Choose the option that includes a sentence fragment.
My sister cannot play tennis with us. She is too busy.
Playing tennis every weekend. My sister improved her game.
My sister is playing tennis now.
My sister cannot play tennis well.


Answer 1


B has a sentence fragment.


"Playing tennis every weekend" and "my sister improved her game" are both incomplete thoughts. Moreover, "playing tennis every weekend" has no subject.

Related Questions

What is Bryson's central idea in Paragraph 4?
How does Bryson's tone in the paragraph help
develop the central idea?


McCandless's desire to be free from those who assert power was the fundamental notion.

It is the creation of a man who obviously adores Shakespeare and has the courage to retain the belief, however outrageous it may seem to some.Bill Bryson issues a direct and succinct writing style warning against resource wasting in "The Waste Generation." Jeremy Steben's tone in "Small Town, Quiet Town, Safe Town" differs from Bryson's in that he mainly relies on humor and sarcasm to convey his anger at police abusing civil freedoms. Both Bryson and Steben's distinct writing styles successfully convey their respective attitudes, yet each has advantages and disadvantages that both support and contradict the author's intended message.

learn more about waste generation here


McCandless's desire to be free from those who assert power was the fundamental notion.

It is the creation of a man who obviously adores Shakespeare and has the courage to retain the belief, however outrageous it may seem to some.

Bill Bryson issues a direct and succinct writing style warning against resource wasting in "The Waste Generation." Jeremy Steben's tone in "Small Town, Quiet Town, Safe Town" differs from Bryson's in that he mainly relies on humor and sarcasm to convey his anger at police abusing civil freedoms.

Both Bryson and Steben's distinct writing styles successfully convey their respective attitudes, yet each has advantages and disadvantages that both support and contradict the author's intended message.

learn more about Bill Bryson here


"Organic" refers to the way farmers grow and process their produce. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and meat are often grown and processed this way. These are often more expensive than inorganic products and spoil easily. Unlike conventional or inorganic farmers, organic farmers use natural fertilizers and methods to reduce pests and diseases. Organic farmers do not give antibiotics or growth hormones to animals like conventional farmers. In addition, organic farmers do not use medication to prevent diseases in animals. While conventional farmers give limited space to their animals indoors, organic farmers allow their animals to access the outdoors. How does the author's use of the organizational structure support his or her purpose?
It shows the different branches of inorganic farms in rural areas.
It shows how organic and inorganic farming methods are different.
It shows the importance of growing and processing food organically.
It shows the order of events in which organic farming developed.


The way that the author's use of the organizational structure support his or her purpose is option C. It shows the importance of growing and processing food organically.

What does it mean to farm organically?

One of the main sources of greenhouse gases and not used by organic farmers are synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Crops can obtain nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients from organic soil matter with the aid of healthy soils.

Agro-ecosystem health, such as  biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity, are promoted and enhanced by organic farming, which is a holistic production management system. Numerous studies have demonstrated that using organic farming techniques can result in yields that are even higher than those obtained using traditional techniques.

From the passage, you can see that more emphasis is placed on organic farming and this shows that it is more centered on its need hence option C is correct.

Learn more about  Organic farming from


It shows how organic and inorganic farming methods are different.


I got it correct on iready

Using copyrighted material without permission from the owner for educational purposes is an example a
A. fair use.
B. copyright infringement.
C. plagiarism.
OD. ownership.




It is B and C

What will the average price of a child cost, according to Swift's calculations?


The average price of a child cost, according to Swift's calculations is

that  leaves one hundred seventy, "breeders." of these, possibly 50,000 will miscarry or lose their youngsters within the first 12 months,

leaving 120,000 youngsters born of terrible dad and mom every yr.

inside the modern-day country of the country fast asserts it to be not possible.

