Choose an ecosystem: Tropical Rain Forest, Temperate Rain Forest, Grasslands,
Desert, Tundra, Fresh Water, Coral Reefs, or Chemosynthesis. Draw a food chain that
ncludes, sun/chemicals, producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary
consumer, and a decomposer. Title and label your food chain.


Answer 1


The food chain describes who eats whom in the wild. Every living thing—from one-celled algae to giant blue whales —needs food to survive. Each food chain is a possible pathway that energy and nutrients can follow through the ecosystem. For example, grass produces its own food from sunlight. A rabbit eats the grass.


Choose An Ecosystem: Tropical Rain Forest, Temperate Rain Forest, Grasslands,Desert, Tundra, Fresh Water,

Related Questions

Where do the electrons in the electron transport chain come from?

NAD+ and FAD
N A D superscript plus, and , F A D

uppercase A T P

uppercase N A D H, and , F A D H subscript 2

glucose and pyruvate


According to the research, the correct option is NADH and FADH2. The electrons in the electron transport chain come from NADH and FADH2.

What is the electron transport chain?

It is the series of oxidation-reduction reactions that releases ATP in prokaryotes attached to the plasma membrane and in eukaryotes it is found in the inner membranes of chloroplasts and mitochondria.

In this sense, this process is capable of using the reducing power of NADH or FADH2 with a high energy level to transfer protons to the interior of the thylakoid or mitochondria membrane.

Therefore, we can conclude that electrons are transferred from NADH and FADH2 along the electron transport chain, while energy is released in the form of ATP.

Learn more about electron transport chain here:


g in glycolysis, mutase catalyzes a more or less energetically neutral reaction that results in the transfer of a functional group from one position to another.


The interconversion of 2-phosphoglycerate and 3-phosphoglycerate, one of the final stages in the glycolytic process, is catalyzed by phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM).

This glycolysis process, which produces a phosphoryl molecule with "high energy," provides necessary setup for the next, essentially glycolytic energetically neutral reaction. phosphoglycerate mutase catalyzes the transformation of 3PG into 2PG. Enzymes that catalyze chemical rearrangements, glycolysis particularly those involving the transfer of phosphoglycerate mutase from one hydroxyl group to another in the same molecule

learn more about phosphoglycerate mutase here:


Pseudomonas bacteria colonized the bile duct of a patient following his liver transplant surgery. this is an example of a?

a. sporadic disease
b. latent infection
c. None of the answers are correct
d. communicable disease
e. nosocomial infection


Pseudomonas bacteria colonized the bile duct of a patient following his liver transplant surgery. this is an example of a nosocomial infection

Nosocomial infections is referred as healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and hospital-acquired infections because this is  the  infections that people acquire while receiving healthcare

The infection can occur when a pathogen spreads to a susceptible host.

Types of nosocomial infections include:

1.ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)

2.central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI)

3.surgical site infections (SSI)

4.fungal etc.

Prevention of nosocomial infection-

1. Frequent hand hygiene

2. Usage of personal protective equipment

3. Proper sterile techniques during insertion and maintenance of devices.

To know more about Nosocomial infection -


In fruit flies, there are molecules in the egg that determine the future head and tail ends of the animal. What occurs when mrna from the head end of an embryo is injected into the tail end of an early embryo?.


Answer: Some head structures develop at the tail end; the head end develops normally.

Explanation: In fruit flies, there are molecules in the egg that determine the future head and tail ends of the animal. What occurs when mRNA from the head end of an embryo is injected into the tail end of an early embryo?

what are the functions of mesophyte​


Mesophytes, which include the majority of plants, trees, shrubs, and most crop plants, respond to water deficit by a closure of stomata to cut down on a loss of water through transpiration

The function of mesophytes are diverse depends on what kind of mesophytes.

What is the mesophyte ?

Mesophyte is kind of plant which survive at normal area, neither too dry or too wet.

Its functions are ranging from functions as a producer of fruits that can be consumed by humans to grasses in the mountains (the Alps for example) where the grass is useful as a soil binder and the function of absorbing water in moderation.

in conclusion, the function of mesophyte such as crops which its fruit or harvest can be consumed by human, even the grass as a soil binder and absorbing water.

