company 1 has return on assets of 8.2% and a debt to equity ratio of 67.2%. company 2 has return on assets of 6.3% and a debt to equity ratio of 53.4%. based on these ratios, what is generally true about these two companies?


Answer 1

According to the given information, Company 1 has higher profitability and higher risk.

Financially speaking, risk is the possibility that the results or returns on an investment will not match expectations. Risk encompasses the potential for losing a portion or the entirety of a starting investment.

Risk is typically quantified by taking into account past actions and results. A frequent statistic used to measure risk in finance is standard deviation. A measure of asset price volatility in relation to historical averages over a specific time period is provided by standard deviation.

Overall, managing investment risks is possible and wise if one is aware of the fundamentals of risk and how it is calculated.

Learn more about Risk, here


Related Questions

team planning is most effective when the group leader develops the overall plan and then solicits feedback from the group. a. true b. false


When the group leader creates the general plan and then asks for comments from the group, team planning is most successful. It's untrue.

On weekday mornings, The Leader, a daily newspaper that covers both local and national news, is delivered throughout Wales. There are two Leader editions in the northeast of Wales: one in Wrexham and one in Flintshire. The Chester edition ceased publication in 2018. It costs 70 pence and is manufactured in a Mold office. It was sold to Gannett by NWN Media in September 2017. NWN Media Ltd., which had been founded in 1920, was shut down in January 2019. Wrexham had a circulation of 2,567 copies in November 2015, whereas Wrexham Rural had a circulation of 1,935, according to JICREG data. The ABC measurement system eliminated NWN publications in 2015, but Newsquest re-registered them in 2018, demonstrating a fall in circulation to just 3,825 copies for each title.

Learn more about  Leader  from


In the iowa car crop, steven landsburg argues that importing cars from japan and exporting wheat from iowa is analogous to…
A) importing wheat.
B) exporting cars.
C) growing cars in Iowa.
D) growing wheat in Japan.


In the Iowa Car Crop, Steven Landsburg argues that importing cars from Japan and exporting wheat from Iowa is analogous to growing cars in Iowa.

What do you know about Iowa Car Crop?

The "Iowa Car Crop" chapter of Steven E. Landsburg's book The Armchair Economist. This is based on a story Professor Landsburg learned from David Friedman. The "Iowa car crop" story can explain everything you need to know about international trade theory, based on the realization that you can actually "grow cars in Iowa." As we recall, it's a surprisingly simple story, but a wonderful one at the same time - "The Best Economy".

How does technologies for building cars in America work?

There are two technologies for building cars in America. One is made in Detroit and the other is grown in Iowa. First, you sow the seeds that will become the raw material for the car. They wait several months for wheat to appear. The wheat is then harvested, loaded onto a ship, and the ship headed east to the Pacific Ocean. A few months later, the ship reappears with a Toyota on board.

To learn more about lowa visit:


The owner's equity section of a balance sheet may report different kinds of details about owner's equity, depending on the need of the business.answer choices- True- False


True. The owner's equity section of a balance sheet may report different kinds of details about owner's equity, depending on the need of the business.

Equity explains the different sections as capital, reserve, surplus or profit, and Owner's equity is the owner's rights to the assets of the business, which is left after excluding all the liabilities from the assets. 

Assets liabilities = Owner’s equity 

Generally speaking, it consists of the owner's initial investment plus any profits, less any money the owner has taken out and money owned by others. In the case of businesses, it also consists of retained earnings, common stock, preferred stock, treasury stock, and further paid-in capital.

To know more about equity, visit the link below :


Vertical analysis of financial statements is accomplished by preparing common-size statements.a. Trueb. False


It is true that vertical analysis of the financial statements is accomplished by preparing the common-size statements.

What are financial statements?

Financial statements serve as official records of a person's, a company's, or another entity's finances and activities. Large companies may have intricate financial statements that include several management discussion and analysis notes in addition to the lengthy footnotes that accompany the financial statements. It is common practise to provide further explanations for each line item on the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement in the notes. Financial statements for the individual are sometimes required when applying for a personal loan or financial help. A personal financial statement often includes information about a person's personal assets, liabilities (debts), sources of income, and expenses, or both. The organisation giving out the loan or aid chooses which form needs to be filled out.

