a firm needs to ship 7 high-end computers worth $5000 each across the country. the cost to ship all of them by air and then final delivery by truck is $1000 from a 3pl. the combined air/truck shipment will take 3 days. the firm uses an in-transit holding cost of 0.22 of product value annually. if we assume 365 days per year, what is the total shipping and transit inventory cost of the shipment? (please round your answer to the nearest whole number) numeric response


Answer 1

The total shipping and the transit inventory cost of shipment is $1100.

What is an inventory?

Inventory, often known as stock, refers to the goods and materials that a corporation keeps on hand with the aim to sell, produce, or use them. The basic goal of inventory management is to define the dimensions, configuration, and location of stocked goods. By widely defining work in process (or work in progress) as "any work which is or has occurred prior to the completion of production," the term inventory has been extended beyond manufacturing systems to service businesses and projects. The term "inventory" in the context of a manufacturing production system refers to everyone completed work, including raw materials, products that have partially finished, finished items that have yet to be sold, and finished goods which have left the manufacturing system.

Total cost=$5000*0.22=$1100

To learn more about inventory, visit:



Related Questions

a 40-year-old man in the u.s. has a 0.242% risk of dying during the next year. an insurance company charges $275 for a life-insurance policy that pays a $100,000 death benefit. what is the expected value for the person buying the insurance?


The expected value for the person buying the insurance is -$30 (predicted value).

A $100,000 death benefit life insurance policy is sold by an insurance firm for $275. (99,725)(0.00242) + (-275)(0.99758) = -$33 is the predicted value. Simply multiply each value of the discrete random variable by its probability and add the results to determine the expected value, E(X), or mean of the variable. The formula is presented as E (X) = μ = ∑ x P (x) . You can do this by dividing potential outcomes by their likelihood before adding the results, as in the formula below: Return anticipated equals (Return A x Probability A) + (Return B x probability B) The highly volatile investment market means that a return's expected return is merely one of many possible returns. Expected value is computed by multiplying each potential result by its likelihood of occurring, adding the results, and then repeating the process. Any parameter that can be measured, such as cost, price, duration, or quantity, can be used to compute expected value.

Know more about insurance here:



how much would you have in 7 years if you purchased a $1,000 7-year savings certificate that paid 4% compounded quarterly? (round your answer to the nearest cent.)


If you invested $1,000 in a 7-year savings certificate that paid 4% compounded weekly, you would have in 7 years .compound interest = 1000.

To solve this, we will apply the compound interest formula



A = the amount of money realized

P = the principal sum of money = $1,000

r = interest rate = 4%

n = number of times compounded = 4, since it is quarterly

t = time = 7 years.


In the fields of finance and economics, interest is the payment of a sum over and above the principal amount owed at a specific rate by a borrower or deposit-taking financial institution to a lender or depositor. It is not the same as a fee that the borrower might pay to the lender or another entity. Additionally, it differs from a dividend, which is a payment made to shareholders from a company's profit or reserve, but not at a set rate predetermined in advance, but rather on a pro rata basis as a portion of the rewards received by risk-taking business owners when revenue earned exceeds all costs.

Learn more about interest from



question content area day inc. has 5,760 shares of 5%, $100 par value cumulative preferred stock and 96,919 shares of $1 par value common stock outstanding at december 31. what is the annual dividend on the preferred stock? select the correct answer. $28,800 in total $5,760 in total $50.00 per share $4,846 in total


Preferred Dividend=$[tex]$28,800[/tex]

Preferred Dividend. =The dividend rate multiplied by the par value equates to the total annual preferred dividend.

[tex]5,760*5%/100[/tex]%*100 =$ [tex]$28,800[/tex]

A dividend that the shareholder is entitled to receive before dividends are paid on shares of other classes. Preferred dividends are cash dividends that a firm pays to its preferred shareholders, and are often expressed as a fixed percentage of the nominal value paid up on the shares. Preferred stock has the advantage of frequently paying greater dividend rates than the company's regular stock. For instance, imagine a preferred stock with a par value of $100 per share and an 8% dividend yield. You would need to multiply 8% by $100 to determine the dividend, which equals an annual payout of $8 per share. In the case of quarterly dividend distributions, each payment will be $2.

