Dissentient meaning


Answer 1


I don't know_____________________

Answer 2
Adj. in opposition to a majority or official opinion

Noun - a person who opposes a majority or official opinion

Related Questions

Question 3
Howard needed to start on the fifty algebra problems that he had for
homework however every television program-especially reruns of
SpongeBob SquarePants-seemed more interesting.
O ... homework, but every...
... homework, however every ...
O... homework, on the other hand, every ...
O No change is necessary.
10 pts


1. Marsha never reads the appliance directions. Was she.

2. the marmalade; after that, she merely sips coffee.

3. that he was assigned as homework. Nevertheless, each television show.

4.rolling veggies His pals no longer as a result.

What is marmalade?

The juice and peel of citrus fruits are combined with sugar and water and cooked to create marmalade, a fruit preserve. The popular variation is created using bitter orange. It may also be produced with a combination of lemons, limes, grapefruits, grapefruit juice, mandarins, sweet oranges, and bergamots. The most common fruit option for marmalade is citrus, however in the past the phrase has also been often applied to preserves that aren't citrus based.

The Spanish Seville or bitter orange, Citrus aurantium, is the citrus fruit of choice for making marmalade because of its high pectin content, which rapidly sets to the thick consistency typical of marmalade. The bitter flavor comes from the skin.

The marmalade, which comes from Marcelo, a quince, is where the term marmalade comes from.

Learn more about marmalade https://brainly.com/question/2668204


Think about things you hear compared with those that require you to listen. Read each description, then drag it to the appropriate category


The process of listening entails recognizing speech sounds and turning them into words and sentences. When we listen, our ears pick up specific sounds (letters, stresses, rhythms, and pauses), and our brains translate those sounds into messages that have meaning for us.

What is listening How do we listen?

The following are some guidelines for effective summary listening:

Take notes on important facts and ask questions whenever you can.Listen for important words and phrases.Keep an eye on the speaker for hints to crucial information.Comparing fresh information to what is already known.

                           Purposeful listening refers to how good communication occurs and how a person pays close attention to a speaker to ensure that he completely understands what the speaker is attempting to say.

                        As a result, it is clear that there are a number of crucial factors that should be taken into account when it comes to purposeful listening, including asking questions, making notes, contrasting new knowledge, listening for key words, etc.ac

To learn more about : Listening

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/8954909


What are 5 situations where family safety could be put to risk?


Answer: mental illness, violence, Broken home, and Lying


Based on lange’s words, it is reasonable to infer that?

A) langes’s succes came when she was able to forget her past
B) Lange felt a sense of bitterness about her childhood illness
C) Lange may not have become a photographer had she never gotten sick
D) Lange’s work was significantly influenced by her experiences


D) Lange's experiences had a big impact on her work.

Lange recalls her polio experiences in this passage. She contends that the illness was the most significant event in her life. She also claims that this was a factor that helped to shape, direct, and influence her in several ways. We can infer that this influence had a big impact on her work as well.

American photojournalist and documentary photographer Dorothea Lange is most known for her work with the Farm Security Administration during the Great Depression. Lange's images humanized the effects of the Great Depression and affected the evolution of documentary photography.

She is best known for exposing the struggles of sharecroppers, uprooted farmers, and migratory laborers in the 1930s, and her 1936 painting of Florence Owens Thompson, a migrant mother, has come to symbolize the time.

Her images amply illustrated the debilitating impact of the Great Depression on Americans, notably the rural underprivileged and migrant farmworkers. The particular families Lange worked with helped to humanize the general problem, making her work effective in its attempt to depict the intimate side of the Depression's sorrow.

To know more about Dorothea Lange, click on the link below:



Which is an example personification
O Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
O Save money by spending it. This is the beginning of the end
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
O That mans unibrow was dancing across his forehead,





I did it and I think I got right it

That man’s unibrow was dancing across his forehead

How did Huck get affected by the time he spent with his father?


Huckleberry Finn’s father, Pap Finn, was a drun kard who would often yell at and abuse Huck. When Pap Finn wins custody of Huck, he takes Huck to a cabin deep in the woods. Whenever Pap leaves to fish or to drink, he locks Huck inside a closet, and abuses and berates Huck whenever he returns. Huck wants to be free and independent so he can do the things he wants to do. So, he carefully plans his escape.

The primary purpose of drama is to?
1. allow actors to perform in front of a live audience
2. tell a compelling story
3. tell stories from the past
4. help readers visualize the text


Answer: 2

Explanation: Common sense? Not too sure of a perfect reason, bu drama is not just a stage. I think its two.

Easy question for 13 points can someone tell me the words to Tomino's poem



Tomino's Hell

Elder sister vomits blood,

younger sister’s breathing fire

while sweet little Tomino

just spits up the jewels.2

All alone does Tomino

go falling into that hell,

a hell of utter darkness,

without even flowers.

