Complete the divisible_by(list1, int1) function below. As input, it takes a list of integers list1 and an integer int1. It should return a list with all the integers in list1 where the integer is divisible by int1. For example, divisible_by([2, 9, 4, 19, 20, -3, -15], 3) should return the list [9, -3, -15].
1 def divisible_by(listi, n):
2 # code goes here
3 pass
5 if _name == "__main__":
6 # use this to test your function
7 test_list = [2, 9, 4, 19, 20, -3, -15]
8 print(divisible_by(test_list, 3))


Answer 1


The function is as follows:

def divisible_by(listi, n):

   mylist = []

   for i in listi:

       if i%n == 0:


   return mylist



This defines the function

def divisible_by(listi, n):

This creates an empty list

   mylist = []

This iterates through the list

   for i in listi:

This checks if the elements of the list is divisible by n

       if i%n == 0:

If yes, the number is appended to the list


This returns the list

   return mylist


Related Questions

desktop and personal computer are also known as​


they are also known as general computers

Which of the following application delivery methods requires Internet access?


Answer:Cloud hosted


Write a Java program named Problem 3 that prompts the user to enter two integers, a start value and end value ( you may assume that the start value is less than the end value). As output, the program is to display the odd values from the start value to the end value. For example, if the user enters 2 and 14, the output would be 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and if the user enters 14 and 3, the output would be 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13.



hope this helps


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Problem3 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.print("Enter start value: ");

       int start = in.nextInt();

       System.out.print("Enter end value: ");

       int end = in.nextInt();

       if (start > end) {

           int temp = start;

           start = end;

           end = temp;


       for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {

           if (i % 2 == 1) {


               if (i == end || i + 1 == end) {


               } else {

                   System.out.print(", ");






Before you ever buy your first stock or bond, it's important to understand what type of investor you are. This depends on a number of factors, including your investment objectives, your time horizon, your tolerance for risk, your personal investment experience, and your overall financial situation. There are three general categories of investors: The conservative investor values protecting principal over seeking capital appreciation. This investor is comfortable accepting lower returns for a higher degree of stability and/or liquidity. The conservative investor wants to minimize risk and loss of principal. The moderate investor values reducing risks and enhancing returns equally. This investor is willing to accept modest risks to seek higher long-term returns. A moderate investor may endure short-term loss of principal and a lower degree of liquidity in exchange for long-term capital appreciation. The aggressive investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept substantial risk. This investor believes that maximizing long-term returns is more important than protecting principal in the short term and understands that this may mean enduring volatility and significant losses. Liquidity generally isn't a consideration for the aggressive investor. Which of these categories best describes you?



Moderate investor


The moderate investors are most popularly known as 'Balanced investors'. They accepts the risk to principal and they adopt the balanced approach. They mainly uses a mixture of bonds and stocks.

They values the reducing risks and then enhancing the returns equally. They accepts modest risks so as to ensure higher long term returns.

why do we install doorbells in our house



It's placed near the door. When a visitor presses the button, the bell rings inside alerting you that someone is at the door.

So when people are at the door they can use the doorbell to inform the people in the house that they are outside.


what is 2 in this number ​


Answer and Explanation:

It's an exponent (2 is squared I believe)

When you have an exponent, multiply the big number by the exponent

Ex: [tex]10^2[/tex]= 10x2=20

Ex: [tex]10^3\\[/tex]= 10x3=30

Write a program that reads an integer, a list of words, and a character. The integer signifies how many words are in the list. The output of the program is every word in the list that contains the character at least once. Assume at least one word in the list will contain the given character.Ex: If the input is:4 hello zoo sleep drizzle zthen the output is:zoodrizzle



try this.


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {

       int n;



       vector<string> v;

       string s;

       for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){





       char ch;


       for(int i = 0;i<v.size();i++){

               for(int j = 0;j<v[i].length();j++){







       return 0;


What is the purpose of exploring data?

To generate labels for your data.

To gain a better understanding of your data.

To gather your data into one repository.

To digitize your data.​



b. To gain a better understanding of your data.


A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to create, store, modify, retrieve and manage data or informations in a database. Generally, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

A data dictionary can be defined as a centralized collection of information on a specific data such as attributes, names, fields and definitions that are being used in a computer database system.

