Cervantes recently offered 60,000 new shares of stock for sale. The underwriters sold a total of 73,400 shares to the public at a price of
per share. The additional 13,400 shares were purchased in accordance with which one of the following? a) Red herring provision b) Post issue agreement c) Green shoe provision d) Quiet provision e) Lockup ogreement


Answer 1

C) A greenshoe choice is an over-distribution choice. It is a clause in an underwriting agreement that gives the underwriter the right to sell investors more shares than the issuer had originally planned to sell in the event that demand for a security issue proves to be higher than anticipated in the context of an initial public offering (IPO).

With an example, what is the green shoe option?

The underwriters, for instance, have the option to exercise their greenshoe option and sell 1.15 million shares if a company decides to sell one million shares to the public. The underwriters can buy back 15% of the shares once they are priced and can be traded publicly.

What is a Greenshoe Choice?

A greenshoe option gives the group of investment banks that back an initial public offering (IPO) the ability to buy and sell 15% more shares at the same offering price than the issuing company planned to sell at first.

To learn more about greenshoe choice here



Related Questions

Considering the laws of probability, how can researchers influence the margin of error?


Considering the laws of probability, how can researchers influence the margin of error is: by altering the size of samples.

What is margin of error?

Margin of error can be defined as the way of showing sampling error in the research survey that was collected.

Researcher can tend to influence margin of error and this can be done by modifying or altering the size of the sample they collected.

One of the advantage of margin of error is that the  confidence interval can be determine through margin of error.

Therefore   researchers influence the margin of error is: by altering the size of samples.

Learn more about margin of error here:https://brainly.com/question/10218601


2. how much of the depreciation/appreciation of the canadian dollar does the inflation differential explain?


Since inflation can be thought of as a decline in the value of money, when inflation increases the money in that economy will tend to depreciate relative to other currencies.

Inflation alludes to the general expansion in costs inside an economy over the long haul.

Inflation can likewise be considered a decline in the buying influence of cash.

Inflation is firmly connected with loan costs, which can impact exchange rates.

Different variables, like economic growth, the equilibrium of exchange (which mirrors the degree of interest for the nation's labor and products), loan costs, and the country's obligation level all impact the worth of a given cash.

The most remarkable determiner of significant worth and the exchange pace of a country's cash is the apparent attractiveness of that money.

to know more about economic growth click here:



What is the main type of deposit?


Demand and time deposits are the two varieties of deposits.  A demand deposit is similar to a traditional bank account. From a demand deposit account, you can take the money out whenever you choose.

Time deposits, like a certificate of deposit, are those with a set period of time and often pay a certain interest rate.A simple checking account is a current account, often known as a demand deposit account. Consumers deposit money, which is then immediately available for withdrawal by the account user as they see fit. These accounts frequently permit withdrawals using debit or credit cards, checks, or over-the-counter withdrawal slips. In some instances, banks charge monthly fees for current accounts; however, if the account user satisfies other conditions, such as setting up direct deposit or completing a minimum number of monthly transfers to a savings account, the bank may waive the fee.

Learn more about deposits from



keesha company borrows $290,000 cash on december 1 of the current year by signing a 90-day, 10%, $290,000 note. 1. on what date does this note mature? 2.


The account will get mature at Rs 301600

How does this occur?

Maturity rate = 31 days

If the option is exercised, the underlying transaction settles on the maturity date. The final day on which a stock warrant may be used to buy the underlying stock at the strike price is known as the maturity or expiration date.Mature stock is defined as stock acquired through the exercise of an option granted under this Plan or another Company plan, delivered to the Company in order to execute the option, and continuously held by the optione for a period of six months or longer.

To know more about Shares here



What does it mean to say that an economic fluctuation involves the co-movement of many aggregate macroeconomic variables?
A.Real variables move in the same direction as the economic fluctuation, whereas nominal variables move opposite.
B.These variables grow or contract together during booms and recessions.
C.These variables grow during booms and contract during recessions.
D. Economic fluctuations in one period lead to movement of these variables in the next period.


