D&F sneakers is a sneaker manufacturing company. Recently they have introduced a wide
range of sneakers made from recycled plastic waste, especially from ocean plastic. For that
purpose, they made a contract of raw material with an organization working on stopping
plastic waste on beaches. They are focused on environment protection, saving ocean wildlife
and building good brand image.
Q1: Which marketing concept/philosophy is used by D&F sneakers? Justify your answer with
valid arguments.
Q2: Write down the benefits of marketing philosophy used by D&F Sneakers.


Answer 1

The marketing concept/philosophy that is used by D&F sneakers is  "Societal Marketing Concept".due to the fact that  "People buy with emotions and then rationalize with logic."

What are the benefits of marketing philosophy used by D&F Sneakers?

They are:

Gaining profit promotes society.There is no compromising on the items meeting the needs of the clients.People who care about the environment would be drawn to it, which would gradually increase the number of potential customers.The supply chain process would have an effect on society, the environment, and improve human conditions.On a larger scale, consumer behavior would shift from pursuing individual gain to seeking societal benefit.

Therefore, the societal marketing notion has a significant impact in a variety of ways, including:

creating a positive brand image.increasing audience diversity and prospective clienteleBy raising awareness of the harm that plastic causes to the environment around us, the corporation can attract the attention of environmentalists, who could act as brand advocates for the business.Increase sales by making people buy the product and promoting it through the environment for the good of society.

Learn more about "Societal Marketing Concept fromhttps://brainly.com/question/14409298

Related Questions

in a small open economy with a floating exchange rate, if the government imposes import restrictions, then output and net exports .


The economy suffers a large gap if, within a small open economy, the government imposes restrictions on imports.

What is an open economy?

It is a type of financial economy that arises within a country but involves other countries in trade, i.e. an open economy is a type of trade interaction that arises with foreign economies.

That is why if the government of a country where the economy is open decides to place restrictions on imports this generates great damage to the economy, since trade has limited activities and the financial system and income are low.

Learn more about open economy in: https://brainly.com/question/23160076


suppose you are analyzing data for an economy in which ricardian neutrality holds true. if the budget surplus increases by 100, then:


If the budget surplus increases by 100, then Private saving will decrease by 100.

What does Budget surplus mean?

A budget surplus occurs when a government or other entity collects more revenue than it spends over a specific time period. This surplus can be used to pay down debt, fund new projects, or be set aside for a rainy day. It is the inverse of a budget deficit, which occurs when an entity spends more than it earns.

What  does budget mean?

A budget is a plan that allocates resources to achieve financial objectives. It identifies expected income and expenses for a given time period. It is used to allocate funds and prioritize spending in various areas. A budget is an essential tool for managing finances and reaching financial objectives.

To know more about Budget surplus,



global competition is placing new emphasis on some basic tenets of business. all of the following represent the major trends except:


Some fundamental principles of business are receiving new attention as a result of global competitiveness. The key trends are represented by all that follows apart from extended product life cycles.

What is international rivalry?

Global rivalry develops into a type of international competition when an enterprise's standing in one nation influences its competitive standing in other nations. As a result, businesses are vying for global leadership among one another. As a result of this conflict, the economy is becoming more international.

What role does international competition play?

Due to greater earnings and a level playing field in business, global competition has enabled enterprises to buy and sell their services globally.

To learn more about Global Competition here:



at the beginning of this year, global oil prices spiked to extremely high levels before coming down again at the end of this year econ


Prices for crude oil frequently change in response to seasonal demand and supply as well as global events.

Oil Price Forecast 2023-2050:

Current Oil Prices:

According to the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Short-Term Energy Outlook published in November 2022, the price of Brent crude oil is predicted to average $95.33/b globally in 2023. This is an increase from the yearly averages of 102.13 in 2022 and $70.89 in 2021.

5 Reasons for Today’s Volatile Oil Prices:

There used to be a recognizable seasonal fluctuation in oil prices. They increase in the spring as oil merchants prepare for a surge in demand for summer travel. Prices normally decline in the fall and winter when demand peaks.

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine:

Since Russia is the world's third-largest producer of petroleum and liquid fuels, their invasion of Ukraine in late February 2022 immediately affected the price of Brent crude oil futures. Crude oil prices began to rise as the crisis dragged on, hitting around $130/b in early March and remaining far above $100/b until April.