To learn more about financial statements, visit:


when the economy is hit by a negative demand shock and the central bank pursues policies to increase aggregate demand to its initial level, then both inflation and aggregate output will be unchanged. inflation will be lower. output will be lower. inflation and aggregate output will be lower.


The economy is hit by a negative demand shock and the central bank pursues policies to increase aggregate demand to its initial level.A supply shock is a type of economic event that happens when the supply of products and services in an economy suddenly changes.inflation will be lower.

A negative supply shock will cause the SRAS to move to the left, raising prices and lowering quantities of the good. This will result in a lower level of output and higher inflation in the new equilibrium. The supply may keep on rising or falling sharply when the economy experiences a long-term negative supply shock. The output will be lower if the central bank does not alter the autonomous part of monetary policy in response.This is due to the fact that a constant supply shock will result in higher pricing, which will disrupt manufacturing and lower output.Given the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curve depicted above, policymakers can follow a strategy that will boost real output without producing inflation.

To know more about Aggregate demand visit:


ccording to the research, which person is likely to be the happiest? a. reina, the married dental hygienist who makes $75,000 a year. b. jadiel, the married father of three who makes $60,000 a year. c. jacob, the married father of one who makes $100,000 a year. d. sandra, the widowed surgeon who makes over $300,000 a year.


According to the research, the person likely to be the happiest is a: 'Reina, the married dental hygienist who makes $75,000 a year'.

A dental hygienist is a licensed dental professional, registered with a dental regulatory body or association within their country of practice. Before completing clinical and written board examinations, registered dental hygienists should have either a bachelor's or an associate's degree in dental hygiene from an accredited university or college. Once registered, dental hygienists are primary healthcare professionals who work independently of or alongside dentists and other dental professionals to offer full oral healthcare. They have the training and education that mainly focus on and specialize in the prevention and treatment of many oral diseases.

You can learn more about local dental hygienist at


Construct 90% confidence interval of the population proportion using the given information. X=105, n=150 Click here to view the table of crilical values. The lower bound is The upper bound Is (Round to Ihree decimal places as needed )


According to the given question the value of the Lower Bound is 0.639 and the Upper Bound is 0.762 .

What is a function's lower bound?

C is a lower bound on the roots of the equation f(x) = 0 if you divide a quadratic function f(x) by (x - c), where c 0, using synthetic division, and the result is switching signs. The fact that negative numbers can be positive or negative deserves special attention. Keep in mind that for c to be a lower bound, two conditions must hold.


Given That :-

X =105

n =150

CI = 90%

Sample size -

Point estimate -

p = n

p = = 0.70



Confidence Level 'Z' is,

a = 1-90%

a =1-0.9

a = 0.1

a/2 = 0.05

Za/2 = (1.645)



Confidence Interval for Proportion is,

The Lower Bound is 0.639

The Upper Bound is 0.762

To know more about lower bond visit:


During an employee’s leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employer must continue to compensate the employee to avoid the potential negative effect of unpaid leave on interstate commerce.


This statement is False because Employers are required to continue paying their employees while they are on leave so under Family Medical Leave Act in order to prevent the possible impact of absence.

Who is called employer?

An organization, company, government body, agency, business, consultant, nonprofit organization, small business, retailer, or individual who hires or places someone known as an employee or indeed a female employee to work is an employer.

What might an employer look like?

An employer is, more particularly, a corporation, institution, government body, agency, consulting firm, non profit, small business, retailer, or individual who hires or otherwise places people who may be referred to as employees or staff members to work.

To know more about Employer visit:


What is a market demand?


Marketplace call for is the summation of the entire man or woman's demand curves. do not forget a shop that sells 1,000 pens on a day by day basis. that means the store has a every day demand of one,000 pens. however, on weekends, there may be an growth in the number of clients.

