What are the 5 types of concepts?


Answer 1

The five main ideas in psychology are behavioral, cognitive, biological, and psychodynamic.

We base concepts on our experiences. Concepts are a generalized concept of anything meaningful and might be based on actual phenomena. Common demographic metrics like income, age, education level, and sibling count are examples of notions.Thoughts are constructed from concepts. They are therefore essential to cognitive functions including classification, inference, memory, learning, and decision-making. Concepts deemed "key" are those that are seen to be particularly significant in a certain context. The phrase "huge notions" is equivalent. This involves an understanding of the subject's scope and importance.By choosing words crucial to the understanding of your research issue, you may pinpoint its essential ideas. Leave out any terms, such as adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and, often, verbs, that aren't helpful for the search.

Thus these are the five types of concepts.

Refer here to learn more about concepts: https://brainly.com/question/27064002


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The lottery by Shirley jackson


Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" revolves around a fictitious small American town that has an annual tradition known as "the lottery," in which a member of the community is chosen at random and stoned. The story wasn't ethical as people shouldn't be stoned without committing any offence.

What was the lottery about?

Throughout "The Lottery," Jackson strives to establish a theme that emphasizes the danger of following meaningless tradition through the use of irony, symbols, and language choice. The story depicts people who blindly follow traditions without considering the consequences.

Jackson also emphasizes how men treat women as objects. Jackson's main point in "The Lottery" is that people can be involved in such a violent act and not think anything of it. The plot revolves around a fictitious small American town that has an annual tradition known as "the lottery," in which a member of the community is chosen at random and stoned. The lottery preparations and execution are both described in detail.

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Part A
What does respite mean as it is used in lines 14 and 16?
O an unexpected friendship
O a dangerous risk
O an unfulfilled desire
O a break from traveling



we need line 14 and 16 to answer this question

Look up 5 facts about the crucible by Arthur Miller



The standard details about Arthur Miller's life are well known. He was married to Marilyn Monroe. He testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (and was convicted of contempt of Congress). He wrote Death of a Salesman, considered by some t0 be the great American drama.


he was married to marilyn monroe. He testified before the house un american activities committee. he wrote death of a salesman. combining social awareness. his best known plays are ‘all my sons’ and ‘the crucible’.

in the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, which is most clearly a reason macbeth fears banquo?


Banquo has virtues that make him a fearsome rival in Macbeth's tragedy, Act III. This is clearly one of the reasons why Macbeth is afraid of Banquo.

Banquo is a thane in Duncan's army who initially befriends Macbeth. At the start of the play, he is equal in rank to Macbeth, and while Macbeth is told that he will be King, Banquo is informed that his children will be kings.

Banquo is important in the play because he serves as a foil to Macbeth's aspirations, thwarts Macbeth's intentions, and his connection with Macbeth epitomizes Macbeth's character change. Banquo primarily leads a life that replicates the lifestyle that Macbeth could have had if he had not been consumed by ambition.

Macbeth eventually realizes that he can no longer rely on Banquo to assist him in his evil, and he sees him as a potential danger to his recently acquired throne, so he murders him.

For more information on Banquo , visit :



What is the nearest 10 to 99?


The nearest 10 to 99 is 100.

If you want to round to the nearest 10 like you did with 99 above, use the following convention:

A) If the last digit of the number is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, round the number up to the nearest 10.

B) If the last digit of the number is 1, 2, 3 or 4, round the number down to the nearest 10.

C) If the last digit is 0, it's already 10, so no rounding is needed.

Nearest tenth : Rounding a number to the nearest tenth means that you must find or find the nearest tenth of the given number and write it as the rounded number.

Learn more about Nearest tenth here:



How do you love with an open heart?


Enjoying life despite setbacks, displaying affection towards other people. concentrating on people's positive traits rather than their flaws. being receptive to fresh chances and experiences.

Physically, across your entire body, and in your chest (like comfort and warmth). Empathy, compassion, and emotional stability are just a few examples. Mentally, such as maintaining perspective and wishing other people well.

How do you help someone open their heart?

How to get someone to open up:

Consistency is key.Practice active listening.Ask questions...but not too many.Demonstrate sharing and self-disclosure.Lean on nonverbals.Let them know you value your relationship and ask what they need to feel safe.Acknowledge your own desires.

Learn more about open heart to visit this link



in his last speech virtual reader, john brown claimed that the sole purpose for his actions was to bring down the political leadership of the slave-owning states. group of answer choices true false


John Brown stated in his final statement that the only goal of his acts was to topple the political establishment of the slave-owning states. This is untrue.

