Choose the term that has the given definition.AngleCircleCollinearCoplanarCongruentLine segmentParallel linesPerpendicular lines

Choose The Term That Has The Given Definition.AngleCircleCollinearCoplanarCongruentLine SegmentParallel


Answer 1


Circle: The set of all points in a plane that lie the same distance from a single point in the plane.

Perpendicular lines: Intersecting lines that form right angles

Congruent: Having exactly the same shape and size

Angle: A figure formed by two rays that have the same endpoint

Related Questions

Does the coordinate (-2,5) land on the linear equation y = 2x + 9 ?yesnomaybe





The coordinate (-2,5) corresponds to the point (x, y).

This means that:

x= -2 and y=5

To check if the coordinate land on the equation y=2x+9, calculate the value of y when x= -2

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{When x=-2} \\ y=2(-2)+9 \\ =-4+9 \\ =5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the coordinate (-2,5) land on the linear equation y = 2x + 9.

Calculate the average (mean) of the data shown, to two decimal placesx8.325.313.423.9129.312.31.4


Given the set of of data:










We are to find the average (mean).

To find the means of a set of data, we first add up the data and divide by the total number of data.

The Formular for mean (m)

Mean (m) = sum of the terms

number of terms

number of terms = 8

Mean (m) = 8.3 + 25.3 + 13.4 + 23.9 + 12 + 9.3 + 12.3 + 1.4


Mean (m) = 105.9


Mean (m) = 13.2375

Mean (m) = 13.24 ( two decimal places).

For an arch length s, area of sector A, and central angle θ of a circle of radius r, find the indicated quantity for the given value. r=4.28 ft, θ= 2.79, s=?


The area of a sector S follows the equation:


Where θ is the angle and r the radius.

In this case, we have:

• r = 4.28ft


• θ = 2.79

We write:

[tex]\begin{gathered} S=\frac{1}{2}(4.28)^2\cdot2.79 \\ S\approx25.554168 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the answer, rounded up to two decimal places is


Choose all of the options below that are expressions.
5t +1



here are the answers

Step-by-step explanation:

5t +1 2-17 3t=0 so yeah those are the answers

I think?

a) Rotation, then reflectionb) Translation, then rotationc) Rotation, then translationd) Translation, then reflection


the answer is the option

d) Translation, then reflection ​


First translation

the rule is

(x,y) -------> (x+6, y-3)

6 units at righ and 3 units down

Second Reflection

the reflection is across the vertical line locate 3 units at left figure 2

see the attached figure to better understand the problem

please wait a minute

x = Round to the nearest hundredth or keep as a s



1) Examining that figure, we can state that we have two similar triangles with proportional sides and congruent angles.

2) So let's write a proportion so that we can find the measure of x

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{hipotenuse}{hipotenuse\text{ 2}}=\frac{\text{Leg}}{\text{leg 2}} \\ \frac{18}{10}=\frac{12}{x} \\ 18x=120 \\ x=\frac{120}{18} \\ x=\frac{20}{3}\text{ }\cong6.66667 \end{gathered}[/tex]

3) Since the answer must be rounded to the nearest hundredth we have

the answer as x=6.67

The function f(x) = =+ 1 has a vertical asymptote atA. I = 0OB. I = 1OC. A=-1OD. f(x) = -1Reset Selection


The function is given to be:


The vertical asymptote is when the denominator is equal to 0. T

Therefore, we have the vertical asymptote to be at:


OPTION A is the correct option.

Then he drove home at a speed of 5 blocks every 4 minutes. How do I graph that?


We have to graph the position versus time.

We start by identifying the segments.

1) The initial position (x=0, y=0) is his house.

2) He drove for 4 minutes at a speed of 1 block/min. This means that we have a line with slope m=1 from x=0 to x=4. The value of y when x=4 is also 4.

Then, the final point of this segment is (4,4).

3) He spent 3 minutes in the store. This means that y=4 between x=4 and x=4+3=7.

The final point of this segment is (7,4).

4) He drove at a speed of 2 blocks/minute (slope m=2) for 6 blocks until he got to the bank. Then, the new position is y=7+6=13. If the slope is m=2, then he will spent 6/2=3 minutes to reach the bank. As he already spent 7 minutes, he arrived to the bank at x=7+3=10.

Then, the final position of this segment will be (10,13).

5) Then, he returns at a speed of 5 blocks every 4 minutes. This correspond to a slope m=-5/4. This slope is negative as he is now returning to his house and, then, y is decreasing.

Write 11/80 as decimal Round to four decimal places as needed



The fraction is given


To determine the decimal form .


Hence the answer in decimal form is 0.1375.