An example of his effective use of satire is, “i have already computed the rate of nursing a beggar's infant (in which list I reckon all cottagers, labourers, and 4-fifths of the farmers) to be average price shillings in line with annum, rags blanketed; and that i agree with no gentleman could repine to give ten shillings

learn more about Swift's calculations


What do you think must the Philippines do to excel as a developed country and not be a part of the Global South?


The Philippines do to excel as a developed country

The nation must accomplish two objectives in order to give the Ambisyon more substance.

First, a growth objective: double the per-capita income. A nation free from poverty is the second objective.

The Philippines must triple its GDP per capita within 20 years if it wants to realise its national Ambisyon.

Investments in more effective transportation systems, better access to utilities and services, better tax policies, better zoning, infrastructure investments, and investments in skilled labour can all contribute to increased competitiveness.

Following the implementation of FX liberalisation reforms, in particular, trade openness and foreign portfolio flows have contributed to higher per capita GDP growth in the Philippines.

Learn more about Philippines


12 Mateo is having a backyard event to celebrate his graduation from high school. Since he loves to eat barbeque, his father plans to make pulled pork as the main dish. Other family members will be bringing side dishes like potato salad, baked beans, and coleslaw. Mateo estimates that there will be about 80 people at his party, so he decides to have the food laid out and allow everyone to help themselves. What type of dining is this called? A. casual B. buffet C. family D. forma



↣ B.) Buffet


A buffet is defined as a gathering in which the food is laid out and the guests are expected to serve themselves.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^

Sally is going to the ball with John, but she likes New better. The subject of this sentence is...*


Answer: Sally





Review the following two paragraphs and add a
topic sentence (separately) for two paragraph to help the readers understand what the paragraphs are about. Also, color-code your topic sentence in blue.

1. In our society everything is used for personal attraction and social success and breast-feeding is supposed to spoil these. What might be tempting on a Cosmopolitan cover is looked down upon when the same part of the body is used for feeding (one might remember another episode in Seinfeld in which a scantly-clad friend of Elaine walks on the road only to lead Kramer and Jerry to a car accident). Many women even in this Feminist age still believe that breastfeeding does not have any health value for children and are worried that breastfeeding would only spoil their attractiveness.

2. Some thinkers have argued that if men are mostly built to get financial security, women
are designed for the birth and welfare of children and thus breast-feeding is a biological necessity. Gillian Bentley, a Royal Society research fellow at the University College in London, England, argues that
women's breasts were meant for feeding babies and not for any romantic purpose. Even the books on motherhood do not
suggest that breastfeeding is a personal right which has a social purpose and doing it in public is perfectly all right. In some states it is not legal to nurse a child in public, and
law-makers fear that allowing this practice in public would allow women with exhibitionist
tendency to misuse the activity (Tamaro 145).



            View of society on breastfeeding

      In our society everything is used for personal attraction and social success and breast-feeding is supposed to spoil these. What might be tempting on a Cosmopolitan cover is looked down upon when the same part of the body is used for feeding (one might remember another episode in Seinfeld in which a scantly-clad friend of Elaine walks on the road only to lead Kramer and Jerry to a car accident). Many women even in this Feminist age still believe that breastfeeding does not have any health value for children and are worried that breastfeeding would only spoil their attractiveness.

          Purpose and rights of breastfeeding

Some thinkers have argued that if men are mostly built to get financial security, women

are designed for the birth and welfare of children and thus breast-feeding is a biological necessity. Gillian Bentley, a Royal Society research fellow at the University College in London, England, argues that

women's breasts were meant for feeding babies and not for any romantic purpose. Even the books on motherhood do not

suggest that breastfeeding is a personal right which has a social purpose and doing it in public is perfectly all right. In some states it is not legal to nurse a child in public, and

law-makers fear that allowing this practice in public would allow women with exhibitionist

tendency to misuse the activity (Tamaro 145).

In the remaining space, write a M.E.A.A.L paragraph explaining ONE change Eli’s has gone through in this excerpt
Section 6-7



Main Idea, Evidence, Analysis, and Link Back


After he was accused of smuggling research, how was Mr. Short treated by the institute?
He was confined to his home.


