Displacement is a measure of __________ in ________.


Answer 1

Displacement is a measure of the shortest distance between a starting point and an ending point in meters.

What is displacement?

The displacement can be described as the change in the position of an object. The displacement can be described as the minimum length between the initial and the final point.

The displacement is the vector parameter that exhibits both distance and magnitude. Therefore, the measurement of the displacement of an object involves the direction.

Displacement can also be defined as the shortest distance between a starting point of an object and an ending point. Displacement can be measured as a straight line and the SI unit of the displacement is meters and the C.G.S. unit is centimeters.

Learn more about displacement, here:



Related Questions

One of the most efficient engines ever built is a coal-fired steam turbine engine in the Ohio River valley, driving an electric generator as it operates between 1,870°C and 430°C.
(a) What is its maximum theoretical efficiency?
(b) Its actual efficiency is 42.0%. How much mechanical power does the engine deliver if it absorbs 1.60 ✕ 105 J of energy each second from the hot reservoir?


Mechanical power that the engine deliver if it absorbs 1.60 ✕ 105 J of energy each second from the hot reservoir is calculated as  6.72 kW.

What is Carnot engine?

The Carnot engine is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that estimates maximum possible efficiency that heat engine during the conversion process of heat into work and working between two reservoirs can possess.

As we know that, E c = 1 - Tc/ Th

=1− (2143.15/703.15)



(b) The output power of engine is given as : P= W Eng./ Δt

So, P= c ∣Qh∣ / Δt

= 0.42 * 1.60 ✕ 10⁵/1

Therefore, Mechanical power that the engine delivers = 6.72 * 10³W

= 6.72 kW

To know more about Carnot engine, refer



What is the frequency of a sound wave that has a wavelength of 2.0 m speed of sound 340 m s?


The frequency of a sound wave is 170Hz which has a wavelength of 2.0 m and speed of sound wave 340 m /s

Frequency is the amount of occasions of a reiterating event for each unit of time. It is moreover at times insinuated as common repeat for clarity, and is indisputable from jaunty repeat. Frequency is assessed in Hertz (Hz) which is identical to one event each second. The period is the time span between events, so the period is the relating of the recurrence.

For sound wave ,we know an expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Now,340 = (v×2)



or v=170Hertz since (1Hz=1/sec)

Hence, frequency of a sound wave is 170Hertz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



How do you calculate internal energy change?


Internal energy can be calculated by first law of thermodynamics as well as using specific heat.

From a microscopic perspective looking at a system at the atomic and molecular level, the internal energy U [J] of a system is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of its atoms and molecules. Since the sum of kinetic and potential energies is mechanical energy, the internal energy of a system is the sum of atomic and molecular mechanical energies.

In other words, the internal energy is the total energy of the system associated with its microscopic constituents (made up of atoms and molecules) when viewed from a frame of reference that is stationary with respect to the body. Internal energy includes translational, rotational, and vibrational kinetic energies of molecules, potential energies within molecules, and potential energies between molecules.

In physics, the internal energy of a system is considered in terms of macroscopic properties that are very similar to atomic and molecular averages.

The internal energy change ΔU [J] is defined macroscopically as the difference between the absorbed energy Q [J] (as heat) and the emitted energy W [J] (as work).

To study more about mechanical energy -



a galaxy has an h-alpha emission line observed at a wavelength 10 percent larger than the rest wavelength of h-alpha. what is the redshift of the galaxy?


When a galaxy's h-alpha emission line is seen at a wavelength that is 10% greater than its rest wavelength, its redshift is 0.1. In physics, the wavelength is the length over which a periodic wave repeats.

Or its spatial period. It is a property that describes the separation between two adjacent wave elements that correspond to the same phase, such as two adjacent crests, troughs, or zero crossings. A hydrogen electron falls from its third to second lowest energy level, producing the deep-red visible spectral line known as H-alpha (H), which has a wavelength of 656.28 nm in air and 656.46 nm in vacuum.

Learn more about wavelength here



how much energy is required to remove a proton from 157n ? the masses of the atoms 157n , 146c and 11h are 15.000109 u , 14.003242 u and 1.007825 u , respectively.


The energy required to remove a proton from ¹⁵N₇ is

The reaction to remove the proton is given as follows :

¹⁵N₇  ---->   ¹⁴C₆  +  H

The mass of ¹⁵N₇  = 15.000109

The mass of ¹⁴C₆ = 14.003242

The mass of H = 1.007825

The energy requires to remove a proton is given as:

E = ( 14.003242 + 1.007825 - 15.000109) u

E = 0.010958 × 9312.5 MeV

E = 10.2046375 MeV.

