15/5+1/2x(-4/7) solve


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:








42/12 - 4x/14 =


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in a randomly selected 100 students in a large college, 20 of them had at least one sibling. does this provide strong evidence that more than 15% of college students in america have at least one sibling? when you test using what type of error might you have committed? group of answer choices type i error


Therefore solution to the given problem is the p-value is 0.08 .

What is test statistics ?

It is common practice to evaluate statistical hypotheses using test statistics. A popular way to describe a hypothesis test is with a test statistic, which is a count of a data set that can be used to perform the test and reduces the data to a single number.


test statistics Z

=> Z =  [tex]\frac{p-p'}{\sqrt{p'(1-p')/n} }[/tex]

Null hypothesis H0 : p= 0.15


Alternate hypothesis Ha: p>0.15

Z = (0.2 -0.15) / √0.15 *0.85/100



p- value= P(Z>1.40)=1-Ф(1.4)=1-0.92 =0.08

Therefore , the p- value is 0.08 , thus half of population is supporting

To know more about test statistics, visit




a closed rectangular box has volume 34cm3. what are the lengths of the edges giving the minimum surface area?


The lengths of the edges of the considered rectangular box which will give the minimum surface area are all ∛34.

How to find the surface area and volume of a closed rectangular box?

Suppose the dimensions of the rectangular box be 'a', 'b' and 'c' units respectively. Then, we get:

Surface area of the box, S = 2(ab + bc + ca) unit²

Volume of the box, V = abc unit³

For the considered box, let the dimensions be 'a', 'b' and 'c' cm.

Then, as we're provided that the volume of the box is 34 cubic cm, we get:

abc = 34

c = 34/ab

Thus, the surface area of the considered figure would be given as:

S = 2(ab + bc + ca) unit²

S = 2(ab+ c(b+a))

= 2(ab+ (34/ab) (b+a))

=( 2a²b² + 68b + 68a)/ ab cm²

There is symmetry in the equation we obtained for surface area between 'a' and 'b'.

That means, they will be of same measure to minimize or maximize the surface area. It is because if one of them is bigger than other, it is possible to prove that other one, by same tricks, can be proved bigger than first one.

Thus, we have a = b for S to be maximum or minimum.

Thus, we get:

Smax or min = (2a⁴+136a) / a²

= (2a²+ 136) / a

= f(a)

Taking first derivative of f(a), we get:

f'(a) = 4a - 136 / a²

f''(a) = 4 + 272/a³

Putting second rate = 0, we get critical points as:

f'(a) = 0

4a = 136/ a²

a³ = 34

a = ∛34 = b

Thus, the only critical value found is corresponding to minima.

Thus, S is minimum when a = b = ∛34

The value of c is:

c = 34/ab

= 34/ [tex]\sqrt[3]{34^{2} }[/tex]

= (34)¹/³

c = ∛34

Thus, the lengths of the edges of the considered rectangular box which will give the minimum surface area are all ∛34.

To know more about minima check the below link:



31 divided by 6263
pls help me by giving
a answer


Rounded Answer:

0.005 or 0.0049

Craig borrowed $1,800 from his parents to buy a stereo. His parents charged
him 3% simple interest for 2 years. How much interest did he pay his parents?


Answer: $108

Step-by-step explanation:
3% = 0.03
1800 x 0.03 x 2 = 108

What is the slope of the line given by the equation 3 x − 8 y = − 16 ?



The slope is 3/8

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of the line given by the equation 3x - 8y = -16 is 3/8.

To find the slope of the line given by the equation 3x - 8y = -16, we need to rearrange the equation into slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where m represents the slope.

Starting with the given equation:

3x - 8y = -16

We can isolate y by subtracting 3x from both sides:

-8y = -3x - 16

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by -8 to solve for y:

y = (3/8)x + 2

Now, we can observe that the equation is in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, with m = 3/8.

This means that for every increase of 1 in the x-coordinate, the y-coordinate increases by 3/8.

To learn more about slope click on,



3 less than p is less than or equal to 29


Answer: p-3[tex]\leq[/tex]29

Step-by-step explanation:

use inverse operation to solve 1 1/8=2 1/4x


The value of x in 1 1/8=2 1/4x by using inverse operation is 1 / 2.

What is the inverse operation?

Addition and subtraction, multiplication, and division are examples of inverse operations, which are pairs of mathematical operations where one operation reverses the effects of the other.


1 1/8=2 1/4x

Solve the above equation by using the inverse operation.