Learn more about mesophyte at :

Taxes that are paid by individuals on all money earned, including investments, are


Taxes that are paid by homeowners to state and local governments are


Taxes that businesses are required to pay on their earnings throughout the course of a year are


1. direct
2. proportional
3. corporate


Taxes that are paid by individuals on all money earned, including investments, are income tax, option 2.

Taxes that are paid by homeowners to state and local governments are regressive tax, option 2.

Taxes that businesses are required to pay on their earnings throughout the course of a year are corporate tax, option 3.

Why are taxes paid?

Taxes are compulsory offerings levied on individuals by a government either locally, regionally or on a national level. Income taxes for example are a means that allow the government to generate revenues.

There are various forms of taxes including, progressive, corporate levied on businesses, regressive for home owners, income tax for individual earners, property tax, direct tax, etc.

Learn more on taxes here:





1. Chloroplasts and cell wall

2. Plant cells are square or rectangular, while animal cells are round.

3. Absorbs sunlight to carry out photosynthesis

4. To store water


1. Cell wall and chloroplasts

2. Plant cell have cell wall around cell membrane which determines shape of plant cell and In animal cells cell membrane is outermost structure which is semi fluid and elastic, can help to cell in changing shape

3.  produce energy through photosynthesis

4. functions to hold various solutions or materials.


which statement is correct regarding internal or external respiration? question 32 options: internal respiration occurs in the alveoli internal respiration occurs in the body's tissues external respiration occurs in the body's tissues external respiration involves the exchange of gases with the internal environment none of the statements are correct


The correct statement regarding respiration is that internal respiration occurs in body tissue.

Inhaling air into the lungs and exhaling it into the atmosphere are both parts of external respiration, usually referred to as breathing (exhalation). The cells and blood arteries exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during internal respiration. Food is broken down into carbon dioxide and water by oxygen during internal respiration, which releases energy in the form of ATP. Internal respiration, which takes place inside of living cells, is also known as cellular respiration.

To learn more about internal respiration click here:


DNA Structure and Replication WARM UP
Which compound is NOT part of a DNA nucleotide?
O ribose
O adenine
O thymine
O deoxyribose





DNA consists of a ribose molecule whilst RNA consists of a deoxyribose molecule.

which type of photoreceptor cells demonstrate extensive neural convergence resulting in spatial summation, useful for low light vision?


Rods are the type of photoreceptor cells demonstrate extensive neural convergence resulting in spatial summation, useful for low light vision.

Although they lack the spatial resolution and colour function of the cones, rods are specialised photoreceptors that perform well in low light. They contribute to our ability to see in low-light conditions and to detect movement outside of our visual field.

Rods and cones are the two categories of photoreceptors found in the human retina. When it comes to seeing in low light, rods are in command (scotopic vision). They do not mediate colour vision and have poor spatial acuity. Cones are in charge of colour vision, sharp spatial acuity, and activity in brighter environments.

To know more about photoreceptors, refer to the following link:


Animals called sponges reproduce by budding. The sponge in this photo formed
buds on the outside of its body.
Which statement describes the process of budding?


Answer: 3. New individuals develop from pieces that break off an individual. (Fragmentation)


Sponges reproduce sexually as well as asexually. Fragmentation, in which a piece of the sponge breaks off, settles on a new substrate, and develops into a new individual, or budding is the two most common methods of asexual reproduction (a genetically identical outgrowth grows from the parent and eventually detaches or remains attached to form a colony). Only freshwater sponges engage in an unusual form of asexual reproduction that results in the development of gemmules. Gemmules are structures made by adult sponges that are resistant to the environment (e.g., in the freshwater sponge Spongilla). In gemmules, a pneumatic cellular layer that may be fortified with spicules surrounds an inner layer of archeocytes (amoebocytes).

1. What do enzymes do for our body?
2. How do enzymes work?
3. How are enzymes similar to puzzle pieces?


Enzymes enhance the rate of reaction of any chemical reaction.They do this by lowering the activation energy of the reaction.Enzymes are similar to puzzle pieces because an enzyme and a substrate fit into each other just like the pieces of a puzzle  and the resultant is called the product.

