Allison has decided to use a vendor to ship items to her store instead of a distribution center. What is her most likely reason?.


Answer 1

Higher transit speed. A retailer's internal network, which often involves a stop at a distribution center, can be avoided by supplying directly from a supplier or source.

A vendors drop shipping solution is a scenario where an e-commerce retailer relies on manufacturers and suppliers to Fulfill direct customer orders instead of maintaining an inventory of products. sold on their website.

A relevant Supplier receives the order immediately for processing and fulfillment when a customer places an order for a specific product on the retailer's website. Because both models avoid companies having to own, warehouse, or participate in the fulfillment process, the DSV model and dropshipping are comparable.

An important difference is that a retailer uses the services of a logistics provider to manage suppliers in a DSV solution. A retailer's logistics provider is a critical component of any DSV solution as it manages fulfillment operations, ensures integration of technology systems and sets shipping strategy.

To know more about vendors here,


Related Questions

which type of validity is a professional judgment about whether an instrument actually measures what it is supposed to measure?


Validity of a construct. Construct validity makes it simple to determine whether a given measurement tool accurately captures the phenomenon being measured.

How do you demonstrate professional judgement?

A professional has to be ready to defend their choices with a solid, scientific justification. Choosing whether to use a method like zero-based budgeting in any area of an organization is one example that comes to mind. A different one might be determining the justification of a performance comparator decision. Alternatively, one might weigh the risks of bringing AI to marketing against the risks of doing nothing.

What is a professional judgement issue and how it is judged?

A decision made in such a professional setting is referred to as a professional judgment. It might be theoretical or real-world. More specifically, the evidence or pertinent considerations are gathered through professional knowledge and abilities, and the uncertainty is a result of the professional environment.

You need to be knowledgeable about your subject in order of being professional. You must be capable of communicating solutions as well as have grasp of and insight into pertinent difficulties in your area. You can have a positive outlook and be an expert in your profession.

To know more about Professional Judgement visit:


I don't know how to do this can anybody show how to do this problem?



A. $300


Increase in consumption = MPC * increase in income

= 0.6 * 500

= $300

mpc = marginal propensity to consume


which technique would psychologists use to assess whether a cluster of characteristics that includes ambition, determination, persistence, and self-reliance reflects a single personality trait? please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices empirically derived testing free association projective testing factor analysis


Reciprocal determinism is the technique would psychologists use to assess whether a cluster of characteristics that includes ambition, determination, persistence, and self-reliance reflects a single personality trait.

Psychologists are looking to apprehend and provide an explanation for the mind, feelings, feelings, and behavior. They use techniques that include a remark, evaluation, and experimentation to increase theories approximately the beliefs and emotions that impact people.

Psychologists can help humans learn to address stressful conditions, triumph over addictions, control their chronic ailments, and exams and checks could assist diagnose a condition or tell greater about the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves.

Learn more about psychologists here:


Create either a simile, metaphor, or personification to change the sentence "I see a tree" into something more visual.


Change the sentence "I see a tree" into something more visual by making a simile is "a tree like a spiky rocket"

What is Figurative language?

Figurative language is mainly based on signs that the context of the sentence relates to some other concept, event, or scene by suggesting that the listener or the reader understands the thought.

When two items are compared using the words "as or like" in a sentence while describing an event, it is referred to as figurative speech or a simile.

The sentence, "I see a tree" changed into simile as "a tree like a spiky rocket"

Learn more about Figuartive language, here:


After 60 days in custody the person owing the debt can be sold into slavery or be put to death if the debt is not settled.

What's the main idea here?

plsss help meee


The main idea  of After 60 days in custody the person owing the debt can be sold into slavery or be put to death if the debt is not settled is that failure to pay your debt will lead to full time slavery/death on your part.

What is the writ of debt?

The first regularly issued writ of a contractual nature was the writ of debt. During Henry II's reign, the battle between Church and State was linked to the early development of a royal action of debt.

Therefore, A writ that is filed when a party seeks to recover a debt, or a liquidated or specific amount of money that is said to be owed to him. This is debt in its principal and solely utilized form, the debet. Another type of debt is described in the books as "debt in the detinet," and it relates to the specific recovery of items under a delivery contract.