Learn more about Dividend from



consider each of the following tax policies and decide for each whether the primary public policy goal is most likely raising revenue or changing behavior (with or without a market failure). a. income tax the primary public policy goal is most likely raising revenue . b. cigarette tax the primary public policy goal is most likely to change behavior . c. payroll tax the primary public policy goal is most likely raising revenue .


The marginal tax rate is the tax you pay on your final dollar earned, while the common rate is the average share of earnings paid in taxes.

What is the relative importance of taxation to the economic system of the country?

Taxation not solely will pay for public goods and services; it is additionally a key ingredient in the social contract between residents and the economy. How taxes are raised and spent can determine a government's very legitimacy.

Eliminate most deductions and credits. Move to a territorial gadget that taxes solely domestic income. Eliminate the profits tax on dividends obtained from US companies. Exclude seventy five percentage of company capital features acquired from US groups from non-public taxation

Learn more about tax policies here:


during most of the 1900s, the de beers group of south africa was viewed as a monopoly because it controlled a large percentage of diamond production and sales. t or f


The statement that the De Beers group of South Africa was viewed as a monopoly for most of the 1900s is True.

What is a Monopoly ?

A monopoly is a market arrangement where one producer or seller holds a disproportionate amount of power within a certain market. Monopolies are forbidden in free-market economies as they limit customer alternatives and impede competition.

In the 1900s, the De Beers group controlled over 70 % of the entire trade in diamonds around the world. They could influence prices and control the market, thereby making them a monopoly.

Find out more on monopolies at https://brainly.com/question/7217942


if the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?


Short-run equilibrium is when the aggregate amount of output is the same as the aggregate amount of demand. Long-run equilibrium is when prices adjust to changes in the market and the economy functions at its full potential.

Why is equilibrium such a key concept in economics?

For a market to be effective, it must be both efficient and balanced. If a market is currently balancing the amounts provided and sought, it has little incentive to deviate from its equilibrium price and quantity.

What best sums up equilibrium?

To achieve equilibrium, market supply and demand must be balanced, which results in stable price. In general, prices drop when there is a surplus of goods or services, which raises demand, while they rise when there is a shortage, which lowers demand.

To know more about Equilibrium visit:



Utilizing the models of marketing​ communication, which of the following tactics is used in the​ one-to-one model?A.Sales promotionB.Public relationsC.Direct marketingD.Buzz buildingE.Advertising


Utilizing the models of marketing​ communication, (c) Direct marketing tactics is used in the​ one-to-one model.

The correct option is (c) Direct marketing.

Direct marketing is a promotional approach that involves imparting records about your corporation, product, or service to your goal patron without the usage of an advertising middleman.

Direct marketing consists of any advertising that is based on direct conversation or distribution to man or woman clients, in preference to through a third celebration such as mass media.

Direct marketing enables you to speak at once with people, rather than the mass marketplace. This enormously targeted and personalised approach can assist develop your business in a price-powerful way.

Learn more about Direct marketing here : https://brainly.com/question/2632159


the long-run aggregate supply curve would shift left if the amount of labor available:____.


The long-run aggregate supply curve would shift left if the amount of labor available increased or Congress abolished the minimum.

What is the long-run aggregate supply (LRAS)?

The aggregate supply curve can be descriob ed as one that helps to shows the relationship between price level and real GDP which would be supplied if all prices.

This can encompass the  nominal wages, which were were fully flexible however the price can change along the LRAS, however the  only factors that impact the long-run aggregate supply curve  could either be the capital, labor as well as the technology.

Learn more about supply curve at:



(q002) after years of false starts in disappointing career paths, bruce feels happy. more than that, he feels that he is living up to his potential and doing what he is meant to do with his life. what state has bruce reached?


The state had Bruce reached is self-actualization. Self-actualization is the full growth of one's capacities and enjoyment for life, as well as the full realization of one's potential.

