contractionary monetary policy by the fed can be hampered by part 2 a. the inability of u.s. citizens to hold u.s. bank accounts denominated in foreign currencies. b. international banking restrictions regulated by the international monetary fund. c. the ability of u.s. citizens and businesses to obtain dollars from foreign sources. d. the increased isolation of central banks around the world.


Answer 1

Contractionary monetary policy by the fed can be hampered by the ability of U.S. citizens and businesses to obtain dollars from foreign sources.

In order to guarantee price stability and public confidence in the value and stability of the country's currency, the monetary authority of a country adopts a strategy known as monetary policy. This policy aims to manage either the interest rate charged for very short-term borrowing or the money supply.

By altering interest rates or eliminating surplus reserves, monetary policy can increase the amount of money in circulation or decrease it. Fiscal policy, in contrast, focuses on taxation, government spending, and borrowing as tools for a government to control economic cycle events like recessions.

Hence the correct option is C.

To know more about Monetary policy here-


Related Questions

suppose the government imposes a tax of $25,000 per week on baseball production. now what price should ed charge and how many baseballs should he sell?


Tax of Rs. 25000 is charged at 35000. Thus, if we compute based on the table, Ed should charge $ 16 and sell 60,000 basketball.

Enforcement of economic laws and the pursuit of economic crime in India are the responsibilities of the Directorate of Enforcement (ED), a law enforcement and economic intelligence organization. It is a division of the Ministry of Finance's Department of Revenue in India. [2] It is made up of promoted members of its own cadre as well as officers from the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, and Indian Revenue Service.

The Department of Economic Affairs established a "Enforcement Unit" on May 1, 1956, to handle violations of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947's Exchange Control Laws. This was the beginning of the ED. The organization was renamed the "Enforcement Directorate" in 1957.

learn more about Ed here


a bond's yield to maturity takes into consideration: a. current yield but not any price changes b. par value ($1000) c. both the current yield and any price changes d. price changes but not the current yield


The yield to maturity of a bond is adjusted for improvements in the bond's pricing and present yield. It is best to choose option (c).

What are the differences between the current yield and the bond's yield to maturity?

The yearly salary from a commitment, which includes payout and accrued interest, is divided by the safety's current market value to determine a bond's current yield. The entire return anticipated on a bond if it is maintained till its maturity date is known as yield to maturity (YTM).

What occurs to bond yield when it matures?

Overall yield to maturity of a bond is equal to its coupon rate if it is bought at par, or face value. The bond's yield increases if the purchaser buys it at a reduction. When compared to its par value, its yield to maturity will be larger. The yield to maturity of a bond acquired at a premium will be smaller than the dividend yield.

To know more about yield to maturity (YTM) click here


e order of the three steps the group must take to achieve their fundraising goal. what organizational pattern did she use?


The correct response is A) chronological. In her address, Millie outlined the three steps the club should take to fulfill their fundraising objective. She set her belongings in chronological order.

The order of the occurrences, starting with the first, is known as the chronological order. The simplest pattern to create and adhere to is this one. Example: When Lynda woke up that morning, it seemed like an ordinary day, but she was about to start the worst day of her life. Example: Friday night is the night of the rehearsal dinner. We are hope that many of the visitors would then assist in cleaning up the area in preparation for tomorrow's wedding. The word "afterward" highlights a timeline of events in these phrases (first the dinner, then the cleaning). The same is true for dates when arranging items in chronological order; they are listed from the most recent and recent to the oldest. Consider it like descending (or walking down) a flight of steps; when you do so, you begin at a high point and arrive at a lower one.

Learn more about chronological order here


For her speech, Millie identified the order of the three steps the group must take to achieve their fundraising goal. What organizational pattern did she use?

A) chronological

B) topical

C) spatial

D) cause-effect

umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors, therefore they take advantage of their competition.

In order to achieve a certain commercial objective, such as maximizing earnings, sales, or market share, firms or sellers compete with one another for customers' business in a market. Rivalry is a term that is usually used to refer to competitiveness in this context. It is also described as a scenario in which a number of commercial firms contend for the acquisition of goods that are constrained by various market variables.

