Darwin specifically studied the
on the Galapogas islands.
A. Finches
B. Flowers
C. Turtles.
D. Insects


Answer 1



A. finches

Answer 2

darwin specifically studied the finches

on the galapagos islands.

Related Questions

Which factors increase the heat absorbed by a land surface? Select the two correct answers.
A. becoming wetter
B. becoming smoother
C. removing plants
D. removing show
E. becoming paler​


The factors associated with removing plants and removing snow increase the heat absorbed by a land surface.

What is heat land surface?

The expression heat land surface makes reference to the radiation absorbed by the Earth during the day.

This solar radiation increases the amount of thermal energy present in the ground and its temperature.

In conclusion, the factors associated with removing plants and removing snow increase the heat absorbed by a land surface.

Learn more about heat land surface here:



What are alveoli? A. Carbon dioxide molecules B. Part of a red blood cell C. Tubes that connect to the lungs D. Air sacs used during respiration





Alveoli are tiny air sacs in your lungs that take up the oxygen you breathe in and keep your body going.

Determine whether each is a source of bad ozone or not.
car exhaust
industrial emissions
transpiration of plants
solvent vapors
acid rain


car exhaust, industrial emissions and solvent vapors are all sources of bad ozone layers because they unleash pollutants into the atmosphere which in turn harm the ozone layer.


literally no one.....




Dad: thumbs up sport
Fr tho lol my dad does it too

help I need help QUIZ brain list 15

Which of the following statements is true?

Elements in the same group have the same number of electrons.

Seasons are caused by Earth's revolution and tilted axis.

Bases have pH values between 0 and 7.

Protons and electrons are found in the nucleus of an atom.


I think the answer is the second one

3 points
Because plants perform photosynthesis, they play an important role in
regulating the amount of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere.



One of the key components in photosynthesis is CO2






i took the test


if the shorter plants are the recessive it would be tt x tt of they are the dominant, it would be TT x Tt.

How does the electromagnetic spectrum arrange different types of radiation?
a. By color
b. By how fast they go
c. By how much energy they carry


Answer: c i think


Just need to identify this stuff





Organic debris- PP

Aquatic plants- PP

Aquatic insects- primary consumer

Crayfish- primary consumer

Larger fish- secondary consumer

Small fish- secondary consumer

Osprey- tertiary consumer

Bald eagle- seconday consumer

Seagull- secondary consumer

Rodent- primary consumer

Seal- tertiary consumer

Nothern Harriet- secondary consumer

Plant seeds and roots- PP

hope this helps do telll me if any of them r wrong! :D

Which of the following stars is the brightest?

Procyon B



is the answer of your question

hope it is helpful to you

Species that all originate from a common line on a tree share what?



genes or DNA, Or ancestory


which statement best describes the reaction force?​



I believe the awnser is; The reaction force is the force of the ball away from the racket


Match the section of the brain that governs each action.



controls reflexes:

coordinates muscles:


involuntary muscle control:

interprets sensory information:

connects brain to spinal cord:

controls sense of balance:

body voluntary muscle control:

controls heartbeat:

options:medulla cerebellum and cerebrum


Controls reflexes: cerebellum

Help help please!!!!



1. Esophagus

2. Small Intestine

The three general requirements for resisting disease are:

eating foods that will give you the proper nutrition
eating foods high in calories
getting plenty of rest
taking lots of vitamins


Answer: eating foods that will give you the proper nutrition


getting plenty of rest


Ozone in the stratosphere is a form of air pollution,
True or False?




Adaptation, Natural Selection, and Evolution: Question 2
Complete the sentence.
variation includes differences in genes, whereas
variation includes differences in traits.
Select one
Allole genetic
Physical genetic
Genotie pliysical
Genti alle



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Which the following takes the most time?
Meiotic prophase II
Mitotic prophase II
Meiotic prophase I
Mitotic prophase I


Option D.

The time required then for the complete process of mitotic cell division would lie within the following limits: Prophase, 30 to 60 minutes; metaphase, 2 to 10 minutes; anaphase 2 to 3 minutes; telophase 3 to 12 minutes and the reconstruction period from 30 t'o 120 minutes: total 70 to 180 minutes.

Meiotic prophase I takes more time than other processes of mitosis or meiosis.

What are the phases of meiosis?

Meiosis is a type of reductional division as the chromosome number reduces to half in this type of division. It results in the formation of haploid cells. The process of meiosis takes place in germ cells and gives rise to gametes for sexual reproduction. Each process of meiosis produces four haploid cells.

Meiosis is categorized as meiosis I and meiosis II. Meiosis I gives rise to haploid cells. The prophase I of meiosis I have 5 further stages. These are leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene and diakinesis.

