Which of the following are acceptable methods of presenting the income statement?
- Multiple-step format
- Direct format
- Indirect format
- Single-step format
(Select all that apply.)


Answer 1

A single-step income statement, a multi-step income statement, and a condensed income statement are all acceptable ways to display the income statement.

What is Tax?

A corporation can create either a single-step income statement or a multi-step income statement, two different sorts of income statements. One must keep in mind the essential components when completing a multiple step income statement. Net Sales, Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit, Total Operating Expenses, Net Gain or Loss from Other Activities, Income before  Tax  Expense, and Net Income are the items on this list. The company's revenues are mentioned first, followed by a list of its expenses and a subtraction.

The total is located at the bottom of the income statement. If revenues were higher than expenses throughout the period, the company made money income.

To learn  more about Tax Operating from given link



Related Questions

A convenience store ________.
A) markets to segments comprised mostly of white-collar workers
B) stocks narrow product lines that have wide, deep assortments
C) carries a limited line of high-turnover goods for consumer self-service
D) involves high operation costs due to full-service customer assistance
E) is a multi-channel food and discount retailer that targets niche markets


A convenience store is a multi-channel food and discount retailer that targets niche markets.

What is the significance of a convenience store?Convenience stores are small, stand-alone stores located in and around a populated area. These outlets can also be found at petrol pumps and gas stations. A person who wants gas, diesel, or gasoline for their car can easily go to one of these establishments and receive the supplies he or she requires. These stores can also be found near highways, train stations, and other points of interest. Convenience stores are so named because of the convenience they give. These establishments can serve consumers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or according to the location, authorization, or company requirements. Convenience goods such as foods, groceries, and beverages are commonly found in convenience stores. These shops vary their product base based on demand, demography, and business requirements in order to optimize sales and reduce inventory at their store.

What is a convenience store ?A convenience store, corner store, or corner shop is a small retail establishment that sells everyday commodities such as coffee, groceries, snack foods, confectionary, soft drinks, ice creams, tobacco products, lottery tickets, over-the-counter drugs, toiletries, newspapers, and magazines.Tobacco, beverages, snacks, and confectioneries are among the fast-moving commodities sold in typical convenience stores. In such cases, store sales may account for only approximately 10% of total revenue. Parking is frequently only available near the pumps. Hours vary depending on location and the owner's preferences.

Can learn more about the convenience store from https://brainly.com/question/14885889


These are features of cardiac muscle fibers except
A. they depend almost exclusively on aerobic respiration.
B. they are rich in glycogen.
C. they have huge mitochondria.
D. they are very rich in myoglobin.
E. they have about the same endurance as skeletal muscle fibers


All are the features of cardiac muscle fibers except that they have about the same endurance as skeletal muscle fibers.

What is cardiac muscles?

Cardiac muscle makes up the thick middle layer of the heart. It is also known as myocardium, it is one  of three types of muscles in the body. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary striated muscle tissue found only in the heart and is responsible for the ability of the heart to pump blood

Learn more about features of cardiac muscles: https://brainly.com/question/21849761


Stores that provide moderate sales assistance because they carry shopping goods about which customers need a moderate level of information are called ________ retailers.
A) self-service
B) full-service
C) off-price
D) limited-service
E) convenience


Stores that provide moderate sales assistance because they carry shopping goods about which customers need a moderate level of information are called limited-service retailers.

What do limited-service retailers provide ?Retailers are responsible for delivering items from the manufacturer to the consumer. Consumer behavior, seasons, economic situations, geography, and a variety of other factors all have a significant impact on retail sales.There are various types of merchants who use various sales methods and cater to various customer categories. Each one provides a unique experience, sometimes buying straight from a manufacturer and sometimes offering a diverse choice of products.

Who are retailers ?Limited service means limiting the services available to customers due to limited resources, high costs, geographical constraints, and so on. A limited service entity is one that provides few services to customers in one area while also providing full service in another.

Can learn more about limited-service retailers from https://brainly.com/question/14514661


How do you find marginal utility cost per dollar


Marginal utility is the additional satisfaction or benefit that a consumer gets from consuming one more unit of a good or service. Marginal utility can be positive, negative, or zero depending on how the consumption of the good or service affects the consumer's total utility.

What is marginal utility?

