dr. chuck projects a ball horizontally from a lab bench. if the projection speed of the ball were greater, the time in the air would be


Answer 1

if the projection speed of the ball were greater, the time in the air would be same

Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object or particle (a projectile) that is projected in a gravitational field, such as from Earth's surface, and moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. In the particular case of projectile motion of Earth, most calculations assume the effects of air resistance are passive and negligible.The velocity with which the body is projected is called velocity of projection.

Projectile motion equations

Horizontal velocity component: Vx = V * cos(α)

Vertical velocity component: Vy = V * sin(α)

Time of flight: t = 2 * Vy / g.

Range of the projectile: R = 2 * Vx * Vy / g.

Maximum height: hmax = Vy² / (2 * g)

The following are the three types of projectile motion:



Projectile motion on an inclined plane.

To learn more about projectile motion click here



Related Questions

a tuning fork oscillates at a frequency of 512 hz. if sound is traveling at 345 m/s, how many wave peaks will reach the eardrum of a person sitting near that fork in 2 seconds?


The  wave peaks will reach the eardrum of a person sitting near that fork in 2 seconds is about 225

How to calculate how many peaks will reach the eardrum of a person sitting near that fork in 2 seconds?

The crest is the highest point on the wave. The trough is the area that is the lowest. The wave length, also known as the wavelength, is the separation between two successive crests (or troughs), whereas the wave height is the overall vertical change in height between the crest and the trough.

in Wales, Snowdon (1085m) England's Scafell Pike (978m) Scotland's Ben Nevis (1345m)

The  wave peaks will reach the eardrum of a person sitting near that fork in 2 seconds is about 225

To learn more about wavelength refer to :



why do waves become breaking waves in shallow water? select one: a. the base of the wave speeds up compared to the top of the wave. b. wind speed increases closer to shore. c. the base of the wave is slowed by friction with the seafloor, but the top is not. d. winds push on the tops of the waves.


Because of friction with seafloor, the bottom of the wave slows down more quickly than the top; yet, the top does not.

What generates a friction?

A force known as friction opposes the relative motion of two materials or objects. Molecule adhesion, waviness, and deformations are the underlying factors of this resistive force.

How does friction operate?

When two objects rub against one another, there is a force called friction that prevents either from moving. Friction is the movement of two objects against one another. Friction moves in the opposite direction and opposes motion. The materials the surface are comprised of affect how much friction there is.

To know more about friction  visit:



What is the speed of light in m s2?


The speed of light wave is 3×10⁸m/sec. Light waves requires medium to travel, this speed is when light wave travels through vacuum.

The speed of light in vacuum, normally meant c, is a widespread actual steady that is significant in numerous areas of material science. The speed of light c is precisely equivalent to 299,792,458 meters each second (around 300,000 kilometers each second; 186,000 miles each second; 671 million miles for every hour). As per the extraordinary hypothesis of relativity, c is as far as possible for the speed at which traditional matter or energy (and hence any sign conveying data) can go through space.

All types of electromagnetic radiation, including noticeable light, travel at the speed of light. For the vast majority commonsense purposes, light and other electromagnetic waves will seem to engender momentarily, yet for significant distances and extremely delicate estimations, their limited speed makes perceptible impacts.

To know more about speed, visit here:



a student walks on a treadmill belt moving at 4.0 m/s and remains at the same place in the gym. what is the student's speed relative to the treadmill?


A student walks on a treadmill belt moving at 4.0 m/s and remains at the same place in the gym. 4 m/sec is the student's speed relative to the treadmill.

What about speed?

Velocity is the pace and direction of an item's movement, whereas speed is the time rate at which an object is travelling along a route. In other words, velocity is a vector, whereas speed is a scalar number.

On a treadmill, the student is reportedly travelling at a speed of 4 meters per second. There is no difference in displacement between the student and the treadmill when viewed as an entire machine.

However, if we simply look at the treadmill belt and the student, we might argue that the student is travelling 4 meters per second in relation to the treadmill belt, or the opposite. The student's pace is 4 meters per second slower than the treadmill in this instance.

