complete each of the following statements by dragging the word or phrase into the proper position. then, rearrange the statements into the correct order of appearance in the male duct system starting with the creation of sperm.


Answer 1

The male duct system is responsible for producing sperm  from the testicles.

How to rearrange the statements into the correct order ?Rearranging a group of lines that are presented in the question's confusing order is what the term "sentence rearrangement" alludes to. Candidates must put the sentences in the proper order before responding to questions about them. The candidates must carefully analyse the statements in order to respond to the question because the theme, topic, or area from which the jumbled phrases may be selected is unspecified.The inquiries may be of many kinds:The statements are in the proper order.The right way to phrase any one sentencefinding the passage's opening sentenceto determine the passage's final sentence, and so forthA candidate will get more adept at deciphering the complex problems the more they practise.

To learn more about rearrange refer to:


Related Questions

What are two infrared examples?


Two instances of infrared are thermometers, infrared lights, and infrared cookers.

The wavelengths of infrared electromagnetic radiation, often known as infrared light, are longer than those of visible light. Therefore, it is invisible to the human sight. According to conventional wisdom, the wavelength range of infrared light lies between 700 nanometers, or the notional red end of the visible spectrum, and around 1 millimetre.Infrared (IR) light is used in electrical warmers, food-cooking appliances, remote controls, optical fibres, security systems, and thermal imaging cameras that can see people in the dark. The three primary subcategories of infrared are near-, mid-, and far-infrared. Additionally, it may be divided into five categories: near-infrared, short, mid, long, and far infrared waves.

Thus these are the two examples of infrared.

To have more additional information about infrared, refer:


to add up all the values in a two-dimensional array it would be best to use; true/false


False , Two subscripts, one for the row and one for the column, serve as the index for two-dimensional (2D) arrays. The 2D array's elements must all be of the same type.

In order to insert data We require two for loops in 2D arrays because we are working with rows and columns.

To place an element in an array, request its location.

Request a value to add.

Add the value.

the array counter is increased.

Although the values are still stored linearly in memory, a two-dimensional array is a type of data structure that consists of a set of cells arranged in a two-dimensional grid, much like a table with rows and columns.

To learn more about insert please click on below link


How do you choose a theme?


Themes Boost Interest A clever theme may create excitement for your business or social event.

In fact, visitors are more likely to spread the word about an event's communications and activities in their own social circles when they are tailored to their needs and goals.

A theme is a significant notion that permeates a tale. Something a little deeper is at play here rather than the narrative or the synopsis.

A text's action is connected to a central concept about our reality via a theme.

The most prevalent modern definition of theme is a concept or point that is essential to a narrative and is frequently summed up in a single word (for example, love, death, betrayal).

Learn more about to theme visit here;


Roughly half of all words in english can be spelled correctly based on established sound-symbol correspondences.a. Trueb. False


True, using recognized sound-symbol correspondences, nearly half of all English words can be spelt properly.

The resemblance between sound and meaning in linguistics is known as sound symbolism. This is a prime instance of language iconicity. For instance, the English word "ding" resembles the sound of a bell. Witten languages are simpler to use because it is more challenging to express things or concepts with symbols than it is to represent sounds.One of the first abilities that young children learn in school is the ability to recognize connections between sounds and symbols. The correspondence between the names of the letters and the sounds they make, specifically Understanding the connections between sounds and symbols is crucial to become independent with reading and writing.

Thus the answer is true.

Refer here to learn more about sound-symbol correspondences:


Read this passage once silently. then, reread it aloud using strategies for reading fluently. write three to five sentences explaining any strategies you used and what new understanding you gained from the text as a result of reading it aloud.


I read the passage silently first to get a general understanding of the content.

Then I reread it aloud, using a variety of strategies to read fluently. First, I varied the speed of my reading to emphasize the different parts of the passage. I also used expressive intonation, varying my tone to emphasize the points the author was making.

Finally, I paused at punctuation marks to ensure that I was taking in the full meaning of the passage. This helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the passage and its overall message.

For more questions like Reading click the link below:



When I read silently, I focused on punctuation, context, and words with strong emotions. This strategy helped me understand people's feelings. When I read aloud, I kept in mind that the author feels pained in the first paragraph. Then, I kept in mind the fact that when she realizes people are on her side, she feels joy and hope. By thinking about the tone, I understood how the same picture makes Melba feel two different ways.


 Sample response edge 2023.

What makes you proud as a Filipino?


The proud that we get from the Filipino is that he himself is good human and had been best in behaviour.

