Do injuries heal faster when sleeping?


Answer 1

Yes, injuries heal faster when sleeping. Sleep helps in ensuring proper blood flow on all over the body.

A decent night's rest can work on your temperament, assist you with remaining caution and lift your memory. Presently information show that getting sufficient Z's strength additionally get your slices to recuperate all the more speedily. As a matter of fact, rest was a higher priority than great sustenance in speeding wound mending.

This wasn't the very thing researchers had expected to see. They had wanted to show that giving individuals a dietary lift would make their skin wounds recuperate quicker — even in individuals who were sleepless. That would have been helpful for troopers in battle, or for specialists working long changes in a medical clinic. The researchers figured it ought to work since great sustenance keeps the body's insusceptible framework solid. That safe framework helps fix wounds and makes preparations for contamination.

To know more about sleep, visit here:


Related Questions

a dentist's mirror is placed 2.4 cm from a tooth. the enlarged image is located 6.5 cm behind the mirror. (a) what kind of mirror (plane, concave, or convex) is being used? (b) determine the focal length of the mirror. (c) what is the magnification? (d) how is the image oriented relative to the object?


a) The kind of mirror it is concave.

b) to find the focal length we use the formula,

V  = uf/(u-f)

6.5 = -2.4f/(-2.4-f)

f = 3.8

c) magnification = v/u



d) image which is oriented to the object is  virtual and erect

To know more about focal length


what is the x -coordinates of the center of mass? hint: divide the triangle into vertical strips of width dx , then relate the mass dm of a strip at position x to the values of x and dx .


The centre of mass's x-coordinates are 1/M(x)dm.

To determine the triangle's centre of mass, we place a strip with a width of dx at a distance of x from the vertex of the triangle. To determine the length of this strip dx, comparable triangles like

Mass of the strip = dm

vertical strips of width = dx

l = x . (a/b)

The mass of the strip is dm=(2M/ab)ldx

The distance of the center of mass from the vertexs of the triangle is

            xCM     = 1/M∫(x)dm

In a uniform gravity field, the "centre of mass" or "centre of gravity" is the distinctive place within an object or system that can be used to characterise how the system responds to external forces and torques. The centre of mass is thought to be the average of all the masses divided by their respective separations. The torques generated are analogous to balancing a seesaw around a pivot in one plane.

To know more about Center of mass, click the below link


The engine of a car is developing a power of
90kW when it is moving on a horizontal road at
a constant speed of 100kmh. Estimate the total
horizontal force opposing the motion of the car.


With the use of power formula in dynamics, the magnitude of the opposing force is 3240 N

What is Power ?

Power is the rate at which work is done. Power can also be the product of force and velocity. It is measured in Watt.

Given that the engine of a car is developing a power of 90kW when it is moving on a horizontal road at a constant speed of 100kmh.

Power = work / Time

P = F × s/t

P = FV


P = 90 KWV = 100 Km/hF = ?

Convert Km/h to m/s

100/3.6 = 27.77 m/s

Substitute all in the formula

90000 = F × 27.78

F = 90000/27.78

F = 3240 N

Therefore, the total horizontal force opposing the motion of the car is 3240 N

Learn more about Power here:


how much energy is required to remove a proton from 157n ? the masses of the atoms 157n , 146c and 11h are 15.000109 u , 14.003242 u and 1.007825 u , respectively.


Energy is required to remove a proton from ¹⁵N₇ with the masses of the atoms ¹⁵N₇, ¹⁴C₆ and H are 15.000109 u, 14.003242 u, and 1.007825 u, respectively is 10.2046375 MeV.

The energy required to remove a proton from ¹⁵N₇ is

The reaction to remove the proton is given as follows :

¹⁵N₇  ---->   ¹⁴C₆  +  H

The mass of ¹⁵N₇   =  15.000109

the mass of ¹⁴C₆ = 14.003242

The mass of H = 1.007825

The energy requires to remove a proton is given as:

E = ( 14.003242 + 1.007825 - 15.000109) u

E = 0.010958 × 9312.5 MeV

E = 10.2046375 MeV

A proton is a subatomic particle discovered within the nucleus of every atom. The particle has a fine electrical charge, identical and contrary to that of the electron. If isolated, a single proton might have a mass of the most effective 1.673. 10-27 kilogram, just barely less than the mass of a neutron.