Therefore, energy is required to remove protons from 15N7 with masses of 15.000109 u, 14.003242 u, and 1.007825 u and 10.2046375 MeV of 15N7, 14C6 and H atoms of 10.2046375 MeV, respectively.

Since the effort to remove neutrons is greater than the effort to remove protons, the energy required to remove neutrons is greater than the energy required to remove protons. The rest mass energy of the nucleus is less than that of its constituent protons and neutrons.

Learn more about Remove a proton here:- https://brainly.com/question/14018566


a circular ice rink of 25 m in diameter is enclosed by a hemispherical dome 35 m in diameter. if the ice and dome surfaces may be approximated as blackbodies and are at 0oc and 15oc, respectively, what is the net rate of radiative transfer from the dome to the rink?


The total rate of radiative transmission from of the roof to the rink is q 21=36881.89W.

What is an energy transfer that radiates?

Radiative transfer is a physical phenomena that occurs when energy is transferred through electromagnetic radiation. Absorption, emission, or scattering processes all have an impact on how radiation travels through a medium. Mathematically, these interactions are described by the radiative transfer equation.

What constitutes radiative transfer in the atmosphere?

In our numerical models, we describe solar and infrared radiation as well as how it interacts with clouds. There are several radiative processes at work in the atmosphere, including the absorption and emission of thermal radiation by gases, aerosols, cloud droplets, and ice crystals.

To know more about  radiative energy transfer visit:



what vertical acceleration should his rocket have so that his apparent weight is equal to his true weight on earth?


The vertical acceleration the rocket should have so that his apparent weight is equal to his true weight on earth is 8.2 m/s².

What is vertical acceleration?

Imagine you are driving along and accelerating horizontally, which is to say, increasing the car's speed as it is traveling straight ahead. When you encounter a bump in the road, the vehicle experiences vertical acceleration and then returns to the ground as a result of gravity. Vertical motions go perpendicular to the horizon, and horizontal motions move parallel to (or horizontally) (or up and down). Additionally, vertical motion has constant acceleration whereas horizontal motion has constant velocity.

The given parameters;

acceleration due to gravity on moon, g = 1.6 m/s²

The true weight of the rocket is calculated from Newton's second law of motion;

F = ma

Apparent weight on moon = true weight on Earth

mg + ma =  mG


G is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth

m(a + g) = mG

a + g = G

a = G - g

a = 9.8 - 1.6

a = 8.2 m/s²

Thus, the vertical acceleration the rocket should have so that his apparent weight is equal to his true weight on earth is 8.2 m/s².

To know more about vertical acceleration refer: brainly.com/question/25089633


during isokinetic testing at high angular velocities (>240 deg/s), what is the approximate torque capability of eccentric muscle actions as compared to concentric muscle actions?


Compared to concentric activities, eccentric muscle motions generated substantially higher torques (p<0.01).

Explain about the eccentric muscle?

When a force is supplied to a muscle that is greater than the momentary force the muscle produces, the contraction is eccentric (lengthening), which causes the muscle-tendon system to extend forcibly as it contracts.

An opposing force, such as a weight, is stronger than the force produced by the muscle during an eccentric motion, causing the muscle to extend while under tension. The majority of the isometric (same length) and isotonic (shortening) contraction investigations in exercise physiology have been centered on muscular load.

A muscle in motion during a lengthening under load is said to be in an eccentric contraction. Repeatedly contracting eccentric muscles is known as eccentric training.

To learn more about eccentric muscle refer to:



a body is a particular amount of matter. it can be a solid, liquid or gas. it can be described as existing in question 2 options: a) motion and force. b) size and shape. c) time and space. d) location and movement.


The ideal choice is c. A certain amount of matter represents time and space for a body. It could be a liquid, gas, or solid. Any substance with mass and volume is considered matter in classical physics.

In both common and scientific terminology, all physically touchable items are ultimately constituted of atoms, which are composed of interacting subatomic particles. The area that any three-dimensional solid occupies is known as its volume. A cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, or sphere can be one of these solids. Volumes vary depending on the matter. We have explored different solids and shapes in 3D geometry, such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, and cones, among others.

Learn more about mass here



describe the relationship between the object placement with respect to the focal length and the image formation for convex (converging) lenses.


The focal length image distance is dependant on the convex surface of the lens and if the curvature of the lens changes, the focal length also changes.

Describe the relationship between focal length and convex lens?

