Choose the definition that matches the word used in the sentence below:

The elderly lady did not want to burden her children, so she kept her illness a secret.

n. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load
n. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load

v. To add to what one has to bear
v. To add to what one has to bear

n. Anything that is hard to bear, emotionally


Answer 1
I think the best choice would be to add to what one has to bear

Related Questions

Please hurry brainless. To the first person who answers.



D- how to make a parachute


8. Removing seeds from cotton plants was a slow job until Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.
What is a cotton gin?
a drink
a book
a machine
a cloth



The answer will be C because eli whitney didn't talk about drinks, books, or cloth neither.


opposite word of confident​



insecure; cowardly; nervous


See explanation!


Confident is a term that is typically used to express that someone is sure in themselves, whether it may be in terms of appearance, knowledge, etc. For example, if someone sure that they passed a test, they may say, "I'm confident that I passed the test yesterday."

Now that you know what confident means, you can think of words that mean the opposite -- words that mean to be unsure of yourself, hesitant even. This can include the words doubtful, unsure, insecure, unassertive, etc. Just use whatever is best for your scenario!

PLEASE HELP TAKING TEST NOW!!!!! Which sentence contains an example of personification? (
The cats gathered in a pile for a nap.
The squirrel darted across the lawn like a rocket.
The bird sang sweetly from his perch atop the tree
The dog danced across the snowy field



the cats gathered in a pile for a nap.


The  sentence contains an example of personification is the cats gathered in a pile for a nap. Thus option (a) is correct.

What is personification?

Personification is a literary device in which a non-human object, animal, or idea is given human-like qualities or characteristics, such as emotions, thoughts, or behaviors. By giving inanimate objects or abstract concepts human-like qualities, writers can create more interesting and relatable characters or situations.

In other words, it is the attribution of human qualities to non-human entities. Personification is commonly used in poetry, literature, and other forms of creative writing to create more vivid and engaging descriptions of the world around us.

The cats gathered in a pile for a nap  is a sentence that is an  example of personification. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about personification here:


Drag and drop the correct word into the correct location
It is important to organize the events in a narrative _________ , or in a way that makes sense to the reader .
A correctly
B logically
C alphabetically
D irrationally




Logically means 'In a way that makes sense to the reader.'

does horses Paddock or do they run?​



Often referred to as the parade ring, the horse paddock is where the runners in the forthcoming race are paraded for racegoers to get a proper look at them. The parade also gets the horses moving and relaxed.


Please follow me and give brainlist




have a good day!

Pls can someone help me? I need to write a small narrative paragraph about a day i spent with my mom on mother's day​



It was Mother's Day. I gifted my mom The jewelry set which I have bought from the nearest market. My Mom was very Happy seeing this. My younger brother also prepared something for mom and gave a beautiful drawing having One child and his/her mother in it. Then My Dad said that Let's go to the nearest Shopping mall for Shopping. My Mother suggested going in a nature place is too Good than the Shopping center. Then, We Enjoyed our full day. We also take a Candle Dinner in a Hotel.

Why did Matt tell mr. hornbee the truth?



Because he was truthful.


What is the rule about ''()'' in GT guidelines?​



According to GT guidelines sentence and paragraph structure should be correct.


Do not use double spaces after the sentences. All sentences should have correct punctuation and should start with a capital letter.

Sombody help this is homework please the correct answer is writing homework and I will give you brainlist ​



Her focus is on family. That is her motivation to keep going. Her character trait would be caring and nervous, in my opinion. I am sure answers will vary

Read the details from a Sioux Indian.



The details show how a character treats nature, revealing the theme "we must take care of the things that we love."


In the given legend "The Pet Rabbit," from the Sioux Indian people, the speaker talks of a girl's relationship with her pet rabbit. And in that relationship, we can know how the Indians treat nature and how they care about all living and non-living things.

In treating the rabbit as a "babe", giving him moccasins, and even sharing her robe with the animal, we can understand how the girl treats nature. To her, the rabbit is another companion, not an animal. This shows the theme of caring for the things that we love and care for.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.

Please explain what the quote means I don’t know much English

I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality.



Muhammad Ali is saying, he won't go against his religion, his people or himself by fighting in war that enslaves those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality.


' a woman's looks are the most important assets she has'

do you agree or disagree with the statement and why? ​



Personally i dont think it is the most important thing, a woman has looks sure but she also has a charecter, she has a personality she can be sweet snppy all of those. she also has that caring persona in her being able to look after children care for people all that not all women but most that is she has the mature and goofy side, but really it depends on the woman all are unique in their own ways.


Hope this is ok if anything just say and ill be hapoy to help


I disagree with this because anyone can make themselves look pretty. You have to work hard to learn things. When you learn, you get brighter, the brighter you get the better jobs you get. I completely disagree with this because it doesn´t matter what you look like if you don´t learn anything. A few years ago this statement would have been completely true because women didn´t have the opportunity to have lucrative jobs, and the only way they would have a very comfortable life would be marrying into money. Marrying into money requires that you have good looks, so yes if this were 100 years ago this would be true but in 2021 that statement is false.


Please mark me as brainliest!

Using complex or ‘fancy’ words will likely _______________.
make your listeners think you are smart
make your message unclear
help your listeners to understand your message
keep your listeners' attention





Because its hard to understand

The answer is b I think

Please help me I’ll give you the Brainlylist

11. The Saints and Strangers argued about how they would live in the New World. After much
discussion, they came together and signed the Mayflower Compact.
The Compact was
a container for makeup
a small item
a machine used for mashing corn
an agreement




An agreement

Which of the following lines contain a metaphor?
1) Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing
2)Like the bright hair uplifted from the head Of some fierce Mænad, ev’n from the dim verge Of the horizon to the zeniths height - The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge
3) A heavy weight of hours has chain’d and bow’d One too like thee- tameless, and swift, and proud
4) Be through my lips to unawaken’d earth
The trumpet of a prophecy





Metaphor is a figurative element that is used to make a comparison between two unlike objects.

