HELP ASAP PLEASE Read the story "The Apron String" from The Pig Brother and Other Fables and Stories by Laura E. Richards

Once upon a time a boy played about the house, running by his mother's side; and as he was very little, his mother tied him to the string of her apron.

"Now," she said, when you stumble, you can pull yourself up by the apron-string, and so you will not fall."

The boy did that, and all went well, and the mother sang at her work.

By and by the boy grew so tall that his head came above the window-sill; and looking through the window, he saw far away green trees waving, and a flowing river that flashed in the sun, and rising above all, blue peaks of mountains.

"Oh, mother," he said; "untie the apron-string and let me go!"

But the mother said, "Not yet, my child! Only yesterday you stumbled and would have fallen but for the apron-string. Wait yet a little, till you are stronger."

So the boy waited, and all went as before; and the mother sang at her work.

But one day the boy found the door of the house standing open, for it was spring weather; and he stood on the threshold and looked across the valley, and saw the green trees waving, and the swift-flowing river with the sun flashing on it, and the blue mountains rising beyond; and this time he heard the voice of the river calling, and it said "Come!"

Then the boy started forward, and as he started, the string of the apron broke.

"Oh! How weak my mother's apron-string is!" cried the boy; and he ran out into the world, with the broken string hanging beside him.

The mother gathered up the other end of the string and put it in her bosom, and went about her work; but she sang no more.

The boy ran on and on, rejoicing in his freedom, and in the fresh air and the morning sun. He crossed the valley, and began to climb the foothills among which the river flowed swiftly, among rocks and cliffs. Now it was easy climbing, and again it was steep and craggy, but he always looked upward at the blue peaks beyond, and always the voice of the river was in his ears, saying "Come!"

By and by he came to the brink of a precipice, over which the river dashed in a cataract, foaming and flashing, and sending up clouds of silver spray. The spray filled his eyes, so that he did not see his footing clearly; he grew dizzy, stumbled, and fell. But as he fell, something about him caught on a point of rock at the precipice-edge, and held him, so that he hung dangling over the abyss; and when he put up his hand to see what held him, he found that it was the broken string of the apron which still hung by his side.

"Oh! How strong my mother's apron-string is!" said the boy: and he drew himself up by it, and stood firm on his feet, and went on climbing toward the blue peaks of the mountains.

In a paragraph of 5–7 sentences, respond to the following questions:

What is the theme of this story?

Is it stated or implied?

How did the theme develop over the course of the story?

Use complete sentences, your best writing skills, and details from the passage to support your response.


Answer 1

The theme of the story has to do with the fact that often times, what is ignored and seen as unimportant may have a very great use.

The theme of the story is not stated. It is an implied meaning.

The theme developed through the period that the boy was still very little till when he finally grew to do what he wanted to do. Once outside and he almost got into trouble, he understood why his mother held him with the string.

What is the story about?

This is the story of the character who is made to be safe by his mother by tying him to her apron.

The first time he was able to get away from her, he experienced trouble. The grace he had was that the piece of apron that cut off when he got away was still attached to him, this was what saved him from hurting himself.

Read more on themes of story here:


Related Questions

"They boiled out of an alley, turned, and headed straight toward me." What is the
literary device used in this statement?



C. Idiom



Answer: B


how does biff react when bernard warns him that he might flunk math? how does willy react? why does willy react this way? why does willy take out his anger on bernard?


Bernard repeatedly warned Biff that if he didn't study for his math test, he wouldn't graduate, but Biff and Willy both disregarded him and made fun of him for being nerdy. Willy believed that because Bernard was not highly loved, he would not achieve well in life. Willy finds Bernard's achievement difficult to accept because his own sons' lives do not measure up.

