create a crosstabulation table using the methods we learned in module 9. how many items from orders in the east were returned?


Answer 1

Here is an example of a crosstabulation table that shows how many items from orders in the East region were returned:

Region     Returned Not Returned

East                5                            15

West              3                            17

North              7                            13

South              4                            16

In this example, the table shows that 5 items from orders in the East region were returned. The table is created using the crosstabulation method, which is a way of organizing and summarizing data by dividing it into categories or groups and counting the number of occurrences within each group.

You would need to first collect information on the orders that were placed in each region as well as whether or not the items from those orders were returned in order to generate this table. The data would then be organized using the crosstabulation approach into a table, where each row would represent a distinct region and each column would represent a different return status (returned or not returned).

You may simply determine how many goods from orders in each region were returned by utilizing the crosstabulation approach, and you can use this information to make business decisions like recognizing trends or patterns in returns or changing your policies or practices to decrease the amount of returns.

To know more about crosstabulation table kindly visit


Related Questions

you have a computer that runs windows 10. you use windows backup and restore to create a backup image. you need to perform a complete restore of the computer. what are the possible ways to begin the restore?


Select Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Backup and Restore by performing a right-click on the Start button. Select Create a system image in the left pane, and then go through the wizard's instructions.

A system image backup on Windows 10 is a dated feature that enables you to make a "full backup" to a USB drive. In other words, a full backup is a copy of the entire system disk and secondary drives (if appropriate), which includes all of the files and settings necessary for the installation of Windows as well as all apps, settings, and files. You can restore Windows 10 in the event of a hard drive failure by using the System Image Recovery tool from the Recovery Drive.

Learn more about system here-


what are some challenges to software parallelism? (check all that apply) group of answer choices hardware parallelism is not well developed. algorithms must be analyzed to determine parallelizability. interconnection network overhead may outweigh the benefits of implementing parallelism.


The costs of the interconnection network may outweigh the advantages of using parallelism. To establish if an algorithm is parallelizable, it must be examined.

What kind of algorithm would that be?

The process to do laundry, the way we solve a widely used for solving problem, the ingredients for making a cake, and the operation of a search service are all instances of algorithms.

What is an algorithm's straightforward definition?

An algorithm is the method used to carry out a computation or solve a problem. In either hardware-based or software-based routines, algorithms function as a detailed sequence of instructions that carry out predetermined operations sequentially. All facets of data tech utilise algorithms extensively.

To know more about Algorithm visit :


What does authoritarian mean? ruling authority is granted to individuals by the government ruling by aristocracy requiring acknowledgment of authorship requiring strict obedience to an authority, such as a dictator



Authoritarian means requiring strict obedience to an authority, such as a dictator.

which type of software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time?


The 'concurrent license' type of software license permits a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time.

A concurrent license is a type of software license that is based on the maximum number of people who will use the software or account simultaneously. For instance, if an organization purchases five concurrent licenses, it means that up to five number of its employees can use the software at any given time simultaneously; the sixth user is prohibited from the use of this software which is being allowed to use for only the five users. A concurrent license typically deals with software that runs on the server where users connect via the network

You can learn more about concurrent license at


______ is a technique in which data are gathered about individuals and used to serve up personalized messages to prospective voters.


In the process of microtargeting, information about specific people is acquired and utilized to provide tailored messages to potential voters.

What happens to deleted texts?

Text messages are stored by the operating system for Android there in phone's ram, so if they are erased, there is no way to get them back. However, you may download a text backups program from the Play store and use it to restore any lost texts.

Why are my mails failing to send?

Typical causes of SMS message failures include the following: Unable to contact the intended handset. Text is really not allowed by the destination phone number. The Text message is longer than the allotted 160 characters.

To know more about Messages visit:


in the e-r model, if each entity in a set s can be associated with two or more entities in set t, but each entity in t can be associated with only one entity in s, then the binary relationship from s to t is called


Binary relationships involve two participants and are defined as such. The number of instances of an entity from a connection that can be linked to the relation is measured by its cardinality.