So, 4 m/sec is the student's speed relative to the treadmill.

To know more about speed refer to:



34. Two students each carry a box up to the third floor of a building. The total mass of
each student and the box she is carrying is the same. Kyli makes the trip in 45 s
while Jaci takes 30 s. Which of the girls is doing the most work? Prove it by showing
how much work each of the girls do.


The work done by both students will be equal. Jaci has greater power than Kyli.

What is the work?

Work can be explained as the energy needed when a force is exerted to move an object through a particular displacement. The work done depends upon the displacement and applied force of the object.

W= F × d

Where 'F' represents the exerted force and 'd' represents the displacement.

The power can be described as the rate of doing work and is the work done in unit time.  The mathematical formula for power can be represented as mentioned below.

Power = Work/time = W/t

As the mass of the box is equal and both cover the same distance so the work done by both students will be equal. The time taken by both students is different. Therefore, the power will be different.

More the time is taken, the lesser the power. Therefore, Jaci has greater power than Kyli.

Learn more about work, here:



the mass of the sun is 1.99 x 1030 kilograms and its distance from a newly discovered planet is 1.5 x 1011 meters. the planet has a mass of 3.26 x 1022 kg. what is the gravitational force between the sun and the planet?


The Gravitational Force between the sun and the planet is 19.231 X 10¹⁹ Newton.

Mass of Sun = M = 1.99 X 10³⁰ Kg

Mass of the planet = m = 3.26 X 10²² Kg

Distance = d = 1.5 X 10¹¹ m

Gravitational Constant = G = 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹

The Gravitational force = F =

= F = (G X M X m ) / d²

= F = ( 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ X 1.99 X 10³⁰ X 3.26 X 10²² ) / ( 1.5 X 10¹¹ )²

= F = 43.27 X 10⁴¹ / 2.25 X 10²²

= F = 19.231 X 10¹⁹ N

To know more about Gravitational Force:



a plane surface with an area of 3 cm2 is placed in a uniform magnetic field that is oriented at an angle of 30o to the surface. if the magnitude of the magnetic flux through the area is 0.9 mwb, what is the magnitude of the magnetic field


The magnetic field's magnitude is.

What exactly is magnetic flux?

Magnetic flux is a measurement of the intensity of a magnetic field as it passes through a certain surface. It is defined as the product of the surface area and the magnetic field component perpendicular to the surface. This may be stated mathematically as:

Φ = B * A * cosθ

Where is the magnetic flux, B is the magnetic field magnitude, A is the surface area, and is the angle formed by the magnetic field and the surface normal.

The International System of Units, i.e., the SI unit of magnetic flux, is commonly measured in webers (Wb). In a single-turn circuit, one weber is equal to the flux that creates an electromotive force of one volt.

Depending on the issue:

The magnetic flux across a surface is defined as the product of the surface area, the magnetic field component perpendicular to the surface, and the cosine of the angle between the magnetic field and the surface normal. This may be stated mathematically as follows:

Φ = B * A * cosθ

Where is the magnetic flux, B is the magnitude of the magnetic field, A is the surface area, and is the angle between the magnetic field and the surface normal.

In this situation, the surface area is 3 square cm, and the magnetic flux is 0.9 mwb. Use the following values to calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field:

As a result, the magnetic field magnitude is 0.34 mwb/cm^2.

To learn more about magnetic field follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/27884238


What is the 2 formula for velocity?


Answer - Velocity (v) is a vector quantity that measures displacement (or change in position, Δs) over the change in time (Δt), represented by the equation v = Δs/Δt. Speed (or rate, r) is a scalar quantity that measures the distance traveled (d) over the change in time (Δt), represented by the equation r = d/Δt.

a boat, whose speed in still water is 8.0 m/s, is directed across a river with a current of 6.0 m/s. what is the speed of the boat as it crosses the river?


The boat is moving at a speed of 2.0 m/s when crossing the river.

Step 1: Determine the boat's velocity in relation to the river by deducting the river's current from the boat's speed in still water.

Boat speed in relation to the river is equal to 8.0 m/s minus 6.0 m/s, or 2.0 m/s.

