3. refer to the data below. assuming the prices of resources a and b are $5 and $8 respectively, what is the least costly combination of resources for the firm to employ in producing 192 units of output?


Answer 1

3 of a and 4 of b is the least costly combination of resources for the firm to employ in producing 192 units of output.

The Firm, a 1993 American courtroom thriller directed by Sydney Pollack, stars Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Holly Hunter, Hal Holbrook, David Strathairn, and Gary Busey, all of whom received praise for their performances. The 1991 novel The Firm by John Grisham served as the basis for the film. The Firm and The Pelican Brief, two films based on John Grisham books, were released in 1993. The film, which debuted on June 30, 1993, was very successful on the box office, bringing in $270.2 million against a $42 million budget, making it the highest-grossing R-rated film of the year. Despite the storyline earning unfavorable reviews, the actors received fantastic ratings.

Learn more about firm from



Related Questions

a(n) organizational design attempts to simultaneously pursue modest, incremental innovations as well as more dramatic breakthrough innovations.


An ambidextrous organizational design attempts to simultaneously pursue modest, incremental innovations as well as more dramatic breakthrough innovations.

Organizational design is the process of creating a structure and system for a company or organization. It involves creating a plan that outlines how the company will operate and function. The goal of organizational design is to create a system that is efficient and effective.

There are many different factors that need to be considered when designing an organization, such as the company's size, culture, and goals. The organizational design process can be a complex and daunting task, but it is essential for the success of any company.

To know more about design, click here.



shaw company produced 730 units. its overhead allocation base is dlh and its standard amount per allocation base is 8 dlh per unit. its standard overhead rate is $10 per dlh. the flexible overhead budget at an activity level of 730 units shows $28,500 in variable overhead costs and $32,500 in fixed overhead costs. compute the volume variance. (indicate the effect of the variance by selecting favorable, unfavorable, or no variance.)


The volume variance of Shaw company produced 730 units is

What is Volume Variance?

A volume variance is the difference between the amount that was actually sold or eaten and the amount that was anticipated in the budget to be consumed or sold.

To calculate the production volume variance one must shall use the following equation based formula:

Production volume variance = (actual units produced - budgeted production units) x budgeted overhead rate per unit.

So Actual units produced 730 units.

Information given:

a) Standard overhead rate is $10 per Direct Labor Hours.

b) Standard Direct Labor Hours (DLHs) required to produced one unit = 8 DLHs.

c) Overhead budget = $28,500 (variable overhead) + $32,500 (Fixed overhead) = $61000.

d) Budget Units = (Overhead Cost ÷ Per Unit Rate) ÷ Direct Labor Hours per unit.

e) Units Produced = $61000 ÷ $10 ÷ 8 hours per unit = 762.5 Units

Putting the values ascertain in the above formula:

f) Volume Variance = (730 units - 762.5 Units) × $80 = $2600 Favorable

Thus the variance is favorable.

Learn more about Volume Variance refer:



3. bill worked as a bellman at a hotel. the hotel invested in robot butlers to provide many bellman services, and bill lost his job. how would you classify bill? a. cyclically unemployed b. frictionally unemployed c. not part of the labor force d. structurally unemployed e. both a and c


Bill worked as a bellman at a hotel. the hotel invested in robot butlers to provide many bellman services, and bill lost his job. Bill is d. structurally unemployed

People who lack skills valued by the labor market, either because demand has switched away from the abilities they do have, or because they never obtained any skills, are referred to be structurally unemployed.

Long-term unemployment brought on by changes in the economy is referred to as structural unemployment. Even while there are open positions, there is a mismatch between what employers require and what the current workforce can provide.

Economic changes, technological advancements, and workers lacking the necessary job skills can all be contributing factors to structural unemployment. On the other hand, fluctuations in business cycles and a period of slow economic growth, known as a recession, can result in cyclical unemployment.

Learn more about structurally unemployed here:



Find the demand function for each marginal revenue function. Recall that if no items are sold, the revenue is 0. R^{\prime}(x)=500-0.15 \sqrt{x}R


The marginal revenue function, locate the demand function is P = 0.02x² -0.025x + 152 when R'(x) = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 152.

Given that,

We have to find for the marginal revenue function, locate the demand function.