Solve the mixed fraction into improper fractions as shown below,

9 / 8 = 9 / 4 x

x = 9 / 8 × 4 / 9

x = 1 / 2

Therefore, the value of x in 1 1/8=2 1/4x by using inverse operation is 1 / 2.

To know more about the inverse operation:



What is the formula of a figure?


There is no single formula for a figure. Different figures may have different equations or formulas, depending on the type of figure and the desired result as triangle.

The formula of a figure depends on the type of figure in question. For example, a circle has a circumference formula of C = 2πr, while a square has an area formula of A = s^2, where s is the length of a side. The formula for a triangle is A = (1/2)bh, where b is the base and h is the height. The formula for a sphere is V = (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius. Different figures may also have different formulas for calculating their perimeter, area, or volume.

Learn more about triangle here



a It's possible to build a triangle with side lengths of 3, 3, and 9.
• A. True
O B. False


Answer: The answer is A) True.

Step-by-step explanation: It is possible, although the only thing that wouldn't be possible is an equilateral triangle, since there is one side length that is different.

I hope this helps!!

How long is a piece of nylon rope that costs $1.00?



Step-by-step explanation:

1.25, The store has a meter. P is equal to 0.8 times L where P is the price and dollars, and L is the length in meters. The nylon rope cost per meter is the first equation. It comes out to be 80 cents, because our price is equivalent to 0.8 times one Meet her. 80 cents per meter is how much this is. We need to figure out how long of a rope we got. If we have that, the dollar is equal to 0.8 times out. One side that is divided by.8 is equal to the other side. 1.25 m of rope was bought for this question.

How do I find the domain and range of a function?


The domain of the function y = 2 - √(-3x+2) is (-∞ , 2/3] and the range of the function is (-∞ , 2]  .

In the question ,

it is given that , the function is ⇒ y = 2- √(-3x+2) .

For Domain ,

we know that the square root function is defined only when the number inside the root is non negative .

that means ,

-3x [tex]+[/tex] 2 ≥ 0

Subtracting 2 from both the sides ,

we get ,

-3x ≥ -2

x ≤ 2/3

the Domain is (-∞ , 2/3] .

For range , we know that the root function value in always non negative .

√(-3x + 2) ≥ 0

Multiply by -1 on both sides

we get ,

-√(-3x + 2) ≤ 0

Adding 2 to both the sides

2 - √(-3x + 2) ≤ 2

y ≤ 2

the range is (-∞ , 2] .

Therefore , the domain is (-∞ , 2/3]   and the range is (-∞ , 2] .

How do we find the domain and range of the function y = 2- √(-3x+2) ?

Learn more about Domain and Range here



Which scatter plot best illustrates a strong positive correlation?


The second one has a strong positive correlation

Find x. 6x+2x-17+6x-1+-3x+20


In the preceding equation, x has the value -2/11.

How do equations work?

A mathematical formula that connects two expressions with the equals sign (=) expresses the equality of the two expressions. For instance, in English, an equation is any properly stated formula that consists of two expressions linked by the equals sign, whereas in French, an equation is described as containing one or more variables. To solve a variable equation, identify the values of the variables that cause the equality to hold true. The answer is known as the values of the variables that must satisfy the equality. Usually, it only has one variable and an equal sign. as in 2x - 4 Equals 2.

Equations can be categorized as identities or conditional equations.




x= -2/11

Therefore, in the preceding equation, x has the value -2/11.

To know more about equations, visit:



there were 425 guests at a hotel. 170 guests ordered food. what percentage of the guests ordered food?


The percentage of the guests ordered food is 40%

"Information available from the question"

In the question:

There were 425 guests at a hotel. 170 guests ordered food.

To find the what percentage of the guests ordered food?

Now, According to the question:

Total guests in hotel is 425

and, 170 guests ordered food

=> Divide 170 by 425

= 170/ 425 = 0.4

The percentage of the guests ordered food:

=> 0.4 x 100 = 40%

Hence, The percentage of the guests ordered food is 40%

Learn more about Percentage at:



how do you slove the eqaution 4x=3y-7


The given equation can be solved for the value of x and y

i.e. x = (3y - 7)/4 & y = (4x + 7)/3.

What is the linear equation?

An algebraic equation of the form y=mx+b is referred to as a linear equation. m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept, and all that is involved is a constant and a first-order (linear) term. The variables in the preceding equation are y and x, and it is occasionally referred to as a "linear equation of two variables."