Self-actualization is the full growth of one's capacities and enjoyment for life, as well as the full realization of one's potential. As the highest level of the Maslow hierarchy of requirements, this idea is out of reach for most people. Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, provided one of the definitions that is most commonly used. Kim Egel, a therapist in San Diego, defines self-actualization as the capacity to become "the best version of yourself," which is similar to how he defined it as the process of becoming "all you are capable of becoming." Finding comedy in a circumstance is one kind of conduct a self-actualized person could display. obtaining pleasure and fulfillment from the present. having an understanding of what they require to feel fulfilled.

Know more about self-actualization here:



A person based in japan buys shares of general motors through the new york stock exchange. this is an example of?


A person based in japan buys shares of general motors through the New York stock exchange. This is an example of Transnational Investment.

Through foreign investment, money is transported from one country to another, giving the international investors considerable ownership stakes in native companies and assets. When foreigners invest internationally, it implies they possess a sizeable enough percentage of the company's stock to be able to actively participate in management or influence corporate strategy. International firms invest across several countries as part of the current trend of globalization.

Bonds, stocks, property, and other assets are all considered to be investments since they are all utilized to generate future income. Transnational investment is the management of income and assets across many nations, as well as the international production of products and services.

Learn more about Investment here:



investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal.a. trueb. false


Investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal. This statement is true.

Why is an investment more attractive to management if it has a shorter payback period?

If everything else is equal, investments with longer payback periods are preferable. When the net cash inflows from a capital investment are not equal, the payback method may be applied. Predictions for capital spending must take into account variables such shifting customer preferences, competition, and governmental laws.

Since the initial investment is at risk for less time, investments with shorter payback periods are thought to be preferable. The payback technique is the formula used to determine the payback time. In terms of years and fractions of years, the payback period is expressed.

To know more about investment, refer:



What are some of the BEST ways that companies can positively impact their communities with contributions?
a. By donating money, products, and services to local organizations and charities they consider important
b. By recommending global organizations to their friends and employees
c. By requiring local organizations to pay for advice on how they can improve
d. By hanging posters of the competitors of local organizations in their business


I believe the answer is A

grace co. can further process product b to produce product c. product b is currently selling for $20 per pound and costs $15 per pound to produce. product c would sell for $44 per pound and would require an additional cost of $11 per pound to produce. what is the differential revenue of producing and selling product c? a.$33 per pound b.$24 per pound c.$29 per pound d.$44 per pound


The differential revenue of producing and selling product C for Grace co. is $24 per pound (B).

Differential revenue is the revenues gap between two different courses of action. Differential revenue helps a company to evaluate which better investments to make in a business.

From the case, we have some informations:

Product B

Price = $20 per pound

Costs = $15 per pound

Product C

Price = $44 per pound

Additional cost = $11 per pound

Differential revenue?

There are 2 scenarios we have in this case:

To sell product B directly to the marketUse product B to produce product C then sell product C to the market

To find the differential revenue, we will use formula:

Differential revenue = Price of product C - price of product B

Differential revenue = $44 - $20

Differential revenue = $24

Learn more about Differential Revenue here: https://brainly.com/question/14283187


mylan pharmaceuticals holds a patent on the epipen - designed to inject epinephrine into shock victims. in 2016, mylan received criticism for charging $600 for this life-saving drug. the market for epipens is considered which means that the price of an epipen its marginal cost. group of answer choices a monopoly; equals perfect competition; equals a monopoly; is greater than an oligopoly; equals monopolistic competition; is greater than


The market for epipens is considered a monopoly which means that the price of an epipen is greater than its marginal cost. So Option C is correct.

What is a monopoly ?

A monopoly is a market arrangement where one producer or seller holds a disproportionate amount of power within a certain market. Monopolies are forbidden in free-market economies as they limit customer alternatives and impede competition.