A strong subatomic particle that has a positive rate equal in significance to a unit of electron fee and a relaxation mass of one.67262 × 10−27 kg, that's 1,836 times the mass of an electron. The proton become observed by Ernest Rutherford in the early 1900s. throughout this period, his research resulted in a nuclear response that led to the first 'splitting' of the atom, where he determined protons. He named his discovery “protons” based totally on the Greek word “protos” because of this first. Protons incorporate two up quarks and one down quark. Neutrons include one up quark and down quarks.

To learn more about Proton visit here:


a person can see clearly up close, but cannot focus on objects beyond 72.0 cm. she opts for contact lenses to correct her vision. part a part complete is she nearsighted or farsighted? is she nearsighted or farsighted? she is nearsighted. she is farsighted. previous answers correct part b part complete what type of lens (converging or diverging) is needed to correct her vision? what type of lens (converging or diverging) is needed to correct her vision? converging lens. diverging lens. previous answers correct part c what focal-length contact lens is needed ? templatessymbols undoredoresetkeyboard shortcutshelp f


She has poor vision. She needs a divergent lens of some kind, either converging or diverging. given that divergent lenses are often prescribed with a -1.33 D diopter strength, the lens strength is 1.33 D.

(A) The person is nearsighted if they have trouble seeing objects farther away than 75 cm.

(b) The type of corrective lens must be divergent in order to balance out the excessive converging power of the wearer's eye (which by the way carries by convention a negative focal length)

(c) The equation f = 1/d = 1/0.75 = 1.33D gives the focal length's absolute value (f).

As a result, it would typically be written with a negative sign indicating a contrasting lens.

To know more about contact lenses visit:-


the formation ionic bond involves the _ of electrons


Answer--  The formation ionic bond involve the transfer of valence electron.

What is ionic bond?

-- Ionic bond, also called electrovalent bond, type of linkage formed from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound.


1. THe ease of formation  fo the positive and negative ions from the respective neutral atoms.

2. The arrangements of the positive and negative ions in the solids , that is  the lattice of the crystalline compounds.

-- The formation of a positive ion involves ionisation i.e. removal of electron from the neutral atom and that of the negative ion involves the addition of electron to the neutral atoms..

( Ionic bonds will be formed more easily between elements with comparatively low ionization enthalpies and elements with comparatively high negative value of electron gain enthalpy.)

What is electron gain enthalpy?

--The electron gain enthalpy is the enthalpy change, when a gas phase atom in its ground state gain an electron.

-- EGE process may be exothermic or endothermic.

What is ionisation energy?

Ionisation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron, the valence electron, of an isolated neutral gaseous atom or molecule

Learn more about ionic bond from


describe the transformation from snow to ice by arranging the following steps in order.


Refreezing the liquid results in the formation of more densely packed upper layers (1/4 air by volume), and eventually, a solid mass of interconnecting ice.

How does snow become solid?

Firn is typically understood to be snow that is least a year old and it has avoided turning into glacier ice during one melt season.The pressure from above causes fluffy snow to pack together and melt in some spots when it is sufficiently deep.

Whatever happens to snow over time when it accumulates?

Snow is present.If there is snow on the ground for an extended period of time, the texture, size, and form of the individual grains will change, whether or not the temperature of the snow is below freezing. They may also gradually melt and refreeze before being compacted by consecutive snowfalls.

To know more about  snow to ice transformation visit:


a floating leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles in one second as a 10-meter long water wave passes by. what is the wave's speed?


The wave's speed is 10 meters per second that oscillates up and down two complete cycles in one second as a 10-meter long water wave passes by.

Step 1: Calculate the distance traveled by the leaf in one second

The leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles in one second, so it must travel a total distance of 20 meters in one second.