We have,

The equation 4x=3y-7

So, here we can solve this equation for the x as well as y equals,

Firstly we will solve for x:

4x = 3y - 7

dividing the whole equation by 4 we get,

4x/4 = (3y - 7)/4

x = (3y - 7)/4

Similarly, we will solve for y:

4x = 3y - 7

3y = 4x + 7

dividing the whole equation by 3 we get,

3y/3 = (4x + 7)/3

y = (4x + 7)/3

Hence, the given equation can be solved for the value of x and y

i.e. x = (3y - 7)/4 & y = (4x + 7)/3

To learn more about the linear equation visit,



suppose the speeds of vehicles traveling on a highway are normally distributed. if the population standard deviation is 2 miles per hour, what minimum sample size is needed to be 90% confident that the sample mean is within 1 mile per hour of the true population mean?


The 90% confidence interval is given by (3.9911; 7.9911)

It is 90% confident that the true average speed of a vehicle on a highway is between 3.9911 and 7.9911 miles per hour.

1) Former concept

A confidence interval is "a range of values ​​that is likely to encompass the values ​​of a population with some degree of confidence. Often expressed as a percentage.

The error bar is the range of values ​​above and below the sample statistic in the confidence interval.

A probability distribution that is symmetric about the mean and indicates that data close to the mean are more common than data far from the mean.

X = 2, represents the sample mean of the sample

μ = population mean (variable of interest)

s = 1 represents the standard deviation of the sample

n = 11 represents the sample size

2 ) Confidence Interval:

Confidence Interval for mean is given below:

                  X ± t (α/2) s/√n

To compute the critical value, we first need to find the degrees of freedom given by

df = n -1

   = 11 -1 = 10

Confidence is 0.90 or 90%, so the value of and is α = 0.1 , and α/2 = 0.05 you can use Excel, a calculator, or a spreadsheet to find the critical values. The Excel command would be "=-T.INV(0.05,10)".

2 - 1.81 (1/√11) = 3.9911

2 + 1.81 (1/√11) = 7.9911

So in this case the 90% confidence interval is (3.9911 , 7.9911)

We are 90% confident that the true mean for the speeds of vehicles traveling on a highway is between 3.9911 and 7.9911 miles per hour.

Learn more about Confidence interval:



24 x 1/6 could someone help with this question


Answer: 4

Step-by-step explanation:

24 can be written as 24/1

24/1 times 1/6 = 24/6 = 4

Answer: 4

Step-by-step explanation:


A hallway has a length of 350 inches (in.) and a width of 90 in. What are the dimensions of the hallway in meters (m)?


The dimensions of the hallway in meters (m) are 8.89 m (length)  and 2.29  (width ).

Unit Conversion

The unit of length is essential information. There are different units for the length. In the International System Units (SI), the standard unit for length is the meter (m).  Nonetheless, there are other units, for example: inches (in) and feet(ft).

1 in = 0.0254 m

1 ft= 0.3048 m

The question gives the following dimensions in inches:

length= 350 inches width = 9inches

Therefore, you should know the relation between the units for solving this question.

Conversion of the length

   1 in-------- 0.0254 m

   350 in------- x m


x=8.89 m

Conversion of the width

   1 in-------- 0.0254 m

   90 in------- x m


x=2.29 m

Read more about unit conversion here:



How do you find the measures of missing angles ?


To find the the measures of missing angles, it's important to know the total sum in the angles and then subtract by the angles given.

How do you find the measures of missing angles?

Let's take for instance, a triangle has a total angle of 180°. It should be noted that a triangle has three sides and angles.

Let's say that two of the angles are 50° and 70°, therefore, the value of the third angle be be represented thus:

(50 + 70 + x) = 180

120 + x = 180

Collect like term

x = 180 - 120

x = 60°

The third angle is 60°

Learn more about angles on:



simon is a single individual and wants to sign up for the standard plan being offered by his employer. he plans to use in-network physicians. after reviewing the sample health benefits form with the information provided about simon, which of the statements below are true? (choose all correct answers)


The statement that applies to Simon as a person is; C: His annual deductible will be $800.

What is Insurance in-network?

We are aware of the following information regarding in-network insurance:

After deductible, a lower copayment rate was applied.Incur a little amount of out-of-pocket expenses.Have an annual deductible that is not too high.

Simon will most likely have a yearly deductible of $800 and it is less probable that he will not pay anything after meeting this annual deductible because in-network doctors serve to lower the cost of insurance to the individual.

Learn more about network insurance here;



The options missing in the question are;

a. The cost of his annual physical will be 50% after deductible

b. The maximum amount that he can expect to pay out-of-pocket is $6,000.

c. His annual deductible will be $800.

d. Once he hits his annual deductible of $800, he will incur no additional costs for health care services for the rest of the calendar year.

