Did your opinion about the use of nuclear weapons change over the course of your research?​


Answer 1


Many scientists came to regret their role in creating a weapon that can ... people over the life of the project, its purpose was so secret that many of the ... Researchers pursued two paths toward a nuclear weapon: one that relied ...


Related Questions

Why shouldn’t William of Norway be king


He says he was greedy, that he extracted way too much gold, and that he built far more castles than was necessary. That's another crime against him, because William commanded hundreds of castles to be built in the 20 odd years of his reign.

What were the two most appealing benefits of fighting in a Crusade if you were a Christian soldier??
going to Heaven and becoming rich
rising up the social ladder and gaining power back in Europe
ridding the world of Muslims and restoring Jerusalem
seeing the glories of the Muslim world and taking them back to Europe


Answer: going to Heaven and becoming rich

seeing the glories of the Muslim world and taking them back to Europe


To obey the Pope's call to free the Holy city from the infidels and ensure access for pilgrims. St Bernaud of Clairvaux wrote in 1140, Of mighty soldier, oh man of war, you now have something to fight for. If you win it will be glorious. If you die fighting for Jerusalem, you will win a place in heaven.

To be forgiven for past sins. The Pope offered forgiveness for anyone who took part. This was important for knights who had killed many people in battle.

To see the world, have an adventure and prove their bravery.

To get land overseas. This was tempting for a younger son who would not inherit his father's lands.

Serfs, peasants who belonged to their lord, joined the Crusades because the Pope promised them their freedom if they went.

To gain wealth.

Kings encouraged troublesome knights to go on Crusade because it got them out of the country.

The two most appealing benefits of fighting in a Crusade if you were a Christian soldier are "going to Heaven and becoming rich, seeing the glories of the Muslim world and taking them back to Europe"

What was Crusade?

The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The best known of these Crusades are those to the Holy Land in the period between 1095 and 1291 that were intended to recover Jerusalem and its surrounding area from Islamic rule.

Hence, option A and D is correct.

To learn more about Crusade, here



The French used a new weapon, the to attack British castles



why did they


What was a benefit of the time period known as Pax Romana?


This 200-year period saw unprecedented peace and economic prosperity throughout the Empire, which spanned from England in the north to Morocco in the south and Iraq in the east.

The leader of Athens at the peak of it's
power/prestige and artistic peak



The leader of Athens at the peak of it's power/prestige and artistic peak. was: Pericles.

What consequence did the Depression have on German politics?


The German Empire became the Weimar Republic after the disaster of World War One, as Germany embraced democracy. However, economic crisis led to Hitler’s dictatorship, and ultimately to World War Two. In 1929 as the Wall Street Crash led to a worldwide depression. Germany suffered more than any other nation as a result of the recall of US loans, which caused its economy to collapse. Unemployment rocketed, poverty soared and Germans became desperate. This led to a chain of events that ended in the destruction of German democracy:  With the government unable to win a majority in the Reichstag, laws could only be passed by presidential decree. As a result, not enough action was taken to tackle the economic and social consequences of the Depression and Germans increasingly began to look to the political extremes for answers.

Unemployment rocketed, poverty soared and Germans became desperate. This led to a chain of events that ended in the destruction of German democracy: With the government unable to win a majority in the Reichstag , laws could only be passed by presidential decree .

Should the Electoral College be modified? How and why? Or why not?



i need to   talk  to you pls


plis help me ! ;-;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


M- is citizen soilders trained to fight in emergency

E- is to refuse to buy or trade

P- is ideas and information used to influence people opinions

R- is to cancel an act or law

B- is a formal request

The Oregon Country was eventually made into three whole states. They were Washington, Oregon, and California is true or false ? :)




Explanation: In the nineteenth century, the Oregon Country was a disputed region of the Pacific Northwest of North America. The region was occupied by British and French Canadian fur traders from before 1810, and American settlers from the mid-1830s, with its coastal areas north from the Columbia River frequented by ships from all nations engaged in the maritime fur trade, most of these from the 1790s through 1810s being Boston-based. The Oregon Treaty of 1846 ended disputed joint occupancy pursuant to the Treaty

Explain how the willingness of factory owners to hire women and children changed family life?


-women weren't staying at home all day

-separates the family

-it allowed women to make their own money

The Asian High Dam was originally created to prevent the Nile river's flooding, generate
electricity and provide water for agriculture. However, due to this change in the Nile, which of
the following problems has occurred?



Regular water supply has decreased


URGENT PLEASE HELP!!!! GIVING BRAINLIEST!! If you answer this correctly ill answer some of your questions you have posted! (33pts)



C + D


I realized just as I was about to send this that you got the question wrong. I am so sorry!  



Is this really in history

What nation and member of the Triple
Alliance decided not to get involved in
the war when the 'shot heard round the
world' began the events that led to World
War I?
A. Great Britain
B. Italy
C. Russia
D. the United States


I think the answer could be Italy.

Italy chose to remain neutral and renounced its alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Hence option B is correct .

What was Triple Alliance ?

The Central Powers (Germany, Austria, and Hungary) and the Allied Powers represented the two sides in the conflict at this point (Britain, France, and Russia).

Switzerland was among the best instances of a country that remained completely neutral throughout World War 1. Switzerland declared perpetual neutrality in 1815, stating that they would never engage in international conflict.

The alliance between Germany and Russia came to an end in 1890 as a result of the developing rapprochement between Russia and France and Bismarck's exclusion of Russia from the German financial market in 1887.

1914 saw Austria-Hungary at war with the Triple Entente. Once it is known that the aggressiveAs was Austria-Hungary, Italy formally renounced its allegiance to the Triple Alliance, and the war ended in 1914.