As the object distance gets very large, (compared to focal length) the distance of the image reaches focal length.

For example, if the object is a mile away, the image distance equals the focal length.

The focal length image distance is dependant on the convex surface of the lens and if the curvature of the lens changes, the focal length also changes.

From the axis of the curved lens,

The key equation is the lens equation:

1/p + 1/q =  1/f  

where p is the object distance,

q is the image distance

f is focal length.

If, we assume, the image distance is equal to the object distance we can write

2/p  =   1/f

so  f =  p/2

Hence this is how we can describe the relationship between focal length and convex lens.

To know more about focal length and convex lens, click on https://brainly.com/question/28039799


the frequency of the fundamental of the guitar string is 320 hzhz . at what speed vvv do waves move along that string? express your answer in meters per second.


The speed v do waves move along that string is 640L m/s for the frequency of the fundamental of the guitar string is 320 Hz.

At the fixed ends, nodes develop. The stretched string is considered to vibrate at the fundamental frequency in addition to the nodes if there is an antinode at its center.

The formula for calculating the fundamental frequency of the wave in strings is expressed as:

[tex]F_{0}[/tex] = V ÷ 2L where

V is the velocity of the wave

L is the length of the string

Given the fundamental frequency [tex]F_{0}[/tex] = 320Hz

From the equation above:

V = [tex]F_{0}[/tex] × 2L

V = 320(2L)

V = 640L m/s

This value of the velocity varies with the length of the string.

Learn more about the Wave Velocity at



The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water. the specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025. What fraction of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?


The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water is 8.3 %.

What is specific gravity?

The specific gravity of any material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water.

Mathematically, the formula for specific gravity of materials is given as;

S.G = density of the material / density of water

The given parameters include the following;

the specific gravity of the iceberg = 0.917

the specific gravity of the seawater = 1.025

The fraction of the iceberg submerged in the seawater is given as ;

= 0.917 = 0.917 x 100 %

= 91.7 %

The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water is calculated as;

= 1 - 0.917

= 0.083

= 0.083 x 100 %

= 8.3 %

Thus, the fraction of the iceberg submerged in the water is a function of the specific gravity of the iceberg.

Learn more about specific gravity here: https://brainly.com/question/20422535


A planet is discovered that has twice the mass of earth but the same gravitational acceleration. If you weigh 700 n on earth, on the new planet you would weigh.


My weight on the new planet is  1400N if my weight is 700N on Earth an my mass is double to the mass on Earth.

First, we need to find my mass on earth. We know that if we have weight then mass can be easily found by using the formula

W=mg where m is the mass and g is the acceleration due to gravity




Now, I have my mass on earth. It is given that my mass is just double to the mass on that planet.

So my mass on that planet=2 × 71.36Kg=142.71 kg

Now, It is given that gravitational acceleration is same on that planet as compared to gravitational acceleration on earth.

So, value of g=9.8m/sec²

Therefore, weight on new planet=142.71 kg×9.8m/sec²


Hence, my weight on new planet is 1400N.

To know more about weight, visit here:



Astronomers will never directly observe the first few minutes of the universe because?


Astronomers will never directly observe the first few minutes of the universe because at that time the universe was actually opaque or too dark. There was the absence of photons and other important essentials of light formation.

In the later stages of the universe formation, when few elements essential for the light formation and transfer started appearing, the universe became too cold to allow the light to pass through, hence it still remained invisible.

Apart from the temperature being low at the time and the absence of photons, there were several other factors that made the universe quite invisible to astronomers at that time. some of the factors include the size of the universe and the energy formed by the galaxies throughout the different eras.

learn more about the first few minutes of the universe here: https://brainly.com/question/29765527


you are holding two helium balloons, a large and a small balloon. how do the pressures of the helium compare?


The pressure of the helium comparison is like:  in the large Helium Balloon is greater than the pressure in the small Helium Balloon

The huge helium balloon's increased pressure must result from the fact that there must be more moles of gas present. A balloon's walls are put under pressure when it is inflated because the air inside the balloon expands. The balloon's size consequently grows.

Temperature has an impact on the hot air balloon's internal pressure. The molecules move more quickly and forcefully against the interior wall of the balloon as they warm up. The force acting on a portion of the balloon is enhanced due to the gas particles' increased velocity, which results in an increase in pressure. The size of the balloon affects the air pressure inside as well. Pressure is inversely proportional to volume, V . If V were to double, P would drop to 1/2 its original value.

