Determine the mass of the sample based on the following data to two decimal places- mass of beaker and cover: 50.09- mass of beaker, cover, and sample before heating: 51.04- mass of beaker, cover, and sample after heating: 50.88


Answer 1

Step 1 - Understanding the problem

We need to determine the mass of a sample which probably contains water as an impurity. Therefore, if we just weight the sample, we won't be able to separate its own weight from that of water.

What can be done, then, is heating the sample first in order to evaporate all the water, and only then weighting it. That's exactly what the procedure in the exercise has done.

The idea here thus is that we just need to subtract two weights:


Step 2 - Discovering the mass of the sample

We can discover the mass of the sample by simply subtracting the mass of beaker and cover from the final mass (beaker + cover + sample after heating).

This will give us the mass of the sample because the water has evaporated after heating:


The mass of the sample is thus 0.79g.

Related Questions

Write and balance the half-reaction for the formation of perchlorate CIO from hypochlorite CIO in the presence of an aqueous acid.


ClO-  + 3H2O--> ClO4-  + 6H+   + 6e- is  balance equation reaction

Stoichiometric coefficients for the reactants and products are necessary to balance chemical equations. Because a chemical equation must adhere to the principles of mass conservation and constant ratios, the same amount of atoms of each element must be present on two of the reactant and product sides of the equation.

The reactants and products of a chemical reaction are symbolically expressed in chemical equations using the appropriate chemical formulas. The portion of the chemical equation that is on the reactant side is to the left of the sign "," and to the right of the arrow symbol, respectively.

To know more about balance equation visit :


How many inner, outer, and valence electrons are present in Fe?


Valence electrons are present in Fe is 8 and inner is 20 and outer is 8

A valence electron is the outer shell associated with an atom and that can participate in the formation of a chemical bond if the outer shell is not closed and in iron the atomic number of iron is 26 and hence, the valence electrons that are present in iron are 8 the outer electrons in iron are 8. The inner electrons in iron are 20

Know more about inner and outer electron


Figure 4 shows the outer shell of electrons in an atom of neon.
Figure 4
Explain why neon is unreactive.
Use Figure 4 to help you answer this question.



because it has 4 figure 2 atoms


Which of the following scenarios is the best example of energy transfer by convection? *a person getting a sunburn while playing outsideice cream melting when it lands on a hot sidewalka rock becoming warm as it sits outside on a sunny daywarm air near the equator rising higher in the atmosphere



The scenario that is the best example of energy transfer by convection is: "warm air near the equator rising higher in the atmosphere".


Convection is the way of transmitting heat through a liquid or gaseous medium, so the scenario that is the best example of energy transfer by convection is: "warm air near the equator rising higher in the atmosphere".

That is the best example, because the heat is transmitted throgh the air (gas), from the warmer air going up, while the cooler air goes down.

This is known as natural convection.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A When a solid warms up and changes to a liquid, this is a physical change. B The separation of liquid mixtures can be evidence of a chemical reaction. C After a physical change occurs, there will be a brand new substance formed. D A chemical reaction results in the formation of a new molecule.


When a solid warms up and changes to a liquid, this is a physical change.

A chemical reaction results in the formation of a new molecule. This are correct statement.

What is physical change?

Physical changes are defined as the changes which affects the form of the chemical substance, but never changes its chemical composition. Thus, this type of changes are used to separate the mixtures into their component compounds, but it can not usually be used to separate the compounds into chemical elements or simpler compounds.

What is chemical change?

Chemical changes is a type of reaction which occur when a substance combines with another compound to form a new substance, called as chemical synthesis or, simultaneously, chemical decomposition into two or more different type of substances. These are not reversible in nature except by further chemical reactions.

Thus, we concluded that When a solid warms up and changes to a liquid, this is a physical change.