Meiosis II is comparatively simple and is very much like Mitotic division, except the cells undergoing division are the haploid cells produced by meiosis I. Hence, Meiotic prophase II also takes less time than Meiotic prophase I.

Therefore, the process that takes the most amount of time is the Meiotic prophase I.

Read more about meiosis, here



The diagram below represents two flies.They look similar but they can not sexually reproduce with each other and produce offspring. This means that the two flies most likely belong to
(1) the same kingdom and same species
(2) the same kingdom, but different species
3) different kingdoms, but same species
(4) different kingdoms and different species (I can't put the picture my bad)



(2) the same kingdom, but different species


I believe that they are from the same kingdom (Animalia) but are different species, which causes them to not be able to breed with one another.

It’s definitely 2 the same kingdom, but different species

What does the Coriolis effect directly impact?


The Coriolis effect impacts the wind pattern around the globe.
Outside storm systems, the impact of the Coriolis effect helps define regular wind patterns around the globe. As warm air rises near the Equator, for instance, it flows toward the poles. In the Northern Hemisphere, these warm air currents are deflected to the right (east) as they move northward.
Hope this helps

1. Why does the immune system make memory cells?



The reason the immune system makes memory cells is to help the body recognize a sickness they have experienced before and react to it.


need this answer quick please now thanks



The regulation of gene expression resulting in cell differentiation is a very loaded topic. All that is important for you to know right now is that each cell contains all of the genes to become any type of cell. Each cell simply expresses or silenced genes in order to become the appropriate cell type.

how does sexual reproduction increase variation within a species



The process of sexual reproduction introduces variation into the species because the alleles that the mother and the father carry are mixed together in the offspring. ... A mate must be found, the egg must be fertilised by sperm, and then the offspring develop.


because it increases the gene pool


So sexual reproduction requires two organisms, a male and a female, and their offspring has a combination of both of the parents, this varies the gene pool. Then the offspring creates more offspring, further varying the gene pool.

hope this helps:)

How are tropical rain forests and temperate forests different?


There are two types of rainforests, tropical and temperate. Tropical rainforests are found closer to the equator where it is warm. Temperate rainforests are found near the cooler coastal areas further north or south of the equator. The tropical rainforest is a hot, moist biome where it rains all year long.

known as D

hope this helps <3

What type of air mass forms over Nashville TN


Five air masses affect the United States during the course of a typical year: continental polar, continental arctic, continental tropical, maritime polar, and maritime tropical. Continental air masses are characterized by dry air near the surface while maritime air masses are moist.

What is embedded in the phospholipid bilayer that helps in the movement of larger molecules ?
A.Channel/Transport proteins



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf A. \ Channel/Transport \ proteins}}[/tex]


The phospholipid bilayer is also known as the cell membrane. It covers cells and regulates the transport of substances. Certain ones can pass and others cannot, depending on certain factors like size and polarity.

Smaller substances tend to diffuse or move across the membrane quite easily. However, larger molecules have a much harder time. Many depend on special proteins embedded in the membrane. These are called transport proteins and they form a channel so large molecules can still move in or out of the cell.

So, salt, water, and fats do not contribute to the movement of larger molecules, but channel or transport proteins do and choice A is correct.

As a responsible student, what practical thing can you do to contribute to the global effort against global warming?
a. using plastic cups in experiments
b. using a car instead of a bike to go to school
c. turning the lights off when not in use
d. washing clothes only in the afternoon
e. taking a shower only in the morning



Its B(and c if it you could answer 2 )


a. Sure your using plastic less but still you could have avoided the use of cups in all.

b. (we already know this is the answer but let me explain) If you use a car of  course it would pollute the air so if you use a bike you would both be exercising and polluting the air less.

c. It would cocerve energy so the main reason i asked if it was multi answer.

d.what would that do, your still using water?

e. same answer as last explination.

The answer to this is C. Turning off the lights when not in use conserves energy.

The main part of a cell that maintains homeostasis is the ______________.
A. The nucleus
B. Cell membrane
C. The head
D. The cytoplasm



B. Cell membrane


A fossil contains 1/16 of the carbon -14 it began with. How old is the fossil?





Where does the light and thermal energy given off when burns food come from?
A Light and thermal energy given off from burning food comes from the lighter used to light the food.
B. Light and thermal energy given off from burning food is converted from the chemical energy stored in
the food.
C. Light and thermal energy given off from burning food comes from oxygen.
D. Light and thermal energy given off from burning is created when food burns.
3. Why do two grams of fat provide a different amount of energy than two grams of carbohydrate?


Answer: B

Explanation: Because Light and thermal are two different things of heat and if one of the cores of heat gets any cooler than it is than it may burn out and there wwill no longer be heat so the food brin come in at the middle (Core) of the heat and just like a microwave it had different heats but its core of the heat stays the excact same

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