Step 2: Calculate the wave's speed

We can calculate the wave's speed by dividing the distance traveled by the leaf (20 meters) by the time it took for the wave to pass (1 second):

Wave's speed = 20 meters/1 second = 20 meters/second

Therefore, the speed of the wave is 20 meters/second.

Oscillation is a regular, back-and-forth movement between two points. A cycle is a single complete movement from one point to another and back again. When something oscillates up and down two complete cycles, it means it moves up and down between two points twice, completing one full movement in each direction before returning to its starting point.

To know more about Oscillation click here


Noise cancelling headphones" are a kind of headphones which decrease the amount of background noise that get into your ears when you wear them. A On what physical phenomena do these headphones depend on?


Noise cancelling headphones works on the principle of destructive interference.

Noise cancellation is the process of reducing unwanted background and ambient sounds through the use of passive and active noise control methods.While passive noise cancellation minimizes ambient noise by creating a “physical shield” to muffle sound, active noise cancelling (ANC) takes a different approach by “neutralizing” incoming sound waves from your surroundings.ANC headphones are equipped with tiny microphones that emit sound waves of opposing signals to that of incoming sound waves from your environment, thus canceling each other out. It’s like adding +3 and -3, where the resulting value is zero (silence).The microphones pick up sound from both inside and outside the headphones. Now that the type of incoming sound signals is determined, the ANC chipset will run algorithms that will invert the sound waves and release an opposing signal to cancel out the incoming ones from the environment.

To know more about sound visit:


A train accelerates from 30 km/h to 45 km/h in 15. 0 seconds. Find its distance if it travels during this time.


The distance travelled by the train during the time period of 15 seconds is 156.225 m.

It is given to us that -

The initial velocity of train = 30 km/h

The final velocity of train = 45 km/h

The time taken for this acceleration of train = 15 seconds

We have to find the distance travelled by the train during this time.

Let us assume that -

The initial velocity of train = u

=> u = 30 km/h = [tex]30 * \frac{5}{18} = 8.33 m/s[/tex]   ----- (1)

The final velocity of train = v

=> v = 45 km/h = [tex]45 * \frac{5}{18} = 12.5 m/s[/tex]    ------- (2)

The time taken by the train = t

=> t = 15 seconds    ------- (3)

The acceleration of the train = a

=> [tex]a = \frac{v-u}{t}[/tex]    ------- (4)

The distance travelled by the train = d

=> [tex]d = ut + \frac{1}{2} at^{2}[/tex]    ------ (5)

Now, substituting the values of u from equation (1) and v from equation (2) in equation (4), the acceleration can be calculated as -

[tex]a = \frac{v-u}{t}\\= > a = \frac{12.5-8.33}{15}\\ = > a = \frac{4.17}{15} \\= > a = 0.278 m/s^{2}[/tex]   ----- (6)

Again, substituting the values of u from equation (1), v from equation (2) and a from equation (6) in equation (5), the distance travelled by the train can be calculated as -

[tex]d = ut + \frac{1}{2} at^{2}\\= > d = 8.33*15+\frac{1}{2} *0.278 *15^{2} \\= > d = 124.95 + (0.139*225)\\= > d = 156.225 m[/tex]

Therefore, the distance travelled by the train during the time period of 15 seconds is 156.225 m.

To learn more about train acceleration visit


You place a 500 g block of an unknown subtance in an insulated container filled 2 kg of water. the block has an initial temperature of 50 degrees c. the water is initially at 20 degrees c. if the equilibrium temperature of the block and water is 25 degrees c, what is the specific heat of the block?


The specific heat of the block is 3349J/kg C if a 500 g block of an unknown substance in an insulated container.

We know very well that if a system is in equilibrium state, it means that Heat loss = Heat gained

Also, Quantity of heat gained or released is given by = mcΔ∅

where m is defined as  mass of substance

c  is defined as the specific heat capacity

and Δ∅ is defined as the change in temperature

Therefore, applying the above formula by assuming heat lost by water will be heat gained by the block.

