Create an opposing argument for the following claim:

Children under age 10 should not have a cell phone because they are not responsible enough to care for and properly handle this type of technology.


Answer 1


In a way they should and should not


The reason I think that they should is because if something happens and they need help they need to have someone to call or text especially if it is an emergency. Most kids under the age of ten are actually smart the age I think that should have phones are maybe 7 and older.

Answer 2

Children under the age of 10 should have a cell phone because, under the right guidance, they can learn the importance of it. It shows them that you trust them with important things and it may impact their behavior towards a parent or guardian.

Another reason they should have a cell phone is that it provides a form of protection. Some parents and guardians let their children out on their own at a very young age. Without protection, the child has a higher risk of getting kidnapped or hurt.

I hope this will help you. ^^

Related Questions

What do decomposers complete and how do they do it? Please use a sentence from the text to answer this question.



a decomposer is a organism that decomposes, or break down, organic material such asthe remain of death organisms. It includes bacteria and fungi. These organisms carry out the process of decomposition, which all living organisms undergo after death.

Which of the following would you consider if you were defining by analysis?

Choose all that apply.
Select one or more:

Other names




What the word is not

Root words



f. Root words,a. other names, d. origins

Read the passage and examine the text in bold. Then, answer the question.

I always loved my grandfather's explanations of our seasons, "This is the country of three seasons. From June on to November it lies hot, still, and unbearable, sick with violent and unrelenting storms; then on until April, it is chill, quiet, and drinks its scant rain and scanter snows. From April to the hot season again, it is blossoming, radiant, and a seductress." His months were only approximate, later or earlier the rain-laden wind may drift up the water gate of the Colorado River from the Gulf and bring to us our heat, chill, or radiance. In the desert, we see the land sets its seasons by the rain
Does the bolded portion contain an error? Choose the correction if one is needed.

radiance, and a seductress
radiant, and seductive
radiating, and a seductress
No correction needed



B). Radiant, and Seductive.


Yes, the bolded segment in the given passage involves an error and the rectification would be 'radiant, and seductive.' The use of seductress is incorrect as it is a noun whereas the previous words 'blossoming and radiant' are functioning as the adjectives qualifying the season. Therefore, 'seductress' must be converted to 'seductive' so that it also acts as an adjective that will modify the noun. This is correctly displayed through option B and hence, it is the correct answer. The first and third options are incorrect due to the wrong usage of the noun 'seductress' and option D is obviously wrong as the bolded portion has an error.

which theme topic is not seen in daughter of invention?
Family relationships



do you watch anime









Classifying groups or ideas, usually in unflattering ways, is known as ______.(1 point) bias. negativity. propaganda. stereotyping.



negativity xd

because if i call you a dimwit thats being rude and very disrespectful




How is the importance of image versus the reality of particular circumstances symbolic or foreshadowing?



Symbolism, specifically, is using visual cues to convey meaning. Symbols offer depth or meaning and can be used to hint at things, and foreshadowing is the subtle clues left for the reader to predict elements of the plot.


hope this helps you

Label these images using three of the following terms: amplitude, wave length,
frequency, sound source, crest, trough, resting point, sound wave, rarefaction,
compression, receptor, transverse, longitudinal (3 pts)



These particle-to-particle, mechanical vibrations of sound conductance qualify sound waves as mechanical waves. Sound energy, or energy associated with the vibrations created by a vibrating source, requires a medium to travel, which makes sound energy a mechanical wave.Feb 10, 2020

list five educational software ​


Brainly, canvas, newsela, abc mouse, Rosetta Stone, duolingo

How has Okonkwo's life changed during his years in exile? Give specific evidence to support your ideas.




Okonkwo doesn't truly change during the novel. As others in the village drift toward the church during his banishment, he is in his mother's land working to get back to where and how he was.

1.) Which of the following choices is the definition of a suffix?

A.) A suffix is the most basic and simplistic form of a word.

B.) A suffix is a word or part of a word that is added to the beginning of a base word.

C.) A suffix is a word or part of a word that is added to the end of a base word.

