can someone please help me write an informative essay from the four freedoms address writing promt​


Answer 1


I can help!


This one is too long tho so that'll just slow down my device but here we go:

The study of our history marks the first step in understanding our earlier period which usually helps us to have a perceptive of the happenings and events that have taken place over years which can also facilitate improving the future. In this research paper we shall review the four freedoms which were articulated by President Roosevelt in the year 1941 (Crowley, 2010)[1].

Throughout the discussion we shall elaborate the four freedoms in a broader way for better understating; we shall also describe the several measures that were put in place in order to ensure the four freedoms are fully achieved for the better of US administration and for the wellbeing of the entire population as well.

Answer 2




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50 POINTS !!!!!!!!! What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

Everywhere you look, advertisements tempt you to eat more junk food. It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person’s health. Most of the food items are fried and high in sugar and fat. Various studies have shown that eating high amounts of junk food can cause obesity, high cholesterol, liver and heart problems, and even issues in concentration. Journals have released articles showing the addictive nature of this kind of food and its harmful effects on children. It is a better idea to eat junk food in moderation. There’s nothing wrong with a slice of pizza every now and then, but healthy habits are better!

to persuade people to remove junk food from schools
to inform people about the harmful effects of junk food
to entertain people with stories about advertising
to express the writer’s love for junk foods





They are talking about the negative sides of junk food

Never does it once mention a school, they don't want to entertain you about advertising, and the writer definitely doesn't like junk food

Read the following excerpt from The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.

Now, Tabaqui knew as well as any one else that there is nothing so unlucky as to compliment children to their faces; and it pleased him to see Mother and Father Wolf look uncomfortable.

Tabaqui sat still, rejoicing in the mischief that he had made, and then he said spitefully:

"Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting-grounds. He will hunt among these hills during the next moon, so he has told me."

How does the shift to Tabaqui’s point of view affect his characterization?

It makes it easier for readers to like him.
It shows readers just how devious he really is.
It shows readers Father Wolf’s perception of him.
It makes Tabaqui appear stronger than Father Wolf.


It’s It shows readers Father Wolf’s perception on him it’s C hope this helps

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i dunno️️


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C is the answer vegetables are good for you

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In this song, the lyrics mention today's issues, most likely racism and unfair treatment.

just answered a question like this! here it is :)

Read the passage from A Christmas Carol.

"A few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?"

"Nothing!" Scrooge replied.

"You wish to be anonymous?"

"I wish to be left alone," said Scrooge. . . .

"It's not my business," Scrooge returned. "It's enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people's. Mine occupies me constantly. Good afternoon, gentlemen!"

Based on Scrooge’s response to the gentlemen, what theme does this passage best express?

It is important to take care of one’s own financial responsibilities.
Helping a person anonymously is the best way to be less selfish.
A person concerned only about himself cannot be helpful to others.
Donating to those in need interferes with business plans and strategies.



C is the answer


Hope this helps you


The answer is    

C. A person concerned only about himself cannot be helpful to others


Scrooge is so stingy that he wouldn't even spend a dime to give to the poor. It shows that he is so concerned in his money that he will never be helpful to others. He learns his lesson in the end

I hope this helps <333

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you can just help me with some not a whole essay if u want thx




“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Said by Marilyn Monroe. For once, I believed what someone said without a doubt, and most importantly from experience. Everything happens for a reason, and good things can fall apart so better can fall together. Personal experience’s can change people in the sense of who they are and sometimes their perspective on life depending on the situation. Personally I have had one experience that has made me realize many things in life and I will…show more content…

I felt the biggest knot in my throat as i tried holding in my tears. Once I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore, I felt a shadow of people over me. It was the most comforting, hurtful crowd ever to surround me, my team. I opened my eyes and saw every one of their faces and thought that I was letting them down. They were all asking if I was okay and I couldn’t help but stand up and walk it off. I walked to the bench with the feeling of a knife going straight in through one side of my ankle and out the other. I thought about what I can do to keep practicing. I got up, limped all the way to the trainers room and asked them to tape it as tight as they can without it hurting me. Walking back out on to the field, where my team is still practicing, I sucked it all up and pulled my coach aside. I explained to him how it only hurt at the moment and a little after I walked it off. Inside, I was dying of pain. He told me to run around for a little and if I felt comfortable I can join the practice again. I felt like it wasn’t such a big deal so I got back on the field and started running around. Right when practice ended, I walked back to the trainers room. I unwrapped my ankle from all that tape to find an extra swollen ankle looking as if there were a softball in it. She looked at my ankle, looked at me, and told me there was no way she was letting me leave her room without getting checked. She told me to lay on be continued


Individuals change so you can figure out how to give up, things turn out badly so you value them when they're correct, you trust lies so you in the long run figure out how to trust nobody yet yourself.

