Christine, a teenager, kept a diary of her most personal moments. The diary was kept hidden in her room. Christine found portions of her private diary, and her picture, posted in a manner accessible to a number of her friends and schoolmates. A friend of the teen's mother was responsible for the postings and was prosecuted for two criminal charges based on acts that violated the teen's privacy. Based upon your reading of Chaney, did Christine have a legitimate expectation of privacy


Answer 1


I think she did have legitimate expactation of privacy because if she is a teen and she keep's a diary  with all her personal moments in there, The friend of the teens mother was responsible for posting things that were in her diary so therefor she would  get two criminal charges


Answer 2


i agree with the other person


Related Questions

what is evaluation and reflective practice?​



Pisząc najogólniej, refleksja jest aktywnością poznawczą polegającą na uświadamianiu sobie

własnego myślenia i działania oraz głębokiego ich analizowania. Refleksyjność jest

przeciwstawiana rutynie i schematyczności. Może ona doprowadzić do zmiany sposobów

myślenie i działania, a nawet zmiany sposobów postrzegania rzeczywistości , mam nadzieje ,że jakos pomoglam


evaluation and reflective practice are to separate but related concept.


Evaluation is the process of making an assessment or judgement about an experience or a person .

Reflective practice is the ability reflect one's actions so as to engage process of continuous learning.

true or false
4. Many news stories are chosen, not because they serve the public interest, but because they reflect the entertainment preferences of viewers or readers.

5. Persistent issues, long-term trends, and root causes typically receive little coverage in the news media.

6. Young people, including college students, readily admit that advertising influences their purchasing decisions.



1. true

2. false

3. true


i'm so sorry if the last one is wrong

Answer:4.True 5.true 6. false


Why do stars farther from earth appear dimmer then stars closer to earth



A star's brightness also depends on its proximity to us. The more distant an object is, the dimmer it appears. Therefore, if two stars have the same level of brightness, but one is farther away, the closer star will appear brighter than the more distant star - even though they are equally bright!




ANS FAST Predict any new development in the field of transport in India. WHO WILL GIVE THE WRITE ANS I WILL MARK HIM AS BRAINLIEST.​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

My prediction for new development in the field of transport in India is the following: modern cableway system.

India is growing in population numbers. There are cities such as New Deli that are overpopulated and traffic is a major concern. And it is not the only city with traffic jams and transportation problems. There are many. Public transportation is not enough to offer good services to citizens.

Although there are public buses, taxis, and subway/metro (the most modern addition to transportation in India), I predict that technology minds will build an efficient cableway transportation system that is going to be fast, efficient, safe, and will offer a low cost for poor people.

Jamal treats purchases of loose tools as capital expenditure. On 1 July 2014 his loose tools were valued at $7100 On 1 September 2014 he bought new tools costing $1200. On 30 June 2015 he valued loose tools at $6000 . Which amount for loose tools appeared in his income statement for the year ended 30 June 2015?
A $100
B $1100
C $1200
D 2300


Jamal treats purchases of loose tools as capital expenditure. On 1 July 2014 his loose tools were valued at $7100. On 1 September 2014 he bought new tools costing $1200. On 30 June 2015 he valued loose tools at $6000. Which amount for loose tools appeared in his income statement for the year ...

Who are the Bedouins? How did some of them become wealthy and
powerful? *



The Bedouin, Beduin or Bedu (/ˈbɛduɪn/;[8] Arabic: بَدْو‎, romanized: badū, singular بَدَوِي badawī) are nomadic Arab Tribes who have historically inhabited the desert regions in the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Upper Mesopotamia, and North Africa.[9] The English word bedouin comes from the Arabic badawī, which means "desert dweller", and is traditionally contrasted with ḥāḍir, the term for sedentary people.[10] Bedouin territory stretches from the vast deserts of North Africa to the rocky sands of the Middle East.[11] They are traditionally divided into tribes, or clans (known in Arabic as ʿašāʾir; عَشَائِر), and historically share a common culture of herding camels and goats.[11] The vast majority of Bedouin adhere to Islam, although there are some fewer numbers of Arab Christian Bedouins present in the Fertile Crescent.[12][5][6][7]


Which of the following countries had the most influence on United States political heritage? A. Spain B. England C. Russia D. France



B. England


We gained our independence from England and thus they greatly influenced our political heritage. Much of our democracy comes from models of the constitutional monarchy. Including our Presidential Cabinet, Supreme Court, etc. The English equivalent of these would be Parliament and the Magistrate Courts.