US Oil Supply:

Both supply and demand for oil are still being impacted by the coronavirus epidemic and natural disasters. As a result of Hurricane Ida's closure of at least nine refineries, the United States saw a decrease in production. According to the EIA, the average daily output of crude oil in the United States will be 12.01 million b/d in 2022 and 12.95 million b/d in 2023.

Reduced OPEC Production:

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its member nations' supply restrictions are also reflected in rising oil prices. Due to a drop in demand brought on by the epidemic, OPEC reduced oil production in 2020. Through 2021 and into 2022, the oil output was steadily boosted. Late in 2021, supply chain issues had an impact on international trade as well.

Natural Gas:

A recent scarcity of coal forced Asian nations to switch to natural gas as a power source. There is a significant demand for natural gas to produce electricity due to rising temperatures in regions of Asia and Europe.

Drawdown of global inventory:

As global oil output declines, nations are compelled to use their accumulated stockpiles (not including the strategic petroleum reserves). Because stockpiles are dwindling, the constant demand for oil is a factor in price growth.

Learn more about Global oil price:



a bond quote of 82.25 in dollars is equal to: multiple choice none of the answer choices are correct. $822.50 $82.25 $8.25 $8,025.50


A bond quote of 82.25 in dollars is equal to $822.50. Par value is often fixed at 100, or 100% of a bond's $1,000 face value.

What do you mean by a bond quote?

A bond quote is the most recent price at which a bond traded, converted to a point scale and expressed as a percentage of par value. Par value is often fixed at 100, or 100% of a bond's $1,000 face value. If a corporate bond is priced at 99, for instance, it is now trading at 99% of its face value.

How should a bond be read?

Adding a zero to the market price given for bonds makes them easier to understand. A bond is considered to be selling at a discount if, for instance, it is quoted in the market at 99 percent, or $990 for every $1,000 of face value.

To know more about bond quote, visit:



Under the RUPA, a dissociation takes place whenever a partner is no longer associated with the running of the firm. TRUE/FALSE


Under the RUPA, a dissociation takes place whenever a partner is no longer associated with the running of the firm. The statement is true.

What is RUPA dissociation?

Regarding the dissolution of a partnership and the winding up of partnership affairs, the RUPA made additional substantial revisions. According to the UPA, the partnership dissolves if a partner leaves the partnership, an event takes place that ends the partnership, the partners decide to cease the partnership, or any of a variety of other circumstances take place. When a partnership dissolves, its operations often come to a stop, its affairs are closed off, and its assets are sold. Even before the RUPA was passed, partnership agreements frequently outlined a procedure for continuing the partnership while the withdrawing partner's shares are bought. Without such an agreement, the remaining partners may carry on the partnership's operations, but the new operation is regarded as a fully separate partnership.

To learn more about dissociation



When shares of stock held as an investment are sold, the difference between the proceeds and the balance of the investment account is recorded as
Oa. operating income and losses
Ob. paid-in capital addition
Oc. prior period adjustment
Od. gain or loss


When shares of stock held as an investment are sold, the difference between the proceeds and the balance of the investment account is recorded as gain or loss.

jade is a single mother with two qualifying child dependents, ages 10 and 18, both of whom are claimed on her tax return. she and her children lived in the u.s. for all of 2021, all are u.s. citizens, and all have ssns that are valid for employment. which of the following is true about jade's child tax credit/other dependent credit/additional child tax credit? jade's child tax credit and other dependent credit will be fully refundable for 2021. jade's child tax credit will be fully refundable for 2021 and her other dependent credit will be nonrefundable. if jade's child tax credit is limited by her tax liability, she will be eligible for the additional child tax credit. if jade's child tax credit and other dependent credit are limited by her tax liability, she will be eligible for the additional child tax credit.


The following is true about Jade's child tax credit/other dependent credit/additional child tax credit if Jade's child tax credit is limited by her tax liability, she will be eligible for the additional child tax credit.

Thus, the correct answer is C.

The child tаx credit is unique becаuse if а tаxpаyer cаnnot benefit from the nonrefundаble credit, the tаxpаyer mаy be аble to quаlify for the refundаble аdditionаl child tаx credit. The child tаx credit is а nonrefundаble credit thаt аllows tаxpаyers to clаim а tаx credit of up to $2,000 per quаlifying child, which reduces their tаx liаbility.