A chemical reaction results in the formation of a new molecule. This are correct statement.

learn more about changes:


What is the average mass, in grams, of one atom of niobium? (NA = 6.022 × 1023 mol–1)


1) List known data

NA = 6.022*10^23

List unknown data

Mass in grams:

Molar mass: 92.906 g/mol

2) Find out the mass

[tex]gramsof1atomofNiobium=92.906\frac{g}{\text{mol}}\cdot\frac{1\text{mol of niobium}}{6.022\cdot10^{23}\text{atoms of niobium}}=1.543\cdot10^{-22}g[/tex]

One atom of niobium weighs 1.543*10^-22 g

How many valence electrons do the alkaline earth metals have?A.8B.6C.2D.4


answer and explanation

alkali earth metals are on the second group of the periodic table and the have two valence electrons

option: C

Indicate the concentration of each ion present in the solution formed by mixing the following15.0 mL of 0.304 M Na2SO4 and 34.6 mL of 0.200 M KCLNa+K+SO4^2-CL-


1) Concentration of Na+

1.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.304 M Na2SO4.

Volume: 15.0 mL

M= mol/L

1.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 2 Na atoms: 1 molecule Na2SO4.

[tex]M_{Na^+}=0.304\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}{L}*\frac{2\text{ }mol\text{ }Na^+}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}=0.608\frac{mol\text{ }Na^+}{L}[/tex]

The concentration of Na+ is 0.608 M.

2) Concentration of SO4 (2-)

2.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.304 M Na2SO4.

Volume: 15.0 mL

M= mol/L

2.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 1 SO4 (2-): 1 molecule Na2SO4.

[tex]M_{SO_4^{2-}}=0.304\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}{L}*\frac{1\text{ }mol\text{ }SO_4^{2-}}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}=0.304\frac{mol\text{ SO}_4^{2-}}{L}[/tex]

The concentration of SO4 (2-) is 0.304 M.

3) Concentration of K+

3.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.200 M KCl.

Volume: 34.6 mL

M= mol/L

3.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 1 K+: 1 molecule KCl.

[tex]M_{K^+}=0.200\frac{mol\text{ }KCl}{L}*\frac{1\text{ }mol\text{ }K^+}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }KCl}=0.200\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }K^+}{L}\text{ }[/tex]

The concentration of K+ is 0.200 M.

4) Concentration of Cl-

4.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.200 M KCl.

Volume: 34.6 mL

M= mol/L

4.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 1 Cl-: 1 molecule KCl.

[tex]M_{Cl^-}=0.200\frac{mol\text{ }KCl}{L}*\frac{1\text{ }mol\text{ }Cl^-}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }KCl}=0.200\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }Cl^-}{L}[/tex]

The concentration of Cl- is 0.200 M.


How many moles of NH4+ ions are dissolved in 0.750 kg of h20 when the concentration of (NH4)3po4 ( ammonium phosphate) is 0.400 m?


The moles of NH4+ ions that are dissolved in 0.750 kg of H2O when the concentration of (NH4)3po4 ( ammonium phosphate) is 0.400 m is 0.9 mol

0.400 moles (NH4)3PO4 is dissolved in water.

So it is 0.4x0.75=0.3 mol (NH4)3PO4 in 0.75 kg water

1 mol (NH4)3PO4 contains 3 NH4+ ions .

So we have 0.3x3=0.9 mol NH4+ ions in 0.75 kg water

The number of moles is equal to the given mass by molecular mass.It is the measure of the amount of a substance.It is used for measuring large quantities of a substance.

To learn more about moles visit:


Use the equation to complete the activity.
238 234
U ------> TH + a
92 90
The nuclear equation shows the transmutation of a form of Uranium into Thorium and an alpha particle. In one to two sentences, explain whether or not the reaction is balanced.


The reaction is balanced because the number of atoms of each element or particle is equal on both sides of the equation.

What is a nuclear reaction?

Nuclear reaction is the process such as the fission of an atomic nucleus, or the fusion of one or more atomic nuclei and/or subatomic particles in which the number of protons and/or neutrons in a nucleus changes.

The reaction products in a nuclear reaction may contain a different element or a different isotope of the same element.

According to this question, the following fission reaction of uranium is given below:

238/92 → 234/90Th + 4/2α

Based on the above reaction, the sum of the atomic mass and atomic number of the products is 238 and 92 respectively. This means that the equation is balanced.

Learn more about nuclear reactions at:


A 0.150 M solution chloride in water is best prepared ina) a volumetric pipetb) a volumetric flaskc) a beakerd) an Erlenmeyer flask


To prepare sich solution, we would have to have a good measure of the solution added and of the final volume.

We may use a volumetric pipet to prepare it, but we won't prepare in a pipet, we would use it to measure something we would add.