Learn more about slavery from

See full question below

if a twenty-something college student is torn between wanting to establish his own identity and wanting to continue to be very close to his parents, he is experiencing


A twenty-something college student's conflict between wanting to establish his own identity and wanting to keep a close contact with his parents creates dialectical tension.

Why are there dialectical tensions?

A dialectical tension is a set of oppositions that, either theoretically or practically, oppose one another. For instance, how assurance is perceived as being incompatible with uncertainty and vice versa might be regarded as the dialectical contradiction between certainty and uncertainty.

What is the significance of dialectical tensions?

Dialectical tensions, which are characterized as opposing forces that people experience in their relationships, are necessary for relationship progress. Predictability-novelty, for instance, refers to the conflict that arises when partners desire both predictability and spontaneity in their relationships.

To know more about dialectical tensions visit:


leaders who stem from the dynamics and processes that unfold within and amongst a group of individuals as they work on the achievement of a collective goal are called:


Emergent leaders are those who emerge from the dynamics and interactions that take place within and among a group of people as they work toward the accomplishment of a common objective.

What is emerging leadership?

Emergent leadership is when a group member assumes control over the group over time through interactions with the group as opposed to being formally recognized or elected as the leader. Additionally, it provides team members the discretion to reach decisions that defy the traditional hierarchical structure of a company.

What are the roles of ordained and lay leaders?

An emergent leader maintains the status quo whereas a prescribed leader provides innovative ideas but runs the risk of alienating the group. Some of the traits stated below should be possessed by the leader as well: dynamism; appeal.

To know more about Emergent leadership visit:


micah and his classmates are taking a test today that will determine whether they graduate from high school. micah and his classmates are taking a(n) test.


Micah and his classmates are taking a test today that will determine whether they graduate from high school. Micah and his classmates are taking a high-stakes test.

The Graduate is a 1967 American romantic comedy-drama movie directed with the aid of Mike Nichols[6] and written by means of dollar Henry and Calder Willingham,[7] based at the 1963 novel of the equal name by Charles Webb, who wrote it shortly after graduating from Williams university. The movie tells the tale of 21-12 months-vintage Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman), a current university graduate and not using a well-defined intention in life, who is seduced by an older married female, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), however then falls for her daughter Elaine (Katharine Ross).

Learn more about graduate here


analysis paralysis occurs when the user goes into an emotional state of overanalyzes (or overthinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome. group of answer choices true false


An inability to make a decision as a result of overthinking a problem is called analysis paralysis.It is possible for an individual or group to have too much data.

Why do my choices make me feel stuck?

The natural human desire to make the best decisions and produce our best work, combined with an overabundance of options, increasing workloads, and additional daily stressors, can all contribute to the common problem of decision paralysis.

When someone has ADHD, "ADHD paralysis" refers to their inability to focus, concentrate, or complete tasks.1.This symptom typically occurs when a person experiences a brain "crash" and limited functionality as a result of feeling overwhelmed by their environment or situation.

Learn more about analysis paralysis here:


From the perspective of a corrupt government, disappearances provide which of the following benefits?
O No reason need be provided for the arrest
O The government does not have to provide an attorney or a trial
Fear spreads throughout the society, often promoting compliance
All of the above



All of the above, though some governments may favor one reason over the other.

Briefly describe the interest rates associated with the different types of federal student loans.


If you're still borrowing for school, the federal student loan interest rate for undergraduates for the 2022-23 school year is 4.99%.

Unsubsidized graduate student loans and parent loans have higher federal rates of 6.54% and 7.54%, respectively. The tariffs for the following year will be implemented on July 1.

If you received your Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan on or after July 1, 2022, but before July 1, 2023, your loan will have a fixed interest rate until the payment halt ends: The interest rate for Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans for undergraduate students is 4.99%.

To know more about "student loan" refer to this link:


Why does some research indicate that video games offer more powerful social learning than television? a. video games are generally more immoral than television. b. video games are generally more interactive than television. c. video games are generally more intimidating than television. d. video games are generally more interesting than television. please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


[B] video games are generally more interactive than television is True.