Tаxpаyers who аre not аble to clаim the full аmount of the child tаx credit mаy be аble to tаke the refundаble аdditionаl child tаx credit. To be eligible to clаim the child tаx credit, the tаxpаyer must hаve аt leаst one quаlifying child. If tаxpаyers clаim the child tаx credit or аdditionаl child tаx credit but аre not eligible for the credit, they cаn be bаnned from clаiming the credit for either two or ten yeаrs

For more information about child tax credit refer to the link:



you are the founder of newexsurfboards, and you are considering methods of gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. which of the following changes has the best chance of quickly creating a sustainable advantage?


To create a durable advantage, a business must be able to do something that is extremely difficult for rivals to replicate.

Sustainable advantage is about perceived value contributed to goods or services that cannot be found elsewhere, not about cost savings.

Customers who submit their own designs for the business to generate do not necessarily guarantee that the finished product will serve the intended function because the business does not have complete control over it.

I understand that you are looking for:-

You are the founder of Shadow Skateboards, and you are considering methods of gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. Which of the following changes has the best chance of quickly creating a sustainable advantage?

A. devoting significant resources to researching and developing new products that will bemore durable than competitors'

B. automating the manufacturing process to reduce production costs

C. allowing customers to upload their own image designs and help assemble the finishedproduct at retail locations

D. switching to a just-in-time inventory system to reduce inventory costs

The correct option is A

to know more about sustainable advantage visit:



an employee who communicates well is an employee who


An employee who communicates well is an employee who coordinates well.

Why is good communication important for employees?

Employee communication is the exchange of knowledge, thoughts, and emotions between staff members and management. It can take place verbally or electronically via a variety of platforms, including intranets, mobile applications, and collaborative tools.

Because it increases employee morale, participation, productivity, and happiness, communication in the workplace is crucial. For improved teamwork and cooperation, communication is also essential. Effective workplace communication ultimately contributes to improved performance for people, teams, and organizations.

To learn more about good communication



time based pricing seasonal pricing dynamic pricing promotional pricing penetration pricing the company factor offers shopping meals to your home the price of the products sold varies


Real-time pricing, also referred to as dynamic costing, is a very flexible way to establish a product's or company's price.

In marketing, what does a price mean?

Price. Price is the sum of money customers are willing to spend on a thing. Marketers must consider supply costs, discount coupons, rival prices, and retail pricing in addition to connecting the price to a product's actual and perceived value.

A basic price is what?

The basic cost is the amount that the producer receives from the buyer for each unit of a thing or services delivered as output, less any taxes that are due and any subsidies that the producer is entitled to as a result of the good or service's production or sale.

To know more about price visit:


When a firm has financial leverage:
A. ROI will be greater than ROE.
B. ROI will usually be less than it would be without leverage.
C. risk is greater than if there wasn't any leverage.
D. the firm will always have a higher ROE than it would without leverage.


When a company has financial leverage, it signifies that its debt burden exceeds its equity.

What is financial explain?

Finance is the process of creating funds or cash for any kind of spending. It involves allocating various financial resources, including as lending, loans, and cost of equity, to the sections of the economy that could benefit from them most.

What is financial problem?

The inability to pay whether long-term or short-term debt obligations is financial hardship. Debt makes it harder to manage money and lowers one's purchasing power. Financial worries start to arise once all debts have been paid. Finding a solution is essential in order for debts to be repaid.

To know more about financial visit:



the market-based approach gives the value of the sport business based on a multiple of operating results, such as profits or revenues.


A thorough business valuation will probably use a number of methods to arrive at a value estimate.

Guideline Public Company Method:

Using publicly listed firms that offer a suitable foundation for comparison to the subject company, the guideline public company technique generates an indicator of worth. According to the subject company's industry, the valuation specialist will normally perform a search to find a set of benchmark public firms, and will then evaluate operating, financial, geographical, industry, and/or market features to make sure they are suitable for inclusion.

Guideline Transactions Method:

The guideline public company approach and the guideline transactions method are comparable. However, valuations are generated from transaction consideration in mergers and acquisitions rather than from the stock prices of publicly traded companies. Even the M&A process is occasionally used to describe it.