The majority of banks compete against one another in addition to other financial service providers like trust companies, life insurance companies, finance companies, federal and provincial credit unions and caisses populaires, federal and provincial financial agencies, and financial technology firms.

To know more about Competetive Advantage, refer to this link:


Negative and dysfunctional values in a corporation fall under what type of cultural​ liability?
A. Institutionalization
B. Spirituality
C. Toxicity
D.Barriers to change
E.Barriers to diversity


Type of cultural liability results from a company's dysfunctional and unfavorable values. barriers to changing unhealthy and dysfunctional values.

Can culture harm a company and if so, why?

A company's culture may become a disadvantage if it prevents the organization from adapting to an unfamiliar environment. When well-established businesses with strong cultures encounter abrupt shifts in the industry, this frequently occurs.

What are the benefits of cultural responsibility?

It permits us all to stand and have a hopeful outlook on the future. We are aware that all of our achievements are a result of our unwavering faith in and dedication to the ideals of these nations. With this understanding, and in accordance with our goal and objectives, we support cultural initiatives and events that enhance social life.

To know more about cultural​ liability visit:


a linear programming approach is usually used by managers involved in portfolio selection to group of answer choices maximize return on investment. maximize risk. maximize investment limitations. minimize risk.


The correct answer to the given question is option A) Maximize return on investment.

When a linear function is exposed to various constraints, it is maximized or reduced using the mathematical modelling technique known as linear programming. In commercial planning, industrial engineering, and—to a lesser extent—the social and physical sciences, this method has proven helpful for directing quantitative decisions.

The Soviet mathematician Leonid Kantorovich and the American economist Wassily Leontief made the first sincere attempts to apply the linear programming method to the fields of economics and production scheduling in the late 1930s.

To learn more about Linear Programming click here:


a company had a beginning balance in retained earnings of $44,100. it had net income of $7,100 and declared and paid cash dividends of $5,900 in the current period. the ending balance in retained earnings equals:


The ending balance in retained earnings equals the correct option B which is $45,300.

Compute the ending balance of retained earnings

The ending balance is computed by adding to the beginning balance of retained earnings the net income earned, and by deducting cash dividends paid.

Beginning balance + Net income

Ending balance of retained earnings =

-Cash dividends paid

= $44,100 +$7,100-$5,900 = $45,300

Thus, the ending balance of retained earnings is $45,300.

Thus, the correct option is B - $45,300.

To learn more about sales and commerce,


What are two characteristics of mixed market economies?


Characteristics of mixed market economies.In a market economy, interaction generally supply and demand are the factors that affect the quantity and the items' equilibrium price, as well as traded services The term "mixed economy" describes a strategy of economic management.

Private property: Individuals, not just governments, are permitted to benefit from private ownership of firms and real estate.Freedom: Market participants are free to manufacture, sell, and buy anything they choose, subject to government laws.Self-interest: Individuals striving to sell their goods to the highest bidder while paying the minimum for goods and services that they require drive the market.Competition: Producers compete, which keeps pricing fair and assures effective manufacturing and supply.Minimum government intervention: The government has a minor role in a market economy, but it serves as a referee to promote fairness and prevent the formation.

To know more about Mixed market economy visit:


Answer: they contain elements of more than one system

they exist when the distribution of resources involves elements from more than one economic system


what conditions would help make a percent-of-sales forecast almost as accurate as pro forma financial statements and cash budgets?


To the extent that the pass relationship accurately depicts the future, the percent of sales method will yield values that reasonably represent the values derived through the pro forma, which would help make a percent of sales forecast almost as accurate as pro forma financial statements and cash budgets.

An estimate of the inflows and outflows of cash over a given time period is known as a cash budget. Cash budgets are advantageous because they may be created for both long- and short-term objectives, sometimes even for just one week. A cash budget is created in advance and lists all anticipated monthly cash inflows as well as any anticipated monthly cash outflows. Creating a cash budget has several advantages: It can detect any instances in which there might be a cash shortfall. A cash budget measures a company's cash flows for a given time frame. A firm can monitor its cash inflows and outflows and, as a result, determine whether it will have enough money to function over a specific time period by creating a proper cash budget.