In Step 2, multiply the boat's angular velocity to the stream by both the lake's current to determine how fast the sailboat will be traveling across the water.

Boat's river crossing speed is calculated as 2.0 m/s plus 6.0 m/s, which equals 8.0 m/s.

Because of this, the boat is moving at 8.0 m/s as it crosses the river.

An object's mass and the force being exerted towards it both affect how quickly it moves. The speed of an object's movement increases with increasing force. It will travel more slowly the more mass an object has. This is so that the item can be accelerated by the pressure towards the extent that the mass permits.

To know more about speed click here



wind blows over the house shown above. the house has a single room with one window, which is open. the room has a fireplace with a chimney that is not blocked. is there an airflow through the house? if so, does the air flow in the window and out the chimney, or in the chimney and out the window, or in some other way?


The wind that is blowing over the house flows in the window and out the chimney.

Air Flow at Home:

Air is a solution of diatomic gas. Air will flow from a high pressure to low pressure. Usually, the roof area has low pressure thus, air flows from inside the house and out to the chimney; if there is any. In this case, the chimney should have a correct size to avoid updraft.

Air flows from a high pressure point to a low pressure point to find equilibrium. In this case, since the wind is blowing over the house, the pressure at that area will be low. With this, the lower part of the house will have a relatively high pressure compared to the roof. Thus, the air will flow in the window and outside of the chimney.

learn more about Air flow:



a certain electromagnetic wave has the maximum component of electric field of 850 v/m. calculate the corresponding maximum component of the magnetic field.


2.83x10-6T is the greatest component of the magnetic field that corresponds.


E = 850 v/m for the largest electric field component

Bm = E/c Bm is the formula for the electric field and the magnetic field.


Bm = E/c Bm

= 850/3x108

= 283.33x10-8

= 2.83x10-6T

To observe magnetic forces, one can utilise a magnetic field, an electric current, a changing electric field, or a vector field surrounding a magnet.  Magnetic fields cause electrically charged particles to move in a helical or circular pattern. Electric motors operate on this force, which is applied to electric currents in wires in a magnetic field.

To know more about a magnetic field, click the below link



concept simulation 25.3 reviews the concepts that are important in this question. plane mirrors and convex mirrors form virtual images. with a plane mirror, the image may be infinitely far behind the mirror, depending on where the object is located in front of the mirror. for an object in front of a single convex mirror, what is the greatest distance behind the mirror at which the image can found? (image distances behind the mirror are negative.)


With a plane mirror, the distance of the image behind the mirror is infinitely far. The greatest distance behind the mirror at which the image can be found is infinite.

What is the distance of the image formed behind the plane mirror?

For plane mirrors, the object distance is equal to the image distance and hence, the image is the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror.

The image distance from mirror does not depend on the distance of the observer from mirror. Therefore, if we change the object's distance then only the image distance or distance between object and image will be affected.

To know more about plane mirrors, refer



the same ball is now projected horizontally from the same table with unknown initial velocity. what is the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the ball just before it hits the floor? a) zero b) g, downward c) g, upward d) cannot be determined because the initial velocity is not specified 6. a projectile is launched with initial velocity of 20 m/s at 25 degrees above the horizontal. a. - find the x-component of the initial velocity: - find the y-component of the initial velocity: b. find the horizontal range if this is a level projectile. c. find the time of flight


The ball's acceleration shortly before it reaches the ground is zero in both magnitude and direction.

How can you calculate a projectile's beginning velocity?

The ball's diameter, d, and the amount of time, t, it takes to cross the photogate can both be used to calculate the beginning horizontal velocity. Vo = d/t, then.

Why will two balls of differing masses be horizontally launched and arrive at the ground simultaneously?

A missile moves independently in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Therefore, regardless of their horizontal velocities, two objects subject to gravity who descend from the same height will touch the earth simultaneously.

To know more about initial velocity visit :-



The hydraulic lift in a car repair shop has an output diameter of 40 cm and is to lift cars up to 1800 kg. Determine the fluid gage pressure that must be maintained in the reservoir.


