Prompt: Research different examples and uses of GMO crops. Develop an argument in support of the use of GMO crops and an argument against the use of GMO crops.


Answer 1

Higher yields, a longer shelf life, disease and pest resistance, and even improved flavor are all characteristics of genetically modified crops. For both farmers and consumers, these advantages are positive.

What benefits and drawbacks do GMOs have?

GMO foods are intended to be more cost-effective to produce and healthier. GMO food benefits include increased nutrition, a reduction in pesticide use, and lower costs. Allergies or a rise in antibiotic resistance are two drawbacks of GMO food.

What is an example of a GMO that will benefit people?

Certain GMO crops were created expressly with consumers in mind. For instance, a commercially developed and accessible GMO soybean is used to produce a healthier oil. Currently on the market, GMO apples that don't discolor when chopped could aid in lowering food waste.

To know more about GMO visit:



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Who supervised the writing of Document B?
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Intent of the 19th amendment?



to give women the right to vote


hopes this helps pelase mark brainliest

The 19th amendment give women the right to vote

Virginia has 11 people in the house and 2 in the senate. how many electoral votes does it have?


Virginia has total of 13 voters.

The overall number of electoral votes for Virginia is 13, which is equal to the sum of the senatorial and Congressional delegation's numbers: 11 + 2 = 13. The Electoral College, which consists of 538 electors, distributes these votes according to the results of the census, which is carried out by the Census Bureau every ten years.For the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections as well as the 2020 elections, the current allocations—which are based on the 2010 Census—were valid. The Constitution addresses this Congressional Apportionment (Article I, Section 2).The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors in total. Each elector casts one vote when the main election is over. In order to win, a contender must collect at least 270 votes.

Thus the answer is 13 voters.

Refer here to learn more about electoral votes for Virginia: https://brainly.com/question/11729168


desrcibe the conditions africans faced during the middle passage


Seasickness was common and the heat was oppressive. The lack of sanitation and suffocating conditions meant there was a constant threat of disease. Epidemics of fever, dysentery (the 'flux') and smallpox were frequent. Captives endured these conditions for about two months, sometimes longer.

how do you support that renaissance and reformation facilitated the transition from the medieval period to the modern period?​



The transition from the medieval to the modern world was foreshadowed by economic expansion, political centralization, and secularization. A money economy weakened serfdom, and an inquiring spirit stimulated the age of exploration. Banking, the bourgeois class, and secular ideals flourished in the growing towns and lent support to the expanding monarchies. The church was weakened by internal conflicts as well as by quarrels between church and state. As feudal strength was sapped, notably by the the Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses, there emerged in France and England the modern nation state. A forerunner of intellectual modernity was the new humanism of the Renaissance. Finally, the great medieval unity of Christianity was shattered by the religious theories that culminated in the Protestant Reformation.


Should Congress have the power to interpret the Constitution? Write a paragraph in which you argue for or against the wide application of the implied powers


Congress should not have the power to interpret the Constitution because it is the interpretation of the Constitution belongs to the judiciary system; however the case whereby the congress can interprete the constitution is when when considering whether to vote for proposed legislation or settling dispute  concerning the  boundaries between Congress's cases.

Who are the congressional committee?

A congressional committee can be described as the legislative sub-organization  that was formed in the United States  which are those that handle a specific duty.

It should be noted that it s the role of the judiciary system of government to interpret the law in the country.

Learn more about Constitution at:



What languages were spoken by Indigenous cultures of the Northeast?


The languages spoken by Indigenous cultures of the Northeast were Indo-Aryan, Tibeto-Burman, Austro-Asiatic, Tai-Kadai, and Dravidian.

Northeast region of India located on the easternmost side of the country is a land of seven-sister states. These states are Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura. Sikkim is also considered as the part of the Northeast being its eighth state.

The people of Northeast can speak around 220 languages belonging to multiple families of languages. These are Indo-Aryan, Tibeto-Burman, Austro-Asiatic, Tai-Kadai, and Dravidian.

The people across Northeast share a lot of common things in their cultures and in their ways of living. But still they have a lot which makes them different from each other.

To know more about Northeast here



How was Louisiana impacted by the actions of the first Spanish governor of Louisiana?

There was a peaceful transition from French rule due to his quick establishment of Spanish authority.

There was a difficult transition to Spanish control for Louisiana’s residents because of his strict actions concerning property rights.

Many French colonists returned to France because of his insistence that Louisiana’s residents adopt Spanish culture.