Can someone name all the presidents?



George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Martin Van Buren

William Henry Harrison

John Tyler

James K. Polk

Zachary Taylor

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

James Buchanan

Abraham Lincoln

Andrew Johnson

Ulysses S. Grant

Rutherford Birchard Hayes

James A. Garfield

Chester A. Arthur

Grover Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison

William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt

William H. Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Warren G. Harding

Calvin Coolidge

Herbert Hoover

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower

John F. Kennedy

Lyndon B. Johnson

Richard M. Nixon

Gerald R. Ford

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

George Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

Donald J. Trump

Joseph R. Biden

Why did some southerns oppose the war effort of the Confederates? ( in ur own words )



Bc neither side wanted war


A goal of the American Indian Movement is to:


Its goals eventually encompassed the entire spectrum of Indian demands—economic independence, revitalization of traditional culture, protection of legal rights, and, most especially, autonomy over tribal areas and the restoration of lands that they believed had been illegally seized.

Place founded: Minneapolis

Founders: Dennis Banks, Russell Means

I hope this helps

when it is justifiable torture suspected criminals​



Torture of persons suspected of being criminals has no justification in any aspect, circumstance or situation. There is the right of every accused to a fair defense, and the presumption of innocence until the accused is proven guilty. Therefore, torture should never be used on this type of criminal suspect.

Why was a measure of self-government necessary in the colonies during the colonial era?
Self-government was the only way to protect North American colonists’ liberties.
Great Britain did not want to govern its North American colonies.
Self-government was similar to the way the Native Americans governed.
The North American colonies were far away from Great Britain.


The measure of self-government was necessary in the colonies during colonial era because self government was similar to the native Americans governed. The option (C) is correct.

What is self-government?

Self government refers to the governing power in the hands of native citizens of the country.

The American colonizers believed that they should have the right to govern their country instead of the outsiders. All the rules and regulations must be formulated by the native Americans. This beliefs further led to American revolution.

Thus the correct option is (C).

Learn more about government here:


write down who requires informal education​


A new friend that you meet

The continent that has most of its land within the tropics is





pls mark as brainliest

You’re running late to school and have a test in 1st period, so you beg your mom to drive a little faster. You’re about a block away from your school when your mom gets pulled over by a police officer, who issues her a speeding ticket. Is this a local, state, or federal issue?




this is a local issue


speeding is a local issue because it puts the community that you are in in danger because speeding to fast in a slower area can make you need to hit your brakes more and that can lead to a crash

i hope it helps :)

i tried

What major cities were not under Roman control in 44 BC


Demographically, the Roman Empire was an ordinary premodern state. It had high infant ... No Western city would have as many again until the 19th century. ... To maintain replacement levels under such a mortality regime—much less to ... artificial fertility controls like contraception and abortion were not widely used.
- In 500 BC, Rome was a minor city-state on the Italian peninsula. ... and emperors worried that if these troops were put under the control ... In 340, Rome came into conflict with its former allies, the neighboring ... Rome fought three conflicts with Carthage, known as the Punic Wars, between 264 and 146 BC.

What should you do once the officer has indicated that the stop is complete?


Answer: You should give the approptay calm and in control. Don't argue with, run from, interfere with, or resist the police. You don't have to speak to the police. Say, “I would like to remain silent.” In some states, you must tell police your name if they ask you to identify yourself.

riate signal and re-enter traffic safely.

hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


After attending medical school, Georgiana has decided to encourage all of her family members to see her for their healthcare needs because she knows their health problems and has an incentive to keep them alive and as healthy as possible. What type of asymmetric information problem is Georgiana trying to correct by having her family members see her for care



principal-agent problem


Principal-agent problem: The term "principal-agent problem" is described as a conflict or dispute in priorities between a group or an individual and the representative that are being authorized to act or behave on their behalf. However, an agent can act in a certain way that is opposite to the best and actual interests of the "principal". Thus, the "principal-agent problem" is considered as varying as much as the feasible roles of agent and principal.