Bayanihan-lively Unity, additionally recognized as “bayanihan” in Filipino, is a trait we have got been related to for decades. More than the hospitality we display strangers, our spirit of generosity and bayanihan is some thing homegrown.

Above all, Filipinos are one in spirit, thanking God for the all advantages they receive. The advantageous outlook, love for elders, persevering character, and spotting God withinside the middle of our lives make me say I am proud to be a Filipino.

Read more about proud:


What change if any needs to be made in sentence 4?


Option D is correct.  In sentence 4, no change is required to be made.

About Sentence

A sentence is indeed a verbal expression in linguistic & grammar, as in the English instance "The swift brown fox leaps over the slow dog." It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that conveys a full notion or as a unit made up of a subject as well as predicate. It is often described in non-functional linguistics as a maximum unit of syntactic structure, such as a component. According to functional linguistics, it refers to a group of written texts that are separated by markers like periods, question marks, & exclamation points as well as graphological traits like capital letters.

The question is incomplete so I have answered it in general as per my knowledge.

Question: What change, if any, is needed in sentence 4?

A. Remove the comma after Moreover.

B. Replace the comma with a colon.

C. Change alot to a lot.

D. Make no change.

To know more about linguistic:


According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are __________and _________.

channel and sender
motivation and ability
hostility versus neutrality
attitude and attractiveness


According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are motivation and ability.

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) is an influential theory in communication that suggests that the willingness of a listener to engage in elaborating on a message is determined by two main factors, which are channel and sender, motivation and ability, hostility versus neutrality, and attitude and attractiveness.

The channel and sender are the two main factors in the ELM that determine how a listener responds to a message. Motivation and ability are also important factors in the ELM. Hostility versus neutrality can also affect a listener’s willingness to elaborate on a message.

Finally, attitude and attractiveness can also influence the listener’s willingness to elaborate on the message. If the message is seen as positive or attractive, the listener is more likely to elaborate on it, while if the message is seen as negative or unattractive, the listener is less likely to elaborate on it.

Learn more about Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) at :


Is it better to boil potatoes whole or cut up?


We can speed up the cooking process by cutting the potatoes into bite-sized pieces before boiling.

Whatever we decide to do with the peel, cutting our potatoes into bits before boiling will help them cook more rapidly.

Although they don't have to be extremely little, especially if we plan to mash them, we should be aware that potatoes cook more quickly the smaller they are sliced.

Around the world, potatoes constitute a staple food for many people. In addition to being a wonderful source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid, potatoes are also a fantastic source of vitamins B1 and B6 due to their lack of fat. They also include a number of other crucial components.

Cubed potatoes will cook in around 15 minutes, whereas whole or larger chunks of young potatoes would take 20 to 25 minutes.

When determining when potatoes are finished, puncture them with the tip of a knife to feel for resistance. We're finished if it inserts easily.

To know more about boiling, visit:


What makes a good performance improvement plan?


Time-bound, meaningful, and realistic objectives that are specific and quantifiable (otherwise known as SMART goals). PIPs often last 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on how long it would take for the particular problem to be resolved.

Few elements of a manager's job are more unpleasant than working with an employee to develop a performance improvement plan. While the management must offer unflinching realities, the employee may feel wounded or ashamed.Even though these discussions are uncomfortable, they are necessary when performance is subpar. The problem has to be fixed if an employee consistently performs inconsistently, fails to live up to standards, or misrepresents key principles. Explain in detail why the employee's conduct or production is subpar. Bring instances of excellent performance, preferably from projects the employee has worked on in the past. Be ready to respond to inquiries and provide details on why the employee's performance falls short of the desired level.

Thus this is what makes a good performance improvement plan.

Refer here to learn more about performance improvement plan:


Review the underlined sentence on page 3.
Which statement below BEST explains the effect
of the figurative language in this sentence?
It stresses the difficulty of effectively manipulating
It emphasizes the value of using less specific
It highlights the fact that politicians often need to
It shows politicians often have a fragile base of


The statement that explains the effect of the figurative language in this sentence is C. It highlights the fact that politicians often need to compromise.

What is a figurative language?

A word's strict or realistic meaning is not used when expressing oneself through the use of figurative language. Figurative language is frequently used to add artistic flourish to written or spoken language or to explain a difficult concept. It is frequently found in comparisons and exaggerations.

Instead of using literal language, figurative language serves the following purpose: it enables the reader to understand what the author means when he writes a sentence or a statement. Figurative language gives written work strength and depth. Many sentences in literature and everyday speech use figurative language.

Figures of speech are used in figurative language to increase its potency, persuasiveness, and impact. In conclusion, the correct option is C.

Learn more about figurative language on:


Answer: It highlights the fact that politicians often need to compromise.