What is context of excerpt?

For probably the first time, I accepted what somebody said indeed, and above all for a fact. Everything occurs for an explanation, and beneficial things can go to pieces so better can fall together.

Individual experience's can change individuals in the feeling of what their identity is and at times their viewpoint on life relying upon the circumstance.

By and by I have had one experience that has caused me to acknowledge numerous things throughout everyday life and I  show more satisfied.

I felt the greatest bunch in my throat as I took a stab at holding in my tears. When I was unable to keep down my tears any longer, I felt a sorry excuse for individuals over me.

It was the most soothing, frightful group ever to encompass me, my group. I woke up and saw all of their appearances and believed that I was letting them down.

For more information about witness, refer the following link:


Selecu le correct ariswer.
What message does Jefferson express in the opening paragraph of his second inaugural address?
He says in his first term that he stuck to the principles he laid out in his first inaugural address.
He sets out the principles by which he will conduct his second term in office.
He reassures the audience that his second term in office will be smoother than his first term.
He says that in his first term he acted upon the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence.
Edmentum. All rights reserved



A is the right answer, i hope this helps :). have a wonderful day <3

p.s. the words in a and the words in d for the picture below are the same answer, so make sure to check which words are right before you click the letter choice :) <3

Jefferson expresses a message in his second inaugural address that "he says in his first term that he stuck to the principles he laid out in his first inaugural address".

What do you mean by Inaugural message?

An inaugural message may be defined as the first speech someone delivers when initiating important new actions.

Jefferson is the idealistic writer who writes " the declaration of Independence". In this excerpt, he tries to deliver an inaugural address.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Jefferson, refer to the link;


What did Sal's mother think of herself?
(Please tell me which page it is on!)



She wasn't like Sal or his father so she felt left out and left.  Ch 18 and 19

Somewhere around there


compare metaphor and simile


While both similes and metaphors are used to make comparisons, the difference between similes and metaphors comes down to a word. Similes use the words like or as to compare things—“Life is like a box of chocolates.” In contrast, metaphors directly state a comparison—“Love is a battlefield.”


Similies are describing something to something else (e.g... the weather was  as hot as a over heated microwave. )

Metaphors are sentences that are described with impossible stuff (e.g... we have walked for years, and yet we arent here.)


WILL BRAINLIEST Q. Complete the sentences with ‘for + noun’ or to
+ verb’
1. We went out to get some fresh air.

2. I have not got time to have a long lunch.

3. We need that ball for out football match.

4. This is the key to open the cupboard.

5. I need your calculator for my exam.





3. We need that ball for out football match.

we went out for some fresh air
i have not got time for a long lunch
we need that ball for our football match
this is the key for the cupboard
i need your calculator for my exam

When you are at an interview, you should be courteous to:
O A. everyone you meet.
B. only the receptionist.
C. only the secondary interviewers.
D. only the primary interviewer.



everyone you meet


yoh should be polite to everyone if you are going to an interview ofc you are popular so being rude isnt any choice it decreases your fame and ya politeness is that you can gain love from everyone

A. Everyone you meet

In an interview you want to appear as professional and approachable as possible in order to help the employer want you for the position.

Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. SOMEONE PLS HELP ME ITS FOR MY PROJECT ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST (needs to be 3-4 paragraphs long)


I’d did disband dvdbdbfbfbfbfbdbdbdb

What's the value of writing and reading book reviews?



It helps other people know about the book and is its worth the money.


Fix the two words that are used incorrectly. When Justine finally reached the summit of the mountain she felt great beside being a little out of breathe



The two words that are used incorrectly are:

beside and breathe.


The two words that are incorrectly used in the given sentence are beside and breathe.

The term beside is a preposition which means at the side of, or next to. The term refers to something which are next to each other. Therefore, the word is used incorrectly. Instead, the correct word is despite. The term despite means 'even though.'

The other word incorrectly used is breathe. The term breathe is a verb referring to the act of inhaling the air. Whereas, the correct phrase is 'out of breath.' Therefore, the correct word is breath.

Thus two incorrect words are beside and breathe, and correct words are despite and breath.

Answer: its not despite and breath its besides and breath

Explanation: i still think that your correct

Research reports are based on _____.
A) fiction

B) opinion

C) fact

D) speculation


your answer is c i believe
The answer is Facts

In this excerpt, Tyson conveys his complex ideas by





How would you describe the speaker's attitude toward death in the "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"?