Monopolies can set prices and maintain consistent, predictable pricing for consumers in the absence of competition. Monopolies benefit from economies of scale and are frequently able to produce large volumes for less money per unit. A business can safely invest in innovation while operating as a monopoly without worrying about rivalry.

In a monopoly, the price is set higher than the marginal cost, and the company makes a profit.

This shows that Mylan pharmaceuticals was able to raise its prices so easily because it was a monopoly that stood to make economic profit from charging at a price greater than its marginal cost.

Find out more on monopolies at https://brainly.com/question/5832236


a work-results oriented method of performance appraisal is: a. check list b. graphic rating scales c. management by objectives d. essay format


A work-results oriented method of performance appraisal is:  management by objectives.

An employee's job performance is regularly documented and evaluated through a performance appraisal which is sometimes referred to as a performance review, performance evaluation, development discussion, or employee appraisal. This is carried out after workers have received job training and have adapted to their positions. Employees in businesses regularly undergo performance reviews as part of career advancement. Performance evaluations are normally carried out by an employee's line manager or immediate manager. Despite their widespread use, annual performance reviews have come under fire for providing feedback too infrequently to be helpful, and some critics claim that performance evaluations in general are more harmful than helpful.

Learn more about appraisal from



Colliers, incorporated, has 100,000 shares of cumulative preferred stock outstanding. The preferred stock pays dividends in the amount of $2 per share, but because of cash flow problems, the company did not pay any dividends last year. The board of directors plans to pay dividends in the amount of $600,000 this year.


The amount that  will go to preferred stockholders is $400,000.

The amount that  will be available for common stock dividends is $200,000.

"Information available from the question"

In the question:

Colliers, incorporated, has 100,000 shares of cumulative preferred stock outstanding. The preferred stock pays dividends in the amount of $2 per share, but because of cash flow problems, the company did not pay any dividends last year. The board of directors plans to pay dividends in the amount of $600,000 this year.

a. Preferred stockholders dividend

Preferred stockholders dividend=Dividend-(Cumulative preferred stock shares× Preferred stock per share)

Preferred stockholders dividend= ($2 x 100,000 shares) +($2 x 100,000 shares)

Preferred stockholders dividend= $200,000+$200,000

Preferred stockholders dividend= $400,000

b. Common stock dividends

Common stock dividends =(Cumulative preferred stock shares× Preferred stock per share)

Common stock dividends = $600,000-$200,000

Common stock dividends = $400,000

Inconclusion the amount that  will go to preferred stockholders is $400,000 and the amount that  will be available for common stock dividends is $200,000.

Learn more about Dividends at:



Identify whether the given items are examples of imports, exports, or neither. Assume the United States is considered the domestic country.
Colby lives in the United States and purchases a video game produced in Japan.
A. Import
B. Export
C. Neither
B. Import


Option A Import, Assuming the United States being the domestic country as Colby lives in it. He purchases a video game made in Japan, which qualifies as an imported good since it wasn't made in his country.

An import is the purchase of produced goods from abroad in the domestic market of the buyer, whereas an export is the sale of commodities to a foreign nation. All across the world, including Canada, Mexico, the European Union, Australia, and other Asian nations, Ellen's nation has successfully exported its tablets. Since payments to sellers who are located outside are a part of import transactions, there is a corresponding outflow of funds from the nation. Exports are products and services that are made domestically and then offered to clients in other nations.

Know more about the Import and Export at: https://brainly.com/question/14542206


the statement of cash flows is designed for all of the following purposes except
A. To list all revenues and expense.
B. To predict future cash flows.
C. To provide information about cash recepts and cash payments during a period
D. To determine a company’s ability to pay dividends and interest


All of the following objectives are intended for the statement of cash flows, with the exception of to list all revenues and expense. So, option a is the answer

Cash flow refers to the net change in cash and cash equivalents coming into and leaving a business. Inflows and outflows are represented by money received and spent, accordingly.

