Why did Donald Trump think that the election was stolen from him?


Answer 1


Possibly because of how Pennslyvania had changed from a republican state to a democratic state in about a day.

Related Questions

The "how" tradeoff occurs when



occurs when a firm decides to produce refrigerator instead of dishwashers


A trade-off occurs when some quantity of production or consumption of a good or service is given up in order to produce or consume another good or service.


Hope this helps. Have a great day! :)

"Gangsta Rap" became the most popular style of hip hop in the 1990s.
True Or False


"Gangsta Rap" became the most popular style of hip hop in the 1990s. The statement is true.

What do you mean by Gangsta Rap?

Gangsta rap, a style of hip-hop music that rose to prominence in the 1990s as a reflection and product of the often violent lifestyle of American inner cities plagued by poverty and the dangers of drug use and drug dealing.

Gangsta rap has frequently been accused of encouraging disorderly behavior and widespread criminality, particularly assault, homicide, and drug dealing, as well as misogyny, promiscuity, and materialism.

Gangsta rap was a byproduct of the various wrongdoings committed against black people in underprivileged neighborhoods.

Therefore, "Gangsta Rap" became the most popular style of hip hop in the 1990s. The statement is true.

To know more about the "Gangsta Rap", visit:



Sociobiologists focus on genetics and groups. Who inspired the theory behind their focus?
A:Charles Darwin
B:Karl Marx
C:Harry Harlow
D:Charles Horton Cooley


The answer is A. His theory most relates to Sociobiology than the other's.

Sociobiologists' research on genetics and social structures is largely based on Charles Darwin's theories. As a result, Option (A) is the appropriate response.

Who was Charles Darwin?

Charles Robert Darwin was an English biologist, geologist, and naturalist who is best recognized for his contributions to evolutionary biology. His claim that all living things share a common ancestry is now widely recognized and regarded as a fundamental scientific idea.

In his 1859 book On the Origin of Species, Darwin presented his hypothesis of evolution together with convincing evidence. By the 1870s, evolution had gained widespread acceptance among scientists and the educated population.

The unifying concept of the life sciences that explains the diversity of life is Darwin's scientific finding.

Therefore, Option (A) is the right answer to this question.

Learn more about Charles Darwin, from:



What recourse does an employer have if he or she gets citations and fines?
The employer has no recourse; they must fix the violation and pay the fine.
The employer has six months to self-monitor and write alternate findings,
The employer has fifteen days to appeal the findings in writing,
The employer can simply wait and if the next inspection is clean the fines are waived.



The employer has fifteen days to appeal the findings in writing.


An employee can be defined as an individual who is employed by an employer of labor to perform specific tasks, duties or functions in an organization.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency saddled with the responsibility of assuring and ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for employees by setting and enforcing standards, providing education, trainings and assistance to various organizations.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), safety precautions such as wearing a personal protective equipment e.g masks (respirators), ear plugs, safety boots, gloves, helmet, etc. are very important and essential to be used by workers while working in a hazard prone environment or industries.

A citation is a written notice issued by OSHA to an employer to inform him or her of a violation by an employee. This citation is expected to be pasted by the employer near the incident area and visible to all employees until sorted out with the agency.

When an employee gets citations and fines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for violations or not complying with its regulations, he or she has only fifteen (15) days to appeal the findings in writing.

Consider the conflicts below. Based on the lesson details, explain in your own words how the government, or large organizations, stepped in to help resolve two of the three conflicts.

Ethnic conflict, Sudan (2010 – 2017)
Tsunami, Indonesia (2004)
International pollution, world-wide (2015)




In 2005, a comprehensive peace agreement was reached between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and the government of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. The agreement was facilitated in part by a group of African nations known as the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), as well as the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and Italy.

To fight the pervasive impact of pollution on society, the world’s ministers of environment, gathered at the United Nations Environment Assembly in 2017, expressed their political commitment to working towards a pollution-free planet. Governments also adopted Resolutions targeting specific aspects of pollution: air quality, water pollution, soil pollution, marine litter and microplastics, chemicals and wastes. An Implementation Plan was devised, cutting across all these resolutions, with the aim to promote accelerated action, enhance capacities to address pollution and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Environment Assembly has welcomed the Plan and recognized it as the key vehicle for prompt implementation. It has encouraged all Member States and relevant stakeholders to contribute to its effective implementation.