There may be various numbers of entities on each side of a relationship. For instance, any number of consumers can purchase any number of products, and any number of customers can purchase any number of products. A many-to-many relationship is what this is. A weak entity set connects to other (supporting) entity sets through one or more many-one relationships. By omitting the entity set (DbSet attribute) for the joining table in the CSDL and visual designer, Entity Framework displays many-to-many relationships. Instead, it uses mapping to control this.

Learn more about binary here-


a user has two files open in microsoft word; one is named salary.docx and the other is named pay.docx. when the user makes a change to salary.docx, the pay.docx window updates with the change that was just made to salary.docx. why does this happen?


Note that where a user has two files open in Microsoft word; one is named salary.docx and the other is named pay.docx. Where the user makes a change to salary.docx, the pay.docx window updates with the change that was just made to salary.docx. This happened because "The pay.docx file is hard linked to the salary.docx file."

What does it mean for two files to be hard-linked?

A hard link is a file system representation of a file in which many paths lead to the same file in the same drive.

The ls -li command is the true litmus test. The inode for each of the two files will be shown by this command. If the inodes match, the files are truly hard links, sharing disk space as well as the inode structure that holds their metadata (owner, permissions, etc.).

rm is the command used to remove a hard link. Remove (unlink) the FILE, according to the rm man page (s). Save this response.

Learn mroe about hard linking:

7. after the disk partition is first formatted, the beginning of a free space bitmap looks like this: 1000 0000 0000 0000 (the first block is used by the root directory). as we discussed during the lecture, the system always searches for free blocks starting at the lowest numbered block, so after writing file a, which uses six blocks, the bitmap would change to 1111 1110 0000 0000... . show the bitmap after each of the following actions: a) file b is written, using five blocks; b) file a is deleted; c) file c is written, using eight blocks; d) file b is deleted. (5 points)


File B is written, using five blocks 1111 1111 1111 0000 is the disk partition is first formatted, the beginning of a free space bitmap.

What is free space bitmap?

Free space bitmap is defined as one technique some file systems employ to keep track of allocated sectors. The bitmap's key benefit is that it can quickly and accurately locate both the initial free block and subsequent free blocks on the disk.

File A is deleted 1000 0001 1111 0000

File C is written, using eight blocks 1111 1111 1111 1100

File B is deleted. 1111 1110 0000 1100

Thus, file B is written, using five blocks 1111 1111 1111 0000 is the disk partition is first formatted, the beginning of a free space bitmap.

To learn more about free space bitmap, refer to the link below:


double-click the groups folder in the left pane to see a list of groups windows creates. double-click the users group and you see a list of users who are members of the users group, including newguest1. provide the required information true or false? users are prevented from making accidental or intentional system-wide changes and can run most applications.


Yes, it's true to avoid accidental changes by users, user groups are made. You can see members of the user groups newguest1, special groups like Authenticated Users, and INTERACTIVE, which are internal groups used by Windows.

Users and Administrators are the two built-in groups that are most frequently utilized. You have a high level of privilege on the system and are able to complete practically any job that isn't specifically protected by the operating system if your user account is a member of the Administrators group.

However, if your user account belongs to the Users Group, you are not allowed to install software into the restricted Program Files directory, alter protected areas of the registry, or change the Windows directory. Instead, you can run installed programs and make changes that won't affect the stability of the system. In Windows, the Power Users group was frequently utilized.

To learn more about User groups click here:


if i am using all features of my dataset and i achieve 100% accuracy on my training set but 70% on my testing set, what should i be correcting?


If i am using all features of my dataset and i achieve 100% accuracy on my training set but 70% on my testing set, I would be correcting Model overfit

What does high training accuracy mean?

Training accuracy means that identical images are used for both training and testing, and test accuracy means that the trained model identifies independent images that have not been used in training.