Marginal utility cost per dollar is the ratio of marginal utility to the price of the good or service. It measures how much additional utility the consumer gets from spending one more dollar on the good or service. Marginal utility cost per dollar can be calculated by dividing the marginal utility of the good or service by its price.

For example, suppose a consumer has a marginal utility of 10 utils from buying the first slice of pizza and a marginal utility of 8 utils from buying the second slice of pizza. If the price of each slice of pizza is $2, then the marginal utility cost per dollar of the first slice is 10/2 = 5 and the marginal utility cost per dollar of the second slice is 8/2 = 4. This means that the consumer gets more additional utility per dollar from buying the first slice than from buying the second slice.

Learn more about marginal utility on:



Name the embedded protein complex found in the thylakoid membrane that provides excited electrons to the electron transport chain.


the embedded protein complex found in the thylakoid membrane that provides excited electrons to the electron transport chain ATP synthase.

What protein is found in the thylakoid membrane?

The thylakoid membranes are a specialised intracellular membrane system in which four large photosynthetic protein complexes, namely photosystem II (PSII), cytochrome b6f (cytb6f), photosystem I (PSI), and ATP synthase, are embedded.

What is the source of excited electrons in the electron transport chain?

Electron carriers such as NADH and FADH2 transport excited electrons to the electron transport chain. Water donates electrons to photosynthetic organisms, which are then excited by light energy. As the electrons are passed to the first protein complex in the chain, the electron donor is oxidised.

What are the different kinds of embedded proteins?

Integral membrane proteins are classified into two types based on their relationship with the bilayer: integral polytopic proteins and integral monotopic proteins.

learn more about thylakoids visit:



CSDP is a program that addresses what four things?


CSDP is a program that addresses the following four things:





What are the.four things addressed?

Conservation: CSDP aims to conserve and restore the natural resources and biodiversity of the Sonoran Desert region, which spans parts of Arizona, California, and Mexico.

Stewardship: CSDP promotes stewardship of the Sonoran Desert by engaging and educating the public, fostering partnerships, and supporting community-based initiatives. Stewardship activities include outreach and advocacy, volunteer programs, citizen science, and collaborative projects.

Planning: CSDP participates in planning processes that affect the Sonoran Desert, such as land use, transportation, water, and energy. Planning activities include providing scientific and policy input, reviewing and commenting on proposals, and advocating for conservation and stewardship goals.

Policy: CSDP influences policy decisions that affect the Sonoran Desert at the local, state, and federal levels. Policy activities include lobbying and campaigning, developing and endorsing policy statements, and participating in coalitions and networks.

Learn more about program on;



You have a computer that runs Windows 10. You have created a VHD file that contains a Windows 10 image. You need to perform offline servicing of the image in the VHD file to add a driver and enable some Windows features. You attach the VHD file. You use DISM to add a driver. You realize the driver should not have been added to the image. You need to undo the changes you have made using the least amount of effort possible. The VHD file is still attached. What should you do?


Entries from the offlineServicing section should be included to an unattend file. For each image, launch Dism to apply the file.

What must you complete in order to deploy the application on users' workstations?

Install the root certificate in the certificate store for Trusted Root Certification Authorities on each workstation. A Windows 10 machine needs sideloading enabled. To do this, click the relevant button in the Settings app.

What is the name of the network component that links various devices and filters packets according to where they are going on the network?

Switch: A network component that joins several devices and filters packets according to their destination inside the joined devices. Router: A component that receives and examines packets before routing them to their intended location.

To know more about Windows 10 visit :-



If you want to  undo the changes you have made using the least amount of effort possible you should use the DISM command with the /discard-image option.

What is the DISM command?

A command-line utility called Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) is used to maintain Windows images. To mount and obtain details about Windows image (. wim) files, Full-flash utility (FFU) files, or virtual hard disks, utilize the DISM image management commands (VHD)

A command-line utility called Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) can be used to prepare and service Windows images, including those used for Windows Setup, Windows PE, and Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE). A virtual hard disk or a Windows image (. wim) can be maintained using DISM.

Read more on DISM command here:https://brainly.com/question/29830974


What is management by objectives?


Establishing precise, quantifiable objectives is management by objectives.

Determining the techniques, actions, and activities needed to accomplish the goals. Creating and distributing tasks, plans, protocols, and assignments to complete tasks

All governmental levels, non-governmental groups, and the private sector must work together to prevent, mitigate, respond to, and recover from incidents. The  NIMS is utilized in order to do this. Two of the five components of NIMS are command and management. Preparedness. the control of resources. administration and communication of information.