The fluid gage pressure of [tex]1.39 * 10^{5} Pa[/tex] must be maintained in the reservoir.

It is given to us that -

The hydraulic lift has an output diameter = 40 cm = 0.40 m

It can lift cars up to 1800 kg

We have to determine the fluid gage pressure that must be maintained in the reservoir.

We know that, the formula of pressure is given as -

[tex]P = \frac{F}{A}[/tex]  ---- (1)


F = normal force

A = Area

We can see that there is a normal force created as a result of the weight of the cars. So, we can find out the normal force by -

[tex]F = mg[/tex]  ---- (2)


m = mass

g = acceleration due to gravity

Substituting the values in equation (2), we have -

[tex]F = mg\\= > F = 1800 * 9.8\\= > F = 17640 N[/tex] ------ (3)

Now, the area of the lift with an output diameter of 40 cm can be calculated as -

[tex]A = \pi (\frac{d}{2} )^{2}[/tex]  ----- (3)


d = diameter

Substituting the given diameter value in equation (3), we have -

[tex]A = \pi (\frac{d}{2} )^{2}\\= > A= \pi (\frac{0.40}{2} )^{2} \\= > A = \pi (0.20)^{2} \\= > A = 0.1267 m^{2}[/tex]  ----- (4)

Substituting the value of force, F from equation (3) and area, A from equation (4) in equation (1), we have -

[tex]P = \frac{F}{A}\\= > P \frac{17640}{0.1267} \\= > P = 1.39 * 10^{5} Pa[/tex]

Therefore, the fluid gage pressure of [tex]1.39 * 10^{5} Pa[/tex] must be maintained in the reservoir.

To learn more about fluid pressure visit https://brainly.com/question/2289450


you run to meet your friends for dinner, and you can run at a constant speed of 3.4 m/s. if the restaurant is 1000 m from your house, how long will it take you to get there?


Time taken to get to the resturant with constant speed of 3.4 m/s is 294.2 seconds.

How is time related to distance and speed?

All the three are important concepts of motion and physics.

Speed = Distance/Time – Refers to how slow or fast an object moves. It describes the distance travelled divided by the time taken to cover the distance. Speed is directly Proportional to Distance and Inversely proportional to Time.

Distance is the length between two points.

We know that

speed,s = distance/ time

thus time,t = distance/speed

Here  d = 1000m; s = 3.4m/s

Hence we can say that

t = 1000/3.4 = 294.2 sec

To know more about time-distance-speed relationsip refer:



What is the order of steps through which a particle of gaseous water (water vapor) would travel as it made one complete trip through the water cycle?.


The order of steps through which a particle of gaseous water travel is evaporation, Convection, precipitation and collection.

The gaseous particle of water also called water vapor will first evaporate and goes high into the clouds and follow the process of condensation, after condensation the water will fallback on the land in the form of rain this process is called raining.

When water goes into the high mountain ranges and then collects in water body, this process is called precipitation and collection respectively. Then again water which is in liquid form becomes what a vapour by following the process of convection.

To know more about water cycle, visit,



even if the europa clipper can't send a lander down to europa's surface, it may still be able to sample the sub-ice ocean during some of its flybys. how would this work?


Even if the europa clipper can't send a lander down to europa's surface, it may still be able to sample the sub-ice ocean during some of its flybys because there is some evidence that plumes of water shoot out of Europa, and the spacecraft could fly through them.

What is the reason for plumes of water shoot?

Recent observations suggest that thin plumes might be ejected 100 miles above Europa's surface. The Hubble space telescope and some Galileo satellite data were used to make this finding. Even a NASA-led study team has found water vapor right over Europa's surface. Therefore, plumes emanate from Europa, and if they are connected to the ocean there, a spacecraft may fly through them to collect samples of the subglacial water.

For more info about europa clipper refer:



Do you think the number of asteroid samples a pod is carrying could make a difference?.


Yes, the number of asteroid samples a pods is carrying will make a difference. The number of asteroids carrying the pods will make a difference because the objects will differ in their million mass due to the number of pods present.

still, but the objects have the different million mass, the object with lower mass will have a lesser change in haste(velocity), If the same strength force is wielded on two objects. Forces affect stir because they can change an objects stir.

