The kidneys and sweat glands both work to prevent excesses of
a) either uric acid or urine in the body.
b)either water or salt in the body.
c)either carbon dioxide or oxygen in the body.
d) either feces or pH levels in the body.


Answer 1

Answer: The kidneys and sweat glands both work to prevent excesses of either water or salt in the body


Answer 2

The kidneys and sweat glands both work to prevent excesses of either water or salt in the body. Thus, the correct option is B.

What is function of kidney and sweat glands?

Both the kidneys and the sweat glands excrete nitrogenous wastes, water and electrolytes. They are also involved in maintaining acid-base balance.

kidney is the organelle present below the abdomen whereas the sweat gland is exocrine glands that release the substances into a duct or opening to the inside or outside of the body.

For more information regarding kidney and sweat glands, visit:


Related Questions


In two or more complete sentences, describe a scenario where human activities are related to an increase or decrease in biodiversity in an ecosystem.






What is the primary mechanism associated with the role of fluoride in prevention of dental caries?​ a. ​Fluoride increases calcium absorption, which increases crystal formation of teeth b. ​Fluoride increases salivation which aids in the removal of bacteria and the foods needed to sustain bacterial growth c. ​Decay is reduced due to the inhibitory effects of fluoride on growth of bacteria on the teeth d. ​Fluoride becomes incorporated into the crystalline structure of teeth, making them less susceptible to decay e. ​Decay is inhibited due to neutralization of organic acids produced by bacteria on the teeth



d. ​Fluoride becomes incorporated into the crystalline structure of teeth, making them less susceptible to decay


Dental caries results when cariogenic (caries-causing) bacteria metabolize carbohydrates or sugars present in the mouth for their energy needs, producing organic acids as byproducts, thus lowering the pH of the plaque biofilm.

The hydroxyapatite of tooth enamel is composed mainly of phosphate ions (PO₄³⁻) and calcium ions (Ca⁺). Under normal conditions, there is a stable equilibrium between the calcium and phosphate ions in saliva and the crystalline hydroxyapatite. At low pH (acidic conditions), there is a shift in equilibrium resulting in the dissolution of hydroxyapatite from tooth enamel, a process known as demineralization. A reverse process called remineralization (the process of incorporation of minerals in tooth enamel) occurs when the saliva, acting as a buffer elevates pH. When equilibrium is shifted to favor continued demineralization, dental caries results.

However, when fluoride is present in saliva, fluorapatite, rather than hydroxyapatite, forms during the remineralization process as fluoride ions replace hydroxyl groups in the formation of the apatite crystal lattice.

Fluorapatite is less soluble than hydroxyapatite making it more resistant to demineralization, even under conditions of low pH. Thus, fluoride acts as an effective anticaries agent.

Why don't you have mechanical energy
you are
laying on the ground?



If an object is lying on the ground, and is nowhere near a "hole" or a cliff, then for the purposes of this system, the object would have a height of zero, therefore would have no gravitational potential energy. And therefore, no work could be performed on the object by gravity.




The answer is C. Good luck


radioactive dating


It's the same thing as radiometric dating

Which of these genotypes represents a carrier?





from what I can remember from 7th grade science



In a point mutation, only one nucleotide is changed.

In a chromosomal mutation, the whole chromosome is changed.

The corresponding mutation types and sequences are given below:

Deletion: ATT GGA TA

Substitution: ATT ACG ATA

Insertion: ATA TGC GAT A

describe how you would test a sample of powdered milk to see if it contained protein ​



How would you  contained protein ​


One would test a sample of powdered milk to see if it contained protein ​by using copper sulfate solution and  sodium hydroxide solution.

What is protein?

A structure composed of amino acids. The body need proteins to function properly. They serve as the building blocks for several bodily components, including the skin, hair, and enzymes, cytokines, and antibodies.

An essential component of a balanced diet is protein. Amino acids are the chemical "building blocks" that make up proteins.

