In the business world, people are often measured by their:


Answer 1


Technical Skills


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A trader wishes to know the cost of goods sold during the year.
Which financial statment will provide the answer? *
A Balance sheet
B Profit and loss Account
C Trading Account
D Trial Balance​


The answer should be C

define regulation economics. ​


Answer and Explanation:

Regulatory economics is the economics of regulation. It is the application of the law by government or independent administrative agencies for various purposes, including remedying market failure, protecting the environment, and economic management


regulation economics is the economics of regulation. It is the application of the law by government or independent administrative agencies for various purposes

Manufacturing uses normal costing for its​ job-costing system, which has two​ direct-cost categories​ (direct materials and direct manufacturing​ labor) and one​ indirect-cost category​ (manufacturing overhead). The following information is obtained for:_____.
• Total manufacturing costs, $8,450,000 • Manufacturing overhead allocated, $3,750,000 (allocated at a rate of 250% of direct manufacturing labor costs) • Work-in-process inventory on January 1, 2017, $390,000 • Cost of finished goods manufactured, $8,020,000
1. Use information in the first two bullet points to calculate​ (a) direct manufacturing labor costs in and​ (b) cost of direct materials used in .
2. Calculate the ending​ work-in-process inventory on December​ 31, 2011.



Results are below.


Giving the following information:

Total manufacturing costs, $8,450,000

Manufacturing overhead allocated, $3,750,000 (allocated at a rate of 250% of direct manufacturing labor costs)

Work-in-process inventory on January 1, 2017, $390,000

Cost of finished goods manufactured, $8,020,000

First, we need to calculate the direct material and direct labor:

Direct labor= Manufacturing overhead allocated/2.5

Direct labor=  3,375,000 / 2.5

Direct labor= $1,350,000

Total manufacturing costs= Direct material + direct labor + allocated overhead

8,450,000= Direct material + 1,350,000 + 3,375,000

Direct material= $3,725,000

Finally, the ending work-in-process:

cost of goods manufactured= beginning WIP + direct materials + direct labor + allocated manufacturing overhead - Ending WIP

8,020,000= 390,000 + 8,450,000 - Ending WIP

Ending WIP= $820,000

LaBelle Corporation owns a $6 million whole life insurance policy on the life of its CEO, naming LaBelle as beneficiary. The annual premiums are $95,000 and are payable at the beginning of each year. The cash surrender value of the policy was $56,000 at the beginning of 2021. Required: 1. Prepare the appropriate 2021 journal entry to record insurance expense and the increase in the investment, assuming the cash surrender value of the policy increased according to the contract to $70,000. 2. The CEO died at the end of 2021. Prepare the appropriate journal entry.



1. Dr Cash surrender 14,000

Dr Insurance exp 81,000

Cr Cash 95,000

2. Dr Cash 6,000,000

Cr Cash surrender 70,000

Cr Gain on life 5,930,000


1. Preparation of the appropriate 2021 journal entry to record insurance expense and the increase in the investment

Dr Cash surrender 14,000


Dr Insurance exp 81,000


Cr Cash 95,000

2. Preparation of the appropriate journal entry if The CEO died at the end of 2021.

Dr Cash 6,000,000

Cr Cash surrender 70,000

Cr Gain on life 5,930,000


An error in the ending inventory balance in Year 1 will also affect: (You may select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark for a correct answer and double click the box with the question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer. Any boxes left with a question mark will be automatically graded as incorrect.)
1. Year 1 cost of goods soldunanswered
2. Year 2 cost of goods soldunanswered
3. Year 2 ending inventoryunanswered
4. Year 2 beginning inventory



1. Year 1 cost of goods sold

2. Year 2 cost of goods sold

4. Year 2 beginning inventory


If year 1's ending inventory is wrong, the beginning inventory of year 2 will also be wrong (they are the same).

Cost of goods sold = cost of goods available for sale - ending inventory, so COGS for year 1 will be affected since ending inventory is wrong

Cost of goods available for sale = beginning inventory + purchases - ending inventory. Since beginning inventory year 2 is wrong, the cost of goods available for sale will also be wrong, as well as COGS

Kally goes to the grocery store each week looking to purchase items that will give her as much utility as possible, given her $100 budget. Last week apples were priced at $4.50 each, and Kally purchased 3 apples. This week apples are on sale for $2.50 each, while all other prices have remained the same, and Kally chooses to purchase 7 apples. Given this information, plot Kally's demand curve for apples.