Transactions in the Stock of the Subject Company:

The guideline transactions approach may be used to transactions in a subject company's shares as a subset to provide value indicators. The current trading price of a company's shares, such as Microsoft, is the strongest indicator of value for shares of its stock when it comes to publicly traded firms

Learn more about Market Approach in a Business Valuation:



The following items are relevant to the preparation of a statement of cash flows for Tropical Products Inc.
1. Sale of common stock, $1,200,000.
2. Retirement of bonds payable, $852,000.
3. Purchase of land, $24,000.
4. Sale of equipment for $57,600, at a loss of $12,000.
5. Purchase of equity securities (not held in a trading account), $24,000.
6. Declaration of cash dividends, $96,000.
7. Loan of $72,000 resulting in a note receivable, nontrade.
8. Purchase of a patent, $48,000.
9. Proceeds from the issuance of a short-term nontrade note, $24,000.
a. Determine the amount of net cash flows that would be reported in the investing section of a statement of cash flows.
b. Determine the amount of net cash flows that would be reported in the financing section of a statement of cash flows.


Finance and Investing Activities The following matters for the creation of a cash flow statement for Tropical Products. $1,200,000 of common stock was sold. Bonds payable for retirement total $852,000. $24,000 was spent buying the land.

Loss of $12,000 on the $57,600 equipment sale. $24,000 was spent on the purchase of equities securities (not in a trading account). $96,000 in cash dividends are declared. $72,000 in loans with a non-tradeable note as the outcome. A $48,000 patent purchase. $24,000 in earnings from the sale of a short-term non-trade note.

The sum of net cash flows that would be shown in a statement of cash flows' investing section. Land sold for $39, acquisition of equipment (80,000) Retirement of bonds Net cash spent by investing activities $(41,000) (50,000) payment of dividends in cash.

To learn more about  Purchase of equity from given link



Which of the following explains the shape of curve 1?Law of Demand Law of Marginal AnalysisLaw of Diminishing Marginal UtilityLaw of Diminishing Marginal Returns


Principle of Diminishing One of it's following explains how curve 1 is shaped: marginal utility.

Marginal thinking: What is it?

When you think marginally, you take into account how much you would value something being added. You analyze the costs and advantages of introducing anything more while ignoring the sunk costs of what is already scheduled to occur (extra work, money, bananas etc.).

Does mediocre imply failure?

If your evaluation shows some evidence of pertinent learning in connection to the course learning goals but does not meet the course's minimal standards, you received a Marginal Fail (MF), which is a mark between 47% and 49%. If you earn this grade, you could be qualified for an additional test.

To know more about Marginal visit:




b law of marginal analysis


i think

which of the following are economic theories that adam smith supports and argues for in the wealth of nations? (choose all that apply)


The following are economic theories that Adam Smith supports and argues for in the wealth of nations:

division of laborfree trade

Who is Adam Smith?

Adam Smith was a Scottish economist and philosopher who was christened on 16 June [O.S. 5 June] 1723 and died on 17 July 1790. He is regarded as a major figure in the Scottish Enlightenment and a pioneer in the field of political economy. He wrote The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), two influential books that have led to him being referred to as "The Father of Economics" or "The Father of Capitalism" (1776). The latter, sometimes referred to as The Wealth of Nations, is regarded as his greatest achievement and the first contemporary work to handle economics as a full system and as an academic field. Smith chooses to focus on natural, political, social, economic, and technical elements as well as their relationships rather than using God's will to explain how wealth and power are distributed. In addition to other economic ideas, Smith's concept of absolute advantage was introduced in this work.

To learn more about Adam Smith from the given link



which of the following are economic theories that adam smith supports and argues for in the wealth of nations? (choose all that apply)

lester corp. sells merchandise to a customer for $1,000. the company also collects state and local sales taxes of 6% and 4%, respectively. at the time of sale, lester should record the following credit amounts.


At the times of sale, Lester corp. sells merchandise:

(a) sales tax payable of $100

(b) sales revenue of $1,000

What is the ratio of times interest earned?