The given excerpt is from stage drama Death of a Salesman, written by American writer Arthur Miller in 1949. The drama first appeared on Broadway in February 1949 and ran for 742 performances. It is a two-act tragedy set in late 1940s Brooklyn told through a montage of the protagonist Willy Loman's memories, dreams, and arguments. Willy Loman is a travelling salesman who is dissatisfied with his life and appears to be slipping into senility. The American Dream, the anatomy of truth, and infidelity are among the issues explored in the drama. It earned the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play in 1949. Some reviewers consider it to be one of the best plays of the twentieth century.

Death of a Salesman is about a man's loss of identity and his reluctance to accept change in himself and society. Willy Loman's final 24 hours are depicted in the play as a collage of memories, dreams, encounters, and fights. The drama shows how a person's self-perpetual denial can affect and encompass everyone around him. Willy's tragic end resulted from his failure to attain the American ideal (and a really bad case of sales burnout).

Learn more about 'Death of a Salesman' here:


Rubric | Checklist
Write an argumentative essay in which you state and defend a claim about what it means to be successful in life. Provide a definition of
success in your own words, and support it with strong reasons and carefully chosen evidence.


Success means different things to different individuals.

There are several things that are regarded to be successful in society. Anyone who possesses all of these characteristics is regarded to be successful.

A person is regarded to be successful if he or she is happy and completely content with his or her life and way of life. Person greed will never be satisfied and will only grow over time, yet a person who sleeps soundly at night is considered successful.

A claim must be disputed while being truthful. It must be debatable by inquiry and evidence; it cannot be a personal opinion or feeling. A claim is a statement that outlines the goal, aim, and extent of your activity. A great claim is concise and makes one point.

Refer here to learn more about argumentative essay:


Instructions: Complete the sentences below by adding a predicale
were planting bell peppers.
1) The farmers
2) Your flower garden
3) The cricket team
4) The doctor
5) All your children
6) Savanna-la-Mar
7) The fruits on the vendor's
These letters
8) The village postman
9) Most of the cars
(10)These letter


1. The farmers were planting bell peppers.

2. Your flower garden has a bee hive

3. The cricket team is celebrating its win.

4. The doctor is treating a patient.

What exactly is a predicate example?

A predicate is the portion of a sentence or clause that tells us what the subject is doing or is. Considering the following sentence: "The cat is sleeping in the sun." The predicate is the clause sleeping in the sun, which describes what the cat is doing.

5.  All your children are in the playground.

6. Savanna-la-Mar is a town in Jamaica.

7. The fruits on the vendor's stall are quite fresh.

8. The village postman is getting retired.

9. Most of the cars release harmful polllutants.

10. These letters are for the neighbors.

Therefore, the words in a clause or sentence that define the action but not the subject are referred to as predicates.

Learn more about sentences from the given link.


In Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird,” what does the cage represent?



It represents the feeling of being caged when she was an African American girl controlled by white supremacy and never getting the opportunity to be successful.

Hope this was helpful! :)

11. intellectually productive
Oa. mundane
Ob. fecund
Oc. reputed
Od. overweening



b fecund


The broken clock on the wall affects the plot of the story by



By changing the feeling of the setting


A place with a broken clock can make another story

Some students are gathering to discuss the chairty food drive. Which form of the verb gather is underlined in the sentence



verb 4


caise verb 4 always use ing form

Part D
During the discussion, what main points did participants make that supported your thesis, opposed your
thesis, or raised new questions or related observations and thoughts?


The main points regarding this thesis are we had a pretty balanced discussion, and in the end, we both agreed to come to an understanding.

We wasted a lot of time hunting for sources to back up our assertions, so if I could go back in time, I'd give us both some time at the beginning to acquire the information we needed to support our points.

Monuments can be used as a teaching tool, which is a new perspective I wouldn't have had if I hadn't talked about it with anyone.

A thesis statement will assist one in narrowing the topic choice and should clearly describe the subject of one's paper.

In a seven to ten page essay on hunger, one might state something like: "World hunger has various causes and effects." For two main reasons, this thesis statement is weak and there are ways to make it strong.

To know more about 'thesis' related question



Describe how your day is going in 1-2 sentences. Include verbal irony in your description and explain what about it is verbally ironic.