To learn more about Helium Balloon click here



the circuit is protected by a ground fault interrupter in the plug. the water in the tank is grounded. the two bare wires correspond to the two pins on the ground fault interrupter plug. if the __________ wire is touched to the water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit.


The two bare wires line up with the ground fault interrupter plug's two pins. The ground fault interrupter will off the power if the hot wire comes into contact with water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit.

GFCI or a GFI This gadget safeguards against electric shocks caused by malfunctions in household electric appliances. Comparing the current on the input side, which displays the hot side, to the current on the exterior, which displays the neutral side, would accomplish the desired result.

In the scenario when the hot wire provides a 120 VAC current source, the neutral wire provides the hot wire's return path.

To know more about circuit



A simple pendulum consisting of a blob of mass m attached to a string of length L swings with a period T. If the mass of the blob is reduced by half, what will the new period of oscillation be?


The pendulum is now swinging on Pluto.

Oscillation is the repetitive or periodic variation, usually over time, of a measurement about a central value or between two or more different states. Familiar examples of oscillations are swinging pendulums and alternating currents.

The oscillatory motion of a simple pendulum is defined as the periodic back-and-forth motion of the pendulum. The reciprocating motion of the bob starting at one end and returning to the same position is called a pendulum swing.

Oscillation is the repeated or periodic variation of a measurement about a central value  or between two or more different states, usually over time. Familiar examples of oscillations are swinging pendulums and alternating currents.

Learn more about oscillation here:-https://brainly.com/question/14641927


What happens to the gravitational force between two objects when the distance between them is:
(i) doubled?
(ii) halved?


When the space between two things doubles, the force of gravity between them decreases, and when it is cut in half, the force of gravity between them increases.

What is gravity?

The fundamental force of attraction operating on all matter is recognized as gravity, also spelled gravity, in mechanics. It has no impact on identifying the interior properties of common matter because it is the weakest force known to exist in nature.

The formation and growth of planets, galaxies, and the universe are all under the influence of this long-range, cosmic force, which further determines the trajectories of objects throughout the universe and the entire universe.

As per the given information in the question,

As per the formula of force of gravity between particles,

F = G(m1m2)/r²

Here, F is the gravitational force and r is the distance between particles.

So, when the distance between the objects will get doubled the force of gravity will decrease and when the distance between the objects will be halved the force of gravity between them will increase.

To know more about Gravity:



For Earth, we have our _________
held around the planet by gravity, that acts as "the world's biggest membrane."or the envelope of gases

A. insolation
B. weather
C. air
D. conduction
E. ozone
F. ecological
G. atmosphere
H. sun
I. convection
J. tilts





Atmosphere is the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet. Atmosphere does  so much for the environment, such as controls the amount of heat lost and gained on the earth

So therefore the answer is G.Atmosphere

glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________.


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting generally less than 3 minutes.

The metabolic process that turns glucose into pyruvate is glycolysis. The high-energy molecules adenosine triphosphate and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide are made from the free energy that is released during this process. Glycolysis which is a ten reactions sequence, is usually initiated by some enzymes.

It lasts anywhere from ten seconds to two to three minutes after beginning physical activity. Glycogen, our stored form of glucose, provides the energy for glycolysis. Glycolysis breaks down glucose, a 6-carbon molecule, in two stages in the cytoplasm.

Therefore, glycolysis lasts only for less than 3 minutes.

Know more about Glycolysis here: brainly.com/question/14076989


cepheid variables are located in two different galaxies, a and b. both stars have the same average apparent magnitude. the star in galaxy a has a bright-dim-bright period of 10 days. the star in galaxy b has a bright-dim-bright period of 30 days. which of the two galaxies is at a greater distance?


Galaxy B is at a greater distance.

When cepheid variables are located in two different galaxies, A and B, both stars have the same average apparent magnitude. The star in the galaxy A has a bright-dim-bright period of 10 days. The star in galaxy B has a bright-dim-bright period of 30 days, hence galaxy B is at a greater distance compared to galaxy A.

Cepheid variable, one of a class of variable stars whose periods (i.e., the time for one cycle) of variation are closely related to their luminosity and that are therefore useful in measuring interstellar and intergalactic distances.

To know more about Cepheid Variables:



A ball on a string travels once around a circle with a circumference of 2. 0 m. The tension in the string is 5. 0 n.


The work done by the ball on a string is 0J if a ball is travelling around as circle with a circumference of 2.0m

We know that circumference or perimeter of circle=2πr where r is the radius of the circle.