The intent to commit a misdemeanor, which is a felony under Florida law

Why is part of the passage arranged in numbered segments?
O to assign levels of difficulty
O to create an attractive format
O to indicate sequential order
O to suggest increasing importance


Option third is correct. The passage is arranged in numbered segments  to indicate sequential order.

About Sequential order

Making a sequential list means listing your to-dos in order of priority, starting with item 1 and proceeding until all of your obligations are covered. Sequential actions include those you take to run a software on your computer. Sequential actions frequently follow a numerical and alphabetical sequence, but it could also describe actions that aren't numbered but nevertheless need to happen in a logical order. One of the most important reading strategies, especially for narrative texts, is the capacity to order the events in the text.

To know more about narrative texts:


write an essay about the moment that changed everything​


Answer: Write an essay about the moment that changed everything

Explanation: If you need help, just think about moments that include special and important aspects of your life like your family, your friends, your school, etc.

    Your special moment can be anything; from graduating school to playing a video game for the first time. It really depends on what mood you want to go for. If you want to be more formal, you can write about graduating school, not about video games.

How did the lieutenant react to being shot, from the moment it happened to when
he finally gets to the medical tent? Why do you think that is?


Based on the details from the book An Episode of War by Stephen Crane, the way the lieutenant reacted to being shot, from the moment it happened to when he finally gets to the medical tent is that he feels hopeless and detached from the violence and war around him.

What happened in the book An Episode of War by Stephen Crane?

The main point of the book is to show the violence of war and its brutality and also how humans are insignificant and the episode of being shot shows how hopeless the lieutenant is when he realizes he is shot as he refuses help from other officers and seems detached as he views the nearby battle as a painting which he vaguely knows.

Hence, it can be seen that the most probable reason for the actions of the lieutenant is that he has lost hope of life and believes he would die soon, that is why he walks unaided and is unafraid of death or indifferent to it.

Read more about An Episode of War here:


What is a slumber? *
cutting of trees
swaying trees
type of Arabian soup


Answer: Last option (sleep)


Definition of slumber

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1a : to sleep, especially lightly; doze; drowse. to be in a state of inactivity, negligence, quiescence, or calm: Vesuvius is slumbering.


He had fallen into exhausted slumber.  

He roused Charles from his slumbers.

The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully.

Select the correct answer.
Which formatting feature in a passage helps organize the ideas into sections?


Headings in a passage help organize the ideas into sections. Thus, option A is correct.  

What is the passage?

A literary passage is a section from such a book or other writings. It could be a single sentence in length or as extensive as a chapter. A literary passage typically consists of multiple paragraphs. Each literary form, from poem to literature, could be represented by this passage.

It is a term that aids in classifying text parts into topical categories. Therefore, it is accurate to say that perhaps the formatting element in a text that aids in segmenting the thoughts is "Headings."

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about the passage, here:


The question is incomplete, the complete question will be:

Select the correct answer.

Which formatting feature in a passage helps organize the ideas into sections?

O A. headings

OB. hyperlinks

OC. images

D. diagrams

How does the author mainly show Atticus's commitment to justice in Chapter 9?
A. He explains to Scout why he is defending Tom Robinson.

B. He follows through on his promise to punish Scout for using inappropriate language.

C.Atticus punishes Scout without hearing her side of the story.


The way in which the author mainly shows Atticus's commitment to justice in Chapter 9 is A. A. He explains to Scout why he is defending Tom Robinson.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the telling of a story through the help of a narrator in order to show all parts of the story, through a particular perspective, for better understanding.

Hence, it can be seen that based on the complete text in To Kill a Mockingbird, it can be seen that Atticus, a white man decides to defend Tom Robinson, a black man, despite the consequences.

