Describe the vertical asymptote (s) and hole (s) for the graph of y = (x+2) (x+4)/ (x+4) (x+1)

Describe The Vertical Asymptote (s) And Hole (s) For The Graph Of Y = (x+2) (x+4)/ (x+4) (x+1)


Answer 1




We need tofnind the vertical asymptote(s) and hole (s) for the graph of the given function.


Vertical asymptotes can be found when the numerator of the function is equal to zero.

The numerator of the given function is (x+4)(x+1)


[tex](x+4)=0\text{ or }(x+1)=0[/tex][tex]x=-4\text{ or x=-1}[/tex]

The asymptote of the given function is either x =-4 or x =-1.

Recall that a hole exists on the graph of a rational function when both the numerator and denominator of the function are equal to zero.

The common factor of the given rational function

Related Questions

Point M is the midpoint of AB. The coordinates of point A are (-7,2) and the coordinates of M are (-3, 1).What are the coordinates of point B?The coordinates of point B are


We have three points that lie on a line namely, A M B, in a cartesian coordinate system.

The coordinates of each point are as such:

[tex]A\text{ ( -7 , 2 )}[/tex]

The mid-point of a line segment ( AB ) is given by coordinate ( M ) as follows:

[tex]M\text{ ( -3 , 1 )}[/tex]

We will define the coordinates of point ( B ) in terms of cartesian coordinates as follows:

[tex]B\text{ ( x , y ) }[/tex]

Here the line ( A B ) with points [ A, M , B ] are colinear. This means they all lie on the same line passing through all three points.

A straight line always have a constant slope/gradient ( m ) . This slope is determined between two points that lie on the line.

The formulation of calculating the slope ( m ) of the line in a cartesian coordinate system is as follows:

[tex]m\text{ = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

The respective cartesian coordinates of each of the two points are represented by sub-scripts of ( x and y ).

Here we will take two points ( A and M ) to determine the slope ( m ) of the line passing throgh all three points as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\text{ = }\frac{1\text{ - 2}}{-3\text{ -(-7)}}\text{ = }\frac{1-2}{-3+7} \\ m\text{ = }\frac{-1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This slope ( m ) holds true for the entire line and must satisfy all consecutive points that lie on the line.

We will now consider points ( A and B ) and determine the slope ( m ):

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\text{ = }\frac{y\text{ - 2}}{x\text{ - (-7)}} \\ \\ -\frac{1}{4}\text{ = }\frac{y\text{ - 2}}{x+7} \\ \\ -\text{ ( x + 7 ) = 4}\cdot(y-2) \\ -x\text{ - 7 = 4y - 8} \\ \textcolor{#FF7968}{x}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ = 1 - 4y }}\textcolor{#FF7968}{\ldots}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ Eq 1}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

What we did above was calculated the slope ( m ) between two points ( A and B ) which resulted in an expression in terms of coordinates of point B ( x and y ). We equated that expression with the value of slope ( m ) that holds true for all points that lie on the line.

Then we used the slope equation and expressed the x-coordinate of point B in terms of y-coordinate of point B. This relaitonship is termed as Equation 1 ( Eq 1 ).

Next, we were also given that point M is the midpoint of line segment ( AB ). Using the definition of a mid-point ( M ) i.e the magnitude of line segments are:

[tex]|AM|\text{ = |MB|}[/tex]

The magnitudes of line segment AM and MB must be equal for point ( M ) to be a mid-point of line segment ( AB ).