In a box there a total of four prizes: Two of them are worth $4, a single prize worth $26, and a single prize worth $241. A player will reach into the box and draw one of the prizes at random. What is the fair price for this game?



First of all, the player has a 1/4 chance of drawing any of the 4 prizes.

This means that the probability of drawing a prize of $4 is 1/2 because there are 2 prizes worth of $4. The probability of drawing a prize of $26 is 1/4 and the probability of drawing a prize of $241 is also 1/4.

To find the fair price, we need to find the expected value of this problem:

This can be obtained by multiplying any possible value of a price for the probability of drawing a prize of that value and adding all these Hvalues together.

This is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4\cdot\frac{1}{2}+26\cdot\frac{1}{4}+241\cdot\frac{1}{4} \\ \\ =\frac{275}{4}=68.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the fair price of this game is $68.75.

solving the formula for the indicated variable-s = lw + wh + lh, for whow do i start this problem?


The first step we need to take in order to solve the formula for w is changing the side of all the terms that have a w in it to the left side.

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=lw+wh+lh \\ s-lw-wh=lh \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then we change switch all the terms that don't have w from the left to the right.


Since we have two terms on the left with a "w" we can factor then using the common term:


Now we divide both sides by (-l-h).

[tex]\begin{gathered} w=\frac{lh-s}{-l-h} \\ w=\frac{-lh+s}{l+h} \end{gathered}[/tex]

without using a calculator prove whether 1728 is a perfect cube



Since the prime factors of 1728 can be grouped into triples of equal factors, it is a perfect cube.

for the function y=1/2-x at what values of x will the rate of change of y with respect to x equal 1/16




To Determine: Using the increament method the rate of change of y with respect to x

[tex]\begin{gathered} y+\Delta y=\frac{1}{2-(x+\Delta x)} \\ \Delta y=\frac{1}{2-(x+\Delta x)}-y \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute for y

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Delta y=\frac{1}{2-(x+\Delta x)}-\frac{1}{2-x} \\ \Delta y=\frac{2-x-(2-(x+\Delta x)}{(2-(x+\Delta x)(2-x)} \\ \Delta y=\frac{2-x-(2-x-\Delta x)}{(2-(x+\Delta x)(2-x)} \\ \Delta y=\frac{2-x-2+x+\Delta x}{(2-(x+\Delta x)(2-x)} \\ \Delta y=\frac{\Delta x}{(2-(x+\Delta x)(2-x)} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Divide through by }\Delta x \\ \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{\Delta x}{(2-(x+\Delta x)(2-x)}\times\frac{1}{\Delta x} \\ \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{1}{(2-(x+\Delta x)(2-x)} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{1}{(2-x)(2-x)}[/tex]

Hence, the rate of change of y with respect to x is


[tex]1 + ( - 2)[/tex]what is answer this


This problem involves the addition of integers. When we add up a positive number and a negative number, it results in subtraction. The final answer will have a sign the same as the higher number.

In this problem, the negative number has a higher value than the positive number, hence, the final answer is a negative number. Doing the operation, we get


Answer: -1

#13 how many seconds will it take for a ball dropped from a window 144 feet high to hit the ground below?


Question 13.


Height = 144 feet.

Let's determine how many seconds it will take for a ball dropped from a window of the given height to hit the ground.

Here, we have the equation:



y represents the height of the ball after x seconds.

Now, when the ball hits the ground, the height will be 0 ft.

Thus, to find the time at 0 ft, substitute 0 for y and solve for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=-16x^2+144 \\ \\ 16x^2=144 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by 16:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{16x^2}{16}=\frac{144}{16} \\ \\ x^2=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the square root of both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt{x^2}=\sqrt{9} \\ \\ x=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, it will take the ball 3 seconds to hit the ground.


• (a). y = -16t² + 144

• (b). 3 seconds

Question 22 ptsYou pay $5 to play a game. To play the game you spin a spinner with 3 colors. If the spinnerlands on blue you earn $20. If the spinner lands on green, you get your $5 back. If the spinnerlands on red, you loose your money. The probabilities of the spinner landing on each color isgiven in the chart below.What is the expected value of this game, given to the nearest penny?Spinner ColorProbabilityBlue0.19Green0.14Red?



You pay $5 to play a game. To play the game you spin a spinner with 3 colors.

If the spinner lands on blue you earn $20. If the spinner lands on green, you get your $5 back. If the spinner lands on red, you loose your money.

The probabilities of the spinner landing on each color is given in the chart below.

[tex]\begin{gathered} Color----------Probabilities \\ \\ Blue-----------0.19 \\ \\ Green-----------0.14 \\ \\ Red------------0.67 \end{gathered}[/tex]


What is the expected value of this game, given to the nearest penny?