D.) A suffix is a word that stands in for and replaces a noun.








a is a root word

b is a prefix

d is a pronoun

Which statement best evaluates the author's use of pacing to enhance the narrative? The go-karts lined up in rows, each displaying its colorful racing stripes that would turn into a blurry rainbow once the race began. Lani gripped the steering wheel, her gloved hands steady, and listened anxiously for the starting gun's pop. Engines roared and bubbled around her, while her heart thudded unmercifully in her chest. Only a few more seconds, and she'd slam the gas pedal to the floor and become the first girl to win the Summersville Go-Kart Challenge. A. It is not effective, because the slow pace is too calm to capture Lani's excitement at the start of her race. B. It is effective, because the slow pace foreshadows Lani's unusually slow race time. C. It is effective, because the fast pace helps the reader relate to Lani's anxious feelings. OD. It is not effective, because the fast pace creates the impression that Lani is unable to focus on the task at hand.​





The fast pace helps the readers relate to lani's anxiousness


I believe that the answer would be

C. It is effective, because the fast pace helps the reader relate to Lani's anxious feelings.


You can see and feel that anxious feeling that Lani feels in the following line "Lani gripped the steering wheel, her gloved hands steady, and listened anxiously for the starting gun's pop. Engines roared and bubbled around her, while her heart thudded unmercifully in her chest". I think this line here makes the statement all more suspenseful and effective in enhancing the narrative.

How did Noah's dad get out of jail in chapter 8 of flush?


The police officers left the cell door open and he escaped.

In your opinion, is Nathaniel Hawthorne's description of Goodman Brown's dream believable? Give reasons to support your answer. Your answer should be at least 200 words.



In my own opinion, yes, I believe that Nathaniel Hawthorne's description of Goodman Brown's dream is, in fact, believable, but only as a dream. This is because it takes place in the perfect place for the imagination and the mind to make everything seem real: a dream. Had Hawthorne's description of Goodman Brown's dream been outside of that dream, it would not be so believable then. Despite the fact that there are numerous characters, events, and circumstances that are more typical for a person's mind to create images and scenes while they are suspended in a dream state rather than to be present within real-life standards, there are other aspects of Hawthorne's description that redeem the plausibility of the dream. There are particularly accurate aspects of the dream, for example, the depiction of the Puritan culture. The Puritan people, in their time, were greatly influenced by religion and had it utilized against them for others to have control over them through their fear of facing the wrath of God. On the other hand, it is not so believable that one would encounter the Devil himself in the woods in real life as it occurs in the dream. Again, it must be stressed that overall, the description of the dream is only believable as just that: a dream. It would not be believable otherwise.


Hello <3 Hope your day is going well :) Please write your answer in your own words!

Which of these includes a properly used direct quotation?

Rick jumped up and down with glee. I made the team!
Jumping up and down with glee, Rick said, “I made the team!”
Rick made the team and was filled with glee.
With a big smile on his face, he said I made the team


Answer: B


Rick only said “I made the team!” The other options either misplaced the quotation or didn’t have any dialogue.


the other person is right its B


The student wants to create a scale model with modeling clay and starts with a sphere
of plasticine about 4 cm thick to represent the core. How
thick does a layer of modeling clay need to be to form the crust?
A. Almost 10 cm
B. About 3 cm
C. About half a mm
D. A little less than 12 m


the answer would be d

what is one way that carson targets a general readership

a. by appealing to pathos in addition to logos
b. by limiting her use of citations
c. by limiting her appeals to pathos
d. by appealing strictly to logos


the answers A. by appealing to pathos in addition to logos.


by appealing to pathos in addition to logos.



how do you know that uncle hammer and papa are not afraid of the threats made by mr. Granger​



Mr. Granger threatened the Logan's by saying he would take there land and by saying he will make other families pay. ... Granger the challenge of having to get the Logan families land. I hope you can get the answer from this


You know that they are not afraid by reading/looking at their reaction to the threats.


I don't know if this is a joke question or if its a actual assignment your doing but here's your answer.

what matters most to norma?
a. her marriage
b. material things
c. doing what is right
d. solving the mystery



b. material things


she lists material things she would get with the money like a car, new apartment, etc.

hich is the best translation of the dialect in the excerpt?

“My friend, why are you not speaking up? I wanted to know if you would call the soldier for us.”
“My friend, can you repeat what you said? I asked you if you wanted me to call the soldier?”
“My friend, why are you not talking? I asked you if you wanted us to call the soldier.”
“My friend, why are you not talking? I wanted to know if you would call the soldier for us.”