What caused John Brown to become famous?

John Brown Being a man of action, John Brown would not let up on his mission to abolish slavery. On October 16, 1859, he led 21 men in a raid on the government arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

However, local farmers, militias, and Marines led by Robert E. Lee stopped him from arming slaves with the guns he and his men took from the armory. Within 36 hours of the raid, the majority of Brown's forces were either killed or captured.

To know more about John Brown visit:



Romeo and Juliet assignment

20 pts


You can write the journal entry as Lady Capulet, keeping in mind that she was extremely frustrated when Juliet refused to marry Paris, as exemplified below.

As much as I love my Juliet, my only daughter, I have to admit she can be quite foolish sometimes. I fail to understand why she should refuse the hand of a man such a Paris - handsome, cultured, rich. What is it about him that she dislikes? I am afraid that this may hurt her more than can fathom. Who know whether, in the future, another man of Paris's kind will ever want Juliet for wife?

Who is Lady Capulet?

Lady Capulet is one of the characters in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." As Juliet's mother, Lady Capulet does what she thinks is best for her daughter. She is unaware that Juliet has fallen in love with Romeo, the son of their rival family.

The customs and traditions being very different at that time, Juliet was expected to marry at a very young age. Not only that, but she was also expected to marry whomever was chosen for her. When she disagrees, both her parents get frustrated and angry.

The journal entry above is just an example written from Lady Capulet's point of view. Feel free to change it in any way you find appropriate.

Learn more about Lady Capulet here:



Detective gundy found several areas in a warehouse where fires appeared to have started. What can he most likely conclude from this evidence?.


Answer: 1. Fires were NOT accidental 2. multiple fires were started

Explanation: This appears to be a work of a arsonist. Fires started in several places meaning they were not accidental fires causes by natural things. Most arsonist start fires in multiple places, they need to go faster to get that high they feel when a fire is set. A profile for an arsonist can be set as well. Also note that most arsonist are male and rarely female but this does not exclude the possibility of this being a female. Arsonist feel emotional release as well as all criminals so think of this as an emotional outlet, they only resorted to this because they're life must be stressful. That is a few things about the typical profile of a arsonist but note that they do not have to perfectly line up. Enjoy the book I guess.

what connection does the author draw between studying the physics of baseball and improving the sports safety?


Physics is the science of studying energy and objects in motion. ... When Cain swung his bat that night, he connected with Valverde's pitch. ... That means a baseball will stay put, unless a force — like a pitch .... study the physics of baseball to build, test and improve equipment. .... Cool Jobs: Sports science.

Credit to:


Which of the following best describes a central idea in the text


Answer:   what is the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?


Jane’s friends feel that her career has brought her a _____ that did not exist previously. She is always cheerful and has lost the ____ she once had for her superiors.


Jane’s friends feel that her career has brought her a felicity that did not exist previously. She is always cheerful and has lost the impertinence she once had for her superiors.

She is no longer afraid to express her opinion and is instead able to express her ideas in a respectful and mature manner. This newfound maturity has enabled her to be taken more seriously, resulting in more success and happiness in her career.

Her newfound sense of accomplishment has brought her deep and lasting contentment, as she was able to achieve something that she had previously thought to be impossible. This newfound felicity has given her a greater appreciation for life and a newfound appreciation for herself and the people around her.

For more questions like Jane click the link below:



how does the author (hawthorne) think that his ancestors would feel about him working at the custom house?


He thinks that his revered Puritan forebears would consider it frivolous and "degenerate," In spite of this, he makes the decision to create a fictional chronicle of Hester Prynne's adventures.

Regarding their significance in his life, Hawthorne has conflicting emotions. Hawthorne depicts his forebears in his autobiographical sketch as "dark and gloomy," "grave, bearded, sable-cloaked, and steel topped," "bitter persecutors," and that their "better deeds" will be overshadowed by their terrible crimes. He is the oldest resident of the customs house and a collector. He believes that he has put a lot of effort into his life It appears that "The Custom House" is an attempt to convince the reader that The Scarlet Letter is fact rather than fiction. The narrator claims to have learned the tale of.

To learn more about Hawthorne please click on below link



Is distance and displacement are scalar quantity?


Distance is a scalar quantity that quantifies "how so much territory an item has traversed" while in motion. Displacement is a vector parameter.

What are distance and displacement?

