Criteria: I can explain what happens to lines and angles in a dilation.
Triangle DEF is a scaled copy of Triangle ABC}, answer the following question equations that could be used to solve for x.

Criteria: I Can Explain What Happens To Lines And Angles In A Dilation. Triangle DEF Is A Scaled Copy


Answer 1

7 ÷ x = 1.5 is the equation used to solve for x.


Triangle DEF is a scaled copy of triangle ABC.

We have to find the equation to solve for x.

Scaled Copy;-

 A scaled copy is a representation of a figure in which each length from the original representation has been multiplied by the same amount. Triangle ABC, for instance, is a scaled version of triangle DEF. Triangle DEF's side lengths were calculated by multiplying each side length from triangle ABC by 1.5.


Length of side AB = 6

Length of side DE = 4

Let y be the value used for scaling.


6 = 4y

y = 6/4 = 1.5


Length of side BC ÷ x = 1.5

7 ÷ x = 1.5

7 = 1.5x

x = 7/1.5

x = 4.67

That is,

The equation used for getting the value of x is 7 ÷ x = 1.5

Learn more about scaled copy here;


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Can someone please help me with this question


To calculate the height of the model, the architect should [divide] the actual height of the building by [10]

The height of the model is [6] inches.

How to complete the statement explaining how to find the height of the model the architect made?

A scale is a factor by which a quantity is multiplied or divided in order to change its magnitude. Scales are commonly used to change the size of a figure without changing its shape or orientation.


A scale = 1 inch represents 10 feet

The height of the actual building = 60 feet

Since the model is a smaller version of the actual building, in order to get the height of the model, you have to divide the height of the actual building by the scale (10).

Thus,  height of the model = 60/10 = 6 inches

Learn more about scale on:


What is the value of x if 7−9x=10?




Step-by-step explanation:

7 - 9x = 10  Subtract 7 from both sides of the eqaution

-9x = 3  Divide both sides by -9

x = [tex]\frac{-3}{9}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-1}{3}[/tex]

Solve the proportion using cross products. Round t the nearest hundredth if necessary 22 miles /55 hours = 12 miles/k hours


Solving the proportion 22 miles/ 55 hours :: 12 miles/ k hours using cross products, value of h is 30.

Define proportion.

Comparing two integers that each stand for a component of a whole results in a proportion. In essence, a percentage declares that two fractions are equal, regardless of the difference in amount. For instance, the ratio of half of 10 marbles to half of 50 marbles is 10. When determining if two ratios or fractions are equivalent, the proportion formula is utilized. By dividing the supplied values, we may determine the missing value. One way to express the percentage formula is as a: Whereas a and d are the extreme terms and b and c are the mean terms, b::c: d = a/b = c/d.


22 miles/ 55 hours = 12 miles/ k hours

Solving the proportion using cross products,

22 × h = 12 × 55

22 × h = 660

h = 660 ÷ 22

h = 30

Solving the proportion 22 miles/ 55 hours :: 12 miles/ k hours using cross products, value of h is 30.

To learn more about proportion, visit:


Find a solution to the linear equation y=2x+6 by filling in the boxes with a valid value of x and y.



The answer to the linear equation y = 2x + 6 is (x, y) = (1, 2.5). This means that if we plug in x = 1 into the equation, we get y = 2.5.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the solution to the linear equation y = 2x + 6, we can first rewrite the equation in slope-intercept form. This is done by rearranging the equation to have the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept.

In this case, we have y = 2x + 6. To put this equation in slope-intercept form, we need to isolate the y-term on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 2x from both sides, which gives us y - 2x = 6.

Next, we need to divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of the y-term, which is -2 in this case. This gives us the equation y = -(1/2)x + 3.

Finally, we can plug in any value of x that we want to find the corresponding value of y. For example, if we plug in x = 1, we get y = -(1/2) * 1 + 3 = 2.5. Therefore, the solution to the equation y = 2x + 6 is (x, y) = (1, 2.5).

In general, if we want to find the solution to a linear equation in slope-intercept form, we can plug in any value of x that we want to find the corresponding value of y. This process is called graphing the line, and it is a useful way to visualize the solutions to linear equations.

computer is not intelligence why

Which function and domain could represent the given
O f(x)=1-Lx]; -3 O f(x) = 1 + Lx]; -3 ≤x≤ 3
O f(x)=-Lxl; -3 ≤x≤3
O f(x)=Lx]; -3


f(x) = -Lxl is the function and -3 ≤x≤3 is the domain that could represent the given graph .

What is a function ?