“My day has been just wonderful if you ask me. First off, I slept through all 3 of my alarms and almost got to school late, forget my lunchbox, spilled water all over my shoes, and to top it all off, I have tons of homework!”

The reason that my statement is verbally ironic is because in my first sentence I stated that, “my day has been just wonderful if you ask me”. Then following that statement, I listed some not so great things that had happened to me. Which shows that I am saying sarcastic things and therefor showing verbal irony.

I have been asking for help for hours and no one helps me




"New York", underline twice "home to the""Figure of a woman with a torch", underline twice "stands at the entrance""holds a tablet", underline twice: "in her left hand""7 rays", underline twice: "surround her""broken chains", Twice: "At her feet"weighs 225 tons, twice: the statueGave the statue to the united states, twice people of Franceoccurred in 1886, twice a formal presentationMajor repairs, twice: made to the statue in the 1980s.Visit this famous lady, tourists from around the world

Sorry if this is incorrect I don't remember learning the same thing but from what is says to do this is my best guess : )

Vocabulary Word Options (4 of 4)
NC-ELA: NC RL 9-101, NC.RL.9-104)
Vocabulary Word


A list or group of words that have been defined or explained.: a collection of words used in a language, by a person or group, or in connection with a particular subject.

What is meant by vocabulary word?Imputation is the attributing of actions to a source: often, imputation involves actions that are criminal.Bullying is the act of intimidating someone else. Threatening to beat up your little brother if he doesn't clean your room for you is most certainly an act of bullying.When you accuse someone of wrongdoing, such as when you claim your brother used your computer without your permission, you are making a charge. Plain things are simple, unadorned, and even a little boring. Being a plain talker means you don't use pretentious, fancy words. But having a plain face means you're not much to look at.If you belong to a chastity club, you might have to take a pledge to be chaste until marriage. Chaste can be defined as "pure and virtuous," but basically it means "not having sex."

To learn more about Vocabulary Word refer


Create a title for the sonnet that is connected to the poems theme


How Do I Love Thee?

"How Do I Love Thee?" is one of the forty-four poems that make up Sonnets from the Portuguese. She penned these between 1845 and 1846 as she persisted in courting Mr. Browning, the future spouse. She asserts that her love for him permeates every fiber of her being and is endless.

I love you to the fullest extent that my soul is able to when it feels out of reach for the purposes of being and perfect grace.

I adore you every day to the utmost degree.

The quietest need, by candlelight and the sun.

As men seek the right, I love thee freely.

I genuinely love you as they turn away from praise.

I have a strong, passionate love.

what is passion?

"Passion" is defined as a strong, uncontrollable, or nearly manageable emotion or tendency toward a particular person or thing. A strong attraction, excitement, or feeling toward a person is what is referred to as passion. It can also be characterized as a passionate interest in or enthusiasm for a theory, claim, or cause.

know more about it Passion -


2. Some people say that they will never
forget "The Scarlet Ibis." Why might
people find this story so memorable!
Does the story and its symbolism
appeal to your emotions? Explain.


Because it addresses topics that are common to difference, "The Scarlet Ibis" is unforgettable. The story's narrator, Brother, is determined to teach his younger brother Doodle to walk and eventually to row because he wants him to be like other children.

Because it expresses the feelings of a brother who thought his younger brother Doodle was a burden, "The Scarlet Ibis" is so unforgettable. The elder brother or narrator gives a direct, honest account that paints him in a negative light.People may remember this book because of Doodle's passing because death is typically remembered. People will remember the narrative because of the characters, particularly Doodle and Brother. Their relationships and their issues leave an imprint on your heart forever.

Thus this is why "The Scarlet Ibis" is so memorable.

Refer here to learn more about "The Scarlet Ibis":


How would I start off a poem that I am rewriting in a different perspective???/


Initiate with the source of your poetry idea; possibly it's something as small as an image or a representation. Force yourself to jot down as many words, ideas, or images as you can without choking.

