convert 12 liters to barrels


Answer 1


12 liters is equal to 0.075 barrels.


To convert liters into barrels, it is necessary to use the following conversions:

- 1 barrel = 42 gallons

- 1 liter = 0.264 gallons

We have to write each conversion as a quotient:


We must write each conversion in a way that the liters cancel out, then the gallons cancel out in order to obtain the result in barrels.

So, 12 liters is equal to 0.075 barrels.

Related Questions

27) Suppose object A has double the specific heat and triple the mass of object B. If the same amount of heat is applied to both objects, how will the temperature change of A be related to the temperature change of B? Enter your answer to three significant figures.


The absorbed or released by a system is given by the following formula:

[tex]Q=m\cdot Cp\cdot\Delta T[/tex]

Where Q is the heat absorbed or released, m is the mass of the system, Cp is the specific heat and ΔT is the change in the temperature.

Let mA and mB be the mass of objects A and B, let CpA and CpB be the specific heats of objects A and B and let ΔTA and ΔTB be the specific heats of objects A and B. We will have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} mA=3mB \\ CpA=2CpB \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the same amount of heat is applied to both object, we will have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} QA=QB \\ mA\cdot CpA\cdot\Delta TA=mB\cdot CpB\cdot\Delta TB \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replace mA and CpA for their equivalences in terms of mB and CpB:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3mB\cdot2CpB\cdot\Delta TA=mB\cdot CpB\cdot\Delta TB \\ \Delta TA=\frac{mB}{3mB}\cdot\frac{CpB}{2CpB}\cdot\Delta TB \\ \Delta TA=\frac{1}{3}\cdot\frac{1}{2}\Delta TB \\ \Delta TA=\frac{1}{6}\Delta TB \end{gathered}[/tex]

It means that the change in temperature of A is 1/6 of the change of temperature of B.

[tex]\Delta TA=\frac{1}{6}\Delta TB[/tex]

Which solution has a hydronium ion concentration of 1.00 x 10-5 M?A Solution with a PH of 4, 7, 3, or 5



A solution with pH of 5.



[H₃O⁺] = 1.00 x 10⁻⁵ M

To know the solution that has a hydronium ion concentration, [H₃O⁺] of 1.00 x 10⁻⁵ M, you need to calculate the pH of the solution using the formula given below:


Put [H₃O⁺] = 1.00 x 10⁻⁵ M into the pH formula:fof

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH=-log(1.00\times10⁻⁵M) \\ \\ pH=-(-5) \\ \\ pH=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which statement is NOT true? 1. Sodium chloride and other conducting solutes are called electrolytes. 2. Sugar and other non-conducting solutes are called non-electrolytes. 3. A solution in which water is the solvent is known as an aqueous solution. 4. A solute dissolves other substances that are called solvents. The resultant mixture is known as a solution.


1. True ; an electrolyte is a substance that conducts electric current.

2. True ; a non eletrolyte, like sugar and ethanol, is a compound that doesnt conduct electic current .

3. True; An aqueous solution is a solution in which water is the solvent.

4. False; A solute is the substnce that dissolves in a solvent to produce a homogeneous mixture.

If there are 4.214x10^22 Molecules of Water in a sample of MgSO4 7H2O epsom salt, what is the mass (in grams) of that sample of epsom salts?


1) Convert molecules of water into moles of water.


2) Use the moles of water in step 1 to find out the number of moles of Epsom salt

[tex]\text{molesofEpsomsalt}=0.0700molofH_2O\cdot\frac{1\text{molofEpsom salt}}{7molesofH_2O}=0.01\text{molof Epsom salt.}[/tex]

3) Find the molecular mass of one mol of Epsom salt.

Mg: 24.30 g/mol

S: 32.065 g/mol

O: 15.999 g/mol

H: 1.008 g/mol

The molecular mass of Epsom salt (MgSO4 * 7H2O) is

(24.30*1)+(32.065*1)+(15.999*4)+(1.008*14) +(15.999*7) =826.3571 g/mol

4) Convert moles of Epsom salt into grams of Epsom salt.

[tex]\text{gramsofEpsomsalt}=0.01\text{molofEpsomsalt}\cdot\frac{826.3571\text{ g of Epsom salt}}{1\text{molofEpsom salt}}=8.263\text{ g of Epsom salt.}[/tex]

I wanted to know the units or if the units I put on the table is right. For example the unit for mass of solid or the unit for volume of water



All the units were correct.