Learn more about cash from


sharpie markers sells their markers directly to consumers for $2/marker. revenue: $500,000 plastic: $200,000 ink: $1,000 advertising: $5,000 overhead: $1,000 depreciation: $25 how many additional pens would sharpie have to sell to maintain their current contribution to the organization if they invest $25,000 in advertising?


40 additional pens would Sharpie have to sell to maintain the current contribution to organization if they invest $25,000 in the advertising.

What is advertising?

A good or service is meant to be highlighted via the techniques and procedures employed in advertising. Businesses work to bring consumers' attention to their products and services with the use of advertising. There are numerous uses, but the commercial advertisement is the most common. Usually, it is done to advertise a specific product or service. Commercial advertising typically aims to increase consumption of their goods or services through "branding," in which consumers associate a product name or image with certain attributes. On the other side, commercials designed to prompt an immediate purchase are referred to as direct-response advertising. Public service announcements are one example of a free persuasion strategy that non-profit organizations may use.

No. of additional pens= $1000/25=40 pens

To learn more about advertising, visit:


You are planning to finance your start-up with a bank loan of $400,000 and equal contributions of $50,000 each in cash from a group of partners. You need $1.2M for the start-up. How many partners, not including yourself, do you need to recruit?

answer choices


15 partners, not including yourself, do you need to recruit.

Think that the number of partners you have to recruit in your start-up is P.

You've got a loan of four hundred,000 and every companion will make contributions with 50,000.

The entire you need is 1.2M, that's 1.2.10^6

Expressing it in a mathematical equation could be:

General = loan + partners' contribution.

p = 8.10^5/5.10^4

p = 15

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it. Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a range of workers.

Recruitment helps divide applications into categories of under-qualified and over-qualified. This helps streamline the process, making it easier to shortlist people who would be perfect for the job and would help the company grow.

The recruitment process involves finding the candidate with the best skills, experience, and personality to fit the job. It requires a series of collecting and reviewing resumes, conducting job interviews, and finally selecting and onboarding an employee to start working for the organization.

Learn more about recruit here :


What would be a way for the federal reserve to slow down the economy when it is growing too quickly or is inflationary?


Open market operations is one of the ways to slow down the economy when it is growing too quickly or is inflationary

What does it mean for the economy to be inflationary?

Open market operations are one method the Federal Reserve uses to slow down the economy when it is expanding too quickly. The Federal Reserve has the option to sell additional government bonds on the open market, which would reduce the amount of money in circulation and raise interest rates.

The Federal Reserve wants to affect interest rates in order to curb inflation. The Federal Reserve normally boosts interest rates to slow the economy and lower inflation when it is out of control.

Read more on inflation here:



Open market operations


what are the tactics used by workers to reclaim control of the conditions of their labor called? a. resistance strategies b. service work c. knowledge work d. collective bargaining


The tactics used by workers to reclaim control of the conditions of their labor are called resistance strategies. Option A.

A way for workers to express their dissatisfaction with working conditions and seek to regain control of them. Personal resistance consists of using work time to surf the Internet, sabotage assembly lines, and personalize your workspace with photos. Human workers can resist and subvert bureaucratic constraints that limit autonomy.

Businesses often outsource to reduce costs increase efficiency and increase speed. An organization that chooses to outsource relies on the third party's provider's expertise in performing outsourced tasks to obtain such benefits. Management writers such as Fritz Machlup and Peter Drucker first came up with the term knowledge workers in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Learn more about The tactics here:-


credit allowed for part of the purchase price of merchandise that is not returned, resulting in a decrease in the customer’s account payable to the vendor.a. trueb. false


Credit is allowed for part of the purchase price of merchandise that is not returned, resulting in a decrease in the customer’s account payable to the vendor. It is a false statement.

The purchase price of the merchandise is a vital element of retail management that involves retailers finding and buying goods and products from manufacturers to sell them on behalf of their business. In the context of the given statement true statement is as that credit allowed for the purchase price of returned merchandise, resulting in a decrease in the customer's account payable to the vendor.