What distinguishes a representative democracy from a direct democracy?
O A. In a representative democracy, some governmenít positions are
elected, but others are appointed.
B. In a representative democracy, voting rights are reserved for
citizens meeting certain criteria.
C. In a representative democracy, citizens delegate the power to vote
on most issues to others.
D. In a representative democracy, citizens are heavily involved in the
day-to-day issues of government.





In a representative democracy, citizens delegate the power to vote

on most issues to others.

D. In a representative democracy, citizens are heavily involved in the

day-to-day issues of government.

What does Harriet Jacobs reveal about the widespread effects of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850? What did this law do to Northern Black communities?



The 1850 Fugitive Slave Act allowed fugitive and freed workers in the north to be captured and enslaved. This made Harriet's job as an Underground Railroad conductor much harder and forced her to lead enslaved people further north to Canada, traveling at night, usually in the spring or fall when the days were shorter.


In which types of cells must mutations occur in order for the mutation to be passed onto future generations? A Somatic cells B Genes C Gametes D Alleles



I think C Gametes is the correct answer

How did other major league players react when playing against Jackie Robinson? *
1#They treated him with respect when they were on the field, but ignored him off the field
2#They often were deliberately throwing pitches at him, and stepping on him with their cleats
3#They would punch Jackie Robinson and try to get into fistfights with him

please just dont give me a file just a answer please atlas8738 just put the right answer dont put the file thing ok



the treated him with racist comments and disrespect

PLZ HELP! HURRY! give a good answer if your not for sure then dont answer!



hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imyyyyy sorry cant help just wanted to talk~~~~



3. What was the Mitsubishi Zero?
4. What time did the attack at Pearl Harbor start?
How many Shattle shins did the lananese sink at Pearl Harbor?



On December 7, after months of planning and practice, the Japanese launched their attack. At about 8 a.m., Japanese planes filled the sky over Pearl Harbor. Bombs and bullets rained onto the vessels moored below.


Which of the following explains why genocide occurred in Bosnia-Herzegovina? (4 points)

Ethnic groups were fighting with each other for control.

Immigrants supported the Russians more than their leaders.

Farmers did not support the policies of the Great Leap Forward.

Leaders tried to change the nation to a Communist state.


The answer is a. Ethnic groups were fighting with each other for control

Consumers benefit from a free ride when they receive goods or services __________.
at a reduced rate
without paying for them
instead of a government loan
in exchange for community service

Please select the best answer from the choices provided







hey ya'll! the guy above me is right, the correct answer is B. Without paying for them.


The Dunn family has moved from the United States to Germany. Which of the
following family members is demonstrating cross-cultural communication
A. Saul, who believes that everyone in the world should speak English
B. Lana, who stays in the house as much as possible because she
does not speak German
C. Aure, who uses hand motions and tries to speak a little German
while he plays with the neighborhood children
D. All of the above.


The answer is C.
Because the other 2 don’t demonstrate the traits.

Choose four products that are manufactured in the New England states. computers machinery chemicals shoes iron airplanes steel



The answers are machinery, shoes, iron, and steel.


Some manufactured products from the Northeast are machinery, textiles, transportation equipment, processed food, shoes, iron, steel, and other metal products.


machinery, shoes, iron, and steel.


What characterizes an organism? Check all that apply. contains cells is able to reproduce uses energy is abiotic grows and develops



Contains cells

Is able to reproduce

Grows and Develops

Uses Energy


Abiotic means not derived by biological factors. So the sun and rocks are abiotic. Everything else checks out

For which treaty was Thomas Jefferson responsible?

A) Treaty of Paris

B) Treaty of Louisiana

C) Treaty of Tripoli

D) Treaty of Napoleon


the treaty of paris

need help asapp! Question: What are some ways in which china was isolated from the rest of the world and how did this impact its overall development?

NO GOOGLING!!! IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!! I will give you the brain thing if you answer it in your own words! :)



One reason China became isolated is becasue they became a communism, it impacted the devolpment because not many countrys do deals with communist countrys


1A EXPLAINING CAUSE AND EFFECT What were some of the “push"
factors that prompted immigrants to leave their native countries?



The promise of wealth and success (Example: the American Dream)


Which number on the map represents the Atlantic Ocean?


