The Escape speed at the surface of a certain planet is twice that of the earth. what is its mass in unit of earth's mass?
Plzz help


Answer 1




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A police siren has a frequency of 340.0 Hz when the car is stationary and the temperature is 20°C. The police car at point S moves to the right with a speed of 22.0 m/s.
a. What frequency does observer A hear?
b. What frequency does observer B hear?
c. Suppose observer A is moving toward the stationary police car. What is the speed of observer A if the frequency heard is 369 Hz?



a) 361.7 Hz

b) 318.1 Hz

c) 29.3 m/s


a) Speed of sound in 20 degrees celcius is 343 m/s.

Use v=wavelength*frequency to find wavelength.


wavelegth=1.009 meters

Relative speed of waves to observer A = 343+22 = 365 m/s

Plug it back in.


F=361.7 Hz

b) Relative speed of waves to observer B = 343-22 = 321 m/s

Plug it back in.


F=318.1 Hz

c) STATIONARY CAR, so 369Hz=v/1.009. v=372.3, 372.3-343=29.3m/s!

What kind of surface causes regular reflection? Expalin.


Explanation The regular reflection takes place when the light rays are incident on a polished smooth surface like a plane mirror, a stainless steel sheet and a thin sheet of aluminum, so, the reflected rays of light move only in a fixed direction.

The Atoms Family
Sub-atomic Particle Charge
Location in the atom Mass of particle


What question are you asking?

Find the gravitational force between Venus (4.87 x 1024 kg) and
the sun (1.989 x 100 kg). Venus orbits at a distance of
1.082 x 10" m.


I agree 1.083 ....?jejebe you are

The gravitational force between Venus and the Sun, seperated at the distance of 1.082×10¹¹ m is 5.520×10²² N.

What is gravitational force?

Gravitational force is the attractive force between two bodies. It is applicable to all the bodies have masses and it is called as Universal law of gravitation.

Grarvitational force is the attractive force is directly proportional to the product of two masses and is inversely proportional to the square of distance between them.

F ∝ m₁ × m₂ / d², m₁ and m₂ is the mass of two bodies and is the distance between two bodies. The SI unit of mass is kg and SI unit of distance is m. The SI unit of force is newton.

From the gravitational force,

F = G (m₁×m₂ / d²)

G represents gravitational constant and is equal to 6.67× 10⁻¹¹ N.m²/kg².

From the given,

m₁ ( mass of venus ) = 4.87 x 10²⁴kg

m₂ ( mass of sun) = 1.989 x 10³⁰ kg

d² ( distance between sun and venus) = 1.082 x 10¹¹ m.

G = 6.67 ×10⁻¹¹ N.m² / kg²

F = G (m₁×m₂ / d²)

  = 6.67 ×10⁻¹¹ × 4.87 x 10²⁴× 1.989 x 10³⁰ / (1.082 x 10¹¹)²

 = 5.520 × 10²² N

The gravitational force between the venus and sun at the distance of  1.082 x 10¹¹ is 5.520× 10²² N.

To learn more about the Gravitational force:


A bicycle with a 15 kg mass is easily stopped when a force of 60 N is applied. How much force would be needed to stop the bicycle if the time allowed to stop the bike was doubled?



Going downhill at a steady speed, the forces along the direction of motion are:

net force = m * a = 0

W * sin(7) - Fdrag = 0

so Fdrag = m * g * sin(7) where and g=9.8m/sec^2


how much hp does that fastest car in the world have



Hennessey Venom F5. Power: 1600+ bhp. Price: $1.6 million.

Koenigsegg Regera. Power: 1500 bhp.

Bugatti Chiron. Power: 1479 bhp.

NIO EP9. Power: 1341 bhp. Price: $1.48 million.

what is a possible explanation for a set of facts that can be tested by further investigation called?

1. Questions
2. Hypothesis
3. Experiment
4. Summary





Not a question, not a summary, and not an experiment.

One of the signs a chemical reaction is taking place


Answer:  One of the signs a chemical reaction is taking place is the presence of bubbles. :)

Hank's mother got tired of everyone's cell phones ringing during dinner, so she wrapped all
of the cell phones in aluminum foil at dinnertime. Which of the following best explains how
Hank's mother solved her problem?
Cell phone signals are electromagnetic waves, which are absorbed by the aluminum foil
Cell phone signals are electromagnetic waves, which are reflected by the aluminum foil
Cell phone signals are mechanical waves, which are absorbed by the aluminum foil
O Cell phone signals are mechanical waves, which are reflected by the aluminum foil



Cell phone signals are electromagnetic waves, which are reflected by the aluminum foil


I think the best answer would be the first but am I the only one wondering why the mom didn't just turn off the phone but instead she had to be extra and wrap them up like a gift to give them after dinner.

40 points!!