Please check the attached image for kally's demand curve


The demand curve is a curve that shows the various quantities of a good that is purchased at different prices.

The demand curve is downward sloping due to the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. The higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded and the lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded. This is known as the law of demand.

It can be seen that the quantity demanded of apples increased from 3 to 7 when price reduced to $2.50

On the demand curve, price is on the vertical axis, while quantity demanded is on the horizontal axis


Please check the attached image for kally's demand curve


The difference between a car's original cost and its selling price is called the markup. A. True or B. False​


It’s true I believe
I think this is true

The following data are for the two products produced by Tadros Company. Product A Product BDirect materials$20 per unit $30 per unit Direct labor hours 0.5 DLH per unit 1.5 DLH per unit Machine hours 0.4 MH per unit 1.2 MH per unit Batches 200 batches 360 batches Volume 16,000 units 3,600 units Engineering modifications 20 modifications 80 modifications Number of customers 800 customers 720 customers Market price$55 per unit $220 per unitThe company's direct labor rate is $20 per direct labor hour (DLH). Additional information follows. Cost Driver Indirect manufacturing Engineering support$53,600 Engineering modifications Electricity 53,600 Machine hoursSetup costs 160,800 Batches Nonmanufacturing Customer service 121,600 Number of customers
1.1 Compute the manufacturing cost per unit using the plantwide overhead rate based on direct labor hours.
1.2 What is the gross profit per unit?
2.1 How much gross profit is generated by each customer of Product A and Product B using the plantwide overhead rate?
2.2 What is the cost of providing customer service to each customer?
Is the gross profit adequate for each customer of Product A and B using the plantwide overhead rate?
3.1 Determine the manufacturing cost per unit of each product line using ABC.
3.2 What is the gross profit per unit?
4.1 How much gross profit is generated by each customer of Product A and Product B using ABC?
4.2 Is the gross profit adequate for each customer of Product A and B using ABC?
5. Which method of product costing gives better information to managers of this company?
a. Plantwide overhead rate method
b. Departmental overhead rate method
c. Activity-based costing method



Tadros Company

Plantwide method:

                                                     Product A    Product B

1.1. Manufacturing cost per unit         $40            $85

1.2 Gross profit per unit                      $15           $135

2.1 Gross profit per customer        $300           $675

2.2 Customer of customer to each customer is:

= $80

The gross profit is adequate for each customer.

ABC method:

                                                                 Product A    Product B

3.1The Manufacturing cost per unit         $36.26         $101.61

3.2 Gross profit per unit                             $18.74         $118.39

4.1 Gross profit per customer                $374.85        $591.94

4.2 Cost of customer service  to each customer is $80.

The Gross profit per customer is adequate.

5. The ABC product costing method gives better information to managers of Tadros Company.

c. Activity-based costing method                          


a) Data and Calculations:

                                             Product A                     Product B

Direct materials                   $20 per unit                 $30 per unit

Direct labor hours                0.5 DLH/unit                 1.5 DLH per unit

Total direct labor hours       8,000 (0.5*16,000)       5,400 (1.5*3,600)

Direct labor costs                $160,000 ($20*8,000) $108,000 ($20*5,400)

Machine hours                     0.4 MH per unit            1.2 MH per unit

Batches                                200 batches                 360 batches

Volume                                16,000 units                  3,600 units

Engineering modifications  20 modifications          80 modifications

Number of customers         800 customers            720 customers

Market price                        $55 per unit                 $220 per unit

Direct labor rate  = $20 per direct labor hour (DLH).