Distance is a scalar quantity that quantifies "how much territory an item has traversed" while in motion. An object's total change in position is alluded to as displacement, a vector variable that measures "how far out of position an object is."

Can displacement have a bad side?

Displacement can, in fact, be harmful. You can set up a co - ordinates where moving ahead is positive and moving backward is negative if you are traveling along a straight route. Then, if you

To know more about visit:



The author refers to the extreme climate, frostbite, and icy water mainly to imply that:


The author refers to the extreme climate, frostbite, and icy water mainly to imply that danger was Ponting’s constant companion as he photographed.

Who is Ernest Shackleton ?

Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) served as the captain of three British Antarctic expeditions. He was a key player in what is regarded as the "Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration."

When Shackleton was ten years old, his Anglo-Irish family moved from Kilkea, County Kildare, Ireland, to Sydenham, a suburban south London neighborhood. Shackleton's first exposure to the polar regions came while serving as third officer on Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery expedition in 1901–1904, from which he was evacuated early due to health concerns after setting a new southern record by marching to latitude 82°S with Scott and Edward Adrian Wilson.

To learn more about Ernest Shackleton checkout the link below :



I need evidence for how does Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, try to change what his readers/listeners believe about what it means to be dedicated to the American idea that “All men are created equal”? I need evidence from the text of The Gettysburg Address
Please and Thank you


Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, in 272 words, attempted to persuade the northern public to stay the course.

What was Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?

In it, he invoked the Declaration of Independence's principles of human equality and linked the Civil War sacrifices to the desire for a new birth of freedom.

The having signed of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, rather than the writing of the Constitution in 1787, marked the beginning of the republic.

The sacrificial nature of Union deaths was also emphasized in the speech, with Lincoln noting that the "brave men" who fought there had already "consecrated" the ground, "far above our poor power to add or detract."

Lincoln also attempted to redefine the concept of American nationhood. Lincoln mentioned "the Union" twenty times in his First Inaugural Address in 1861.

Thus, this way, Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, try to change what his readers/listeners believe about what it means to be dedicated to the American idea.

For more details regarding Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, visit:



What is the main message of BTS?


It stands for Bullet Proof Boy Scouts, Bangtan Boys, and most recently, Beyond The Scenes. The idea behind BTS, according to the Wiki Fandom page, is that the lads put a halt to the preconceptions, criticism, and expectations that are shot like bullets at young people.

BTS, the acronym for the septet, is short for Bangtan Sonyeondan, which means literally "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" in Korean. The moniker represents the group's intention to "block off preconceptions, critiques, and expectations that aim on teenagers like bullets," according to member J-Hope. BTS, or Bangtan Sonyeondan (Korean: "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" or "Bangtan Boys"), is a South Korean K-pop band, also known as Beyond the Scene, that rose to fame internationally in the late 2010s. Its seven individuals were

To learn more about expectations please click on below link



her hair shined as brightly as the sun






It’s a simile because smilies use like or as.

What is the main idea in an informational text?



The main idea of an informational text is the central idea or message that the author is trying to convey. It is typically stated in the introduction or conclusion and can be found by looking for key words or phrases that summarize the text.


The fundamental thought or message that the author is attempting to get across is the main idea of an informational work. Search for important words or phrases that summarize the book to find it, which is usually provided in the opening or conclusion.

What is an informational text?

Nonfiction writing that is written with the goal of educating the reader about a certain subject is known as informational literature. Typically, it can be found in periodicals, science or history textbooks, autobiographies, and user guides.

They are produced using unique text qualities that make it simple for the reader to locate important details and comprehend the main idea. The author will accomplish this by including headings over specific sections, emphasizing key words in bold font, and adding pictures with subtitles. Images or even infographics with tables, diagrams, graphs, and charts can serve as these visual representations. In certain situations, the author will even give the reader a glossary or a table of contents to make it easier for them to access the material.

Learn more about informational text here:



suppose human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop. use the information provided in the figure to predict the net effect on global carbon cycling.


If the human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop then, Carbon cycling would be shifted toward increased sediment and fossil fuel deposition and decreased inorganic CO2 levels.

The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that exchanges carbon between the Earth's biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Carbon is the most abundant element in biological compounds, as well as in numerous mineral deposits such as limestone.

The carbon cycle characterizes the continuous movement of carbon atoms mostly from the atmosphere to the planet and afterwards back into the atmosphere. Since our planet and its atmosphere form a closed surrounding or an environment , the amount of carbon in this atmosphere does not change.