Marketplace call for is received by way of including together the man or woman needs of all the families inside the financial system. due to the fact the individual demand curves are downward sloping, the market call for curve is also downward sloping: the law of demand consists of throughout to the market call for curve.

Marketplace call for curve refers back to the graphical illustration of marketplace time table. it's far obtained by the horizontal summation of person demand curves. We see, that at charge five the gadgets demanded are 5, when the price is 4, the gadgets demanded is 10 and so forth. This shows that as the fee decreases the call for will increase.

The demand for a terrific decreases, if the fee of certainly one of its enhances rises. The call for for a regular desirable increases if earnings will increase. The demand for an inferior properly decreases if income will increase. expected future profits and predicted future costs have an impact on demand nowadays.

Learn more about market demand here:


routine request and response messages should be written using . a. the indirect strategy b. heightened emotion c. persuasive techniques d. the direct strategy


Routine request and response messages should be written using the indirect strategy. (OPTION A). Using the direct approach, you send the message right after your greeting, while the more indirect approach will include some kind of padding before sending your message.

The strategy you choose depends on the situation and how you want to present your message. In the indirect approach, the evidence is presented first, thus leading to the main idea. This is an inductive argument. This approach is best if your audience may not be happy or opposed to what you have to say. Direct speech is from the speaker's point of view, while indirect speech is from the listener's point of view.

To learn more about indirect approach, click here.


Compared with autarky, international trade leads to: higher production in exporting industries and lower production in import-competing industries. lower production in exporting industries and higher production in import-competing industries. higher production in both exporting and import-competing industries. lower production in both import-competing and exporting industries.


Compared to autarky, global trade results in A (higher production in exporting industries and lower production in import-competing industries.)

What statement about autarky is true?

1. In the case of autarky, option 'a' is true, meaning that each nation's production and consumption potentials are equal.

What industries compete with imports?

Industries that compete with imports create products and services that are also imported into the nation.

When an economy becomes open to foreign trade and the global price is higher than the stifling domestic price, what results from trade?

Trade results in exports and an increase in the local price relative to the world price if the world price is higher than the autarky price. -Trade results in total advantages because producer gains outweigh consumer loses. industries that export produce goods and services for export.

To Know more about potentials


Alicia has a collision deductible of $500 and a bodily injury liability coverage limit of $50,000. she hits another driver and injures them severely. the case goes to trial and there is a verdict to compensate the injured person for $40,000
a. how much does alicia have to pay?
b. how much does her insurance pay?
Just before the accident, alicia actually reduced her policy from $50,000 to $25,000.
a. how much does alicia have to pay?
b. how much does her insurance pay?


Alicia has a collision deductible of $500 and a bodily injury liability coverage limit of $50,000. Alicia insurance will pay 40,500 before she actually reduced her policy from $50,000 to $25,000.

When she actually reduced her policy from $50,000 to $25,000, she will have to pay 15,500 by herself and 25,000 from her insurance.

What is collision deductible?

The collision deductible is the sum that you agree to fork out before your insurance company begins to pay the rest of the approved costs to repair or replace your car.

A smaller deductible typically entails greater monthly payments. A low deductible entitles you to more insurance coverage from your provider and lower out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim. A higher deductible result in lower insurance premium costs.

To know more about collision deductible, click here-


which of the following describes a difference between allocative efficiency and productive efficiency in a perfectly competitive market? question 5 options: a) allocative efficiency is automatically achieved in the short run and the long run. productive efficiency has to be always achieved only in the long run.


Allocative efficiency is automatically achieved in the short run and the long run. productive efficiency has to be always achieved only in the long run. describes a difference between allocative efficiency and productive efficiency in a perfectly competitive market

A firm is allocatively efficient when its price in a perfect market equals its marginal costs. Allocative efficiency is a state of the economy where production is in line with consumer preferences. In particular, every good or service is produced up to the point where the final unit provides a marginal benefit to consumers equal to the marginal cost of producing. The supply curve coincides with the marginal cost curve, which calculates the expense of the extra unit, while the demand curve coincides with the marginal utility curve, which calculates the benefit of the extra unit.

