describe the five general cultural factors leading toward growth in global business and the four specific business factors. describe the interconnection among these factors.


Answer 1

The major factors leading toward growth in the global business are Global communication and transportation technologies.

Explain global business.

An company that conducts its business operations globally is known as a global business. On the other hand, global business, according to Inc. Magazine, refers to the trade of products and services globally.

A corporation that conducts business throughout the majority of the world's nations is known as a global business or multinational. Although the business may have its main activities and headquarters in one nation, its goods and services are used all over the world. The Coca-Cola Company and Sony Electronics are two examples of international corporations.

One advantage of a worldwide company is that it can employ more people, which successfully aids the government in combating unemployment.

To study more about global business.


Related Questions

the controllable variance measures a.operating results at less than normal capacity b.operating results at more than normal capacity c.the efficiency of using variable overhead resources d.control over fixed overhead costs


The controllable variance measures the efficiency of using variable overhead resources. So option c. is correct.

A controllable variance refers to the rate portion of a variance. A variance is comprised of two elements, which are the volume variance and the rate variance. Controllable variance includes both variable and fixed overhead variance which the company is able to manage. It is the variance that can be changed or adjusted by the management.

If the actual expense is higher than the budget, it is an unfavorable variance. On the other hand, if the actual expense is lower than the budget, it is a favorable variance.

Learn more about controllable variance here:


When renting an apartment, in addition to the first month's rent, the amount to move-in often requires the last month's rent as well as a security deposit. the rent is $725 per month and the security deposit is $900. how much money must be paid to the apartment management to be able to live in the apartment the first year? assume that the renters moved out at the end of the first year. a. $9,425 b. $9,600 c. $10,325 d. $11,050 please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


When renting an apartment, you will often need the previous month's rent and a move-in security deposit in addition to the first month's rent. The rent is $725/month and the security deposit is $900. the amount of money must be paid to the apartment management to be able to live in the apartment the first year $9600.

The amount of money must be paid can be calculate as follows:

Advance payment of first month's rent:


Advance rent for the previous month:




To live for one year, you have to pay the rent for the remaining months.

12-2 =10 months

months rent: 10 x 725 =$7250

In total, we have:

725+725+7250+900 =$9600

So, for her first year living in an apartment, we must pay the housing authority her $9,600.

learn more about deposit at


what is one way that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities?


Cash flows from investing activities frequently reflect cash flows related to cash the company has loaned to others, whereas cash flows from financing activities frequently reflect cash flows related to cash the company has borrowed from others.

Cash flows from making an investment sports frequently reflect cash flows associated with coins the corporation has loaned to others, whereas coins flows from financing sports often replicate coins flows associated with coins the employer has borrowed from others.

The primary distinction among cash waft from making an investment and cash flow from financing is that money glide from investing is used to fund investments, whilst coins flow from financing is used to fund the employer's operations.

Direct method – operating cash flows are provided as a list of ingoing and outgoing cash flows. essentially, the direct technique subtracts the money you spend from the cash you receive. oblique approach – The oblique method gives running coins flows as a reconciliation from earnings to cash go with the flow.

Learn more about cash flow here :


A moderate level of conflict can induce creativity and initiative, thereby raising performance.
a. True
b. False


The given statement "A moderate level of conflict can induce creativity and initiative, thereby raising performance." is true.

What is meant by Performance?

In economics, performance refers the ability of a company to implement optimal organization with the aim of offering a product or service that meets the expectations of consumers and customers.

Here we have the statement "A moderate level of conflict can induce creativity and initiative, thereby raising performance.".

And we need to find whether the given statement is true or false.

As per the definition of performance, here we know that the effect put on the creativity and the initiative will definitely leads the moderately increase the performance and the conflict around the production is also reduction.

Because of this, we must conclude that the given statement is true.

To know more about Performance here.


the owner’s equity section of a balance sheet may report different kinds of details about owner’s equity, depending on the need of the business.a. trueb. false


True, a balance sheet can inform companies of the types of details about the owners' net worth depending on the needs of the company.

What are shareholders' equity?

They are a part of a company's equity, which can be seen in the balance sheet where information is provided on the capital contributed by the company's partners and those obtained during its fiscal year.

In a few words, it can be inferred that the shareholders' equity are the contributions made at the beginning of the company and those that arise as a result of the work.