What is data overfitting?

Overfitting occurs when a model fails to generalize and instead fits the training dataset tightly. Overfitting occurs for several reasons, including: The training data size is too small and does not contain enough data samples to accurately represent all possible input data values.

Does overfitting mean better accuracy?

The high level of accuracy measured on the training set is the result of overfitting. Overfitting occurs when a machine learning model tries to cover all data points in a given database or beyond the required data points.

Learn more about overfitting data :


In what ways can the different forms of communication be enhanced with the aid of technology.


Technology can enhance the communication by making it faster.

How technology affects communication?

Technology has changed everything in modern society. The way we communicate has been revolutionized by the advancement of new innovations in the telecommunications industry. Easily connecting with others is more possible in today's world, and that's because of the speed.

Centuries ago, books and newspapers reigned as the only choice of communication. Later, innovators brought radio and television before innovation took off with the arrival of the personal computer. With each new innovation, reliance on books as a means of mass communication continues to decrease. Over time, human culture has come to understand the forces and mechanisms involved in technology and invention. In today's world, information has permeated cycles of change and development.

Learn more about technology in communication


which three layers of the osi model provide similar network services to those provided by the application layer of the tcp/ip model? (choose three.)


OSI uses three layers -- application, presentation and session -- to provide similar network services to those provided by the application layer of the tcp/ip model.

What is the OSI model?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which was founded in the late 1970s, created the seven-layer Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model. The Open Systems Interconnection model, which is a conceptual framework, "provides a common basis for the coordination of [ISO] standards development for the purpose of systems interconnection."

The OSI reference model's goals are to promote a clear framework that explains the functions of an operational networking or telecommunications system and to provide direction to technology vendors and developers to ensure that the digital communications products and software programs they develop can interoperate.

To learn more about an OSI model, use the link given

Question 1 of 20
"Once a business operations analysis is completed and change needs to
occur, many businesses will create a _________ that includes information
technology. A__________ is a long-term plan of action created to achieve a
certain goal." Which of the following answers fits into both blanks?
A. communication plan
B. business strategy
C. scheduling plan
D. technology strategy



B.Business strategy


Write a program that reads a list of words. Then, the program outputs those words and their frequencies (case insensitive).


The program str= input (''Enter a sentence: reads a list of words. The program then outputs those words and their frequencies

Example Input: hey Hi Mark hi mark

Example Output: hey


Hi 2

Mark 2

hi 2

Mark 2



str=input("Enter a sentence:





#conver the string to lower case








#dictionary to store the frequency



11 for word in words:


if word in freq:


freg word]=freg word]+1






17 #split the original string

18 original=str. splitO

19 for i in range(len(original)):


print("% %d"%(original[i],freq[wordsLi]]))

To learn more about the program


What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?
Hardware Independence


Property of virtualization that allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file is known as encapsulation

What is encapsulation?

Encapsulation describes the concept of ​​encapsulating information and the strategies that perform on that information right into a single unit, like a class in Java. This idea is likewise frequently used to cover the internal representation or state of an object from the outside. This is called information hiding.

The general concept of ​​this mechanism is simple. For example, you've a property that is not visible from outside an object. You bind it to methods that provide read or write access. Encapsulation lets in you to hide specific information and control access to an object's internal state.

Lean more about encapsulation


write a statement that calls the function addtostock with parameters computerinfo and addstock. assign computerinfo with the value returned.


A statement that calls the function addtostock with parameters computerinfo and addstock is:


What is parameters?

In computer programming, a parameter is a particular type of variable that is used to pass data between functions or procedures. Arguments are exchanges of actual information.

The system and the programming language both have rules that govern how arguments are passed to functions. These rules specify whether the arguments will be passed using the stack, machine registers, or any other method.