The given lines are taken from the poem titled 'Ode to the West Wind' written by P. B. Shelley. The poet is talking to the West Wind and talking about the power of West Wind.

The metaphor used by the poet is in the option 4. The poet is comparing his words to a trumpet of a prophecy.

Therefore, option 4 is correct.

do we have to finish tutorials on Plato? will it dtop the grade if we skip them



Tutorial completion requirements vary, but in most PLATO content, a Learner receives completion on a tutorial after reaching the last screen and exiting the tutorial correctly.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.


Plato is a hugasan


It's will help

Please give me the answers to these questions to me for brainliest.



1. D

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. D


Hope this isn't too late!

Cycle is a ______ a)noun b) adjective
C) proverb


Answer: noun


noun. any complete round or series of occurrences that repeats or is repeated. a round of years or a recurring period of time, especially one in which certain events or phenomena repeat themselves in the same order and at the same intervals. any long period of years; age. a bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle, etc.

Ken, a copywriter at an advertising agency, is creating an advertisement for a restaurant.

Which line in the advertisement uses ethos to persuade the reader?

All menu items are available at a 15 percent discount. Treat yourself! The aromas of Asia will tantalize your senses when you dine with us. Well-known food critic Victor Spoon gave our buffet a five-star rating. This weekend, enjoy a delicious brunch at our restaurant. Arrive early!



Well-known food critic Victor Spoon gave our buffet a five-star rating.


Ethos is known to be a technique that appeals to people as it highlights credibility and trustworthiness. In advertising/marketing, ethos makes brands to get credibility and trust from their customers.

In this type of advertising, the use of celebrities and famous people to market brands goes a longer way to build credibility. In the selected answer above, we discover that the well-known food critic Victor Spoon endorsed their buffet by giving a five star rating. Definitely, people's confidence on the buffet will be built up. The use of ethos is to convince the audience that the advertiser is reliable and ethical.

Which of these happens last?
Nina hits a drum.
Nina hears the sound of her drum.
Sound waves travel through the air.
The surface of the drum vibrates, creating sound waves. t



a concave lens is exactly the opppostie with outer surfaces  curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.


4. Which of the following expresses the strongest inference about paragraph 36? A Even though Roger has the chance to steal from Mrs. Jones, he still worries that she will call the police. B Although Roger originally planned to steal from Mrs. Jones, he now has her trust and wants to keep it. C Despite having gained Mrs. Jones’s trust, Roger is not convinced that she is telling him the truth. D No matter what Roger does, Mrs. Jones will continue to view him as a troubled young man. 20 PLS ANSWER!!!!


Answer: B im late


im doing it right now


it B cause I already know this story cause even though roger did steal Mr. Jones bag Mr. Jones teached roger a lesson

Please hurry up
• Prepositions
10 Fill in: in (x2), from, by (x2), on (x2), for.
Hi Sophie,
I'm writing to you 1) ..... the airport. Right now, I
am waiting to get 2) ........... the plane home. We
had a great time here 3) ........... Los Angeles!
Yesterday, we went 4) ............ a boat trip along the
coast, but we usually travelled around 5) ...........
car. LA is famous 6) ............ being the home of
many movie stars, so of course we tried to find
some. We didn't meet any celebrities, but we still
had fun sitting 7) cafes and going for long​



From; on; in; on; by; for; in; by.


Hi Sophie,

I'm writing to you from the airport. Right now, I am waiting to get on the plane home. We had a great time here in Los Angeles!

Yesterday, we went on a boat trip along the coast, but we usually travelled around by car. LA is famous for being the home of many movie stars, so of course we tried to find some. We didn't meet any celebrities, but we still had fun sitting in cafes and going for long walks by the sea.

A preposition can be defined as a word that shows or illustrates the relationship between a pronoun or noun and other words in a sentence. Some examples of a preposition is up, below, after, by, against, for, on, in, over, from, for, etc.

Read the passage.

Margo loved being at boarding school, but the prefect for her dorm was strict, and Margo had to keep her room tidy all the time. The one time Margo did not make her bed, she received a warning.

Which option best defines the word prefect?

A. authority figure at a private school

B. custodial staff

C. captain of a sports team

D. hall monitor



I believe the answer is A. authority figure at the private school.


home monitor and captain of sports teams don't have anything to do with keeping your room clean however custodial staff aren't allowed to enter dorms because it's an invasion of privacy the only answer that makes sense to me would be A.

How does Mrs. Keckley feel about Mrs. Lincoln. Book Behind the scenes


I know what the answer is i just don't know it at the moment so i'll be back in a minute with your answer

Which of the following represents the correct pronunciation of emission?


This all depends on your native language I pronounce this as E-Mission
B, but it’s actually ee-mi-shn

Can someone help me write a 2 paragraph argumentative essay about how kids can help their community?



Sure do you still need it?




The answer is A I’m pretty sure

Match the word to a synonym or a related word.
1. fuel gasoline
2. sad solitude municipal
3. wedding loneliness
4. local government column
5. delightful pleasant
6. cafe restaurant
7. musical beat rhythm
8. post marriage



fuel synonym gasoline (They mean almost the same)

solitude synonym loneliness (They mean almost the same)

local synonym municipal

wedding synonym marriage

cafe synonym restaurant

government synonym

column synonym post

delightful synonym  pleasant

musical  synonym rhythm

Which two sentences best convey the main idea of paragraph 4?


Answer: i dont know


do you ??

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