So, we have circumference=2m



=>r=(1/π) m

Now, we know very well that when a body moves a displacement dx under the action of force, some amount of work is done by the force on the body and that force is given by

W=[tex]\int\limits {F}. \, dx[/tex]

where F is defined as the force acting on the body

and dx is the displacement of the body.

On expanding the above formula, we get

=>W=Fdxcosθ where cosθ is the angle between the force and displacement of the body.

Since Tension is actually centripetal force which is acting along the center of the circle where ball displacement is in perpendicular direction to the tension.

It means angle between Tension and ball's displacement is 90°. So,cos90°=0

Therefore, W=Fdxcos90


Hence, amount of work done is 0J.

To know more about work, visit here:



(Complete question) is:

A ball on a string travels once around a circle with a circumference of 2. 0 m. The tension in the string is 5. 0 N. What amount of work done by the ball on the string?

how long (in ns) does it take light incident perpendicular to the glass to pass through this 6.4 cm -thick sandwich?


0.76 ns does it take light incident perpendicular to the glass to pass through this 6.4 cm -thick sandwich.

What is refractive index?

The measurement of how much a light beam bends as it travels through different media is called the refractive index. It may alternatively be described as the relationship between the speed of a light ray in a material and the speed of a light ray in a vacuum, or n = c/v.

The more distorted the light is, the slower it moves through the medium, and ultimately, the more effective the refraction is, the higher the index number. A higher index score for eye wear use indicates that less material is required to get the desired effect.

when light goes in a medium,its velocity reduces to c/u (where c = velocity of light, u = refractive index)

since, light ray is incident perpendicular,there would be no refraction

total time taken will be (time=distance/speed)

t = 0.052/(3 × 10⁸/3.2) + 0.014/(3 × 10⁸/1.4) + 0.023/(3 × 10⁸/1.8)

t = 0.76 ns

To know more about light incident refer to:



What is the frequency of a wave that has a speed of 0.4 m/s and a wavelength of 0.020 meter a 10 Hertz B 20 Hertz C 0.008 Hertz D 0.5 Hertz?


The frequency of a wave is B)20Hertz that has a speed of 0.4m/sec and a wavelength of 0.020meter.So,correct option is B.

Precisely when a wave goes through reflection, it basically stays in the medium and just switches its going of improvement. The smooth wave has voyaged twofold its distance. This reflection normal for waves is reliably tracked down in sound waves.

Precisely when you let out a riotous cry inside a crevasse, you constantly hear the resounding of the holler. The sound waves travel through the medium; for this current situation, the air and sway off the gorge wall and return to the beginning of the sound (you). The outcome is that you hear the reverberation of your holler.

We know that when an electromagnetic wave is going through speed v passing in a medium, it contains explicit speed and recurrence which is given by the articulation

c=ν × λ

where c is defined as the speed of light in vacuum,

ν is the defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is the defined as the wavelength of the wave.

Now, we have c=0.4m/sec,λ=0.020meter,ν=?

So, putting the value in above formula, we get

=>0.4 = ν × 0.020

=> ν=0.4/0.020



Hence, option B is correct.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



How do you calculate frequency and relative frequency?


Frequency and relative frequency is calculated by using the value of size of given data.

The times an occasion happens is known as a Frequency. Relative frequency is an exploratory one, yet at the same not a hypothetical one. Since it is a trial one, it is feasible to get different relative frequencies when we rehash the examinations. To compute the frequency we really want

Frequency count for the complete populaceFrequency count for a subgroup of the populace

Stage 1: To change over the frequencies into relative frequencies, we want to do the accompanying advances.

Stage 2: Gap the given frequency by the all out N i.e 40 which we assume.(Total sum of all frequencies).

Stage 3 : Gap the frequency by all out number We should perceive how : 1/40 = 0.25.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



What is the wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity of 2.0 into 10 to the power 7 m per second?


The wavelength of an electron is 0.363 × 10⁻¹⁰m if it is moving with a velocity of 2×10⁷m/sec

For an electron energy relation with frequency and wavelength is same as photon have, but the wavelength relation for an electron is different from photon wavelength relation.

According to de-broglie postulates, we know that if a electron is moving with velocity v and having mass m, then its wavelength is given by

Wavelength=(plank's constant)/(mass of electron × velocity of electron)

=>λ = h/(m × v)

Plank's constant value is independent of external effects like temperature, pressure, work, torque etc.