For more information on the Carbon Cycle, visit :



whats the climax to the book "Elizabeth I Red rose of the house of tudor"


Norfolk is taken into custody by Walsingham, who then has them all—all save Lord Robert—put to death

What is a climax?

The concept of climax in literary elements seems to be the point of greatest tension in a narrative, frequently represented by a conflict in between the antagonist as well as the hero.

In order to serve as a reflection to herself of how dangerous she was become, Elizabeth gives Lord Robert his life. A climax is when the main character achieves or fails to achieve their goal, and it ends the story's primary struggle. This was termed as the "Elizabeth I Red rose of the house of tudor".

Learn more about climax, here:



Which juror is offended enough to speak up when another juror is not taking the trial
seriously and being selfish?
No. 9
No. 11
No. 3
No. 7


Answer: ABJuror 4He seems to be a man of wealth and position. His only concern is for the facts of the case.Juror 12An advertising man who has no interest in te trial. He is more concerned with his job.Juror 5He is a frigthened young man who takes his obligations to the trial seriously. He finds it difficult to speak up in front of his elders. he explains why the defendant would not probably have used the knife overhand.Juror 10He is an angry bigot who stereotypes ethnic groups.Juror 1He handles the other jurors formerly, but never ventues his own opinion. He should be in charge, but he doesn't do the job well.Juror 7He is a bully and a coward. he doesn't want to waste time talking about the trial. H doesn't care about his civic duty.Juror 11An emigrant who wants to see justice done because he has witnessed so much injustice during his life.Juror 6He takes a long to think things out; He listens to others' opinion and decides which one he likes best.Juror 2He is easily swayed by what the others say. He finds it difficult to maintain an opinion let alone have one of his own. He agrees with whoever speaks last.juror 3A forceful man who likes to see people suffer. He is a sadist. He has a personal stake in seeing the boy punished.Juror 9An old man with many regrets. He has never taken a stand before. That is why he is willing to take one here.Juror 8He wants justice to be done, and he will fight to see that it is.Juror 7He wants to vote quickly because he has theatre tickets for that night.Juror 8He is the first juror to vote "not quilty"Juror 5Because of his background, he is accused of changing his vote at the beginning of Act II.Juror 9He is the first to change his vote to "not quilty"Juror 4He repeatedly asks the jurors to behave in a civilized manner. He wants them to behave like "gentlemen."Juror 10He repeatedly refers to the defenant's ethnic group as "those people." he tells the other jurors that you "can't trust them."Juror 5He is offended when Juror 10 tells the others "you can't trust them" because he identifies with the defendant because of their similar backgrounds.Juror 9He explains why the old man who have convinced himself that he saw the boy. The juror believes that the old man needs to get attention. He claims he understands that witness because of his own experiences.Juror 8He maintains that the old man couldn't have heard the boy scream because of the sound of the EL train.Juror 8He dispoves the therory that the weapon was unique by producing an identical knife.The woman across the street probably couldn't have seen the boy's face becauseshe wouldn't wear her glasses in bed.Juror 11 said We have a responibility. This is the remarkable thing about democracy."He is an emmigrant. He fled from Europe because of WW2. He suffered great hardships & evils.Juror 3 said For this kid, you bet I'll pull the switch."He doesn't care to see people suffer. He would make the kid guilty.Juror 10 said "He don't even speak good English."It is ironic because the emmigrant is learning the language and is correcting a native born English speaking person.Juror 8 said You don't really mean you'll kill me, do you?"He meant it as a figure of speech but was put in a jam because the kid said it. At that time he was trying to make the kid quilty.The defendant has been charged with...First degree murder. He supposedly stabbed his father.Reasonable doubt means...Although a person may be quilty, if the jury has reason to believe that the defendant is innocent, then he is innocent.Burden of proof means.......The plantiff or prosecution has to show proof of the crime.Juror 8In the beginning of the play, he has courage to stand alone with his not guilty vote.Juror 3At the end of the play, he is scared to stand alone with his not quilty vote.


Answer:its no.11

Explanation:last person to answer did the most i couldnt leave u hanging i just took the test btw and it was right

who can help me with this



I believe the answer would be B

Why is it important to keep an open mind?


You may have a more harmonious relationship with anyone you encounter by simply acknowledging and respecting their ideas and traditions.

In order to go past our differences and work together to advance both as a community and as individuals, it can be helpful to be open-minded.