The unit of part b can either be any of milliliter or cubic centimeter

Density = 12446.71 g/mL


All the units were correct.


1 milliliter = 1 cubic centimeter

g = grams

mL = milliLiter

The unit of part b can either be any of milliliter or cubic centimeter

The unit of the mass is g

The unit of the volume is mL

The unit of density is g/mL

The density of the solid = mass/volume = 87127/7 = 12446.71 g/mL

Please help!!!! I do not understand this at all



you see, if you look at the chart closer, it explains the steps you need to understand.


the graph is easy to look at, first step is easy, now the chart explains how and what's there.

What is the molecular geometry of the XeF2 molecule?Group of answer choiceslinearnone of the answers are correctbenttrigonal bipyramid



The molecular geometry of XeF2 is linear


The compound given is called Xenon Difluoride

It is very important to know the following features of Xenon

1. Xenon has two bond pairs and three lone pairs of electrons

2. During hybridization, Xenon will form two sigma bonds with two fluorine atoms

The bond angle of Xenon Difluoride is 180 degrees, hence, the molecular geometry is linear

If the students actually collected 145 mL of gas (.145L), what is the % yield for the experiment?


In order to calculate the percent yield of a reaction we will use:

%yield = (actual yield/theoretical yield) * 100

%yield = (0.145/0.105) * 100

%yield = 138%


See attached worksheet


As the worksheet explains, the fiorst step is to have a balanced equation of the prioction of hydrogen gas from magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

2Mg + 2HCl ⇒ H2 + 2MgCl

Then convert the mass of manesium into moles Mg (0.045 moles Mg)

Since the balanced equation promises us that we'll get 1 mole of H2 for every 2 moles of Mg, we can predict that the 0.045 moles of Mg will be enough to make (0.045 moles Mg)*(1 mole H2/2 moles Mg) = 0.0225 moles of H2.

At 22.4 l/mole at STP, this means the gas volume of H2 is (0.0225 moles)*(22.4L/mole) = 0.504 L of H2 at STP.

Since the lab is not at STP, the above volume must be adjected for actual lab conditions.  Use the combined gas law:

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

where P is pressure, V is volume, and T is temperature, in Kelven.  (add 273.15 to C for Kelvin).  The subscripts 1 and 2 represent starting (1) and final (2) conditions.

Stand pressure in kPa is 101.3 kPa.

We want V2, so rearrange the equation:

 V2 = V1(T2/T1)(P1/P2)

Note that I've arranged the tempaerature and pressure values as ratios.  It helps guide the process for cancelling units and understanding the impact of changes in these values.

See the worksheet for more details.  V2 is calculated to be 0.542L (542ml) of H2 under the lab conditions.  

Percent theorectical yield is the amount obtained divided by the amount expected:

 (145ml)/(542ml) = 26.8% theorectical yield.

Radium decays according to the functionQC) - Qewhere Q represents the quantity remaining after tyears and kis the decayconstant 0.00043. How long will take for 40g of radium to decay to 10g?A. Approx. 93 yearsB. Approx 3224 yearsC. Approx 8579 yearsD. Approox. 2144 years


First, we have the next data:

Q(t) = final mass at time t = 10 g

Qo = initial mass = 40 g

v = decay constan = 0.00043 1/years

This kind of process like decay, follow a first-order reaction, and the formula used for this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q(t)=Qoxe^{-vxt} \\ \text{Clearing t:} \\ \frac{Q(t)}{Qo}=e^{-vxt} \\ \ln (\frac{Q(t)}{Qo})=-\text{vxt} \\ \frac{\ln (\frac{Q(t)}{Qo})}{-\text{v}}=t \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\ln (\frac{10}{40})}{-0.00043\text{ 1/years}}=\text{ t} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: t = 3224 years

Determine the percentage by mass of each element in the following compounds. (Round your answers to one decimal place.)(a)milk of magnesia, Mg(OH)2Mg:____%O:______%H:______%(b)lye, NaOHNa:____%O:_____%H:_____%


Firstly we will calculate the mass of the molecule by adding the together the atomic mass of each element:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Mg:24.31g \\ O:16.00g \\ H:1.00g \\ _mMg(OH)_2=24.31+(16.00\times2)+(1.01\times2) \\ _mMg(OH)_2=58.33gmol^{-1} \\ \\ \\ Na:22.99g \\ O:16.00g \\ H:1.01g \\ _mNaOH=22.99+16.00+1.01 \\ _mNaOH=40gmol^{-1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we will determine the percentage mass of each of element:


15 Mia is a nanny for three small children. Their parents have laid out dinner, including broiled chicken tenders, broccoli, and steamed carrots. When Mia puts the plates in front of them, one of the kids makes a face and announces, “I don’t eat broccoli!” What would be the BEST way for Mia to respond? A. “Your mom and dad say you need to eat it.” B. “Broccoli is good for you so eat all of it.” C. “Why don’t you at least take one bite?” D. “That’s ok as long as you eat the chicken.”


Mia is a nanny for three small children their parents have laid out dinner, including broiled chicken tenders, broccoli, and steamed carrots when Mia puts the plates in front of them, one of the kids makes a face and announces, “I don’t eat broccoli!” then best way for Mia to respond is “Why don’t you at least take one bite?”

Here according to the given data mia is a nanny for three small children. their parents have laid out dinner, including broiled chicken tenders, broccoli, and steamed carrots when Mia puts the plates in front of them, one of the kids makes a face and announces, “I don’t eat broccoli!” then mia respond is “Why don’t you at least take one bite?” because mia is encouraging the small children to eat the broccoli because broccoli is the good for our health and it is packed with vitamins and minerals and it has a good source of calcium

Know more about broccoli


Name these compounds. N₂F4​



Nitrogen and Fluorine, Tetrafluorohydrazine


What concentration of NO−3 results when 885 mL of 0.463 M NaNO3 is mixed with 731 mL of 0.787 M Ca(NO3)2?


The concentration of NO−3 will be 1.99 M

NaNO3 ionizes as follows:  

NaNO3 ⇒ Na+ +  [tex]NO^{3-}[/tex]

Moles NaNO3 dissolved ⇒  (0.463 mol/L) /(0.885 L) =  0.5231 mol

From the chemical equation, one mole of NaNO3 dissolving yields one mole of  [tex]NO^{3-}[/tex]in solution.

Moles  [tex]NO^{3-}[/tex] = 0.5231 mol

Ca(NO3)2 dissolves as follows:

Ca(NO3)2 ⇒  Ca2+ + 2 [tex]NO^{3-}[/tex]

Moles Ca(NO3)2 dissolved ⇒  (0.787 mol/L)/ (0.731 mL) = 1.07 mol

From the chemical equation, one mole of Ca(NO3)2 dissolving yields two moles of  [tex]NO^{3-}[/tex] in solution.

Moles NO3^- = 1.07 molx 2 = 2.14mol  

Total moles  [tex]NO^{3-}[/tex]in solution=2.14 mol + 1.07 mol = 3.21 mol

Total volume of solution ⇒  0. 731 L + 0.885 L = 1.61 L  

Molarity of [tex]NO^{3-}[/tex]⇒ 3.21 mol / 1.61 L = 1.99 M

Therefore, concentration will be 1.99 M.

To know more about concentration


true or false does photosynthesis takes place in all animal cells



photosynthesis does not take place in animals


it doesn't because animals do not have plant cells

I need help with my homework What is the most important thing you learned while taking this course?



I think that the most important thing that I've learned in the course was stoichiometry. I really liked balancing equations and calculating yields.

what's the smallest line on a meter stick represent?



The millimeter is the smallest line (subdivision) on the meter stick.

This means the millimeter is the unit of the smallest reading that can be made without estimating.

how does mechanical energy ( potential and kinetic energy ) determine the motion of an object?



Motion can simply be defined as the change in position of a body while energy is the ability or capacity to work.

Mechanical energy is one of the forms of energy and is subdivided into potential energy and kinetic energy. These energies are energies that determine whether a body or an object is moving or not.

When a body is in a position, the energy possessed by such body by virtue of its position is known as potential energy while when a body is moving (in motion), the energy possesses by this body by virtue of its motion is the kinetic energy.

For instance, a ball rolling down an inclined plane is initially at rest at the top of the incline showing that the body has maximum potential energy and zero kinetic energy (since the body is in a position at this point).

As the ball rolls down the incline, it gains momentum and its kinetic energy keeps increasing along the plane while the potential energy keeps decreasing. Once the body gets to the bottom of the plane, the kinetic energy becomes zero while the potential energy is at maximum (because the body is at rest at this point as well).