Amino acids are used by your body to create hormones, enzymes, and to build and repair muscles and bones. They can be utilized as a source of energy as well.

The test can be done as:

To your meal solution, add a few drops of copper sulfate solution. A few drops of sodium hydroxide solution should be added. Protein is present in the food if the solution becomes purple.

Thus, using copper sulfate solution and sodium hydroxide test, one can determine the protein content in the sample.

For more details regarding protein, visit:


Practice Problem #1



Base Substitutions. Single base substitutions are called point mutations, recall the point mutation Glu -----> Val which causes sickle-cell disease.

Deletions. ...


which organelle breaks down sugar molecules that supply energy to the cell​





Transcription is the process of making


Transcription is the process of DNA copying into messenger RNA (mRNA)

What is the most common stimulant drug used today?



B. cocaine


What theories of the moon's creation have scientists debunked?



Scientists have determined that Earth and the moon most likely could not have formed together when the solar system was created. If they had, the moon would have a large iron core like Earth's, but it instead has a small iron core.


hope this helped and if it did give a like and a rating :D have a great day!

What is the argument against taking persistent vegetative state patients off of life support?



An argument could be that there have been many instances where people on life support or in a vegatative state have 'woken' up and gotten better after many years. So, taking someone off life saving machines could be taking away their chance of getting better and their chance of surviving. Since the person is not dead, some may even see it as murder.


umm I tried <3

how and why does DNA change during meiosis



When recombination occurs during meiosis, the cell's homologous chromosomes line up extremely close to one another. Then, the DNA strand within each chromosome breaks in the exact same location, leaving two free ends. Each end then crosses over into the other chromosome and forms a connection called a chiasma.


The Minimal Chromosome To enable it to be transmitted intact from one cell generation to the next, the linear DNA molecule of a eukaryotic chromosome must have appropriate nucleotide sequences making up three special kinds of regions: origins of replication (at least one), a centromere, and two telomeres. What would happen if such a chromosomal DNA molecule somehow lost: a) all of its origins of replication



The chromosome wouldn’t be able to replicate


Without an origin of replication, the chromosome could not be copied prior to mitosis.




Relative Dating of rock layer

it’s the first answer, they can predict how long the earth has been here by examining the rock layers

In order to assign a Richter magnitude to an earthquake event, a scientist would have to measure the _________ waves on a seismogram.
a. secondary
b. surface
c. primary


Primary waves on a seismograph

Cystic fibrosis is a recessive genetic disease caused by a mutation in the gene that encodes the CFTR protein, which transports chloride ions in and out of cells. Some populations have a relatively high rate of cystic fibrosis carriers, possibly because the mutation protects against severe dehydration in diseases like cholera or typhoid. What concept does this best illustrate?
A: Polygenic traits
B: Genetic drift
C: Pleiotrophy
D: Heterozygote advantage


its letter b the genetic drift because it is mechanism of evolution in which allele frequencies of a population change over generation due to chance.

Cystic fibrosis is a recessive genetic disease that encodes the CFTR protein, but some populations have a relatively high rate of cystic fibrosis carriers, which protects against severe dehydration and is an example of the heterozygote advantage that is present in Option D.

What is the heterozygote advantage?

When the gene is present in a heterozygote state, the gene product benefits the individual rather than harming him or her, as in sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. In sickle cell anemia, the heterozygote state protects the person from malaria, and in cystic fibrosis, it protects the person from dehydration.

Hence, Cystic fibrosis is a recessive genetic disease that encodes the CFTR protein, but some populations have a relatively high rate of cystic fibrosis carriers, which protects against severe dehydration and is an example of the heterozygote advantage that is present in Option D..

Learn more about the heterozygote advantage here.