=>m₁×c₁×(∅₂-∅₁) = m₂×c₂×(∅₁-∅₃)

where m₁ is defined as the mass of block = 500g = 0.5kg

c₁ is defined as the specific heat capacity of unknown substance

∅₂ is defined as block initial temperature = 50°C

∅₁ is defined as equilibrium temperature of block and water after mix= 25°C

Also, we have m₂ as mass of water = 2kg

c₂ as specific heat capacity of water = 4186J/kg C

∅₃ as initial temperature of water = 20°C

Therefore, on putting the above quantities on above formula, we get

=>0.5×c₁×(50-25) = 2 x 4186×(25-20)

And we can find c₁ which is the unknown specific heat capacity


=> c₁×12.5=41860


=>c₁ =  3348.8J/kg C≅ 3349J/kg C

Hence, specific heat of the block is 3349J/kg C.

To know more about specific heat, visit here:


In a certain process, the energy change of the system is 250 kj. The process involves 480 kj of work done by the system. Find the amount of heat q transferred in this process.


The amount of heat Q is transferred in this process is -730 kJ, which means the heat is transferred into the surroundings.

Decrement in the energy of the system, ΔU = 250 kJ,

work done on the system, W = 480 kJ,

As we know according to the first law of thermodynamics,

energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another. Further, the first law is given as,  

ΔU = Q - W,


ΔU = change in internal energy of the system,

{Positive if the internal energy increases and negative if the internal energy decreases}

Q = Heat transferred,

{Positive for heat transferred into the system and negative for heat transferred out of the system}

W = work done by the system or work done on the system,

{Negative for work done on the system and Positive when work is done by the system}


the energy of the system decreases by 250 kJ, so

ΔU = -250 kJ,

And, work is done on the system, so

W = - 480 KJ.

Substituting the value,

ΔU = Q – W

-250 = Q – (-480)

-250= Q + 480

-250 – 480 = Q

K = -780 KJ

Hence, the amount of heat Q is transferred in this process is -730 kJ, which means the heat is transferred into the surroundings.

In thermodynamics, heat is defined as the shape of power crossing the boundary of a thermodynamic gadget through the distinctive features of a temperature difference across the boundary. A thermodynamic device does not contain warmness. nonetheless, the time period is also regularly used to consult the thermal electricity contained in a system as an element of its internal electricity and that is contemplated inside the temperature of the device. For each makes use of the time period, heat is a shape of strength.

Warmth is power in the switch to or from a thermodynamic gadget, by a mechanism that includes the microscopic atomic modes of movement or the corresponding macroscopic properties.

The measurement of strength transferred as heat is referred to as calorimetry, done via measuring its impact on the states of interacting bodies. for example, warmness may be measured by means of the quantity of ice melted, or through trade in the temperature of a frame inside the environment of the machine. Inside the international gadget of units (SI) the unit of dimension for heat, as a shape of electricity, is the joule (J).

To learn more about Heat visit here:


a string (with uniform mass density) is attached to a wave generator with variable frequency to create standing wave patterns. the string goes over a pulley and is connected to a mass (which can be varied) to create tension in the string. 1) if the frequency is changed (while the mass is held fixed), what else will change? the wavelength of the wave will change. the speed of propogation of the wave will change.


The speed at which a wave travels is unaffected by its wavelength. Waves C and D move forward at the same rate. Only changes in the characteristics of the medium a wave travels through can change its speed.

Does wavelength depend on propagation rate?

In a particular medium, the speed of propagation is constant; only the wavelength varies as the frequency does.

What influences a wave's propagation speed?

The characteristics of the medium have an impact on most waves' wave propagation speed in addition to frequency and wavelength variations. Tension, density, rigidity, and temperature are some of the variables that influence the speed of wave propagation.

To know more about wavelength visit:-


A newly discovered planet has a mass that is 4 times the mass of the Earth. The radius of the Earth is R . If the gravitational field strength at the surface of the new planet is equal to that at the surface of the Earth, what is the radius of the new planet?