Read more about narration here:








The boy in the story moved to a new home and had to learn how to speak a new language. This experience was a turning point in his life. Write a story explaining what happened when you moved to a new place and had to learn how to speak a new language. What was a turning point that made things better for you? In the first paragraph, talk about where you lived before. Tell who your friends were and things you did. Describe some of the emotions you felt when you had to leave. In a second paragraph, describe your new school. Talk about some of the people you met and the new things you did. Be sure to combine ideas in your sentences to make your writing interesting.


We can see a guide to writing a story that explains what happened when one moves to a new place and had to learn how to speak a new language:

Start the story by explaining what took you to a new placeAdd what prompted you to wanting to learn a new language.You can add an experience in the school you wanted to enroll in demanded your learning a new language.Make your story interesting and suspenseful.

What is a story?

A story is actually known to be an account of what happened or what will happen which is written or orally shared in order to pass a lesson or an information. Stories can be imaginary or real life stories. Imaginary stories are known to be fictional stories while real life stories are known to be nonfictional.

We see here that the above guide will help you in writing a story about your experience in a new place.

Learn more about story on


What are the adjectives in this sentence. Grover Cleveland was in office from 1885 to 1889 and from 1893 to 1897. This circumstance makes him the twenty-second and the twenty-fourth president.


The adjectives in the given sentence are: This, Twenty-second, Twenty-fourth.

What is an Adjective?

This refers to the part of speech that does the job or function of modifying a noun or adverb in a given sentence, highlighting its qualities.

One of the nine parts of speech is an adjective. A word that reveals more information about a noun is an adjective. It "modifies" or "describes" a noun (The big dog was hungry). The adjective in these instances is bold, and the noun it modifies is italicized.

Frequently, an adjective occurs prior to a noun. when a set of adjectives contains three or more members. Separate each of the adjectives with a comma. An adjective is not separated from a noun by a comma. The large green, white, and red house at the end of the block is where we reside.

Hence, it can be seen that based on the given sentence, there is the use of adjectives in order to show the time of event which Grover Cleveland was in office.

Read more about adjectives here:


Read the student paragraph about a theme presented in "Raymond's Run."

One theme in this story is self-confidence. Squeaky exhibits self confidence when she runs into the other girls on the street. When Rosie says to Squeaky, "I don’t think you’re going to win this time," Squeaky replies, "I always win 'cause I’m the best." The fact that Squeaky does not get nervous and she stands up to a group of girls shows that she has self confidence.

According to the PIE structure for writing about theme, in this paragraph, the student forgets to

make a connection of the evidence to the theme.
include an interpretation of the theme.
include textual evidence.
provide an explanation of the evidence.


The student forgets to "include an interpretation of the theme," as stated in option B, according to the PIE structure used to write about theme, as seen below.

What is theme?

We define theme as that one very important idea underlying a text. The theme can be seen as the message behind a text which motivated the author to write it, or the idea the author wishes to convey.

The PIE structure is used when writing about theme. It stands for:


Those are the steps or elements a student should focus on when writing about the theme of a story. As we can see in the paragraph provided, the student effectively states the theme, provides evidence, and connects the evidence and the theme. However, he does not include an interpretation of the theme, which means option B is our choice for an answer.

Learn more about theme here:


which heroic trait of the epic hero beowulf is best shown in this passage? the sea wolf bare then when bottomward came she,
(PART XXlll:33)
A. Kenning (hyphenated words making a noun)
B. Alliteration (repetition of beginning consonant sounds)
C. Stock Epithest: (adjectives- often compound- pointing out character traits of a particular person)


Great Bravery & Strength. The two qualities that define Beowulf as an epic hero are strength and courage.

Which heroic trait of the epic hero Beowulf ?

The lyrics above illustrate the heroic traits of the epichero Beowulf, like as loyalty, courtesy, and pride.

The first epic poem in a European language, Beowulf is a poem of bravery. It covers events from the start of the sixth century and was probably composed between 700 and 750.

It tells the story of the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, who became well-known as a young man by killing Grendel and Grendel's mother. Later, as an elderly ruler, he commands a dragon that dies soon after, to both acclaim and mourning.