A beaker or an Erlenmeyer flask don't have a good precision for volume measure, so they are bad to prepare the solution.

So, the best is to prepare in a volumetric flask, because its volumetric meaures is very precise.

Convert 1.36 atm to kPa.1.03 x 103kPa1.80 x 10-3kPa1.38 X 102 kPa1.34 x 10-2kPa



[tex]\text{ 1.38 }\times\text{ 10}^2\text{ Kpa}[/tex]


Follow the steps below to convert 1.36atm to Kpa

Recall, that 1 atm is equivalent to 101.325Kpa

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ 1 atm }\rightarrow\text{ 101.325Kpa} \\ \text{ 1.36 atm }\rightarrow\text{ x Kpa} \\ \text{ cross multiply} \\ \text{ 1 atm }\times\text{ xKp = 101.325Kpa }\times\text{ 1.36atm} \\ \text{ Isolate xKpa} \\ \text{ xKpa = }\frac{\text{ 101.325}\times\text{ 1.36}}{1} \\ \text{ xKpa = 137.802 Kpa} \\ xKpa\text{ }\approx\text{ 1.38 }\times\text{ 10}^2\text{ Kpa} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is option C (1.38 x 10^2 Kpa)

Is this microwaveable



I wouldn't risk it if i were you haha


Everything is microwaveable at least once.

if my mass is 100,000g what is my weight on earth?


First, we must know this:

Weight is a kind of force, P = m x g

m is the mass of the object and g is the acceleration of gravity

The unit of P in SI is N = kg m/(s)^2

Let's convert our mass in kg => 100,000 g = 100 kg

The acceleration of gravity = 9.8 m/(s)^2 (we assume this value)

Now, P = 100 kg x 9.8 m/(s)^2 = 980 N (newton)

Answer: 980 N

If there are 4.214x10^22 Molecules of Water in a sample of MgSO4 7H2O epsom salt, what is the mass (in grams) of that sample of epsom salts?


1) Convert molecules of water into moles of water.


2) Use the moles of water in step 1 to find out the number of moles of Epsom salt

[tex]\text{molesofEpsomsalt}=0.0700molofH_2O\cdot\frac{1\text{molofEpsom salt}}{7molesofH_2O}=0.01\text{molof Epsom salt.}[/tex]

3) Find the molecular mass of one mol of Epsom salt.

Mg: 24.30 g/mol

S: 32.065 g/mol

O: 15.999 g/mol

H: 1.008 g/mol

The molecular mass of Epsom salt (MgSO4 * 7H2O) is

(24.30*1)+(32.065*1)+(15.999*4)+(1.008*14) +(15.999*7) =826.3571 g/mol

4) Convert moles of Epsom salt into grams of Epsom salt.

[tex]\text{gramsofEpsomsalt}=0.01\text{molofEpsomsalt}\cdot\frac{826.3571\text{ g of Epsom salt}}{1\text{molofEpsom salt}}=8.263\text{ g of Epsom salt.}[/tex]

Which solution has a hydronium ion concentration of 1.00 x 10-5 M?A Solution with a PH of 4, 7, 3, or 5



A solution with pH of 5.



[H₃O⁺] = 1.00 x 10⁻⁵ M

To know the solution that has a hydronium ion concentration, [H₃O⁺] of 1.00 x 10⁻⁵ M, you need to calculate the pH of the solution using the formula given below:


Put [H₃O⁺] = 1.00 x 10⁻⁵ M into the pH formula:fof

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH=-log(1.00\times10⁻⁵M) \\ \\ pH=-(-5) \\ \\ pH=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Indicate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in isolated ions having the following nuclear symbols:

a) 19F1- has ? protons, ? neutrons, and ? electrons.

b) 24Mg2+ has ? protons, ? neutrons, and ? electrons.

c) 56Fe3+ has ? protons, ? neutrons, and ? electrons.