A. R/2
B. 4R
C. R/4
D. 2R


The radius of the new planet is equal to 2R. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is gravitational force?

Newton’s gravitation law can be demonstrated as every particle with mass in the universe attracts every other particle having mass with a definite force. The magnitude of gravitational force can be represented as:

[tex]\displaystyle F =G\frac{M_1M_2}{r^2}[/tex]

The gravitational field of the earth can be represented as:

[tex]\displaystyle g =G\frac{M}{R_e^2}[/tex]

Given, the new planet has mass, M' = 4 M

[tex]\displaystyle g' =G\frac{M'}{R^2}[/tex]

g' = g

[tex]\displaystyle g' = g=G\frac{4M}{R^2}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle {R^2} = \frac{4GM}{g}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle {R^2}= 4R_e^2[/tex]

[tex]R = 2 R_e[/tex]

Learn more about gravitational force, here:


find the net gravitational force fnet acting on the earth in the sun-earth-moon system during the full moon (when the earth is located directly between the moon and the sun).


During the new moon, the net gravitational force acting on the Earth in the Sun-Earth-Moon system is approximately 3.502 × 10²² Newtons.

Given data:

Mass of the Sun (M(S)) = 1.989 × 10³⁰ kg

Mass of the Earth (M(E)) = 5.972 × 10²⁴ kg

Mass of the Moon (M(M)) = 7.342 × 10²² kg

Distance between the Sun and the Earth (r(SE)) = 1.496 × 10¹¹ meters

Distance between the Moon and the Earth (r(ME)) = 3.844 × 10⁸ meters

The gravitational force between two objects is given by Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation:

F = (G × (m₁ × m₂)) ÷ r²

Gravitational force due to the Sun on the Earth:

F(SE) = G × (M(S) × M(E)) ÷ r(SE)²

Gravitational force due to the Moon on the Earth:

F(ME) = G × (M(M) × M(E)) ÷ r(ME)²

The net gravitational force on the Earth during the new moon is the vector sum of these forces:

F(net) = F(SE) - F(ME)

Gravitational force due to the Sun on the Earth

F(SE) = (6.67430 x 10⁻¹¹) × ((1.989 × 10³⁰) × (5.972 × 10²⁴)) ÷ (1.496 × 10¹¹)²

F(SE)= 3.52 × 10²² N

F(ME) = (6.67430 x 10⁻¹¹) × ((7.342 × 10²²) × (5.972 × 10²⁴)) ÷ (3.844 × 10⁸)²

F(ME) = 1.98 × 10²⁰ N

F(net) = F(SE) - F(ME)

F(net) = 3.52 × 10²² - 1.98 × 10²⁰ N

F(net) =  3.502 × 10²²

So, during the new moon, the net gravitational force acting on the Earth in the Sun-Earth-Moon system is approximately 3.502 × 10²² Newtons.

To know more about the gravitational force:


The Table Below Gives The Masses Of The Earth, The Moon, And The Sun. Name Mass (Kg) Earth 5.97×10²⁴ Moon 7.35×10²² Sun 1.99×10³⁰ The Average Distance Between The Earth And The Moon Is 3.84×10⁸ m. The Average Distance Between The Earth And The Sun Is 1.50×10¹¹ m. Use

The table below gives the masses of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.

Name Mass (kg)

Earth 5.97×10²⁴

Moon 7.35×10²²

Sun          1.99×10³⁰

Find the net gravitational force Fnet acting on the Earth in the Sun-Earth-Moon system during the new moon (when the moon is located directly between the Earth and the Sun).

Express your answer in newtons to three significant figures.

What would happen if an igneous rock was first exposed to energy from the Earth's interior and then millions of years later to energy from the sun?


If igneous rocks are exposed to energy from the Earth's interior and then millions of years later to energy from the Sun then they form metamorphic rocks.

What are Metamorphic rocks?

Metamorphic rocks are formed if igneous rock is exposed to the energy of the Sun as well as the Earth's interior for millions of years.