Overhead rates based:

a. Plantwide Method:

Total manufacturing overhead costs/Total direct labor hours

$268,000/13,400 = $20

Cost of production:

                                                       Product A        Product B

Direct materials per unit               $320,000         $90,000

Direct labor hours per unit DLH      160,000          108,000

Overhead costs                                160,000          108,000

Total production costs                  $640,000       $306,000

Volume                                          16,000 units     3,600 units

Manufacturing cost per unit         $40                   $85

Income Statement:

                                                     Product A        Product B

Sales Revenue ($55 and $220)  $880,000      $792,000

Total production costs                   640,000        306,000

Gross profit                                  $240,000      $486,000

Volume                                       16,000 units     3,600 units

Gross profit per unit                       $15                $135

Gross profit                                  $240,000      $486,000

Customers                                  800 customers  720 customers

Gross profit per customer          $300              $675

b. Departmental Method:

c. ABC Method:

Additional information follows:

Cost Pools                     Overhead       Costs Driver

Indirect manufacturing

Engineering support      $ 53,600      Engineering modifications

Electricity                           53,600       Machine hours

Setup costs                      160,800       Batches


Customer service             121,600      Number of customers

Overhead rate using ABC:

Cost Pools                     Overhead       Costs Driver                    Rates

Indirect manufacturing

Engineering support      $ 53,600      100 modifications         = $536

Electricity                           53,600       10,720 Machine hours        $5

Setup costs                      160,800       560 Batches                   $287

Customer service             136,800      1,520 customers              $90

Cost of production:

                                                      Product A        Product B

Direct materials per unit              $320,000         $90,000

Direct labor hours per unit DLH     160,000          108,000

Overhead costs:

Engineering support                         10,720            42,880

Electricity                                          32,000            21,600

Setup costs                                      57,400          103,320

Total production costs                $580,120       $365,800

Volume                                        16,000 units     3,600 units

Manufacturing cost per unit         $36.26        $101.61

Income Statement:

                                                     Product A        Product B

Sales Revenue ($55 and $220)  $880,000      $792,000

Total production costs                    580,120        365,800

Gross profit                                   $299,880     $426,200

Volume                                       16,000 units     3,600 units

Gross profit per unit                     $18.74           $118.39

Gross profit                              $299,880                   $426,200

Customers                               800 customers           720 customers

Gross profit per customer      $374.85                       $591.94

Total production costs             $580,120                   $365,800

Customers                               800 customers           720 customers

Cost per customer                  $725.15                       $508.06

Customer service costs

Customer service             $121,600/1,520 = $80

For each of the following situations, decide whether the unemployment that occurs is a result of cyclical, frictional, or structural changes.
Items (7 items) (Drag and drop into the appropriate area below)
A new college graduate takes three months to find his first job.
Two hundred automobile workers lose their jobs as a result of a permanent reduction in the demand for automobiles.
Large numbers of workers lose their jobs as the economy goes into a downturn.
A financial analyst quits her current job to look for a better one




structural changes.




Structural unemployment is an unemployment that occurs as a result of changes in the economy. These changes can be as a result of changes in technology, polices or competition . Structural unemployment tends to be permanent.  

Frictional unemployment is the period of time a person is unemployed from the time he leaves his current job and the time he gets another job.  

Cyclical unemployment occurs as a result of fluctuations in the economy. In a downturn unemployment is high and in a boom, unemployment is low.

An investor, such as a bank, may prefer to invest in securities backed by a pool of mortgages purchased in the secondary market rather than in an equal dollar amount of mortgage loans because:_________

a. mortgage backed securities eliminate prepayment risk for the investor.
b. mortgage backed securities diversify credit risk for the investor.
c. mortgage backed securities offer higher yields than individual mortgages.
d. mortgage backed securities returns are tax-exempt.



b. mortgage backed securities diversify credit risk for the investor.


An investor, such as a bank, may prefer to invest in securities backed by a pool of mortgages purchased in the secondary market rather than in an equal dollar amount of mortgage loans because mortgage backed securities diversify credit risk for the investor.

In Mortgage Backed Securities, credit risk is diversified as there are many borrowers and investors between whom credit risk diversifies. So that makes investor such as bank prefer the option.

function of the HR manager is concerned with employing people who
possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and aptitude
O Procurement
O Motivation and compensation
O Integration​





Human resources management (HRM) can be defined as an art of managing, controlling and improving the number of people (employees or workers), functions, activities which are being used effectively and efficiently by an organization.