You can learn more about merchandise at


What is the main advantage of the allowance method of handling
uncollectable accounts over the direct method?

A. The allowance method requires fewer journal entries.
B. The allowance method uses estimates instead of actual
C. The direct method allows customers to default on their accounts.
D. The allowance method expenses losses in the same period
revenue is recorded.



hope this helps


d The allowance method expenses losses in the same period

revenue is recorded.

D. The allowance method expenses losses in the same period

what is different about using product placement in video games as compared to other media, such as television


If the advertisements allow them to play for free, players will occasionally welcome them. Video game product placements are increasingly frequently exchanged for free.

Which of the following describes a video game that uses product placement?

The brand name of a corporation is permanently embedded into the game. A fun and entertaining approach to engage with consumers is through in-game advertisements. Ads are a reliable source of income for publishers and a technique to encourage users to spend more money on the app.

How does in-game product placement operate?

The vending machines, billboards, and advertising that are most frequently seen in video games look to be product placements. Some video games go one step farther with product placement and incorporate it into the gameplay itself.

To know more about the video games visit :-


The quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services.a. Productivityb. Human Capitalc. Opportunity Costd. Earning Potential


The quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services. Productivity

Quality is the degree to which an object or entity (e.g., process, product, or service) satisfies a specified set of attributes or requirements. The quality of something can be determined by comparing a set of inherent characteristics with a set of requirements. Five major approaches to the definition of quality can be identified: (1) the transcendent approach of philosophy; (2) the product-based approach of economics; (3) the user-based approach of economics, marketing, and operations management; and (4) the manufacturing-based and (5) value-based approaches of operations.

The three-phase system includes the preparatory, initial, and follow-up phases of quality control. During the preparatory phase, our team thoroughly reviews the task at hand, inspection and testing requirements, and all safety precautions with the workers who will perform the work.

Learn more about Quality here:


which perspective would most likely suggest that multinational corporations help create social stability within a society by creating jobs and global enterprise?


Functionalist Perspective would most likely suggest that multinational corporations help create social stability within a society by creating jobs and global enterprise.

The normative approach to describing and predicting group performance that places an emphasis on the functions of inputs and/or processes is known as the functional perspective. From this point of view, the goal of theory and research is to learn why some groups succeed and others do not. Based on the functional perspective, this article examines theory and, to a lesser extent, research on small groups. The theoretical foundations are laid out and theories from a variety of well-known fields of study are examined in light of the functional perspective by the authors. They close by framing remarkable qualities and shortcomings related with survey bunches according to this point of view and propose a few bearings for future hypothesis improvement. The functionalist approach to sociology holds that every aspect of society is interdependent and plays a role in the stability and functioning of society as a whole. For instance, the family's children receive education from the government, which in turn collects taxes, which are necessary for the state to function. That is, the family relies on the school to assist their children in becoming productive adults who can support themselves and their families. Simultaneously, the youngsters become honest, taxpaying residents, who thus support the state.

Assuming all works out in a good way, the pieces of society produce request, dependability, and efficiency. In the event that nothing goes according to plan, the various parts of society must adapt in order to reestablish order, stability, and productivity.

To know more about Functionalist Perspective visit


wayco stock was $75 per share at the end of last year. since then, it paid a $3 per share dividend last year. the stock price is currently $70. if you owned 200 shares of wayco, what was your percent return?


Holding 200 shares of Waymo would result in a percent return of -2.67% for me. The equation is solved as follows:

[Cash Return = (Finale Value - Initiation Value) + Income = $70 x 200 - $75 x 200 + $3 x 200 = -$400],

[% Return = -$400 x ($75 x $200))] = -0.0267 (or -2.67%), A; -2.67%.

By deducting predicted investment returns and equity price rises, we would determine a stock's value.

A nominal interest rate is the interest rate that is actually observed in the capital sector.

The amount of time needed to achieve growth lowers with rising interest rates when calculating how many years are needed for an asset to grow to a specific level.