The number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in isolated ions having the following nuclear symbols:

a) ¹⁹F⁻ has 9 protons 10 neutrons 10 electrons

b) ²⁴Mg²⁺ has 12 protons 12 neutrons 10 electrons

c) ⁵⁶Fe³⁺ has 26 protons 30 neutrons 23 electrons

a) ¹⁹F⁻

The atomic no. of F is 9 . atomic number shows the no. of protons. the no. of protons is 9. number of protons = no. electrons for neutral atom but here -1 shows one extra electron. number of electrons is 10. neutrons is the difference in mass no. and the atomic number. number of neutrons = 19 - 9 = 10

¹⁹F⁻ has 9 protons 10 neutrons 10 electrons

b) ²⁴Mg²⁺

The atomic no. is 12 . number of protons is 12. +2 represents 2 electrons are removed. number of electrons is 10. neutrons = mass no. - atomic no. number of neutrons = 30

²⁴Mg²⁺ has 12 protons 12 neutrons 10 electrons

c) ⁵⁶Fe³⁺

The atomic number is 26. number of protons = 26. +3 means three electrons are removed. number of electrons are 23. neutrons = 56 - 26 = 30.

⁵⁶Fe³⁺ has 26 protons 30 neutrons 23 electrons

Thus, The number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in isolated ions having the following nuclear symbols:

a) ¹⁹F⁻ has 9 protons 10 neutrons 10 electrons

b) ²⁴Mg²⁺ has 12 protons 12 neutrons 10 electrons

c) ⁵⁶Fe³⁺ has 26 protons 30 neutrons 23 electrons

To learn more about protons neutrons electrons here


Suppose a new element has been made. Chemical tests show it is an alkaline earth metal. a) Predict how many electrons will be in the valence shell b) Predict the ionic charge of the ion that is element forms.


Alkaline earth metals are the elements that make up group 2 of the Periodic Table. Like Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra.

a) Let's do the electronic distribution of two elements of group 2:

Mg atomic number is 12

Ca atomic number is 20

Eletronic distribution:

Mg - 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s²

Ca - 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s²

Valence shell is marked on the electronic distribution. It means that both have 2 electrons in the valence shell.

b) To predict the ionic charge of the ion, we need to lose or gain electrons in order to obtain 8 electrons in the valence shell. So for alkaline earth metals, they need to lose 2 electrons in order to obtain 8 electrons in the valence shell:

Mg - 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s²

Loses 2 electrons:

Mg²⁺ - 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ - 8 electrons in the valence shell

So, the ionic charge of the ion that alkaline earth metals form is 2+.

If the students actually collected 145 mL of gas (.145L), what is the % yield for the experiment?


In order to calculate the percent yield of a reaction we will use:

%yield = (actual yield/theoretical yield) * 100

%yield = (0.145/0.105) * 100

%yield = 138%


See attached worksheet


As the worksheet explains, the fiorst step is to have a balanced equation of the prioction of hydrogen gas from magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

2Mg + 2HCl ⇒ H2 + 2MgCl

Then convert the mass of manesium into moles Mg (0.045 moles Mg)

Since the balanced equation promises us that we'll get 1 mole of H2 for every 2 moles of Mg, we can predict that the 0.045 moles of Mg will be enough to make (0.045 moles Mg)*(1 mole H2/2 moles Mg) = 0.0225 moles of H2.

At 22.4 l/mole at STP, this means the gas volume of H2 is (0.0225 moles)*(22.4L/mole) = 0.504 L of H2 at STP.

Since the lab is not at STP, the above volume must be adjected for actual lab conditions.  Use the combined gas law:

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

where P is pressure, V is volume, and T is temperature, in Kelven.  (add 273.15 to C for Kelvin).  The subscripts 1 and 2 represent starting (1) and final (2) conditions.

Stand pressure in kPa is 101.3 kPa.

We want V2, so rearrange the equation:

 V2 = V1(T2/T1)(P1/P2)

Note that I've arranged the tempaerature and pressure values as ratios.  It helps guide the process for cancelling units and understanding the impact of changes in these values.

See the worksheet for more details.  V2 is calculated to be 0.542L (542ml) of H2 under the lab conditions.  

Percent theorectical yield is the amount obtained divided by the amount expected:

 (145ml)/(542ml) = 26.8% theorectical yield.

Please help!!!! I do not understand this at all



you see, if you look at the chart closer, it explains the steps you need to understand.


the graph is easy to look at, first step is easy, now the chart explains how and what's there.

Use the balanced equation to solve the problem.C3H8 + 502 3CO₂ + 4H₂O-4.16L O₂ gas react with C3Hg at STP.How many grams of H₂O are made?G


26.67 grams of H₂O are made.