Learn more about Allocative from


what is the present value of a $1,100 payment made every year forever when interest rates are 4.5 percent?


The present value of a $1,100 payment made every year forever when interest rates are 4.5 percent will be $24,444.44

The value of an anticipated income stream as of the valuation date is known as the present value, commonly referred to as the present discounted value, in economics and finance.

Present value is calculated in the following manner:

                                              PV = FV/(1 + i) n


PV = present value,

FV = future value,

i = decimalized interest rate,

and n = number of periods

Using this formula we calculated and found out that the result is $24,444.44

Learn more about present value here


true or false: a firm that has increasing returns to scale cannot have diminishing marginal product to both inputs. if true, explain why. if false, provide an example and show that it exhibits both increasing returns to scale and diminishing marginal products.


A firm that has increasing returns to scale cannot have a diminishing marginal product to both inputs. The above statement is false.

Diminishing Marginal Returns :

The law of decreasing marginal returns states that with each further unit in one issue of production, whereas all alternative factors square measure command constant, the progressive output per unit can decrease at some purpose. The law of decreasing marginal returns doesn't essentially mean that increasing one issue can decrease overall total production, which might be negative returns, however, this outcome sometimes happens.

Reducing the impact of the law of decreasing marginal returns could need to discovering the underlying causes of production decreases. Businesses ought to rigorously examine the assembly offer chain for instances of redundancy or production activities intrusive with one another.

By reversing the law of decreasing returns, if production units square measure off from one issue, the impact on production is tokenish for the primary few units and should end in substantial value savings. for instance, if an eating house removes many cooks instead of hiring a lot, it's going to understand value savings while not experiencing considerably diminished production.

Example of decreasing Marginal Returns, For example, an eating house hiring a lot of cooks whereas keeping a similar room area will increase total output to a degree, however, each further cook takes up area, eventually resulting in a smaller will increase in output as their square measure too several cooks within the room. the whole output will decrease at some purpose, leading to negative returns if too several cooks get in every other's manner and eventually become unproductive.

Reducing the impact of decreasing marginal returns needs to discover the underlying causes of production decreases.

Returns to Scale:

On the opposite hand returns to scale refers to the proportion between the rise in total input and also the ensuing increase in output. There square measure 3 forms of returns to scale: constant returns to scale (CRS), increasing returns to scale (IRS), and decreasing returns to scale (DRS).

A constant comeback to scale is once a rise in input leads to a proportional increase in output. Increasing returns to scale is once the output will increase during a larger proportion than the rise in input. Decreasing returns to scale is once all production variables square measure magnified by an explicit proportion leading to a less-than-proportional increase in output.

For example, if a soap manufacturer doubles its total input but gets solely a four-hundredth increase in total output, it will be aforementioned to possess full-fledged decreasing returns to scale. If a similar manufacturer finally ends up doubling its total output, it's achieved constant returns to scale. If the output is magnified by one hundred twenty, the manufacturer full-fledged increasing returns to scale.

therefore, in a nutshell, we can conclude that the given system, (a firm that has increasing returns to scale cannot have a diminishing marginal product to both inputs) is expounded.

The definition of a 'firm' inside the subject of economics is any agency that seeks to make earnings through manufacturing or promoting products or services – or both – to consumers. as an instance, one of the most commonplace makes use of this term is for 'regulation corporations,' which commonly promote offerings in relation to the regulation.

Learn more about firm here:


What would be a way for the federal reserve to slow down the economy when it is growing too quickly or is inflationary?


Open market operations are one method the Federal Reserve uses to slow the economy when it is expanding too rapidly.

What are Open market operations?

The Federal Reserve uses open market operations (OMOs), which are central banks' purchases and sales of assets on the open market, as a significant instrument for carrying out monetary policy. The Federal Open Market Committee establishes the short-term goal for open market operations.

The Federal Reserve has the option to sell additional government bonds on the open market, which would lower the amount of money in circulation and raise interest rates.