A component of management by objectives is the setting of clear, measurable goals. deciding on plans, tasks, actions, and techniques to achieve the objectives. To complete tasks, strategies, processes, and protocols are developed and distributed.

To learn more about objectives click here



If you carry out the reaction between table salt (NaCl) and lead(II) iodide (PbI2PbI2 ) in 100.0 mL100.0 mL of water, the salt lead(II) iodide will behave similarly to the salts given in the tab named Slightly Soluble Salts.
Enter the formula for the precipitate, without the phase, that will be formed. If no precipitate is formed, simply type "noreaction" in the answer box.
Express your answer as a chemical formula.


Based on the reaction above the compound that will be formed is PbI2. That is Lead(II) iodide is the precipitate that will be formed.

What is the reaction about?

The reaction between table salt (NaCl) and lead(II) iodide (PbI2) in water can be written as:

NaCl(aq) + PbI2(aq) -> NaI(aq) + PbI2(s)

This is a double displacement reaction, where the cations and anions of the two salts exchange partners. The solubility of the salts depends on the strength of the attraction between the ions and the water molecules. Generally, salts with smaller and more highly charged ions are less soluble than salts with larger and less charged ions.

Therefore, the precipitate can be separated from the solution by filtration or centrifugation. The color of the precipitate is yellow, due to the presence of iodide ions. The amount of the precipitate can be calculated by using the stoichiometry of the reaction and the initial concentrations of the reactants."

Learn more about reaction from



PT 2/ After assembling a team and working through the three questions of the Model for Improvement, the orthopedic clinic decides to implement an automated reminder phone call 24 hours prior to each clinical appointment. The clinic's improvement team hopes that this small change will improve scheduling.
3) What is the team's next step?
a) Take a well-deserved break.
b) Develop their project-level measures.
c) Test their change plan using the PDSA cycle.
d) Report their results to clinic leadership and prepare a poster for a national meeting.


Test their change plan using PDSA cycle.

Once you have worked through first three questions of the Model for Improvement , questions about aims, measures, and changes , it's time to do a small test of change using the PDSA cycle.

The clinic should have already developed their measures, and now is not time for a break , because the hard work of improvement is just beginning

Steps in PDSA Cycle

Step 1: Plan - Plan test or observation, including a plan for collecting data

Step 2: Do - Try out the test on a small scale

Step 3: Study- Set aside time to analyze the data and study the results

Step 4: Act - Refine the change, based on what was learned from the test

learn more about PDSA at



The team's next step is c) Test their change plan using the PDSA cycle.

What is the PDSA Cycle?

The PDSA cycle is a method for testing and learning from a change before implementing it on a larger scale. The team can use the PDSA cycle to answer the following questions:

Plan: What do we want to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What change can we make that will result in improvement?Do: Carry out the test. Document problems and unexpected observations. Begin analysis of the data.Study: Complete the analysis of the data. Compare data to predictions. Summarize what was learned.Act: What changes are to be made? Next cycle?

The team can use multiple PDSA cycles to test their change plan under different conditions, with different staff, and with different patients. The team can also use the PDSA cycles to measure the impact of their change plan on their project-level measures, such as the no-show rate, the patient satisfaction, and the staff workload. The team can use the data and the feedback from the PDSA cycles to refine their change plan and make it more effective and sustainable.

The other options are not the next step for the team. Taking a break, reporting the results, and preparing a poster are activities that can be done after the team has tested and implemented their change plan and achieved their improvement goals. Developing their project-level measures is something that the team should have done before planning their change, as part of the Model for Improvement.

Find out more on the PDSA cycle at https://brainly.com/question/27938642


The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) differs from the Rorschach inkblot test in that the person taking the TAT is asked to use his or her imagination to:
Select one:
A. tell a complete story about a picture
B. draw a picture based on a story that is read aloud by the examiner
C. write down responses after reading a short story
D. tell a story and draw a picture about it.


Tell a story and draw a picture about it. The correct answer is option (A).

What is Thematic Apperception?

An example of a projective test is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), which asks participants to describe ambiguous events in order to reveal more about their personalities, emotions, and driving forces.