Read this paragraph from a passage.
However, not everyone is convinced that genetically modified foods are beneficial. Opponents say that too little research has been
done on the effects of GMOs on humans and on the environment. They argue that GMOs could be creating new poisons. They are also
concerned about what might happen if genetically modified plants breed with wild plants.
Some farmers are concerned about the possibility of inadvertently crossbreeding GMO plants with non-GMO plants. For example, if the pollen from a GMO plant blows into
their organic field, now that organic crop could become a GMO crop. The possibility also exists that all this interbreeding could lead to
new strains of herbicide-resistant super-weeds.

What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

A. Some farmers are concerned about the possibility of inadvertently crossbreeding GMO plants with non-GMO plants.

B.Opponents say that too little research has been done on the effects of GMOs on humans and on the environment.

C. However, not everyone is convinced that genetically modified foods are beneficial.

D.The possibility also exists that all this interbreeding could lead to new strains of herbicide-resistant super-weeds.


We can see here that the topic sentence of this paragraph is: C. However, not everyone is convinced that genetically modified foods are beneficial.

What is a topic sentence?

Topic sentence is actually known to be a sentence that is seen in a passage or block of text which usually summarizes the main idea of that passage or paragraph. A topic sentence is usually a one-sentence statement that helps to indicate the main idea, purpose or subject that the speaker is making in that passage or paragraph. A topic sentence is meant to be specific.

We see here that topic sentence is usually seen in the first few sentences of the passages or paragraph. In expository writing, topic sentence is usually seen as the first sentence.

We see here that the selected option above is the correct answer.

Learn more about topic sentence on


An example signal statement isa. Keep in mind. C. Both of theseb. I want you to understand. D. None of these please select the best answer from the choices providedabcd.


An example of a signal statement is Both of these (C)

Keep in mind (A), and I want you to understand (B) are the examples of signal statement

What exactly is a signal statement?A signal statement, also known as a signal word, is a particular word or phrase that can be used to link various ideas. The signal statement also aims to emphasize or indicate the main idea.Moreover, the signal statement is used to alert the reader or audience due to something important is about to happen, so they should pay close attention.

So, from the question, it can be concluded that "keep in mind" and "I want you to understand" are examples of signal statements.

Learn more about signal statement:


What is another synonym for agreeable?


Acceptable, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, gratifying, mild, pleasant, satisfying, proper, congenial, consenting are some of the synonyms of 'agreeable'.

Something is delightful and nice if it is agreeable. An agreeable person is pleasant and tries to win others over.

Something is considered to be agreeable if it is acceptable to the mind or senses, depending on one's preferences or needs. a suitable partner; someone who is willing to agree or assent.

For example: A nice or pleasing thing is referred regarded as agreeable. A good travel companion is someone we get along with and like spending time with.

A good day can be sunny and relaxing with a gentle breeze, and a pleasant lunch might be shared with friends.

To know more about agreeable, visit:


2. Hundreds of firefighters fought the forest fires last summer.
A. sentence
B. fragment


sentence because it’s complete and has a verb.

How does global village become possible?


Transportation and communication have made the world into a small, interconnected town. With the aid of transportation and communication technologies, people all over the world are connected to one another.

People use communication technologies to maintain mental connections with one another even while they are not physically connected to one another. When moving from one location to another for business or to visit loved ones, people use a variety of transportation methods. In the modern era, social media platforms have grown to be significant platform that connects people from all over the world, regardless of how far apart they are. And this is how Global Village is very much real.

To know more about Global Village, refer to this link:


What are the 5 game components?


The five most critical components of outstanding learning games are Goals and objectives, Rules and/or Instructions, Interaction, Conflict (and/or competition, challenge, opposition), Outcomes, and Feedback.

Games certainly assist with building up learning targets through playing. Subsequently, it's vital to ensure assuming the games that are intended to be incorporated depending on your underlying goals. Too, you want to characterize what the realizing goals for the game ought to be (information, abilities, and mentalities). This carries us to the following worry that coaches have with respect to including learning games and that is rules or potential directions. Successful guidelines are an essential part while involving learning games in your courses. Students need to understand what they are generally anticipated to do and how the game is played to succeed. Games are an extraordinary asset for trying different things with thoughts and information. Without uncertainty, in games, anything the student does has an outcome; thusly they become a significant and experiential device. It's profoundly empirical and intelligent in light of the fact that understudies can see the consequences of their choices continuously, and they can likewise change their decisions and trial with how they could work on their presentation by attempting things in an unexpected way.