Remember that the income is zero if no things are sold:

R'(x) = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 152p(x) is what.

We know that,

MR = dTR/dx = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 152

Integrating the marginal revenue function , we get total revenue function,


= (0.06x²⁺¹)/(2+1) - (0.05x¹⁺¹)/(1+1) + 152x

= (0.06x³)/3 - (0.05x²)/2 + 152 x

TR  = 0.02 x³ - 0.025 x² + 152 x

TR = (P)(Q) = (P)(x) =  0.02 x³ - 0.025 x² + 152 x

P = ( 0.02 x³ - 0.025 x² + 152 x)/x

P = 0.02x² -0.025x + 152

Therefore, The marginal revenue function, locate the demand function is P = 0.02x² -0.025x + 152 when R'(x) = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 152.

To know more about function visit:



To calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the ________ from the stock’s expected return.


To calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the risk-free rate from the stock’s expected return.

The interest that a potential investor could earn over a set length of time from a completely risk-free investment is known as the risk-free rate. You can calculate the so-called "real" risk-free rate by subtracting the current inflation rate from the yield on the Treasury bond that corresponds to the tenure of your investment.

A risk premium is the extra investment return that an asset is expected to produce over and above the risk-free rate of return. Investors anticipate receiving a return on their investment in order to make up for the risk they are taking. A risk premium is how this shows up.

Simply subtract the predicted return on a particular asset from the risk-free rate, which is the current interest rate paid on risk-free investments like government bonds and Treasury securities, and you have the risk premium formula.

Learn more about risk-free rates here:



What is the main responsibility common to central banks?


A key role of central banks is to behavior financial coverage to gain charge stability (low and stable inflation) and to help control financial fluctuations.

A nation's central banks is commonly given a mix of obligations which includes figuring out the money deliver, supervising banks, offering banking services for the authorities, lending to banks throughout crises, and promoting patron safety and network development.

The vital financial institution gives services to the crucial authorities. It collects payments to the governments and makes payments on behalf of the authorities. It maintains and operates deposit debts of the government. The important financial institution also manages public debt and problems loans.

A significant financial institution is a public institution that manages the forex of a rustic or organization of nations and controls the cash supply – literally, the quantity of money in circulate. the main goal of many central banks is fee balance.

Learn more about central banks here



which correctly describes effective marketing communication and the order that it takes place


A set of procedures and tools make up a marketing communication strategy. It will assist you in sending the appropriate marketing message via the appropriate channel, to the appropriate audience, at the appropriate time.

It supports your marketing and commercial objectives, such as ongoing marketing initiatives, new product launches, temporary promotions, hiring objectives, business relationships, and more.

The crucial aspect of this benefit is that for the marketing communication plan to be effective, all four requirements must be met.

People (your audience) Message (what you're trying to communicate or sell)Timing (day, week, month, season, etc) (day, week, month, season, etc.)Place (channel you choose) 

Learn more about marketing communication strategy here brainly.com/question/29627547


What benefits do political parties provide to voters ?


They provide voters with clear choices and an effective way to identify the candidate whose views accord more with their own.

Voting is a process that a group, such as an electorate or gathering, can use to reach a consensus or express an opinion, typically after talks, debates, or election campaigns. Voting is how democracies have a choice of their leaders for high office.

Voters are looking for one result: a government majority that will support a choice or order of priorities that the voter cares about. There are various methods that voters and/or elected officials might use to determine the prevailing viewpoint.

To learn more about voters visit here:



what is the amount of cash dividends paid that should be reported in the financing section of the statement of cash flows?


41,000 The statement of cash flows' operating activities part was created using the indirect technique, which is: Reports net income and then makes adjustments for non-cash items.

What is cash flows?

The net amount of cash and cash equivalents coming into and going out of a business is referred to as cash flow. Money spent and money received reflect inflows and outflows, respectively.

Fundamentally, a company's capacity to produce positive cash flows, or more specifically, its capacity to optimize long-term free cash flow, determines its ability to create value for shareholders (FCF).

FCF is the cash a company generates from its regular business activities after deducting any funds used for capital expenditures (CapEx).

The quantity of money that enters and leaves a business is known as its cash flow. Businesses receive revenue from sales and spend money on costs.