We will express the formulation of determining a magnitude of line segment using two points:

[tex]\text{length of line segment = }\sqrt{(\times_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)2}[/tex]

So for equating the lengths (magnitudes) of line segments ( AM ) and ( MB ) we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A\text{ ( -7 , 2 ) , M ( -3 , 1 ) , B ( x , y )} \\ \sqrt{(-3-(-7))^2+(1-2)^2}\text{ = }\sqrt{(-3-x)^2+(1-y)^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Square both sides of the equation:


Evaluate left hand side of equation and apply PEMDAS at right hnd side of the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 16+1=(x^2+6x+9)+(y^2\text{ - 2y + 1 )} \\ 17\text{ = }x^2+y^2\text{ + 6x - 2y + 10} \\ \textcolor{#FF7968}{7}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ = }}\textcolor{#FF7968}{x^2+y^2}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ + 6x - 2y }}\textcolor{#FF7968}{\ldots Eq2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have two equations with two unknows ( x and y ) as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x\text{ = 1 - 4y }\ldots Eq1 \\ 7=x^2+y^2\text{ + 6x - 2y }\ldots Eq2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We will solve the two equation by simultaneous substitution method. Substitute Eq1 into Eq2 as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7=(1-4y)^2+y^2\text{ + 6}\cdot(1\text{ - 4y ) - 2y} \\ 7=(1-8y+16y^2)+y^2\text{ + ( 6 - 24y ) - 2y} \\ 7=17y^2\text{ -34y + 7 } \\ 0=17y^2\text{ -34y} \\ 0\text{ = y}\cdot(17y\text{ - 34 )} \\ \textcolor{#FF7968}{y}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ = 0 OR y = }}\textcolor{#FF7968}{\frac{34}{17}}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ = 2}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We will now plug the two values of coordinate ( y ) into ( Eq 1 ) and solve for ( x ):

[tex]\begin{gathered} y\text{ = 0, x = 1 - 4}\cdot(0)\text{ = 1} \\ y\text{ = 2, x = 1 -4}\cdot(2)=-7\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have two solutions for the coordinates of point ( B ) as follows:

[tex]B\text{ : ( 1 , 0 ) OR ( -7 , 2 )}[/tex]

However, point B must have only one pair of coordinate. So we have to investigate both solutions given above and reject a redundant solution.

We see that solution B: ( -7 , 2 ) is redundant solution, hence, rejected. This is because it represents the coordinates of point A: ( -7 , 2 ) - given in question. So two different points can not attain the same set of coordinates! Hence,

The solution to the set of coordinates of point B is:

[tex]\textcolor{#FF7968}{B\colon}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ ( 1 , 0 ) }}[/tex]

Find the midpoint of the segment with the given endpoints. (-9,7) and (-4,2)


We have the following:

The midpoint is:




The midpoint of the segment is:


A. Determine and then compare the rate of change (slope) for each function in terms of the quantities compared.b. Determine and the compare the y-intercept of each function in terms of the quantities.



Pavilion's line:


The slope of the line is the coefficient multiplying x, so it is m=10

Heliophobia's line:

To determine the slope of this line you have to use the following formula:



(x₁,y₁) are the coordinates of one point on the line

(x₂,y₂) are the coordinates of a second point on the line

I'll choose to use points (1,85) and (0,70) but you can use any pair of points on the given line:


The slope of the Pavillion's line is m=10 → it indicates that y increases 10 units for every unit increase of x.

The slope of the Heliophobia's line is m=15 → it indicates that y increases 15 units for every unit increase of x.

The increase of Heliophobia's line is greater than the increase of Pavillion's line.


The y-intercept is the value of y when x=0

For Pavillion's line the y-intercept is

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=10\cdot0+50 \\ y=50 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The coordinates are (0, 50)

For the Heliophobia's line the y-intercept is given in the table (0,70)

May I please get help with finding weather they are quadrilaterals, parallelograms, or rectangles



Three diagrams are given.