In a data dictionary, data elements are combined into records, which are meaningful combinations of data elements that are included in data flows or retained in data stores.

This ultimately implies that, a data dictionary found in a computer database system typically contains the records about all the data elements (objects) such as data relationships with other elements, ownership, type, size, primary keys etc. This records are stored and communicated to other data when required or needed.

Data exploration (mining) can be defined as a process which typically involves extracting and analyzing data contained in large databases through the use of specialized software to generate new information.

The main purpose of data exploration is to gain a better understanding of your data and get to insights faster. Thus, data exploration helps to cut down a large data set into a manageable size through the use of statistical or data visualization tools, thereby, gaining a better understanding of the nature of the data.


b. To gain a better understanding of your data.


explore and visualize data to uncover insights from the start or identify areas or patterns to dig into more.

Uhh... What is happening?.. What...



the Redstone underneath is activating the piston


lever under each piston

difference between academic library and school Library


I think Academic is like books about subjects so educational and school library are like fun books enjoyable

free pass if you want it.






thank youuuu!


have a great day!!

4. Why do animals move from one place to another?​



Animal move from one place to another in search of food and protect themselves from their enemies.They also move to escape from the harsh climate. Animal move from one place to another in search of food,water and shelter.


Animals move one place to another because he search food and shelter

Working with do-while loop
Bring the program dowhile.cpp from the Lab 5 folder.
The code is shown below:
// This program displays a hot beverage menu and prompts the user to
// make a selection. A switch statement determines which item the user
// has chosen. A do-while loop repeats until the user selects item E
// from the menu.
using namespace std;
int main()
// Fill in the code to define an integer variable called number,
// a floating point variable called cost,
// and a character variable called beverage
bool validBeverage;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Hot Beverage Menu" << endl << endl;
cout << "A: Coffee $1.00" << endl;
cout << "B: Tea $ .75" << endl;
cout << "C: Hot Chocolate $1.25" << endl;
cout << "D: Cappuccino $2.50" << endl < cout << "Enter the beverage A,B,C, or D you desire" << endl;
cout << "Enter E to exit the program" << endl << endl;
// Fill in the code to read in beverage
case 'a':
case 'A':
case 'b':
case 'B':
case 'c':
case 'C':
case 'd':
case 'D': validBeverage = true;
default: validBeverage = false;
if (validBeverage == true)
cout << "How many cups would you like?" << endl;
// Fill in the code to read in number
// Fill in the code to begin a switch statement
// that is controlled by beverage
case 'a':
case 'A': cost = number * 1.0;
cout << "The total cost is $ " << cost << endl;
// Fill in the code to give the case for tea ( $0.75 a cup)
//Fill in the code to give the case for hot chocolate($1.25 a cup)
// Fill in the code to give the case for cappuccino ($2.50 a cup)
case 'e':
case 'E': cout << " Please come again" << endl;
default:cout << // Fill in the code to write a message
// indicating an invalid selection.
cout << " Try again please" << endl;
} // Fill in the code to finish the do-while statement with the
// condition that beverage does not equal (E or e).
// Fill in the appropriate return statement



it throws an error with the includes.

and some undeclared variables.


please fix that.

What is an access review?



System Access Review (previously known as Identity Management) is the organizational process for ensuring that individuals have the appropriate access to technology resources.

When an exception is thrown by code in the try block, the JVM begins searching the try statement for a catch clause that can handle it and passes control of the program to ___. Group of answer choices Each catch clause that can handle the exception The first catch clause that can handle the exception If there are two or more catch clauses that can handle the exception, the program halts The last catch clause that can handle the exception



The answer is "the first catch clause that can handle the exception".


In the catch block handles the exception which is indicated by its argument, exception type, declares the type of exception, which can handle the name of a class which inherits from the "throw class", that's why As code in the try block throws the exception, the JVM looks for a catch clause that really can handle this in the try statement or transfers control of a program to first catch clause which can handle the exception.

You work at a computer repair store. A customer is having trouble with their hard drives. The computer is not recognizing all the drives in the machine. In this lab, your task is to diagnose and correct the problem. In the computer, the top hard drive contains the operating system files. Troubleshoot the hard drives to see why they are not all being recognized. Verify that all drives are detected in the BIOS.