Learn more about equity in:


A sudden storm threatens the property of Marina Bay LLC. Ngoc, Marina Bay’s sales agent, is on site, but lacks the express or implied authority to bind the firm to the cost of appropriate protective measures. Unable to communicate with Marina Bay, Ngoc :_________
a. has emergency powers to deal with the situation.
b. must await the principal’s express ratification to act.
c. can imply a power of attorney to assume the needed authority.


Ngoc, the sales representative for Marina Bay, is present but does not have the stated or implied power to obligate the company to the cost of the necessary safety precautions. A sudden storm poses a hazard to Marina Bay LLC's property.

What is real estate?

Ngoc, the sales representative for Marina Bay, is present but does not have the necessary power to bind. Ngoc, the sales representative for Marina Bay, is present but does not have the stated or implied power to obligate the company to the cost of suitable preventive measures. When working with third parties, an agent's authority comes from a variety of sources. There are three types of authority actual, implied, and seeming. Recognize the existence of an implied real estate deal.

However, the agent and the principal typically do not have an explicit agreement.

To learn more obligate from given link


What is the best definition of marginal cost the possible income from producing an additional item the price?


Marginal cost is the cost associated with producing one additional item.

For example, if a company produces 100 widgets at a cost of $10 each, the marginal cost of producing the 101st widget is $10.

The difference in total production costs caused by creating or producing one extra unit is known as the marginal cost in economics. Divide the variation in production costs by the variation in quantity to determine marginal cost.

Finding the point at which an organisation can realise economies of scale to improve production and overall operations is the goal of marginal cost analysis. The producer may make money if the marginal cost of producing one extra unit is less than the price per unit.

To know more about marginal cost here


collaboration results from formal structures such as designated leaders, planned agendas, and organizational charts. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


Collaboration consequences from formal systems inclusive of distinctive leaders, deliberate agendas, and organizational charts. false.

The required details about collaboration is mentioned in below paragraph.

Collaboration is comparable to cooperation. Most collaboration requires management,[vague] even though the shape of management may be social inside a decentralized and egalitarian group.Teams that paintings collaboratively frequently get entry to more resources, popularity and rewards whilst dealing with opposition for finite resources.

Structured techniques of collaboration encourage introspection of conduct and communication. Such techniques intention to growth the achievement of groups as they interact in collaborative problem-solving. Collaboration is found in opposing dreams displaying the belief of hostile collaboration, aleven though this isn't always a not unusualplace use of the term. In its implemented sense, "(a) collaboration is a practical courting wherein all events strategically pick out to cooperate to be able to accomplish a shared outcome."

To learn about collaboration visit here.


when the parties have imperfectly expressed their agreement and this imperfection results in a dispute, a court may rewrite the contract so it conforms to the parties' actual intentions. this contract modification is called .


The contract modification is called Reformation.

   Reformation of contracts may be allowed in specific circumstances to address contract breaches or other types of issues. A contract can be "reformed" by rewriting a section of it to better reflect the parties' intentions. Reformation of a contract is normally possible in two situations:

Cases using contract language that was incorrectinstances of false representation (either deliberate or unplanned)

A legal remedy is contract law reform. The contract is revised by the court to reflect the true intentions of both parties. Reformation of the contract is an alternative to equitable remedies like monetary damages. The injured party in a breach of contract claim frequently has to choose between an equitable and legal remedy. The latter is frequently a wise decision if one or both parties failed to understand one or more of the provisions of the agreement or committed a mistake in the agreement.

To learn more about Reformation click here


Which is an example of why higher education typically has a positive return on investment (roi)?.


Better education loans commonly investment a high-quality ROI due to the fact you're constructing capabilities and work revel in that could increase your destiny earnings.

Those who get an training have better earning, have more opportunities of their lives, and have a tendency to be more healthy. Societies gain as well. Societies with high costs of education final touch have decrease crime, higher general fitness, and civic involvement. loss of get right of entry to to training is considered the basis of poverty.

Related with better lifetime profits. go back-on-funding analysis is a tool for improving useful resource performance—which is to say, improving the effect of your limited sources. widely used inside the commercial enterprise global, it compares the expected gains (returns) consistent with unit of value (investment) of a selection of ability moves.