Answer: Pretty sure the answer is one


Which amendment was a victory for the temperance movement that Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony were involved in?

Twenty-first Amendment

Fifteenth Amendment

Nineteenth Amendment

Eighteenth Amendment


The nineteenth Amendment

All of the following are right hemisphere functions except:

To understand nonverbal cues

To play the piano


To be rational​



To be Rational


The rational part of your brain is the left while the right deals with creativity and emotions.

All of the following are right hemisphere functions except "To be rational"

What is Right hemisphere function?

The right side of brain controls attention, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. The right hemisphere is the right side of brain which has a greater role in emotion, perceptual, literal, concrete, wholistic, and synthetic thinking, and the processes of visual images, it is also used in arts, creativity, etc.

Whereas, the left brain or left hemisphere is more verbal, analytical and orderly. It takes in the small details and then puts them together to understand the whole picture. The left brain handles reading, writing, calculation, logic, etc.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about Right hemisphere, here



plz and fast thank u​


Answer: a. A ----- 1


Maximilien Robespierre was a French Revolutionary who was a leading figure in the French Revolution that led to the fall of Louis XVI and the French monarchy. He believed in Enlightenment ideas such as the right of all men to live equally in society.

As a very powerful member of the Revolutionary government and a Jacobin, he tried to implement his views but became increasing dictatorial to the point where he was behind a lot of executions. He was eventually arrested and executed himself.

How are changes made to the Constitution?

Adding new articles
Adding amendments
Rewriting a preamble
Presidents add new ideas


[tex] \huge\boxed{ \boxed { \mathfrak{Answer࿐}}}[/tex]

Changes made to the Constitution by Adding amendments.


[tex]\mathrm{ \#TeeNForeveR}[/tex]

A 25-year-old man, injured in a motor vehicular crash, is admitted to the emergency department. His pupils react sluggishly and his eyes open to pressure. He does not follow commands, but he does moan periodically. His right arm is deformed and does not respond to pressure; however, his left hand reaches purposefully toward the stimulus. Both legs are stiffly extended. His GCS score is:



poor guy and what is the question XD


The GCS score of man is 9. 9 is the GCS scale number on which the patient will fall. The maximum GCS score that may be achieved is 15, and the lowest is 3.

A score of 15 indicates that you are fully alert, and receptive, and memory and reasoning are both functioning normally. The scale ranges between 3-15, if a patient is in a coma his GCS score lies above 8. A score of 8 or less typically indicates coma status. All forms of acute illness and trauma patients can have their level of impaired consciousness measured objectively using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS).

His GCS score will be 9 because he has multiple injuries which are severe. This patient will be in a mild coma which is why his GCS score is 9. The Glasgow Coma Scale rates patients based on their eye-opening, muscular, and vocal responses—the three components of responsiveness.

Since then, various clinical recommendations and scoring systems for those who have experienced trauma or severe disease have included the Glasgow Coma Scale and its overall score. Since the man is injured to a large extent his GCS score will be high.

Therefore, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of the man is 9.

Learn more about the Glasgow Coma Scale here:



Is the USA a patriarchal, matriarchal or gender-egalitarian society? Why?
Help me




The United States may be defined as matriarchal because more than 50% of the voters were women in the elections. However, the most of the higher authority people are males, which represent a patriarchal society.

why coastal areas are mostly windy? give reason​


Answer: The closer high and low air pressure areas are to one another, the more wind there is. That's why, for example, coastal areas tend to be very windy. During the day, land heats up more quickly than the sea. So when air over land rises, cooler air over the water blows in to fill the gap.



The closer high and low air pressure areas are to one another, the more wind there is.


The wind tends to be stronger along the shore and over the open water. This is because there is less friction to slow the movement of air. There are no trees and buildings to slow the wind. .

plzzzzzzzzzzzz helpppppppp





The answer to the question is 49.

In the marine carbon cycle, name the 3 processes that take place.


The flow of carbon in and out of these marine biota reservoirs would be represented by three flows -- a photosynthetic uptake flow, a respiration flow (which combines plant respiration with rapid decomposition within the upper 100 m of water), and a sinking flow

When a new gaming system was released it cost $200 and it was very hard to find. After 6 months it was not as popular and it now costs $125. This price change happened because..



because the item went down in popularity forcing them to make the price lower so more people will be able to afford their product therefore they dont lose money


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