It details the order of the arguments (from left to right or right to left); whether the arguments will be passed by value or by reference; and other details. Furthermore, only one argument is permitted per function in languages like Haskel and HL; in these languages, extra arguments must be passed through multiple functions.

Learn more about parameters


ttl value was set to 64 at the beginning, what is the value of the ttl once it reaches its destination?


Each time an Internet Protocol (IP) packet passes through a router or gateway, the Time-To-Live (TTL) field's value is reduced by one. When a packet successfully reaches its destination and the TTL value, which was initially set to 64, is reduced by one, it will have the value 63.

In the event of routing loops or other issues, the TTL field is a time-based value that is used to stop IP packets from being transmitted endlessly. The sender sets the TTL value of an IP packet to a certain value (like 64) before it is sent. The router or gateway reduces the TTL value by one each time the packet goes through it.

The packet is rejected and a "Time Exceeded" message is issued back to the sender if the TTL value drops to 0 before it reaches its destination. As a result, routing loops and other issues that can develop when packets are transmitted endlessly are avoided.

To know more about Time-To-Live (TTL) kindly visit


What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?
a) Isolationb) Hardware Independencec) Partitioningd) Encapsulation


The property of virtualization that allows entire virtual machines to be saved as files that can move or be copied like any other file is encapsulation. The correct option is d.

What is encapsulation?

Encapsulation is a technique for preventing direct user access to some object components, preventing users from seeing the state values for all of an object's variables.

Because of this, VMs are highly manageable and portable. Like any other software file, a virtual machine (VM) can be copied from one place to another and saved on any storage medium, including storage area networks (SANs) and regular USB flash drives.

Therefore, the correct option is d) Encapsulation.

To learn more about encapsulation, refer to the link:


bill has parkinson's disease and often experiences uncontrollable shaking. bill's lack of control over his motor movements is caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter:


Bill's lack of control over his motor movements is caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's or Parkinsonism is brought on by a decline in dopamine levels in the brain. The most noticeable Parkinson's disease signs and symptoms are when the nerve cells in the basal ganglia of the brain, which control movement, are damaged or killed.

The brain cells that produce dopamine slowly deteriorate because, without it, the cells that regulate movement cannot properly communicate with the muscles.

Therefore, low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine are the root cause of Bill's inability to control his motor actions.

To learn more about Parkinson's disease, refer to the link:


which kind of attack exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities in software applications, hardware, and operating system program code?


The type of attack exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities in software applications, hardware, and operating system program code, it is known as zero-day exploits.

Exploring the Dangers of Zero-Day Exploits

As technology continues to advance, we are becoming more and more dependent on computers, networks, and other digital systems.  As the name implies, these vulnerabilities can be exploited before they are known to the public or before a patch or security update can be applied.

Zero-day exploits are particularly dangerous because they can often go undetected for long periods of time. This gives the attacker a longer window of opportunity to cause damage and steal data or gain access to privileged systems. It also presents a unique challenge for security professionals, who must identify and mitigate the risk before it can cause harm.

Learn mores about the Dangers of Zero-Day Exploits:


A website that relies heavily on word of mouth might consider including what element on its website.


A website that relies heavily on word of mouth might consider including link to social media accounts on its website.

What is website?

A website is a collection of web pages and related content that are identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. All publicly accessible web pages together form the World Wide Web. There are also private websites that can only be accessed on a private network, such as the company's internal website for its employees.

Websites are often dedicated to a specific topic or purpose, such as news, education, business, entertainment, or social networking. Hyperlinks between web pages guide website navigation, usually starting with the home page. Users can access websites on a variety of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The application used on these devices is called a web browser.

Learn more about website


Of the following similar-sounding items, which one would you likely find on your keyboard?


Of the following similar-sounding items, which one would you likely find on your keyboard is Caps Lock.

What is a keyboard?

One of the main entry points for a computer is a keyboard. Similar to an electronic typewriter, a keyboard is made up of buttons that can be used to produce letters, numbers, and symbols as well as carry out other tasks. More detailed information and responses to some frequently asked questions concerning the keyboard are provided in the following sections.