Indicate the concentration of each ion present in the solution formed by mixing the following15.0 mL of 0.304 M Na2SO4 and 34.6 mL of 0.200 M KCLNa+K+SO4^2-CL-


1) Concentration of Na+

1.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.304 M Na2SO4.

Volume: 15.0 mL

M= mol/L

1.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 2 Na atoms: 1 molecule Na2SO4.

[tex]M_{Na^+}=0.304\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}{L}*\frac{2\text{ }mol\text{ }Na^+}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}=0.608\frac{mol\text{ }Na^+}{L}[/tex]

The concentration of Na+ is 0.608 M.

2) Concentration of SO4 (2-)

2.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.304 M Na2SO4.

Volume: 15.0 mL

M= mol/L

2.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 1 SO4 (2-): 1 molecule Na2SO4.

[tex]M_{SO_4^{2-}}=0.304\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}{L}*\frac{1\text{ }mol\text{ }SO_4^{2-}}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }Na_2SO_4}=0.304\frac{mol\text{ SO}_4^{2-}}{L}[/tex]

The concentration of SO4 (2-) is 0.304 M.

3) Concentration of K+

3.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.200 M KCl.

Volume: 34.6 mL

M= mol/L

3.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 1 K+: 1 molecule KCl.

[tex]M_{K^+}=0.200\frac{mol\text{ }KCl}{L}*\frac{1\text{ }mol\text{ }K^+}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }KCl}=0.200\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }K^+}{L}\text{ }[/tex]

The concentration of K+ is 0.200 M.

4) Concentration of Cl-

4.1- List the known quantities.

Molarity: 0.200 M KCl.

Volume: 34.6 mL

M= mol/L

4.2- Set the equation

The ion-molecule ratio is 1 Cl-: 1 molecule KCl.

[tex]M_{Cl^-}=0.200\frac{mol\text{ }KCl}{L}*\frac{1\text{ }mol\text{ }Cl^-}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }KCl}=0.200\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ }Cl^-}{L}[/tex]

The concentration of Cl- is 0.200 M.


A piston at -37.0°C contains a gas that occupies a volume of 2.5 L. To what temperature would the gas have to be heated to increase the volume to 6.3 L at constant pressure?


answer and explanation

Charles's law tells use the relationship between volume and temperature of a gas by the equation

V1/T1 = V2/T2

from the data provided we find V2 by:

37/2.5 = V2/6.3

V2 = 93.2 degrees

the gas would have to be heated to 93.2 degrees to expand in volume to 6.3L

How many C atoms are there in 5.11 moles of C?




From the question, we are given the following parameters

Moles of Carbon = 5.11 moles

Acording to the Avogadro's constant;

[tex]1\text{mole of C=6.02}\times10^{23}atoms[/tex]

The number of atoms contained in 5.11 moles of Carbon will be expressed as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} number\text{ of carbon atom=}5.11\times6.02\times10^{23} \\ number\text{ of carbon atom}=30.7622\times10^{23} \\ number\text{ of carbon atom}=3.08\times10^{24}atoms \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the number of carbon atoms that are in 5.11 moles of C is

3.08 * 10²⁴atoms

In a nuclear power plant,
Does any of the radioactive material leave the containment building? Yes or No
Does anything that comes in contact with radioactive material leave the containment building? Yes or no


1. Yes, radioactive material leave the containment building.

2. Yes, anything that comes in contact with radioactive material leave the containment building.

In order to ensure that they do not endanger the people or the environment, nuclear power plants occasionally leak radioactive gases and liquids into the environment.

The nuclear power plant's plume of radioactive pollutants can settle and contaminate buildings, people outside, food, water, and livestock. Additionally, breathing in radioactive substances or consuming contaminated food or beverages can cause radioactive compounds to enter the body.

A reinforced steel, concrete, or lead building that houses a nuclear reactor is called a containment building. It is intended to confine the escape of radioactive steam or gas to a maximum pressure between 275 and 550 kPa in the event of any emergency (40 to 80 psi).

The main means of avoiding contamination from entering the environment, coming into contact with, or ingesting individuals is containment. Radioactive material is distinct from radioactive contamination since it must be contained.