To know more about  nominal interest rate click here


first day you can submit tax returns for the previous year, although you likely will not have received necessary documents to file, such as your w-2 t or f


True, the first day you can submit your previous year's tax returns, though you probably won't have received the necessary paperwork, like your w-2.

More Information If you haven't submitted your federal income tax return yet this year or in the past, you should do so as soon as possible, regardless of the reason you didn't.  Visit our website if you require assistance.

When you are unable to file your taxes by the deadline, what should you do?

There will be a penalty for filing your taxes late and/or paying your taxes late, along with interest from the IRS. Therefore, even if you are unable to pay any taxes by Tax Day, you should file either a tax return or a tax extension by that date. Doing so would eliminate the penalty for late filing, which is typically greater than the penalty for late tax payment.

When can you submit your taxes the earliest?

Through IRS Free File partners, taxpayers can begin filing returns; On January 24, tax returns will be sent to the IRS. Companies that sell tax software are also accepting tax returns in advance. 18 January: Date for the estimated tax payment for the fourth quarter of the tax year 2021. 24 January: The IRS begins the 2022 tax season.

To learn more about income tax return here:


could blades modify its payment practices for the thai imports to reduce its transaction exposure? what is the trade-off of such a modification?


A situational choice known as a trade-off is sacrificing or lowering one quality, quantity, or feature of a set or design in exchange for gains in other areas.

In simple terms, a trade off occurs when one item becomes better while another must go worse. A full container must remove some things in order to receive any more, and vessels can hold a few large items or many little ones. Tradeoffs result from limits that have many different causes, including simple physics.

For example, only a particular volume of objects can fit into a given area. In addition to varied configurations of a single object, tradeoffs frequently relate to the allocation of time and attention to various activities as well as the tuning of guitar strings to play a variety of sounds.

Learn more about trade-off:


What are the factors that affect the gross profit in what way do these factors affect the gross profit?


The factors that affect the gross profit in two way affect the gross profit which are revenue and cost of goods sold (COGS).

The gross profit of a company is the total sales of the firm minus the total cost of the goods sold. The total sales are all the goods sold by the company. It is also calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from revenue.

The revenue is the money that is produced by carrying out normal business operations. And, the cost of goods sold is the carrying value of goods sold during a particular period.

The two factors that determine gross profit margin are revenue and cost of goods sold. COGS directly costs the company to make a product. Labor costs are part of COGS.

To know more about gross profit here,


the majority of ethical questions are raised in connection with which component of marketing strategy?


The majority of ethical questions are raised in connection with promotion component of marketing strategy.

The term "promotion" covers a wide range of activities designed to increase public awareness or advance a product.

False advertising, dubious promises, and overstated facts about things that customers frequently purchase give rise to ethical problems.

One of the requirements that product promotion plans must take into account is legal boundaries.

Business marketing frequently has a bad rap, and not without good reason. Some companies continue to draw customers into their locations through deceptive but legal promotional strategies.

Promotions that are unethical harm not only the companies that use them but also the industry's reputation for marketing and business.

On the other side, ethical marketing aids in a company's development of both consumer and brand trust.

To know more about marketing, visit:


the stock of yakir development has a beta of 1.31. the risk-free rate of return is 1.5 percent and the market rate of return is 8 percent. what is the risk premium on this stock? 5.0% 6.5% 6.7% .9% 8.5%


The risk premium on the stock is 6.5%. Thererfore, the second option is the correct answer.

A risk premium is the high return rate one might anticipate from riskier investments, like equities, as opposed to making a purchase of a risk-free asset, like government bonds.There is always a danger, or risk, that the asset you invest in performs poorly and causes you to lose money. For a variety of causes, including the issuer's bad management, subpar financial results, or the general state of the market, share values may drop sharply.

Financial professionals view debt instruments issued by the U.S. government as nearly risk-free investments, despite the fact that no asset can be said to be 100% risk-free. Since the possibility of a U.S. government default is practically unimaginable, Treasury bills and bonds are regarded as risk-free investments.

In the given question,

                         Risk premium = Market return rate - Risk-free rate

                                                 = 8.00% - 1.50%

                                                 = 6.50%

Therefore, 6.50% is the required risk premium for the stock.