Learn more about cash flows, here



a monopoly that can perfectly price discriminate has a marginal revenue curve that is _____ the demand curve for the good that the monopoly produces. if a monopoly can perfectly price discriminate, it produces _____ deadweight loss.


The marginal revenue curve of a monopoly with perfect price discrimination is steeper than the demand curve. A monopoly doesn't cause any deadweight loss if it can properly price discriminate.

What impact does perfect pricing discrimination have on revenue?

The monopolist will continue to produce until marginal cost matches the price of the good because under perfect price discrimination, the marginal revenue curve corresponds with the market demand curve.

What happens when pricing discrimination is perfect?

The effects of perfect price discrimination: more will be produced than a single-price monopolist (Qp=MC), certain consumers will pay higher prices than they would have otherwise (Pm), while other consumers will pay lower prices.

To learn more about Monopoly here:



anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep. t or f


The following statement "Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep" is false.

A person who represents a certain agency or organization is referred to as an agent. An agent works for an agency and aids in the public representation of the company.

Anything an agent could receive in connection with the agency, however, is not his to keep. In such cases, the individual has the right to deliver the item to the agency's owner, who will then decide whether or not the agent gets to keep it. As a result, the previous claim is untrue.

To know more about Agent here



A company offers a renters insurance policy that costs a customer \$60$60dollar sign, 60 per year, and the company will make a payout of \$10{,}000$10,000dollar sign, 10, comma, 000 to the customer if they are victim to theft in that year. The company set this price based on the probability of a theft in the area being 0. 10. 0010, point, 001.


If a company offers a renters insurance policy that costs a customer the variance of x is 99900 and the standard deviation is 316.0696

Here x takes 2 values with respective probabilities

x                  p (x)

60                0.999

-9940           0.001

Mean = ∑ x px (x) = 60 x 0.999 + (-0.001 x 9940) = 50

The variance of x = ∑ [tex]x^{2}[/tex]p(x) - [ ∑xp(x)]²

                       = 60² x 0.999 + [( - 9940 )² x 0.001 )] - (50)²

Variance of x = 99900

The standard deviation of x = √ variance of x = √99900

The standard deviation of x = 316.0696

To learn more about standard deviation



If the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?
a) expansionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right
b) expansionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right
c) contractionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right
d) contractionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right


If the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium then expansionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right .

Option A is correct .

When total output and total demand are equal, this is referred to as short-run equilibrium. When some production parameters are fixed and some are changeable, an economy is in short-term equilibrium. Only by increasing the application of the variable factor can output be increased. The scale of manufacturing remains steady in the short term.

When prices respond to market changes and the economy is operating at its maximum potential, long-run equilibrium has been reached. A company achieves equilibrium over the long term when it modifies one or more of its plants to create output at the least point on their long-run Average Cost (AC) curve. The demand curve that the market price described is tangential to this curve.

Learn more about short-run and long-run equilibrium visit : brainly.com/question/16778362


to calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the ________ from the stock’s expected return.


To calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the risk-free rate from the stock’s expected return. the correct answer is D.

What purpose does the risk-free rate serve?

The prospective rate of return on a risk-free investment is known as the risk-free rate. It serves as the standard for other investments with risk components as a result. Government bond yields are some of the most often used risk-free rates for investments.

One must deduct the risk-free rate from the expected return on a stock in order to determine the projected risk premium.

How is the risk-free rate used to calculate the risk premium?

The risk premium calculation formula is straightforward: The risk-free rate, which is simply the current interest rate paid on risk-free investments like government bonds and Treasuries, can be calculated by deducting the projected return on a certain asset from the risk-free rate.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

To calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the_________ from the stock's expected return.

a) variance

b) expected market rate of return

c) Standard deviation

d) risk free rate

e) Intiation rate

Learn more about risk-free rate: brainly.com/question/28168891


face 2 face corporation reports 230 outstanding shares, 1,150 authorized shares, and 115 shares of treasury stock. how many shares are issued?


Issued shares = Outstanding shares + Treasury stock, Issued shares = 230 shares + 115 shares and Issued shares = 345 shares

Whether they are insiders, institutional investors, or members of the general public (as listed in the firm's annual report), issued shares are the subset of authorized shares that have been sold to and owned by shareholders of a corporation. The stock that a company issues and sells to the public to raise money, as well as the stock that is provided to insiders as part of their pay.