The TAT entails displaying a selection of image cards to participants that feature a variety of ambiguous persons (which may include men, women, and/or children), settings, and scenarios. The TAT is frequently criticised for not being standardised, which refers to the absence of official administration guidelines and a scoring system. Clinicians frequently conduct the exam in a variety of ways. Furthermore, few professionals adopt Murray's intricate grading system; instead, they rely on their own personal interpretation and clinical judgement.

To know more about Thematic Apperception, visit:



The correct option is A

. tell a complete story about a picture

What is the The Thematic Apperception Test?

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a projective test that involves showing a person a series of ambiguous pictures and asking him or her to tell a complete story about each one. The story should include what is happening, what the characters are feeling and thinking, and what the outcome will be. The TAT is designed to reveal the person's unconscious motives, conflicts, and personality traits through the themes and patterns of the stories.

The Rorschach inkblot test is another projective test that involves showing a person a series of inkblots and asking him or her to say what they see in them. The Rorschach test is based on the assumption that the person's responses reflect their unconscious thoughts, feelings, and impulses that are projected onto the inkblots.

The main difference between the TAT and the Rorschach test is that the TAT requires the person to use their imagination to create a coherent and meaningful story based on a picture, while the Rorschach test requires the person to interpret an abstract and random stimulus.

Learn more about The Thematic Apperception Test : https://brainly.com/question/9783864


If all firms in an industry are price takers:


Even if an individual firm doubles its output, the market price cannot be changed.

What is perfect competition?

In economics, specifically general equilibrium theory, a perfect market, also known as an atomistic market, is defined by a number of idealizing conditions, which are referred to as perfect competition, or atomistic competition, as a whole. It has been shown in theoretical models under perfect competition that a market will find equilibrium when the supply of all goods and services, including labour, meets the demand for all goods and services at the price in question. A Pareto optimum would be this equilibrium. [Perfect competition offers both productive and allocative efficiency.

Such markets are allocatively efficient because output always occurs when marginal cost equals average revenue, or price (MC = AR), indicating that they are allocatively efficient. Any producer who maximizes profits must contend with a market price equal to its marginal cost (P = MC) in a situation of perfect competition.The assumptions of perfect competition imply that individuals in the market accept the market price as given.

Hence, even if an individual firm doubles its output, the market price cannot be changed.

To know more about perfect competition from the given link



If all firms in an industry are price takers, it means that they have no control over the market price of their product.

What happens in a perfectly competitive industry?

In a perfectly competitive industry, the market price is determined by the intersection of the market demand and supply curves. Each firm faces a horizontal demand curve that is equal to the market price. The firm's marginal revenue is also equal to the market price, since each additional unit sold adds the same amount to the firm's total revenue. The firm's profit-maximizing output is where its marginal cost equals its marginal revenue, or the market price. The firm's profit is the difference between its total revenue and its total cost.

They have to accept the prevailing market price as given and adjust their output accordingly. This implies that the industry is perfectly competitive, meaning that there are many buyers and sellers, the product is homogeneous, there are no barriers to entry or exit, and there is perfect information.

In the long run, if the industry is profitable, new entrants will be attracted by the positive economic profits. This will increase the market supply and lower the market price, reducing the profits of the existing firms. Conversely, if the industry is unprofitable, some firms will exit the industry, reducing the market supply and raising the market price, increasing the profits of the remaining firms. The process of entry and exit will continue until the market price equals the minimum average total cost of the firms, and the economic profits are zero. This is the long-run equilibrium of a perfectly competitive industry."

Find out more on perfectly competitive industries at https://brainly.com/question/1748396


The EMT should expect that a patient who was exposed to cyanide will have:
A. an abnormally slow pulse rate.
B. an abnormally slow respiratory rate.
C. skin that is cherry red and hot.
D. a normal pulse oximetry reading.


The EMT should expect that a patient who was exposed to cyanide will have a normal pulse oximetry measurement. You and your partner reach the scene of a big office building fire.

What is oximetry value?

Witnesses said that just before the structure caught fire, they heard a huge explosion. A patient who has been exposed to cyanide should have a normal pulse oximetry value. Due to cyanide and phosgene, a chemical attack might result in numerous fatalities and substantial financial losses. The patient's proximity to the explosion's epicenter determines the type and severity of injuries caused by incendiary and explosive devices. Ricine induces circulatory failure and pulmonary edema when it enters the body. There is a possibility that the nucleus of an object.