Learn more about Risk Premium here:


When one nation can produce a good or ervice at a lower cot than another, the former i aid to have an ________ in that item


When one nation can produce a product at lower cost relative to another nation, it is said to have a(n) absolute advantage in producing that product.

In terms of business, absolute advantage refers to the situation where a certain corporation has everything working in their favour, including a brilliant advertising team, a sizable and ready consumer base, the correct kinds of products to market, and high-quality yet reasonably-priced goods.

In comparison to their rivals, they might also provide superior customer service and be more open to discuss any product issues and find solutions that please both parties. As a result, more customers would choose them over their rivals, effectively establishing a monopoly.

To learn more about advantage refer here:


the buyer of a futures contract is said to have a position, and the seller of a futures contract is said to have a position in futures. a. long; short b. long; long c. short; short d. short; long


It is said that the seller of a futures contract has a short position in futures and that the buyer of a futures contract has a long position.

A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a certain item at a defined price and quantity at a future date.

Futures are a well-liked tool for risk management and hedging; if someone is already involved in speculating or earns money from it, it is mostly because they wish to protect themselves from danger. Because of the way they are set up and conducted, future contracts have a number of intrinsic benefits over trading shares.

Learn more about futures contracts here:


general industries is expected to generate the below free cash flows over the next five years, after which free cash flows are expected to grow at a rate of 5% per year. if the weighted average cost of capital is 9% and general industries has cash of $15 million, debt of $45 million, and 80 million shares outstanding, what is general industries' expected current share price?


The predicted current share price for General Industries is $7.78. if the weighted average cost of capital is 9%, cash is $15 million, debt is $45 million, and there are 80 million shares outstanding.

Why should a value consider free cash flow?

A greater price to free cash flow ratio in comparison to similar businesses suggests that a company's stock is overpriced. The price to free cash flow ratio can be used to evaluate a company's stock price in relation to its historical cash management methods.

Free cash flow calculation methods is?

Subtract your capital expenditures and changes in working capital after adding your net income and depreciation. Net income plus depreciation and amortization, changed working capital, and capital expenditure are all included in free cash flow.

To learn more about Free Cash Flow here:


What are the four main spending categories of the federal government?


national defense, Social Security, healthcare, and interest payments are the four main spending categories of the federal government.

The United States is a federal republic with 50 states, a city inside a federal district, five significant self-governing territories, and a number of island possessions. The federal government of the United States is the country's national government. The three different departments of the federal government sometimes just referred to as Washington are the legislative, executive, and judicial ones. According to the U.S. Constitution, these branches are respectively headed by the president, the Congress, and the federal courts. Acts of Congress, such as the establishment of executive agencies and courts below the Supreme Court, further clarify the roles and responsibilities of these bodies.

learn more about federal government here


an agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.a. trueb. false


True Ratification, which is a determination of intent expressed through words or conduct, can lead to the formation of an agency relationship.

What are the steps involved in ratifying an agency relationship?

When a contract is made on behalf of the principal by someone who is not an agent and the principal accepts the contract and (enforces) it, the contract is not enforceable and has legal force. This is recognition.

When is an agency said to have been established through ratification?

An office by sanction, might be made at whatever point the supposed chief acknowledges or in any case avows the demonstration of one implying to follow up for his sake despite the fact that there was no understanding approving the demonstration.

To learn more about agency relationship here


What type of transfer is direct deposit?


Direct deposit, as the name implies, uses the ACH network to electronically move funds from one bank account to another. You don't need to utilize conventional paper checks to execute this transfer; you can do it electronically.

In the banking business, a direct deposit is a transaction in which funds are transferred directly into a payee's bank account. direct deposits are most frequently made by businesses for the payment of salaries and wages as well as for the payment of supplier accounts. The facility can be used for payments for any reason, including the payment of bills, taxes, and other government levies. When making a direct deposit via electronic funds transfer, the payer often includes reference information to make it straightforward for the payee to identify who made the deposit and whose account to credit. A reference can be anything that serves as a valuable identification, such as the payer's name, an invoice or account number.

Learn more about deposit from


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