The best choice is B. Throughout booms and recessions, these variables expand or decrease together.

What do changes in the macroeconomic environment mean?

Gross domestic product and economic expansion changes are considered economic swings. Monitoring changes in macroeconomic indicators such as the gross domestic product, unemployment, and national income allows us to quantify these variances (GDP). Business cycles in a market economy are used to explain economic fluctuations. Every nation experiences expansionary and contractionary economic periods. These fluctuations are a result of the country's general demand and supply for its goods and services, productivity levels, and employment levels. Short-term expansionary and deflationary periods result from these adjustments.

To know more about Gross domestic product, visit:



The classifications used to categorize cash inflows and outflows on the statement of cash flows includes ___ activities, ___ activities, and ___ activities.


The three categories of cash flows are operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. Operating activities include cash activities related to net income.

What is Cash Flow?

Cash flow is the net balance of funds that enter and exit a business at a specific point in time. A business receives and spends money continuously. The money that remains after a corporation pays its operational costs and capital expenditures are known as free cash flow. It is the money that is left over after paying for expenses including rent, taxes, and wages. FCF can be used however businesses see fit.

Knowing how to calculate and evaluate FCF aids a business in managing its cash flow and gives investors knowledge of a company's finances, enabling them to make wiser investment choices.

Cash gained or spent from investments your business makes, including buying machinery or making investments in other businesses, is known as cash flow from investing activities. From Financing Activities Cash Flow

Therefore, The categories of cash flows are operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

Learn more about Cash Flow here:



olap is an example of which type of analytics? question 22 options: a) descriptive b) prescriptive c) providing d) predictive


The correct Option is D. OLAP is an example of a Predictive type of analytics.

Analytics is the systematic computational evaluation of statistics or information. it is used for the discovery, interpretation, and conversation of significant styles in statistics. It additionally involves making use of facts styles toward effective decision-making. it is able to be precious in areas rich with recorded statistics; analytics relies on the simultaneous utility of information, laptop programming, and operations research to quantify overall performance.

Records analytics is a multidisciplinary field. there is extensive use of pc abilities, mathematics, records, the use of descriptive techniques, and predictive fashions to gain treasured knowledge from records through analytics. humans Analytics won't certainly belong within Human resources in companies.

To learn more about Analytics visit here:



when the coupon rate on the bond meets, or matches, the demand rate at the time of trade, this results in:


when the coupon rate on the bond meets, or matches, the demand rate at the time of trade, this results in the bond trading at par value.

A coupon is the interest payment a bondholder receives from the bond's issuing date until its maturity date. Ordinarily, the "coupon rate," which is determined by summing the total annual coupon payments and dividing the result by the bond's face value, is used to characterize coupons. For instance, a bond with a $1,000 face value and a 5% coupon rate would pay a total of $50 in coupons each year. This will typically take the form of two $25 semi-annual payments. Some bonds do not have coupons. Zero-coupon bonds have a coupon rate of 0% because they don't pay any coupons. These bonds only make one payment: the face value on the bond.

Learn more about coupon from



What is the difference between a Pyramid Scheme and a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company?

A pyamid scheme is legal whereas a MLM company is illegal
A pyramid scheme does not sell a product whereas a MLM company does
A pyramid scheme sells an actual product whereas a MLM company does not
There is no difference between a pyramid scheme and a MLM


C is correct! I took the test

What role does the government have in external compliance requirements?


Answer: Some parts of the business, such as stock sales, will be governed by external compliance requirements.


project constraints are factors considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration. group of answer choices true false


True -  Project Assumption, project constraints are factors considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration.

We are constantly operating under presumptions in our day-to-day lives. We assume that we will wake up on time and that our alarm will sound as scheduled. We trust that our cars will start each morning and that we won't have any trouble getting to work. In addition, project managers make assumptions when managing projects.