The relationship among education and economic boom. decades of studies confirm that expanded investment in schooling leads to expanded economic boom. This includes better salaries for individuals, greater body of workers effectiveness, and better gross home product.

Learn more about investment  here:


What are the people who collect taxes called?


A tax agent is a person in charge of tax administration and procedures, i.e., an individual whose job is to collect taxes from other people or companies.

In earlier times, tax collectors were called "publicans" and were in charge of collecting taxes from regular revenues.

What are taxes?

It is the amount of money that people must pay to the government to contribute to public expenses. Taxes are calculated through a percentage that is increased on products or properties, the total amount of the percentage varies according to the person's location.

Learn more about taxes in:


if all of the firms in an oligopoly successfully collude and form a cartel, then total profit for the cartel is equal to what it would be if the market were a monopoly.


It is TRUE that, If all of the firms in an oligopoly successfully collude and form a cartel, the total profit for the cartel is equal to what is would be if the market were a monopoly.

An "oligopoly" is a situation in which a small group of producers cooperate, either overtly or covertly, to limit output and/or control prices in order to generate profits that are higher than those found in a typical market.The creation, preservation, or dissolution of oligopolies can be influenced by economic, legal, and technological reasons.The prisoner's dilemma, which each member faces and encourages cheating, is the main challenge that oligopolies encounter.Official policies can either discourage or promote oligopolistic conduct, and businesses in mixed economies frequently want government approval for strategies to stifle competition.In an oligopoly, firms set pricing rather than relying on market prices, whether collectively—in a cartel—or under the direction of one enterprise. Thus, profit margins are bigger than they would be in a market that is more intensely competitive.

Learn more about Oligopoly, here


as speeds and efficiencies in trains and airplanes increase, do you think that travelers will shift their trips to one or the other of these transportation modes?


As speeds and efficiencies in trains and airplanes increase, travelers may shift their trips to one or the other of these transportation modes based on their suitability.

Various transportation modes can compete with each other based on cost, comfort, safety, time, and accessibility. Different means of transportation contribute uniquely to commercial and operational use. Some of the factors creating competition between the modes of transportation are geography, time, type of goods, and level of the services.

If the geography of the destination is difficult to reach and has fewer railway stations and airports nearby, travelers will prefer to go by road. Road transportation whether public or private will be preferred in such regions.

If the location is far away from the place of the travelers, they will prefer airplanes in comparison to train and road transportation. Similarly, transportation mode will also be preferred according to the amount of goods travelers are carrying with them or if they need to transport goods to other countries.

Airplanes will be preferred in such cases for time efficiency for sending goods to distant countries. Comfort and safety are also preferable options for travelers as they will prefer airplanes for distant places and railways or roadways for shorter destinations.

Learn more about transportation here


explain why, though blessed with bountiful natural resources, the appalachian south as yet has not fully reached economic viability. how has this affected the cuisine?


Ninety-nine percent of the people who live in the Appalachians no longer own more than half of the land since many of them sold their rights to the land and minerals to major businesses.

Though blessed with bountiful natural resources, the Appalachian south as yet has not fully reached economic viability.

What issues did people in Appalachia encounter?

Over 25 million people live in the thirteen states that make up the Appalachian Mountains in the Eastern United States. Rural poverty issues such as social inequality, unemployment, a lack of social services, inadequate education, and underdeveloped infrastructure are prevalent throughout Appalachia.

To know more about Appalachia, click here-


Gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method.


Using the indirect method, Gilliam will only have to adjust for the change in Accounts Receivable, resulting in a $47,000 decrease in cash flows from operating activities.

Now, According to the question:

Using this formula to find the change in account receivable

Change in account receivable = Beginning balance - Ending balance

Change in account receivable = $392,000 − $439,000

Change in account receivable = -$47,000

When using the indirect method to calculate cash flow from operating activities, the net income amount have to be adjusted for operating items that tend to have effect on net income only.

Based on the information given Gilliam will  have have to adjust for the change in Accounts Receivable, leading to $47,000 decrease in cash flows from operating activities.

Therefore the company will  have have to adjust for the change in Accounts Receivable.

Learn more about Accounts Receivable  at:


What are the food and beverage service methods?


Plate service, cart service, plater service, buffet service, and family style service are the five main forms of food service. There are numerous more methods and types of food and beverage serving.

