The correct option is D. the price of New Labs stock increases rapidly to a higher price and then remains at that price.

What exactly is a patent?

A patent is a property right that a government has granted to an inventor. In exchange for a thorough disclosure of the idea, this grant gives the inventor temporary exclusivity over the patented method, design, or creation. They represent a kind of intangible right.

How do markets and patents interact?

Patents grant owners the right to prevent others from producing, utilizing, or commercializing their inventions. In the market for inventions, both creators and adopters can conduct business more effectively. The sole authority to commercially exploit an innovation for the duration of a registered patent belongs to its owner. The proprietor may also provide permission to others to produce, utilize, or market the invention or any associated goods.

To know more about patent, visit:



maxwell agricultural inc. is a farm implement manufacturing company. it distributes shares of stock to its employees by placing the stock in a trust managed on the employees' behalf. what is maxwell agricultural using in this scenario? multiple choice scanlon plan balanced scorecard piecework stock plan employee stock ownership plan differential piece stock plan


Maxwell agricultural inc. is using Employee Stock Ownership Plan

An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is a type of employee benefit plan that gives workers ownership interest in the company they work for. In an ESOP, the company sets up a trust fund that holds shares of the company's stock, and contributions are made to the fund on behalf of the employees. These contributions can come from the company itself or from the employees, and they can be made in cash or in the form of company stock.

Since maxwell agricultural inc. is a farm implement manufacturing company that ideally distributes shares of stock to its employees by placing the stock in a trust managed by the employees, Maxwell agricultural uses an employee stock ownership plan

Read more about Employee Stock Ownership Plan on:



With respect to distance between a foreign and a domestic market, administrative distance is likely to be more when the new market _________.
A)uses the common law system used in the Anglo sphere
B)has not been part of the colonizer/colony network
C)uses the same currency as the domestic market
D)does not belong to a different trade bloc


The administrative distance is likely to be more when the new market uses the common law system used in the Anglo sphere, With respect to distance between a foreign and a domestic market. Thus, option A is correct.

What is administrative distance?

Administrative distance is also known as route preference, is a number of arbitrary units allocated to static, dynamic, and directly linked routes. Routers utilize the value to rank routes from most favored to least liked.

When a new market adopts the common law system utilized in the Anglosphere, the administrative distance between a foreign and a home market is likely to be greater.

Therefore, operation A is correct, administrative distance employs the Anglo-Saxon common law system.

Learn more about the administrative distance, refer to:



the statement of stockholders' equity should be prepared a.before the income statement and balance sheet b.before the income statement and after the balance sheet c.after the income statement and before the balance sheet d.after the income statement and balance sheet


The Statement of Owner's Equity, which must include the company's net income or net loss for the year ended, should be prepared following the Income Statement.

It is also prepared prior to the balance sheet since it calculates the ending equity that must be disclosed on the balance sheet. It also symbolizes the difference between the value of assets and obligations. Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders Equity is the basic accounting equation, although it can also be written as Stockholders Equity = Assets - Liabilities. Second, the closing equity balance for the accounting period is obtained by deducting all dividends and net losses from the equity balance. As you can see, net income is required to determine the year's ending equity balance.

Learn more about stockholder from



Planning involves the effort to direct and lead people to accomplish the planned work of the organization.a. Trueb. False


The statement 'Planning involves the effort to direct and lead people to accomplish the planned work of the organization' is true.

Effective planning that is formulated by a team can direct and lead the workers to accomplish the goal by maintaining the plans that were made.

Planning is the method where a strategy is formulated by a team to direct and lead the team in such a manner that upon following of the plan they can accomplish the work of an organization. Without effective planning, a team will not know how to lead or move further in order to commit a planned work for the organization.

As planning is effective for accomplishing work hence the statement above is true.

To learn more about planning, click here:



priceline and expedia are two online travel companies. both are known to utilize ___________ of services such as airline flights and hotel stays to entice customers to purchase both at the same time, for a more reasonable price than what they would pay separately for each of these services.


Priceline and expedia are two online travel companies. both are known to utilize bundling of services such as airline flights and hotel stays to entice customers to purchase both at the same time, for a more reasonable price than what they would pay separately for each of these services.

At which phase of the item lifecycle do you separate your item so it will engage extra market portions?

Development Stage

Advertisers who have been looking to fabricate expansive market mindfulness through the presentation stage should now separate their items from rivals, stressing one of a kind highlights that enticement for target clients.

When Panasonic thinks about how to value another item the organization decides?