Diagram VWXY:

Quadrilateral, Parallelogram,Rectangle

Diagram IJGH:


Diagram ABCD:

Quadrilateral , Parallelogram

a right cone has a radius of 27 cm and a height of 36cm. find the slant height of the cone. find the surface area of the cone. find the volume of the cone


A right triangle is formed where the radius is one leg, the height is the other leg and the slant height is the hypotenuse. Applying the Pythagorean theorem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} c^2=a^2+b^2 \\ s^2=27^2+36^2 \\ s^2=729+1296 \\ s^2=2025 \\ s=\sqrt[]{2025} \\ s=45\operatorname{cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The surface area of a right cone is calculated as follows:

[tex]SA=\pi rs+\pi r^2[/tex]

where r is the radius and s is the slant height. Substituting with r = 27 cm and s = 45 cm, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} SA=\pi\cdot27\cdot45+\pi\cdot27^2 \\ SA=1215\pi+729\pi \\ SA=1215\pi+729\pi \\ SA=1944\pi\approx6107.25\operatorname{cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The volume of a right cone is calculated as follows:

[tex]V=\pi\cdot r^2\cdot\frac{h}{3}[/tex]

where h is the height. Substituting with r = 27 cm and h = 36 cm, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\pi\cdot27^2\cdot\frac{36}{3} \\ V=\pi\cdot729\cdot12 \\ V=8748\pi\approx27482.65\operatorname{cm}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Use arguments based on the Pythagorean theorem, its converse, and similar triangles to show that a triangle with sides 5n, 12n, and 13n is a right triangle. HINT: Start with n= 1, which results in side lengths of 5, 12, and 13. Answer in complete sentences and include all relevant calculations and algebraic manipulations






If n is 1 the triangle have sides: 5, 12, 13

The converse of the pythagorean theorem is: If the square of the length of the longest side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, then the triangle is a right triangle:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 13^2=12^2+5^2 \\ 169=144+25 \\ 169=169 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, a triangle with sides 5, 12, 13 is a right triangle.

If n is 2 the triangle have sides: 10,24, 26

converse of the pythagorean theorem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 26^2=24^2+10^2 \\ 676=576+100 \\ 676=676 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Triangle with n=1 and n=2 are similars as the ratio between corresponding side is equal:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5}{10}=\frac{1}{2} \\ \\ \frac{12}{24}=\frac{1}{2} \\ \\ \frac{13}{26}=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, with any value of n the triangles are similar triangles.

Similar triangles have different sizes but the correpondign angles are the same (are congruent).

As triangles with sides 5n, 12n, 13n are similar triangles (All of then have the same measure on his correspondig angles) and makes true the Pythagorean theorem, they are right triangles.

Find the volume of the cylinder. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. Use 3.14 for a.4 ft17 ftThe volume of the cylinder is about|ft3


we know that

The volume of the cylinder is equal to

[tex]V=B\cdot h[/tex]


B is the area of the base and h is the height of cylinder

we have that

[tex]B=\pi\cdot r^2[/tex]

we have


r=4 ft


[tex]\begin{gathered} B=3.14\cdot4^2 \\ B=50.24\text{ ft\textasciicircum{}2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the volume

[tex]V=B\cdot h[/tex]

we have

B=50.24 ft^2

h=17 ft


[tex]\begin{gathered} V=50.24\cdot17 \\ V=854.1\text{ ft\textasciicircum{}3} \end{gathered}[/tex]the volume is about 854.1 cubic feet

Consider the quadrilateral FACT below.FTAсСDetermine which of the following pairs is an opposite angle.


For any shaè, two angles are opposite if they are across each other, these angles share no sides. To determine which angles are opposite to each other you have to draw the diagonals of the quadrilateral since they go from one opposite angle to the other:

The opposite angles are:

F and C

A and T

The first option is the correct one.

You flip a coin 100 times and record each outcome.You find that you land on heads 47 times and land ontails 53 times. What is the theoretical probability oflanding on heads?


If we were asked the "experimental probability", the answer would have been

[tex]\frac{47}{100}\text{ that is number of outcomes/total outcomes. }[/tex]

But we were asked the "theoretical probability". And in theory, we can get either a head or a tail if a coin is flipped. So that makes it

[tex]\frac{1\text{ outcome }}{total\text{ outcomes of 2 }}\text{ = }\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is


Consider the following mapping:(a)948546Part A:Write a set of ordered pairs to represent the mapping.