Beowulf is the best example of what makes a perfect hero. Throughout the poem .

Learn more about Beowulf here

# SPJ 1

In paragraph 9, Oates states that American boxing is about race, but that the moral issues are ambiguous, posing a rhetorical question about whether there is a moral distinction between “the spectacle of black slaves in the Old South being forced by their white owners to fight . . . and the spectacle of contemporary blacks fighting for multimillion-dollar paydays. . . .” Do you think there is a moral distinction? Does Oates answer the question? If so, how does her answer differ from yours?


Yes, it was the moral distinction are the based on the paradox of boxing are the involvement of the boxing and the physical skills.

What is skills?

The term skills refer to the person ability and talent that comes to the master own her work. There are the different types of the skills such as communication skills, computer skills and graphic skills.

According to the case was the based on the moral distinction are the based on the physical and the moral strength. There was the convey to the art. There was the based on the emotions also.

As a result, the moral distinction is the based on the paradox of boxing are the involvement of the boxing and the physical skills.

Learn more about on skills, here:


If you were writing about
how de Vaca came to
appreciate the Native
Americans' way of doing
things, which of the
passages below would
give the best supporting

A. Par.26: Thereupon they withheld
our foodto compel us to do what
they wanted.
B. Par. 10: Half an hour after, a
hundred Native American archers
joined them..
C. Par. 27: The Native Americans
thinkit very effective, and I found it
to be so by my own xperience.


If a person was writing about how de Vaca came to appreciate the Native Americans' way of doing things, the supporting detail to use would be C. Par. 27: The Native Americans think it very effective, and I found it to be so by my own experience.

What is a Supporting Detail?

This refers to the use of evidence in order to show the validation of a given claim through the use of facts and statistics.

Hence, it can be seen that the given claim is that de Vaca had come to appreciate the Native Americans' way of doing things, and this is validated in option C.

Read more about supporting details here:


The commercial was about a doctor who said he used the diet he advertised on many of his patients. Then, I patient was seen, giving his own experience of using the diet. This is an example of...


Answer: testimonial


Your answer is them !!

Studies about love at first sight say…


Experts found that love at first sight is not a distinct kind of love and that it's predictable based on physical attraction. Love at first sight can be an overwhelming feeling that feels like love but  actually it isn't.

What does study say about love at first sight?

In a study that was published in the Journal of Neuroscience, scientists discovered that people decide immediately if they find someone attractive or not. The phenomenon of love at first sight is not possible without that initial attraction.

It was discovered that me fall in love at first sight more than women. This is due to the factor of  physical attractiveness. It is possible for a man to fall in love at first sight because of the fact that the more he looks at a woman for the first time, more he is interested in her.

The love at first sight has an overall success rate of around 27 percent which not very bad.

To know more about love, refer


Which of these should you do to show that you have a question about
something that appears in a text?
A. Rewrite the sentence in your own words.
B. Copy the paragraph into your notebook.
C. Highlight a key word in the sentence.
D. Mark the text with a question mark.


Answer: D


9. The use of synonyms, "winding, twisting, and bending" is used to create a more vivid description illustrate which element? A. Personification B. Word Choice C. Imagery D. Metaphor​



B. Word Choice is the correct answer.


The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including zero)
Who is the intended audience for this passage?
O teenagers planning to get a job
O adults searching for work
O school administrators
O parents of teenagers


The intended audience for this passage is parents of teenagers. Option D.

The supposed target market is the institution of human beings for which the product or service is made. you could additionally consider this organization as the focused target audience in every other feel. Who the writer expects to examine the textual content. realize that you can no longer be the primary target audience for this article because the audience for a text isn't continually similar to the character or people who are analyzing it because writers can not always control who reads their work.

An intended target audience is the human beings most possibly to be interested in your product and offerings. They fit into the particular demographics drawn out to your advertising strategy or exhibit behaviors that make them an ideal match for your product. the supposed audience is described because of the institution of humans for which a service or product is designed. An instance of an intended audience is the populace of people targeted by means of a brand-new film.