How are children's behaviors impacted by video games?

Children who watch violent media may imitate the violence, become numb to it, and behave more aggressively, according to studies of children who have been exposed to it. Violent images may have a stronger impact on young children and those who struggle with their emotions, conduct, or learning.

According to a scientific study, children who play more violent video games are more likely to exhibit higher aggressive thoughts, sentiments, and behaviors and less prosocial assisting.

Therefore, Video games' violent content is primarily held responsible for their negative impacts.

Learn more about  Video games from the given link.


What did the student need to get a complete understanding of how the teacher felt?
All the information from the teacher
advice from other friends
more assumptions
Nothing. The teacher hates him, it's obvious, so he's never going to catch a break.



(1): You need to provide more information for people to be able to answer your question.

(2): If I had to choose, I would say a, All the information from the teacher.


(2) explanation: we know that it is not d, Nothing. The teacher hates him, it's obvious, so he's never going to catch a break, because teacher do not hate students without a reason. It cannot be C, more assumptions, because more assumptions are not going to help the student because they may not be true. B is a close answer, but you are more likely to understand how the teacher felt from All the information about the teacher, then from the student's friends.

Pls mark Brainliest with the crown

The president vetoes a bill that originated in the House of Representatives. What happens next? Put the steps in order.
The bill passes and becomes
Two-thirds of the House votes
to override the veto.
Two-thirds of the Senate votes
to override the veto.
The bill goes back to the
House of Representatives.
The bill is sent to the



Two-thirds of the House votes to override the veto

The bill is sent to the Senate

Two-thirds of the Senate votes to override the veto

The bill goes back to the House of representatives

The bill passes and becomes a law

A manufacturer selling hammers is trying to decide whether it should conduct business with walmart and home depot. Which of the four factors for establishing a relationship with retailers best characterizes the situation?.


Choosing retail partners is one of the four factors for establishing a relationship with retailers best characterizes the situation.

What are Retail Partners?

Two brands that have worked together on a project, such as a product line, are said to be retail partners. This is a great way for the partners to grow their own audiences because their audiences are typically complementary but not competitive. It's more crucial than ever to constantly innovate and hunt for the next opportunity when retail changes as quickly as it does in the current industry. In order to accomplish that, brand alliances are one method. While working with other stores might help you reach a wider audience and generate awareness, it can also introduce you to fresh strategies. Before fully integrating these novel ideas into your company, you can test them out. Early adopters are regarded as innovators when something works, a term that many shops want to associate with their brand.

So, the required answer is  Choosing retail partners.

To learn more about Retail Partners:


i cant see the answer that does not help me



What answer are you looking for?


It contains a lot of matter.It cannot be accurately measured.

For a period of time, the u. S. Government removed native american children from their families to make them more like european americans. This would be a policy of.


The US government removing native Americans children from their families would lead to the policy of Forced relocation.

The government of the United States was not happy with the native Americans and wanted to remove the native American people as well as their culture. They took many steps to so this. The US government for a period of time developed a kind of prejudice for the native Americans and decided to remove the native American culture from them and assimilate to them with the European American culture. This led to a form of culture genocide in which they took children from their parents and trained them to become familiar with the European American culture. In schools and hostels also the students were taught to follow the European American culture strictly.

Learn more about Prejudice at:


what would cause a bond holder to sell a bond before it reaches maturity ?


A bondholder is to sell a bond before it reaches maturity, the interest rates have risen since the bond was purchased, and the value of the bond will have declined.

It said to sell a bond before maturity because however, bond buyers could determine that selling a bond early is preferable to waiting for it to mature. Some of these explanations include the expectation of rising interest rates, the possibility of the issuer's credit is reduced, or if the market price appears to be excessively high.

Governments and businesses sell bonds as a sort of asset to raise money from investors. Therefore, selling bonds is a means of borrowing money from the seller.