The first thing that you would need to do is verify that the drives are being detected within the BIOS. You need to first enter the BIOS by clicking the correct keyboard key on startup. If the BIOS detects the drives correctly, then the most likely problem is that the drive's letter is not assigned. To fix this you need to search for Disk Management within the OS, find the drive, and assign a letter to it. If this does not solve the issue then the cable or drive itself may be damaged and may need replacing.

Which option ensures that page break is automatically inserted ahead of a specific paragraph or heading?



the Keep with next option in the Paragraph dialog box. the Keep lines together option in the Paragraph dialog box.

The technology dealing with robots is called



Robotics is a field of engineering that deal with design and application of robots and the use of computer for their manipulation and processing. ... Robotics requires the application of computer integrated manufacturing, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biological mechanics, software engineering.

Ill give alot of points if you answer: How do I get a 100 dollar ps4


uh how do you get a little blue box in a sandwich
You can try to set up a go found me or if you post a Venmo or cash thing in your profile people might give you money. Good luck!

Explaining Invalid Data
what happens if date is entered in a feld without meeting the validation mal



An error appears and the record cannot be saved


edge 2021

Consolidated Supplies is a medium-sized distributor of restaurant supplies that operates in Canada and several northern U.S. states. They have 12 large warehouses spread across both countries to service their many customers. Products arrive from the manufacturers and are stored in the warehouses until they are picked and put on a truck for delivery to their customers. The networking equipment in their warehouses is old and is starting to give them problems; these problems are expected to increase as the equipment gets older. The vice president of operations, Pat McDonald, would like to replace the existing LANs and add some new wireless LAN technology into all the warehouses, but he is concerned that now may not be the right time to replace the equipment. He has read several technology forecasts that suggest there will be dramatic improvements in networking speeds over the next few years, especially in wireless technologies. He has asked you for advice about upgrading the equipment.
Should Consolidated Supplies replace all the networking equipment in all the warehouses now, should it wait until newer networking technologies are available, or should it upgrade some of the warehouses this year, some next year, and some the year after, so that some warehouses will benefit from the expected future improvements in networking technologies?



Consolidated Supplies

Consolidated Supplies should upgrade some of the warehouses this year, some next year, and others the year after, so that some warehouses will benefit from the expected future improvements in networking technologies.


Gradual technology upgrade should be the way forward for Consolidated Supplies.  Waiting until newer networking technologies are available is not an option.  Total replacement of all the networking equipment in all the warehouses is not an option, as technology equipment becomes obsolete in no time.  Overall, Consolidated Supplies should never forget the numerous benefits from technology upgrade, including reduction of downtime, increased productivity, and improved customer services and satisfaction.



First party insurance: Loss due to laptop theft, loss due to interruption in business activities due to website failure

Third party insurance: cost of lawsuits filed against the policyholder, fees of a special programmer investigating a cyber fraud, expenses of providing notifications of the cyber attack to clients and employees


Which factor most contributed to the rise of globalization beginning in the 20th century?
A.Consumers preferring to buy local goods
B.Governments breaking up corporate monopolies
C.Economist promoting barriers to trade
D.Internet access becoming widespread

Plz help I need this ASAP


i say C, i’m srry if i’m wrong

The factor that contributed to the rise of globalization beginning in the 20th century is economist promoting barriers to trade. Thus, option C is correct.

What is globalization?

Globalization has made communication between the countries easier to share information openly. This has also helped to increase the speed of transportation of products. Globalization brings nations together, breaking down cultural barriers and turning the world into a global village.

Technology not only changes the way we produce and connect, but also enables more humans to create and test new objects and ideas, reducing the costs and risks of innovation. Product development, even in developing countries.

