Explain the role the Green Mountain Boys played in preparing the colonists for fighting against the British?
Please dont post anything inappropriate, I had this question up before and someone posted something that traumatized me so please, if you want to do things like that, please go somewhere else and post that. Not on an actual question, Thank you and have a nice day. And if you are one of those people who post these kind of things, you should be ashamed of yourself, there are children on this app that are trying to get help on their homework and instead, end up seeing those disgusting pictures. And why isn't brainly doing anything to stop this?


Answer 1


thanks for the warning and yes their are many kids in this app that shouldn't see that I'm one of them these people are disgusting

Related Questions

how is the country of Korea divided at the end of World War
The country was entirely under the control of the Soviet union

the Japanese controlled much of the countries in the world ended

the Soviet Union controlled the north well you need United States control the south



the soviet union controlled the north and the United States controlled the south because the japanese surrendered and the country split in half.

Sea stars can reproduce by fragmentation. This photo
shows a sea star undergoing fragmentation.
Which statement describes the process of fragmentation?



correct answer is option D

New individuals develop from pieces that break off another individual




because if a sea star cuts in half it grows from the cut parts other sea star

Question 5 (3 points)
How was health reform in South Carolina during the Progressive movement similar to
health reform throughout the nation?

A health reform came slowly across the nation and South Carolina despite the

B Progressive movement's calls for better sanitation in cities.
Throughout the nation and in South Carolina, many cities began to install sewer
systems and pave streets to improve sanitation,

C In South Carolina and the nation as a whole, health reform focused on educating
students in schools on sanitary matters,

D The building of public hospitals was the emphasis of health reform throughout
South Carolina and the United States prior to World War I



Throughout the nation and in South Carolina, many cities began to install sewer systems and pave streets to improve sanitation.


This is correct

Plastics are made from oil/petroleum and have both benefits for society and harmful effects on the environment



TRUEE !! give brainliest pls:)

fair discrimination ​


no i don’t think discrimination can be fair

Fair discrimination involves a justified separation or a justification for discrimination.

What is Fair discrimination?

Fair discrimination involves a justified separation or a justification for maltreating an individual but discrimination involves unjustified separation of individual or group of people.

This fair discrimination is based on

Action that have been confirmRequirements of a particular jobDiscrimination that is justified by law

Therefore, Fair discrimination involves a justified separation or a justification for discrimination.

Learn more on discrimination here,


in reference to the chart although has more than 285 million Christians what best explains changes a low percentage of Christians?
A). Asia is the only region listed never influenced nor controlled by European nations
B).Although Asia has a high number of Christians only children were counted in the percentage
C.)age of total numbers include old Catholics and Protestants but the percentage include only Catholics
D.)Although Asia has a high number of Christians their total population is all so high compared to the other regions listed


I think option D is correct

Which of the following statements is false regarding consumption subcultures? They are reference groups for their members as well as those who aspire to join or avoid them. These groups have an identifiable, hierarchical social structure. Consumption must be shared physically to be a shared ritual that creates and sustains a group. These groups have a set of shared beliefs or values. These groups have a unique jargon, rituals, and modes of symbolic expression.



Consumption must be shared physically to be a shared ritual that creates and sustains a group.


Culture can be defined as the general way of life of a group of people living together in a particular location or society.

Basically, culture comprises of beliefs, values, behaviors, language, dressing, cuisine, music, symbols, arts, social habits, knowledge, customs, laws pertaining to a particular group of people living together in a society.

This ultimately implies that, culture are acquired and passed from one generation to another.

Consumption subculture refers to a unique, homogeneous group of people that are united and co-constructed by a peculiar commitment to distinct consumption activities or items.

The following statements is true regarding consumption subcultures;

I. They are reference groups for their members as well as those who aspire to join or avoid them.

II. These groups have an identifiable, hierarchical social structure.

III. These groups have a set of shared beliefs or values.

IV. These groups have a unique jargon, rituals, and modes of symbolic expression.

What “goods" did
India trade with East
Asia? What “goods"
did Asia trade with
India and others?