To know more about Selling bonds refer to:

one difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that: group of answer choices quantitative researchers develop deep relationships with their participants. quantitative researchers state hypothesis prior to beginning the study. qualitative researchers manipulate the research context. qualitative researchers rely on objective analysis of the data.


The difference between Qualitative and Quantitative is that quantitative researchers state hypothesis prior to beginning of study.

During a research work it is  important to use a data collection method  and this data collection could be either Quantitative data collection or Qualitative data collection

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to test or confirm theories, experiment and assumptions. This type of research can be used to establish generalizable facts about a topic.

Common quantitative methods include experiments, observations recorded as numbers, and surveys with closed-ended questions, hypothesis

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is expressed in words. It is used to understand concepts, thoughts or experiences. This type of research helps you to have in-depth insights on topics that you don't really understand

Common  example of qualitative methods include interviews with open-ended questions ,questionnaire, your observations described in words, and literature reviews.

Learn more about Quantitative and Qualitative Research


Which agency recommends that all pregnant women should be screened for common infections and treated if infected?.


Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC)  recommends that all pregnant women should be screened for common infections and treated if infected.

What is CDC?

The national public health organisation of the United States is called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). With its main office in Atlanta, Georgia, it is a federal organisation of the United States that answers to the Department of Health and Human Services. The agency's main objective is to safeguard public health and safety by preventing and regulating illness, injury, and disability both domestically and abroad. The CDC focuses on research and application in disease control and prevention. Infectious diseases, food-borne infections, environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention, and educational initiatives aimed at enhancing American health are the main topics of this article.

So, the required answer is CDC.

To learn more about CDC:


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
When European settlers first came to North America, the American Indians viewed them
. The population of the American Indians began to decline drastically soon after the arrival of European settlers. The most significant cause for this decline was


When European settlers first came to North America, the American Indians viewed them as trading partners. The population of the American Indians began to decline drastically soon after the arrival of European settlers. The most significant cause for this decline was the spread of contagious diseases from settlers.

American Indians participated in commerce and joint cooperation with Europeans. They forged military alliances with European nations to attack other European powers with their domestic friends.

Native Americans were slaughtered by white colonists and later by government armies of newly formed states. Native Americans also assaulted and killed European settlers.

Because of this, Native Americans were regularly slain while conducting forced labor. Internal turmoil and slaughter also claimed the lives of Native Americans.

As a result, when European settlers first arrived in North America, American Indians saw them as trade partners. The population of American Indians began to fall dramatically shortly after European immigrants arrived. The introduction of dangerous illnesses from settlers was the most major reason of this loss.

Learn more about European Settlers here:


When European settlers first came to North America, the American Indians viewed them as trading partners. The population of the American Indians began to decline drastically soon after the arrival of European settlers. The most significant cause for this decline was the spread of contagious diseases from settlers.

In the 1600s, European settlers began to move into North America. At first, they mainly settled along the East Coast. But eventually, they began moving westward into the interior of the continent.

This westward movement was helped by the development of new technologies, such as the steamboat and the railroad. The settlers brought with them their own cultures and customs.

To know more about European settlers, click here.


Where do you think your moral outlook came from? what influenced your ideas of right and wrong? what motivations might those who promulgatelinks to an external site. those morals have, either good or bad, and does this make them any less true? why or why not? what objective support/ evidence do you have for saying that those morals are true? how might nietzsche and make respond to your answers to these questions?


Our moral sense is inbuilt to some extent. Unfairness can be recognized by infants as early as two. However, the majority of our moral sensibility is a result of our upbringing and surroundings. As soon as we are born, our surroundings influence how we perceive morality through interactions with our family, friends, and culture.

How is your moral behavior influenced by your culture?

Moral evaluations and conduct are extremely culture-sensitive. People from diverse cultural backgrounds or with varying degrees of multicultural experience may have very varied understandings and constructions of the same moral dilemmas.

Ethics are built on our values and serve as the benchmark for what is good and wrong. Making a moral decision is a requirement of ethics, yet it's not always simple. It takes bravery to act ethically, and it must be practiced.

To know more about moral behavior, refer:


why do you think marriage is still so important to americans compared to their european counterparts?