The guests take seats and enter the eating area. The server offers them water and a menu card. Then the customers place their order with the server. This service also involves tablecloth provision. The groupings are composed of these types. The host takes an active role in the service. The waiter places the platters of food on the tables after presenting them to the host for approval. Either the host serves the guests and prepares the food portions, or she appoints the waiter to do so. In order to refill the visitors' plates, the waiter passes the platters around or lets the guests help themselves. This is a typical family service in specialized restaurants where patrons spend more time on the premises.

learn more about food service here


question content area under a perpetual inventory system, the amount of each type of merchandise on hand is available in the a.inventory ledger b.purchase ledger c.customer's ledger d.creditor's ledger


Under a perpetual inventory system, the amount of each type of merchandise on hand is available in the A) inventory ledger.

An inventory system (or stock machine) is the manner via that you tune your items throughout your entire delivery chain, from purchasing to manufacturing to stop income. It governs the way you method inventory control on your enterprise.

Stock refers to all of the objects, items, merchandise, and substances held through an enterprise for promotion in the market to earn an income. instance: If a newspaper vendor makes use of a vehicle to deliver newspapers to the customers, best the newspaper might be taken into consideration stock. The car will be handled as an asset.

Learn more about the inventory system here


which of the following is not an assumption underlying the black-scholes option-pricing model? group of answer choices the risk-free rate is known and constant over the life of the option. the probability distribution of stock prices is lognormal. the world is risk-neutral. the variability of a stock's return is constant. there are no transaction costs involved in trading options.


A key idea in contemporary financial theory is the Black-Scholes model, commonly referred to as the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model.

This mathematical formula calculates the potential value of derivatives based on other financial instruments while taking other risk variables and the impact of time into account. It was created in 1973 and is currently regarded as one of the best methods for determining the price of an options contract. The Black-Scholes model makes some assumptions that, while typically correct, can result in forecasts that differ from the outcomes of actual situations.

Because it does not account for the possibility that American options could be exercised before to expiration, the conventional BSM model is exclusively used to price European options.

To know more about Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) :


if total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is


If total revenue increases when a company sells more units, then marginal revenue is also increased.

Marginal revenue is the increase in total revenue that produces from the sale of one additional unit of output. Marginal revenue is determined by dividing the change in total revenue by the change in quantity. If a firm sells one additional unit for $100, the marginal revenue of the firm is $100. So it is concluded that there exists a positive correlation between marginal revenue and total revenue; reflecting that when total revenue increases, marginal revenue is positive.

You can learn more about marginal revenue at


Why do mixed economies have advantages over command and market systems?


Mixed economies have advantages over command and market systems.Even in nations with communist political system, with China serving a prime example, An economy and free-market principles have been used to promote.

Growth and improve quality of life standards.majority of nations have a market economy.A market system is the network of buyers, sellers and other actors that come together to trade in a given product or service.A market system can be specific to a product (coffee, mangoes, dairy) or a cross-cutting sector (finance, labor, business development services). A market system’s strength depends on how well the participants obtain financing, launch businesses and adopt new technologies and best practices.Suppliers of supporting goods and services such as finance, equipment and business consulting.

To know more about Market system visit:


Jiminy’s cricket farm issued a 30-year, 4.5 percent semiannual bond three years ago. the bond currently sells for 104 percent of its face value. the company’s tax rate is 22 percent.Required:a. What is the pretax cost of debt?b. What is the aftertax cost of debt?


Given the selling price of the bond and the interest rate, the pretax cost of debt is 4. 25%.

Given the corporation tax rate, the cost of debt after taxes is 3. 31%.