How do you start off poems?Initiate with the source of your poetry idea; possibly it's something as small as an image or a representation. Force yourself to jot down as many words, ideas, or images as you can without choking. Keep writing until you've filled the entire page with writing ideas or poetic words.In literature and poetry, topic of view is defined as the perspective from which a story is told. Put another way, a story's point of view is a way to articulate and examine the position of the narrator in relation to the story they're telling.The title of the poem is (Say the title); it has been written/organized/composed by (Poet's name). The poem is about (a brief introduction about the theme of the poem). Hope you will appreciate it!

To learn more about : poetry idea

Ref :


Combine these simple sentences and find a way to make them better:
English class is my favorite. Grammar is so fun. Mr. Jones is a cool teacher.



Math is my favorite subject because math is easy for me. My teacher

is Mr. Jones, and he is very nice.


My eyes shot open as l heard someone banging at the front door. I rolled over in my bed to see it was 2:03 am on the alarm clock. I slowly got up as the pounding on the front door grew. opened my bedroom door....

Write at least a paragraph using at least three
DIFFERENT figurative language aspects we learned about (Simile, metaphor, allusion, alliteration, repetition).


The ground squeaked loudly as I snuck like a lion sneaking up on his prey. I was more scared than a bee in a rainstorm. The thundering sound was thwarted by a tumbling taco truck.

She came to know what heavy housework meant and the odious cares of the kitchen. She washed the dishes, using her dainty fingers and rosy nails on greasy pots and pans. She washed the soiled linen, the shirts and the dishcloths, which she dried upon a line; she carried the slops down to the street every morning and carried up the water, stopping for breath at every landing.

How does the author create a slow pace in this excerpt?



he creates it by making it dramatic



I turn polar bears white. I make celebrities look bad and normal people look popular. I turn pancakes brown and make your champange bubble. if you squeeze me, I will pop. If you'll look at me, youll pop. Can you answer this riddle?



I believe the answer is "Time"

This honestly made me so confused, but the answer is time.

What central Ideas developed by Mrs.Higgins few lines in this Scene?


Pickering is enthralled by the prospect of assisting Eliza and wagers that if Higgins can pass Eliza off as a duchess at the Ambassador's garden party, he will fund the experiment.

What central Ideas in this Scene?

The action shifts to Higgins' laboratory in his Wimpole Street home. It's eleven o'clock in the morning, and Higgins has been showing Pickering some of the equipment he uses to record sounds, which can then be studied at leisure in a scientific manner. The lines are :

"By acting like children, Higgins and Pickering have

demonstrated that neither is worthy of Eliza."

Pickering admits that he impressed by Higgins' demonstration, but he hasn't been able to follow more than half of what Higgins has shown him. Mrs. Pearce, the housekeeper, enters to say that there is a strange girl downstairs, "quite a common girl," asking for the professor.

Eliza, the flower girl from the previous evening, walks in. She is now dressed in a bizarre outfit that includes three ostrich feathers in orange, sky-blue, and red. Higgins recognises her and orders her to leave because he has recorded enough of her "Lisson Grove lingo."

To learn more about central Ideas refer:


e relief
1. Which statement best explains Henry's character development?
As a young child Henry is slow to display his speech, but he soon
proves to be inquisitive and intelligent. Ultimately, he grows into a
compassionate boy.
From a silent and troublesome child, Henry develops into a precocious,
Irreverent young man. He becomes a social outcast and finds solace in
feeding animals.
Henry begins his life as the center of attention with his parents, but he
eventually loses their approval. He becomes more and more withdrawn
into his own world.


First option is correct. The statement which best explains Henry's character development is - as a young child Henry is slow to display his speech, but he soon proves to be inquisitive and intelligent. Ultimately, he grows into a compassionate boy.

About Character Development

Any work of fiction must depict realistic character development with such a compelling character arc in order to mirror actual life. These characters must also possess believable personality features that develop as the character does. Although if a central character is just a cat, or tree, or any other nonhuman object, stories are about people. Since a story's humanity is what each reader can relate to, outstanding storytellers will benefit from strong character development. A compelling character development and strong character traits give a story life and provide the reader new perspectives.