If igneous rock was first exposed to energy from the sun and for millions of years to energy from the Earth's interior then the igneous rock will change into metamorphic rocks because metamorphic rocks are formed when igneous rocks are exposed to intense heat energy and pressure.

The intense heat energy and pressure change the shape and form of the rocks and igneous rock will change into metamorphic rocks.

Learn more about Igneous rocks here:


sodium vapor light averaging 589 nm inwavelength falls on a single slit of width. at what angle does it produces itssecond minimum? (b) what is the highest-orderminimum produced?


a) The angle the sodium vapor light produces its second minimum is at 9.032°

b) The highest-order minimum produced is 12

D sin θ = n λ

D = Slit width

θ = Angle at which minimum is present

n = Order of minimum

λ = Wavelength of light

λ = 589 nm = 589 * 10⁻⁹ m

D = 7.5 μm = 7.5 * 10⁻⁶ m

n = 2

sin θ = n λ / D

sin θ = ( 2 * 589 * 10⁻⁹ ) / ( 7.5 * 10⁻⁶ )

sin θ = 0.157

θ = 9.032°

The highest order minimum is produced when θ = 90°.

n = D sin θ / λ

n = ( 7.5 * 10⁻⁶ sin 90° ) / ( 589 * 10⁻⁹ )

n = 12.7

n ≈ 12

To know more about highest order minimum


A 2100-kg car is traveling at 25 m/s when it crashes into the rear end of a 1650-kg car traveling at 21 m/s in the same direction on nearly frictionless ice. The two cars become stuck together and slide on the ice. How fast do the two cars move together immediately after the collision?.


The two cars will move together immediately after the collision at a speed of = 23 m/s

For solving this question, firstly we need to know the formula for Linear momentum,

⇒ Linear Momentum (p) = mass x velocity

⇒ p = m x v

m = body mass

v = velocity

NOTE- both cars are moving in the same direction

Car 1 weighs 2100 kg and was moving with a velocity of 25 m/s

⇒ Momentum = 2100 x 25

⇒ Momentum = 52500 kg-m/s

Car 2 weighs 1650 kg and was moving with a velocity of 21 m/s

⇒ Momentum = 1650 x 21

⇒ Momentum =  34650 kg-m/s

Total momentum before collision = 52500 + 34650

= 87150 kg-m/s

Momentum after collision = (2100 + 1650)v

= 3750v

By the law of conservation of linear momentum,

⇒ Momentum before collision = Momentum after collision

⇒ 87150 = 3750v

⇒ v = [tex]\frac{87150}{3750}[/tex]

⇒ v = 23 m/s

Therefore, The two cars will move together immediately after the collision at a speed of = 23 m/s

To learn more about Linear Momentum,



white light is incident on a diffraction grating that is 600 lines/mm. at what angle relative to the center line will light with a wavelength of 650 nm exit the grating for the first order spectrum (m


The wavelength fringe is 0.431 m.

Diffraction grating with split space d, to find the fringe position ym, we must to find the angle from

d Sinα = mλ

A grating with N slits or lines per mm has slit spacing of

d = 1/N

d = (1/600mm)

d = 1.67×10⁻³mm

For 400nm wavelength:

α = Sin⁻¹(mλ/d)

α = Sin⁻¹(400*10⁻⁹/1.67*10⁻⁶)

α = 13.910°

And the position of first order lowest wavelength fringe on the screen is:

y₁ = L.tanα

y₁ = 2tan(13.910)

y₁ = 0.49445 m

For 700nm wavelength:

α = Sin⁻¹(mλ/d)

α = 24.83°

And the position of first order highest wavelength fringe on the screen is:

y₂ = L.tanα₂

y₂ = 0.925595 m

The difference between the first order lowest and highest wavelength fringe is

Δy = (0.925595 - 0.49445)m

Δy = 0.431m

Therefore, the wavelength fringe is 0.431 m.

To know more about wavelength, refer:


[NOTE: THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE QUESTION. THE COMPLETE QUESTION IS: White light (400–700 nm) is incident on a 600 line/mm diffraction grating. What is the wavelength of the first-order rainbow on a screen 2.0 m behind the grating?]