Standard sets of circumstances for experimental measurements are established at standard pressures and temperatures to enable comparisons between various sets of data.

A chemical equation that is balanced has equal amounts of each element's atoms on both sides of the equation and conserves mass.

1 mole of any gas = 22.4 L

We have,

4.16 L of O₂


The molar mass of H₂O = 18.0 g

By using stoichiometry,

C₃H₈ + 5O₂ → 3CO₂ + 4H₂O

We can see that the reaction is completed and balanced.


5 × 22.4L O₂ = 4 × 18.0 g H₂O

Let x be the number of grams of H₂O made after the reaction.

4.16 L O2

x = 4.16 L O₂ × 4 × 18.0 g H₂O / 5 × 22.4 L O₂

x = 2.67 g H₂O

Learn more about grams here:


5. 5. A 3 gram sample of Zinc is heated with 100 J and then placed in a calorimeter. Thetemperature of the Water increases from 22 C to 25 C. What is the Specific Heat of



The Specific Heat of zinc = 11.11 J/g°C



Mass of the zinc sample, m = 3 g

Quantity of heat, Q = 100 J

Initial temperature, T₁ = 22 °C

Final temperature, T₂ = 25 °C

The change in temperature, ΔT = T₂ - T₁ = 25 °C - 22 °C = 3 °C

What to find:

The Specific Heat of zinc, c

Step-by-step solution:

The Specific Heat of zinc, c can be calculated using the formula given below.Q=m

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q=mc\Delta T \\ \\ \Rightarrow c=\frac{Q}{m\Delta T} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Putting the values of the given parameters into the formula, we have;c

[tex]c=\frac{100\text{ }J}{3g\times3°C}=\frac{100J}{9\text{ }g°C}=11.11\text{ }J\text{/}g°C[/tex]

Hence, the Specific Heat of zinc is 11.11 J/g°C

(a) From the differential rate equation given below, write a balanced equation for the reaction involved. 1 d[N o,) i d[NO] d[0] N2011 2 2 dt 4 dt dt rate (b) Given, rate = k[NO2]2[Cl2], by what factor does the rate increase of each of the following changes occurs. i. (NO2) is tripled. ii. [NO2] and [Cl2] are doubled [4M]


We are given an equation that shows the differential rate change of the reaction and it is given as

[tex]-\frac{1}{2}\frac{d}{dt}\lbrack N_2O_5\rbrack=\frac{1}{4}\frac{d}{dt}\lbrack NO_2\rbrack=\frac{d}{dt}\lbrack O_2\rbrack[/tex]

This depicts the decomposition reaction of N₂O₅. The forward reaction (product) carries a positive sign while the backward reaction or (reactant) carries a negative sign.

We can as well integrate this, but for the sake of simplicity, the equation of reaction is given as


Write a balanced complete ionic equation for the precipitation of Mg(OH)2from an aqueous solution of NaOH and MgSO4. Also condense this to a net ionic equation.



The balanced complete ionic equation is:

Mg²⁺(aq) + SO₄²⁻(aq) + 2Na⁺(aq) + 2OH⁻(aq) → Mg(OH)₂(s) + 2Na⁺(aq) + SO₄²⁻(aq)

The net ionic equation is:

Mg²⁺(aq) + 2OH⁻(aq) → Mg(OH)₂(s)


When aqueous NaOH and MgSO4 are combined, solid Mg(OH)2 and aqueous Na2SO4.

The balanced complete molecular equation for the precipitation reaction is:

MgSO₄(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) → Mg(OH)₂(s) + Na₂SO₄(aq)

The balanced complete ionic equation for the precipitation reaction is:

Mg²⁺(aq) + SO₄²⁻(aq) + 2Na⁺(aq) + 2OH⁻(aq) → Mg(OH)₂(s) + 2Na⁺(aq) + SO₄²⁻(aq)

The spectator ions are SO₄²⁻(aq) and Na⁺(aq). Therefore, condensing the complete ionic equation will result in a net ionic equation given below:

Mg²⁺(aq) + 2OH⁻(aq) → Mg(OH)₂(s)

A person has a sample of compound which has a formula that is C4H9. What percent carbon by mass is the compound? *(Note this is not a real compound)*


The percent cabon in the compound is 84.22%.