At the point when Panasonic thinks about how to value another item, they figure out what cost they figure their clients will pay, and afterward recognize what benefit the organization needs. From that point they decide the highlights they can propose on this item.

Which of the accompanying could be thought about while examining the promoting blend factors?

Showcasing blend factors comprise of what are known as the 'Four Ps' — item, value, advancement, and arrangement. Every last one of these might be changed to address the issues of the item's gathering of planned purchasers, otherwise called the objective market.

Learn more about Development Stage here:



suppose that both firms start off by deciding not to advertise. if the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing?


Fizzo will choose to advertise and Pop Hop will choose not to advertise.

advertising and marketing is the exercise and techniques employed to deliver interest to a services or products. marketing objectives to put a services or products within the spotlight in hopes of drawing it interest from clients. it's far normally used to sell a specific desirable or service, but there are huge variety of makes use of, the most commonplace being the economic advertisement. industrial commercials frequently are trying to find to generate increased intake of their services or products thru "branding", which associates a product name or image with positive features inside the minds of consumers.

Learn more about advertise here



What aspects and areas of the dental office should be assessed?


Enhance Telephone Interactions and Communication and Reduce the Time Patients Spend in the Waiting Room.

Most frequently, the phone is the patient's first point of contact with your clinic. It is vital to train your personnel to respond and communicate professionally as a result.

It's crucial to educate team members on how to resolve problems that can come up over the phone. To guarantee that they handle every patient interaction properly, office employees should receive training in fundamental sales principles.

When it comes to making sure that your personnel know how to conduct themselves over the phone and how to turn a caller into a patient, training is a need. Every call is a chance to expand your dental practice.

learn more about dental practice here



Compute the periodic interest rate, as a decimal, given a nominal interest rate and compounding period. Round your answers to four decimal places. a. 2.49%, quarterly Periodic Interest Rate (as a decimal) = b.9.74%, weekly Periodic Interest Rate (as a decimal) = c. 4.85%, annually Periodic Interest Rate (as a decimal) =


The periodic interest rate is 7.82% given nominal interest rate and compounding period.

What is periodic interest rate?

A periodic interest rate is a rate that can be imposed on a loan or realised on an investment over a predetermined time frame. Although interest compounds more frequently than once a year, lenders typically quote interest rates on an annual basis. Divided by the quantity of compounding periods, the periodic interest rate is equal to the yearly interest rate. Mortgage interest is accrued or compounded on a monthly basis. In the case of a mortgage with an 8% annual interest rate, the periodic interest rate used to determine the amount of interest charged in any given month is equal to 0.08 divided by 12, or 0.0067 or 0.67%. A monthly interest charge of 0.67% would be added to the mortgage loan's outstanding principal.

To learn more about periodic interest rate, visit:



when the concept of a touch screen on a cell phone was created by apple, many other companies followed their lead; however, they did not adopt other characteristics of apple phones. this is an example of:


This is an example of: Stimulus diffusion

Stimulus Diffusion is whilst an idea diffuses from its cultural fire outward, however the authentic concept is changed by means of the new adopters. almost all cultural diffusions may have some issue of stimulus diffusion because of the methods way of life adapts to new environmental, social, and political conditions.

An example of stimulus diffusion is the growing international love for hip hop song. Hip hop culture started out in American internal towns like new york city, as an expression of African-American tradition and reports.

In stimulus diffusion, a trend or innovative concept diffuses from its fireplace to outward places, but the fashion is modified by its new adopters. In different words, this diffusion occurs whilst the fashion spreads to a brand new vicinity and adjustments in its new area or context.

Learn more about stimulus diffusion here:- https://brainly.com/question/28523561


This is  example of: Stimulus Diffusion

Stimulus Diffusion is about ideas diffusing outward from their cultural fire, but the true concept is changed by new adopters. As lifestyles adapt to new ecological, social, and political conditions, almost all cultural diffusion can have the problem of stimulus diffusion.

An example of diffusion of inspiration is the growing international love of hip-hop songs. Hip-hop culture originated in urban centers of America such as New York City as an expression of African-American traditions and accounts.


Stimulus Diffusion, trends and innovative concepts radiate out from the fireplace, but fashion changes with new adopters. In other words, this diffusion occurs when fashion spreads into an entirely new environment and adapts to that new territory or context.

Learn more about Stimulus Diffusion here :- https://brainly.com/question/11204616


Another game cost $5. You win $14 if the spinner lands on green, $8 if it lands on yellow, $4 if it lands on blue, and $2 if it lands on red.