The cost of debt to Jiminy's cricket farm, will be the yield to maturity on the bond. This yield to maturity can be found by the formula :

= ( Periodic coupon payment + ( face value - market value ) / years to maturity ) / ( face value + market value ) / 2 )

Periodic coupon payment :

= 4.5 % / 2 x 100

= $ 2.25

Number of years := 30 x 2

= 60 semi annual periods

Yield to maturity and pretax cost of debt :

= (( 2.25 + ( 100 - 104 ) / 60 ) / ( 100 + 104 ) / 2)

= 4. 25 %

The after-tax cost of debt is :

= Pretax cost of debt x ( 1 - tax rate )

= 4. 25 % x ( 1 - 22 %)

= 3. 31%

To know more on cost of debt visit :


in 2016, raleigh sold 1,000 units at $500 each, and earned net income of $40,000. variable expenses were $300 per unit, and fixed expenses were $160,000. the same selling price is expected for 2017. raleigh's variable cost per unit will rise by 10% in 2017 due to increasing material costs, so they are tentatively planning to cut fixed costs by $10,000. how many units must raleigh sell in 2017 to maintain the same income level as 2016? group of answer choices 882 1,000 1,056 1,118


1,118 units must raleigh sell in 2017 to maintain the same income level as 2016.

What is Selling price means?

The price at which the product is sold is called the selling price. Selling price is  S.P. omitted.

Please give me an example of the selling price.

For example, the formula for gross profit  is selling price – cost  = gross profit. Helps companies set selling prices according to their expected profit percentage. A product costs  $10 and you want to make a 20% profit? The selling price must be $12.5.

What is an Importance of selling price?

Selling Price is crucial because it defines the cost that your product are really well worth in order to make and on your clients to use. It is the tangible charge factor to allow clients recognize whether or not it's miles really well worth their time and investment.

To know more about selling price visit here:


massive discount emporium has current assets of $250,000, including cash of $50,000, marketable securities of $20,000, and receivables of $50,000. current liabilities are $125,000 and long-term liabilities are $100,000. calculate its current ratio.


The current ratio of liabilities is 2.

Current ratio = Current Asset/Current Liabilities

Current Assets = $250,000

Current Liabilities = $125,000

Whereas: Current Asset includes cash, account receivables, etc,

So, there is no need to add or subtract from the given figure of Current Assets

Therefore, Current ratio = 250000/125000 = 2.

A stock market, fairness market, or share market is the aggregation of consumers and dealers of shares, which represent possession claims on businesses; these may include securities listed on a public stock.

Even though the stock marketplace produces volatile returns, it has long records of outpacing inflation in the long run.

The primary motive of the Wall avenue crash of 1929 turned into the long length of speculation that preceded it, at some point in which tens of millions of humans invested their financial savings or borrowed cash to buy shares, pushing charges to unsustainable ranges.

Learn more about Stock Marketing


why do you think people spend so much money on their wants despite the financial costs?


Some people spend so much money on their wants because they don't create a budget or just simply think about what they actually need. They also don't ask themselves if they can function in life without items that they want.

A budget is a calculation plan, commonly but not constantly economic, for a described period, regularly 365 days or a month. A finances may also encompass expected income volumes and sales, aid quantities consisting of time, fees and expenses, environmental impacts together with greenhouse gas emissions, other influences, belongings, liabilities and cash flows. corporations, governments, families, and different agencies use budgets to express strategic plans of activities in measurable phrases.[1]

Learn more about budget here


You strive to be rational when you negotiate, but you sometimes fall prey to bias. Now you have to choose a new employee, but you’ve needed the help for a long time. There’s just no time to search. You choose a prospect from the preapproved list provided by Human Resources. Which cognitive approach to negotiation has sidetracked you?a. Escalation of commitmentb. Belief in only fixed-sum outcomesc. Anchoring in irrelevant informationd. Overreliance on readily available information


Overreliance on readily available information cognitive approach to negotiation has sidetracked .

Option D is correct .

The cognitive approach makes use of experimental research approaches to look at internal mental processes like attention, perception, memory, and decision-making. Cognitive scientists claim that the mind actively evaluates information from our senses. Using experimental research methods, the cognitive approach examines internal mental processes like attention, memory, and decision-making.

A conviction that psychology should be treated as a pure science and that research methods should be based on science. The main focus is on thinking and related mental functions like language, perception, memory, and forgetting.

To know more about cognitive approach visit :


You are thinking of withdrawing all your funds; $45,000 from your 401 (k) at age 54. The normal tax rate for you would be 28%. The rules for withdrawing funds before the age of 59 1/2 is a 10% penalty. How much would you save if you waited until age 59 1/2? a) $1,260 b) $1,710 c) $1,824 d) $4,500.


If you wait until age 59 1/2 to make a withdrawal from your 401 (k) account, it will be penalty-free and you will save $4,500.