Function is an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between one variable (the independent variable) and another variable (the dependent variable).

What is a domain ?

The domain of a function is the set of values that we are allowed to plug into our function. This set is the x values in a function such as f(x). The range of a function is the set of values that the function assumes. This set is the values that the function shoots out after we plug an x value in.

Thus , from the graph it can be clearly depicted that it is representing f(x)=-Lxl for an entire range of  -3 ≤x≤3 .

Hence , f(x) = -Lxl is the function and -3 ≤x≤3 is the domain that could represent the given graph .

Learn more about function and domain  at:




Step-by-step explanation:

just did assignment

50 POINTS AND THE BRAINLIEST!! These items are all on sale with one-third off. What was the full price of each?
Sale price: Original full price:

£32.24 £_________

£86.08 £_________

£105.48 £_________

£230.62 £___________



A. £48.36

B. £129.12

C. £158.22

D. £345.93

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide by two and add the quotient for each question to get the answer.

Consider parallelogram ABCD with vertices A(-8, 5), B(-7, 8), C(-1,6), and D(-2, 3). Classify the parallelogram and select ALL that apply.
Group of answer choices

ABCD is a rectangle.

ABCD is a square.

ABCD is a rhombus.

ABCD is none of these.


The parallelogram ABCD with vertices A(-8, 5), B(-7, 8), C(-1,6), and D(-2, 3) is a rectangle as two sides are equal, so option A is correct.

What is parallelogram?

A unique kind of quadrilateral created by parallel lines is called a parallelogram. A parallelogram can have any angle between its neighboring sides, but for it to be a parallelogram, its opposite sides must be parallel.

Given data:

The parallelogram ABCD with vertices A(-8, 5), B(-7, 8), C(-1,6), and D(-2, 3),

Calculate the distance of sides as shown below

[tex]AB = \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}[/tex]

AB = [tex]\sqrt{[-7-(-8)]^2 + (8-5)^2}[/tex]

AB =  √(1² + 3²)

AB = √10


BC = [tex]\sqrt{[-1-(-7)]^2+(6 - 8)^2}[/tex]

BC = √(36 + 4)

BC = √40 or 2√10


CD = √10

And AD = 2√10

Here AB = CD and BC = AD, opposite sides equal, so it is a rectangle. Therefore, the parallelogram ABCD with vertices A(-8, 5), B(-7, 8), C(-1,6), and D(-2, 3) is a rectangle as two sides are equal.

To know more about Parallelogram:


John's salary is $25.38 per hour. He gets a raise of $0.85, what is the percent increase?


The percentage of the increment in Hohn's salary will be 3.35%.

What is the percentage?

The amount of any product is given as though it was a proportion of a hundred. The ratio can be expressed as a quarter of 100. The phrase % translates to one hundred percent. It is symbolized by the character '%'.

The percentage is given as,

Percentage (P) = [Final value - Initial value] / Initial value x 100

John's compensation is $25.38 for each hour. He receives a pay increase of $0.85

The percentage of the increment is calculated as,

P = (0.85 / 25.38) / 100

P = 0.0335 x 100

P = 3.35%

The percentage of the increment in Hohn's salary will be 3.35%.

More about the percentage link is given below.


What are the slope and y-intercept of the linear function that is represented by the equation y=-10x1?



Step-by-step explanation:

y=-10x1 = -10

y intersects at -10 as a horizontal line.

Please help is due tonight


The linear function that has the greatest initial value is Function C.

Function B has the greatest rate of change.

What is a function?

function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output.


f(x) = 2x + 1

f(1) = 2 + 1 = 3

f(2) = 2 x 2 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5

The outputs of the functions are 3 and 5

The inputs of the function are 1 and 2.

We have,

Function A:

The initial value is o.

f(0) = 0

The rate of change.

= (f(4) - f(2)) / 4 - 2

= (10 - 5) / 2

= 5/2

= 2.5

Function B:

The initial value is

y = 3x - 1

y = 3 x 0 - 1 = 0 - 1 = -1

Let y = f(x)

The rate of change.

= (f(2) - f(1)) / (2 - 1)

= (5 - 2) / 1

= 3

Function C:

The initial value is 2.

(0, 2) is considered as when x = 0, y = 2.

Take two coordinates from the graph.

(3, 3) and (6, 4)

The rate of change.

= (4 - 3) / (6 - 3)

= 1/3

= 0.33


Function C has the greatest initial value.

Function B has the greatest rate of change.