Thus, human resources managers are saddled with the responsibility of recruiting, managing and improving the welfare and working conditions of the employees working in an organization.

The function of the HR manager that is concerned with employing people who possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and aptitude is known as integration. This is usually achieved through a recruitment process, which typically involves advertising a vacant position and accepting applications (resumes) from applicants who meet the minimum requirements.

Pharoah Corporation factors $251,700 of accounts receivable with Kathleen Battle Financing, Inc. on a with recourse basis. Kathleen Battle Financing will collect the receivables. The receivables records are transferred to Kathleen Battle Financing on August 15, 2020. Kathleen Battle Financing assesses a finance charge of 2% of the amount of accounts receivable and also reserves an amount equal to 4% of accounts receivable to cover probable adjustments. (b) Assume that the conditions are met for a transfer of receivables with recourse to be accounted for as a sale. Prepare the journal entry on August 15, 2020, for Pharoah to record the sale of receivables, assuming the recourse obligation has a fair value of $5,010. (If no entry is required, select "No Entry" for the account titles and enter 0 for the amounts. Credit account titles are automatically indented when the amount is entered. Do not indent manually.)



Cash received (251,700*94%)             $236,598

Add: Due from factor (251,700*4%)    $10,068

Less: Recourse obligation                   $5,010    

Net proceeds                                        $241,656

Gain/Loss = Carrying value - Net proceeds

Gain = $251,700 - $241,656

Gain = $10,044

                                Journal entry

Date                 Account Titles                        Debit         Credit

Aug 15,2020    Cash                                      $236,588

                        Due from factors                   $10,068

                        Gain on sale of receivables  $10,044

                                Recourse liability                              $5,010

                                Account receivable                          $251,700

Reliable Corporation provides computer consulting services to the local community and keeps its accounting records using cash-basis accounting. For the current year, cash was received from customers, $48,000, and cash salaries to employees were paid, $26,000. At the beginning of the year, customers owe Reliable $1,200. By the end of the year, customers owe $7,600. At the beginning of the year, Reliable owes employee salaries of $6,600. At the end of the year, Reliable owes employee salaries of $3,800. Determine cash-basis net income and accrual-basis net income for the current year.



Net Income as per the Cash Basis Accounting $22,000

Net Income as per the Accrual Basis Accounting is $31,200


The cash basis accounting says that the net income is the cash left after the difference in the net cash inflow and cash outflow.


Net Income By Using Cash Basis Accounting = Net Cash Inflow - Net Cash Outflow


Net Cash Inflow is $48,000

Net Cash Outflow is $26,000

By putting values, we have:

Net Income By Using Cash Basis Accounting = $48,000 - $26,000

= $22,000

Now, when we are using accrual accounting then the first thing we should know is that whether the expense or income is related to the period or not. If the income is related to the period, then it must be included in the income and if it is not then it will be excluded. The same is with the expenses.

Accrual Income Computation:

Cash Received for the year is $48000 which will be included.

The receiveable amount of $1200 is for the previous period which means it will be excluded.

Furthermore, the receivable amount of $7600 includes $1200 of the previous month which means the difference ($6400) would be included.

This implies that

Accrual Income For The Period = $48000 + $6400 = $54,400

Now Accrual Expense Computation:

The cash salaries of $26000 paid to employees will be included.

The salaries payable of $6600 belongs to the previous period which means it must not be included.

The closing salaries payable is $3800 which means that the difference of opening and closing which is $2800, was paid against the previous month and hence must be deducted from the cash salaries for the period.

This implies that

Accrued Expense For The Period = $26000 - $2800 = $23200


Net Accrued Income = $54,400 - $23,200 = $31,200

The net income is the income amount earned at the year-end. The amount of net income by cash basis is $22,000, while the net income by accrual basis is $23,200.

What is net income?

The net income is the remaining amount of income with the business at the year-end. It is determined by deducting all the operating and non-operating expenses from the total income earned during the specified period.

The computation of net income by using cash basis accounting:

[tex]\begin{aligned}\text{Net Income}&=\text{Net Cash Inflow}-\text{Net Cash Outflow}\\&=\$48,000-\$26,000\\&=\$22,000\end{aligned}[/tex]

The computation of net income by using accrual basis accounting is shown in the image attached below.