The number of asteroids carrying the pods will make a difference because the objects will differ in their million mass due to the number of pods present.

When the million mass of two objects differ, though the same strength of the force is wielded on both the million mass their haste changes as the million mass affect the haste of the object.

Still, they stop or their haste would be constant, If one of the object's mass is lesser than one also the lesser mass object will have further haste compared to the object with the lower mass and if million mass of both the object is the same.

Therefore, it is true that the number of asteroid samples a pod is carrying could make a difference.

To know more about asteroids, refer: https://brainly.com/question/29358532


how many revolutions per minute must a circular, rotating space station of radius 1000 m rotate to produce an artificial gravity of 9.80 m/s2?


Using Centripetal Force the Number of revolutions per minute is 0.95rpm, such that the Space statition is rotating in circular path

What is Centripetal Force?

A force that causes a body to follow a curved path is known as a centripetal force. It always moves in a direction that is the opposite of the body's velocity and in the direction of the immediate center of curvature of the path. It is "a force by which bodies are dragged or driven, or in any other way gravitate, towards a point as to a center," according to Isaac Newton. Gravity is the centripetal force that drives astronomical orbits according to Newtonian mechanics.

A common illustration of centripetal force is when a body moves uniformly fast in a circular motion. The centripetal force is directed towards the center of the circular route both along the radius and at right angles to the motion.

now coming to given statement,

In order for the station to produce an artificial gravity, its centripetal acceleration must be the same as the gravitational acceleration.

Since the radial acceleration is [tex]a_r[/tex] = g = [tex]\frac{v^2}{r}[/tex]

Since speed is V = rω

we get [tex]rω ^2[/tex] = g

therefore ω = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{g}{r} }[/tex]

                    = 9.9 × 10[tex]^-2[/tex] rad/ sec

Thus, it needs to rotate at a rate of

R = ω·60/2π

  = 0.95 rpm

Using Centripetal Force, the Number of revolutions per minute is 0.95rpm, such that the Space statition is rotating in circular path

To refer more about Centripetal Force visit:



What is the current in a 120V circuit if the resistance 100?


The current in the circuit of resistance is 1.2 A.

What is current?

Current is the rate of flow of charge round an electric circuit.

To calculate the current flowing in the circuit, we use the formula below.


I = V/R................ Equation 1


I = CurrentV = Voltage R = Resistance

From the question,


V = 120 VR = 100 ohms

Substitute these values into equation 1

I  = 120/100I = 1.2 A

Hence, the current is 1.2 A.

Learn more about current here: https://brainly.com/question/25922783


A skydiver steps from a helicopter hovering thousands of metres above ground. After 3.5 s of free fall, the skydiver pulls the ripcord. What is the skydiver’s displacement during the 3.5 s of free fall?


The  displacement skydiver stepping from a helicopter hovering thousands of meter above the ground is 60.025 m downward.

What is displacement?

Displacement is the distance of a body in a specified direction.

To calculate the skydiver's displacement, we use the formula below.


s = ut+gt²/2................... Equation 1


s = Skydiver's displacementg = Acceleration due to gravityt = Timeu = Initial velocity

From the question,


u = 0 m/sg = 9.8 m/s²t = 3.5 s

Substitute these values into equation 1

s = (0×3.5)+(9.8×3.5²)/2s = 60.025 m downward

Hence, the skydiver's displacement is 60.025 m downward.

Learn more about displacement here: https://brainly.com/question/28370322


Is 5 hours of sleep enough?


For healthy person,5 hour of sleep is not enough.Proper sleep helps any person to be active on whole day.

As per Healthline, short sleepers are analyzed through an evaluation also called the Morningness - Eveningness Survey that looks at how an individual acts in their everyday lives. Individuals may likewise be approached to follow their dozing propensities in a diary, recording things like hours spent conscious versus hours spent resting, frequently they awaken around midnight, and how frequently they lay down for rests.