To learn more about Nuclear Power Plant refer-


How many sodium (Na) and oxygen (O) atoms are needed to form the ionic compound sodium oxide?There needs to be 1 Na atom and 2 O atoms to form Na2OThere needs to be 2 Na atoms and 2 O atoms to form Na2OThere needs to be 1 Na atom and 1 O atom to form Na2OThere needs to be 2 Na atoms and 1 O atom to form Na2O



There needs to be 2 Na atoms and 1 O atom to form Na2O.


If you go to see the periodic table to review the oxidation states of elements, you can see that Na only has +1 as oxidation state, and O only has -2 as oxidation state.

The algebraic sum of these oxidation states in a neutral compound (not ions) must be zero, so let's apply the following technique to form the compound:

So the compound would be Na2O, so we need 2 atoms of Na, and 1 atom of O.

The answer would be: There needs to be 2 Na atoms and 1 O atom to form Na2O.

Identify the number of significant figures (sig figs) in each of the values.



0.009: only 1 significant figure, since all zero digits are leading zeros;

0.030: there are 2 significant figures;

140: there are 3 significant figures (a simple way to check is convert this number to the scientific notation keeping the same amount of digits: 1.40 x 10^2);

2000: there are 4 significant figures;

80.30: there are 4 significant figures;

80060: there are 5 significant figures

0.05200: there are 4 significant figures.


The question requires us to identify the numbr of significant figures for each of the following values:








Significant figures or significant digits of a number can be defined as the digits that define the resolution or precision of a number. In other words, the significant figures of a number are the reliable digits necessary to indicate the quantity of something.

There are a few rules to identify the amount of significant digits of a number. We can summarize them as:

- non-zero digits that are in the number are significant;

- zeros between two non-zero digits are significant;

- leading zeros (zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit) are not significant, while zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit in a decimal number are signifcant (for example, 0.005200 -> these zeros are not significant; 0.005200 -> these zeros are significant);

- zeros to the left of the last non-zero digit in an integer number may or may not be significant, depending on the measurement resolution.

Next, let's analyze the numbers given by the question:

0.009: only 1 significant figure, since all zero digits are leading zeros;

0.030: there are 2 significant figures;

140: there are 3 significant figures (a simple way to check is convert this number to the scientific notation keeping the same amount of digits: 1.40 x 10^2);

2000: there are 4 significant figures;

80.30: there are 4 significant figures;

80060: there are 5 significant figures

0.05200: there are 4 significant figures.


Calculate the pH of a solution that has a hydronium ion concentration of 0.072 M


Given that :

hydronium ion concentration of 0.072 M

[H3o^+] = 0.072

We know that :

[tex]\begin{gathered} P_H=-log_{10\text{ }}\lbrack H_3O^+\rbrack \\ \text{ = -log}_{10}\lbrack0.072\rbrack \\ \text{ = 1.1426} \\ \approx\text{ 1.14 } \end{gathered}[/tex]

(01.08 HC) Read the following passage.The cathode ray experiment indicated the existence of negatively charged particles in an atom. This experiment also disproved the part of Dalton's atomic model that claimed indivisibility of the atom. When the experiment was repeated using cathodes made of a different metal, each time the results were consistent. These discoveries of Thompson were later substantiated by Robert Millikan when he calculated the charge on an electron.Use information from the passage to justify whether the characteristics of reliable scientific explanations are present in the development of the atomic theory. (8 points)


Answer and explanation:

Atomic theory states that matter was made up of units called atoms, and that these were indivisibles.

The atomic theory began as a philosophical concept, that is, it was not based on reliable scientific explanations.

Ethylene glycol, C2H6O2, is an odorless, colorless, sweet-tasting liquid used in antifreeze formulations. The antifreeze formulations are 56% ethylene glycol by mass. (Assume the density of the ethylene glycol solution is 1.072 g/mL).How would you prepare 500 mL of 0.350 M solution?


Step 1 - Finding the concentration in g/L

We know the density of the solution is 1.072 g/ml, which means there are 1.072 g in each ml of solution. This mass corresponds to both water and ethyleneglycol.

Since the percentage in mass of ethyleneglycol is 56%, we can calculate how much ethyleneglycol there is in 1 ml of solution:


The concentration of ethyleneglycol would be thus 0.6 g/ml.

To convert it to g/L, we just have to multiply it by 1000, because 1L = 1000ml:

[tex]0.6\times1000=600\text{ g/L}[/tex]

The concentration of ethyleneglycol is this solution is thus 600 g/L.