The difference between issued shares and authorized shares is that issued shares have already been dispersed, whereas authorized shares have simply received the board of directors' approval for issuance. The number of shares issued may be greater than, less than, or equal to the entire number of authorized shares.

To learn more about Issued shares refer here:



trade restrictions that limit the sale of low-price foreign goods in the u.s. market


Governments have three primary means to restrict trade: quota systems; tariffs; and subsidies. The major obstacles to international trade are natural barriers, tariff barriers, and non-tariff barriers.

International trade is the acquisition and sale of goods and services by means of corporations in unique international locations. consumer items, raw substances, food, and machinery all are bought and offered in the global market. global trade is called the trade or exchange of products and services between unique countries. This type of exchange contributes to and increases the arena economy. The most typically traded commodities are tv sets, garments, machinery, capital goods, meals, uncooked fabric, and many others.

International exchange is the change of capital, items, and offerings across global borders or territories because there's a want or need for items or offerings. In maximum nations, such change represents a great proportion of the gross home product.

Learn more about international trade here: https://brainly.com/question/15115779


what is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of accepting the special order from the wedding party? direct materials $ 142 direct labor 90 manufacturing overhead 37 unit product cost $ 269


The financial advantage of accepting the special order from the wedding party is $2352.

The following expenses must be considered before accepting the special order:

1. Boosted Sales from the Special Order

2. Added variable costs

3. The price of the unique tool

Unit variable cost: 142+ 90+ 9+ 15=256

In any case, the remaining manufacturing expenses would be incurred. As a result, they have no bearing on the judgment.

Sales from special orders brought in $ = (21× $368) =  7728

The Variable Cost of a Special Order is $ = (21× $256)= (5376 )

financial benefit = Sales - variable cost

= 7728 - 5376

= $ 2352

The unique order should be accepted by the business since it will boost profits by $2352.

To know more about financial advantage:



Correct question:

Imperial Jewelers manufactures and sells a gold bracelet for $408.00. The company’s accounting system says that the unit product cost for this bracelet is $268.00 as shown below:

Direct materials $142

Direct labor 90

Manufacturing overhead 36

Unit product cost $268

The members of a wedding party have approached Imperial Jewelers about buying 30 of these gold bracelets for the discounted price of $368.00 each. The members of the wedding party would like special filigree applied to the bracelets that would require Imperial Jewelers to buy a special tool for $452 and that would increase the direct materials cost per bracelet by $9. The special tool would have no other use once the special order is completed.

To analyze this special order opportunity, Imperial Jewelers has determined that most of its manufacturing overhead is fixed and unaffected by variations in how much jewelry is produced in any given period. However, $15.00 of the overhead is variable with respect to the number of bracelets produced. The company also believes that accepting this order would have no effect on its ability to produce and sell jewelry to other customers. Furthermore, the company could fulfill the wedding party’s order using its existing manufacturing capacity. What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of accepting the special order from the wedding party?

why had the u.s. steel industry failed to replace outdated plants and equipment in the postwar years?


The U.S. steel industry failed to replace outdated plants and equipment in the postwar years because American steel producers enjoyed a world market without serious competition.

Changes in the elements that had previously contributed to the sector's political cohesion have resulted in a loss of political influence. One of these shifts is the quickly altering American market structure, particularly the rising significance of a sizable number of unintegrated steel manufacturers known as "minimills."

The absolute decline in the number of steelworkers and, consequently, the number of voters especially engaged in steel issues, has also reduced the influence of the integrated industry.

The absolute decline in the number of steelworkers and, consequently, the number of voters especially engaged in steel issues, has also reduced the influence of the integrated industry.

Learn more about U.S. steel industry here brainly.com/question/2938494


sdj, incorporated, has net working capital of $3,020, current liabilities of $4,130, and inventory of $3,780. a. what is the current ratio? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) b. what is the quick ratio? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


A. Therefore the current assets are $7,150.

B. Therefore the quick ratio is 0.82

The liquidity ratios are current ratio and quick ratio. These are used to gauge the company's liquidity. They must assess the company's capacity to fulfill its immediate responsibilities. To calculate the current and quick ratio, follow the methods provided below. Initially, compute the current assets using the following formula:

Working money Current assets - Current Liabilities

Substitute $3,020 for working capital and $4,130 for current liabilities in the formula.