Enzymes are the biological catalysts. They are made up of proteins that have the catalytic activity. It is the result of enzymes that each reaction is accomplished within seconds inside the living organisms, which otherwise would have taken even days to finish up.

Substrate is the starting product in any chemical reaction. The enzymes acts upon the substrate, causes some changes in it and therefore forms the product.

To know more about enzymes and substrate, here


Make an inventory. Think about all the chemicals in your house and all the electronic devices you own. Make a list of everything that will need to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Find out how you would dispose of these things properly in your area.


The common household items which can be categorized as hazardous waste are:-

BatteriesOil based paintsMercury thermometerPesticidesToilet cleanersComputersTelevisionsNail polish removerFluorescent light bulbs

The points that need to be considered while disposing these items are as follows:-

Directions for use and storage described on the label of the product should be read carefully, and the instructions regarding its disposal should be followed accordingly.Segregate hazardous waste from regular household waste and dispose of it separately in an environment-friendly manner. Items that are regarded as hazardous should be recycled as much as possible e.g. batteries.Do not flush hazardous waste down the drain as they contain harmful chemicals.

To learn more about Pesticides here


Explain why pouring salt on a slug kills it, using these terms: diffusion ,osmosis, concentration gradient, hypertonic, hypotonic. (I need answers pls)


Pouring salt on a slug kills it because of the osmosis effect.

Osmosis is the phenomenon where water diffuses through a semi-permeable membrane from the region of its high concentration gradient to the region of low concentration gradient.

Salt is a chemical substance produced due to the reaction of an acid with a base. Before putting salt on the slug the condition is hypotonic i.e. less solute and more solvent. However, when salt is poured over the slug, the situation becomes hypertonic with more concentration of solute and hence that is why the slug is killed due to dehydration.

To know more about osmosis, here


Which component of the cardiac conduction system receives action potentials from the sinoatrial node?.


The sinoatrial node receives action potentials from the Atrioventricular (AV) node.

The sinoatrial node (SA node) is the normal pacemaker for the heart. The SA node is located in the upper right atrium and close to the superior vena cava. Pacemaker sources other than the SA Node can be said to be abnormal pacemakers or one of the characteristics of cardiac arrhythmias/dysrhythmias on the EKG image. To carry out its function as a normal pacemaker for the heart, the SA Node is influenced by the autonomic nervous system, namely sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. There is an increase in the work of the SA Node (increased heart rate) and conversely, the presence of parasympathetic activity will decrease the work of the SA Node (decreased heart rate)

The AV Node is the second source of pacemakers after the SA Node. The size of the AV node is smaller than the SA node, located in the lower right atrium, to be precise, close to the tricuspid valve and also close to the coronary sinus ostium.

Learn more about SA node here


Which molecule is produced by the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide





During the light dependent stage of Photosynthesis, water that was absorbed and transported to leaves are split apart by heat energy which was converted from the light energy from the sun that got trapped by the chlorophyll in the chloroplast.

when the water(H2O) is split apart, oxygen is given off as a by-product while the Hydrogen is later used in the light independent where it combines with CO2 from to atmosphere to make glucose.

light dependent equation:

2H2O(l) + (light energy) --> 2H2(g) + O2(g)

water --> Hydrogen + oxygen

When farm animals become used to sounds and movement such as cars moving near them, they have stopped reacting to stimuli. This is an example ofQuestion options:territory.instincts.fight or flight.habituation.


The way animals learned to stop responding to certain stimuli is called habituation, it is a form of non-assosiative learning, due to the stimuli do not lead to later actions like punishment or reward.

1st. Drop down menu A.DNAB.RNAC.amino acids 2nd drop down menu A.mitochondria B. Nucleus C. RibosomeD. Cytoplasm 3rd drop down menu A. TranslationB. Transcription4th drop down menu A. NucleusB. Cytoplasm5th drop down menu A. TranslationB. Transcription6th drop down menu A. NucleusB. Cytoplasm7th drop down menu A.nucleotides B.amino acids C.proteins 8th drop down menu A.DNA replication B.photosynthesis C. Protein synthesis


According to the information provided by the question we have:

The structure labeled W represents the double stranded DNA that is found in the Nucleus of the animal cell. The arow labeled X represents the process of Transcription where DNA is decoded into a single strand of mRNA in the Nucleus.