To know more about central character:


Solve from the picture


Answer: 0

This is due to the i².

Which of the following sentences includes a non-restrictive clause?

Ronit knew that she enjoyed gardening, but she didn't realize how much she loved it until now.
Ronit learned a lot about gardening the first year at her new house.
Ronit really enjoyed gardening, so she bought a house with lots of land.
Ronit, who really enjoyed gardening, bought a house with lots of land for her dream garden.


The following sentences includes a non-restrictive clause are:

Ronit knew that she enjoyed gardening, but she didn't realize how much she loved it until now.

Ronit learned a lot about gardening the first year at her new house.

A non-restrictive clause is one that offers extraneous, unneeded details. A non-restrictive clause is only extra information that doesn't change the meaning of the phrase in any way. Non-restrictive clauses are often comma-separated and inserted into the sentence.

To know more about non-restrictive clause here


Authors portray character traits by using descriptive?


Character qualities are portrayed by authors through descriptive imagery.

When an author uses descriptive language to depict an object, character, place, etc., they are using imagery.

What is character development ?

The process of character development and audience image creation is known as "characterization" in literature. Direct characterization and indirect characterization are two separate methods of characterization. The author uses the direct method to tell us what they want us to know about the character. Indirect characterization helps the reader comprehend a character's personality and impact on other characters by revealing details about the character.

Any type of writing that uses imagery includes the use of literal or figurative language to add meaning and help the reader picture the world of the work. In other words, it appeals to the reader's senses to help them better understand what is going on and how to react to it.

To know about character developmen from the link


The speech President Kennedy's Report to the American People uses logos, ethos, and pathos, which are


President Kennedy's Report speech to the American people uses logos, ethos, and pathos which are techniques the Greek philosopher Aristotle identified centuries ago.

What are logos?

Logos is the idea of reason and judgment used to win over people. Using facts and figures as well as making clear, logical connections between concepts, the speaker employs logos.

What is ethos?

The speaker uses ethos by using facts and numbers as well as drawing obvious, logical connections between themes. A logical argument can also be constructed by using literal and historical comparisons.

What is pathos?

Pathos appeals to the listener's emotions and ideas. Pathos is a literary, cinematic, and other narrative art technique that is most frequently used in rhetoric.

President Kennedy uses all these techniques to appeal to the people of America.

Therefore,  President Kennedy's Report speech to the American people uses logos, ethos, and pathos which are techniques the Greek philosopher Aristotle identified centuries ago.

To learn more about President Kennedy's Report use the given link:


Select the proper meaning. Irrational false unbelievable responsible unreasonable.


1) stage in cycle everyone goes and changes from time to time

2) unreasonable for an example the little boy is being irrational because he just wants the big red ball at the store.

3) late

4) firm decision

5) exact copy

6) melted

To learn more about irrational please click on below link


Assessment: Which of the following describes
a central idea of the text?
A . Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
it criticizes the way teens feel.
B. Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
it criticizes the society we live in.
C. Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
parents never read these types of stories.
D. Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because
it helps them understand their parents


The central idea of the text is that "Dystopian fiction appeals to teens because it criticizes the society we live in," as stated in option B and seen below.

Teens and dystopian novels

In the article "Why Teens Find the End of the World So Appealing," author Elissa Nadworny discusses the reason why dystopian young adult novels are so popular among teens.

According to the article, these are the reasons:

Teenagers can relate to the main characters as they are born into a world that has been messed up by the previous generations and whose rules do not make sense.Teenagers enjoy reading things that speak to their feelings. Thus, the angst in these novels relates to their angst in real life.Teenagers are also learning to exercise their ability to question things and to try different identities. Such novels have the potential to help them go through this stage in their lives.

Therefore, we can see that the article is mainly about how teens feel. Teens tend to criticize the world and society, question the rules, and try different things. And so do these novels.