Not everyone has them, which is exactly why our body might seek revenge on your sleep-deprived soul if we're only squeezing in a few hours of shut-eye each night. Maciek Drejak, founder of the alarm clock app Sleep Cycle, tells Elite Daily it all depends on your circadian rhythm, aka the internal clock telling us when it’s time to sleep at night and when to wake up in the morning.

To know more about sleep, visit here:



What is the frequency of 400 nm?


The frequency of wave is 0.75×10⁶Hz. if 400m is the wavelength of the  light wave.

Frequency is characterized as the rate at which current takes a backup way to go each second. It is assessed in hertz (Hz), a worldwide unit of measure where 1 hertz is identical to 1 cycle each second. The opposite of frequency is known as spatial frequency.

We know that for electromagnetic wave ,we have an equation

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Since wave is light wave so speed(c) of light =3×10⁸m/sec,

wavelength=400m and frequency=? and

Therefore, 3×10⁸m/sec=v×400




Hence, frequency of light wave is 0.75×10⁶Hz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



(Complete question) is:

What is the frequency of wave having wavelength 400m.Assume wave is a light wave?

calculate the de broglie wavelength (in m) of a 1.90 kg rock thrown with a speed of 4.80 m/s into a pond.


The de Broglie wavelength is 6.96 x 10^-33 m of a 1.90 kg rock thrown with a speed of 4.80 m/s into a pond.

λ = h/mv

λ = (6.626 x 10^-34)/(1.90 x 10^-3 x 4.80)

λ = 6.96 x 10^-33 m

Therefore, the de Broglie wavelength is 6.96 x 10^-33 m

De Broglie wavelength is a measure of the wave properties of a particle and is related to the particle's momentum. The equation for calculating the De Broglie wavelength is given by:

λ = h/p


λ = De Broglie wavelength

h = Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J*s)

p = momentum

The momentum of a particle can be calculated using the equation:

p = mv


m = mass of the particle

v = velocity of the particle

In this case, the mass of the rock is 1.90 kg and its velocity is 4.80 m/s.

Therefore, the momentum of the rock is:

p = 1.90 kg x 4.80 m/s = 9.24 kg m/s

Now we can calculate the De Broglie wavelength of the rock using the equation:

λ = h/p

λ = (6.626 x 10^-34 J*s) / (9.24 kg m/s)

λ = 7.

The de Broglie wavelength, named after the French physicist Louis de Broglie, is the quantum mechanical property of a particle that describes its wavelike behavior. It is the wavelength of a particle associated with its momentum, and is given by the equation

λ = h/p

where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck’s constant, and p is the momentum of the particle. This equation is important in understanding the behavior of particles in both classical and quantum mechanics. In classical mechanics, particles are described as having a definite position and momentum, and the de Broglie wavelength allows us to calculate the probability of a particle being in a certain position at a given time. In quantum mechanics, the de Broglie wavelength is used to calculate the probability of a particle being in a certain state.

To learn more about de broglie wavelength: https://brainly.in/question/15277814


The de broglie equation relates the wavelength and the kinetic energy of particles. what is the mass of a particle with a speed of 2.34 × 10^6 m/s with a de broglie wavelength of 2.25 × 10^-9 m?


The mass of the particle having a de Broglie wavelength of 2.25×10⁻⁹ m and moving with a speed of 2.34×10⁶ m/s is 1.26×10⁻³¹ kg.

The de Broglie equation relating the momentum of a particle with its de Broglie wavelength is given by:


where 'λ' is de Broglie wavelength, 'h' is Planck's constant having its value as 6.626×10⁻³⁴ kg-m²/s and 'M' is the mass of the particle.

Using the above equation and the values of λ=2.25×10⁻⁹ m, v=2.34×10⁶ m/s, and h=6.626×10⁻³⁴ kg-m²/s;


2.25×10⁻⁹ m=(6.626×10⁻³⁴ kg-m²/s)/(M×2.34×10⁶ m/s)

=>M=(6.626×10⁻³⁴ kg-m²/s)/(2.25×10⁻⁹ m×2.34×10⁶ m/s)

=>M=(6.626×10⁻³⁴ kg-m²/s)/(5.265×10⁻³ m²/s)

=>M=1.26×10⁻³¹ kg

Therefore, the mass of a particle with speed 2.34×10⁶ m/s with a de-Broglie wavelength of 2.25×10⁻⁹ m is given to be 1.26×10⁻³¹ kg.