Learn more about functions here:




the answer is 4/5 this is know to be hard

Find the value of x in the equation



Step-by-step explanation:

AV is an angle bisector. Lets name the intersection between AV and OU Y. Hence, OY=UY. We substitute and get :

7x+2=3x+10  |-3x

4x+2=10   |-2

4x=8  | /4


5 w ​ =3 what is it find the w



w = 3/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Given equation,

→ 5w = 3

Now the value of w will be,

→ 5w = 3

→ w = 3 ÷ 5

→ [ w = 3/5 ]

Hence, the value of w is 3/5.


Find each probability and then order from least probable to most probable.



The probabilities are:

1. 1/6

2. 1/2

3. 9/14

4. 0

5. 1

So ordering from least to most probable:

4. 7 on a 6 sided die

1. 4 on a 6 sided die

2. heads with a coin

3. red or green marble

5. <7 on a 6 sided die.

Step-by-step explanation:

1. The probability of rolling 4 on a 6-sided die is 1/6, as each side is equally probable.

2. The probability of flipping a coin onto heads is 1/2, as there are 2 equally probable outcomes.

3. The probability of drawing red or green out of 6 red, 5 blue, 3 green is 9/14 (9 positive outcomes out of 14).

4. The probability of rolling a 7 with a 6 sided die is 0, as there is no such number on the die.

5. The probability of rolling a number less than 7 on a 6 sided die is 100%, or 1, because any outcome is positive (we can only roll numbers smaller than 7).

The probabilities are:

1. 1/6

2. 1/2

3. 9/14

4. 0

5. 1

So ordering from least to most probable:

4. 7 on a 6 sided die

1. 4 on a 6 sided die

2. heads with a coin

3. red or green marble

5. <7 on a 6 sided die.


Step-by-step explanation:

all creds to person above

Evaluate x/y for x = 3/10 and = 4/5

A: 7/50

B: 7/15

C: 3/8

D: 12/50


Answer:The correct anserw is B.

Step-by-step explanation:

please help solve problem (picture)


The outpatient surgery as the percent of total surgeries in the year 1996 is 86 %

What is logarithmic function ?

The opposite of an exponential function is a logarithmic function. A log function and an exponential function both use the same base. An exponent is a logarithm. f(x) = bx is how the exponential function is expressed. The formula for the logarithmic function is f(x) = log base b of x.

According to the given information

Consider the logarithmic function:

[tex]f(x)=-1311+306 \ln x[/tex]

Here x is the number of years since 1990 and f(x) is the outpatient surgery as the percent of total surgeries.

In the year 1996:

[tex]& x=96 \\[/tex]

[tex]& f(96)=-1311+306 \ln (96) \\[/tex]

        [tex]& =-1311+1396.69 \\[/tex]

        [tex]& =85.69 \\[/tex]

        [tex]& \approx 86 \\[/tex]


The outpatient surgery as the percent of total surgeries in the year 1996 is 86 %

To know more about logarithmic function


Caleb purchased video games for $45 each. He bought $540 worth of video games.

If x is the number of video games, which equation can be used to find the total number of video games Caleb purchased?




Step-by-step explanation:

The residents of a city voted on whether to raise property taxes. The ratio of yes votes to no votes was 5 to 4 . If there were 6597 total votes, how many yes votes were there?


The required number of people who voted for yes is 3665.

What is the Ratio?

The ratio can be defined as the proportion of the fraction of one quantity towards others. e.g.- water in milk.


As mentioned in the question,
The people residing in the city voted on whether to raise property taxes. The ratio of yes to no is 5 to 4.

The multiplication of the proportion of yes to the total proportion of total votes gives the number of people who voted for yes.

The ratio of people yes to no = 5:4
Proportion of yes voted people = 5 / 9
The number of people who voted for yes = 5 / 9 × 6597 = 3665.

Learn more about ratios here:


Asha has 5 more 40¢ stamps than 30¢ stamps. The total value of her
40¢ stamps is $5.20 more than that of her 30¢ stamps. How many of the
40¢ stamps does Asha have?




Step-by-step explanation:

(18 - 4) to the power of 2




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex](18-4){2}[/tex] = (18-4) x (18-4) = 14 x 14 = 196

do pemdas so parenthesis first then distribute the exponent

Isaiah recorded the grade-level and instrument of everyone in the middle school School of Rock below.
Seventh Grade Students
Instrument # of Students
Guitar 11
Bass 3
Drums 3
Keyboard 4
Eighth Grade Students
Instrument # of Students
Guitar 4
Bass 10
Drums 6
Keyboard 3

Based on these results, express the probability that an eighth grader chosen at random will play the guitar as a decimal to the nearest hundredth.