Working capital = Current assets - Current Liabilities

$3,020 Current assets- $4,130

Current Assets = $4,130 +$3,020

= $7,150

Therefore the current assets are $7,150.

=$7,150 /$4,130

= 1.73

Therefore the current ratio is 1.73

Quick Ratio = Quick Assets / Current Liabilities

Quick Ratio: (Current Assets-Inventory)/Current Liabilities


$3,370 $4,130 =

= 0.82

Therefore the quick ratio is 0.82

Learn more about liabilities visit this link : brainly.com/question/14921529


Correct Question:

SDJ, Inc., has net working capital of $3,020, current liabilities of $4,130, and inventory of $3,780.

a. What is the current ratio? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) Current ratio times

b. What is the quick ratio? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) Quick ratio times

to calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the ________ from the stock’s expected return.


To calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the inflation rate from the stock’s expected return.

The Wholesale Price Index (WPI) value changed yearly by a certain percentage, which is known as inflation. It accurately calculates the change in a basket of products and services prices over the course of a year. When calculating inflation in India, the WPI is used as the baseline.

Since inflation has increased, many people have changed their financial situations. Particularly with a potential recession coming, it's critical to follow your debt repayment strategy. To keep up with debt repayment, take into account cutting back on your free time or taking on a second job.

To know more about Inflation Rate here



Some U.S. multinationals add a premium percentage for risk to the discount rate when evaluating potential foreign investments. Critics argue that this practice:________
a) heavily penalizes distant cash flows.
b) fails to penalize early cash flows.
c) fails to recognize early cash flows.
d) penalizes early cash flows too heavily.


Some U.S. multinationals add a premium percentage for risk to the discount rate when evaluating potential foreign investments. Critics argue that this practice penalizes early cash flows too heavily.

Foreign investment is the transfer of capital from one nation to another, giving the foreign investors significant ownership holdings in domestic businesses and assets. The money a company gets and spends is referred to as its cash flow. Sales revenue is received by businesses, and it is then used for overhead.

A sort of financial statement that describes the origins and uses of a company's cash over time is the cash flow statement. Foreign investment indicates that foreigners have an active management role as part of their investment or a sizeable ownership holding that allows the foreign investor to have a say in how the company does business.

Learn more about Investment here:



a chronological resume lists your work history in reverse order, starting with your current or most recent job and working backwards. it is the most common way to organize a resume, and many employers like this format because it presents your work history in a clear, easy-to-follow arrangement. a functional or skill-based resume focuses on skills and capabilities you possess that qualify you for a position. instead of listing your work history at the top, a functional resume begins with key areas of experience, responsibilities, and accomplishments. a combination resume highlights the strengths of candidates who have both relevant work experience and skills. it meshes the skills focus of the functional resume with the work history focus of the chronological format. which type of resume will you choose to use? select an option from the choices below and click submit.


In a case whereby a chronological resume lists your work history in reverse order, starting with your current or most recent job and working backwards and many employers like this format because it presents your work history in a clear, easy-to-follow arrangement the type of resume will you choose to use is Combination resume.

What is a combination resume?

A combination resume  can be described as the resume format  which was designed for highly-trained job seekers with previous work experience.

It should be noted that it is been reffered to as combination”  as a result of how it combines the most notable features of both the functional resume format and the chronological resume, however when using it, If you have any gaps in employment,  the combination resume can not be used to downplay these like the functional resume will.

Learn more about resume at:



The industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high branded operating benchmarks on p. 7 of each issue of the footwear industry report?


The cost benchmarking data on pp. 6-7 of each issue of the Footwear Industry Report for the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high costs assist managers in determining whether their company's costs and/or operating profits for the benchmarked items are adequately competitive.

If this is not the case, the company's executives should address how to best address the high-cost or low-profit issue as soon as possible. They typically include information on emerging industry trends, general financial statistics (e.g., operating costs, revenue, and consumer spending), information on major companies, market share, and a summary of supply and demand chains. Typically, industry reports are very expensive. It assists them in forecasting demand and supply, as well as financial returns from the business.