The arrow labeled Y represents the process of Translation where the tRNA molecules bring which occurs in the Cytoplasm of the cell. The structure labeled Z represent Amino acids that are being brought to the ribosome by tRNA molecules and will ultimately make up the protein. This entire process is referred to as Protein Syntheis.

The molecules that are labeled as W, X, Y and Z are, respectively: the DNA molecule, transcription, translation and amino acids.

Which of the following organisms is would you expect to be most abundant in the tall grass prairie ecosystem?


The animals that will be present abundantly in the tall grass prairie ecosystem are: (2) White-tailed deer and cottontail rabbits.

Ecosystem can be defined as the surroundings and the species together of an area.  Thus, every ecosystem has its own specific type of environmental conditions and also the plant and animal species. The examples of ecosystem are: rainforest, savanna, steppe, taiga, tundra, etc.

Prairies are a type of grasslands and are also an example of ecosystem. The prairies are long stretches of flat lands that contain grasses with very few trees. The prairies are abundant in the regions of North America.

The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Which of the following organisms is would you expect to be most abundant in the tall grass prairie ecosystem?

Grasses and flowering plantsWhite-tailed deer and cottontail rabbitsBobcats and CoyotesHarriers and kestrels

To know more about prairies, here


Which of the following is not related to metallic bond?
A. Alloy
B. Shared electrons
C. Transferred electrons
D. Sea of electrons


Shared electrons is not related to metallic bond.

Positively charged metal ions and the electrons that surround them are attracted to one another, creating metallic bonds. Covalent and ionic bond electrons are shared, but metallic bond electrons are delocalized.

What about metallic bond?Atoms in a metallic substance are held together by a force called the metallic bond. Atoms in such a solid are packed closely together.The attraction between positively charged metal nuclei and their delocalized valence electrons causes metallic bonding, a type of chemical bonding between two or more metal atoms.Metallic bonding is particularly prevalent in minerals involving transition metals. In most cases, the outermost electron shell of each of the metal atoms overlaps with a significant number of neighboring atoms. Minerals with metallic bonding include gold, silver, and copper. Metallically bound compounds are efficient heat and electricity conductors because valence electrons can travel freely throughout the structure. Strength, malleability, ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity, opacity, and brilliance are a few qualities of metallic bonding. These features serve as important findings to define metallic bonding. Electrostatic attraction between metal captions and delocalized electrons produces metallic bonds. Many of the physical characteristics of metals, like conductivity and malleability, are explained by the type of metallic bonding that exists.

Learn more about metallic bonds here:


What are the side effects of anabolic steroid use?
(Select all that apply.)


prostate enlargement for men,

severe acne for men ,

muscle loss for men and women ,

low blood pressure for men and women ,

deeper voice for women


Severe acne for men and prostate enlargement for men

which noninvasive procedure uses shock waves to break up stones in the biliary ducts? question 48 options: lithectomy cholelithectomy lithotomy extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy choledocholithotomy


Stones in the bile ducts are broken up using shock waves during an extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

What is the process for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy?

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a treatment to remove stones from the bile ducts, pancreatic duct, or urinary system using a succession of shock waves produced by a lithotripter. An X-ray is used to target the shock waves as they enter the body.

What is the price of ESWT treatment?

Depending on the region treated, a shockwave therapy might cost between $200 and $500. When you visit the doctor's office to get diagnosed and find out if Shockwave is suited for you, you'll have to pay an usual doctor visit fee, which is a separate expense if your insurance doesn't cover the cost.

To know more about Extracorporeal shock wave visit :


The rock cycle is affected by the biosphere in addition to geological processes. Hypothesize about the role in the rock cycle of the formation of calcium carbonate shells in ocean animals, and plant growth on land.