A ratio of less than one is a significant indication of approaching bankruptcy since it shows that a company may not be able to meet its interest payments and is therefore more likely to fail on its debt. It is easier for creditors and investors to determine if a liability will need the use of cash or another asset by categorising liabilities as current or long-term. It doesn't matter if these liabilities have a time value of money component.

To know more about merchandise click on the link below:



True or False: most managerial problems can be properly evaluated and solved using a single goal, such as profit maximization.


False. Most managerial issues may be accurately assessed and resolved by focusing on a single objective, such profit maximisation. Sensitivity analysis is to determine how modifications to the input data and parameters would affect the suggested solution. The antithesis of "what-if" analysis is goal-setting.

What is profit maximization?

Profit maximisation is a business firm's propensity to use the most effective techniques and balance marginal costs and revenues in order to maximise profits in the short or long term. Its primary objective is to raise a company's output level so that it can sell more goods and services and make the most money.

Every business and industry has historically prioritised maximising profits. Thus, it becomes a cornerstone of accepted economic theory. Numerous of its presumptions have aided economists in developing a variety of ideas concerning costs and production. Additionally, it helps to understand how businesses act and how price, input, and output affect diverse market circumstances.

To learn more on profit maximization from the link:



which of the following will happen if there is a fall in the supply of credit in an economy without any change in the demand for credit


Its consumption expenditure will increase if there is a fall in the supply of credit in an economy without any change in the demand for credit.

What is consumption expenditure?

Consumer expenditure is the total amount of money spent by people and families in an economy on final goods and services for their own use and enjoyment. All private purchases of durable, nondurable, and service products are included in modern measurements of consumer spending.

All current government outlays for purchasing goods and services are included in general government final consumption expenditures.

What significance does spend on consumption have?

Analysts can better comprehend business cycle changes by looking at consumption flow and expenditure (consumption expenditure). The sale of the initial product (expenditure), not the use of the products after the purchase, is the only source of income for manufacturers of durable goods.

To know more about consumption expenditure, click here- brainly.com/question/29380933


Suppose Scoope's Ice Cream Shop operates as a price leader in a small town. If Scoope's decides to increase their price from $6 to $10 other firms will likely
A. also increase their price.
B. keep their price the same.
C. reduce their price.
D. adjust their price so marginal revenue and demand are equal.


Let's say that in a tiny town, Scoope's Ice Cream Parlor is a pricing leader. If Scoope's opts to increase their pricing from $6 to $10, it is possible that other businesses would follow suit.

Marginal Revenue: What Is It?

The increase in income that comes from selling one more unit of output is known as marginal revenue. Although marginal income could remain constant at that degree of output, it will eventually start to decline as the yield level rises due to the law of decreasing returns.


Price leadership is typical in such an oligopolistic market. It may be described as a business that has the power to regulate market prices. Instead of following it or changing their rates to meet the pricing established by the price leader, it leads additional rivals who have little or no choices.

Other businesses will probably raise their prices if the market challenger raises the rate from 6 to 10. Since the price leader sets the pricing and other businesses follow suit, as was already said before, eventually they will also raise the price.

Option B is in error.

Maintaining the same price is inappropriate because other businesses must follow the price set by the price leader. Large companies that have the lowest manufacturing costs often considered price leaders because they can undercut their competitor' pricing. Moreover, it promotes an atmosphere that is conducive to all organizations' success. As a result, they won't maintain the same pricing and will instead adopt the price set by the market leader.

Alternative C is untrue. price reduction

When competitors lower their prices somewhat to keep market share, when they retain the low price for a lengthy period of time, they lose money and are forced to leave the market.

Option D is in error.

Since revenue is equal as demand in the event of perfect competition, it won't change their price. In an oligopolistic market, price keepers are frequent, and in a market with perfect competition, the curve equals horizontal at MP. Demand curve and MR are similar in a market with perfect competition because the MR that the company receives equals same rise in TR from supplying 1 extra unit.

In summary, we can say that price leaders establish the rate and other businesses follow it. Since these businesses are big and have low production costs, price leaders are in position to lower their pricing.

To know more about Marginal Revenue visit:



data-driven decision-making is using facts to guide business strategy. the benefits include which of the following? select all that apply.