Is Tomino’s big sister

the one who whips him?

The purpose of the scourging

hangs dark in his mind.3

Lashing and thrashing him, ah!

But never quite shattering.

One sure path to Avici,4

the eternal hell.

Into that blackest of hells

guide him now, I pray—

to the golden sheep,

to the nightingale.

How much did he put

in that leather pouch

to prepare for his trek to

the eternal hell?

Spring is coming

to the valley, to the wood,

to the spiraling chasms

of the blackest hell.

The nightingale in her cage,

the sheep aboard the wagon,

and tears well up in the eyes

of sweet little Tomino.5

Sing, o nightingale,

in the vast, misty forest—

he screams he only misses

his little sister.

His wailing desperation

echoes throughout hell—

a fox peony

opens its golden petals.

Down past the seven mountains

and seven rivers of hell—

the solitary journey

of sweet little Tomino.

If in this hell they be found,

may they then come to me, please,

those sharp spikes of punishment

from Needle Mountain.6

Not just on some empty whim

Is flesh pierced with blood-red pins:

they serve as hellish signposts

for sweet little Tomino.7


May I have Brainliest please? I am so close to getting my next ranking! I just need 3 more for it! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!


mugen jigoku,” the Japanese translation of the Sanskrit “Avīci,” or “waveless.


Both The R*pe of the Lock , by Alexander Pope, and A Modest Proposal , by Jonathan Swift use elements of satire to show a viewpoint. Discuss which selection you think is more effective. Why? Consider the following aspects for your discussion: form, style, structure, tone, satirical elements and other techniques used by each author. Consider also the subject matter and how it is presented in each selection. Is it appropriate for its purpose and audience?


In the books of Alexander Pope, and Jonathan Swift use elements of satire to show a viewpoint, the selection I think is more effective is Modest Proposal.

Why choose a Modest Proposal?

The satirical essay or pamphlet "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift. In this scenario, the socio-political components of Irish society are being mocked and critiqued through the use of exaggeration and parody.

In order to critique Protestant abuse of Irish Catholics, Jonathan Swift used satirical elements. A satirist's main tool is verbal irony, a figure of speech in which words are used to disparage someone or something by implying something completely different from what is really spoken.

Swift uses hyperbole when he calls the Protestants who would buy infants to eat "gentlemen," the landowners "devour" humanity, and the Irish children "thieves." A Modest Proposal's" metaphorical language

Lastly, In "A Modest Proposal," hyperbole, satire, as well as sarcasm are used as metaphorical language. Statements about a chubby girl being sold for 400 crowns as food are exaggerated.

Learn more about  Modest Proposal from


Re-read the line from the text: (point value 0.9)

Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.

The following is an example of --

A: inciting incident

B: foreshadowing

C: irony



Foreshadowing B:


Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing. Her husband's friend Richards was there, too, near her.

What is one way to edit the following sentence for punctuation?
The signing of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 was a
critical moment for the American colonies.


The one way to edit this sentence is by using parenthesis. The signing of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) was a critical moment for the American Colonies.

A parenthesis, sometimes referred to as a parenthetical phrase, is a word, clause, or sentence that is inserted into a paragraph to provide clarification or qualification. Without the parenthesis, the text would still be grammatically accurate. Parenthetical expressions are often separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, dashes, or round brackets.In order to clarify, explain, or include a footnote in a statement, extra, non-essential information is included inside parentheses. To avoid breaking the flow of a statement, use parenthesis. Examples: She will be to our home shortly after work, at approximately six o'clock. Today, I'm going to see my grandma (my dad's mother).

Thus this is the meaning of parenthesis.

Refer here to learn more about parenthesis: https://brainly.com/question/972166


if you create an initiative to pass a law, what might sustain interest in it?


If you create an initiative to pass a law, what might sustain interest in it are the possible outcomes it might establish.

What is an initiative?It's a petition.It is a way for the population to change or revoke the legal codes imposed on a city.

An initiative occurs when a group of people is unhappy with the way the city and/or the state has laid down laws.

In this case, this group creates an initiative, that, according to all citizens, will demand the modification of this norm or law and the adoption of measures that are more in line with the needs of the region.

For the interest in this initiative to be effective, the possible positive results that it can provoke must be remembered often.

Learn more about laws:



Avani, a student of class XII, has found a wallet in the school canteen. In addition to cash, it contains some receipts/bills. Write a notice in 50 words for the schoo! notice board inviting the rightful owner to claim it after giving details of the wallet and its contents.