The growth hormone axis contains at least one example of a negative feedback loop.


At least one instance of a negative feedback loop can be found in the growth hormone axis So this claim is True.

Control of thyroid hormone secretion is an important example of a negative feedback loop. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, also known as "T4 and T3," are thyroid hormones  produced and secreted by the thyroid gland that affect metabolism throughout the body.

The female menstrual cycle is controlled by a negative feedback loop involving the brain. The  hypothalamus of the brain contains glands that secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The pituitary gland in the brain produces follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) under command from GnRH.

The use of negative feedback loops in processes is found in homeostatic systems such as: Thermoregulation (changes in body temperature induce mechanisms that restore normal temperature levels).

Read more about the endocrine system at:


Covalent bonds are most likely to form between atoms of which types of elements?.




a covalent bond is a bond where atoms share electrons

Nonmetals are most likely to form this type of bond

How have advances in genetic testing and blood typing helped mitigate the effects of blood
reactions and diseases for many people?


Genetic testing and blood typing helped mitigate the effects of blood

reactions and diseases for many people by using  Cytogenetic Testing.

What is  Cytogenetic Testing?

In cytogenetics, the entire chromosome is examined for anomalies. Under a microscope, the chromosomes of a human cell that is dividing can be seen plainly. The easiest cells to obtain for cytogenetic study are white blood cells, particularly T lymphocytes since they can divide quickly in cell culture and may be simply isolated from blood. For cytogenetic analysis, cells can also be cultivated from various tissues, including bone marrow (for leukaemia), amniotic fluid (for prenatal diagnosis), and other tissue biopsies.

Chromosomes are preserved, dispersed on microscope slides, and stained after many days of cell culture. Each of the chromosomes can be recognised separately thanks to the staining techniques used in routine examination. Analysis of chromosomal structure is possible thanks to the unique bands of each chromosome that staining reveals.

Learn more about  Cytogenetic Testing here:


a railroad car collides with and sticks to an identical railroad car that is initially at rest. after the collision, the kinetic energy of the system


A railroad car collides with and sticks to an identical railroad car that is initially at rest. after the collision, the kinetic energy of the system is "half as much as before". The correct option is (B).

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy, which may be seen in the movement of an object, particle, or group of particles, is the energy of motion.

K.E. = 1/2 m v2

What is difference between kinetic energy and potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy that is held in reserve in a system or object as a result of its position or configuration. An object's kinetic energy is measured in relation to stationary and moving items in its immediate environment.

To know more about kinetic energy visit


A newly discovered planet is found to have density 2pE and radius (RE/2)where pE and RE are the density and radius of Earth, respectively. The surface gravitational field of the planet is most nearly

A. 2.5 N/kg
B. 40 N/kg
C. 10 N/kg
D. 5 N/kg



The answer would be D. 5 N/kg

A revolutionary war era cannon is used in a demonstration. If the 200 kg cannon is on wheels when it's fired, it recoils. if the recoil speed is 0.8 m/s, what is the speed of the 9 kg cannon ball?



17.8 m/s


This is a conservation of momentum problem.

Momentum = p = mv

x =  speed of the cannon ball

(200 kg)(0.8 m/s) = (9 kg)(x)

x = (160 kg·m/s) / (9 kg) = 17.8 m/s

the length of the sliding rod is 0.1 m and its speed is 2.0 m/ and b is 0.60 t. a) if the total resistance of the loop is 0.05 , what is the induced current,


The induced current produced due to moving sliding rod having resistance 0.05 is 2.4 A.

Induced current:

Any change in the magnetic field associated with a coil of wire will cause an emf to be induced in the coil. This emf is called induced emf and if the conductor circuit is closed, current will also circulate through the circuit. This current is called induced current.