More than just typing is possible with a computer keyboard. There are a few more things you can do with a keyboard that is listed below.

Fill either a command line or another CLI with your commands (command-line interface).To complete activities more rapidly, use keyboard shortcuts. As an illustration, press Ctrl+C to copy text and Ctrl+V to paste it somewhere else.

To learn more about a keyboard, use the link given

Complete Question
Of the following similar-sounding items, which one would you likely find on your keyboard?
A. Caps Lock
B. Cap Lock
C. Clip Lock
D. Clap Lock

which of the following actions occur at the beginning of an iteration of the data step? a. the automatic variables n and error are incremented by one. b. the values of variables created in programming statements are re-set to missing in the program data vector.



Option (A)


The DATA step begins with a DATA statement. Each time the DATA statement executes, a new iteration of the DATA step begins, and the _N_ automatic variable is incremented by 1. SAS sets the newly created program variables to missing in the program data vector (PDV).

There is no ability to check or monitor if your email address was found on the dark web.
a. True
b. False


The statement " There is no ability to check or monitor if your email address was found on the dark web" is True.

What is the web?

The World Wide Web, or simply "the Web," is an information system that enables users to access papers and other web resources over the Internet. Through web servers, which can be accessed by software like web browsers, documents and downloadable media are made available to the network. Not just scientists had access to the internet before the advent of the world wide web. It unified the globe in a way that facilitated communication, sharing, and information access for everyone. The World Wide Web, sometimes known as the Web, the WWW, or just the Web, is a network of open websites that may be accessed online. The Web is not synonymous with the Internet: it is one of many applications created on top of the Internet.

To learn more about the web, use the link given

How do you expand a small window?


Answer: Get a new one...

Explanation: Use your brain...

) why did intel stop using numbers (286, 386, etc.) to identify their processors, and switch to using names (pentium, itanium, etc.)?


Intel stopped using numbers (such as 286, 386, etc.) to identify their processors and switched to using names (such as Pentium, Itanium, etc.) for a number of reasons.

The numerical naming approach had became complicated and challenging for consumers to understand, which was one reason for the move. Consumers found it more difficult to decide which processor was the most powerful or best suited for their needs as the variety of processor models grew.

Another reason was that using names helped Intel to better distinguish its CPUs from one another and to explain to customers the benefits of each model. Intel could highlight the distinctive qualities of each processor and establish a stronger corporate identity by employing names.

Finally, using names gave Intel additional flexibility and the ability to adjust to shifting market conditions. Intel could more readily release new models and phase out older ones if they had names.

To know more about Processors kindly visit


Write a for loop to print the numbers 76, 70, 64, ...34 on one line.

Expected Output
76 70 64 58 52 46 40 34


A loop is a programming construct that is used to repeatedly run a given section of code. We loop from 1 to that number, for instance, to verify each student's grade in the class.

What loop to print the numbers in different program?

Change the condition such that it evaluates to false after the increment expression has executed ten times if you want the loop to run ten times. A loop is repeated ten times. The condition evaluates to false after ten times.

You could use nested loops, the inner one being the loop you already constructed inside, and the outer for loop to instruct it to execute five times. That'd repeat it five times.

Therefore, One inner loop to count from 0 to the last element of the array, and one outside loop to count from 1 to 5.

Learn more about loop here:


a standard user attempting to install software or make changes without sufficient permissions places the os in secure desktop mode. what do they need to continue?


It is to be noted that a standard user attempting to install software or make changes without sufficient permissions places the OS (Operating System) in secure desktop mode. In order to continue, they must enter a User Account Control Password.

What are windows permissions?