To learn more about Open market operations


infeasible problems can occur when the demand requirement is higher than the available capacity. t or f


The given statement, infeasible problems can occur when the demand requirement is higher than the available capacity, is true.

What exactly is a "infeasible problem"?

An unbounded problem is one where the constraints do not limit the objective function and the objective goes to infinity, whereas an infeasible problem is one that cannot be solved. Both circumstances frequently result from mistakes or flaws in the formulation or the information used to define the problem.

What three types of optimization are there?

An optimization problem must be solved using a goal, variables, and constraints. The objective is to determine the best value for each variable, which can have a variety of values. The problem's purpose is its intended outcome or objective.

To know more about demand, visit:


When a country that imports a particular good imposes an import quota on that good:
A. consumer surplus increases and total surplus increases in the market for that good.
B. domestic sellers and domestic buyers become worse off.
C. the domestic quantity supplied decreases.
D. consumer surplus decreases and total surplus decreases in the market for that good.


When a country that imports a particular good imposes an import quota on that good, then, the consumer surplus decreases and total surplus decreases in the market for that good. The Option D is correct.

What is an import quota?

In economics, an import quota refers to a kind of trade restriction that sets a physical limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported into a country in a given period of time. Quotas, jut like other trade restrictions are typically used to benefit the producers of a good in that economy (protectionism).

In most economies, the main objective of an import quota to protect the domestic market from foreign goods by limiting importing goods from the overseas market.

Read more about import quota


what is the role of the auditor in the observation of the physical inventory count? what is the purpose of test counts?


The auditors perform a test of counts to make certain that the physical inventory and the inventory balance as per financial records are the same. This is the role of the auditor in the observation of the physical inventory count

What is auditor?An auditor refers to an individual authorized to review and verify the accuracy of financial records and ensure that companies comply with tax laws. There are following three types of audits: external audits, internal audits, and Internal Revenue Service audits. Auditors are finance professionals who inspect accounting records and other financial documents to make sure they're accurate. A major part of their duties is to make sure an organization's finances are compliant with government and industry regulations, such as paying taxes properly. Firstly, this is a rewarding career with a good pay potential and a high demand for IT auditing skills. However, it's also worth noting that this is  one of the most hectic and challenging professions of our time. You also have to constantly learn  to keep up with the pace of evolving technology.

To learn more about auditor from the given link :


the fed uses to regulate the money supply. a. the political negotiation process b. stock market investments c. the discount rate d. the deposit requirement


The fed uses to regulate the money supply. d. the deposit requirement.

Money is any proper this is broadly used and standard in transactions regarding the transfer of products and offerings from one man or woman to another. Economists differentiate among 3 unique sorts of money: commodity cash, fiat money, and bank money. Commodity cash is a great whose cost serves because the cost of money.

You simply need a market in which to promote your goods or services. In that market, you do not barter for character items. as an alternative you exchange your items or services for a not unusual medium of alternate—that is, cash. you may then use that money to buy what you need from others who additionally accept the same medium of change.

Learn more about Money here:


a project that will provde annual cash flows of $2,200 for nine years costs $9,100 today. at a required return of 9 percent, what is the npv of the project? note: do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16. at a required return of 25 percent, what is the npv of the project? note: a negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16. at what discount rate would you be indifferent between accepting the project and rejecting it?


The net present value of the project is $4,089.

What is the net present value (NPV)?

The net present value is the difference between the present value of future cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows.

The present value refers to discounted future values to the current period at an interest rate.

Project's initial outlay = $9,100

Annual cash flows = $2,200

The project's maturity period = 9 years

Required rate of return = 9%

The present value annuity factor of 9% at 9 years = 5.995

Present value of future cash inflows = $13,189 ($2,200 x 5.995)

Present value of cash outflows = $9,100

Net present value (NPV) = $4,089 ($13,189 - $9,100)

Thus, a project that provides annual cash flows of $2,200 for 9 years at 9% with a present value cost of $9,100 will yield an NPV of $4,089.