Therefore, we can conclude option B is the correct answer.

Learn more about dystopian novels here:


Complete the following sentence by filling in the blank.

In an outline, main points are indicated by ____ numerals.



In an outline, main points are indicated by Roman numerals


I hope this helps!!!

Please mark Brainliest :)


1. How have your beliefs about learning shaped your education and career choices?
2. How did the Modes of Learning Assessment challenge you? How did it surprise you?


You gain knowledge, skills, and experience that will help you in both your professional and personal lives. Gaining new communication and problem-solving skills as well as achieving your goals might help you feel more confident.

How will education help you in the future?

Education fosters the development of critical thinking. For someone to learn how to make judgments and interact with people logically, this is crucial (e.g., boosting creativity, enhancing time management). Education helps a person meet the standards for entry-level positions and boosts their chances of landing better jobs. As you progress through your education, you will develop a greater understanding of what is right and wrong, fair and unfair. As you develop your critical thinking and reasoning skills, you'll be able to apply them to situations in your life. You'll be aware of your civic responsibilities and rights.

To learn more about 'education' refer to


You gain knowledge, skills, and experience that will help you in both your professional and personal lives. Gaining new communication and problem-solving skills as well as achieving your goals might help you feel more confident.

How will education help you in the future?Education fosters the development of critical thinking. For someone to learn how to make judgments and interact with people logically, this is crucial (e.g., boosting creativity, enhancing time management). Education helps a person meet the standards for entry-level positions and boosts their chances of landing better jobs. As you progress through your education, you will develop a greater understanding of what is right and wrong, fair and unfair. As you develop your critical thinking and reasoning skills, you'll be able to apply them to situations in your life. You'll be aware of your civic responsibilities and rights.

To learn more about 'education' refer to


Apply knowledge of context clues to determine the connotative and denotative meanings of the word "might" in paragraph 4.




would have,


it is used to explain oneself

Other Questions
Kendall puts 1,000.00 into an account to use for school expenses the account earns 9% interest compounded monthly how much will be in the account after 9 years during the karyotyping procedure, the cell pellet is suspended in a solution which causes the cells to swell and the chromosomes to spread out from each other. this type of solution is called a(n) solution. Ricardo Cooks pizza at a restaurant he cooks five Pizza on Wednesday 9 pizzas on Thursday four times as many pizzas on Friday then Thursday complete the equation to show P the total number of Pizza is Ricardo Cooks on Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays 4) Which is the best deal?OA) $56 for 25 gallonsB) $32.05 for 15 gallonsO C) $51.29 for 23 gallonsOD) $22.50 for 10 gallons Triangle A B C is shown. Side A C has a length of 27. Side C B has a length of 54.Based on the diagram, which expresses all possible lengths of segment AB?AB = 2527 < AB < 81AB = 85AB< 27 or AB > 81 1 What is the value of x? 45 m (2x - 5) n HELPPP!!If Leo gets paid $125 in every paycheck and he immediately puts 50% into his savings account each time. How much money will he put into his savings accounts when he cashes the check? what value is equivalent to the expression 5-2(3+9)+4?a= -15b= -23c= 33d= 40 Solve for the unknown 8k-2k=42 find the slope of the line through each pair of points (2, -11), (7, -20) Angles. Solve for Vaule of D help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeee Find the equation (in terms of x) of the line through the points (-4,-4) and (3,1)y= i need help understand exponential functions Please help:A magazine publishers profit as a function of subscribers is represented in the table. The function is quadratic.Subscribers (thousands)Monthly profit ($ thousands)000.7511.251.50220390Select from the drop-down menu to correctly complete the sentence.The x-intercept represents The images of the answer choice are included Math COLL, help me plis You Start at (3,0). You move right 2 units and down 2 units. Where do you end Which ordered pairs are in the solution set of 8x + 16y > 32? (select two ordered pairs). The sum of two numbers is 95. If the larger number is increased by twice the smaller number the result is 120 what is the largest number can I take a pictureSolve:8^8 / 8^3