When you configure permissions, you tell people what they can and cannot do within a folder, such as save and remove files or create new folders. You are not restricted to one of the normal permissions settings (Full Control, Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, or Write)

User Account Control (UAC) assists enterprises in deploying a better-managed desktop by preventing malware from destroying a PC. Unless an administrator explicitly grants administrator-level access to the system, UAC programs and tasks always execute in the security context of a non-administrator account.

To disable Windows 10 UAC, just turn it off. Note that this technique puts your ecosystem in danger.

Learn more about Windows Permissions:

when does your computer need to know the mac address of a host you are connecting to, how does it determine it?


Your computer needs to know the MAC (Media Access Control) address of a host when it wants to communicate with that host over a network.

Each device on a network is given a specific identifier called a MAC address, which is used to identify the device and initiate contact with it.

A computer can find the MAC address of a host it wants to connect to in a number different ways. One method is for the computer to broadcast a request over the network for the host's MAC address. All networked devices receive this message, but only the host with the desired MAC address will reply.

A computer can also use the Address Resolution Protocol to find out a host's MAC address (ARP).A computer can use ARP to identify the MAC address of a host based on its IP address when it wishes to interact with a host on the same network.

The MAC address of a host can also be found by a computer by looking up the address in a cache or table of previously known MAC addresses. In order to search up a host's MAC address fast in the future without having to broadcast a message or utilize ARP, a computer caches the host's MAC address when it connects with it.

To know more about MAC (Media Access Control) address kindly visit


How many possible combinations are there for a 3 digit lock?


The list of available combinations for this 3-dial lock, which has 3 functions having numbers 0-9 on all, is 1,000.

If repetition is forbidden, the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 could be converted into 504 separate three - digit values. Remarkably, the multiplying concept can also be applied to the solution of this query. Seven different values can be assigned to the initial number of a three-digit number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9. There are a total of 777=343 possible variations of integers as duplication is permissible. The second figure can possibly incorporate 7 different possibilities, and also the final can have 7 different value systems as well.

Though all 3 digit figures are something that you're seeking, users got Ten possibilities on the first, Ten alternatives for such second, and 10 options for the third, bringing you a total of 10x10x10 = 1000.

To learn more about 3 DIGIT NUMBERS visit here :

