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Please help me ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer: B, C, D

I'm not 100% sure though :<



A, D, and F


I hope this helps you

Read this claim: The Sandiana Resort offers a memorable vacation.

Which supporting statement is a commonplace assertion?

A.The resort offers scuba diving lessons and fishing expeditions.

B.The island is home to several resorts.

C.The Sardinia Resort has a massive pool with hundreds of lounge chairs.

D.Now and then, its important to get away from it all.



D (99% positive)


Commonplace assertions are statements that many people assume to be true but are not necessarily so. So based off of that, I would say that it is d

d now and then it’s important to get away from it all 100%.

Give an example of when it is beneficial to use the scientific name of an organism.>??????AHHHHH HELPPP



Scientific names are used to describe various species of organisms in a way that is universal so that scientists around the globe can readily identify the same animal.


helps the reader understand the scientific name


How did art and architecture in Ancient Rome lead to its fall?



Invasions by Barbarian tribes. The most straightforward theory for Western Rome's collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire's borders.


Rome had tangled with germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s barbarian groups like the goths had encroached beyond the empires borders

Describe where the Santa Fe Trail starts and ends.



Covering approximately 800 miles, the Santa Fe Trail extends from Independence, Missouri to present day Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Trail originally began in Franklin, Missouri, but the trail head was moved to Fort Osage and, by 1827, to Independence. ... The Santa Fe Trail was first used in 1821 by William Becknell.



It starts at Independence, Missouri and ends at present day Santa Fe, New Mexico.

P.S. the trail is 869.9 miles.


Hope this helps.

Name someone in your life who might be considered a sage Explain why you chose this person *Confucius*


Answer: my grandpa because he is wise

Explanation: he has lived a long time and has learned lots among that time therefore he is wise and sages are wise people

My parents because they are smart and wise

My parents experience things before me and they have looked through more than I have therefore they’re wiser than me

What court case did Brown v. Board of Education overrule?

Worcester v. Georgia
Plessy v. Ferguson
Jim Crow Laws
Leo Frank Case



Plessy v. Ferguson


It ruled over please v. Ferguson

What are the major reasons the agricultural revolution happened in the UK/England? *




For many years the agricultural revolution in England was thought to have occurred because of three major changes: the selective breeding of livestock; the removal of common property rights to land; and new systems of cropping, involving turnips and clover.

For many years the agricultural revolution in England was thought to have occurred because of three major changes: the selective breeding of livestock; the removal of common property rights to land; and new systems of cropping, involving turnips and clover.




food is your best answer

I would thanks good is you best bet

Will give brainliest

What kind of leader was Sneferu to his people?
What happened if an Egyptian died in a foreign country/land?



Sneferu well known under his Hellenized name Soris was the founding pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt during the Old Kingdom.

Sneferu well known under his Hellenized name Soris was the founding pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt during the old kingdom

Describe the tone of the letter. What does it indicate about the situation at the Alamo?
2 Who is the letter addressed to, and what does Travis hope it will achieve?

3 How does Travis paint the Texian cause as a just cause?

4 In what way did the final two notes reinforce the message of the letter?

will give brainlist if you answer all


Answer:For 11 points

Find a value for x that makes −x less than 2x.

Find a value for x that makes −x greater than 2x.


How did travel and economy (currency, goods traded, methods of travel) in Ancient Rome lead to its fall?


Answer: Trade Routes and Currency Help the Romans Build a Stronger Empire. A key part of any economy is trade. Traders traveling by land and sea connected people and goods throughout the empire.


The Romans knew that people needed a standard way of exchanging money if trade was to flourish. So the government produced currency in the form of coins

do not answer if you don't know list 5 important information on all these pages list them by their number it is in the right top side







You should read yourself. that's how you learn.


What was the outcome of the Opium Wars?
A) British missionaries were thrown out of China. Eliminate
B) British merchants were forbidden to trade in China.
C) British opium addicts had to find new drug sources.
D) British gunboats forced China to make major concessions.



try c if not b


im so sorry im im wron

I think the answer is b

I'll give a brainliest to the best answer...

Recall that the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg were turning points for the North and helped it attain victory in the Civil War. Now, let’s play a game called “What if?”

What if the Confederacy had won at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, forcing the North to give up in 1863? What might the North American continent have looked like five years after the war's end? What would it have looked like after 25 years? What changes would you have seen after 100 years? Use background information to support your opinion.



If General James Longstreet had commanded the Confederate forces at Gettysburg instead of Lee the Confederacy might very well have won the Civil War.

The outcome of a Confederate victory would have been the break up of the United States but not quite as President Jeff Davis wanted.  The Confederacy was never a country, which is obvious from its name.  The Southern states were allied by expediency but were as disparate among each other as they were with the North.  It is difficult to see how they would have formed an alternative long term Confederate States.

The Confederacy could not have occupied the North and had no intention to do so.  The invasion of the North by the Army of Northern Virginia was tactical, not strategic and the Southern Government's intention was to sue for peace based on a rather naive idea that capturing Washington would have ended the war.

If they had captured Lincoln and his government that might have happened, more likely though they would have decamped to another major Northern city before the Army of Northern Virginia got there.

Great question, I was looking forward to a debate on the Civil War!


During the 1800s and 1900s, what concept guided the independence movement in India?




hope it helps

mark as brainleist




During the 1800s and 1900s, nationalism guided the independence movement in India.