To learn more about  EMT from given link



Osteoblasts are immature cells that build bone and carry out the process of bone deposition.


The statement that, Osteoblasts are immature cells that build bone and carry out the process of bone deposition, is True.

What is bond deposition ?

Bone deposition is the process of adding new bone tissue to the skeleton. It involves the synthesis of organic matrix and the mineralization of the matrix.

Osteoblasts secrete collagen and other proteins that form the organic matrix of bone. They also secrete enzymes that help in the mineralization of the matrix. The mineralization involves the deposition of calcium and phosphate ions into the matrix, forming hydroxyapatite crystals. These crystals give bone its hardness and strength.

Osteoblasts are derived from osteogenic cells, which are stem cells that can differentiate into bone-forming cells. Osteoblasts are found on the surface of bone tissue, where they form a single layer of cuboidal cells. They communicate with each other and with osteocytes, which are mature bone cells, through gap junctions.

Osteoblasts can become trapped in the matrix they secrete and differentiate into osteocytes. Osteocytes maintain the bone tissue and regulate the exchange of nutrients and wastes with the blood. Osteocytes also sense mechanical stress and signal to osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which are bone-resorbing cells, to adjust the bone remodeling process.

Osteoblasts are important for the growth and development of bones, as well as the repair and maintenance of bone tissue. They are regulated by various hormones, such as parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and growth hormone, as well as by mechanical stimuli, such as exercise and weight-bearing activities.

Find out more on osteoblasts at https://brainly.com/question/24905581


Options for this question include:

True False

The modified gap junctions that link the cells and allow the heart to contract as a single unit are the striations found in cardiac muscle cells. Because it is devoid of an ECM entirely, nervous tissue is unusual.

The individual cells that make up the heart muscle are known as cardiomyocytes. The primary function of cardiomyocytes is to contract to generate the pressure needed to pump blood through the circulatory system. The branching architecture and intercalated discs between muscle fibers are specific to the heart muscle. The intercalated discs are angled at a right angle to the muscle fibres and have a dark stain. They are frequently described as bands that are cutting across the muscle fibres. The muscle that encircles the heart is made of cardiac muscle. Unlike skeletal muscles, which move voluntarily to support life, the muscles' purpose is to cause the mechanical motion that pumps blood throughout the rest of the body.

Learn more about cardiac muscle cells here



Elderly nursing home residents tend to decline faster and die sooner than if theywould otherwise if the lack
biofeedback, alternative medicine, perceived control, central route of persuasion


Elderly nursing home residents tend to decline faster and die sooner than if they would otherwise if the lack perceived control.

What is perceived control?

Patients in nursing homes who lack perceived control tend to deteriorate faster and die sooner than they would otherwise. Perceived control is linked to mental well-being, a lower physiological effect of stresses, an increased ability to manage with stress, better performance, less discomfort, and a higher possibility of achieving challenging behavioral adjustments. The sense of the difficulty of implementing an action is characterized as perceived behavioral control. The major distinction between the Theories of Planned Behavior and Reasoned Action is perceived behavior control.


If elderly nursing home patients lack perceived control, they tend to deteriorate quicker and die sooner than they would otherwise.

To know more about perceived control,



When is it most important that the person served feels that the environment is a safe place where they can discuss details of their trauma?
a) In outpatient settings
b) In residential treatment facilities
c) In and inpatient setting
d) In all settings


Office of Mental Health Services. Behavioral Health Services with Trauma-Informed Care. gain a sense of safety by seeking it. adults who have had traumatic experiences, been diagnosed with substance use disorders, or both. Safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, and empowerment are the five guiding principles.

What is Trauma-informed?

The first crucial step in providing trauma-informed care is making sure that an individual's physical and emotional safety are taken into consideration. Trauma-informed care has the potential to enhance patient engagement, treatment adherence, health outcomes, and provider and staff wellness because it recognizes the need to comprehend a patient's life experiences in order to give effective care. As a trauma team member. you must take precautions to avoid coming into contact with blood and bodily fluids.

Airway management and maintaining breathing, oxygenation, and perfusion are given first emphasis right away.

To learn more about Trauma-Informed  from given link



Assuming normal account balances, the following statement is true when balancing a T-account or Ledger?
A. Assets normally have debit balances.
B. Liabilities normally have debit balances.
C. Revenues normally have debit balances.
D. Common Stock normally has a debit balance.