Step 2 - Converting this concentration to mol/L

To convert now to mol/L (M), we just have to divide the concentration by the molar mass of ethyleneglycol (62.07 g/mol):

[tex]M_{\text{ethyleneglycol}}=\frac{600}{62.07}=9.66\text{ mol/L}[/tex]

Note the concentration is a rather high one. We will have to dilute it.

Step 3 - Preparing a 0.350 M solution

We know the final volume of the solution must be 500 ml, and we also know its final concentration (0.350 M). Since we already know its inicial concentration as well, we can use the following formula for dilutions:


Plugging the values in the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9.66V_1=500\times0.350 \\ \\ V_1=\frac{175}{9.66}=18.11ml \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4 - Describing how to prepare the solution

As we have calculated in step 3, we would need 18.11 ml of the original solution (9.66 M) for the dilution. We would then add water untill we get the final volume of 500 ml (add 481.89 ml of water)

The resulting solution would be a 500 ml solution of 0.350 M ethyleneglycol.

What volume of carbon dioxide, at 1 atm pressure and 112°C, will be produced when 80.0 grams of methane is burned?



158 L.


What is given?

Pressure (P) = 1 atm.

Temperature (T) = 112 °C + 273 = 385 K.

Mass of methane CH4 (g) = 80.0 g.

Molar mass of methane CH4 = 16 g/mol.

R constant = 0.0821 L*atm/mol*K.

What do we need? Volume (V).

Step-by-step solution:

To solve this problem, we have to use ideal gas law: the ideal gas law is a single equation which relates the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of an ideal gas. The formula is:


Where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the constant and T is temperature.

So, let's find the number of moles that are in 80.0 g of methane using its molar mass. This conversion is:

[tex]80.0g\text{ CH}_4\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol CH}_4}{16\text{ g CH}_4}=5\text{ moles CH}_4.[/tex]

So, in this case, n=5.

Now, let's solve for 'V' and replace the given values in the ideal gas law equation:

[tex]V=\frac{nRT}{P}=\frac{5\text{ moles }\cdot0.0821\frac{L\cdot atm}{mol\cdot K}\cdot385K}{1\text{ atm}}=158.04\text{ L}\approx158\text{ L.}[/tex]

The volume would be 158 L.

The volume of a gas was 63 mL when the temperature was 162.1 °C. If thetemperature was initially 6.5 °C, and there was no change in the pressure, whatwas the initial volume of the gas?


To answer this question we have to use Charles' Law:


Before replacing for the given values, we have to convert the given temperatures to Kelvin:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 162.1+273.15=435.25 \\ 6.5+273.15=279.65 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now replace for the given values, V1 and V2 are the initial and final volumes respectively and T1 and T2 are the initial and final temperatures. Solve for V1 and find its value:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V1=\frac{V2T1}{T2} \\ V1=\frac{63mL\cdot279.65K}{435.25K} \\ V1=40.4mL \end{gathered}[/tex]

It means that the initial volume was approximately 40mL.

The correct answer is c. 40.

How many moles of NH4+ ions are dissolved in 0.750 kg of h20 when the concentration of (NH4)3po4 ( ammonium phosphate) is 0.400 m?


The moles of NH4+ ions that are dissolved in 0.750 kg of H2O when the concentration of (NH4)3po4 ( ammonium phosphate) is 0.400 m is 0.9 mol

0.400 moles (NH4)3PO4 is dissolved in water.

So it is 0.4x0.75=0.3 mol (NH4)3PO4 in 0.75 kg water

1 mol (NH4)3PO4 contains 3 NH4+ ions .

So we have 0.3x3=0.9 mol NH4+ ions in 0.75 kg water

The number of moles is equal to the given mass by molecular mass.It is the measure of the amount of a substance.It is used for measuring large quantities of a substance.

To learn more about moles visit:


How many grams of NH3 would get if you started with 5.0 g of (NH4)2CO3


According to the chemical equation one mol of (NH4)2CO3 produces 2 mol of NH3


When expresed in mass 96.09 grams of (NH4)2CO3 produce 34 grams of NH3 when we keep this proportion for the 5 grams we obtain:

[tex]5gof(NH_4)_2CO_3\text{ }\frac{34gofNH_3_{}}{96.09\text{ g of}(NH_4)_2CO_3\text{ }}=1.76gofNH_3[/tex]

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