Step-by-step solution;

To solve the question, note that the probability distribution has a blank space. We have the probabilities of landing on a blue color and on a green color. The probability of an event is usually between 0 and 1.00. Therefore, for an experiment with 3 outcomes, the probabilities would all be equal to 1 (regardless of the value given to each outcome). Hence, we are able to calculate the probability of landing on a red color as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Red=1-(0.19+0.14) \\ \\ Red=0.67 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To solve for the expected value of this event, we now have to multiply each probability distribution by the reward attached to each outcome/probability.

For landing on a blue;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Expected\text{ }value=P(x)\times x \\ \\ Expected\text{ }value=0.19\times(\text{\$}20-\text{\$}5) \\ \\ Expected\text{ }value=0.19\times15 \\ \\ EV=2.85 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For landing on a green;

[tex]\begin{gathered} EV=0.14\times(\text{\$5}-\text{\$5\rparen} \\ \\ EV=0.14\times0 \\ \\ EV=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For landing red;

[tex]\begin{gathered} EV=0.67\times(\text{\$0}-\text{\$}5) \\ \\ EV=0.67\times(-5) \\ \\ EV=−3.35 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we can calculate the expected earnings from playing this game.

We sum up the individual expected earnings as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Expected\text{ }earnings=\Sigma[xP(x)] \\ \\ Expected\text{ }earnings=2.85+0+(-3.35) \\ \\ Expected\text{ }earnings=−0.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We now have a negative value which means based on the conditions given, the expected earnings from playing this game is a loss of $0.50


Expected value

[tex]Expecetd\text{ }value=\text{\$}-0.50[/tex]

If Charlie’s Chocolate Fudge costs $1.95 perpound, how many pounds can you buy for $10.00?Set up a proportion.Make sure that the units match going across.Cross multiply to solve,X =_____ pounds for $10.


Let's use a rule of three:

This way,

[tex]x=\frac{10\cdot1}{1.95}\Rightarrow x=5.13lbs[/tex]

We could buy 5.13 pounds

The table gives the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit in five cities at 6 AM on the same day used to table to answer the questions.


Looking at the table, the temperature in Boston at 6 AM is -8°F.


If the temperature had risen by 17°F at noon, then the new temperature is:

[tex]-8\degree F+17\degree F=9\degree F[/tex]


The 6 AM temperature in Toronto was -16°F, and -25°F in Fairbanks. The difference is:

[tex]-16\degree F-(-25\degree F)=-16\degree F+25\degree F=9\degree F[/tex]

Refer to the line for Exercises 17-22.SU17. If RS 19 and RV = 71, find SV.18. If UV = 17 and SU17 and SUI = 38, find SV.13 and SX 30, find SV.19. If VX =20. If TW81 and VW = 35, find TV.21. If SW = 44.5 and SV44.5 and SV 37.1, find VW.22. If TU 15.9 and UW = 28.3, find TW.R====TVWX



RS=19 and RV=71

Find: SV

Explanation: SV= RV-RS



Final answer: the required value of SV is 52.

help me with this question please


Part a

the given polygon has 8 sides


Is a octagon

Part b

The given polygon is not a regular polygon, because all their sides don't have equal lengths and their interior angles are not equals

Which of the following mathematical properties is described by the statement, “whatever is done on one side of the equation must also be done on the other side of the equation”? Identity Property of AdditionAssociative PropertyCommunitive PropertyProperty of Equalitytoday guys please


Given the statement 'whatever is done on one side of the equation must also be done on the other side of the equation”, the mathematical properties that described this statement is Property of equality.

For any equality operation, whatever is done on one sides must be carried out on the other side. For example, given the equation;

3x + 3 = 5

We can subtract 3 from both sides to have;

3x+3 - 3 = 5-3

3x = 2

Then we can divide both sides by 3;

3x/3 = 2/3

From the illustration above, you can see that what we did to the left hand side of the equation, we also did for the right. Hence the correct answer is Property of Equality

Is 2/9 equal to a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal?


Since the denominator of 2/9 is 9, 2/9 is equal to a repeating decimal.


Answer: repeating decimal

A dairy farmer wants to mix a 75% protein supplement and a standard 25% protein ration to make 1500 pounds of a high grade 45%protein ration. How manypounds of each should be use!