Learn more about Triple Alliannce here


# SPJ 2

Which of the following describes why the United States Senate did not want to sign the Treaty of Versailles?

Group of answer choices

They disliked an organization led by the Soviet Union

They wanted to limit trade with foreign nations

They believed they would lose power to make foreign policy decisions

They hated Woodrow Wilson


They wanted to limit trade ig


As India enters the 21st century, what aspects of Indian life could be attributed to Britain’s influence over this former colony?
A. a weak infrastructure and poverty
B. nuclear weapons and the value placed on education
C. a shaky economy and load of debt
D. a large population and monotheism






B. nuclear weapons and the value placed on education


just took the quiz

good luck

who is this I will give 20 points



his name is "Evel Knievel"

What story is being told in the first verse of the
National Anthem?



“O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming?”

dawn: early morning, just as the sun begins to rise

hail’d (hailed): to honor something (in this case the flag)

gleaming: a gleam is a flash of light, likely referring to the last bits of light hitting the flag as the sun set

twilight: the last bit of light from the sun fading as it sets

These lines ask listeners if they can see the American flag waving over Fort McHenry as the sun begins to rise. The flag is a symbol of how the Americans held the fort against all odds, so if the flag hadn’t been there, Key would have known the fort was defeated. Key held onto the flag as a symbol of hope as he watched from the British vessel, catching sight of it as the sun set, twelve hours after the British bombardment began.

“Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?”

broad: wide, referring to the stripes that run across the American flag

perilous: dangerous

ramparts: the embankments that were part of the fort’s defense

gallantly: in a heroic or brave manner

streaming: this describes the flag waving in the wind

O’er (over): above

This bit describes the American flag flying throughout the battle.

“And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.”

There aren’t that many challenging words in this part, where Key describes how the British bombs occasionally lit up the American flag that was flying throughout the night.

“O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

spangled: decorated

banner: a long strip of cloth or paper (in this case, a flag)

In this final verse, Key asks one last time if the flag is still there, waving over a country born from revolution and still fighting to maintain its hard-won freedom.

Have a good day!

What three things did Lenin promise the peasants in Russia?



In October of 1917 Vladimir Lenin led a violent overthrow of this temporary government. Lenin gained the support of the Russian peasants and factory workers by promising them peace, land, and bread and preaching the ideas of Karl Marx's communism.

Founded: Red Army, Bolsheviks, Communist Party

Nationality: Soviet Union


a paradise on earth


he promise them communism

where he will take from the rich and evenly divided it with the poor which is impossible because human nature is greed and nobody is perfect

4. Which of the following makes the Dead Sea a unique place on Earth?​


Today we feature the Dead Sea, situated between Israel and Jordan, and forming part of the border between the two countries. The Dead Sea is fed mainly by the Jordan River, which enters the lake from the north.
I hope this helps


A { the first answer } The salt water is limited

Explanation: Why? With a salinity of 342 g/kg, or 34.2% (in 2011), it is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water – 9.6 times as salty as the ocean – and has a density of 1.24 kg/litre, which makes swimming similar to floating. This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which plants and animals cannot flourish, hence its name.

1. The institution of slavery was formally abolished in the United States by the

a. Compromise of 1850
b. Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
C. creation of the Freedmen's Bureau in 1865
d. ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865



ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865


While some sources may say that the emancipation proclamation abolished slavery, it has been shown that the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in states captured by the north during the war. Slavery was not formally abolished until the 13th amendment was signed and ratified.

Which statement best completes the diagram?


A would be the best most fit answer for yeh diagram

Which letter on the above map best represents the water nearest to Harappa, an early city of the Indus River Valley civilization?

a.) D
b.) H
c.) I
d.) K




D, the Indus River


Harappa was built near the Indus River so the people could use it as a water source.

What conclusion can be drawn from these events


The correct answer is D) The federal government was willing to take aggressive action to ensure federal civil rights were followed.

The conclusion that can be drawn from these events is that the federal government was willing to take aggressive action to ensure federal civil rights were followed.

These above-mentioned events refer to a difficult time in the United States history when racial segregation problems in the South were constant. It was a time when racist politicians and governors in the southern states kept limiting the rights of the African American people.

We can see that in the case of the Little Rock High School in 1957, the Mississippi University in 1962, and Alabama University in 1963, school authorities with the support of the governor of the state, impede the access of black students to the school premises. There were aggressions and violence to the degree that the President had to send the Civil Guard and military troops to solve the issues and protect the African American students.

One year after the Alabama University incident, US President Lyndon B. Jhonson would sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What are some other historical examples of people struggling to increase their rights?



They often formed riots and protests to increase their right but it takes a long time for them to get the right they wanted

Early Americans gave (1. white male landowners 2. everyone but enslaved people) a say in government



Why do you think that European explorers came to America


Answer: There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.



They're 3 reasons, Economy, Religion ,self thrive


They hoped to strengthen there economy and acquire new materials, spices, and gold. They wanted to expand their territory They also wanted to spread Christianity further through the world.

What was Lincoln's role in the civil war?



He was the president at the time


A trust, as developed by John D. Rockefeller and facilitated by J. P. Morgan, can best be described as
A) a legal formalization of vertical integration within a market.
B) a legal combination of firms managed as a single monopoly or near-monopoly.
C) a legal collusion of a small group of separate firms that control prices.
D) a legal form by which new corporations are created to increase competition.



The best answer is B



It's B.


Those two people are robber barons, meaning that they live under the hard work of others.

What is the role of citizens in a totalitarian government?

A. To seek out ethnic minorities and drive them from the country
B. To vote responsibly for wise leaders to rule the nation
C. To accept the control of the government over their lives
D. To take over the factories for the working class
plz answer this quick*



What is the role of citizens in a totalitarian government?



The answer is C. To accept the control of the government over their lives
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