The correct answer is Assets have normal debit balances. I am taking accounting so I know this is correct. Hope this helps. Please give brainliest I need five more

Assuming normal account balances, the following statement is true when balancing a T-account or Ledger: Assets normally have debit balances. Option A.

What is an asset?

Anything that will or now has economic worth to a company is considered an asset. In essence, assets for businesses are any things that are under the company's control and ownership and are either currently valuable or have the potential to be profitable in the future. Patents, machines, and investments are some examples.

A liability is money you owe, whereas an asset is everything you own that increases your financial value. Personal assets include things like your house. other real estate, like a rental home or a business building. Savings and checking accounts.

Read more on assets here:https://brainly.com/question/25746199


Begins at the cisterna chyli.
thoracic duct
aggregated lymphoid nodules
inguinal lymph nodes
thymic corpuscles


The thoracic duct starts from the cisterna chyli.

What begins at the Cisterna Chyli?The second or third lumbar vertebra is where the thoracic duct emerges from the cisterna chyli. After that, it passes through the diaphragm's aortic hiatus and enters the thorax. It then ascends in the posterior mediastinum, between the azygos vein on the right and the descending thoracic aorta on the left.At the caudal end of the thoracic duct, there is a lymphatic structure called the cisterna chyli, which receives lymph flowing from the viscera of the abdomen, pelvis, and lower limbs.In the retrocrural area, there is a dilated lymphatic sac called the cisterna chyli. It is situated at the thoracic duct's origin and is detected in 20% of autopsies and 50% of lymphangiographic examinations .

To learn more about Cisterna chyli. refer,



A provision in a whole life policy that allows a policyowner to terminate the policy in return for a reduced paid-up policy of the same type is called a(n)
A) insuring clause
B) payor provision
C) reinstatement provision
D) nonforfeiture provision


A policy owner terminates the policy in return for a reduced paid-up policy of the same type is called a nonforfeiture provision

What is a nonforfeiture provision?

A nonforfeiture clause is a provision in an insurance policy that states that an insured party may receive full or partial benefits or a partial refund of premiums if the policy lapses due to nonpayment. Nonforfeiture clauses can be found in permanent life insurance, long-term disability insurance, and long-term care insurance policies.

If the payment is reduced then it is considered the nonforfeiture provision so this can be considered as the boon if the policy lapses due to the non-payment  

Hence if the policy lapses due to nonpayment it can be considered as nonforfeiture provision

To know more on insurance policies follow this link:



Timmons, an electronic gadgets company, has declined in performance since new competitors entered the electronics market. Thomas Baker, the marketing manager at Timmons decided to sell off a number of declining brands, such as WebWay, its oldest general service cellphone model, and AmpOne, its first electronic music player. In these examples, management decided to ________ the products.


Its oldest general service cellphone model, and AmpOne, its first electronic music player. In these examples, management decided to drop the products.

What does it mean to drop a product?Product drops occur when a business briefly offers a limited-edition product range. As momentum grows around the exclusivity of a collection, it's a useful strategy for capitalising on consumers' competitive mentality and need for distinctive products.Although the idea of product drops is straightforward and has been around for some time, it has only recently become a regular part of the business models of major firms. A new breed of consumer that is fascinated with obtaining difficult-to-find things has only lately arisen.Because there is no guarantee that the products will continue to be manufactured and sold after the initial drop, product drops differ from product launches. Because of the rarity and urgency associated with product drops, it is crucial that customers be present when the item first becomes available. Launches of new products typically mark the beginning of a protracted era of manufacturing and availability.

To learn more about drop product refer :



On January 20, Complete Computer Service purchases $200 of office supplies on account.
The journal entry to record this transaction would be:
A. Office Supplies (D)
Accounts Payable (C)
B. Office Supplies (D)
Cash (C)
C. Accounts Supplies (D)
Office Supplies (C)
D. Office Supplies (D)
Accounts Receivable (C)


A is the correct answer.

Explanation: I just finished my first semester of accounting so I know this is correct. Please give brainliest I need five more.

the combining forms that mean "chest are


The skin is the largest organ of the body, accounting for about 15% of the total adult body weight.

The combining forms that mean "chest" are thorac/o and pect/o.

What is a combining form?