The rock cycle plays an important role in the process of calcium carbonate formation is that it is built by plankton and corals. Therefore, it is true that the rock cycle is influenced by the biosphere processes as well as the geological processes.

What is the significance of the rock cycle?

A rock cycle can be described as the process that leads to the formation of minerals and chemical elements because of the occurrence of natural processes near the oceans and water bodies.

Substances like calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) are one of the influential formations in the rock cycle. The formation of calcium carbonate is highly contributed by the plants and animals to form the plankton as well as the corals on reefs.

Therefore, the significance of the rock cycle has been aforementioned.

Learn more about the rock cycle here:


Recessive lethal alleles tend to be more common than dominant lethal alleles in part because.


Dominant lethal alleles are those that only need to be present in one copy in an organism to be fatal. These alleles are uncommon in populations because they usually kill an organism before it can pass on its lethal allele to its offspring.

Lethal alleles (also known as lethal genes or lethals) are alleles that cause the organism that carries them to die. They are typically caused by mutations in genes that are required for growth or development. Huntington's disease, a neurological disorder that reduces life expectancy, is one example of a disease caused by a dominant lethal allele.

Because Huntington's disease develops slowly, people who carry the allele can pass it on to their children. If both recessive alleles of this gene are present in the same person, it results in death. Because a certain level of protein output is maintained, recessive lethal alleles do not cause death in the heterozygous form.

To learn more about lethal alleles, here


what process are you performing to get the newly ligated promoter and plasmids from the gga reaction into e. coli cells? explain.


We used transformation to obtain the freshly ligated promoter and plasmids.

What causes the DNA in E. coli cells to change?

One of the fundamental methods in molecular biology is the heat shock method, which transforms plasmid DNA into E. coli. A foreign plasmid or ligation product is inserted into bacteria in this method.

What procedures are employed in E. coli transformation?

Bacterial cells can be transformed primarily by heat shock or electroporation. The bacterial cells in both situations must be made competent or permeable to the plasmids you want the cell to spread.

To know more about  e. coli cells visit:-


What are the potential impacts of coal mining on the environment? Include the subject of fossil fuels


Coal mining has the following impacts on the environment:

- Landscape alteration: due to the deforestation conducted to clear the mining areas, which destroys forests and natural wildlife habitats. The destruction of the forests also promotes soil erosion, flooding and stirs up dust pollution which can cause respiratory problems to the populations nearby the mining area. Mountains are also "removed" during the mining process.

- Release of methane (CH₄), which is a greenhouse effect gas, and carbon monoxide (CO) which is a toxic gas that may affect the people and animals in the area.

- Water pollution: Sulfuric acid is formed when coal is exposed to the air and water, this acid washes down heavy metals, such as copper, lead, or mercury, which acidifies and pollutes the local streams and water supplies.

Coal is considered a fossil fuel because it was formed out of the remains of forests that grew on swamp areas during the Carboniferous era (350 million years ago). Successive layers of plants were later covered by dirt and water, which stopped their decaying process. With the eras, the weight of the layers above them, and the heat produced a series of chemical and physical changes that allowed the plant remains to become coal.

rabbits produce two types of droppings: fecal pellets, which are waste products of digestion, and cecotropes, which they re-ingest. ruminants do not re-ingest any droppings. why is re-ingestion required in rabbits but not in ruminants?


Rabbits are hindgut fermenters; therefore, nutrients are lost if the product boiled in the coecum is not eaten. Ruminants are foregut fermenters, and the products of their digestion are absorbed in the small intestine.

Hindgut fermentation is a digestive process that can be observed in monogastric herbivores, animals with a stomach consisting of only one chamber. Cellulose is digested with the help of symbiotic bacteria. Microbial fermentation occurs in the digestive organs after the small intestine: the large intestine and the appendix. Examples of animals that are stuck behind their intestines are elephants and odd-hoofed animals such as horses and rhinos, and small animals such as rats, rabbits, and koalas.

Foregut fermenters are a complaint to the foregut, namely the digestive system found in animals with a stomach consisting of four chambers, as well as in sloths, and ruminants.

Learn more about hindgut fermentation here


Refer to the diagram below.