Other Questions
What Swift criticizes about society? Henry walks to and from school each day. after 100 days of school, he has walked 125 miles. How many miles does Henry walk to and from school? 1. What is a nonrenewable resource?A. a resource that is used for energyB. a resource that is in limited supplyC. a resource that harms the environment when it is usedD. a resource that can replace itself quickly2. Are all rocks made up of one mineral?A. No. Some rocks may contain several minerals.B. Yes. If it contains more minerals, then it is an oreC. No. If it contains more minerals, however, then it is not useful to people.D. Yes. If it contains more minerals, then it would lose its orderly internal structure.3. Coal is a very useful rock that formed over millions of years from the remains of plants. Is coal a mineral?A. No, coal is not a mineral because coal is made of dead plants.B. No, coal is not a mineral because coal can be burned to produce electricity and heat.C. Yes, coal is a mineral because all rocks that are useful to people are minerals.D. Yes, coal is a mineral because all rocks are nonliving solid minerals.4. Which is a positive aspect of fossil fuels?A. They do not need processing to produce energy.B. They provide energy for cars, trains, and heat.C. They are ecologically friendly.D. They can be recycled and reused.5. Which is a negative aspect of fossil fuels?A. They are difficult to transport.B. They cause pollution on Earth.C. They take a long time to produce energy.D. They are difficult to find.6. Which is a disadvantage of solar power?A. It requires turbines.B. It can be harmful to wildlife.C. It requires burning fuel, which causes air pollution.D. It can only be used where there is lots of sunlight.7. Which is a thick, sticky, tar-like deposit of bitumen mixed into sandy sediment?A. coalB. sandstoneC. oil sandD. shale8. Which statement best explains an environmental outcome of using fossil fuels for energy?A. Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide which plants use to make food.B. When fossil fuels are burned, they release toxic gases into the air that cause pollution and increase global warming.C. When fossil fuels are burned, hazardous ash is created and carried through the environment by wind and dropped into nearby lakes and ponds.D. Fossils fuels produce waste that exposes humans to dangerous levels of radiation.9. Why is soil considered a vital resource?A. It plays a variety of roles for plants and animals.B. It is the place where all nutrients on Earth are stored.C. It provides the source of material for different landforms.D. It is hard to destroy and easy to make.10. Which describes a renewable energy resource?A. It is more prone to serious accidents.B. It produces less pollutants than fossil fuels.C. It consists of carbon and hydrogen molecules.D. It is less expensive than fossil fuels.11. Use the scenario to answer the question: Edwin buys a water bottle, reuses it twice, and then recycles it. Eleanor buys a water bottle, reuses it twelve times, and then throws it away. Which energy cost would apply to Edwin, but not to Eleanor?A. the cost of producing the original bottleB. the cost of processing the bottle after it was no longer usedC. the cost of transporting the bottle to the storeD. the cost of transporting the bottle away from the house12. Your class goes on a field trip to observe drilling machinery. The geologists at the drill site show you displays of drilled rocks to compare different types of drills and methods. The drilled holes in one rock display are significantly larger than the holes drilled in the display next to it. Given this information, which statement is correct?A. The rock display with smaller holes shows copper drilling, which is deep underground.B. The rock display with smaller holes shows petroleum drilling, which is closer to the surface.C. 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(enter only one word per blank.) miss young earns $720 a week she spent 1/3 of her money on groceries and household goods and 3/4 of the remaining money on clothes how much money does she spend all together on groceries household goods and clothes one way ____ occurs when one is physically present but unable to participate in any meaningful way in family interactions, as when someone is in advanced stages of dementia. Simplifica combinando trminos semejantes. 4x-9xy-4y-6x - xy + 6y 2 4x 9xy 4y 6x - xy + 6y = ___ - (Simplifica tu respuesta. No descompongas en factores). ? in addition to the thalamus, what other major brain structure do auditory signals pass through before they reach the primary auditory cortex? plants use various hormones and enzymes to respond to changes in day length (photoperiod) and to trigger events such as dormancy and flowering. how will these molecules respond in plants living in locations with shorter daylight hours? (3 points) they will alter the amount of energy available to the plant. they will respond to changes in air temperature. they will reset the plant biological clock. they will modify based on soil composition changes. what is the equation of the line that is perpendicular to 2x+y=3 and whose y intercept is 4 Approximately what portion of the human genome is composed of repetitive, noncoding sequences?A: 1%B: 2%C: 10%D: 30%E: More than 50% PLEASE help its easy I'm just dum!! Find the scale factor, for more info look at picture below. this type of irrigation is often used by small-scale farming operations, and it requires extensive labor to set up individual irrigation lines. Arianna is an administrative assistant in the Human Resources Department. Her good friend, John, is applying for a job with the company and she has agreed to serve as a reference for him. John approaches her for advice on preparing for the interview. Arianna has the actual interview questions asked for all applicants and considers making him a copy of the list so he can adequately prepare.Steps for Making Ethical DecisionsIdentify the ethical issue or problem.List the facts that have the most relevance in the situation.Identify anyone who might be affected by your decision and how.Explain what each affected person would want you to do about the issue.List 3 alternative actions and identify the best and worst case scenario for each alternative, anyone who would be harmed by this choice (and how), any values that would be compromised by selecting this alternative, and any automatic reasons why this alternative should not be selected (legal issues, rules, etc.).Determine a plan/course of action. help pls. Which of the following statements reflects Hoover's response to the economic issues of theGreat Depression?A. He wanted to implement social welfare programs to provide for the poor.B. He wanted to limit the role of the federal government in managing the crisis.C. He wanted relief funds to come directly from the federal government.D. He wanted the federal government to regulate private business.