W = Fd = 4(2100) = 8400 J

So the answer is A) 8400 J

I was just rewriting my notes on the work lesson I did in class today, so I saw this question at the perfect time!! :)

Hope it helps!! :)


According to me Option is the right answer

A. 8,400 J

Please help me with these calculating velocity questions im so stressed out


Answer: -10m/s


Velocity is solved using the equation displacement over time. Part C shows a displacement or change in x of 30 and a change in time of 3 secs (7-10) so the equation would be 30m/3s= -10m/s it is negative because look at the slope. Its decreasing right? So that means the objects is slowing down which means it can't have a positive velocity

the thumb is what to the phalanges?



A thumb only has one joint and two phalanges. The thumb is referred to as “the big finger".

Brainlist pls!

Atoms are made up of even smaller particles called ?



Atoms are made up of even smaller particles called protons, electrons & neutrons (sub-atomic particles)

Atoms are made up of smaller particles called subatomic particles.

What is an Atom?

An atom is defined as the smallest indivisible particle of an element. It is made of subatomic particles which are:

NeutronProton Electron

Now the Neutron and Proton make up the nucleus which is at the core(middle) of the atom whole the electron rotates around the orbits that  surrounds the nucleus.

The Neutron has no charge.

The Proton is positively charged.

The electron is negatively charged.

Learn More about Atoms here:

a trolley of mass 20kg was originally at rest on a smoth horizontal surface. bu how much will it accelerate if a pulling force of 22N is applied on it horizontally?​



just divide 22 N by 20 kg to get the acceleration in m/s2


I hope this is right-

A 2-inch, f/4 reflector has a focal length of:

6 inches
8 inches
4 inches
2 inches


I’m pretty sure it’s 8 sorry if I’m wrong

Read the description of the centrioles. What is their function?



Typically found in eukaryotic cells, centrioles are cylindrical (tube-like) structures/organelles composed of microtubules. In the cell, centrioles aid in cell division by facilitating the separation of chromosomes. For this reason, they are located near the nucleus.


sorry im just gettig points but the actaul anserw is on top of this oneExplanation:


As a cold air mass advances on a warm air mass, what usually comes before it?​


Answer: A cold front occurs when a cold air mass advances into a region occupied by a warm air mass. If the boundary between the cold and warm air masses doesn't move, it is called a stationary front.

Explanation: Two types of occluded front exist: the warm-type and the cold-type. They’re distinguished by the relative temperatures of the air mass ahead of the occlusion – in other words, the air mass ahead of the original warm front – and the air mass behind the cold front. If the air behind the cold front is colder than the air ahead of the occlusion, it shoves beneath that air (because it’s denser) to form a cold-type occluded front. If the air behind the cold front is warmer than the air ahead, it rides over it to form a warm-type occluded front – which appears to be the more common case. In either situation, the lighter warm air representing the air mass originally between the warm and cold fronts sits above the boundary between the two cooler air masses.

Hope this helps!!

A book is sitting on a table. Which of the following is true about the table? O A. It is pushing up on the book. O B. It exerts no force on the book at all. O C. It is pulling down on the book. D. It can affect the mass of the book.​



yes it does exert a force, it pushes it up


this is called normal force

if it didn't exert a force the book would keep going down

according to newton every force has an equal amd opposite reaction

so the book exerts a force on the table and vice versa

hope this helped

A car weighs 11000 N on Earth. What is its mass?

A) 300 kg
B) 1122 kg
C) 0 kg
D) 107,800 kg


Weight is the measurement of the force of gravity, and it is mathematically defined as the mass of an object multiplied by gravitational acceleration: W = mg. On Earth, g is about 9.8 m/s². Rearranging the equation to find mass, m = W/g. Given our weight of 11000 N, the mass of the car would thus be m = 11000 N/9.8 m/s² = 1122 kg. So, the correct answer choice here would be B.

Five independent measurements are made of the diameter of a cylinder. Results, in mm, are: 21.8; 21.6; 22.1; 21.9; 22.1. What should be the reported value of the cylinder's diameter?


Answer: 21.9 mm


Given that five independent measurements are made of the diameter of a cylinder. Results, in mm, are: 21.8; 21.6; 22.1; 21.9; 22.1. What should be the reported value of the cylinder's diameter?

The measurement of the diameter of cylinder is measured several time in order to reduce the uncertainty called random error.

The reported value of the cylinder's diameter should be the average or the mean value of the whole measurement.

That is

Mean = (21.8 + 21.6 + 22.1 + 21.9 + 22.1) ÷ 5

Mean = 109.5 ÷ 5

Mean = 21.9 mm

Therefore, the reported value of the cylinder diameter will be 21.9 mm

Which has greater density- 1 kg of water or 10kg of water?



I believe that it will be 10kg of water


Because a measure of the amount of information on a storage medium (tape or disk). For magnetic tape it is the amount of information recorded per unit length of tape (bits per inch or millimeter); for a disk, a fixed number of bits per sector, sectors per track, and tracks per disk.