The fact of the matter is that our plans can be effectively derailed by assumptions being proven to be incorrect at any time. As a result, during the planning phase of each project, it is essential for a project manager to know what assumptions are and how to properly identify them. Any project factor that is considered to be true, real, or certain without empirical proof or demonstration is an assumption, according to the Project Management Institute. To put it realistically, you can't plan a project without making some assumptions. The key is recognizing these assumptions and implementing safeguards to minimize the impact on project delivery in the event of their falsification.

It is essential to keep in mind that each project assumption entails a potential risk. Assumption analysis is a crucial part of risk management planning, and every project manager should know how to evaluate, record, and convey assumptions when planning a project.

To know more about project assumption visit



an increase in capital inflows in the united states will result in a(n) foreign currency and a(n) the u.s. dollars in the foreign exchange market.


Increased capital inflows can result in credit booms and asset price inflation, which may be counterbalanced by losses from currency depreciation based on exchange rates and drops in equity pricing.

Net foreign acquisitions of domestic assets is the definition of capital inflows. Net foreign asset purchases by domestic agents, excluding the central bank, equal net capital outflows. It is also possible to prevent capital inflows by eliminating any policies that unintentionally support foreign investment. The two most frequent instances are probably grants to direct investors and insurance of bank accounts. By causing portfolio management, monetary shocks have the potential to be a significant source of capital flows. Large capital movements and significant fluctuations in the actual exchange rate typically result from a fall in inflation, especially when it is based on the exchange rate anchor.

Learn more about capital inflows from



management services, inc. provides services to clients. on may 1, a client prepaid management services $60,000 for 6-months services in advance. management services' general journal entry to record this transaction will include a


(d)Credit to Undistributed Management Fees for $60,000 .In the sample question, it is stated that management services offer their benefits to clients, and one customer pays an advance of $60,000 to the management program.

Therefore, the diary entry may be as follows in the event that the client obtained a progression:

$60k in cash and DR

To $60,000 in unpaid management fees

It is necessary to charge the account called and credit the obligations account for the amount received in advance.

What does management service do?

Any aspect or duty of an organization can be handled by management services. Its conventional functions are to decrease costs, increase productivity, and modernize processes. The provision of spaces that enable management being more efficient is an issue for business solutions that is growing.

To know more about management services  click here



in a futures contract the futures price is a. determined by the buyer and the seller when the delivery of the commodity takes place. b. determined by the futures exchange. c. determined by the buyer and the seller when they initiate the contract. d. determined independently by the provider of the underlying asset.


In a futures contract the futures price is determined by the buyer and the seller when they initiate the contract.

Monopoly is a cooperative board game with an economics theme. Players travel around the game board by rolling two dice in order to purchase, trade, and develop real estate, including homes and hotels. Players try to bankrupt their competitors by collecting rent from them. Tax squares, Chance cards, and Community Chest cards are additional methods to win or lose money. Each time a player passes a "Go" signal, they are rewarded. They can also be detained and prevented from being released unless one of three requirements is satisfied. There are house rules, numerous spin-offs, countless editions, and connected media. With local licenses in more than 103 nations and printing in more than 37 languages, Monopoly has been ingrained in global popular culture.

Learn more about price from



if the long-run market supply curve is perfectly elastic, an increase in demand will cause the final equilibrium to be at:


if the long-run market supply curve is perfectly elastic, an increase in demand will cause the final equilibrium to be at:  the original price but with a higher output .

In a perfectly competitive market in long-run equilibrium, an increase in demand makes economic benefit in the short run and induces passage in the long run; a decrease in demand makes economic loss (negative economic profits) in the short run and powers a few firms to leave the industry in the long run.

In the market for labor and products, amount provided and amount demanded are frequently moderately delayed to respond to changes in cost in the short run, however they respond all the more significantly in the long run.

Thus, demand and supply frequently — however not consistently — will quite often be generally inelastic in the short run and moderately flexible in the long run.

to know more about economic loss click here:



What are the 4 types of packaging?


The 4 types of packaging are paperboard box, corrugated box, plastic box and rigid box.