Which of the following is carried out by vesicles?
O Synthesizing proteins
O Facilitated diffusion
Breaking down substances within the cell
Organizing organelles prior to division



breaking down substances within the cell


there are many different types of vesicles, Peroxisomes and lysosomes are both types that break down substances in the cell

The correct statement about vesicles is "Breaking down substances within the cell"

Vesicles are an organelle isolated from the cytoplasm by a membrane-like lipid layer.

Its function is to store, move and process products and cellular waste.

Endocytosis and exocytosis transports are characterized by the fact that the substances move through vesicles.

The vesicles incorporate substances (endocytosis) and through degradation, they expel large particles that cannot cross the plasma membrane, this mechanism is exocytosis.

Therefore, we can conclude that the cell incorporates, inside the vesicle, particles from the extracellular environment and also through the vesicles it releases degradation products to the extracellular environment.

Learn more about the vesicles here:

3. Microphages are a type of white blood cells and part of the immune system's response to defend the body against viruses. What do microphages do?​


Macrophages are specialised cells involved in the detection, phagocytosis and destruction of bacteria and other harmful organisms. In addition, they can also present antigens to T cells and initiate inflammation by releasing molecules (known as cytokines) that activate other cells.

pulled upwards in the trunk of a tall tree Ichestue
S. Give three reasons to explain why transpiration occurs mainly through leaves
6. Explain how sunken stomata lower the rate of transpiration



Due to stomata.


Transpiration occurs mainly through leaves because of the presence of stomata n the lower side of the leaves. Transpiration refers to the loss of water from the body of plants so leaves has small pores which is used by the plant to regulate internal temperature.  Sunken stomata lower the rate of transpiration because it is not directly exposed to the surface which protects the escaping water vapor due to air.

ability of a cell to form the whole organism​





Totipotency can be regarded as

capability of single cell to divide,develop as well as to form differentiated cells in a living body. This could be found in Meristematic plant cells since they posses the ability to develop into complete plants. Totipotent cells can be formed during sexual and asexual reproduction and these could include spores and zygotes. Some organism can experience totipotency in the sense that cells can dedifferentiate as well as regaining totipotency. Instance of this is plant cutting which used in growing an entire plant.

The mutations responsible for the dark fur color in the Arizona mice were absent from the three different populations of New Mexico mice. No Mc1r mutationswere associated with dark fur color in the New Mexico populations. These findings suggest that adaptive dark coloration has occurred at least twice in the rock pocket mouse and that these similar phenotypic changeshave different genetic bases. How does this study support the concept that natural selection is not random



Following are the solution to the given question:


Please find the complete question in the attached file:

In the given question, the whole study reinforces the fact which natural selection also isn't transformed through producing much more confirmation which genetic polymorphisms occur because once required as well as that they can produce the very same mutation as a function of climate transformation except in specific environments.

Which sex would you expect to be the choosiest?



Feamles but it depends what they're choosing from


I don’t really get the question so I’m guessing you’re saying which gender is the pickiest in terms of looks wise. I would say guys because most of them look at physical appearance and overall is very choosy for everything. And no not all are like that they’re girls like that too

4. What is a chromosome?


It is what make you you

If the bird population is directly proportional to the average monthly temperature, which month would have the LOWEST temperature?

Question 1 options:

8- August


1- January

10 October





If the bird population is directly proportional to the average monthly temperature, 12 december would have the lowest temperature.

What is population?

The population of an organism can't survive if it exceeds it's carrying capacity. If animal population increases the population that eat that animal might also increase

The causes that affect population growth animals that if there are more plants than usual in area, populations of animals that eat that plant may increase. If animal population increases the population that eat that animal might also increase.

The effects of animals population can be dangerous and when population exceed the carrying capacity of their environment, animal suffer of malnutrition and disease. When predators became scarce due to over population, the weekar species of animal start or die in other ways .

Therefore, If the bird population is directly proportional to the average monthly temperature, 12 december would have the lowest temperature.