Let D = {16,19.21}, E = {16,18, 19,20} and F = {15, 17, 18,19,21). List the elements in the set DUE


All the elements in DUE are {16,18,19,20,21}. And the elements are combined elements of D and E.

What is the union of sets?

The set containing all the components that are present in both sets A and B, or both sets A and B combined, is referred to as the union of two sets A and B. The symbol "aUb" stands for the union of the sets a and.

Given, sets D = {16,19.21},

E = {16,18, 19,20},

and F = {15, 17, 18,19,21}.

To find the elements in the set DUE:

Here, we have to find the collection of sets D and E

And we have the elements of,

D = {16,19.21}

And E = {16,18, 19,20}.

To find the union of sets, we take all the elements in the union set.

And while doing, we should not repeat the elements.

And put the elements in the ascending order.

So, the union of set D and E is,

DUE = {16,18,19,20,21}

Therefore, the DUE is {16,18,19,20,21}.

To learn more about the union of sets;



a bag contains 4 red, 4 black, and 8 white balls. three balls are drawn, without replacement. what is the probability that one of each color is drawn? (enter your probability as a fraction.)


This is a fraction, so it can also be written as a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator: 1/62 = 0.0161.

What is conditional probability?

Conditional probability is a measure of the probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. It is written as P(A|B), where A and B are events and P(A|B) represents the probability of event A occurring given that event B has already occurred.

To find the probability that one of each color is drawn from the bag, you can use the following steps:

Calculate the total number of possible combinations of three balls that can be drawn from the bag without replacement. This is equal to the number of ways to choose 3 balls from a total of 16 balls, which is calculated using the combination formula:

Total number of combinations = 16 choose 3

= (16 * 15 * 14) / (3 * 2 * 1)

= 560

Calculate the number of combinations that include one ball of each color. There are 3 ways to choose the red ball, 3 ways to choose the black ball (since one of each color has already been chosen), and 1 way to choose the white ball (since there is only 1 white ball left). Therefore, the total number of combinations that include one ball of each color is:

Combinations with one ball of each color = 3 * 3 * 1

= 9

Calculate the probability by dividing the number of combinations with one ball of each color by the total number of combinations:

Probability = 9 combinations / 560 combinations

= 9/560

= 1/62

Therefore, the probability that one of each color is drawn from the bag is 1/62. This is a fraction, so it can also be written as a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator: 1/62 = 0.0161.

To learn more about conditional probability

What is the population standard deviation?


Enter your answer as a decimal, rounded to the nearest tenth, like this: 4.2


3 is the standard deviation of the  population.

What is Statistics?

Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

The given data is {5, 8, 8, 5}

We need to find the standard deviation.

Before finding standard deviation we need to find the mean and then variance.

The mean of the population = Sum of the terms /  Number of Terms




The variance of the population = (5 - 6.5)² + (8 - 6.5)² + (8 - 6.5)² + (5 - 6.5)²

= (-1.5)² + (1.5)² + 1.5² + (-1.5)²

= 2.25 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 2.25

= 9

Standard deviation is square root of variance

Standard deviation=√variance



Hence, the standard deviation of the  population is 3.

To learn more on Statistics click:



Square ABCD is reflected about side BC. Which of the following statements are true? Select three that apply.


The solution is Square ABCD is reflected about the side BC

Option A.

Option C.

Option D.

What is Reflection?

Reflection is a type of transformation that flips a shape along a line of reflection, also known as a mirror line, such that each point is at the same distance from the mirror line as its mirrored point. The line of reflection is the line that a figure is reflected over. If a point is on the line of reflection then the image is the same as the pre-image. Images are always congruent to pre-images.

The reflection of point (x, y) across the x-axis is (x, -y). When you reflect a point across the y-axis, the y-coordinate remains the same, but the x-coordinate is taken to be the additive inverse. The reflection of point (x, y) across the y-axis is (-x, y).

Given data ,

Let the figure be a square

Now , the sides of the square ABCD is AB , BC , CD and DC

The square ABCD is reflected about the side BC

So , the possible relations are

The reflected square will be A'B'C'D'

where length of side AB = A'B'

length of side BC = B'C'

length of side CD = C'D'

length of side DA = D'A'

So ,

The vertex B is the midpoint of side AA'

And the vertex C = C'

And , the length of the side CD = C'D'

Hence , The vertex B is the midpoint of side AA'

And the vertex C = C'

And , the length of the side CD = C'D'

To learn more about reflection click :



What is the contrapositive of the following conditional statement?
"If I won the lottery, then I would buy a car."
Is Question
If I bought a car, then I won the lottery.
If I did not buy a car, then I did not win the lottery.
If I did not win the lottery, then I would not buy a car.
If I won the lottery, then I would buy a car.