1st) We need to calculate the molar mass of C4H9 with the atomic mass of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). We can find the atomic mass in the Periodic Table of Elements:

- Carbon atomic mass: 12.01 g/mol

- Hydrogen atomic mass: 1 g/mol

The compound C4H9 has 4 carbon atoms and 9 hydrogen atoms:

(12.01 g/mol x 4) + (1 g/mol x 9) = 57.04 g/mol

So, compound C4H9 weighs 57.04g/mol.

2nd) We know that 57.04 g represents the 100% of C4H9, so with a mathematical Rule of Three we can calculate the percent carbon in C4H9 knowing that all the carbon in the molecule weighs 48.04g (12.04 g x 4):

[tex]\begin{gathered} 57.04g-100\% \\ 48.04g-x=\frac{48.04g\cdot100\%}{57.04g} \\ \\ x=84.22\% \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, the percent cabon by mass in the compound is 84.22%.

in one paragraph, explain the movement of energy during phase transitions.


Phase transitions is when a substance go through a change in its physical state, for example, solid to liquid, liquid to gas, etc. Energy in this case must be absorbed or released, and not necessarily it will be seen a change of temperature in this case. Mathematically, we calculate the energy released or absorbed by using the molar enthalpy of vaporization or molar enthalpy of fusion, as we can see in the following formulas:

ΔH = m*ΔHvap

ΔH = m*ΔHfusion

So phase transition is the energy required for a substance to change the physical state.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
What causes atoms to form covalent bonds?
in a covalent bond, two atoms are heid together by the attraction between
The number of
covalent bonds that an atom can form depends on the number of
in the atom.


The number of covalent bonds that an atom can form depends on the number of in the atom is correct.The equal sharing of electrons from the two participating atoms creates a covalent bond. The electron pair involved in this kind of bonding is known as the shared pair or bonding pair. The term "molecular bonds" is also used to describe covalent bonds. As with the atoms of noble gases, sharing of bonding pairs will guarantee that the atoms achieve stability in their outer shell.No new electrons are created as a result of covalent bonding. They are only paired through the bond.Atoms are connected by extremely strong chemical bonds. Typically, a covalent bond has an energy content of 80 kilocalories per mole (kcal/mol). Rarely do covalent bonds spontaneously dissolve after being created.Covalent bonds are directional because the bonded atoms exhibit particular orientations with respect to one another. The majority of covalently bonded substances have relatively low melting and boiling points.

Hence, the number of covalent bonds that an atom can form depends on the number of in the atom is correct.

To know more about Covalent bond check the below link:


what would the product be? for A and B?Item A.


Assuming the reactions are for complete combustion, the products are always carbon dioxide and water, so the unbalanced equation is:

[tex]C_5H_{12}(g)+8O_2\to CO_2(g)+H_2O(g)[/tex]

Now, we need to balance it.

As we can see, the carbon atom, C, only appears in one place on both sides, so let's start by balancing it.

We have 5 carbon on the left side, and one carbon of the right side, so we can balance the carbon atom by adding a coefficient of 5 on CO₂:


Now, we can balance the hydrogen atom, H. We have 12 hydrogen on the left side and 2 per water molecule on the right side. So, we can put the coefficient 6 on the water, so we balance the H atom:


Now, we need to check wheter the oxygen atom, O, is balanced.

On the left side, we have 8 times 2, so 16 oxygen.

On the right side we have 5 times 2 on CO₂, so 10, plus 6 on the water, so a total of 16 oxygen.

Since both side are equal, the equation is balanced.

So, the final equation is:


body that orbits a planet


A body that orbits a planet is satellite.


A satellite is a body that orbits a planet. the earth natural satellite is the moon. while the body that revolve round the sun is called planets


rate as brainliest

How many moles of oxygen gas are needed to produce 5.67 moles of carbon dioxide? CH4+2O2➡️ CO2+2H2O


[tex]CH_4+2O_2\rightarrow CO_2+2H_2O[/tex]

Based on the chemical equation 2 moles of oygen gas produces 1 mole of carbon dioxide, using this relationship we can set up an equation that would determine the amount of moles needed to produce 5.67 moles of carbon dioxide:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5.67molCO_2\times\frac{2\text{ }molO_2}{1\text{ }molCO_2}=11.34\text{ }mol\text{ }O_2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: It will require 11.34 mol O2 gas.

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