Therefore, the net income is $22,000 by cash basis accounting and $23,200 in accrual basis accounting.

Learn more about net income, here:

The XYZ Casualty Insurance Company has found that for a particular type of insurance policy it makes the following payments for insurance claims: i) On 10% of the policies, XYZ Company pays $1,000 exactly one year after the effective date of the policy. ii) On 3% of the policies, XYZ Company pays $10,000 exactly three years after the effective date of the policy. iii) On the remaining policies, XYZ Company makes no payment for claims. In addition to the above payments, XYZ Company pays $20 for the expenses of administering the policy: $10 is paid on the effective date of the policy and the remaining $10 is paid six months after the effective date of the policy. The annual interest rate is 8%, compounded semiannually. The premium for this type of insurance policy is due six months after the effective date of the policy. If the present value of the premium is set equal to the present value of the claim payments and expenses, what is the premium?
(A) Less than $355
(B) At least $355 but less than $380
(C) At least $380 but less than $415
(D) At least $415 but less than $440
(E) At least $440



(B) At least $355 but less than $380


i. Claim payments to be made

$1000 to be paid after one year of the policy

So, Present value of $1000 at 8% semi-annually = $1000/(1.04^2)) = $924.56

10% of this policy is paid = $924.56*10%= $92.46

ii. Claim payments to be made

$10000 after 3 years

So, present value= $10000/(1+0.08/2)^6 =$10000/1.046 = $7,903.14

3% of this policy claim are payable after 3 years= $7903.14* 3% = $237.09

iii. Administration expenses = $20

$10 on the effective date

$10 after 6 months

So, present value of $10 after 6 months= $10/(1.04)= $9.62

Total present value of expenses to be made by the company = $92.46 + $237.09 + $10 + $9.62 = $349.17

As the present value of the premium is set equal to the present value of the claim payments and expenses. Then, the present value of the premium is equals to $349.17.

The actual cost of the premium paid in 6 months = $349.17*1.04 = $363.14. So the option B is correct.

Financial reports prepared for a variety of external users who are unable to obtain the accounting information for their own specific needs are known as:
External user reports.
b. External purpose financial statements
c. Non-specific user reports
d. General purpose financial​



General purpose financial reports


From the word 'General', a financial statements which is issued to include a range of fonacila reports without a focus on a certain or specific aspect of a financial disclosure is called a general purpose financial report. The general purpose accounting report is usually issued in other to serve as an investment report to external users, lenders or investors. These accounting report usually incorporates reports including ; Statement of cashflow, balance sheet, shareholders equity, audit report income statement and other available reports.

The term that describes Financial reports which is prepared for a variety of external users that could not get accounting information for their own specific needs are D: General purpose financial.

In accounting, General purpose financial report are been prepared variety of external users especially those that couldn't obtain the accounting information for their own specific needs.

It serves as financial reports that serve many variety of function in domain of accounting.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more at:

If I buy options contracts for a year out is that profitable instead of day trading/swing trading? Because day trading or swing trading is usually hard to predict but we know when long-term good stocks are always going the upside and with the leverage, an option contract has it could make more than just buying shares. So Buying options contracts a year out is good or not?



Active traders often group themselves into two camps: the day traders and the swing traders. Both seek to profit from short-term stock movements (versus long-term investments), but which trading strategy is the better one? Here are the pros and cons of day trading versus swing trading.

Helmers Corporation manufactures a single product. Variable costing net operating income last year was $95,000 and this year was $113,900. Last year, $35,400 in fixed manufacturing overhead costs were released from inventory under absorption costing. This year, $13,500 in fixed manufacturing overhead costs were deferred in inventory under absorption costing. What was the absorption costing net operating income last year





Calculation for the absorption costing net operating income last year

Using this formula

Absorption costing net operating income last year=Variable costing net operating income last year -fixed manufacturing overhead costs last year

Let plug in the formula

Absorption costing net operating income last year=$95,000-$35,400

Absorption costing net operating income last year=$59,600

Therefore the absorption costing net operating income last year was $59,600

Interwest receives government funding and that funding is tied to the accuracy of the reports put out by its information system. The CFO, Singh, is concerned about whether the employees are properly incentivized to input the data accurately. So she enlists the help of the CEO, Manzoni, to plan a retreat in which she highlighted the importance of proper data entry to the 10 hospital administrators that are in charge of running the hospitals. Six months later the data accuracy problems are as bad as they ever were. Manzoni needs help, what do you recommend? 1. What are the potential sources of the problems? 2. What information would you want to analyze? 3. What actions might you recommend to increase the accuracy of data entry? 4. How does your view of behavior affect how you might address this consulting assignment?