                              Lost and found notice

Avani (XII student) discovered a wallet in the school canteen yesterday evening. The wallet contains cash, bills, and receipts. The wallet's owner is welcome to come and claim it. Before the wallet can be issued, he or she must answer a few questions about it. Students are asked not to pretend to claim the wallet because doing so is considered cheating and will result in severe punishment.


Notice- A formal mode of communication is notice writing. The purpose of notice writing is to bring to the attention of a group of people a specific piece of information. They are typically pinned in public places where concerned individuals can read them.
In India, there are four types of legal notice drafts: public notice, implied notice, actual notice, and constructive notice.

For more information on notice writing visit:

In “The Gettysburg Address,” President Lincoln makes the claim that the Civil War is a war worth fighting. How does he develop or refine this claim in each of the paragraphs? How does the structure of the speech contribute to his argument? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.


President Lincoln claims in "The Gettysburg Address" that the Civil War is a war worth fighting. He takes dramatic pauses every now and then. Every dramatic pause in his speech makes it more convincing to the audience. That is why many people are awestruck by his speeches.

What was Lincoln's speech about civil war?

Abraham Lincoln makes a good transition in this speech by explaining how many years ago his people first came to this new continent, forming a new nation filled with liberty and the dedication to all men created equal. He then goes on to say that a civil war is brewing and that now is the time for the country to show its true colors.

Abraham goes on to say that even though our people try to show their maximum potential, our people that have already died for us or are fighting for us have made our nation stronger than it could possibly be, and we should not take credit for it, but rather continue to fight for what they have started and finish the above fight to the dedication of brave men who've already made this country a better place.

To learn more about Lincoln's speech refer to :



Using the outline you wrote, write an essay of at least 200 words with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Here is your goal for this assignment:

Construct a short essay from your outline



okay I when do u want me to finish it

what about, what type of essay do u want

answer the questions and ima be right to work but please add brainlets to this question first!

5. "We must adjust to changing times and still hold to
unchanging principles"" (Paragraph 20). How does
the quote from Carter's teacher contribute to the
This is the Jimmy Carters Nobel Lecture


"We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles", this quote put a great impact in Carter's life.

Carter learned from her that the simple human attributes of goodness and truth can overcome great power. She was the powerful narrative for him as a simple reminder.

She also taught that an individual is not swept along on a tide of inevitability but can influence even the greatest human events.

Carter was so much influenced by his teacher that not only he marked her words for lifetime but also applied them in his life.

To know more about Carter's life



Which details reveal courage as a Māori value? Check
all that apply.


It should be noted that the inference which reveal courage as a Māori value are:
“In subduing Tawhiri, Tū created peace in the heavens and the earth.”
“Tū opened his mouth and ate his brothers to punish them for their cowardice.”
“The Māori, the humans who are able to master anything that they decide to conquer”
The Maori creation myth is the story how humans were born and how nature helped in their birth by sacrificing themselves.
According to this creation myth, the earth and heaven were once joined as Ranhinui.

What kinds of activities impress young Twain during the steamboat's brief stop in


Twain insisted that the Mississippi River itself, as well as its enormity and the people/workers who inhabited the steamboats here on river, greatly astonished and interested him.

About Mississippi River

The Mississippi River is North America's principal river, as well as the Hudson Bay drainage basin is its largest drainage system. The Mississippi River is indeed the second-longest river on the continent. In general, it flows south for 2,340 miles (3,770 km) from its historic source at Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota towards the Mississippi River Delta inside the Gulf of Mexico. In between Rocky & Appalachian ranges, the Mississippi's basin drains everything or portions of 32 U.S. states as well as Canadian provinces. Only than 1% of the drainage basin, or 1,151,000 sq mi (2,980,000 km2), is in Canada; the main stem is fully inside the United States.

To know more about Twain:



4. LACC RL910.5
Using your knowledge of "Was it a Dream?" match the event with its part of the plot. (4 points)
1. Denouement
2. Climax
3. Rising action
4. Exposition
a. We are left to wonder what was real and what was a dream.
b. We learn that the main character is mourning his lover's death.
c. The main character reads the true inscription on his lover's tombstone.
d. The main character hides in a tree and waits for nightfall.


a. Denouement

b. Exposition

c. Rising action

d. Climax

A storyline is made up of four elements: falling action, exposition, rising action, and denouement. They are critical to the story's flow and organization.Exposition: offers the story's most fundamental information, such as people and surroundings. Rising action: the point at which the tension in the tale begins to rise and we recognize that the plot is approaching its most significant point.Falling action occurs when the most crucial and tense event in the tale has gone and the plot begins to decelerate and become less tension. Denouement: When the story's main dilemma is resolved and the riddles are exposed.As a result, we can deduce that the author must be aware of the plot aspects in order for the tale to be well-organized, flowing, and intriguing.