Okay, here we have this:

Protein Supplement=75%--------->x pounds

Standard Protein= 25% ---------->(1500-x) pounds

Mixture 45% ----------------> 1500






x=600 pounds Protein Supplement

900 pounds standar Protein

Perform the following division and write the quotient in trigonometric form. Write the magnitude inround it to two decimal places if necessary.- 8i4 + 5i




[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-8i}{4+5i} \\ \\ \Rightarrow\frac{-8\imaginaryI}{4+5\imaginaryI}\times\frac{4-5i}{4-5i}=\frac{-32i-40}{16+25}=-\frac{40}{41}-\frac{32}{41}i \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Let }Z=\frac{-40}{41}-\frac{32}{41}i \\ \\ \text{ Magnitude of }Z=|Z|=\sqrt{(-\frac{40}{41})^2+(-\frac{32}{41})^2} \\ \\ \Rightarrow|Z|=\frac{8\sqrt{41}}{41} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hello, how do I factorize this expression 1-36x^ { 2 } +y ^ { 2 } . Thanks :3



Given the expression:


To obtain the result of the factoring of the above expression, we factor out the common factor.\

In the above expression, there is no common factor.

Hence, the expression cannot be factored.

1. The price p (in dollars) and the quantity x sold of a certain product obey the demand equation p = -8x + 600. What quantity x maximizes revenue (R= xp)? What is the maximum revenue? What price should the company charge to maximize revenue?2. Jeff invested some money at 7% simple interest and $5000 more than that amount at 15% simple interest. After 1 year, his total interest from the two accounts was $1300. How much did he invest at each rate?


1.The quantity x maximizes revenue is 80 , the price should be company charge to maximize revenue is 9 or 11.

2. $11875 he invest at each rate.

Given that,

In the question there are 2 question.

1.The market equation p = -8x + 600.

We have to determines how much a specific product costs in dollars and how many units are sold. What value of x optimizes profit (R=xp)?

We know,

R = px

R = p(-8p+160)

R= -8p² +160p

R(16) = -8(16)² +160(16)

R(16) = -2048 + 2560

R(16) = 512

R'= -16p + 160 = 0

Revenue maximizing price p= 160/16 = 20/2 = 10

Maximum revenue R(10) = -8(10)² + 160(10) = -800 + 1600 = 800


x =-8(10)+160

x = -80 + 160

x = 80

We get,

792 = -8p² +160p

8p² -160p + 792 = 0

2p² - 40p + 198 = 0

p² -20p + 99 = 0

(p-9)(p-11) = 0

p = 9 or 11 as the prices that give at least 792 in revenue

Therefore, The quantity x maximizes revenue is 80 , the price should be company charge to maximize revenue is 9 or 11.

2. Jeff put some money into investments at 7% simple interest and another $5,000 at 15% simple interest. His combined interest from the two accounts after a year was $1300.

We have to find at which rate did he invest how much.

Let C represent the sum Bryan invested in the CD. Then he made a savings account deposit of $5,000 C. Add the interest amounts to reach $1300.00: 15% of the amount in the certificate of deposit is 0.15C, and 7% of the amount in the savings account is 0.07(5,000-C). As a result, we can construct and settle the equation:








Therefore, $11875 he invest at each rate.

To learn more about invest visit:


Math Literacy measurements G11 only do 5 and 6 both question are similar


Question 5:

If we divide the total length of the trip by the rate of consumption of the vehicle, we're going to find the amount of liters needed for the trip.


This is the amount of liters needed.

Question 6:

Just as we did in the previous question, first we need to find the amount of liters needed for the trip.


Then, using the cost per liter, we can find the total cost of the trip:


The trip is going to cost R1530.30.

-15-3r=6r+3c Solve for r.





We want to solve for r in the equation below;


We need to move all terms of r to one side and divide both sides by the coefficient of r.

firstly subtract 6r from both sides;

[tex]\begin{gathered} -15-3r-6r=6r-6r+3c \\ -15-9r=3c \end{gathered}[/tex]

then add 15 to both sides;

[tex]\begin{gathered} -15+15-9r=3c+15 \\ -9r=3(c+5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

divide both sides by -9;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-9r}{-9}=\frac{3(c+5)}{-9} \\ r=\frac{-(c+5)}{3} \\ r=\frac{-c-5}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]



Mrs worthy estimate the weight of her puppy to be 20 pounds. The actual weight of the puppy is 25.4 pounds. what is the percent error of Mrs worthy estimation?round to the nearest tenth


Given data:

The estimate weight of the puppy is E=20 pound.

The actual weight is A=25.4 pounds.

The expression for the percentage error is,


Substitute the given values in the above expression.

[tex]\begin{gathered} e=\frac{25.4-20}{25.4}\times100 \\ =\frac{5.4}{25.4}\times100 \\ =21.26 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the percentage error is 21.26%.

( pleassee help asap ! ) what is the solution (11.4 - 10) ÷2 ?


what is the solution (11.4 - 10) ÷2 ?​

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{11.4-10}{2} \\ \frac{1.4}{2} \\ 0.7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer would be 0.7

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