Learn more about population here:


How many atoms of the element hydrogen are there for each atom of oxygen in the compound we know of as 'water'?
a. 8
b. 4
c. 1
d. 2




the formula is H2O


What sort of receptor do skeletal muscle cells use to receive signals from somatic lower motor neurons?
a. Nicotinic
d.Mechanoreceptive calcium channels





Skeletal muscle cells use Adrenergic receptor to receive signals from somatic lower motor neurons ; ( C ) Adrenergic

Skeletal muscles are organs of the muscular system found in vertebrates. they are attached to the skeletal bones through tendons. they all posses the longest of all muscles cells as well.

Skeletal muscles receive signals from somatic lower motor neurons through the Adrenergic receptor found in all cell and tissues .

Hence we can conclude that skeletal muscle cells use Adrenergic receptor to receive signals from somatic lower motor neurons.

Learn more :

How do bacteria multiply again? Use the key terms genetic information, DNA, split in two, and exponential growth.



Bacteria are asexual. This means that they are not like us, as they do not need a partner to multiply. A bacterium can become two bacteria all by itself. Then those two bacteria can each multiply again on their own and so, they become four bacteria.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLEST!!!

The role of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) in RNA interference is to cleave tRNAs to slow the rate of translation. disrupt gene expression by cleaving mRNAs that are complementary to the guide strand of the RNA duplex that was introduced. cleave the introduced RNA duplex. disrupt gene expression by interfering with mRNA export to the cytoplasm. create a passenger strand to bind to the mRNA and keep the mRNA from being translated.



disrupt gene expression by cleaving mRNAs that are complementary to the guide strand of the RNA duplex that was introduced


The RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) is a ribonucleoprotein complex composed of proteins that associate with regulatory small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) such as, for example, microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in order to regulate gene expression by the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. These sncRNAs (around 18-30 nucleotides in length) are complementary or nearly complementary to messenger RNAs, thereby they can bind to target mRNA sequences in order to trigger RNAi via mRNA degradation, translational repression, etc. The core component of the RISC complex is an evolutionary conserved Argonaute (Ago) protein that cleaves target mRNAs.

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PLEASE HELP ME I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST TO WHO GETS IT RIGHT!!:D 1 Which of the following is a consequence of the new 24-hour news cycle?A.It has forced people to get their news from cable television instead of the Internet.B.It forces the American government to shut down national and international media.C.It has increased viewership for nightly news broadcasts.D.It forces governments to respond and take action more quickly.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD2 Which of these people would be a natural-born US citizen? 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It may reveal an authors opinion.It may led to the presentation of only one side of an argument.It can influence an authors purpose.7What does the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press mean for news people?They can write about unsupported rumors as if they were factual.They must report the news without favoritism toward any point of view.They can report the news without getting the governments permission.They must always challenge the governments positions on major issues.8Which of the following is an example of muckraking?A.a politician signing social legislation to change teacher compensationB.a journalist uncovering and highlighting the plights of the homelessC.a journalist researching a story on a hurricane in the GulfD.a corrupt politician who receives bribes in exchange for a political favorPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD9Which is an example of a secondary source?news film footagea diarya magazine articlea speech10What are components of a good research question? 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Cost of goods sold $201,500 Rent expense $32,100 Freight-out 7,900 Sales discounts 9,000 Insurance expense 13,600 Sales returns and allowances 18,700 Salaries and wages expense 63,700 Sales revenue 393,500 Income tax expense 4,700 Other comprehensive income (net of $400 tax) 2,000 (a) Prepare an income statement using the multiple-step format. A tunnel is in the shape of a parabola.if the tunnel is 40 feet wide and has a maximum height of 12 feet. write the equation of the quadratic function that represents the tunnel(let the axis of symmetry be the y-axis) plz help me have a nice day (1 p 18. Demarcus drew a pair of complementary angles. He drew one angle that had a measure of 48. What was the measure of the other angle he drew? 42 48 O 132 O 138 Can you help me with this.