Globalization has positive effects such as increase in national income, access to global capital, emergence of new business opportunities, increase in loans and investments, transfer of technology, development of energy and communication infrastructures. Improvement of labor quality and working conditions

Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about Globalization on:


Suppose we wanted to make change for purchases and wanted to use the least number of coins possible. Here is a greedy algorithm: for the change amount due, we always use the largest-face-value coin first. Assume we have only coins of quarters ($.25), twenties ($.20), and pennies ($.01). Assume the change is $.40: a. what would be the coins and their numbers obtained by the greedy algorithm above




The following code is a Python function that takes in the amount of change. Then it uses division and the modulo operator to calculate the number of coins that make up the changes, using the greatest coin values first.

import math

def amountOfCoins(change):

   print("Change: " + str(change))

   quarters = math.floor(change / 0.25)

   change = change % 0.25

   dimes = math.floor(change / 0.20)

   change = change % 0.20

   pennies = math.floor(change / 0.01)

   print("Quarters: " + str(quarters) + "\nDimes: " + str(dimes) + "\nPennies: " + str(pennies))

Write a program that replaces words in a sentence. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of word replacement pairs (original and replacement) that follow. The next line of input begins with an integer indicating the number of words in the sentence that follows. Any word on the original list is replaced. Assume that the list will always contain less than 20 word replacement pairs. Ex: If the input is:



try this


if name == '__main__':

words = input().split()

data = input()

for i in range(0, len(words), 2):

if words[i] in data:

data = data.replace(words[i], words[i + 1])


Design an algorithm to find the weighted average of four test scores. The four test scores and their respective weights are given in the following format: testscore1 weight1 ... For example, the sample data is as follows: 75 0.20 95 0.35 85 0.15 65 0.30 The user is supposed to enter the data and press a Calculate button. The program must display the weighted average.



data = [75, 0.2, 95, 0.35, 85, 0.15]

print (f'Average weight: {sum(data) / len(data)}')


This is python algorithm for finding average weight. To get average weight, you sum up all data involved and divide that amount by the number of data provided.

Random Star
Write a method named randomStar that takes two parameters, a Random object r and an integer num. The method should keep printing lines of * characters, where each line has between 5 and 19 * characters inclusive, until it prints a line with greater than or equal to num characters. num is guaranteed to be between 5 and 19. For example, the method call randomStar(14) will print:
import java.util.*;
public class RandomStar {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random r = new Random(2063064142); // ignore the 2063064142
randomStar(r, 12);
randomStar(r, 19);
public static void randomStar(Random r, int num) {




The following code is written in Java. The function takes in the random object and creates a random number where it generates a random number and prints out the * characters, if the random number and the input num are the same it prints out both values and ends the function.

import java.util.Random;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Random r = new Random();

       randomStar(r, 12);


       randomStar(r, 19);


   public static void randomStar(Random r, int num) {

       while (true) {

           int randomNum = r.nextInt(19) + 5;

           if (randomNum != num) {

               for (int x = 0; x < randomNum; x++) {




           } else {

               for (int x = 0; x < randomNum; x++) {




               System.out.println("Random Number: " + randomNum);

               System.out.println("Input Number: " + num);






The Internet is written in a "language" called
O Usenet
O package switching





I hope it helps u.

Mark Me as brainlist answer


Have a great day! I hope this helped!

A "Pythagorean Triple" is a set of integers which will make the sides of a right triangle when used in the calculation of Pythagoras’ Theorem. For example, "3, 4, 5" is a Pythagorean Triple. Write a short "C" function that takes three decimal integers and determines if they are a "Pythagorean Triple". The function should return a boolean which is true if the three numbers fit the pattern, and false otherwise. DO NOT write a "main()" method in this code! [15 pts.]



The function in C is as follows:

bool checkPythagoras(int a, int b, int c ){

  bool chk = false;

  if(a*a == b*b + c*c || b*b == a*a + c*c || c*c == b*b + a*a){

      chk = true;


  return chk;



This defines the function. It receives three integer parameters a, b and c

bool checkPythagoras(int a, int b, int c ){

This initializes the return value to false

  bool chk = false;

This checks if the three integers are Pythagorean Triple

  if(a*a == b*b + c*c || b*b == a*a + c*c || c*c == b*b + a*a){

If yes, the return value is updated to true

      chk = true;


This returns true or false

  return chk;




The answer is B; network security. If there is an issue with the software corruption, there is an issue with the security and validity of the website. A website encryption could prevent this from happening or even a simple virus cleaner.
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