Data-driven decision-making is using facts to guide business strategy and provide benefits such:

Combining observation with objectve data (2)Using data analytics to find the best possible solution to a problem (3)Getting a complete picture if a problem and its causes (4)

Data-driven decision-making or DDDM is a strategic business decision making that utilizes facts, metrics, and data to guide the decision making process and aligned them with our goals, objectives, and initiatives. DDDM allows a company to nurture critical thinking and curiosity culture.

DDDM allows a company to be more confident in making decision and choices. A company will be able to explain more accurately and persuasively to any interested parties about its projects. DDDM can also boost the trust others have in a company.

There are 3 core capabilities to be developed in pursuit to be data-driven:

Data proficiencyAnalytics agilityCommunity

To do DDDM there are some steps to follow:

Identify objectivesFind the right metricsCreate the proper reportsTrack changes over timeAnalyze any changes occurOptimize according to analysisRepeat

Learn more about Data-Driven Decision Making here: https://brainly.com/question/10238072


Complete Question:

Data-driven decision-making is using facts to guide business strategy. The benefits include which of the following? Select all that apply.

Making the most of intuition and gut instinctCombining observation with objective dataUsing data analytics to find the best possible solution to a problemGetting a complete picture of a problem and its causes

in a cournot oligopoly with n firms and identical marginal costs, the relationship between the price elasticity of demand for the firm and that of the market is


In a Cournot oligopoly with n firms and identical marginal costs, the relationship between the price elasticity of demand for the firm and that of the market is no deterministic relationship.

How do businesses act according to the Cournot model?

There are n enterprises that set quantities simultaneously in the Cournot model. A typical firm is designated as firm I and the firms are numbered from I = 1 to I = n. Firm I decides to sell a quantity qi 0 at a cost of ci (qi). Q stands for the product's total quantity. The price that results from competition between the firms is p(Q), and each firm pays this equal price. It's generally best to see the quantity as genuinely representing a market capacity, with price competition among the enterprises setting a market price given the market capacity.

To know more about Cournot model visit:



To provide a personalized experience to your email reader, which of the following best practices should you employ? Select all that apply.
a.Add the contact’s first name
b.Mention their interests
c.Mention the exact pages they’ve visited on your site
d.Mention an action the contact has taken with their company



Add the contact’s first nam.

Mention the exact pages they’ve visited on your site.

Mention an action the contact has taken with their company


when the united states recently imported $1,933 billion in merchandise and services and exported $1,555 billion, it had a trade deficit.


When the United States recently imported $1,933 billion in merchandise and services, and exported $1,555 billion, it had a trade deficit is TRUE.

Trade defitic happens when a country's imports exceed its exports during a given period of times. Trade deficit occurs when the Net Export of a country shows a negative point. Net Export (NX) is the gap between the amount a country's exports with the amount of its imports. Net Export is also known as Balance of trade or BOT.

Trade deficit could bring advantages and disadvantages at the sasme time. Trade deficits shows a imbalance country's saving and investment rates. Trade deficits reflects that a country spends more money onn imports rather than it makes on exports.

The more amount of foreign capital inflows could be risky since the greater degree of foreign direct investment and foreign ownership of government debt. However, a strong trade surplus does not necessarily mean a strong economic growth either.

Learn more about Trade Deficit here: https://brainly.com/question/1342988


when searching for a supply chain management professional, hiring executives should expect that candidates meet all the desired criteria.


How supply chain works?

The supply chain is a network of businesses engaged in cooperative processes that, in the end, produce value in the form of goods and/or services for the final consumers .

The best possible supply chain operation, or all activities from supply chain purchase through servicing the end customer at the lowest cost, is referred to as supply chain management . Procurement, product life cycle management, logistics, supply chain strategy, and planning are just a few of the sectors that make up supply chain management. The goal of supply chain management is to coordinate and integrate the network .

Hiring executives should expect that candidates :

CRM comes first because, in accordance with SCM principles, you must customize every aspect of the supply chain to the client. There is no need to make anything if no one is purchasing.

Plans for continuous interactions must be in place when a store's staff interacts with its customers at the top of your supply chain. To obtain consumer data for marketing and market research, as well as to choose the goods and services to offer in the future, they need CRM technologies.

Another procedure that ties in is customer service management, where you gather both positive and negative input to identify future needs.

Due to the fact that demand management takes client interactions and orders

he workload at every stage of the supply chain is determined by taking into account customer contacts and requests.