Spain’s authority was in doubt because he refused to hold a public ceremony to transfer power or govern from the capital.





passed the quiza+i am am azinf

Write a one to two page paper summarizing The Magna Carta 40 points 7TH Grade history


Magna Carta Libertatum, also known as Magna Carta, is a royal charter of rights signed by King John of England on 15 June 1215 at Runnymede, near Windsor.

Magna Carta, which was published in June 1215, was the first document to codify the principle that the king and his government were not above the law. It attempted to prevent the king from abusing his power and imposed limits on royal authority by establishing law as a power in and of itself.

Among the provisions of the Magna Carta were clauses establishing a free church, reforming law and justice, and regulating the behavior's of royal officials.

To know more about Magna Carta here



The best description of region is?


The best descripston of region is an area characterized by the prevalence of one or more vegetational climax types 3 a : any of the major subdivisions into which the body or one of its parts is divisible b : an indefinite area surrounding a specified body part a pain in the region of the heart 4 : a sphere of activity or interest : field 5

4. What impact did the war have on the
movement of populations?



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1. B) the Third Estate - basically made up the middle class

2. A) anarchism - Anarchism is the idea that government is unnecessary and harmful; and that people should pursue their individual liberties

3. A) "met his waterloo" - This means to finally meet one's ultimate demise.  This term  was inspired from the Battle of Waterloo to describe how Napoleon was finally defeated by the Duke of Wellington.

4. D) religious and cultural conflicts between Indian soldiers and their British commanders

5. B) Imperialism - The Zulu War happened because the British wanted control over Africa. In the Sepoy Rebellion, Indians rebelled against British rule and the Boxer Rebellion was essentially China rebelling against Westernization.  

6. A) Britain - (if you know anything about apartheid, you know this is right)

7. C) Franco-Prussian War - The complete Prussian and German victory brought about the unification of Germany, marking the downfall of Napoleon III and the end of the Second French Empire (replaced by the French Third Republic)

8. A) Third Estate - Largest of the Three Estates, made up of Bourgeoisie, Peasants, and Urban Workers. Had the least money and power but paid the virtually all of the taxes

9. B) a photograph of a factory in the 19th century - This one makes the most sense to me, b/c  it would showcase the terrible working conditions during the Industrial Revolution.

10. C) steam engine - required the burning of coal to produce steam

11. C) Haiti - this slave revolt was called the Haitian Revolution

12. A) Haiti's was a violent slave revolt - trust me, it was nasty

13. C) a person traveling on a train - b/c James Watt invented the steam engine, a technological achievement that was used in transportation including trains

14. B) France

15. B) his ultra-radical views led to the execution of thousands of French citizens - he took harsh measures against those suspected of being enemies of the Revolution (nobles, priests, hoarders) and a wave of executions followed (P.S. you should play Guillotine, it's a card game. you get to play executioner and it's totally awesome)

16.  D) The Spanish American War

17.  D) access to productive resources.

18. A) agriculture - Jethro Tull designed plowing and seeding contraptions that revolutionized the agricultural business

19. B) Japan needed additional sources for raw materials to fuel industrialization


What does the map show
as a major disagreement left
unresolved by the war?


Answer:not sure what to put here as there is no map listed


Which situation regarding african americans in the republic of texas is false? question 2 options: they had their freedoms restricted. they were denied citizenship. they had limited rights to marry. they were given free land.


I believe it is they were denied citizenship

New york city will pay two men $36 million for their wrongful conviction in the 1965 assassination of civil rights activist. ?.


The city and state of New York agreed to pay $36 million to two men who were exonerated for the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X after wrongful convictions led to both men spending decades behind bars.

Assassination is the murder of an outstanding or crucial character, along with a head of the country, head of government, flesh presser, world leader, member of a royal circle of relatives, CEO, or any leaders in the fee. The homicide of a celeb, activist, or artist, even though they may now not have a right away role in topics of the country, will sometimes be taken into consideration as an assassination. An assassination may be brought about by political and army motives or carried out for monetary gain, to avenge a criticism, from a preference to accumulate fame or notoriety, or due to military, protection, rebel, or secret police group's command to carry out the assassination.

Acts of assassination had been achieved when you consider that ancient instances. someone who executed an assassination is called an assassin or hitman. Assassination is one of the oldest tools of electricity politics. It dates again at least as some distance as recorded history.

To know more about assassination visit here:



In England, the amount of cotton spun went from 227,000 pounds by hand to _________ by machine.

700 pounds

2.7 million pounds

7.2 million pounds

700,000 pounds


In England, the amount of cotton spun went from 227,000 pounds by hand to 7.2 million pounds by machine.