To learn more about wavelength at: brainly.com/question/24306970


By which primary heat transfer mechanism does one end of a steel rod become hot when the other end is placed in a flame? a) conduction b) combustion c) convection d) radiation


Option A is correct, conduction is the method by which the primary heat transfer mechanism does one end of a steel rod becomes hot when the other end is placed in a flame

Conduction is the manner with the aid of which heat is transferred from the warmer quit to the colder cease of an item. The ability of the item to behave warmth is known as its thermal conductivity and is denoted as k.

Heat spontaneously flows along a temperature gradient. for example, warmth is performed from the hotplate of an electric range to the bottom of a saucepan in contact with it. in the absence of an opposing external riding energy source, inside a frame or between bodies, temperature differences decay through the years, and thermal equilibrium is approached, temperature turning more uniform.

In conduction, the warmth glide within and via the body itself. In evaluation, in a warmness switch by using thermal radiation, the transfer is regular between bodies, which may be separated spatially. warmness also can be transferred by using a combination of conduction and radiation. In solids, conduction is mediated by way of the combination of vibrations and collisions of molecules, propagation and collisions of phonons, and diffusion and collisions of loose electrons. In gases and drinks, conduction is due to the collisions and diffusion of molecules at some stage in their random movement.

Photons in this context do not collide with one another, and so warmness delivery by using electromagnetic radiation is conceptually awesome from heat conduction by way of microscopic diffusion and collisions of cloth particles and phonons. but the difference is frequently now not easily found except the fabric is semi-transparent.

To learn more about Conduction visit here:



a girl stands on a scale in an elevator. under what conditions would the scale show her true weight?


If the elevator is stopped, the scale reads what you would expect it to read, your weight in an elevator. There elevator is in equilibrium.

If you are on an elevator (on Earth), your mass is constant. However, if the elevator is moving (and you're on a scale), you'll notice that your weight changes depending on where the elevator is moving. The only possible factor that can explain this change is the acceleration of the object - you

When the elevator is moving, we will weigh our normal weight. Since we are already moving at the same speed as the elevator (up or down), nothing is affecting us to change our weight. However, when the elevator starts to go or stops, our body resists it.

To know more about Weight:



What is the wavelength of 200 Hz?


Answer - the correct answer is 150 cm

what is the direction of the magnetic force on a positive charge that moves as shown? what if the charge was negative?


For a positive moving charge, the magnetic field is linear. If the charge travelling had been a negative charge, the magnetic field lines would have been oriented in the opposite way.

The magnetic field is also inversely proportional to the velocity of the travelling charge, or B v B v. (in this case the magnetic field is directly proportional to the speed). As a general rule, to determine the direction of the magnetic force acting on a negatively charged particle, first determine the force's direction acting on the positive charge, then reverse that direction to determine the force's direction acting on the matching positive charge. Therefore, in this issue, the force is pointed in the direction of the left. The right hand rule can be used to determine the direction of the magnetic force.

Learn more about magnetic field here



) if a ball is thrown with a velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 37e above the horizontal, what is the vertical component of the velocity


The vertical component of the velocity is 19.25 m/s.

The vertical component of the velocity can be determined using the trigonometric function of sine.

The sine of an angle is equal to the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

In this case, the angle is 37° and the hypotenuse is the velocity, 25 m/s. We need to find the opposite side, which is the vertical component of the velocity.

We can use the equation for the sine of an angle to solve for this:

sin(37°) = Opposite side/25

We can rearrange this equation to solve for the opposite side:

Opposite side = 25 * sin(37°)

Using a calculator, we can determine that the opposite side is equal to 19.25 m/s.

Therefore, the vertical component of the velocity is 19.25 m/s.

to know more about velocity click here:



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