Now, we know that h=6.62×10⁻³⁴(J/m)-sec

mass of electron =9.1×10⁻³¹Kg

and velocity of electron=2×10⁷m/sec

So,λ =(6.62×10⁻³⁴(J/m)-sec) / (9.1×10⁻³¹Kg×2×10⁷m/sec)

=>λ = (6.62×10⁻³⁴) / (18.2×10⁻²⁴)

=>λ=0.363 × 10⁻¹⁰m

Hence, wavelength of electron is 0.363 × 10⁻¹⁰m.

To know more about wavelength, visit here:



One of the most efficient engines ever built is a coal-fired steam turbine engine in the Ohio River valley, driving an electric generator as it operates between 1,870°C and 430°C.(a) What is its maximum theoretical efficiency?___%(b) Its actual efficiency is 42.0%. How much mechanical power does the engine deliver if it absorbs 1.60 ✕ 105 J of energy each second from the hot reservoir?___kW


The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that no heat engine can operate at 100% thermal efficiency (). This is impractical because heat engines always produce some waste heat, as depicted in Figure 1 by the word.

Which of the following engines operates at its optimal efficiency?

The most effective heat engine between these two temperatures is a Carnot engine, which operates between these two temperatures.

Which heat engine is the most effective?

The Carnot engine operates between two temperatures with the highest efficiency of any heat engine.

To know more about efficient engine visit;



What is the internal motion of particles called?


The internal motion of particles is called molecular motion.

According to the kinetic theory of motion of particles, the particles constituting a matter are in continuous random motion. Kinetic energy is possessed by particles due to their motions.

Molecular motions are affected by the factors of heat and temperature. With more heat given, the kinetic energy of particles increases, and they move fast and away from each other. This may result in a change of state. The state change may take place from solid to liquid or liquid to gas.

The formula showing the relation between kinetic energy and temperature is given as

E = k T

Where E = Kinetic energy

k = Boltzmann constant

T = temperature

To know more about molecular motion here



Listed following are several stars found in the disk and halo of the Milky Way Galaxy. Assume that both the blue and yellow disk stars are members of the same open cluster. Rank the stars based on the abundance of elements heavier than carbon that you would expect to find in each of the stars, from highest to lowest.yellow main- sequence star in open cluster in diskhot, blue main- sequence star in open cluster in diskred giant in globular cluster M13Red main sequence star in globular cluster M13


Highest Abundance: Yellow main-sequence star in an open cluster in the disk AND hot, blue main-sequence star in the disk.

Lowest Abundance: A red giant in globular cluster M13 AND a red main-sequence star in globular cluster M13.

What is abundance?

Astronomers classify all chemical elements heavier than hydrogen or helium as metals, even some that aren't typically thought of as metals, like carbon and oxygen. The percentage of these "metallics" in the stellar mass is consequently used to determine a star's metallicity. For the Sun, about 2%.

However, the chemical makeup of stars is not entirely captured by this concept. because there are practically unlimited ways to obtain the same amount of metal. For instance, a star with a certain metallicity may contain only iron, whereas a star with the same total metal content may have only oxygen. Every star in the universe contains every element listed on the periodic table, albeit their relative abundances vary from star to star.

Astronomers use the "abundance ratio," which is the logarithm of the ratio of the star's two metallic elements to the Sun, to determine the relative abundance of each element in a star.

To know more about Abundance, check out:



calculate the rotational inertial of a wheel that has a kinetic energy of 35.3 kj when rotating at 714 rev/min.


The rotational inertial of a wheel  is 12.618 [tex]kgm^{2}[/tex]

the formula of angular velocity (ω) = Rotation per min x frequency

                                                     = [tex]\frac{(714 * 2 * 3.14)}{60}[/tex]

                                                  ω   = 74.8 radian/sec

We know,

The kinetic energy is

                       [tex]KE = \frac{1}{2}Iw^{2}[/tex]


I = Moment of inertia

ω = Angular velocity


   the rotational inertial of a wheel [tex](I) = \frac{2KE}{w^{2} }[/tex]

                                                         = [tex]\frac{2 * 35300}{74.8^{2} }[/tex]

                                                        = 12.618 [tex]kgm^{2}[/tex]

Rotational inertia is a property of everything that can be turned. It represents the difficulty of changing an object's rotational velocity around a certain rotational axis as a scalar value.

In rotational mechanics, rotational inertia plays a similar role to mass in linear mechanics. Of course, an object's mass has an impact on its rotational inertia. It also depends on how that mass is dispersed with respect to the axis of rotation.

An object's angular location or orientation over time is represented by a pseudovector termed angular velocity. Radians per second (rad/sec) is the SI unit for angular velocity.

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