Given, length of sliding rod, l= 0.1 m

Magnetic field = 0.60T

Velocity = 2m/s

Resistance of the loop = 0.05

Emf Induced = Blv

induced current = Blv/R

[tex]i = \frac{0.6 \times 0.1 \times 2}{0.05} [/tex]

[tex]i = \frac{0.12}{0.05} [/tex]

[tex]i = 2.4[/tex]

so, the current produced in sliding rod moving withspeed of 2m/s in magnetic field 0.6 T and having resistance of loop 0.05, is 2.4 A

learn more about induced current:


monochromatic light falls on a screen 1.75 m from two slits separated by 2.10 mm. the first- and second-order bright fringes are separated by 0.552 mm. what is the wavelength of the light?


The wavelength of light is calculated to be 662.4 nm.

Monochromatic light is nothing but the single wavelength light where mono refers to single and chroma refers to colour. Visible light of a narrow band of wavelengths is classified as monochromatic lights.

Given that, width of fringe β = 0.552 * 10⁻³ m

Distance of screen, D = 1.75 m

Separation of slits, d = 2.10 mm = 2.1 * 10⁻³ m

The formula for fringe width is:

β = (λ* D)/d

Making λ as subject,

λ = β*d/D

λ = (0.552 * 10⁻³ * 2.1 * 10⁻³)/ 1.75 = 0.6624 * 10⁻⁶ = 662.4 nm

Thus, the wavelength of light is 662.4 nm.

To know more about wavelength:


a lens produces an inverted image of a candle on the wall. the distance between the candle and the lens is 32 cm and the distance between the lens and the wall is 30 cm . what is the power of the lens? express your answer in diopters. enter a positive value if the lens is converging and a negative value if the lens is diverging.


It is determined that the lens has 6.7 power.

What is the lens's focal length?

We are aware that a refracting surface is what a lens is. In light of this, if we have a surface capable of refraction, it follows that such a surface must be a lens.

It is necessary to carefully read the question in order to determine the image distance and the object distance.

Image distance =  30 cm

Object distance =  32 cm


1/f = 1/v + 1/u

f = focal length

v = image distance

u object distance

1/f = 1/30 + 1/32

f = (0.033 + 0.032)^-1

f = 14.9 cm

Power of the lens = 100/f

= 100/14.9

= 6.7

To know more about focal length visit:-


Hope it helps.

If you have any query, feel free to ask.

What is the energy in a moving vehicle of mass 1500 kg at 60km hr?


The energy of the moving vehicle is 208.41 KJ.

The energy of a moving object or the energy possessed by an object in motion is called as the kinetic energy.

The kinetic energy formula is formulated as K.E. = (1/2)*m*v²


mass of the object/vehicle = m,

the speed at which the body is moving is v.

Kinetic energy is expressed in Kgm²/s²It has the SI unit as joule(J).

Mass of the vehicle = 1500 kg

Velocity of the vehicle = 60 km/hr

1 km/hr = 0.277 m/sec

60 Km/hr = 16.67 m/sec

Kinetic energy of the vehicle =  (1/2)*m*v²

K.E. =  (1/2)*1500*(16.67)²

K.E. = (1/2)*1500*277.88

K.E. = 208416.67 J

K.E. = 208.41 KJ

The energy in a moving vehicle of mass 1500 kg at 60km/hr is 208.41KJ.

To know more about energy,


In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, gene regulation most commonly occurs at the level of ______ initiation. transcription.


In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, gene regulation most commonly occurs at the level of transcription initiation.

What aspect of gene regulation is the same in eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

Many genes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes control their expression during transcription, the pathway's stage when DNA is converted to RNA. Given the high energy costs of transcription and translation (the RNA to protein phase in the cycle), this may make sense.

Structures are shared by bacterial and eukaryotic cells. All cells have DNA, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and plasma membrane. The layer of phospholipids that envelops and shields the cell from its surroundings is known as the plasma membrane, also known as the cell membrane.

Prokaryotic transcription plays a major role in regulating gene expression. Epigenetics, transcription, post-transcription, translation, and post-translation are the levels at which eukaryotic gene expression is regulated.

learn more about prokaryotes and eukaryotes refer


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