Step-by-step explanation:

You want the probability that a randomly chosen 8th grader will play the guitar.

Eighth graders

The table tells us that there are 4 eighth grade students that play the guitar. The total number of eighth grade students is 4+10+6+3 = 23. When one is chosen at random, the probability they play the guitar is ...

  (4 students)/(23 students) = 4/23 ≈ 0.17

The probability an 8th grader will play the guitar is about 0.17.


isosceles triangle, please find y and x and give/show work.


Step-by-step explanation:

because it is an isoceles triangle (both legs are equally long), also both side angles on the baseline must be equally large.

so, we have

4x + 3 = 2x + 29

4x = 2x + 26

2x = 26

x = 26/2 = 13

41 = 3y + 2

39 = 3y

y = 39/3 = 13

Simplify the expression (3/7)^2

A: 3/7

B: 6/14

C: 9/49

D: 5/9


Answer: c

Step-by-step explanation:

There are two times the amount of milk chocolate bars as there are dark chocolate bars in a box. If there are a total of 138 candy bars in the box, How many of each kinds of chocolate bar are in the box?


The candy box has 46 chocolate bars and 92 milk bars.

What is a function? What is equation modelling? What is a mathematical equation and expression?In mathematics, a function from a set X to a set Y assigns to each element of X exactly one element of Y. The set X is called the domain of the function and the set Y is called the codomain of the functionEquation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis of the given problem.A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions.

Given is that there are two times the amount of milk chocolate bars as there are dark chocolate bars in a box. There are a total of 138 candy bars in the box.

Assume that there are [x] chocolate bars in the box. Then, there will be [2x] milk bars. So, we can write -

2x + x = 138

3x = 138

x = 138/3

x = 46

Therefore, there are 46 chocolate bars and (2 x 46) or 92 milk bars in the candy box.

To solve more questions on equations, expressions and polynomials, visit the link below -


express this formula as a probabilistic relationship between poisson and gamma random variables. math.stackexchange


The gamma as well as Poisson distributions have an intriguing link. For each x, P(X x) = P(Y x), (1) where Y Poisson(x/), if X is a gamma(x, y) random variable and x is an integer.

What does the word "Poisson" mean?

The probability density function f(x)=e−μμxx!, which approximates the binomial distribution and is frequently employed as a mathematical model of something like the number of outcomes acquired in an appropriate period of time and space, has a mean equal to its variance.

What is the purpose of Poisson?

A Poisson distribution can be used to forecast or explain how many events will take place over a specific period of time or space. "Events" might include anything from illness occurrences towards to customer purchases to meteor strikes. Any defined period of time or area, such as 10 days or 5 square inches, can be used as the interval.

To know more about Poisson visit:


A swimming pool shaped like a rectangular prism measures 50 meters long 25 meters wide Ann’s 3 meters deep



what is the question please ask properly


volume = 3750 m³

Step-by-step explanation:

volume = length × width × height

volume = 50 m × 25 m × 3 m

volume = 3750 m³

What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (8, -6) and (5, -1)




Step-by-step explanation:

trust me bro


Use desmos

Step-by-step explanation:

Basically it is a graphing calculator put your points

Find three consecutive odd numbers whose sum is 1899.



631, 633, 635

Step-by-step explanation:

Odd numbers exists in AP with common difference of 2.

That is; 1, 2, 5, 7 etc

So lets say the middle number of the three consecutive numbers is x, the next number to it Will be (x+2), and the previous number will be (x-2)

Therefore, the sequence is (x-2), x, (x+2) ... (1)

and the series will be, (x+

-2) + x + (x+2) = 1899

Solve for x;

x + x + x - 2 + 2 = 1899

3x + 0 = 1899

x = 1899 ÷ 3

x = 633

Therefore the consecutive odd numbers (following 1) is: (633 - 2), 633, (633+2) = 631, 633, 635

Help pls I don’t understand



  3.  (x, y) = (20, 30)

  4.  (x, y) = (30, 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

You have equilateral triangles in two different configurations, and you want to find the values marked x and y.


All of the angles marked with an arc are congruent, so all are 60°. The angle marked 80° is an external angle to the top/left triangle. Its value is the sum of the values of the remote interior angles:

  80° = 60° +x°

  20° = x° . . . . . . . subtract 60°

  x = 20

The sides of the equilateral triangle are congruent, so all are length 46. That means the right side is ...