It can be challenging to identify all the elements causing issues at work or to come up with workable solutions if you are closed off to other people's thoughts and viewpoints. Additionally, it is crucial to be able to venture outside of your comfort zone and take into account other perspectives and ideas in a society that is becoming more politicised. . to be open to hearing what others have to say about someone or something. I admitted before the committee that I was open-minded about the situation. synonyms and words that are similar. Words that are used to characterise people who  open-minded. People are frequently drawn to conversing with you when you are more open-minded in your communication process because they unconsciously realise that you don't criticise them, which makes them feel good about the relationship! One of the top 10 abilities required in the workplace is the ability to communicate with an open mind.

To learn more about   unconsciously please click on below link



How do you find combinations with 3 items?


If you have three items and want all the possible combinations of each set but not the zero option, use the formula 231=7. Similarly, if you want to know all the possible combinations of the number seven in sets, use the formula 271=127.0.

When determining the overall consequences of an event using combinations, the order of the results is immaterial. We will use the formula nCr = n! / r! * (n - r)! to compute combinations, where n denotes the total number of items and r denotes the number of things being picked at a time. A combination is a collection of items where the order is irrelevant. Since the letters A, B, C, and D can be combined in any sequence, for instance, ABC and BAC both express the same combination.

Learn more about Combinations here:



What is an example of a nonfiction story?


Examples of nonfiction include diaries, biographies, information testimonies, documentary movies, textbooks, journey books, recipes, and clinical journals.

Right here are many distinctive kinds of nonfiction, but they appreciably suit those classes expository nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, persuasive nonfiction, and descriptive nonfiction.

A few common examples of nonfiction encompass diaries, biographies, information memories, documentary films, textbooks, journey books, recipes, and clinical journals.

Nonfiction, by means of assessment, is genuine and opinions right events. Histories, biographies, journalism, and essays are all taken into consideration as nonfiction. commonly, nonfiction has a better wellknown to uphold than fiction.

Learn more about nonfiction here:-brainly.com/question/29626919


What theme does this excerpt best express? poetry is interesting when it is authentic. poetry is often a mirror of human behavior. poetry is dull except when written in free verse. poetry is interesting only to the author of the poem.


The theme of the excerpt "Poetry" is poetry is interesting when it is authentic.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

What is the Poetry theme?

In "Poetry", the speаker wrestles with whаt mаkes а poem worthwhile. The speаker begins by аdmitting thаt they themselves get pretty frustrаted with poetry, thаt аll too often it seems pretentious аnd incomprehensible. But the speаker аrgues thаt such trаits аre not intrinsic to the аrt form. Rаther, they result from poets mistаkenly аssuming thаt good poetry hаs to contаin obscure, reаder-аlienаting lаnguаge аbout grаndiose subjects. On the contrаry, good poetry is sincere, honest, аnd, аbove аll, contаins "the genuine", something reаl.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full excerpt was

Read the excerpt from "Poetry."

I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important beyond all this fiddle. Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in it after all, a place for the genuine. Hands that can grasp, eyes that can dilate, hair that can rise if it must, these things are important not because a high-sounding interpretation can be put upon them but because they are useful.

For more information about the excerpt from "Poetry" refer to the link:



what are two things a speaker can do to help an audience gain an immediate understanding of the language they use?


1. Use Simple Language and 2. Make Your Points ,These are two ways a speaker can ensure that their audience understands what they are saying right away.

What are two strategies a speaker might use to captivate their audience?

How to get your audience's attention at the beginning of a presentation

1. Relate a tale.

2. Pose rhetorical inquiries.

Why is it crucial to understand your audience effectively?

Identification of the audience is necessary in order to tailor a presentation to their interests, degree of comprehension, attitudes, and beliefs. It's crucial to keep the audience in mind when creating and delivering a presentation because doing so will increase a speaker's efficacy.

To know more about audience visit:



Which of these are independent clauses Check all that apply if you finish setting the table my grandmother made rice and beans we need to wash the windows tomorrow?


The independent clause can be seen in ‘my grandmother made rice and beans’, ‘we need to wash the windows tomorrow’.

Typically, a clause consists of a subject and a verb. To construct a sentence, clauses are primarily used. Dependent clauses and independent clauses are the two sorts of clauses.

An independent clause is one that can stand alone, indicating that there is no need to join the subject and predicate as has been done in these sentences in order to give it meaning.

My grandmother-made rice and beans.

We need to wash the windows tomorrow.

Thus, no clauses are employed or any kind of connector is necessary in the aforementioned statements.

To know more about clause, visit:



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