To learn more about games,


New Labs just announced that it has received a patent for a product that will eliminate all flu viruses. This news is better than the market expected one month ago. Which one of the following reactions to this announcement indicates the market for New Labs stock is efficient?A. The price of New Labs stock increases rapidly and then settles back to its pre-announcement level.B. The price of New Labs stock remains unchanged.C. All stocks quickly increase in value and then all but New Labs stock fall back to their original values.D. The price of New Labs stock increases rapidly to a higher price and then remains at that price.


When New Labs announces that it has received a patent for a product that will eliminate all flu viruses, the stock price of New Labs surges and then falls back to its pre-announcement level.

In other words, a patent is an exclusive right to a product or process that offers a new way of doing something or a new technical solution to a problem.

A patent grants you the right to prevent others from unauthorizedly copying, manufacturing, selling, or importing your invention. See also intellectual property protection. You receive protection for a set period of time, allowing you to keep competitors at bay. You can then put your invention to use for yourself.

Hence, the correct answer is "A".

To know more about patents, click here.


What are the 4 features of a non-fiction text?


The list of contents, index, glossary, headers, bold words, sidebars, photographs and accompanying captions, and labelled diagrams are examples of characteristics found in nonfiction texts.

Basically said, nonfiction is writing that truthfully describes real people & genuine events. Since it is the opposite of fiction, it is not phoney. Even if they are fictional, news articles are nonfiction. The truth of the assertions is not examined. In nonfiction, false statements can be made and usually are. Fiction describes made-up characters and events. You may claim that fiction is incorrect since it doesn't portray genuine events. Authors invent storylines, places, characters, and conflicts to keep readers interested in what they are reading.

To know more about nonfiction texts:


what are some of the rhetorical strategies harris uses to develop his argument? find examples of strategies such as hyperbole, opposition, figurative language, and colloquialisms, and discuss their effects.


To develop his argument, Harris uses a hyperbole when he says the jewelry she was wearing weighed more than she did He uses this to appeal top athos.

Hyperbole To accentuate the often corrupt mentality and issues seen in the celebrity world.the jewelry she was wearing weighed more than she did Imagery critic Daniel Harris argues this position in his essay "Celebrity Bodies.

Harris uses rhetorical devices such as logos, rhetorical.f the rhetorical strategies harris uses to develop his argument. find examples of strategies such as hyperbole, opposition Harris uses examples to establish his credibility by using ones that support his purpose of how celebrities are put on an unhealthy pedestal.

He also uses examples that help provide similarities to his point and help the audience understand why celebrities aren't good role models.

To learn more about colloquialisms from given link


Why is it important to create an outline before beginning to draft a research based informative essay?


Creating an outline will assist in building and organizing ideas in a logical and sequential manner.

By doing this, you can choose pertinent facts or quotations from sources early on, giving writers a solid foundation and framework when the writing process starts.

An outline must be part of the essay's planning process. It allows the author to visualize how all the information will be linked to support the paper's arguments and thesis statement. Furthermore, it provides a space for the writer to work with their ideas without having to construct complete paragraphs.

Outlines aid in the organization of a message that the audience can understand by graphically demonstrating the balance and proportion of a speech. By acting as the framework for the speaking notes you will use throughout your presentation, outlines can help you communicate your ideas clearly.

To learn more about outlines, tap here:


Answer:Outlining provides structure and direction.


Is Dynamite still popular?



Although the song has lost some popularity for its repeated lines, it is still considered a popular song world wide.

Based on paragraph 13 of the passage, what conclusion can the reader
make about the author's statement?
People should use safety measures for all different situations.
People can live a long time with hearing damage.
People can protect themselves from hearing loss.
O People are affected by hearing damage for many years.


The conclusion can the reader make about the author's statement is that people should use safety measures for all different situations. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What is Author's statement?

The author's statement may be defined as the type of information that specifies the exact contributions of each author in a narrative form. With the help of these statements, an author can convey his/her ideas, thoughts, emotions, suggestions, etc. to the reader or audience.

According to the context of this question, in paragraph 13 of the passage, the author talks about the safety and preventive measures for the people that are essentially required irrespective of all different situations.

Therefore, the conclusion can the reader make about the author's statement is that people should use safety measures for all different situations. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Author's statement, refer to the link:


what factors encouraged your decision to apply to barnard college, and why do you think the college would be a good match for you? (300 words) reading the essay


My decision to apply to Barnard College was influenced by the kind of support, academic success, exceptional liberal arts legacy, size, location, entertainment, professional resources, and other exciting alternatives that Barnard offers.

Why do you think the college would be a good match for you?