A 401(k) plan is an employer-sponsored retirement account that allows employees to contribute a percentage of their salary before federal income taxes are deducted. Companies frequently match a percentage of an employee's contribution and deposit it into a 401(k) account.

If an employee withdraws money from a 401(k) account before the age of 59 1/2, the IRS imposes a penalty. After the age of 5912, the IRS authorizes penalty-free withdrawals from retirement savings known as eligible distributions.

If you withdraw your fund at age 54, you have to pay the 10% penalty. Hence, the money you will receive is:

$45,000 - 10% x $45,000 = $40,500

If you wait until you turn 59 1/2 and withdraw the fund, it will be penalty free, hence you will receive full amount of your fund of $45,000.

Hence, if you wait until age 59 1/2, you will save  10% of  $45,000 = $4,500.

Learn more about 401(k) plan here:


Liquor stores in tennessee lobby the state legislature, asking that wine shipments from out-of-state be made illegal. they argue that if consumers are allowed to buy wine from out-of-state, many in-state employees of liquor stores will lose their jobs. What would an economist likely say in response to this argument?a. While it is easy to see the jobs destroyed by out-of-state wine sellers it is harder to see the jobs that are never allowed to exist because the workers are in wine sales instead of something else,b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,c. If people out-of-state can distribute wine at a lower price than people in-stater the consumers of this state will benefit from lower wine prices,d. All of the above.


Resources that are no longer being employed to produce products for which Tennessee does not have a comparative advantage can be transferred to those industries where Tennessee does.

What does each state's legislature look like?

Every state, with the exception of Nebraska, has a bicameral legislature, which means that there are two separate legislative houses. The smaller chamber in each case is known as the Senate and is typically referred to as the upper house.

Who makes up the state legislature?

The California State Assembly, which has 80 members, is the lower house of the bicameral state legislature. The California State Senate, which has 40 members, is the upper chamber. At the Sacramento location of the California State Capitol, both houses of the legislature meet.

To know more about state legislature visit:


fetzer company declared a $0.55 per share cash dividend. the company has 280,000 shares authorized, 266,000 shares issued, and 11,200 shares in treasury stock. the journal entry to record the dividend declaration is:


Option c. Debit Retained Earnings $100,100; credit Common Dividends Payable $100,100 is the correct answer. The journal entry to record this transaction is:

Retained Earnings A/c......Dr. $140,140

Cash Dividends Payable A/c.....Cr. $140,140

The number of shares issued could be different from the number of shares outstanding if there are shares repurchased by the company. Issued shares are those which were also provided with stock certificates.

Shares Issued (a) 266,000

Treasury Shares (b)  11,200

Shares Outstanding (c=a-b) 254,800

Cash Dividend per Share (d) 0.55

Cash Dividends (c*d) $140140

The entry to record the declaration of cash dividend would be:

Retained Earnings A/c......Dr. $140,140

Cash Dividends Payable A/c.....Cr. $140,140

To record the declaration of cash dividends.

Learn more about dividends:


as a federal employee, what are your legal options to protect you from retaliation?


You may submit a complaint in court or with a federal agency, file a Charge of Discrimination with the EEOC, participate in an employment discrimination inquiry or litigation, and engage in protected EEO activities. EEOC charges of discrimination are also available.

What is a federal employee rights?

Generally, You have the basic right to file a complaint in court or with a federal agency, submit a Charge of Discrimination to the EEOC, take part in an investigation into or file a lawsuit alleging employment discrimination, and engage in any protected Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) action.

You also have the option of reporting discrimination to the EEOC.

Read more about employee rights


a rapid increase in the money supply may lead to a(n): a. recession. b. increase in the rate of inflation. c. decrease in interest rates. d. decrease in spending by consumers and businesses.


The rate of inflation may rise if the money supply is expanded quickly. Thus, the correct option is (b) an increase in the rate of inflation.

What is inflation?

The general level of prices for goods and services in an economy rising is known as inflation. Each unit of currency may purchase fewer products and services as the overall price level rises, hence inflation is associated with a decline in the buying power of money. Deflation, a continuous drop in the overall level of prices for goods and services, is the reverse of inflation. The yearly percentage change in a general price index, or the inflation rate, is the most often used indicator of inflation.

To learn more about inflation, click


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