In the question above, the given statement represents the "principal-agent problem".

What is the difference between Sunni and Shia (Islam) pls help hurry!!


All Muslims are guided by the Sunnah, but Sunnis stress its primacy. Shia are also guided by the wisdom of Muhammad's descendants through his son-in-law and cousin, Ali. Sunni life is guided by four schools of legal thought, each of which strives to develop practical applications of the Sunnah.
I hope this helps

What is the correct term for the motion of a planet turning?






C is correct. It should be rotation

A. Revolution is not definitly correct

B. Either




If a planet is spinning on its axis, it would be called rotation. If a planet is spinning around the sun, it would be called revolution.

The transition from childhood through adolescence is not a smooth one, especially in regards to the physiological, cognitive and psychosocial challenges a young individual faces. Using sources like the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health research some of the major issues adolescents may face during this developmental period. Based on your course readings thus far, explain the issues you found and how it relates to adolescence development.


Answer and Explanation:

One of the biggest problems that teenagers experience in the transition between childhood and adolescence is the perception of themselves. This is because this moment of change is confusing for teenagers and they have to struggle to find their own personality and shape their own behaviors and positions. In addition, teenagers need to deal with the need for belonging, as they may have difficulty feeling loved and part of something.

Nevertheless, teenagers need to deal with the bodily changes they go through. Although many teenagers go through it calmly, many are embarrassed by the changes. Hormonal changes also make teenagers very unstable and this may be unfortunate for them.

Last but not least, the adolescent must deal with the feeling of being rejected and misunderstood. This causes them to experience a feeling of intense loneliness that can cause many psychological problems.


It is rough


Advise a grade 12 learner on how to find a balance between the new foundation freedom and responsible behavior ​





if you compare them, with their favorite topics, they will listen ;-; i listen when my teacher talks abt minecraft or my hero aca (i wish the MHA) and then mine craft.

How to find a balance between the new foundation freedom and responsible behavior are:

Time managementSelf discipline

What is responsible behavior?

Responsible behavior has to do with the following:

IntegrityHonestyCompassionate RespectfulPositive attitude etc.

The following are how to find a balance between new foundation freedom and responsible behavior:

Time management has to do with managing your time and putting it into productive use. Having a study time table will help the student to manage his/her time effectively as this set time tables will help the student  to set aside time for studying.

Self discipline is important as it will help the student to remain focus and work harder to achieve the set goals without anyone having to tell or advice the student on what to do.

Inconclusion how find a balance between the new foundation freedom and responsible behavior is time management and self discipline.

Learn more about responsible behavior here:

what is a definition of team?​



A team is a group of people who work together toward a common goal.


A team is a group or a gang of people that carry out a specific function or try to achieve an aim together and its members are working together and does things that are needed to achieve the aim.

write two (2) if the dance step is for 2/4 music and write three (3) if the dance step is for music 3/4.

1.sway balance with point
2.hop polka
3.sway balance with a raise
4.change step
6.slide step
7.native waltz
8.close step
9.cross change step
10.bleking step​





Need help ASAP please about social studies. ..
Note: I think the answer is d & b... but sometime I confuse with d & a.....What do you think, please give an opinion. I will give brainiest. Thank you



A,B, and D are examples of one branch of the government checking another branch.


C is not an example for two reasons, both the House of Representatives and the Senate are part of the same branch of government (Legislative) and because bypassing a vote isn't an example of checking power.

Which of the following modern holidays is a mixture between an ancient Celtic festival and Christian celebration?
New Year’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day



Halloween is the mixture of Celtics festival




right on quiz

what is the primary reason Rashema succeeded



She’s headed to Georgetown University this fall on a full scholarship. Melson has excelled at her homework — but for the past six years, she hasn’t had a home to do that work in. She currently lives in D.C. General Homeless Shelter along with her mother and two brothers. The shelter houses up to 300 adults and 500children and has come under scrutiny for its poor conditions


I need help with this guiding reading assignment


Answer: I need the text.


Please help me i need the answer very hard and plz dont guess ty <3


is there a pic to go wit this ? usually there is, it should be a pic of a map, or do you have a map from a previous assignment etc ?



a-4 b-3 c-2 d-1 is what i got
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