The corrugated box refers to cardboard. Corrugated boxes are the ones probably consider as cardboard as it produced the large shipping, shoe and storage boxes.

The paperboard box is a paper-based material that is light weight, yet strong. It can be easily cut and manipulated to create custom shapes and structures.

The plastic box packaging has many merits in which they can be recycled and they are much more durable than paperboard boxes.

The rigid box is made out of highly condensed paperboard that is four times thicker than the paperboard used in the construction of a standard folding carton.

To know more about corrugated box here,



role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


When people lack information about their roles, they experience role ambiguity.

What exactly does "experienced" mean?

Through practice, one becomes skilled or wise. an experienced driver. The Well Encounter is a 501(c)(3) grassroots organization that heals, engages, restores, and empowers traditionally negatively affected, disadvantaged, and oppressed societies in our societies, with a focus on women and children. According to an Employment Crossing report, passion trumps experience because it can foster a lengthy relationship with a staff member who is serious about staying with ones company again for long haul.

How can I claim to be knowledgeable?

Here are some experience synonyms to consider:


To know more about Experienced visit:



financing with requires borrowing, whereas financing with requires issuing shares of stock.


Debt financing calls for borrowing, whereas equity financing calls for the issuance of stock.

How would you define financing?

The process of generating cash or finances for any particular tax is accepted as finance. It is the act of initiating various economic resources—such as credit, loans, ” or “ profits of the company a few economy that most require them or can use them most effectively.

How do funding and loans differ?

A automobile loan that is chosen out and repaid over time is financing. When you get a vehicle loan, you consent to repay the loan amount interest payments and any fees within a fixed time frame.

To know more about Financing visit :



The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles.
a. True
b. False


It is a true statement that the best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles. The Option A is correct.

What is a Transactional leadership?

In management, this leadership focuses on supervision, organization, and performance; it is an integral part of the Full Range Leadership Model. Some typical tactics of this leadership in management include strategy, efficiency goals, economies of scale and quality differentiation. A transactional managers focus on performance related tasks and goals.

Essentially, a transactional leadership is a style of leadership in which leaders promote compliance by followers through both rewards and punishments. Through the rewards and punishments system, a transactional leaders are able to keep followers motivated for the short-term. A transformational leaders using the transactional approach are less interested in progressing their workers talents.

Read more about Transactional leadership



Under the Bretton Woods system the following currencies were directly tied to gold: _________a. the British Poundb. the US Dollarc. the Thai bahtd. All of the above were directly tied to gold


The only currency that was fully convertible to gold during the Bretton Woods system was the US dollar; other currencies were not immediately convertible to gold.

What kind of currencies are supported by gold?

A monetary system known as the "gold standard" allows for the freely convertible exchange of paper money for a set quantity of gold. In other words, in a system like this, the value of money is backed by the worth of gold. The Gold Standard was a system in which almost all nations tied their currencies to those of other nations that set the value of their currencies in terms of a certain amount of gold.

What was a part of the Bretton Woods system?

A mechanism for establishing a fixed currency exchange rate using gold as the global benchmark was established by the Bretton Woods Agreement. Representatives from 44 countries participated in the accord, which resulted in the establishment of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

To know more about Bretton Woods system, visit:



A loss on impairment of an intangible asset is the difference between the asset’s (Points : 5)carrying amount and the expected future net cash flows.carrying amount and its fair value.fair value and the expected future net cash flows.book value and its fair value


A loss on impairment of an intangible asset is the difference between the assets: book value and its fair value.

The projected price at which an object is purchased or sold when the buyer and seller voluntarily agree on a price is known as fair value. An individual or organization may look at real market transactions for comparable assets, project the asset's predicted earnings, and calculate the cost to replace the asset in order to ascertain the fair value of a good or financial investment. Listing a stock on a publicly traded stock exchange is a typical method of figuring out a stock's fair value. Investor demand, which determines the appropriate bid and ask prices, or market value, as shares trade, affects an investor's estimation of fair value.