India traded East Asia silks, cottons, and precious commodities like spices.

East Asia traded India spices, nutmeg, mace, tin from Malaya, and rubies.

Which two chemists organized elements based on properties such as how the elements reaci or whether they are solid or liquid?
A. Lavoisier and Mendeleev
B. Döbereiner and Newlands
C. Newlands and Mendeleev
D.Lavoisier and Döbereiner​



Dmitri Mendeleev and Henry Moseley


[tex]{ \huge{\underline{ \frak{ \pink{Answer} \ratio}}}}[/tex]

D.Lavoisier and Döbereiner ✅ is the right one !

Supply Demand Schedule for Pizzas
Supply and Demand Graph for Pizzas
QD - Quantity demanded
os - Quantity supplied
Based on the information in the graph and the table, what is the equilibrium price of pizza?
C $3.00
D $5.00


Answer: B


Which of our focus countries has the LEAST free economy?

Question 1 options:

A. Cuba

B. Mexico

C. Brazil


the answer is —-> mexico

If the government is not censoring, how are stories being censored?


through keywords if it’s words, maybe the computer can detect certain images
or they hire people to lol

Most online surveys fall prey to which common problem?
Group of answer choices

They favor people with extreme opinions

The samples are not random

They are subject to political bias

They are too expensive.


They favor people with extreme opinions because they have the most to say on a brand.

emotions are expressed both in verbal and non verbal ways tru or false​


true, emotion is expressed through facial expressions and in words, these words may be interpreted differently based on tone




emotions by verbal: yelling, screaming etc

emotions by nonverbal: laughing, crying , coughing etc

Why does El Nino have different effects on climate around the world?



During an El Niño event, sea surface temperatures across the Pacific can warm by 1–3°F or more and warmer conditions can last for a few months to two years. ... These disruptions to the normal air movements in the tropics affect the mid-latitude jet streams, which is how El Niño can affect weather around the world.


hope this helps :3

List 3 things about the bill of rights



The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments guarantee essential rights and civil liberties, such as the right to free speech and the right to bear arms, as well as reserving rights to the people and the states.



1. There were originally 12 amendments but the first two were never ratified.
2. The bill of rights was written by James Maddison.
3. The bill of rights was ratified on December 15, 1791.
4. The first amendment gave freedom of speech, religion, and press.
Pls mark me brainliest! Also have a nice day.

William Shakespeare was a married man with chilren.



it is true


He was married to Anne Hathaway and together they had their first child, Susanna




He was married to Anne Hathaway and had 3 kids Hamnet Shakespeare, Susanna Hall, and Judith Quiney.

Which of the following modern holidays is a mixture between an ancient Celtic festival and Christian celebration?
New Year’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day





Celts celebrated Yule at the time of winter solstice. They had many traditions still common today like decorated trees and mistletoe. The norse god thor also has ties to santa because he rode a chariot and delivered presents to children at the end of the year.




christmas is a celebration of one god. which cristains have only one god.

Lakesha, Leslie, Rojan (Roy), Luchiea, Nicole, Douglas, Ebony and Eric decided to go on a class picnic along the banks of the Potomac River. You are among the others standing by the edge of the Potomac River. You and your classmates have just finished a delicious picnic and are admiring the view across the river. Suddenly, you see a small sailboat overturn. The passengers cling desperately to the edge of the overturned boat, yelling for HELP!!! You and your classmates look on in horror, but no one swims out to help the people. Both passengers on the sailboat drown. If the families of the deceased passengers sue you when they find out that you didn't attempt to rescue the passengers, the most likely outcome of this case would be: (A) You would be held not liable for the passengers' deaths based on bystander cases. (B) You would be held not liable or responsible for the passengers' death based on the Informational Control Rule. (C) You would be held not responsible for the passengers' deaths based on the hearsay rule. (D) You would be held responsible for the deaths based on the Tarasoff case.


Answer: (A) You would be held not liable for the passengers' deaths based on bystander cases.