For order pair

In the first block the value 9 maps to 4 So, (9,4)

The value 8 maps to 4 & 6 so, the pair is (8,4) & (8,6)

The value 4 maps to 5So, (4,6)

The order pairs are (9,4), (8,4) (8,6) & (4,5)

b) Domain are the set of input values

In this mapping the first block map to the second thus, the value at the first block is the initial valua and act as domain of the mapping

So, the Domain = {9,8,4}

c) Range is the set of all the possible outputs

In this mapping, the second block show the final values of the function, thus the second block act as a range of the mapping

So, the Range= {4,5,6}

d) The mapping doesnot represent the function as the mapping is not one-one

A function must staisfy one-one rulei.r for every value of domain thier exists only one value of range

Where in this mapping we have, the range 4 whose domain are 9 & 8 does they donot satisfy the one-one creteria hence they are not one-one and niether they are function

Theirs 165 freshman145 Sophomores 114 Juniors102 SeniorsIf a studemt is chosen at random from this group whats the probability a senior will be chosen


To find the probability of choosing a senior student, we have to divide the total number of seniors by the total number of students.

According to the problem, there are 102 seniors. Let's sum to find the total number of students.


Then, we divide these numbers.

[tex]P_{\text{senior}}=\frac{102}{526}=\frac{51}{263}\approx0.19[/tex]The probability of choosing a senior is 51/263 or 19%, approximately.

A recent study of 28 city residents showed that the mean of the time they had lived at their present address was 9.3 years. The standard deviation of the population was 2 years. Find the 90% confidence interval of the true mean? Assume that the variable is approximately normally distributed. Show all your stepsVery confused in this exercise I’m self teaching myself


Given that:

- The sample size is 28 city residents:


- The mean of the time (in years) they had lived at their present address was:


- The standard deviation (in years) of the population was:


Then, you need to use the following formula for calculating the Confidence Interval given the Mean:

[tex]C.I.=\mu\pm z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

Where μ is the sample mean, σ is the standard deviation, "z" is the z-score, and "n" is the sample size.

By definition, the z-score for a 90% confidence interval is:


Therefore, you can substitute values into the formula and evaluate:


You get that the lowest value is:


And the highest value is:


Hence, the answer is:

[tex]From\text{ }8.678\text{ }to\text{ }9.922[/tex]

seven more than the product of 22 and a number



22n + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

We can let n represent the number being multiplied by 22 (products imply multiplication).

We put the seven after the multiplication since "seven more" means that we're adding the 7 to the product.

22n + 7

All you have to do to find the answer is

Linear functions f(x) = x and g(x) = 8/9x are graphed on the same coordinate plane. Which statement about therelationship between these two graphs is true?


Firstly, let us proceed to plot the graph of f(x) and g(x).

From the graph;

f(x)=x (green line)

g(x)=8/9 x (Blue)

The relationship they have is that they both starts from the origin (0,0).

Also, They both have a positive but not the same slope.

f(x) slope = 1

g(x) slope = 8/9

In February of 2014, gas was about $3.37 per gallon. In February 2015, gas was about 2.25 per gallon. What is the percent decrease from 2014 to 2015?


According to the problem, the price decrease from $3.37 to $2.25. Let's find the difference


Then, we divide

[tex]\frac{1.12}{3.37}=0.33[/tex]Hence, the answer is 33%.

find the supplement of the angle 19 degrees


Supplementary angles are the ones that when you add them, the result is 180°.

Let's call the angle we are looking for "x", since it is supplementary to the angle of 19°, they add up to 180°:


From this equation, we can solve to find the supplementary angle x.

We solve for x by subtracting 19 to both sides of the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+19-19=180-19 \\ x=161 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 161°

f(x)=(0.13x⁴+0.22x³)-0.88x²-0.25x-0.09for this polynomial use a graph to state the number of turning points


The graph of the function is:

From this, we can conclude that the polynomial has three turning points

Solving systems by substituting Y= -3x+52x+y=6



x=-1, y=9.