A word form known as a combining form only appears as a component of another word. There are various categories of combining forms, each categorized by the type of word that comes from the application of the form.

A word root becomes a combining form when a vowel is added. This vowel, which is typically a "o," is known as a combining vowel. - cyst/o - thermionic Before another word root and before suffixes that start with a consonant, the combining vowel is used. The rule does not apply to prefixes.

Read more on combining forms here:https://brainly.com/question/29829915


9) Specialty stores are characterized by ________.
A) the sale of convenience and staple items
B) narrow product lines with deep assortments
C) a wide range of products and categories
D) low prices on a wide range of goods
E) routinely purchased food products and services


Specialty stores are characterized by narrow product lines with deep assortments.

What is sale example?

A sale would be when you purchase anything from a local store or an internet retailer. Wherever you ask for anything, the merchant will always respond. The sale occurs when the product is paid for and purchased.

What purpose do sales serve?

The development of consumer loyalty and trust in businesses is significantly influenced by sales. The key factors that influence a customer's decision to refer your business to a family member or friend or to provide a positive online review of your goods or services are trust and loyalty. An organization's thorough plan to boost sales performance, innovation, and growth by more effectively entering current markets and increasing share of current customers' wallets is known as a sales strategy.

To know more about Sale visit:



After changing a dressing that was used to cover a draining wound on a client with Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE), the nurse should take which step to ensure proper disposal of soiled dressing?
1Place the dressing in the bedside trash can
2Place the dressing in a red bag/hazardous materials bag
3Contact Environmental Services personnel to pick up the dressing
4Transport the dressing to the laboratory to be placed in the incinerator


The correct option 2: Place the dressing in a red bag/hazardous materials bag, to ensure proper disposal of soiled dressing.

Explain the term Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)?

When bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics intended to kill them, antibiotic resistance arises.

These microorganisms become vancomycin-resistant enterococci if they grow resistant to vancomycin, an antibiotic used to treat some drug-resistant illnesses (VRE).Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus is referred to as VRE. It is an illness caused by bacteria that have become resistant to vancomycin, an antibiotic. Normal habitats for Enterococcus bacteria include the female vaginal tract and the intestines. Typically, it doesn't make us ill.Previous research has identified a number of risk factors for VRE colonization, including old age, a serious underlying illness, hospital transfers between facilities, nursing home residence, prolonged hospitalization, specialist dietary care, central venous catheterization,

Thus, to ensure that dirty dressing is disposed of properly, put the dressing inside a red bag or hazardous materials bag.

To know more about the Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE), here



Cache memory levels are based on proximity to ________.
A) the hard drive
C) the processor
D) the video card


The amount of cache memory depends on how close it is to the processor.

Describe a processor.

A processor, also known as a processing unit, is an electrical part (digital circuit) used in computers and computer science that carries out actions on an external information source, most frequently memory or another data stream. It often comes in the form of a cpu, which is a single integrated circuit chip made of metal oxide semiconductors. In the past, processors were built using multiple individual transistors, various independent vacuum tubes, multiple computer chips, or all of the above. Nowadays, transistors are integrated into processors. The centralized processing unit (CPU) in a system is commonly mentioned while using this term  But it can also be used to describe other coprocessors, like a graphics processing unit. (GPU). 

To know more about processor

Inability to remember certain aspects of the trauma, presenting with a restricted affect, and exhibiting distorted cognitions are aspects of which PTSD symptom cluster?
a) Avoidance of distressing trauma reminders
b) Intrusion symptoms
c) Negative alterations in cognitions and mood
d) Arousal and reactivity


Dissociative, intrusive memories, and persistent and unwelcome memories of the traumatic experience are all part of symptom cluster  Thinking poorly about oneself or the world is one of the cognitive symptoms.

what is cognitive symptoms?

The National Center for  states that those who are suffering cognitive symptoms may have trouble believing in others and may struggle to feel pleased. Aspects of symptoms cluster include forgetting specific details of the incident, displaying a constricted mood, and displaying warped cognitions. Traumatic psychological experiences can have long-term cognitive repercussions.

The adverse effect has on cognitive performance is highlighted by the hallmark symptoms of the disorder, which include changes to cognitive functions like memory, attention, planning, and problem-solving.