Based on the information given, if the families of the deceased passengers sue the bystanders when they find out that they did not attempt to rescue the passengers, the most likely outcome of this case would be that the bystanders will not be held liable for the passengers' deaths.

According to the bystander cases, it simply states that an individual who is a bystander has no legal duty to rescue someone else who's at distress. Therefore, in this case, the bystanders won't be held responsible for their death.

What is the difference between online learning and in person learning?


in person learning is better bc you get to see your friends and teachers are actually teaching you vs online school you are stuck in your room all day you get more assignments and your practically teaching yourself:)

Naturally occuring inorganic solids are a part of which system?

the biosphere
the biosphere

the atmosphere
the atmosphere

the geosphere
the geosphere

Naturally occuring inorganic solids are a part of which system?

the biosphere

the atmosphere

the geosphere

the hydrosphere



the geosphere


Naturally occurring inorganic solids are consist of specific chemical composition and have a orderly internal structure.

Naturally occurring inorganic solids  are the part of geosphere as they are found on the earth. example of naturally occurring inorganic solids is minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, copper and sodium, these all are found on the geosphere and have specific chemical composition and physical characteristics.

Hence, the correct answer is "the geosphere".

Help me please!!! I need help with all of them


Answer: Dam i wouldnt want you to be my president or lawyer



gracias no le entendí

What was the impact of Fredericksburg? ( in ur own words )





i have on idea



The Battle of Fredericksburg was a major defeat for the Union Army. Although the Union vastly outnumbered the Confederates (120,000 Union men to 85,000 Confederate men) they suffered over twice as many casualties (12,653 to 5,377). This battle signaled the low-point of the war for the Union.

- creds to ducksters!!

The Butterfly Effect is a core rule in Chaos Theory that posits that the smallest change can lead to drastic effects later on down the line. Using this principle you are given the ability to interact with any point of time albeit only in the most limited ways possible (i.e. a whisper here or a touch there) and only once. How do you change humanities future for the better





Tell me a crazy story you have experienced


Last summer I went to adventure land and I put sunscreen on and I still got badly sun burned and it was so bad I was in pain I had to use a whole bottle of aloe and it took days to week or more to heal

The laissez-faire economic policies of the United States during the nineteenth century
led to -
F. a system of protective tariffs
G. the creation of a national bank
H. a largely unregulated market for industry
J. a decline in immigration to western states




One of the most influential ideas of the Gilded Age was laissez-faire (pronounced LAY-zay FAIR). From the French for “let them do [what they will],” proponents of laissez-faire policies, known as liberals, believed that the free market would naturally produce the best and most efficient solutions to economic and social problems. In other words, it was best to allow businesses to do what they wanted: trade freely, set their own prices, and determine workers’ wages and working conditions.

Liberalism, as it was known in the late nineteenth century, had a very different definition than it does today: instead of advocating for government intervention to solve social problems as today’s liberals do, liberals in the Gilded Age opposed most government intervention in the economy or labor relations. Libertarians are the closest equivalent to Gilded Age liberals in US politics today.

Laissez-faire combined the principles of limited government and the free market with some of the ideas of Social Darwinism. Applying Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to human institutions, liberals believed that competition was necessary for progress. Any measures that interfered with complete freedom—defined as the freedom to buy and sell your labor and property any way you chose—were contrary to natural selection and impeded the march of civilization.

During the Gilded Age, this belief that laissez-faire capitalism produced optimal results for society came into conflict with the efforts of reformers and labor unions to rein in the influence of big businesses.

why did hume criticize descartes and locke view on the personal identity?



Hume believes that the common belief in personal identity results from human nature, and points out that the belief is neither a result of sense or of reason, but rather a result of imagination. Hence, there is no justification for the belief in personal identity.

what are the powers granted to Congress?​



The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.

The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.

how old do you have to be to become president of the united states



I think 35 or 50



According to Article II of the U.S. Constitution, the president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, be at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.


I hope I helped

Please Help me i need the right answer fast!



I think it's full but I'm not sure


i think gibbous?


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