The complete probability distribution is red for -$3, blue for -$1, yellow for $3, green for $9.

What is probability?

Probability is a measurement of chance some event can occur. Probability always have total value equal to 1 and the lowest value is 0.

In the chart we can see the circle divided to four area which is,

Red area is half of a circle or equal to 100%/2 = 50%

Blue area is a quarter of a circle or equal to 100%/4 = 25%

Yellow area is one-eighth of a circle or equal to 100%/8 = 12.5%

Green area is one-eighth of a circle or equal to 100%/8 = 12.5%

Then, for x which is denote for the money won or lost is,

Red = 2 - 5 = -$3

Blue = 4 - 5 = -$1

Yellow = 8 - 5 = $3

Green = 14 - 5 = $9

Thus, the complete distribution of probability is red for -$3, blue for -$1, yellow for $3, green for $9.

You question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

(image attached)

Learn more about probability here:



the expected returns for each of the projects are as follows: buying a new delivery van, 20%; computer training for its office staff, 15%; and defensive driving training for its drivers, 8%. if the current interest rate is 10%, the firm should invest in a. only the office staff training project. b. all of the projects because the average of the returns is greater than 10%. c. only the purchase of a new delivery van. d. the purchase of a new delivery van and computer training for its office staff.


The correct option giving the projects on which the company should invest is given as follows:

d. the purchase of a new delivery van and computer training for its office staff.

How to define the projects in which the company should invest?

The projects in which the company should invest are defined according to two parameters, as follows:

Rate of return of the project.Interest rate.

The decision is taken as follows:

Invest if the rate of return of the project is greater than the interest rate.Do not invest if the rate of return of the project is less than the interest rate.

Thus option d is correct, as these two projects have a rate of return greater than the interest rate, while the defensive training project has a return less than the interest rate, hence it should not be invested.

More can be learned about rate of return at https://brainly.com/question/24301559


rocky mountain bottling company produces a soft drink that is sold for a dollar. at production and sales of 800,000 units, the company pays $600,000 in production costs, half of which are fixed costs. at that volume, general, selling, and administrative costs amount to $250,000 of which $70,000 are fixed costs. what is the amount of contribution margin per unit? multiple choice $0.40 $0.5375 $0.25


Selling price per unit minus variable cost per unit equals contribution margin per unit ($1 - $0.6 = $0.4).

What is Contribution Margin?

The revenue that remains after deducting the variable costs associated with producing a good is known as the contribution margin. Contribution margin determines how profitable each product that a business produces and sells is.

$1 is the selling price per unit.

Total variable cost calculation:

Fixed costs make up half of the $600,000 in production costs. Variable costs therefore equal $600,000 - $300,000 = $300,000.

Selling and administrative expenses of $250,000 less $70,000 equals $180,000 in variable costs.

Therefore, the total variable expenses are $300,000 plus $180,000 for a total of $480,000.

$480,000 divided by 800,000 units, or $0.6, is the variable cost per unit.

Selling price per unit minus variable cost per unit equals contribution margin per unit ($1 - $0.6 = $0.4).

The appropriate response is $0.4 per unit.

To know more about Contribution Margin visit:  https://brainly.com/question/15186113


When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________________________ to select the repayment plan option


When entering into an income-based repayment option, a student must contact their student loan service provider. to select the repayment plan option.

A loan is a type of debt that a person or other entity incurs. The lender gives the borrower a financial advance.

A student loan is a contract whereby a college or university student borrows money from a bank to pay for their education and then must repay the loan once they have finished their studies and begun working.

The loan servicing specialist oversees fast debt repayment and is compensated with a minimum percentage of the compensation that the borrower is required to pay. It helps to prevent complicated loans and promotes a positive working relationship between the financial institution and the defaulter.

To know more about Student Loan, refer to this link:



anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep.


True, that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship.The parameters of the agreement between the principal and the agent will determine whether or not an agent is permitted.

To retain items acquired through an agency relationship. In general, an agent is not allowed to keep any proceeds from an agency arrangement unless their principal specifically authorises it. The Agreement's terms must support such a provision allowing an Agent to keep property.

This is thus because the principal always retains ownership of everything gained through an agency relationship, and the agent merely serves as the principle's extension once they receive the objects. Therefore, the agent cannot assert ownership of anything gained through an agency relationship unless the principle has granted their assent.

complete question:

anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep. True or false.

To know more about Agency visit:



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