Fundamentally, having more customers means making more money, whereas having fewer customers means making less. Customer forecasting is a crucial operation that analysts must complete well in order to predict future demand and minimize supply chain waste.

To know more about supply chain click on link given below



In the long run, if service capacity is inadequate for the arrival rate, one of the following will likely occur:
a. servers will slow down.
b. customers will demand less.
c. reneging will occur.
d. prices will be increased.


In the long run, if service capacity is inadequate for the arrival rate, one of the following will likely occur: servers will slow down.

What is servers ?A server is a computer program or device that provides services to other computer programs and their users (also called clients). In  data centers, physical computers running server programs are often referred to as servers.Servers store, send and receive data.In essence, it exists to "provide" something else and  provide a service.A computer, software program, or even a storage device can act as a server and  provide one  or more services. Database servers, print servers, mail servers, file servers, application servers, web servers, and game servers are  examples of servers. The request-response paradigm, in which a client sends a request to a server, is most commonly used to create client-server systems.

To learn more about servers  from the given link :



100 POINTS HELP PLEASE If you produce corn and soybeans, what percentage of your production is soybean when 25% of what you produce is corn?
A. 0%
C. 50%
B. 25%
D. 75%





If 25% of what you produce is corn, then the percentage of your production that is soybeans is 100% - 25% = 75%. This means that if you produce corn and soybeans, 75% of your production is soybean. Therefore, the answer is 75%.

D. 75%

Since you’re producing 25% soybeans, all you would need to do to find out what percentage of your production is corn is subtract 25% from 100%, aka 100-25, leaving you with 75 or 75% of your production being corn.

the revenue recognition principle applies to merchandisers by recognizing sales revenues when the performance obligation is satisfied.


True. The revenue recognition principle applies to merchandisers by recognizing sales revenues when the performance obligation is satisfied.

What is the revenue recognition principle?

According to the revenue recognition principle, revenue should only be recognized when it has been earned rather than when the associated currency is received. For its typical charge of $100, a snow removal firm might clear the parking lot of a business. The accrual accounting characteristic known as the revenue recognition principle states that revenues must be recorded on the income statement in the period in which they are realized and generated, not necessarily when cash is received. when legal title is transferred during the sale. According to the principle of revenue recognition, a corporation would record revenue when it was obtained through the provision of goods or the rendering of services to clients. At this point, customers get ownership of the products.

To learn more about the revenue recognition principle click on the given link:



18th century scientists (pre-Darwin) discussed evolution as a process for change. Darwin was the scientist who figured out natural selection as a mechanism for change over time.


True in the 18th century scientists (pre-Darwin) discussed evolution as a process for change. Darwin was the scientist who figured out natural selection as a mechanism for change over time.

What is Revolution?

A revolution, as defined by historians and political scientists, is a fundamental alteration to the status quo, typically involving established social and governmental structures.

Crisis leads to revolution. It might be a crisis caused by a power vacuum, a conflict, an economic crisis, a crisis of governance, or another factor.

The first of the three revolutions was a national one, which entailed the abolition of colonialism. The second was an Arab revolution, which entailed the abolition of artificial borders and divisions erected by outsiders. The third revolution was a social one, which entailed the development of a living that was honorable and socially fulfilling.

France became a republic after the French Revolution transformed it from a monarchy. The nation seemed to be on the verge of revolution.

To learn more on Revolution from the link:



christina and javier, a married couple filing a joint return, received a state income tax refund in 2021 for state taxes they overpaid in 2020. they were able to reduce their 2020 federal tax liability by itemizing and claiming a deduction for state and local income taxes paid that year. when christina and javier file their 2021 return, they may need to report all or part of the state tax refund they received in 2021 as: a negative deduction. a recaptured credit. a refundable credit. taxable additional income.


Christina and Javier may need to report all or part of the state tax refund they received in 2021 as a taxable additional income. Therefore, the option D holds true.

A taxable income can be referred to or considered as the income on which there is a liability of an individual to pay taxes to the relevant collecting authorities. A taxable income is computed with the income tax returns filed by the taxpayer. Moreover, the taxable income of a person is directly related to the official charges to be paid by the individual out of his or her gross income.

Learn more about taxable income here:



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