Colombia's plains and coastal lowlands are ______.


Answer 1
The answer is warm !!!!!!!!

Related Questions

Please help will be marked brainlist
In a short answer, name four of the awful consequences of trench warfare.



The consequences of trench warfare were:

Trench foot ( painful condition due to feet being in cold water or mud for long periods of time).

Shell shock (psychological disruption from being exposed to prolonged war).

A large number of casualties.

The stain it made on history.

How might inflation affect a country's economy?



the prices will go up


the other person is correct i'm answering so other person can get brainliest

someone help please.



1830-1860. Have a nice day :-)


One result of the Cold War in the United States was that



The threat of nuclear war is necessary to settle a military conflict. One result of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was that the two nations. In the 1950's, Senator Joseph McCarthy was most closely associated with issues related to.




"One result of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was that the two nations"


What was the Purpose of the Inca's Strange Strings"



it was a method used by Incas and other ancient Andean cultures to keep records and communicate information

Which of the following correctly sequences the events in Vietnam? IT'S A

IT'S A THIS ONE France refused to grant independence; H.o Chi Minh won at Dien Bien Phu; Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel

Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel; H.o Chi Minh won at Dien Bien Phu; France refused to grant independence

H.o Chi Minh won at Dien Bien Phu; Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel;

France refused to grant independence





edge 2021




Which of the following is a characteristic of the Puritans in Massachusetts (check all that apply):

They believed in toleration of others by allowing dissenters to debate within the church.
Magistrates administered laws of the colony and rules of the church
that education was not important
They did not practice religious freedoms
There were no important differences between civil and religious crimes.



they allow personal freedoms on religion


this was brought about due the persecution they had when through leaving england

Why did the Nazi Party gain popularity in Germany after WWII?



Germany had suffered heavy losses during the war, both in lives and industrial power. 6.9 to 7.5 million Germans had been killed, roughly 8.26 to 8.86% of the population (see also World War II casualties). ... As a result, the population density grew in the "new" Germany that remained after the dismemberment.

was Atuhualpa the leader of the Aztec Empire or the Inca Empire?​



The Inca Empire


Atahualpa (/ˌætəˈwɑːlpə/), Atawallpa (Quechua), also Atabalica,[5][6] Atahuallpa, Atabalipa (in Hispanicized spellings) (c. 1502–26 July 1533) was the last Inca Emperor. After defeating his brother, Atahualpa became very briefly the last Sapa Inca (sovereign emperor) of the Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyu) before the Spanish conquest ended his reign.

Atahuallpa, also spelled Atahualpa, (born c. 1502 died August 29, 1533, Cajamarca, Inca empire [now in Peru]), 13th and last emperor of the Inca, who was victorious in a devastating civil war with his half brother, only to be captured, held for ransom, and then executed by Francisco Pizarro.

Which groups opposed the spread of slavery during the 1860 presidential election?
the Southern Democratic Party
the Republican Party
the Constitutional Union Party
the Democratic Party





not the democratic party

Which of the following statements about the Indian “caste system” is INACCURATE?

a person was only permitted to marry a member of the same social class
a person’s skills, abilities, and work ethic determined their social status
a person’s future social status was determined at birth
a person’s social class could only change following their death and reincarnation


it is option 2

because as soon some one was born in a caste. they have to work what the caste is special in

What new technology provided a defense in “no man’s land”
- mustad gas
- tanks
- grenades
- zeppelins





tanks were a new invention in ww1




someone .........??????​



patricians in section 1


the 4th


What breed of dog is this?



Looks like a shiba inu to me.


It is a lovely Shiba Inu!! so cute

What was the acts that declared that all persons born in the us were now citizens without regard of race color or previous condition



The civil rights act of 1866.

The Civil Rights Act (1866) was passed by Congress on 9th April 1866 over the veto of President Andrew Johnson. The act declared that all persons born in the United States were now citizens, without regard to race, color, or previous condition.

Why was Napoleon never able to defeat Great Britain? What happened at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805)? What was the Continental System? Why was it not successful?



The great britian was surrounded by water so they had to fight in the water and they combined fleets with the French and Spanish.

can someone help me?​


the answer is c! i think

Which of these democratic principles is true of the Roman citizens in the Roman Republic

They could choose officials to represent their vote
they could vote directly on issues
they had no influence over government issues
they could elect councils but not Tribunes


I think it might be D

Answer: The answer is D

Explanation: This is flvs, i did the module test for this

3) The Constitution allows only the states to keep these powers




Yes because there are the one in power

please help me with question 9


I’m pretty sure the first one to, so sorry if wrong

Can someone please help me with this quickly ASAP.

How did U.S. involvement in WW2 change America's role in world affairs?



America's involvement in World War II had a significant impact on the economy and workforce of the United States. ... Our involvement in the war soon changed that rate. American factories were retooled to produce goods to support the war effort and almost overnight the unemployment rate dropped to around 10%.


What were the long-term influences of the New Deal on American society?



Basically, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal created many government institutions and programs that aimed to achieve:

1. relief  

2. recovery

3. reform

To make sure that an economic disaster like the Great Depression would never happen again, Roosevelt established his New Deal. The New Deal brought sweeping reforms in American economic policy.