To decide whether to buy or sell, an investor can compare their fair value estimate with the market value.

Learn more about fair value here: https://brainly.com/question/25528419


personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and _______.


Personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and Maintaining consumer satisfaction.

Personal selling is the practise of engaging in paid one-on-one engagement with consumers in an effort to educate and persuade them to trade money for goods. Finding prospects, getting them to buy, and keeping customers happy are the three main goals of personal selling.

When selling things, many salespeople go through a standard selling procedure. The salesperson compiles a list of possible clients while prospecting. The salesman undertakes a pre-approach prior to contacting prospects, gathering and evaluating data regarding prospects and their needs. A salesperson contacts potential clients using an approach. To pique interest in and desire for the product during the sales presentation, the salesperson must grab and hold the prospect's attention. The salesperson should address objections as they come up, if at all possible. The salesman solicits the prospect's purchase of the product or products during the closing. The salesperson must follow up the deal after a successful close.

Know more about the Personal selling at: https://brainly.com/question/18240042


an example of a tariff is a: select one: a. tax of 10% of the value of each honda automobile imported from japan. b. regulation specifying that each imported honda automobile must meet certain emission exhaust guidelines. c. tax of $500 on each honda automobile produced in the united states. d. limit on the total number of honda automobiles imported from japan.


An example of a tariff is tax of 10% of the value of each Honda automobile imported from Japan.

A tariff is a tax that a government imposes on goods and services that are imported from other nations in order to raise prices and reduce the appeal of imports, or at the very least their competitiveness, compared to domestic products and services. Tariffs are typically established to limit commerce with certain nations or to lower imports of a certain range of products and services.

For instance, the American government could impose a 50% tariff on Italian leather handbags in order to deter consumers from buying them by raising the cost of domestically produced handbags at a lower price. The government anticipates that the higher price will significantly reduce consumer demand for imported items.

To learn more about tariff please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/18124245


flynn machine tools is currently an all-equity firm that has 7,200 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $41 per share. the firm has decided to leverage its operations by issuing $60,000 of debt at an interest rate of 7.6 percent. this new debt will be used to repurchase shares of the outstanding stock. the restructuring is expected to increase the earnings per share. what is the minimum level of earnings before interest and taxes that the firm is expecting? ignore taxes.


The firm is anticipating a minimum of $22,435 in earnings before interest and taxes.

How do taxes and interest rates relate to one another?

In some senses, the combination of higher interest rates and reduced taxes is counterproductive for inflation and growth. Increased interest rates stifle inflationary pressures and economic growth. Reduced taxes encourage economic expansion and heighten inflationary pressures.

What effect does interest have on taxes?

For the purposes of income and gift taxes, loans you make at interest rates below what the market offers may be regarded as taxable transfers. As a result, even if you receive no interest, you could still have taxable income, and a gift tax return.

To learn more about Tax here:



Baskin-Robbins is a subsidiary of​ Dunkin' Brands;​ Dunkin' Brands owns and operates nearly​ 2,500 ice cream specialty stores in the United States.


Financial Center Nearly 2,500 ice specialty shops are owned and run by Dunkin Brands in the US.

Coca-Cola is Dunkin's owner, right?

Owned by Inspire Brands According to BD, Dunkin' has decided to choose PepsiCo as their new beverage supplier in the US. In the US, Dunkin' operates in close to 9,500 locations. Instead of serving fountain drinks, the business offers cooled beverages and other refreshments in bottles and cans.

Who has a partnership with Dunkin?

The company, which has more than 1,500 prominent brands in its portfolio and operates in far more than 30 countries, has so far been successful in attracting a sizable number of businesses, including Uber, Nike, Instacart, Mint Mobile, and Vodafone.

To know more about Dunkin' Brands visit:



true/false ? the relative profitability of a firm that employs an aggressive working capital financing policy will improve if the yield curve changes from upward sloping to downward sloping.


It is False to claim that if the yield curve shifts from upward to downward sloping, the relative profitability of a company with an aggressive working capital financing policy will rise.