Given the system of equations

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-3x+5 \\ 2x+y=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute y=-3x+5 into 2x+y=6.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+y=6 \\ 2x+(-3x+5)=6 \\ 2x-3x+5=6 \\ -x=6-5 \\ -x=1 \\ x=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, we solve for y.

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-3x+5 \\ =-3(-1)+5 \\ =4+5 \\ y=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The solution to the system of equations are:

x=-1 and y=9.

use the circle graph to answer the following questionhow many more pop/rock records than soul records were sold in the year shown?


We are given the record sales of varous types.

67 million records were sold.

We are asked to find out how many more Pop/Rock records than Soul records were sold in the year?

From the given information we see that

Pop/Rock records = 56%

Let's find out 56% of 67 million

[tex]67\times\frac{56}{100}=37.52\: \text{million}[/tex]

Sour records = 17%

Let's find out 17% of 67 million

[tex]67\times\frac{17}{100}=11.39\: \text{million}[/tex]

Now find the difference between Pop/Rock records and Soul records

[tex]difference=37.52-11.39=26.1\: \text{million}[/tex]

Therefore, about 26.1 million more Pop/Rock rethan Soul records were sold in the year

I need help with math I have dyscalculia and I don’t understand


The summation symbol means that we need to add the terms (n-1) for n = 1, 2, 3, and 4.

In other words, we have the following terms:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1-1=0 \\ \\ 2-1=1 \\ \\ 3-1=2 \\ \\ 4-1=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And we need to add them:


Therefore, the result is 6.

Peter works at a sports store. On a particular day, he surveyed a random sample of 50 customers and observed that 30 customers liked to play tennis and 15 customers liked to play basketball.Which of the statements are likely true? Select all that are true.A. 30% of the equipment in the store should be related to basketball.B. 60% of the equipment in the store should be related to tennis.C. 30% of the sales at the sports store that day were related to basketball.D. 70% of the sales at the sports store that day were related to basketball.E. 40% of the sales at the sports store that day were related to tennis equipment. F. 60% of the sales at the sports store that day were related to tennis equipment.


Given data:

Total sample = 50

customers that liked tennis = 30

customers that liked basketball = 15

To select the answers that are true, we can check all the options

Step 1: Find the percentage of those who like tennis and basketball

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ The percentage of customers that like tennis is given by} \\ \frac{30}{50}\text{ x 100\% = 60\%} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The percentage of customers that like basketball is given by} \\ \frac{15}{50}\text{ x 100\% = 30\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Option A

Since 30% like basketball, then it will be reasonable to have 30% of the equipment related to basketball.


Since 60% like tennis, then it will be reasonable to have 60% of the equipment related to tennis

Option C

Since 30% like basketball, then 30% of the sales is likely to be related to basketball

Option D

Since 30% like basketball, then IT IS NOT LIKELY to have 70% of the sales related to basketball.

Option E

Since 60% like tennis, then IT IS NOT LIKELY to have 40% of the sales related to tennis

Option F

Since 60% like tennis, then IT IS LIKELY to have 60% of the sales related to tennis

Hence, we select options

A, B, C, and F as True

Can you please help me out with a question


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Anlge AOB = 180} \\ \text{Angle BY=40 } \\ \\ YAC=180-40 \\ \text{YAC}=\text{ 140} \\ \\ \text{The angle YAC is 140} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the difference: 75.12 - 2.1 O A. 7.302O B. 73.02O C. 75.11 O D. 54.12


Then, the answer is number B.

What is the equation of the parabola shown below, given a focus at F(1, 5) and a directrix of x = −3? In addition, identify the vertex and the equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola.


[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{1}{8}(y-5)^2-1,\text{ vertex :(-1, 5)} \\ \\ \text{axis of symmetry: y=5} \end{gathered}[/tex]


First, let's find the vertex.