The term "revenue" refers to money made through selling a company's main products or services. An expense is a cost incurred while creating or providing a core company service. Wages and salaries for employees are example of revenue and expense

To learn more about cash flows



income from operations for division l is $250,000, total service department charges are $400,000, and operating expenses are $2,750,000. what are the revenues for division l? a.$3,400,000 b.$3,000,000 c.$2,750,000 d.$650,000


Correct Option is A. The revenues for division L will be $3,400,000.

The computation of the revenue is shown below;

Income from operations = Sales revenue - operating expense - total service department charges

$250,000 = Sales revenue - $2,750,000 - $400,000

So, the sales revenue is

= $3,150,000 + $250,000

= $3,400,000

Hence, the sales revenue is $3,400,000

Know more on calculation of sales revenue - https://brainly.com/question/24020698


1. Jalen is opening a credit card because her budget is really tight right now and she’s struggling to pay all of her expenses based on her income.
A. Why might a card with a long grace period be in her best interest?

B. She knows she’ll be making only the minimum monthly payments each month until she can find a job where she’ll earn more income. This means some of her payment every month will go toward paying interest rather than paying down her principal. What factor(s) might be most important to Delara? Why?


For Jalen, a longer grace period will helpful in long term credit availability in credit card service. Further for Delara maintain liquidity due to shortage of funds she should take lower interest rate credit facility.

What is credit card facility?

When referring to features of a credit card that a cardholder obtains when a credit card is opened, the term "credit card facility" is frequently used. The technology that comes with a credit card, for instance, might enable transactions to be automatically paid, divided into tracking categories, or transferred to other cards.

A credit card facility is the ability to withdraw cash; it is not usually associated with the cardholder's ability to borrow or get additional funds.

The equated monthly installments are payable monthly with interest payment and some part of principal from outstanding debt facility.

Therefore after availing credit card facility a customer shall go through with the facilities and charges attached with facility, because default in credit card may lead hamper the credit worthiness to avail further debt.

Learn more about credit card facility refer:



why can a monopoly make a positive economic profit even in the long run? a monopoly can make positive economic profit in the long run because _____.


Due to entry obstacles that prohibit rival companies from joining the market and splitting the profits, monopolies can generate positive economic profit over the long term.

Entry barriers allow monopolists to eventually turn a profit. Monopolies create welfare losses because, at the level of output that maximizes profits, the additional gains from increasing output would outweigh the additional costs.

The existence of considerable entry barriers prevents enterprises from entering the market even in the long run. As a result, the monopolist is able to avoid competition and keep enjoying long-term financial benefits.

To know more about monopoly market visit :



why is cash rather than petty cash credited when a petty cash fund is replenished?


When the cash register is replenished, the cash account will be credited with the sum of all expenses. The cash account is used to replenish and add to the cash register with the balance it should have.

Why is Petty Cash Deposited?

Journal entries to give the custodian more cash are debits and credits to the cash register. If there is a shortage or excess, a journal line entry is recorded in the excess/shortage inventory account. When petty cash runs out, credits are entered to represent winnings.

Why not deposit petty cash?

Many governments don't even try to match petty cash transactions to the correct expense categories because they are too high volume and too time consuming. Instead, post all transactions to miscellaneous expenses.

Why is the national treasury replenished at the end of the reporting period?

Businesses replenish petty cash at or before the end of the accounting period if it becomes low. The reason for replenishing funds at the end of the accounting period is that there is no record of the funds expense in the account until the check is written and journal entries are made.

To learn more about petty cash visit:



___consists of all the activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively.


Financial management consists of all activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively.

What is the collective name for all actions related to making money and using it wisely?

Financial management is a crucial component of both commercial and noncommercial activities since it helps to determine how best to get and use funds in a successful way. In the past, accountancy included the topic of financial management using conventional methods.

In order for the "organization to have the means to carry out its aim as satisfactorily as feasible," which is sometimes defined as maximizing the value of the company for investors, financial management is the business function that deals with profitability, expenses, cash, and credit.