Learn more about the net present value at


a bond that makes no coupon payments and is initially priced at a deep discount is called a a. treasury b. municipal c. floating-rate d. junk e. zero coupon


A bond that makes no coupon payments and is initially priced at a deep discount is called a zero coupon.

A price is the voluntary tender of cash or its equivalent or of factors of value by using one birthday party (which includes someone or organisation) to every other in change for items, or services furnished with the aid of them, or to fulfill a criminal duty. The party making the payment is commonly called the payer, even as the payee is the birthday celebration receiving the charge. bills may be effected in a number of ways, for example: the usage of cash, cheque, or debit, credit, or financial institution transfers, whether or not thru cellular payment or in any other case the switch of anything of value, inclusive of stock, or the use of barter, the exchange of one appropriate or provider for some other.

LEarn mroe about payments  here


to pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute.


To pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute is a false statement.

What does the term "social insurance program" mean?

A sort of compulsory public insurance known as social insurance provides protection against a number of financial risks, including the loss of income due to illness, old age, or unemployment.

There are four primary social insurance programs in the US. The largest is the Federal OldAge, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System, or Social Security, which provides retirement benefits, benefits to survivors, and benefits to those who are totally and permanently disabled.

Read more on social insurance here


An electronics company has two contract manufacturers in Asia: Foxconn assembles its tablets and smart phones and Flextronics assembles its laptops. Monthly demand for tablets and smartphones is 10,000 units, whereas that for laptops is 4,000. Tablets cost the company $100, laptops cost $400, and the company has a holding cost of 25%. Currently the company has to place seperate orders with Foxconn and Flextronics and recieves seperate shipments. The fixed cost of each shipment is $10,000. (A) What is the optimal order size and order frequency with each of Foxconn and Flextronics?The company is thinking of combining all assembly with the same contract manufacturer. This will allow for a single shipment of all products from Asia. If the fixed cost of each shipment remains $10,000,(B) what is the optimal order frequency and order size from the combined orders? (C) How much reduction in cycle inventory can the company expect as a result of combining orders and shipments?


An electronics company has two contract manufacturers in Asia Foxconn assembles its tablets and smartphones and Flextronics assembles its laptops.

The information and communications technology (ICT) sector has become the economic driving force of the current era.The ICT sector can be difficult to define because it consists of a quick assembly installation for smartphone and tablet screens, an electromechanical installation.These fees could cost the US auto industry up to 2 million lost vehicles With smartphones and the associates working at these companies, it's nothing Electronics maker Foxconn has created its own robots,called Foxbots,using 10,000 of them to put together the an analytical study of human resources and accounting audit regarding the Productivity of employees Working in Financial Institutions.

To learn more about Foxconn please click on below link.


Managers are performing this function when they compare actual performance to goals and make adjustments if performance is falling short.


Managers are performing organizational control when they compare actual performance to goals and make adjustments if performance is falling short.

What is organizational control?

Any method through which managers focus attention, inspire employees, and encourage desired behaviour to achieve organisational goals is referred to as organisational control. The quantity of microwave ovens produced on an assembly line each week, the number of cars a car salesman sells each month, and the number of visitors a website receives each day are a few examples from the business world. Four steps are commonly involved in organisational control: Establishing standards, assessing performance, comparing performance to standards, and then, if necessary, corrective action are the first three steps. Feedforward controls concentrate on the organization's people, material, and financial resources.

To learn more about organizational control click,


other things the same, an increase in taxes shifts aggregate demand to the left. in the short run this makes output fall which makes the interest rate rise. a. true b. false


Other things the same, an increase in taxes shifts aggregate demand to the left. in the short run this makes output fall which makes the interest rate rise. The statement is false.

What Factors Cause Shifts in Aggregate Demand?

The entire amount of products and services that consumers are willing to buy in an economy over a certain period of time is known as aggregate demand (AD).

A shift in aggregate demand occurs when aggregate demand alters in respect to aggregate supply.

Consumer spending, investment expenditure, government spending, and the difference between exports and imports are all added together to form aggregate demand.

There is a shift in aggregate demand when any of these inputs to aggregate demand change.