Which type of biomolecule is it?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipids
C. Nucleic Acids
D. Proteins


Carbonhydrates or A is the answer because it has sugars
carbohydrates should be correct

Dna replication begins at a site called the origin of replication, forming a bubble, which is followed by a __________, where parental strands are unwound by __________.


DNA replication begins at a site called the origin of replication, forming a bubble, which is followed by a replication fork, where parental strands are unwound by helicase.

Initially, replication Forms a fork. The double-stranded molecule of DNA needs to be "unzipped" into two single strands before it can be copied.

Primer binding is step 2. The easiest part of replication is the leading strand.

Step 3 is elongation.

Step 4 is  The final step.

As it moves along the DNA, a DNA helicase unwinds and separates double-stranded DNA. By severing hydrogen bonds between DNA nucleotide pairs, it creates the replication fork.

For more information on DNA replication kindly visit to


What is the primary goal of cellular respiration in eukaryotes?



Cellular respiration


Cellular respiration in eukaryotes occurs primarily in the mitochondria. Eukaryotic cells depend on cellular respiration to survive. During glycolysis, the cell breaks down glucose in the cytoplasm with or without oxygen present.

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RichardsOnce upon a time a boy played about the house, running by his mother's side; and as he was very little, his mother tied him to the string of her apron."Now," she said, when you stumble, you can pull yourself up by the apron-string, and so you will not fall."The boy did that, and all went well, and the mother sang at her work.By and by the boy grew so tall that his head came above the window-sill; and looking through the window, he saw far away green trees waving, and a flowing river that flashed in the sun, and rising above all, blue peaks of mountains."Oh, mother," he said; "untie the apron-string and let me go!"But the mother said, "Not yet, my child! Only yesterday you stumbled and would have fallen but for the apron-string. Wait yet a little, till you are stronger."So the boy waited, and all went as before; and the mother sang at her work.But one day the boy found the door of the house standing open, for it was spring weather; and he stood on the threshold and looked across the valley, and saw the green trees waving, and the swift-flowing river with the sun flashing on it, and the blue mountains rising beyond; and this time he heard the voice of the river calling, and it said "Come!"Then the boy started forward, and as he started, the string of the apron broke."Oh! How weak my mother's apron-string is!" cried the boy; and he ran out into the world, with the broken string hanging beside him.The mother gathered up the other end of the string and put it in her bosom, and went about her work; but she sang no more.The boy ran on and on, rejoicing in his freedom, and in the fresh air and the morning sun. He crossed the valley, and began to climb the foothills among which the river flowed swiftly, among rocks and cliffs. Now it was easy climbing, and again it was steep and craggy, but he always looked upward at the blue peaks beyond, and always the voice of the river was in his ears, saying "Come!"By and by he came to the brink of a precipice, over which the river dashed in a cataract, foaming and flashing, and sending up clouds of silver spray. The spray filled his eyes, so that he did not see his footing clearly; he grew dizzy, stumbled, and fell. But as he fell, something about him caught on a point of rock at the precipice-edge, and held him, so that he hung dangling over the abyss; and when he put up his hand to see what held him, he found that it was the broken string of the apron which still hung by his side."Oh! How strong my mother's apron-string is!" said the boy: and he drew himself up by it, and stood firm on his feet, and went on climbing toward the blue peaks of the mountains.In a paragraph of 57 sentences, respond to the following questions:What is the theme of this story?Is it stated or implied?How did the theme develop over the course of the story?Use complete sentences, your best writing skills, and details from the passage to support your response. The function f(x)= 4x is one to one Find A and B Solve (1/2 - 1/5) / 2/3 Simplify if necessary. The cost of printing the cover of the book is Rs Y. while the cost of printing a page of the book is Rs P. If the book has 45 pages and it costs Rs C to print one copy of it. Construct a formula for C in terms of P and Y Draw the circle ( x 3 ) 2 + y 2 = 1 . Quicy has 1/2 box of cereal to eat over 6 days if he splits the 1/2 box into equal portions how much will he eat each day In humans, a slightly elevated temperature can be beneficial. Why? 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