C: My friend, why are you not talking? I asked you if you wanted us to call the soldier.”


The line they gave us asked "My frien, why you no de talk again. I de ask you say you wan make we call soja?" (This might be the answer)


it's c


the person above me is right

What can you infer about the narrator, a horse named Black Beauty, in this excerpt from Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty?



her name was black buesty and the horse hell came riding on because was know as because when he made hellfury


and when he'll froze over he need a new a to get back so end instead of being hot we slide like ice to melt the hell back over" know as a black night "

Could anybody help me with these



B. Botanists consider all plant parts with seeds to be fruits, but nutritionists consider many of them to be vegetables.


Option B is the correct answer.

From the given passage, we will discover that it is stated that botanists classify plants with seeds to be fruits. The passage went further to explain that for the nutritionists, fruits are sweet and fleshy. The nutritionists believe that vegetables are eaten as part of a meal.

As a result of that they see many of the plant parts with seeds to be vegetables in contrast to what the botanists say.

You ________ brought food. We have got plenty here. 1 điểm had better needn't have didn't need should have



needn't have


A sentence can be defined as a group of words that comprises of both a subject and predicate used to convey a logical information. Sentences are classified into four (4) main categories and these includes;

I. Simple sentence.

II. Compound sentence.

III. Complex sentence.

IV. Compound-Complex sentence.

Furthermore, sentences are classified into four (4) main categories based on their functions and these includes;

a. Declarative sentence.

b. Imperative sentence.

c. Exclamatory sentence.

d. Interrogative sentence.

In this scenario, the most appropriate phrase to fill in the blank is "needn't have" because it implies that the action was performed but it was unnecessary i.e need not to have been done.

Hence, the complete sentence would read: "You needn't have brought food. We have got plenty here."

This ultimately implies that, the subject brought a lot of food but it wasn't necessary because they got plenty food at the place.

You should not use the authors' last names in the citation if the authors' names appear in your quote's signal phrase.



True or False -  You should not use the authors’ last names in the citation if the authors’ names appear in the text.

Answer: True

Explanation below:


When it comes to English Grammar, a signal phrase is a type of phrase sentence or clause that often introduces a quotation, paraphrase, or summary. This type of phrase contains a verb together with the name of the person that is being quoted.  

It alerts the reader that something taken from an entirely different source is about to be used.  

Below is an example:

Daniel testified that he was not in the house when his neighbor’s dog died (13).

The author’s name is included and the page number in parenthesis.

So when the author’s name does not appear in the text, you should not use the author’s last names in the citation.  

Which statement best describes the main idea of a text? A.It helps a reader identify the authors of the text . B.It gives readers information about a topic .C.It gives evidence for the authors message. D.It is important message of a text



D. It is important message of a text.


Any text most often contains one main point or idea of what the whole text or passage will be dealing with. In other words, a text will often contain a recurring idea that will be the basis of the whole text.

The main idea of a text is the most important message or issue that the author wants to convey to the readers. It can also be the main point that the whole text or passage is all about.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

how does macduff make macbeth fight?



You need to watch anime


You need to watch anime :D

Read the sentence.

Sophie's writing group suggested she revise her story to have an omniscient narrator so her readers would know what all of the characters were thinking and feeling.

What is the meaning of the word omniscient as it is used in the sentence?







I would say all-knowing




According to the text, what is the meaning of the word anomalies?


Answer: Irregular results.



irregular results


I'm pretty sure this is right....I couldn't see the text before.

which two words do the word that's consist of​



Portmanteau word, also called blend, a word that results from blending two or more words, or parts of words, such that the portmanteau word expresses some combination of the meaning of its parts.



Portmanteau word, also called blend, a word that results from blending two or more words, or parts of words, such that the portmanteau word expresses some combination of the meaning of its parts.


Create an opposing argument for the following claim.

School uniforms should be mandatory in all schools because they are cost effective, diminish bullying, and improve efficiency during morning routines.



No they should not


Wearing school uniforms should not be mandatory because it can make people feel uncomfortable like some girls don't like to wear skirts or dresses then what happens. What happens when you are trans what uniform would you wear. In a way it can bullying worse.

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