To learn more about cluster  from given link



A hydronium ion:
A) has the structure H3O+.
B) is a hydrated hydrogen ion.
C) is a hydrated proton.
D) is the usual form of one of the dissociation products of water in solution.
E) All of the above are true.


All of the above are true regarding hydronium ion

In chemistry, hydronium is common name for aqueous cation H₃O⁺, the type of oxonium ion produced by protonation of water.

It is often viewed as positive ion present when an Arrhenius acid is dissolved in water, as Arrhenius acid molecules in solution give up a proton to surrounding water molecules.

This thing (made up of a proton (H+) added to water molecule is an ion because it has a charge.

Its formula is H3O+ and its called hydronium ion. The hydronium ion always forms when acid dissolves in water.

The H+ from the acid always goes to nearest water molecule and forms H3O+.

learn more about Hydronium ion at



A hydronium ion:

has the structure H3O+.is a hydrated hydrogen ion.is a hydrated proton.is the usual form of one of the dissociation products of water in solution.

What is  hydronium ?

Hydronium  can be described as the mname for the aqueous cation H₃O⁺,  however this can be considered as the  type of oxonium ion produced by protonation of water.

It should be noted that this can be considered as the positive ion present when an Arrhenius acid is dissolved in water,  which is been seen as the  Arrhenius acid molecules in solution give up a proton to the surrounding water molecules.

Therefore, option E is correct.

Learn more about ion  at:



To be consistent with the historical cost principle, overhead costs incurred by an enterprise constructing its own building should be: allocated on a pro rata basis between the asset and normal operations.


The value of an asset is represented on the balance sheet at its original cost when it was purchased by the company using the accounting term "historical cost."

Why is historical cost principle important?

The value of an asset is represented on the balance sheet at its original cost when it was purchased by the company using the accounting term "historical cost."

According to generally accepted accounting principles, the historical cost approach is applied to fixed assets in the United States (GAAP).

According to U.S. GAAP, the historical cost assumption is a fundamental accounting principle. Even if most assets have greatly improved in value over time, the historical cost principle requires that they be reported on the balance sheet at their historical cost.

Some assets are not kept at their historical cost. Marketable securities, for instance, are reported on the balance sheet at fair market value, while damaged intangible assets are written down from historical.

To learn more about historical cost refer to:



Which type of visual cortex cell responds equally to stimuli throughout a large receptive field?


With circularly symmetric receptive fields and nearly comparable responses to all stimulus orientations, lateral geniculate neurons and retinal neurons are similar to each other.

What form of visual processing is made possible by large receptive fields?

The receptive fields of different types of mechanoreceptors vary in size. Although they enable the cell to notice changes over a larger region, large receptive fields result in less accurate perception.

In which cells are the receptive fields larger?

The remaining 5% are non-M, non-P ganglion cells, which have not yet been thoroughly defined. Type M ganglion cells have wider receptive fields, propagate action potentials more quickly in the optic nerve, and are more sensitive to low-contrast stimuli in addition to being larger themselves.

To know more about visual cortex cell visit:-



One type of visual cortex cell that responds equally to stimuli throughout a large receptive field is a complex cell.

What are complex cells?They are neurons of the primary visual cortex (V1).These are cells that respond to oriented edges or bars of light that move in a specific direction.They are cells that have large receptive fields that are uniformly organized.These are cells that respond equally to stimuli from anywhere in the receptive field.They are cells formed by the convergence of inputs from multiple single cells.

Complex cells are important for detecting motion and shape in visual scenes, as they are less sensitive to the exact location of the stimuli. They may also contribute to higher-level processes such as object recognition and depth perception.

Learn more about complex cells:



If two polling firms asked identical questions of the same group of 1,000 people, yet reported different results, this difference would likely be caused by


If two polling firms asked identical questions of the same group of 1,000 people, yet reported different results, this difference would likely be caused by the house effect.

What is the purpose of polling?

Polling can be used to control the execution or transmission sequence of the elements involved in a variety of computing contexts. Polling, for example, can be used in multitasking operating systems to allocate processor time and other resources to competing processes. Poling is a method of purifying metals with oxidized impurities. It is commonly used to purify metals such as copper or tin that are impure in the form of copper oxide or tin oxide.

A still-green log of wood is used to stir the liquid metal. Polling a device means checking the contents of the event buffer or getting the current state of the device objects on a regular basis.

Learn more about Polling here: https://brainly.com/question/10404069


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