From the graph, the vertex is (-1, 5).

It is symmetric about y = 5

Length of the Latus rectom (a) =2 x 4 = 8

Therefore, the equation of the graph is;


Substitute a = 8


Evaluate the expression y = -4y^2 + 6y + 9


The given expression is

[tex]\begin{gathered} y^2\text{ + 6y + 9} \\ We\text{ would substitute y = - 4 into the given expression. It becomes} \\ (-4)^2+6(-4)+9 \\ 16-24+9 \\ =\text{ 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is 1

what is the value of 6 × 7 – 3^2 × 9 + 4^3


Starting with the given expression:


Follow the hierarchy of operations to find the value.

First, solve potencies and roots. Solve the powers 3^2 and 4^3:


Next, solve the multiplications and divisions:


Solve the sums and substractions:




can Someone help me i still cant understand ,number 3


3)yes, the lines are parallel


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=2x+5 \\ y=2x \end{gathered}[/tex]

To see whether or not two lines are parallel, we must compare their slopes. Two lines are parallel if and only if their slopes are equal

Step 1

check the slopes

when you have a equation of a line in the form

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ it\text{ is called, slope intercetp form} \\ \text{where} \\ m\text{ is the slope} \\ \text{and b is the y intercept} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, for line 1

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=2x+5\rightarrow y=mx+b \\ so \\ m_1=2 \\ b=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now, for line 2

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=2x\rightarrow y=mx+b \\ so \\ m_2=2 \\ b_2=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, compare the slopes

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_1=2 \\ m_2=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the slopes are equal so the lines are parallel

I hope this helps you

The length of a rectangle is four times the width. If the area of the rectangle is 196square inches, then find the length and width


Let the length of the rectangle be "l" and width be "w".

The length is 4 times the width, we can write:


The area is given as 196. We know area of a rectangle is A = lw, where l is length and w is width. Thus, we can write:


Substituting the first equation into the second, we can solve for w. The process is shown below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 196=lw \\ 196=(4w)w \\ 196=4w^2 \\ w^2=\frac{196}{4} \\ w^2=49 \\ w=\sqrt[]{49} \\ w=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, using the 1st equation, we can solve for the length, "l". Shown below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} l=4w \\ l=4\times7 \\ l=28 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Length = 28 inches

Width = 7 inches

In the regular octagon below, if AP = 10 cm. and BC = 15 cm, find it's area.



There is a regular octagon given as below


We want to find the area of given regular octagon if AP = 10 cm. and BC = 15 cm


As we can see in the figure that there 8 triangles which are exactly same

so if we find area of 1 triangle and multiply with 8 we get the area of whole regular octagon

The area of 1 triangle is

[tex]a=\frac{1}{2}*10*15=75\text{ cm}^2[/tex]

now to find area of regular octagon

[tex]A=8a=75*8=600\text{ cm}^2[/tex]

Final answer:

600 sq cm

Point 0 is the center of the circle, What is the value of X


Answer: x = 22


From the information given. O is the center of the circle. The distance from the center of the circle to the circumference is the radius. This means that

OQ = radius

O to the vertex where angle 56 is formed is also a radius

This means that two sides the triangle formed insides the circle are equal. This also means that this triangle is an isosceles triangle. The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal. This means that

angle 56 = angle Q because they are the base angles of the isosceles triangle

Recall, the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. This means that

angle O + 56 + 56 = 180

angle O + 112 = 180

angle O = 180 - 112

angle O = 68

Recall, the angle formed by a tangent with the radius of the circle is 90 degrees. This means that angle Q = 90 degrees