Learn more about The intended audience here:-


2. Alex is sitting
pine tree.
O beneath





Beneath the pine tree. To sit toward something means to face it. To sit along the tree is to basically sit on it, same as sitting along the river or the bank

Give directions to a person to get to your school from your home.​



They won't need directions for my school! I am homeschooled....*awkward silence*


May I have Brainliest please? I am so close to getting my next ranking! I just need 3 more for it! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!

Other Questions
When solving the system below algebraically using the substitution method, which of the following could be an equation you could create to solve for y?A. -4(2y - 20) + 3y = 30B. -4(-2y + 20) + 3y = 30C. -2y + 20 = -3y + 30D. 4(x + 2y = 20 These days, more and more companies are now resorting to selling their goods and services online /using internetDiscuss the risks and the various internal control activities that are required when selling goodsand services online / using internet. 1 foot= 12 inches 2 feet= inches Hello could you please help me with this question? is parallel to the y-axis and has an x-intercept of 3 (4ab) ?Simplify:(2a3b4)32a5710AB.4ab63225510D4ab53 A 20-oz bottle of shampoo cost $2.90. A 12-oz bottle costs $1.35. Which is the better buy? Find the following for path C in the figure below (a) the total distance traveledm(b) the distance from start to finishm(c) the displacement from start to finishm Question 12Which equation contains a perfect square trinomial?O x2 - 6x + 72 = 0O x2 + 2x - 4 = 0O2? + 14x + 49 = 0O x2 5x + 64 = 0 Translate each graph as specified below.(a) The graph of =yfx is shown. Translate it to get the graph of =y+fx2.(b) The graph of =ygx is shown. Translate it to get the graph of =ygx5. 1. Do you the following side lengths form a right triangle?2. Which measurement is closest to the value of X in centimeters? Circle B is a transformation of Circle A. Describe the transformations that show why Circle A is similar to Circle B. YA 12 Circle B is the result of dilating Circle A with A as the center of dilation and using a scale factor of . then translating the image 12 units down. 10 8 6 A Circle B is the result of dilating Circle A with A as the center of dilation and using a scale factor of then reflecting the image in the y-axis. 4 N -2 0 -2 2 4 6 8 10 12 x -4 Circle B is the result of dilating Circle A with A as the center of dilation and using a scale factor of, then translating the image 12 units down. -6 B -8 -10 -12 Circle B is the result of dilating Circle A with A as the center of dilation and using a scale factor of then rotating the image 180. find the area of the triangle, carry your internediate computations to at least four decimal places round your answer to the nearest tenth What is the slope-intercept form of a line? What two specific pieces of information do you need to write an equation of a line in slope-intercept form? Explain/discuss how you would find those two pieces of information if you were only given two points on the line. Use the points (-3,1) and (3,-5) to illustrate this process. lack and hispanic populations have higher rates of mortality, unemployment, and levels of poverty. even so, hispanics have better than expected health, and blacks have lower than expected rates of depression.which psychosocial factors are explanations for these paradoxes? You deposited $3,000 in the bank in 2019. It is compounded annually at 4%. How much money will you have in 9 years (in 2028)? plss help Solve for y.2y+5=11Responsesy = 8y, = 8y = 3y, = 3y=3y equals negative 3y=8y equals negative 8 10.{(0,8), (1, 2), (3, 7), (5,9), (3, 6)} 7. The distance y (miles) that an athlete training for a marathon is from home after x(hours) is shown in the figure to the right.Distance from Homea. What is the y-intercept as an ordered pair?30b. Find the slope of this line. (Be aware of the scale)200Distance (miles)(1, 10)10C. What is the equation of this linear segment?0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Time (hours) Given Point A, what is the coordinate for A' after the following transformation has occurred?(x, y) + (x 5, -y + 2)A (5, 7) Tonya spends 55% of her savings on a new dress. If she saved $120, how much was the dress?