For example, the U.S. has economic safeguards (including "safety nets") that protect the U.S. economy.

The New Deal also created financial institutions and programs that still exist today. One of the most widely known is Social Security, which is a program that provides insurance and benefits to the retired + elderly, those with disabilities, and war veterans.

We also have the FDIC or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which ensures that you will not lose your money if the bank fails (insured deposits).

Many people still rely on the benefits and protections from these programs. In fact, some take advantage of the government for their own benefit. People with both high or low wages can access their government benefits, and such a practice may be unsustainable in the future.

There is definitely more to the New Deal, but this is most of what I remember off the top of my head. Hope this helps!

1. live on the branches of trees, get nutrients from the air and rain

2. fast, agile, live in the trees

3. large snake, coils around its prey

4. form a living nest each night

5. killed for their beautiful feathers

6. related to the horse and rhinoceros

7. large predator, hunted for fur

8. lay their eggs in pools in the canopy plants

9. roots spread out along the ground





7th grade history homework​



bottom picture abraham lincoln and John Wilkes Booth

Explanation: you can see him getting shot

Discern means to see a difference and make a distinction.



true if right please mark as brainly

Answer: True


Discern means perceive or recognize (something), and distinction means difference.

What were characteristics of daily life in ancient Pompeii?
Choose all answers that are correct.
Baths were available in some homes in ancient Pompeii.
Some people in ancient Pompeii were quite rich and others were poor.
The people of ancient Pompeii spent little time outside.


Answer: baths where available in some home in ancient Pompeii.

Some people in ancient Pompeii were quiet rich and others were poor.

The characteristics of daily life that people lived in ancient Pompeii is that baths where available in some home in ancient Pompeii and Some people in ancient Pompeii were quiet rich and others were poor.

What is living in ancient Pompeii like?

Life in Pompeii is one where people do live in nice houses and large villas lined the paved streets.

It is said to be home to Tourists, townspeople and slaves. They have small factories and artisans' shops, taverns, bathhouses, etc. People often gathered in their arena and marketplaces.

learn more about Pompeii  from

Can someone help with these two questions plz ASAP plz and thanks you



D and D


When Germany added the nation of Austria to
its territory, which of the following reasons did
they give the world for their actions?
A. Austria had declared open warfare on Germany.
B. Austria had invaded German lands.
C. The Munich Pact allowed Germany to take over Austria.
D. Austria had broken an agreement made with Germany.


The answer is D. Austria had broken an agreement made with Germany

Answer: D


hope this helps

PLSSS ANWSER!!! “Nomadic Bedouin tribes traveled between the water holes called_____
with their camels,______and sheep. They settled
in the mountain valleys near the oases.”



A rectangle is bounded by the x-axis and the semicircle y = √(25 - x²). What length and width should the rectangle have so that its area is a maximum?



The statement that is not true of Philippi is:
O Lydia was saved here.
O Paul met Priscilla and Aquila.
O The jailer was saved.
O This city had no synagogue.
O A demon was cast out of a girl.