Thus the events are matched above.

Refer here to learn more about part of the plot: https://brainly.com/question/9389256


Look at pictured. Hhh



add comma after leader


although is a dependent clause marker so you will need a comma after it to connect it with an independent clause. in future if you get confused on if to put a comma or not use DIC= dependent+independent=comma and IDC= indpendent + dependent= no comma


Hi it's me 19


add a comma after leader

Finish the independent reading you chose earlier in the course, if you haven't already. Then plan an informational essay about cause and effect in the story. For example, what are the consequences of a character's actions? How does an event early in the story result in an event later in the story? Plan the essay in this activity so that you will be prepared to write the essay in the next lesson.


In order to escape from Crete, where King Minos had captured him and his son Icarus, mythical inventor Daedalus invented wings out of feathers and wax.

What happened to Icarus ?

But Icarus disregarded his father's advice and flew dangerously near the sun. He lost control of his wings and plummeted into the water, where he drowned.

One of these tales was the myth of Daedalus and Icarus from ancient Greece, which the Roman poet Ovid famously recorded in his Metamorphoses.

In order to escape from Crete, where King Minos had captured him and his son Icarus, mythical inventor Daedalus invented wings out of feathers and wax. But Icarus disregarded his father's advice and flew dangerously near the sun.

He lost his wings and plummeted into the water, where he drowned.

Learn more about Daedalus and Icarus  here


# SPJ 1

In an English novel, a female character was living an immoral life. She was regularly taking baths because she often felt 'dirty' and was trying to wash away that feeling. Can an immoral person live a happy life? Why?​


Answer: no


Their life will constantly keep going while the people they love will slowly die off and everyone she meets will never stay

Copy link
What type of figurative language is the quote
"all that glitters is gold"?
*The phrase is actually "All that glitters is not
gold," which is an aphorism (something that
states a universal truth).



simile is the correct answer at least i think of is

2) Which two statements would function as an argument in favor of the
mandated wearing of school uniforms?(Remember to choose two.)
School uniforms are a controversial topic.
School uniforms bring a sense of community to a
School uniforms are mandatory in some schools, but
not in others.
Some teachers are in favor of school uniforms, but
most students are opposed.
School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of
attachment to a particular student body.




↣ B.) School uniforms bring a sense of community to a school.

↣ E.) School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of attachment to a particular student body.


The following answers above best function as effective arguments in favor of the mandated wearing of school uniforms because both of the statements evidently express positive viewpoints towards the topic.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


Battling Cancer: One Woman's Journey Which statement supports the argument that chemotherapy often has uncomfortable side effects A While cervical cancer in a woman Julianne’s age was rare, her doctor admitted, it certainly was not unheard of in her demographic group.
While cervical cancer in a woman Julianne’s age was rare, her doctor admitted, it certainly was not unheard of in her demographic group.
B Julianne experienced extreme bouts of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy.
Julianne experienced extreme bouts of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy.
C Tomatoes contain an abundance of an amino acid called lycopene.
Tomatoes contain an abundance of an amino acid called lycopene.
D Even though doctors consider Julianne cancer-free, she has made lifestyle changes to prevent the cancer from returning.


Answer: B Julianne experienced extreme bouts of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy.

How has the celebration changed until today?


Answer: for what? Once I get a clear question I will answer it in the comments dw


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word restrained. Write your definition, along with the words or phrases that were most helpful in arriving at your conclusion. Then consult a dictionary to confirm your understanding.​




The meaning of restrained seems to be "governed by rules, restricted. Constrained by structure"

Phrases from context: "Dramas follow Aristotle's unities, strict rules..."

"...balance and order in their language and in the structure of their poems and plots...

Dictionary definition:: Restrain: check or hold in; keep under control or within bounds. (Oxford)

Restrained: marked by restraint : not excessive or extravagant (Merriam-Webster)

Explanation: The context explains that writers followed the rules and the structure that they learned from the models set up by Aristotle and other classical writers. The audience expected that structure and balance. Some things would have disturbed the audience or readers, so writers were careful to not to offend them.


I hope its correct i got it from billgkgk

Mr. Frank ends the play saying "All that remains." What is the meaning of
his last words.


Whatever stays will remain, and whatever don’t remain will be forgotten

How can I hook my audience?




You can hook your audience by using a sequence say your writing a story to pull the reader in you must start the story off by giving and interesting plot don’t give too much away but give the right amount and then to hook the reader you can use cliffhangers big events in the story.

Choose one member of your family and write a simple sentence to describe him/her.


My sister is someone who puts herself before others even if it affects her in the end.

Answer: The member I pick is my mom.

My mom is kind and she cares about a lot of people, she will always treat you well whenever you are feeling down.

Explanation: Hope this helps!

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