To know more about Financial management, refer:



what are three factors that a company should strive for to maximize the benefits of an alliance? (check all that apply.) multiple select question. be sensitive to cultural differences establish partner bias learn from the partners build trust between the partners develop organizational control


The Three major factors a company should look out for to maximize their profits from an alliance are:

Build trust between the partnersBe sensitive to cultural differencesLearn from the partners

Company should be the ultimate professional at all times to build trust. This means never participating in gossip or discussing coworkers behind their backs. If your ally has faith that you will always behave professionally, they won't hesitate to advocate for you.

People typically receive less high-quality feedback that can assist them in making necessary course corrections and growing as leaders. This could be because of stereotypes or avoidance, in which managers are afraid of how someone might react to their remarks.

Learn more about Business here:



What advice would you give to someone opening a checking account?


Tip: I consider that it is of great benefit to open a checking account since it will allow the use of large amounts of money and the money will be protected.What is a checking account?

It is an account granted by a bank to a company or a person so that he/she can have immediate access to his/her funds.

Compared to a savings account, a checking account allows you to:

Use checkbooks.Make payments of high amounts.Have the money available at any time.

However, a checking account has the disadvantage of charging a commission for each transaction and will never generate interest in favor of the account holder.

Learn more about checking account in: https://brainly.com/question/26181559


financial advisors typically recommend an individual has enough savings to cover at least _____________ months worth of bills.


Financial advisors typically recommend an individual has enough savings to cover at least 3 to 6 months' worth of bills.

Finance is the study and field of money, forex and capital belongings. it is related to, but now not synonymous with economics, the look at of manufacturing, distribution, and consumption of cash, belongings, items and services (the field of monetary economics bridges the 2). Finance sports take area in monetary systems at various scopes, as a consequence the sphere can be more or less divided into private, corporate, and public finance.  In a economic gadget, belongings are bought, sold, or traded as monetary units, consisting of currencies, loans, bonds, stocks, stocks, options, futures, and so forth.

LEarn more about Financial here



assume the 50-day moving average is currently intersecting the 200-day moving average. also assume the 50-day average is downward sloping and the 200-day average is upward sloping. which one of the following statements is accurate based on this information? the long-term trend may be preparing to change. the short-term trend will change to match the long-term trend. the short-term forecast is bullish. the 50-day moving average is bullish. the long-term outlook is bearish.


The long-term trend may be preparing to change. ( The general trend or general direction expected for  observed values ​​over time, often determined through the study and analysis of statistical data.)

What does word long term mean?

Occur or involve over  a relatively long period of time. Look for long term solutions relate to or form a financial transaction or obligation of substantial duration, especially ten years or more.

How long will the long-term trend last?

Price fluctuations that occur over a long period of time, often  one year or more. Long-term trends are difficult to predict and  are often interrupted by brief counter-trend movements.

What is long-term average in statistics?

Long-term statistics collect data over longer time periods (weeks, months, years) to account for temporal fluctuations in seaway energy. Extreme value analysis fits long-term statistical data to a theoretical probability distribution.

To know more about Long Term trend visit here:



ou have a portfolio with a beta of 1.18. what will be the new portfolio beta if you keep 87 percent of your money in the old portfolio and 13 percent in a stock with a beta of 0.59?


The new portfolio beta would be approximately 1.0953. This indicates that the portfolio would be slightly more risky than the old portfolio, but less risky than the stock with a beta of 0.59.

How to calculate portfolio beta ?

To calculate the new portfolio beta when you keep 87 percent of your money in the old portfolio and 13 percent in a stock with a beta of 0.59, you can use the following formula:

New Beta = (0.87 * Old Beta) + (0.13 * Beta of New Stock)

In this case, the new portfolio beta would be:

New Beta = (0.87 * 1.18) + (0.13 * 0.59)

New Beta = 1.0186 + 0.0767

New Beta = 1.0953

Therefore, the new portfolio beta would be approximately 1.0953. This indicates that the portfolio would be slightly more risky than the old portfolio, but less risky than the stock with a beta of 0.59.

It is important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual portfolio beta may vary depending on the specific stocks and investments included in the portfolio.