South Africa is a parliamentary democracy. Based on this information, how is the president of South Africa determined?
A. Whoever controls the South African military becomes the president.
B. The legislature of South Africa votes to elect the president.
C. Whoever controls the South African courts becomes the president.
D. The citizens of South Africa vote directly for the president.





The President is voted on by the national assembly (which is like parliment I think). You can also rule out the other options. For A, that has nothing to do with Parliment. Sames with the others. D would be a democracy, and I have no idea if any country votes for their leaders with option C.

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Why are the Prairie Provinces an important economic sector of Canada? (Site 1)



The Prairie Provinces are an important economic sector of Canada because they are the most important agricultural area of the country.

Explanation: It is the most important Canadian agricultural area, despite only allowing a relatively short crop season, due to the duration of the harsh winter

Write a brief paragraph (3-4 sentences) about what you already know about Reconstruction.


Reconstruction of what context?
Reconstruction was essentially the time period when black people were being persecuted following the civil war. It was a time when black people were trying to make lives for themselves after slavery. A few ran and were elected in office, they got jobs. But white supremacists hated that and one of the things they did were lynchings. Lynchings were when white people would hang a black person and all watch as they died. It was a horrific thing that tragically still happens in some places around the world

How is the head of government determined in a presidential democracy?
A. Citizens elect legislators who then select the head of government.
B. Citizens vote for the candidate they want to be the head of government.
C. The child of the previous head of government becomes the next head of government.
D. The highest-ranking officer in the nation's military serves as the head of government.


The answer is A. Hope it helps!!!!


This might not help but: In most presidential systems, the president is elected by popular vote, although some such as the United States use an electoral college or some other method. That means a president can only be elected independently of the legislative branch.

In your own words, describe the difference between the movement of particles in liquids and the movement of particles in gases.



In gases the particles move rapidly in all directions, frequently colliding with each other and the side of the container. ... In liquids, particles are quite close together and move with random motion throughout the container.


make sure to paraphrase that

liquids can move around each other because they have a little room to move around

Gases can move around freely because they are not compact

Jim Crow laws, a set of racist and discriminatory rules and regulations, were enacted
starting in the mid- to late 1800s.
in the South, starting in the early 1800s.
in the North, starting in the early 1800s.
starting after the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling






answer is B


What causes the water in the ocean and these objects and organisms to move from place to place?


Wind, the earth's rotation, the moon's gravity, and thermal energy from the sun all affect the ocean currents.

Wind drives the waves (wind itself is usually caused by sun-heated air rising and colder air rushing under it in accordance with the earth's rotation)

The gravity from the moon pulls the ocean toward it, causing the tides.

The earth's rotation affects the direction of the currents to some extent.

The sun's heating of the water affects the current by causing warm water to rise and cold water to rush under it. Thus water sinks and rises according to the season and time of day, causing daily and seasonal changes in the direction and strength of currents.

Also the shape of the land under and around the water affects how it moves.

what is your opinion on texas opening up the state to 100% do you agree or not?


no i do not, until it is proven safe and many people have gotten the vaccine and cases are near 0 it should not have been opened back up. it’s very unsafe, and numbers of cases will very likely skyrocket

What two civilizations bordered Rome



Etruscans and the Greeks.


Why were northerners upset about draft guidelines?

a. They allowed rich men to pay someone to take their place in battle

b. Rich men could choose to pay the government a fee to avoid serving in the military

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above



c if not then d


I believe it’s D.
They were upset, because they did not think the rules were fair to all citizens.

Desertification would MOST impact which climate area first?

A) Sahel
B) Mediterranean
C) Tropical Savanna
D) Tropical Rainforest


The awnser of the question is most likely the Tropical Rainforest because the definition of “Desertification” is the process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, etc.

Desertification would most impact Tropical Rainforest climate areas first. The correct option is D.

How does desertification affect climate change?

The effects of land degradation, which decrease surface moisture, may also cause desertification, which in turn may have an impact on climate change. Because there is less water available for the sun's energy to evaporate, there is more energy left over to warm the ground and, as a result, the lower atmosphere.

The Tropical Rainforest is most likely the answer to the question because "desertification" is defined as the process by which fertile land turns into desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, etc. This process has the power to completely destroy ecosystems and transform lush rainforests teeming with life into arid deserts. Drought may result from desertification. The life support system of the planet is provided by the tropical belt's rainforests, but they have been completely destroyed due to bad governance, corruption, and greed.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about desertification here:


*What was a main geographical difference between Greece and Rome?
A. Greece had the sea and Rome didn't

B. Greece's land was fertile and Rome's was not

C .Rome's land was fertile, and Greece's was not

D. Both were peninsulas

2.Greek and Roman culture was similar because

A. The Greeks conquered the Romans

B. Rome was built on top of Greece

C. They were neighbors and interacted

D. coincidence

3.What is a Romance language?
A. A language used in poetry
B.A language spoken in Rome
C.A language based on Latin
D. A language that uses Roman numerals

4.What kind of government did the Romans have early on?
A. Republic
B. Oligarchy
C. Monarchy
D. Dictatorship



1. Greece had the sea and Rome didn't

2. Coincidence

3. A Language based on Latin


Hope this helps

One advantage of a market economy is its ability to

A) limit consumer choices.
B) control the price of labor.
C) sell goods at a high price.
D) adjust to changes over time.


i think the answer is b

Political parties are divided into

a) Local, State, and National Committees
b) State, City, and County
c) United Nations, Local, and Federal
d) Federal, District, and National Treasury


We done this a back in middle school I pretty sure its B
B. State, City, and County
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