Speaker's attitude is complex, self contradictory


The poem 'Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night' is a poem about death. Despite of death being ultimate inevitable end of each life. Still, speaker finds it (his father's prospective death) difficult to accept. He expresses 'rage, burn, rave' fierce & brave fight feelings against death.

How does the poet present power in the poem London?



he presents the abusive power in London at the time

What time are we getting there cause I got to go! ____

Does this sentence need any corrections???





It should be, "What time are we getting there? Cause I got to go!" OR "What time are we getting there, cause I got to go!"

The correct sentence will be:

"What time are we getting there? Cause I got to go!" "What time are we getting there, cause I got to go!"

What is an Exclamatory sentence?

Exclamatory pronouns like "how" or "what" are typically used at the beginning of exclamatory sentences to emphasize the word or object being discussed. For instance: What a serene setting! Exclamation marks, a particular punctuation mark used to emphasize a feeling or emotion, are typically used to conclude exclamatory phrases. In discussion, we often utilize exclamatory adjectives.

The word "how" can also be used to convey intense passion. When something surprises us, we employ these adverbs to describe it. You must use adjectives like extremely, terrific, indeed, and genuinely to convert exclamatory statements into forceful ones. Additionally, when changing an exclamatory statement into an assertive sentence, you must delete the exclamation point.

Learn more about Exclamatory sentences, here:


romeo and juliet Shakespeare language tricks



sorry, but what do i do?



PERSONIFICATION "The gray-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night"

METAPHOR "check'ring the eastern clouds with streaks of light"

SIMILE "And fleckled darkness like a drunkard reels"

CLASSICAL ALLUSION "From forth day's path and Titan's fiery wheels"


REVERSED SENTENCE "And from her womb children of divers kind/ We sucking on her

CONSTRUCTION natural bosom find"

ALLITERATION “The day to cheer and night’s dank dew to dry”


Could someone PLEASE help me out with this person?? They keep like harassing me for not explaining an answer. I know I should have explained it but the person seemed urgent for an answer. Just please help, this is getting out of control and wt.f to do.



I just started using brainly, you could report him and if there's an option, block him.


Please help

I'm not sure!

If your answer is right, I'll give you brainlieat



its D thank you


hope it helps

The correct answer to this problem is D

change in to conditional sentence i didn't read the instruction. i made a mistake​



u did wrong now say sorry



If I had read the instructions, I wouldn't have made a mistake.


What point is Lafollette expressing in his "Appeal
for Conference of Neutral Powers"?
O A. The U.S. and Mexico should fight against
O B. The U.S. should only help countries that ask for
OC. The U.S. should not get involved in the war in
D. The U.S. should come to the aid of weaker
countries in Europe.



nah its C


When a sentence includes a participial phrase, the phrase functions as a(n):

I will mark you brainliest


I found the answer here, I have done the question before hehe:

C. adjective

edge 2021

3. Lines 25-39: Note the phrase 'kingdom of darkness' in line 25. Find a
parallel phrase in the next paragraph and describe the impact of both


The use of the same pattern of words to convey that two or more words or thoughts are of equal importance is known as parallel structure or parallelism.

What is an example of a parallel phrase?

An example of a parallel sentence structure is:

"Joe love hiking, attending the cinema, and taking afternoon siestas."

Parallel phrases must also be consistent in their reference to tense.

Learn more about parallel phrases at:

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition This activity lets you hear the information.
The answer is Say I got a 100% on my test. I just wanted to help anyone else, because the answers to the other person asking this question were wrong. :)



The answer is Say.

this activity lets you hear the information.

Hope this helps you. DO mark me as brainliest.


SAY is the correct answer


why your hands have a value for you, how it will help you?


People use their hands everyday. Our hands help us do many things and they are important to our daily lives. With them we write, eat, play, grab, wave, text, etc.

Read the passage from "Snow.”

"Snow," I repeated. I looked out the window warily. All my life I had heard about the white crystals that fell out of American skies in the winter. From my desk I watched the fine powder dust the sidewalk and parked cars below. Each flake was different, Sister Zoe said, like a person, irreplaceable and beautiful.

What adjective best describes the tone of this excerpt?



Awestruck I hope this helps

Awestruck adjective best describes the tone of this context.

Why did the snow made the speaker feel so amazed?

The girl looked at the snow that was so beautiful and made her feel awestruck.

She had heard about the snow white crystals that fell out of the American sky only in winter season and she always wanted to see that.

This scene is what she was waiting for, since long time. That is why she was so surprised.

Learn more about the passage from "snow" here:-


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