It indicates the industry's competitiveness as well as the costs of entering and exiting the industry. It is critical when starting a small business. The main factors determining the strength of substitute competition are I the attractiveness of substitute prices; (ii) buyers' satisfaction with substitutes in terms of quality and other features; and (iii) the ease with which substitutes can be switched to.

To learn more about industry reports, here



bernard company provided the following information from its financial records: net income $ 250,000 total stockholders' equity $ 1,000,000 common dividends $ 15,000 common shares outstanding, 12/31 150,000 preferred rights $ 175,000 what is the company's book value per share?


The company's book value per share is $7.17.

The ratio of equity available to common shareholders divided by the total number of existing shares is known as book value per share (BVPS).

Investors can determine whether a stock price is undervalued by comparing it to the company's market value per share using the book value per share (BVPS) metric.

To calculate the company's book value per share, we need to subtract the value of the preferred stock from the total stockholders' equity and divide the result by the number of common shares outstanding. In this case, the book value per share is calculated as follows:

Book value per share = (total stockholders' equity - value of preferred stock) / common shares outstanding

= (1,000,000 - 175,000) / 150,000

= $7.17

To know more about book value per share:



When a country that imports a particular good imposes an import quota on that good,
A. consumer surplus increases and total surplus increases in the market for that good.
B. domestic sellers and domestic buyers become worse off.
C. the domestic quantity supplied decreases.
D. consumer surplus decreases and total surplus decreases in the market for that good.


When a country that imports a particular good imposes an import quota on that good consumer surplus decreases and total surplus decreases in the market for that good.

The consumer surplus is the term which is used to measure of consumer  welfare and is defined as the excess of social valuation of the products and services over the price actually paid.

The consumer surplus while taking into consideration the demand and supply curves. It is measured by the area of triangle below the demand curve and above is the observed price.

The country that imports a particular good imposes an import quota on that good by the consumer surplus decreases and total surplus decreases in the market for that good.

To know about consumer surplus here,



starting at a price of $30, of earth science were to increase the price by 6%, will the quantity demanded decrease by more than 6%, by less than 6%, or by exactly 6%? explain.


The product's price has been increased by 180% due to the elasticity of demand.

Elasticity of demand:

An elastic demand is one in which the change in quantity sought as a result of a price change is substantial. An inelastic demand is one in which the change in quantity required as a result of a price change is modest. If the formula produces an absolute number larger than one, this indicates that demand is elastic.


Starting with a price of $30, if earth science raises the price by 6%, will the quantity requested fall by more than 6%, less than 6%, or precisely 6%?

And we need to figure out how much the product costs.

According to the current condition, the amount demand will rise by

=> (30 x 0.06 = 1.8)

If the price elasticity of demand is 30 and the price grows by 5%, then there must be 180%.

which assert that an increase in price will increase overall income when demand is inelastic (less than 1) because the price rise more than covers the drop in quantity requested.

Learn more about Elasticity of demand:



Which are more economically efficient, perfectly competitive markets or monopolies?Compared to monopolies, perfectly competitive markets are?A. More economically efficent because they produce at lower average total cost.B. Less economically efficient because they rusutl in more deadweight loss.C. More economically efficient because they produce where marginal revenue ewuals marginal cost.D. Less economically efficient because they result in more economic surplusE. More economically efficient because they result in more emonomic surplus.


More economically efficient than monopolies are markets with perfect competition. In a market where there is competition, businesses have an added motivation to increase production efficiency and reduce the likelihood of wasteful overproduction.

Why monopolies are less effective than markets with complete competition?

A competitive market outperforms a monopoly in terms of total gains from trade.

What makes monopolies superior to perfect competition?

Consumers benefit more from the local monopolist's sales since they are sold in greater quantities and at lower prices than what outside competition could offer. Due to cheaper costs and the fact that outside competition limits the local monopoly's market power, consumers profit overall from it.

To know more about monopolies visit:-



When the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, how would it impact the economy?


When the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, then it impacts many consumer interest rates, including deposits, bank loans, credit cards, and adjustable-rate mortgages. The FFR indirectly influences even longer-term interest rates.

Central bank cut interest rates when the economy slows down in order to re-invigorate economic activity and growth. Rates go up when the economy is hot. The goal of cutting rates is to reduce the cost of borrowing so that people and companies are more willing to invest and spend.