The contrapositive of the given conditional statement will  be If I did not buy a car, then I did not win the lottery.

What is a conditional statement?

When two statement P and Q are written in the formate of if P then Q,  it means Q must be true whenever P is true, these types of statements that follow some conditions are called conditional statement.

Given that, a conditional statement, "If I won the lottery, then I would buy a car."

Here the P part is If I won the lottery and Q part is I would buy a car.

The rule for statement being contrapositive, for two statement P and Q is,

If not-Q then not-P

Therefore, the contrapositive will be, If I did not buy a car, then I did not win the lottery.

Hence, The asked statement is If I did not buy a car, then I did not win the lottery.

For more references on conditional statements, click;



Hannah went shopping for a new pair of sneakers. Sales tax where she lives is 9.5%. The price of the pair of sneakers is $42. Find the total price including tax. Round to the nearest cent.


Original price =$42
Sales Tax =9.5% >>(9.5%*42) =3.99
Total price =Original Price +Sales tax
Rounded to nearest cent 45.99

Triangle ABC is defined by the points A(3,8), B(7,5), and C(2,3).

Create an equation for a line passing through point A and perpendicular to BC.


The equation of the straight line would be y = (-5/2) + 15.5.

What is the general equation of a Straight line?

The general equation of a straight line is -

y = mx + cm → is slope of line.c → is the y - intercept.

Other possible equations of lines are -

(y - y₁) = m(x - x₁)                                  {Point - slope form}(y - y₁) = (y₂ - y₁) × (x - x₁)/(x₂ - x₁)         {Two point - slope form}x/a + y/b = 1                                        {intercept form}x cos(β) + y sin(β) = L                         {Normal form}

We have a triangle ABC is defined by the points A(3, 8), B (7, 5), and C(2, 3).

Assume the equation of the line to be -

y = mx + c

The slope of line BC will be -

m{BC} = (3 - 5)/(2 - 7)

m{BC} = - 2/- 5

m{BC} = 2/5

So -

m{BC} x m{l} = - 1

m{l} = -1/(2/5)

m{l} = -5/2

The equation will be -

y = (-5/2)x + c

For the point A(3, 8) -

y = (-5/2)x + c

8 = (-5/2) x 3 + c

8 = -7.5 + c

c = 8 + 7.5

c = 15.5

Therefore, the equation of the straight line would be -

y = (-5/2) + 15.5

To solve more questions on straight lines, visit the link below-




The equation of the straight line would be y = (-5/2) + 15.5.

Step-by-step explanation:

What makes a quadrilateral unique?


Different types of quadrilateral with four sides and four angle but have different properties make the quadrilateral unique.


Points which makes the quadrilateral unique are as follow:

Quadrilateral is a closed plane figure with four vertices, four sides and four angles enclosed in it.Different types of quadrilateral with different properties make it unique compare to other geometrical figure.Rhombus and Square both have all four sides congruent to each other but difference in angles make them unique.Rectangle and square with each angle of measure 90degree but different measurement of sides make them unique.Trapezium and kite properties related to their sides make them unique.

Therefore, properties of the quadrilateral make them unique.

Learn more about quadrilateral here



When a confidence interval for the difference of two population means contains​ 0, what can be​ concluded?A. An error was made in the calculation. B. The results of the confidence interval are inconclusive. C. The population means are significantly different. D. The population means may be the same


The population means may be the same

So, option D is correct.

What is meant by confidence interval?

In statistics, the probability that a population parameter will fall between a set of values a predefined percentage of the time is known as the confidence interval. Analysts typically use confidence intervals that cover 95% or 99% of the expected observations while assessing data. In frequentist statistics, an estimation range for an unknown parameter is referred to as a confidence interval. The most common confidence level for computing confidence intervals is 95%, however other levels, such 90% or 99%, are also occasionally employed. The conclusion is reached that the result is statistically significant if the confidence interval eliminates the value of zero effect.

If (μ₁- μ₂=0) is included in the confidence interval, that means this two means have the same difference that is zero.

Therefore, they may be nearly same,

So, The population means may be the same

Hence, option D is correct.

To know more about confidence interval, visit:



Question 5 pls help!!!!!!!


Step-by-step explanation:

the construction of a right angle (2 lines at 90° interception angles).

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