Jute Mills became the first collective investment industry in 1936, shortly after the Nepal Companies Act was enacted.The Nepal Companies Act of 1936 established a joint-stock system of limited responsibility for industrial companies' operations.The primary such industry, Biratnagar Jute Plants, was a cooperative undertaking of Indian and Nepalese money managers.In Europe, cotton fabrics were well-known in the 1600s, and the East India Company brought unique cotton fabrics to Britain for use in manufacturing.

Middle class people were interested in using this because it was less expensive than silk.As Britain imported and produced textiles throughout Europe in the 1700s, India became the raw cotton source.The middle class of Britain was so concerned about hygiene by the 1800s that demand for cotton skyrocketed, and Britain eventually overtook India as the largest producer of cotton textiles.

Learn about british cotton:



Identify all the statements that relate to the Homestead Strike.
A) Involved a railroad company
B) Involved Carnegie's steel plant
C) Broke union power in Pennsylvania
D) Broken up by The Pinkertons
E) Took place in Chicago in 1886


The statements that related to the Homestead Strike are:

B) Involved Carnegie's steel plantC) Broke union power in Pennsylvania

What details of the Homestead strike were accurate?

At a steel plant controlled by Andrew Carnegie in Homestead, Pennsylvania, in July 1892, a dispute between Carnegie Steel and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers descended into violence.

Therefore, The Homestead Strike was unsuccessful in the eyes of the striking workers. Their positions were filled by replacement employees, and other union officials and employees were accused of crimes. The violence that surrounded the strike weakened public sympathy for the protesters.

Learn more about   Homestead Strike from


What is the incident known as that was launched by the nazis on november 9, 1938 that is considered the beginning of the holocaust?.


The incident on November 9, 1938, that is considered the beginning of the Holocaust is the Night of Broken Glass or Kristallnacht.

Kristallnacht is a wave of violent anti-Jewish acts that took place on November 9, 1938, and continued until the next day. It took place throughout Germany, annexed Austria, and some areas in Czechoslovakia that were occupied by German troops.

These violent acts were primarily instigated by Nazi Party officials and Hitler Youth. The German officials announced that this incident happened as a spontaneous outburst of public sentiment in response to the assassination of Ernst vom Rath, a German embassy official in Paris that was shot by a Polish Jew.

Attached below is an image of the destroyed Fasanenstrasse Synagogue in Berlin that was burned during the incident.

Learn more about Kristallnacht at https://brainly.com/question/70815


The expansion of trade routes along the coast of Africa as shown on Map 2 was most directly facilitated by which of the following?


As seen in Map 2, improved ship design and navigational technology aided in the extension of trade routes along Africa's coast.

Timbuktu, Gao, Agadez, and Djenne were the primary commercial centers in Western Africa. Seaport cities such as Marrakesh, Tunis, and Cairo grew up along North Africa's coast. Between Western/Central Africa and the port trade areas around the Mediterranean Sea, major trade routes crossed the Sahara Desert.

The advanced satellite technology available through GPS trackers has allowed people to go about their daily lives without worrying about how to go from point A to point B, where their family members are, or where vital assets are.

To learn more about trade routes



According to the Preamble, what was the first goal of the U.S. Constitution?

“to satisfy the opinions of Mankind”

“to form a more perfect Union”

“to end all disputes between States”

“to preserve, protect, and defend the Union”


Answer: To Form A More Perfect Union.

Explanation:i hope this helps


to form a more perfect union


Why was gunpowder a
revolutionary technology? How did it change power structures?


After the invention of gunpowder, weapons were created more in response to tactical requirements than than the physical limitations of their users' muscles. The Middle Ages saw a significant change in how war was fought and where borders were defined as a result of the introduction of gunpowder.

Why was the invention of gunpowder significant?

The development of gunpowder was and continues to be a pivotal moment in human history since it influenced the modes of warfare at the time and brought about profound political and cultural shifts in Europe and beyond, including the siege of Constantinople and the eventual demise of feudalism.

The innovation of gunpowder by the Chinese transformed warfare. On a ship, the Chinese used explosives  wide scale beginning in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Gunpowder was the technological link that connected the medieval and modern ages.

To learn more about gunpowder, visit:



Which are characteristics of yellow journalism? Check all that apply.

sensational language
well-supported, fact-based arguments
eye-catching headlines
telling both sides of a story


Characteristics of yellow journalism are sensational language, exaggeration and eye-catching headlines.

Yellow journalism typically refers to sensationalistic or biased stories presented in newspapers as objective truth. Established late-nineteenth-century journalists coined the term to disparage their competitors' unconventional methods.