4 is the answer ² :) good LUCK

the city had no synagogue
Other Questions
t/3 = 11 solve equation and check souloution what is t Describe symbolism and explain how it can be used in art. from A Bachelors Complaint of the Behaviour of Married Peopleby Charles LambAs a single man, I have spent a good deal of my time in noting down the infirmities of Married People, to console myself for those superior pleasures, which they tell me I have lost by remaining as I am.I cannot say that the quarrels of men and their wives ever made any great impression upon me, or had much tendency to strengthen me in those anti-social resolutions, which I took up long ago upon more substantial considerations. What oftenest offends me at the houses of married persons where I visit, is an error of quite a different description;it is that they are too loving.Not too loving neither: that does not explain my meaning. Besides, why should that offend me? The very act of separating themselves from the rest of the world, to have the fuller enjoyment of each others society, implies that they prefer one another to all the world.But what I complain of is, that they carry this preference so undisguisedly, they perk it up in the faces of us single people so shamelessly, you cannot be in their company a moment without being made to feel, by some indirect hint or open avowal, that you are not the object of this preference. Now there are some things which give no offence, while implied or taken for granted merely; but expressed, there is much offence in them. If a man were to accost the first homely-featured or plain-dressed young woman of his acquaintance, and tell her bluntly, that she was not handsome or rich enough for him, and he could not marry her, he would deserve to be kicked for his ill manners; yet no less is implied in the fact, that having access and opportunity of putting the question to her, he has never yet thought fit to do it. The young woman understands this as clearly as if it were put into words; but no reasonable young woman would think of making this the ground of a quarrel. Just as little right have a married couple to tell me by speeches, and looks that are scarce less plain than speeches, that I am not the happy man,the ladys choice. It is enough that I know I am not: I do not want this perpetual reminding.The display of superior knowledge or riches may be made sufficiently mortifying; but these admit of a palliative. The knowledge which is brought out to insult me, may accidentally improve me; and in the rich mans houses and pictures,his parks and gardens, I have a temporary usufruct at least. But the display of married happiness has none of these palliatives: it is throughout pure, unrecompensed, unqualified insult.Marriage by its best title is a monopoly, and not of the least invidious sort. It is the cunning of most possessors of any exclusive privilege to keep their advantage as much out of sight as possible, that their less favoured neighbours, seeing little of the benefit, may the less be disposed to question the right. But these married monopolists thrust the most obnoxious part of their patent into ourfaces.Nothing is to me more distasteful than that entire complacency and satisfaction which beam in the countenances of a new-married couple, in that of the lady particularly: it tells you, that her lot is disposed of in this world: that you can have no hopes of her. It is true, I have none; nor wishes either, perhaps: but this is one of those truths which ought, as I said before, to be taken for granted, not expressed. The excessive airs which those people give themselves, founded on the ignorance of us unmarried people, would be more offensive if they were less irrational. We will allow them to understand the mysteries belonging to their own craft better than we who have not had the happiness to be made free of the company: but their arrogance is not content within these limits. If a single person presume to offer his opinion in their presence, though upon the most indifferent subject, he is immediately silenced as an incompetent person. Nay, a young married lady of my acquaintance, who, the best of the jest was, had not changed her condition above a fortnight before, in a question on which I had the misfortune to differ from her, respecting the properest mode of breeding oysters for the London market, had the assurance to ask with a sneer, how such an old Bachelor as I could pretend to know any thing about such matters.All the following are mocked in the passage EXCEPTA.intelligence gained as a result of marriageB.undisguised preference of married couples for their spouseC.condescension of married females to bachelorsD.married individuals presumptive knowledgeE.overt cruelty of married couples to unattractive unmarried femalesPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCDE 2Which statement is true about the asymptotes of a rational function if the degree of the polynomial function in the numerator is 1 and thedegree of the polynomial function in the denominator is 2? .It has two horizontal asymptotesOBIt has only one vertical asymptote.It has only one horizontal asymptote.D.It has no vertical asymptote.E.It has no horizontal asymptote. What is 79.2 divided by 2.55 1.The boy is (_____________) on the couch. 2.Your clothes will (__________) on the floor until you pick them up. 3.Terry ( ________________) his books on the counter yesterday. 4.She always ( ________________) the towel on the rack. 5.The cat is ( ______________) under the porch. 6.The baby is (______________) quietly in the crib. 7.Mary (_______________) the baby on my lap. 8.Did you ( ________________) the newspaper on the table? 9.He always (___________) when I ask him if he was late for class. 10.The snow is ( ______________) on the ground. 11.( ________________) down your gun! 12.Where are the directions he ( ________________) here yesterday? 13.The leaves have ( ______________) in the yard for days. 14.The basket ( ______________) out there for months. 15.He must have (______________) in the bed all day. 16.When I get the urge to exercise, I (___________) down until it passes. 17.They are (__________________) the carpet today. 18.The new test is (__________________) on the desk. 19.She was (_______________) if she told you I broke the vase. 20.Father is ( ________________) silverware on the table. What is the median of data set 32 25 25 32 32 10 -10 25 WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Think about and discuss the various labels that have been used across US history, from the Civil War to current times, to describe the psychological distress that comes from participating in war- insanity/melancholia, battle fatigue, being shell-shocked, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What in the culture produces these labels? Why have the labels changed/evolved over time, and what do the differences suggest, about us, and about how we view war? 2. A spelunker is down in a cave next to the cliff. If sheclimbs down deeper into the cave, this will be anegative change. If she climbs up, whether inside thecave or out of the cave and up the cliff, this will be apositive change.Complete the table.startingelevation(feet)change(feet)finalelevation(feet)Correct?- 200150 down-350B- 200100 up-100-200200 up0x < < < There once was a ship that put to sea and the name of that ship was the billy'o tea. The winds blew hard her bow dipped down blow my bully boys blow. (HA) Soon may the wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum Why was Wilson's slogan "He Kept Us Out Of War" so effective? ) In this passage, what does that author mainly use to create the settingof the story? Which value of h make the equation true?2.3 + h = 7.8 How did democracy expand during Jackson's Presidency?A. All adult white men could vote over the age of 21.B. Only rich land owners could vote.C. Slaves were allowed to vote. Find the equation of the line shown What describes Esquivel's primary purpose in her essay "At the Hearth"?O to instruct the reader in how to prepare nutritious mealsO to entertain the reader with quaint stories of her childhoodto inform and persuade the reader about her dream of a "New Man"to persuade the reader to consider giving up meat Allison needed to get her computer fixed. She took it to the repair store. Thetechnician at the store worked on the computer for 4.25 hours and charged her $177for parts. The total was $623.25. What was the cost of labor, per hour? Which statement best explains the effectiveness of the conclusion paragraph? Which expression represents the length of one of the playground's sides? 224 + StartFraction 32 over 3 EndFraction x 14 + two-thirds x 14 + StartFraction 8 over 3 EndFraction x 4 (56 + StartFraction 8 over 3 EndFraction x) Guys please help me i will mark brainly!