Although family life in America has become less stable over the last several decades, the majority of the American population still agrees that marriage provides value to individuals and society

A population is a complete set organization of people, whether that institution contains a country or a collection of human beings with a commonplace characteristic. In information, a population is the pool of people from which a statistical sample is drawn for a take a look.

It may be a collection of individuals, gadgets, occasions, businesses, and so forth. you use populations to attract conclusions. figure 1: populace. An instance of a populace will be the complete scholar frame at a faculty. it'd comprise all the students who take a look at that school at the time of the statistics series.

Learn more about the population here:


Task: Respond to the following writing prompt in TWO PARAGRAPHS:

Compare and Contrast: What life was like for Native Americans before and after European colonization?
How was it similar? How was it different? What specifically changed?

Explain how you came to those conclusions.
Use evidence from the text to support your claims.


Native American tribes were dispersed, renamed, amalgamated, scattered, and, in some cases, totally exterminated during the centuries that followed the arrival of European settlers as a result of the expansion of settler territory and the formation and growth of the United States.

How did Native Americans live both before and after the arrival of the Europeans?

All Indians lived in complex cultures with established political systems, moral standards, and religious convictions. They had all made adjustments to their unique environments. Private property ownership was an alien concept; instead, the land was held communally and utilized cooperatively.

The European colonization of North America caused significant harm to the indigenous people. Their way of life suffered rapid but lasting change. The changes were a result of a variety of factors, including the loss of land, illness, the implementation of laws that were incompatible with their culture, and much more.

Learn more about Native Americans, from:


believing that it would not be helpful, a therapist refuses to use the dsm-5 or any other diagnostic system. one problem that we may expect for this therapist is that it may be difficult to


One problem that we may look for this therapist is that it may be hard to apply what has been studied from treating other patients with similar problems.

What is DSM-5 ?

DSM-5 stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), is the 2013 update to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the taxonomic and testing tool which is issued by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

PET scans of the brain are utilized to mark or highlight tumors and diseased tissue, show blood flow, and estimate cellular and/or tissue metabolism. PET scans can be utilised to evaluate people who have epilepsy or certain memory disorders, and to show brain changes following injury.

Learn more about the DSM-5 here:


Traffic congestion is a common example of a negative externality. In principle, it should be possible for drivers to negotiate the right to drive at particular times, thereby compensating those who would prefer not to drive at peak times and solving the externality. The most likely reason these negotiations do not occur is that:.


The most common reason behind the failure of negotiation with the drivers can be the transaction costs involved in finding and connecting the numerous interested parties would be prohibitive.

What is traffic congestion?

Slower speeds, longer travel times, and higher vehicular queuing are the hallmarks of the transport condition known as traffic congestion. Since the 1950s, the amount of traffic on metropolitan road networks has significantly expanded. Congestion occurs when transportation demand is high enough that interactions between cars slow down the flow of traffic. Although any mode of transportation may experience congestion, the focus of this article will be on traffic congestion on public roads for cars.

The populace should use public transportation as often as feasible, or the government should improve the facilities for it by the needs of the people. To reduce the number of automobiles on the road, everyone should avoid amassing superfluous collections of vehicles, or else adopt carpooling and vehicle sharing.

To learn more about Traffic Congestion, click here:


a form of fainting that results from abrupt emotional stress is: group of answer choices vasovagal attack. fasciculation. aura. athetosis.


A shape of fainting that outcomes from abrupt emotional stress are a vasovagal attack.

Vasovagal syncope occurs when we have a sudden drop in blood stress, which reasons a drop in blood to float on our mind. It frequently happens after standing for some time or beneath emotional misery.

Vasovagal syncope occurs when we faint due to the fact our body overreacts to positive triggers, such as the sight of blood or excessive emotional misery. it may also be referred to as neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger reasons your coronary heart charge and blood pressure to drop unexpectedly.

Learn more about emotional here


25 points

In contrast to the trend in many countries, the largest percentage of Americans move from

nonmetropolitan areas to cities.

suburbs to nonmetropolitan areas.

cities to nonmetropolitan areas.

cities to suburbs.

suburbs to cities.