Any broad-based economic phenomenon that alters the value of one or more of these factors will alter aggregate demand. A change in aggregate demand moves the AD curve to the left or to the right if aggregate supply is constant or is remained constant.

To learn more about Aggregate Demand


average-cost pricing means adding a reasonable markup to the total cost of a product. group startstrue or false


Average-cost pricing means adding a reasonable markup to the total cost of a product. its false.

One of the ways the government controls a monopoly market is through average cost pricing. Monopolists frequently produce less than the ideal amount, which raises prices. The price monopolists can charge may be regulated by the government using average cost pricing as a method. Monopolists are compelled by average cost pricing to lower prices to the point where their average total cost (ATC) and the market demand curve cross. Increased production and lower prices would result in a positive market impact. Boost social welfare. provide a monopolist with a typical profit (Price = ATC) * The average cost pricing rule is a uniform pricing policy that authorities impose on particular firms to restrict what such businesses are permitted to charge their customers for their goods or services to a price equal to the average cost of producing those goods or services.

Learn more about cost from


Which organization is responsible for making sure competition
is fair? (Select the best answer.)


Answer: Which organization is responsible for making sure competition

is fair?

D. The FTC

Explanation: The FTC, which stands for the Federal Trade Commission, is a government agency in the United States that is responsible for promoting fair competition and protecting consumers from deceptive and unfair business practices. The FTC enforces various laws and regulations to ensure that businesses compete fairly and do not engage in anti-competitive behavior.

The FTC has the authority to investigate and take action against companies that engage in unfair practices, such as monopolistic behavior, price-fixing, false advertising, and deceptive trade practices. They also monitor mergers and acquisitions to prevent anti-competitive consolidation.

Through its enforcement actions and consumer protection efforts, the FTC works to maintain a level playing field in the marketplace and safeguard consumers' interests.

Learn more about the FTC here:

which of the following is true of limited liability companies? an llc can be sued by third-parties as a separate entity. an llc cannot enter into contracts under its own name. an llc is a legal entity indistinct from its members. an llc cannot be a manager-managed business entity.


An LLC can be sued by third-parties as a separate entity.

A limited liability company (LLC) is a business structure in the U.S. that protects its owners from personal responsibility for its debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies are hybrid entities that combine the characteristics of a corporation with those of a partnership or sole proprietorship.

While the limited liability feature is similar to that of a corporation, the availability of flow-through taxation to the members of an LLC is a feature of a partnership rather than an LLC. The limited liability company (LLC) is a corporate structure that protects its owners from being personally pursued for repayment of the company's debts or liabilities. Regulation of LLCs varies from state to state. Any entity or individual can be a member of an LLC with the notable exceptions of banks and insurance companies. LLCs do not pay taxes on their profits directly. Their profits and losses are passed through to members, who report them on their individual tax returns.

To know more about LLC visit:


the idea that it is necessary to sell the ideas to others in the organization so that innovations will be commercialized is the rationale behind the use of


The correct response is a. product champions. The rationale behind the employment of product champions is the notion that it is essential to persuade people inside the company of the ideas' necessity in order for innovations to be commercialized.

The rationale behind the employment of product champions is the notion that it is essential to persuade people inside the company of the ideas' necessity in order for innovations to be commercialized. Within businesses and organizations, informal product champions evolve as new products are developed and innovated. They display enthusiasm and optimism about the success of the innovation while fervently identifying with new concepts. From here on, I'll refer to the Scrum team member as the "Product Champion": Role of the Product Owner/XP:Customer. Champion in a nutshell. The Champion must be aware of the product market if they are to be held responsible for maximizing success. Bring about. A product champion is "a person who takes an excessive interest in seeing that a particular process or product is completely developed and sold," according to the American Marketing Association. Although this concept is fantastic, it should be mentioned that a product's champions have the ability to make or ruin a product.

Learn more about product champions here


The idea that it is "vital to sell the ideas to others in the organization so that innovations will be commercialized" is the rationale behind the use of

a. product champions.

b. joint ventures.

c. strategic leadership.

d. cross-functional teams.

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