Considering triangle POQ,

angle P + angle O + angle Q = 180

x + 68 + 90 = 180

x + 158 = 180

x = 180 - 158

x = 22

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What is the simplified form of each expression?a. 10^8b. (0.2)^5 Carbon dioxide and water react to form methane oxygen like this: CO2(g)+2H2O(g)>CH4(g)+2O2(g)The reaction is endothermic. How was the mixture of CO2, H2O, CH four and O2 has come to equilibrium in a closed reaction vessel. Predict that changed, if any, the perturbations In the table below will cause In the Composition Of the mixture in the vessel. Also decide whether the equilibrium shifts to the right or left.Perturbation: The temperature is raisedChange in composition:Pressure in the H20 will?Go up, go down, not change.Shift in equilibrium:To the right, to the left, none.Perturbation:The temperature is loweredChange in the composition:The pressure of the CH4 will?Go up, go down, not change.Shift in equilibrium:To the right, to the left, none. Find the Area of the figure below. Round to the nearest tenths place Find the slope of the line that passes through (-31, 26) and (4, 36). In this activity, youll use the inspection method to rewrite a rational expression, a(x)/b(x), in the form q(x) + r(x)/b(x).Answer these questions to step through the process of rewriting x^2-5x+7/x-9Part ACan the polynomial in the numerator of the expression x^2-5x+7/x-9 be factored to derive (x-9) as a factor?Answer is noPart DWhat number must be added to the numerator to get the new constant term you identified in Part C?Part EAdd the number you calculated in part D to the numerator, and then subtract the number to keep the value of the expression unchanged.Part F Rewrite the numerator so it contains a trinomial that can be faced with x-9 as a common factor, and then write it in the factored formPart GRewrite the expression you found in part F as the sum of two rational expressions with (x-9) as their common denominator Part HReduce the first fraction and write the expression in this format:A(x)/b(x) = q(x)+ r(x)/b(x) Explain the Pythagorean Theorem, and provide two additional examples (other than football) of how it can it apply to sports Based on information in the article, which of these statements is TRUE? Newela article The History of the War on TerrorAThe war on terror was begun in response to the civil war overseas.BThe U.S. allowed more people to be watched closely during the war on terror.COne downfall of the war on terror was that more training camps were opened.DThere were few people in America against the war on terror. 2h-3(3-h)+_=5h-8 Solve y=2x+6y = 2x-1Solve for X and Y Suppose that ABC is isosceles with base BA.Suppose also that mZ B=(5x+24) and mC = (2x + 72).Find the degree measure of each angle in the triangle.(2x + 72)m 2A =0D9m ZB =m LC =BT(5x + 24) will give brainliestOrder the planets from nearest to farthest from the Sun.VenusMarsMercuryUranusNeptuneJupiterEarthSaturn Todd mowed 1/3 of his yard in the morning and then 3/6 of his yard in theafternoon. How much of his yard has Todd mowed so far?1 point suppose cos(0) = -3/7 and 0 is in quadrant 2. What is the value of sin(0)? ms or mr could you please help me out with this problem? Is anyone able to assist with this complex question? Thanks Cindy's beginning balance in her checkbook was $463.18. She madedeposits of $265, wrote checks for $198.73, and had to pay a bankcharge of $2.50. What was her ending balance for the month?a. $519.27b. $526.95c. $381.73d. $911.73 The motor division of the Peripheral NervousSystem is divided into the....A. right motor division and left motor divisionB. fight division and flight divisionC. upper motor division and lower motor divisionD. somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system Donna got a prepaid debit card with $25 on it. For her first purchase with the card, she bought some bulk ribbon at a craft store. The price of the ribbon was 21 cents per yard. If after that purchase there was $21.22 left on the card, how many yards of ribbon did Donna buy? three friends go grocery shopping together and each buys the same kind of oranges. lamar buys 2 pounds and pays $3.00 enrico buys 5 pounds and pays $7.50 anna buys 3 pounds and pays $4.50 Amelia is saving up to buy a new $105 iPad pen. Her best friend gave her $12 and she saves $20 per week from her babysitting job. How many weeks will she have to save money in order to buy the iPad? Write an inequality to solve.