Interest rates changes spill over to many facets of the economy, including mortgage rates and home sales, consumer credit and consumption, and stock market movements.

Learn more about federal fund rate here:



an advantage of franchising, from the franchisors point of view, is that franchising helps a venture grow because the franchisees provide the majority of the capital. t or f


From the perspective of the franchisor, the benefit of franchising is that it aids in a venture's expansion because the franchisees supply the vast bulk of the cash.

What is the role of a franchisor?

The franchisor grants the franchisee the right to use the trademarks and service marks of a franchise system for company operations and upholds the system's brand guidelines.

What is a franchisee meaning?

The franchise (or franchising) is just a technique of selling goods or services that involves a franchisor that creates the brand's trade name or business model and a franchisee who pays a royalty or frequently an upfront fee to have the right to use the franchisor's name and system.

To know more about franchisor visit:



when considering where most companies fall on the spectrum of organic versus mechanistic structures, where do most of them lean? lumen


Most businesses tend to tilt toward mechanistic structures when deciding where they lie on the organic versus mechanistic structures spectrum.

Mechanistic organizations feature formal, standardized control mechanisms and centralized decision-making. They are essentially bureaucracies.

Mechanistic organizations thrive in predictable, uncomplicated settings. Through formal channels and formal meetings, managers integrate the operations of clearly defined departments. They frequently have numerous layers of hierarchy and place a lot of emphasis on reporting relationships.

An organization that employs the mechanistic paradigm is General Motors. They are incredibly big, which is a necessity when there are that many people and activities involved. However, they are also in a secure, though not somewhat straightforward, setting. Yes, the economy affects the auto market, but the corporation still makes cars and trucks. That task essentially serves all of their divisions in the same way.

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If you are accused of a crime and released on bond prior to a trial, who has the responsibility to ensure you return to court?. What was the "cruel irony" for African Americans in the Vietnam War? with direct teaching and guidelines on the group process, the fourth-grade students are divided into groups to write a story about an experience of a frightening storm. each student is assigned a part of the narrative to write within their group, after the group agrees on the type of storm they will write about. they later share the group stories with their classmates. the teacher encountered one stubborn student and several challenges with the group progress, but all of the groups completed the task successfully with teacher facilitation. in order to improve future small group activities, what teacher strategy should be used? arthur is looking forward to having more time for leisure pursuits after retirement. he is excited about trying out new options. arthur should know that leisure activities pursued during retirement typically include group of answer choices more vigorous physical activities. things that have been lifelong interests. new activities never pursued before. activities that earn extra money. a breach of contract entitles the nonbreaching party to sue for monetary damages. The collection of ordered pairs below represents a function: {(4, 19), (-2, 77), (0, 10), (), (1, 10). (-3,0), (100, 100)} a. State the domain of the function. b. State the range of the function. what is the main way groundwater accumulates? seawater in the oceans loses its salt via the process of saltation. plants release water and carbon dioxide through their roots. magma releases water as part of the hydrologic cycle. precipitation and surface water infiltrate through the upper layers of soil. The pharaohs had a canal built connecting the nile to the red sea, opening up trade routes to arabia.a) trueb) false What term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea? paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing? 48 ((2 + 6) 2) 1 When trevor and brian play ping pong, the probability that trevor will win is 0. 6. If trevor and brian play two games of ping pong, what is the probability that they each win one of the games? assume games are independent. How did the collapse of communism affect former Soviet republics in Central Asia? fifty years ago, a high school diploma was the minimum requirement for entry into the paid labor force of the united states. today, a college diploma is virtually the bare minimum. this change reflects the process of your php installation appears to be missing the mysql extension which is required by wordpress. the difference between the total reserves that a bank holds and the amount that is required by law are called while talking with a schizophrenic client, the nurse observes that the client is looking straight ahead, maintains no eye contact, and shows no facial expression, even though the client is telling the nurse about a very emotional episode the client just experienced with a roommate. when describing the client's affect, the nurse documents it as what? Research participants believed that the asch conformity test involved a study of? In the context of individual level factors that influence voter turnout, age is a strong indicator of whether someone will vote or not. Young americans tend to be more likely to vote than older americans because of their propensity for social activism.a. trueb. false What are two examples of New Deal programs?