The discrepancies between a firm's profitability and the growth indicators of its industry can be characterized as relative profitability and relative growth. Simply said, relative profitability and relative growth are the variations between a company's profitability and growth metrics and those of its industry.

It should be emphasized that even if the yield curve shifts from upward to downward sloping, the relative profitability of a company with an aggressive working capital financing policy might not improve.

To know more about Profit, refer to this link:



or a market to exist, there must be potential buyers multiple choice and a product that is safe and inexpensive. who have a willingness and the resources to buy. and retail stores which are willing to carry the product. who are looking for reasonable prices and financing.


For a market to exist, there must be potential buyers who have the willingness and the resources to buy. So option b. is correct.

A market is a place where buyers and sellers can meet to facilitate the exchange of transactions of goods and services. Markets can be physical like a retail outlet, or virtual like an e-retailer. Other examples include illegal markets, auction markets, and financial markets.

The market establishes the prices of goods and services that are determined by supply and demand. Some features of a market include the availability of an arena, buyers, and sellers, and a commodity.

Learn more about the market here



if a person's insurance policy is considered fair, how much is the total expected profits this insurance company is earning from this patient? g


Depending on the types of risks that the insurance industry can be divided based on what is covered.

what are the traits of the insurance industry?The insurance industry is divided into two major segments based on the types of risks covered: (1) life and health insurance and (2) property and casualty insurance.Life insurance, accident and health insurance, and annuities are the three main types of coverage offered by the life and health insurance industry.Life insurance protects against economic losses caused by the death of an individual over a specific time period.For example, in a pure "term" life insurance policy, the insured pays a premium that obligates the insurance company to pay a specific sum if the insured dies during the policy's term.

To learn more about health insurance refer to:



what is the typical outcome when employers or unions violate the nlra? group of answer choices all charges against the employer or union are dropped. the union is assigned punitive damages up to 80% of costs. the employer is ordered to shut down until a fair compromise is reached. the nlra takes on the role of criminal law and takes the union to court. the employer or union is ordered to stop unfair labor practices.


When unions or employers break the nlra, the usual result is a request for them to stop using unfair labor practices. Correct Option is (5).

Unfair Labor Practices (ULP) are actions taken by unions, employers, or workers that infringe on those parties' rights under the National Labor Relations Act. Worker ULPS. - interfere with, impede, or force employees from exercising their Section 7-guaranteed rights. A grievance may not be handled because an employee is not a union member, for instance. threatening a worker who filed a ULP claim. refusing to engage in sincere negotiations with an agency.

Job Security. Long-term employment stability is one of the most important topics for union leaders and members. Unions contend that employers have a responsibility to protect hard-working workers by opposing layoffs and terminations. Jobs can be lost by employees. Profits may be in danger. Sometimes, strikes can get violent. Factory owners are always willing to bargain.

Learn more about unions violate visit this link : brainly.com/question/1224840


Correct Question:

what is the typical outcome when employers or unions violate the nlra? group of answer choices

1. all charges against the employer or union are dropped.

2. the union is assigned punitive damages up to 80% of costs.

3. the employer is ordered to shut down until a fair compromise is reached.

4. the nlra takes on the role of criminal law and takes the union to court.

5. the employer or union is ordered to stop unfair labor practices.

What is the credit card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure CARD Act?


This Act (a) amends the Truth in Lending Act to prescribe open-end credit score lending strategies and more suitable disclosures to consumers,

restrict related expenses and prices to consumers, increase related penalties, and establish constraints and protections for issuance of credit score playing cards to minors and college students (numerous sections)

How does the credit card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act CARD Act helps customers?

For example, the CARD Act requires credit score card companies to inform consumers on each and every declaration how lengthy it would take to pay off their debt if they only made the minimum payment. Additionally, the CARD Act requires deposit card organizations to inform customers on how they can get admission to their annual savings report.

The act's savings card safeguards fall under three huge areas: customer protections, improved client disclosures and protections for younger consumers.

Learn more about CARD Act here:

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