The courage and independence my mother demonstrated via her acts as I was growing up as the only child of a single mother inspired me to constantly push myself intellectually and socially, which is why I applied to Barnard. As a young woman interested in physics and engineering, I think it's important for women to see themselves as leaders in traditionally male-dominated disciplines. I think Barnard provides the kind of assistance and academic achievement I look for in a college. Along with engineering, Barnard's outstanding liberal arts heritage will give me the knowledge I need to comprehend and use engineering techniques to solve real-world challenges.

Engineering and applied science 4+1 Pathways at Barnard are of particular interest to me. By enabling me to earn a BA and an MS, Barnard and Columbia Engineering's cooperation will further my career. My decision to go to Barnard was heavily influenced by this exceptional programme.

I think Barnard is a good fit for me given its size and location after visiting it. I couldn't help but notice the scholarly setting as I walked through Barnard's revered gates as opposed to chaotic Manhattan. Despite having access to the entertainment, professional resources, and other exciting options of NYC, Barnard is small enough to preserve a close-knit community. I could better transition into the working world and get internships with the aid of programmes like Beyond Barnard. The Big Sub and Midnight Breakfast are two traditions that will help me forge unique connections with faculty and fellow students.

To learn more about liberal arts visit:


What is the least famous BTS song?


“Animal” is BTS' least favorite song.

What Is the Difference between a Parliamentary and Presidential System of Government?


The cabinet is under the direction of the elected president. A prime minister is chosen by parliament, and the cabinet is made up of members of the majority party, which is the main distinction between a parliamentary and presidential system of administration.

The primary difference between these systems is the degree of authority separation between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Another important difference between presidential and parliamentary systems is how the executive and legislative branches interact. In parliamentary democracies, the head of state is a member of the legislature. In a presidential democracy, the electorate chooses the president directly. In a parliamentary system, the head of state and the head of government are frequently distinct individuals.

In contrast, in a presidential system, the head of state typically doubles as the head of government and the executive branch does not obtain its democratic legitimacy from the legislative.

To learn more about the government, tap here:


Is distance and displacement are always equal in magnitude?


It's crucial to keep in mind that the distance traveled need not match the size of the displacement (i.e., distance between the two points). The total distance traveled will be more than the amount of the displacement between those two points specifically if an object changes direction during its journey.

Is the displacement's magnitude bigger than the distance's magnitude, and if so, why?

Explanation: A motion in a straight line is the only motion in which the displacement and distance for the motion of the same object over the same time period would be identical. Distance would be larger than displacement if the motion was not linear.

Are vector magnitude and distance equivalent?

Distance is only defined by magnitude, whereas displacement depends on both direction and magnitude. One illustration of a vector quantity is displacement. An illustration of a scalar quantity is distance. Any quantity with both magnitude and direction is a vector.

Know more about displacement:


What are 3 common sayings that come from Shakespeare's writing?


Cruel to be kind
Tough love, being harsh for their benefit
Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 4

The clothes make the man
People are judged by the way they dress
Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3

In my heart of hearts
In my most inner, true thoughts and feelings
Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 2

What are the types of situational irony?


There are four different varieties of situational irony within this broad definition:the cosmic ironyirony in poetry.Irony in structure.irony in history.

The verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony are the three types you'll most frequently encounter in literary classes. Irony mostly comes in three flavours: dramatic, situational, and verbal. Here are a few literary examples of situational irony: Louise learns that her spouse is no longer alive in The Story of an Hour. Despite the macabre situation and the fact that Luise had no animosity for her husband, she is overcome with delight. Situational irony is the third and most contentious use of irony. A startling reversal of what is expected or intended constitutes situational irony: A person avoids harm by sidestepping a pothole.

To learn more about situational irony please click on below link


Who was Big Hit first girl?


Glam was the Big Hit's first girl group.

The South Korean girl group "Glam" made its debut in 2012. It was produced by Big Hit Entertainment, now known as Big Hit Music, and was handled by Source Music. There were five people in the group at first: Zinni, Trinity, Jiyeon, Dahee and Miso. They were Source Music and Big Hit Entertainment's first women group. 2012 saw the formal release of the group's first single, "Party XXO." Glam split up in 2015. The group's name translates to "Girls are Ambitious."

The boy band 2AM's 2010 album Saint o'Clock contains the song "Just Me," which Glam appeared on before making their formal debut. Lee Hyun's 2011 album "Bad Girl" features Glam and BTS in addition to the vocalist. Additionally, the group became well-known after Dahee, a member, contributed the vocals for the VOCALOID3 product SeeU. From June 6 until the group's actual debut, Glam appeared in the reality series Real Music Drama, which broadcast on SBS MTV.

To know more about BTS visit:


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