To learn more about portfolio beta refer :



at hudson boating inc., a team of it workers uses applied math to help the company budget advertising dollars across its entire market. the formulas these employees use indicate the optimal ways to allocate spending so that the company achieves maximum potential. what form of business analytics is this company using?


At hudson boating inc., a team of it workers uses applied math to help the company budget advertising dollars.The final step are the prescriptive techniques. of analysing the data used to generate the findings based. Business rules can be used to accomplish this. e.g., algorithms.

This makes it simple for the business comprehend it, and make judgments based on that understanding.take place. Additionally, structured and unstructured data in order to use it effectively without diminishing the standard Consequently, in light of the current circumstances, It is noted that there are effective methods of dividing up the budget's expenses to achieve the greatest possible.The method Wrecking Ball Remodeling employs advertising strategy using a percentage of sales budget. If the business allots 5% of last year's year's sales went to advertising, and $50 was made. million, The business invests 5% of the previous year's sales in advertising.$50,000,000 in the previous year This spending plan will be 5% of $50,000,000.

=5/100 x 50,000,000

=0.05 x 50, 000,000


$2,5 million

To know more about the Prescriptive techniques visit:



assume you have taken out a partially amortizing loan for $1,000,000 that has a term of 7 years, but amortizes over 20 years. calculate the balloon payment if the interest rate on this loan is 9%.



The balloon payment for this loan would be $581,213.92. This can be calculated by taking the original loan amount of $1,000,000, multiplied by the interest rate of 9%, then multiplied by the difference in the amortization period (20 years) and the loan term (7 years). This equals $540,000. Finally, add the original loan amount to the interest amount, resulting in $1,540,000. This is the total amount due at the end of the loan term, or the balloon payment.


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Gay people need to be brave and honest about their sexuality in order to gain equalrights.Harvey Milk Lives! common lit article assessment questions first one i need help with all for so if willing to help with all 4 and give me the right answers i will give brainly After campaigning on a pledge to "end welfare as we know it,President Bill Clinton worked with a Republican-controlled Congress to pass the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996. The goal of the legislation was to reform the welfare system so that individuals and families would be less dependent on government assistance and break the cycle of poverty.The legislation ended the federally run Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, which provided cash assistance to individuals who met specific low income criteria, and replaced it with the Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) program. TANF, incontrast to AFDC, uses grants to provide a fixed amount of funding to states each year for welfare services. The amount of money states receive from the federal government does not increase as poverty rises. States are charged with the task of determining who is eligible for TANF funding. After reading the scenario, please respond to A, B, and C below.A. Referencing the scenario, describe the type of grant that the new welfate program created by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act uses and explain how it affects the relationship between the states and the federal government.B. Explain why states might prefer the type of funding provided by TANF rather than by previous programs.C. Describe the constitutional principle that supports the interaction between the federal government and the state governments in this situation, and explain how it relates to the scenario. each component in a mixture contributes a fraction to the total number of moles in the mixture. this fraction is called the I need somebody to help me on this. 20 points. Please When a good is inelastic? Which reason justifies step 6 below?Use the diagram. Does swimming burn most calories? what are the six modes companies use to enter foreign markets? multiple select question. licensing exporting joint ventures wholly-owned subsidiaries franchising unionization turnkey projects arbitration Which statement correctly describes what happens when a gas is heated at constant pressure? Select all that apply. Assume that the container is not rigid. Check all that apply. The gas particles collide with the walls of the container with a greater force. The surface area of the walls of the container decreases. The gas increases in volume because the particles increase in size. The gas particles move faster. The volume of the gas sample will increase. Find g(x), where g(x) is the translation 4 units left of f(x)=3x10.Write your answer in the form mx+b, where m and b are integers. A specialized plasmid vector that has an e.coli promoter upstream of a restriction site into which foreign genes can be inserted is known as a? The Bill of Rights was intended to protect ____________ against the potential tyranny of _______________.A. the prerogatives of Congress, the presidentB. the army and the navy, the national governmentC. the South, the northern majorityD. individual liberties, a strong central governmentE. civilian authorities, the military