  16 +y = 46

  y = 30 . . . . . . . subtract 16

  (x, y) = (20, 30)


All of the angles marked with an arc are congruent, so all are 60°. The top 60° angle of the equilateral triangle is an external angle to the isosceles triangle at top/right. Its two base angles are the remote interior angles with respect to that 60° exterior angle, so their sum is 60°:

  x° +x° = 60°

  x = 30

The two marked legs of the isosceles triangle are both 20, which means all sides of the equilateral triangle are length 20.

  5y = 20

  y = 4 . . . . . . . divide by 5

  (x, y) = (30, 4)

The graph shows the relationship between time and the number of soda bottles a machine can make. Use the points ​(​,​) and ​(​,​) to find the number of soda bottles the machine can make each minute.


The number of b the machine can make each minute are 40.

What is machine?

A physical system known as a machine uses power to apply forces, regulate movement, and carry out an action. In addition to naturally occurring biological macromolecules like molecular machines, the term is frequently used to describe artificial devices that use engines or motors.


The graph shows the relationship between time and the number of soda bottles a machine can make.

We have to find the number of soda bottles the machine can make each minute by using the points (3, 120) and (7, 280).

Let x is the time in minutes and y is the number of soda bottles.

From the given points in 3 minutes machine can make 120 soda bottles.

So, in each minute machine can make 120/3 = 40 soda bottles.

Hence, the number of b the machine can make each minute are 40.

To know more about machine, click on the link


Complete question:

Complete question is attached below.

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Amanda looks at an animal cell under a microscope and sketches the cell. She notices that the cell is in a phase of mitosis, so she asks her friend to identify the phase. Her friend identified the cell as being in prophase. What should she be observing in order to correctly label her sketch as prophase?A. the chromosomes are visible, spindle fibers form, and the nuclear envelope disappears. B. the cytoplasm starts to split into two new cells and the two new nuclei developC. the chromosomes move away from the center to either side of the cells. D. the duplicated chromosomes line up at the center of the cell HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO USE X AND Y ON A COORDINATE GRID THAT HAS THE PROPORTIONS OF M=24R a 83.0-kg person is riding in a car moving at 20.0 m/s when the car runs into a bridge abutment. calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.00 cm. 8. Which of the following is NOT an example of potential energy?A. A running womanB. A compressed springC. An apple dangling off a branchD. A candy bar The statement says that youve triggered the Penalty APR so that it has now increased to 28.99%. What action triggered this?answer choices- You paid your last bill online in full by the due date.- You paid only the minimum payment by the due date.- You failed to pay the minimum payment by the due date.- You failed to pay your late payment fee. In lasik surgery, a laser is used to reshape the cornea of the eye to improve vision. The laser produces extremely short pulses of light, each containing 1. 0 mj of energy. Accurate and timely information is the foundation of effective marketing, especially of the marketing concept.a. Trueb. False Before the cell can divide again, it must grow and synthesize proteins during the ________ phase and duplicate its chromosomes during the S phase. the term civil rights group of answer choices refers only to the struggle of african americans and their struggle to achieve freedom. was defined in article vi of the constitution and commits the federal government to avoiding discrimination reminds us that once rights are established for one group, they apply to everyone. describes the protections of individuals against arbitrary and abusive government action. What surprised you about the structure and organization of the heart? investigating significant variances from a budget to assign responsibility is an example of management by exception.A.TrueB.False 13. public health nurse take1. alert the family members of coworkers about possible exposure to anthrax2. place the employee under quarantine for 14 days3. refer coworkers who might have been exposed to a provider for prophylactic antibiotics4. instruct the client to wear a mask at work an fm radio station has a frequency of 96.7 mhz. what is the corresponding wavelength to this radio station? A central bank is concerned that inflation rates are rising too quickly. In order to reduce the available money supply, it orders banks to set aside a greater percentage of their deposits than previously required. This action best illustrates the central bank's use of which tool of monetary policy?. given list: { 8 9 33 44 57 60 62 64 73 74 77 86 } which list elements will be checked to find the value: in a company where units are given autonomy to work independently, but are now asked to work together, the units may become territorial and refuse to share ideas for fear of being eliminated. this functional structure will produce which drawback? slf-cannibalization inability to support cost competency cascading effect of errors redundancy across units low levels of centralization the expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business. to pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute.a) trueb) false Type the correct answer in each box. Use numerals instead of words.3^1/5The expression above can also be written in the form (image because I can't type it).For this expression, a = and b = . patents are granted to inventors of a product or process for a certain number of years. the reason for this is to encourage innovation in the economy. without the existence of patents, it is argued, research and development for improved pharmaceutical products is unlikely to take place, since theres nothing preventing another firm from stealing the idea, copying the product, and producing it without incurring the development costs.