In contrast to the trend in many countries, the largest percentage of Americans move from cities to suburbs.

In recent years, the dense core counties of major U.S. metro areas have seen a net decrease in flow into the city, while other suburbs and some smaller cities have seen a net increase. In other words, American people are spreading out.

Outward to their own core metro area's suburbs, but also further out, to satellite cities or even other major urban centres that may still provide people with proximity to their region. Migration patterns have the potential to influence housing prices, tax revenue, job opportunities, and cultural vibrancy.

Know more about Americans here



Citizens are required to be?

A. Born in the United States
B. Involved in the military
C. Loyal to the federal government
D. Members of a charitable organization

I know B and D are incorrect
But I don't know whether or not A or C are correct.



C it's c why citizens are controlled by the government

having clients argue for a position will change their attitudes about the position, especially if they are ambivalent. group of answer choices true false


It is true that having clients defend a stance will cause them to change their opinions, especially if they are conflicted or ambivalent.

What does conflicted behavior entail?

Ambivalence is a psychological struggle between conflicting assessments, which is frequently felt as being torn between conflicting options. Response periods or self-report measures that are outcome-focused have a difficult time capturing this dynamic feature of ambivalence.

What leads to conflict in a relationship?

The need for affirmation of one's love and affection is a symptom that one is in an ambiguous relationship. One might not trust others, thus they must confirm their connection. Since there is a dread of being separated, this might lead to extreme behaviors.

To know more about ambivalent behavior visit :


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Find the mass of a cylinder with a volume of 157.08 ft^3 and a density of 0.900 g/cm^3. Final answer should be in kilograms (kg). Claudia dumped her 200-penny coin collection on the floor and counted the number of pennies that landed heads up. Claudia repeated this process 5 times and had an average of 84 pennies landing heads up on each try. Which of the following statements is true?A. Each penny has a greater probability of landing heads up than tails up.B. If Claudia had repeated this process more times, the average number of pennies landing heads up would be closer to 100.C. The theoretical probability of a penny landing heads up is 21/50.D. If Claudia had repeated this process fewer times, the average number of pennies landing heads up would be closer to 100. Mr Tcha's recipe for fruit protein shake states that 2/3 of the total amount of ingredients should be fruit. The amount of yogurt in the recipe should be 1/4 of the amount of the fruit. If Mr. Tcha has 24 grams of fruits left over, how many grams of fruits and grams of yogurt did he use? What fraction of the total amount of ingredients is neither fruit nor yogurt? Construct an isosceles right triangle. Write the coordinates of the vertices after a rotation of 90 degrees counter clock wise around the origin. Give me the coordinates and thats it no explanation Use associative property of addition to rewrite the following statement -1+(2.8+(-2)) Write the standard form of the equation and the generalform of the equation of the circle with radius r and center(h,k). Then graph the circle.AY6r=2; (h,k) = (0,2)4The standard form of the equation of this circle is2The general form of the equation of this circle is(Simplify your answer.)-4-2Graph the circle.-2Click toenlargegraph4 the volume of a cylinder is 1269 pi cm^3 and its height is 16 cmthe length of the cylinders radius is ___ cm find the slope of the line that passes through (-82, -25) and (-81, 4) Chemical equations Help pleaseeeeee how much is 1 + 1 bc ive been failing high school Can someone help me label this Ive been stuck overnight studying for finals and I cant seem to figure this out. an amino acid that forms a solution with a ph of 3.0 as it is dissolved in distilled water has a side chain with what functional group? What type of sentence is: The cat came round the corner, swishing its tail. If the simple interest on $6,000 for 5 years is $2,400 then what is the interest rate? Please read and answer the 10 questions (in french) What factors affected people's rankings? How? Think of factors such as personal experiences, culture, and societal acceptance. Which of the following is correct based on this picture? A. sinY=38/63B. none of these are correctC. tanY=38/63D. cosY=38/63 The idea that you determine which three things are most important to finish today and then complete them is called _______. a. The Pomodoro Technique b. Daily Top Three c. Eat the Frog d. Bullet Journal Simplify the expressionb - b