The density in both the case will be equal, just the difference will be in the volume they occupy.

What is density?

In practice, density is the weight of a substance per unit volume. Water has a density of about 1 gram per milliliter, but this varies depending on temperature and whether or not substances are dissolved in it. Because ice is less dense than liquid water, it floats in your glass.

This allows many aquatic organisms to survive the winter. If ice were more dense than water, it would continue to freeze and sink until the entire lake was frozen.

Any amount of water has the same density. Whereas one gram of water has a volume of one milliliter, ten grams have a volume of ten milliliters.

Thus, the density will be same.

For more details regarding density, visit:


What is the acceleration of the object from 2s to 14s


12 seconds per mile and per hour

Pretend you are designing your own home. You often get cold in the winter and want to make this house as energy efficient as possible to keep you warm. Use your knowledge about energy transfer and describe at least 3 things you would include in the design of your home. Be sure to explain why you would include these things.



I would include extra insulation, a heating system, and some snug-fitting sweaters.


that way i won't get cold

From an apple tree 2 metres high, a 100g mass apple fell of the tree, what work did it do?



When an apple falls from the tree to the ground, its energy of position (stored as gravitational potential energy) is converted to kinetic energy, the energy of motion, as it falls. When the apple hits the ground, kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy.

What name is given to the turning effect of a force?



The turning effect of a force is known as the moment. It is the product of the force multiplied by the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the pivot or point where the object will turn. When undoing a nut fastened to a screw by hand one realises that the amount of force required is a lot greater than when undoing the same nut using a spanner.


create a formula giving the strength of the induced field (B) i terms of current (I) and the distance from the wire to the probe (d)


If this is a long straight wire, then you probably mean:
B = μ₀I/(2πd)

A student observes a shadow move across the sun during a solar eclipse. Which list represents the position of Earth, the sun, and the
moon during this event?

A.sun, Earth, moon

B.moon, sun, Earth

C.Earth, sun, moon

D.sun, moon, Earth


It goes sun moon earth the moon is blocking us from seeing the sun.

The position of the Earth, Sun, and moon during the solar eclipse, a student observes a shadow moving across the sun is Sun, moon, Earth, so option D is correct.

What is a solar eclipse?

When the Moon passes in front of the Sun, blocking all or part of Earth's view of it, a solar eclipse occurs. The Moon is closest to the plane of the Earth's orbit when there is a new moon and such an alignment. During a total eclipse, the Moon fully obscures the Sun's disk. Partial and annular eclipses only block out a section of the Sun. A solar eclipse occurs naturally. Solar eclipses were sometimes linked to supernatural sources or interpreted as an ill omen in several ancient and modern societies.

During a solar eclipse, the moon comes in between the earth and the sun therefore the shadow moves across the sun during a solar eclipse observed by the student, the position is Sun, moon, and earth.

To know more about the Solar eclipse:


We use the system to determine noise level




Fujita Scale



Decibel is used to determine noise level.

What phase of matter are the particles least energetic, most dense, and best organized?
A. Plasma
B. Gas
C. Liquid
D. Solid


The answer to your question is D solid
The answer It’s D: solid

Question 1 of 14 Which of the following statements describes a perfectly inelastic collision? O A. An ice hockey player picks up a trophy as he slides past it. O B. A baseball bat hits a baseball into the outfield. O C. A surfer falls off of his surfboard when a wave hits him. D. Two birds collide in midair and fly off in different directions.​


Answer: A. An ice hockey player picks up a trophy as he slides past it



The statement that best describes a perfectly inelastic collision is

C. A surfer falls off of his surfboard when a wave hits him.

What is collision?

A collision is the interaction between two bodies in such a way that the momentum and velocity of one body gets changed due to the presence of other body. There are three types of collision-

1. Elastic collision

2. Inelastic collision

3. Perfectly inelastic collision.

In all types of collision , the momentum of the system before collision and after collision always remains same or we can say that momentum is conserved in collisions

What is elastic collision

An elastic collision is the one in which kinetic energy is also conserved and coefficient of restitution is one. Both the bodies move separately with different velocities after elastic collision.

What is inelastic collision ?

In inelastic collision  there is a loss of kinetic energy and coefficient of restitution is less than one.

What is perfectly inelastic collision?

In perfectly inelastic collision there is maximum loss of kinetic energy and coefficient of restitution is zero. Both the bodies stick together after collision and move with same velocity

What is coefficient of restitution ?

Coefficient of restitution is the  ratio of  relative velocity of separation after collision to relative velocity of approach before collision.

A surfer falls of his surfboard when a wave hits him is an example of perfectly inelastic collision because in this when water hits the surfers he falls of and sticks to the water , and will also now move with the velocity of water .

So  when the surfer falls off his surfboard when a wave hits him is perfectly inelastic collision.

To know more on collision here


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