The use of gruesome features and sensationalized news in newspaper publishing to attract readers and increase circulation is known as yellow journalism. The phrase was coined in the 1890s to describe the aggressive rivalry between two New York City newspapers, the World and the Journal.

Hence, the correct answers are "A, C and D" option.

To know more about yellow journalism, click here.



What was the role of the War Production Board during World War II?


The War Production Board (WPB) was an agency of the United States government that supervised war production during World War II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt established it in January 1942, with Executive Order 9024. The WPB replaced the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board and the Office of Production Management.

During the US occupation of Japan after World War II, Japan’s military was
used to help rebuild cities.
retrained by the US military.
used to help build a police force.
dismantled by the US military.


During the US occupation of Japan after World War II, Japan’s military was used to help rebuild cities.

After World War II, with Japan's economy on the verge of collapse (as the Allies forced Japan to recover its war losses), trade consisted essentially of staple foods and raw materials

At that time, the United States conquered and rebuilt Japan after its defeat in World War II. The U.S. occupiers promulgated political reforms when their governments were converted to democracies, promulgated military reforms when their empires were dismantled, reorganized their social, educational and economic systems, It was rebuilt over the years under the leadership of General Douglas A. MacArthur. During the war itself, the groundwork was laid for the Allied conquest of defeated Japan.

Learn about US and japan:



Answer: D: dismantles by the US military.

Explanation: trust

How did plate tectonics and glaciation impact how the Columbia plateau looks today?


Carbon is buried deep below the surface as the planet's tectonic plates slide and churn against one another, exposing new rock that will absorb more carbon over time. that massive volcanic eruptions can release carbon, resulting in mass extinctions.

What effects do tectonic plates have?

Evidence of interactions and stress caused by the movement of the plates can be seen in the uplift and sinking of land, earthquakes (the sudden release of energy that causes shaking), and volcanic eruptions.

How does Columbia Plateau appear?

The Columbia Plateau is an area of flat land and gently rolling hills cut by the sometimes steep river canyons of the Columbia and its tributaries in a river basin that is mostly mountainous and has steep valleys. It measures approximately 250 miles across and is roughly triangular in shape.

Learn more about Columbia Plateau here:



Where was lo when Juno caught up to her and changed her back?


Io, who was still imprisoned in the form of a cow, was unable to expel the evil gadfly. Io finally made her home in Egypt and became the first queen of Egypt after Jupiter pledged that he would no longer pursue his beloved Io. Juno then released Io from her cruel prison.

When was supposed to end Juno?

Currently in its extended mission, Juno will continue its study of the largest planet in the solar system until September 2025, or until the spacecraft reaches its end of life.

What will become of Juno following the mission?

Juno will be deliberately deorbited into Jupiter's atmosphere when its mission is finished.

What are the three toys that Juno is carrying?

The Juno spacecraft is accompanied by three LEGO figurines depicting the Roman god Jupiter, his wife Juno, and Galileo Galilei.

Learn more about Juno here:



What was the battle argument for not adding a separate bill of rights to the constitution


Answer:they feared that the new national government would be too powerful this threaten individual liberties


their argument was that it might be used for later to limit its rights that weren’t listed in the beginning

What event happened in 1949 to strengthen the threat of Communism spreading in


The Chinese revolution in 1949.

What was the original cause of united states soldiers killing approximately 300 american indians—mostly unarmed women, children, and older men—at wounded knee?.


Answer: The American soldiers wanted to remove the Native American Lakota Tribe and make them settle in the west.

Explanation: The Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as the Battle of Wounded Knee, was a massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers of the United States Army. It occurred on December 29, 1890,[5] near Wounded Knee Creek (Lakota: Čhaŋkpé Ópi Wakpála) on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, following a botched attempt to disarm the Lakota camp

2.1.3 Practice: Improving a Historical Essay answer


A good history essay uses the active voice and is orderly, analytical, and clear. It explains who, what, when, where, why, and how to the reader.

How to write a good history essay?

Your essay must contain these things:

Take an excellent first step. Avoid snide, pompous introductions.Give a concise thesis.Analyze thoroughly, please.Consider the evidence carefully.Keep it precise.Keep an eye on the chronology.Cite sources accurately.Use first-hand sources.

Don't forget to formally introduce the pertinent historical techniques. Explore the history and the perspectives of many historians. Show how your work contributes to the discussion by doing so. Have a succinct conclusion that highlights the topic's importance and how your solution relates to larger historical themes.

To know more about how to write an essay refer to:



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