1. Data entry officers might be having trouble putting data in the system

2. Analyze the environment where data entry officers are seated to observe the amount of distraction or any other factors for example light glare.

3. Arrange the seat of the data entry officer at a place where there are no distractions and the data is visible enough to be entered in the system.

4. An autocratic manager would remove the data entry officer instead of finding out the ground reason for the inaccuracy of data entered.


1. Data entry officers might be having trouble putting data in the system

2. Analyze the environment where data entry officers are seated to observe the amount of distraction or any other factors for example light glare.

3. Arrange the seat of the data entry officer at a place where there are no distractions and the data is visible enough to be entered in the system.

4. An autocratic manager would remove the data entry officer instead of finding out the ground reason for the inaccuracy of data entered.

define mortgage- backed securities.​


Answer: Mortgage interest is a loan.


Mortgage-backed securities, called MBS, are bonds secured by home and other real estate loans. They are created when a number of these loans, usually with similar characteristics, are pooled together.

You plan to purchase a house for $180,000 using a 30-year mortgage obtained from your local bank. You will make a down payment of 10 percent of the purchase price. You will not pay off the mortgage early. Assume the homeowner will remain in the house for the full term and ignore taxes in your analysis. a. Your bank offers you the following two options for payment. Which option should you choose? b. Your bank offers you the following two options for payments. Which option should you choose?



choose the first one


get the debt over faster

Bakery A sells bread for $2 per loaf that costs $0.50 per loaf to make. Bakery A gives an 80% discount for its bread at the end of the day. Demand for the bread is normally distributed with a mean of 300 and a standard deviation of 30. What order quantity maximizes expected profit for Bakery A





Calculation to determine What order quantity maximizes expected profit for Bakery A

First step is for the Salvage value

Salvage value = $2 × (1 - 80%)

Salvage value= $0.40

Second step is to calculate the Overage cost

Overage cost = $0.50 - $0.40

Overage cost = $0.10

Second step is to calculate the Underage cost

Underage cost = $2 - $0.50

Underage cost = $1.50

Third step is to calculate the The critical ratio

The critical ratio = 1.5/(1.5 + 0.4) = 0.79. z = 0.8

Now let calculate the Order quantity

Order quantity = 300 + (0.8× 30)

Order quantity= 324

Therefore the order quantity maximizes expected profit for Bakery A is 324

The following account appears in the ledger prior to recognizing the jobs completed in January:
Work in Process
Balance, January 1 $85,800
Direct materials 115,000
Direct labor 140,000
Factory overhead 296,200
Jobs finished during January are summarized as follows:
Job 210 $182,500
Job 216 78,300
Job 224 $232,190
Job 230 67,250
a. Journalize the entry to record the jobs completed. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank.
b. Determine the cost of the unfinished jobs at January 31.



A. Dr Finished Goods $560,240.00

Cr Work In Process $560,240.00

B. $76,760.00


A. Preparation of the journal entry to record the jobs complete

First step is to Calculate the amount of total jobs completed

Job 210 182,500.00

Job 224 232,190.00

Job 216 78,300.00

Job 230 67,250.00

Cost of completed jobs 560,240.00


Now let prepare the Journal Entry

Dr Finished Goods $560,240.00

Cr Work In Process $560,240.00

B. Calculation to Determine the cost of the unfinished jobs at January 31.

First step is to calculate the work in process Amount

Balance at January 1 85,800.00

Add Direct Materials 115,000.00

Add Direct Labor 140,000.00

Add Factory Overhead 296,200.00

Balance in work in process 637,000.00

Now let determine the cost of the unfinished jobs at January 31

Balance in work in process 637,000.00

Less: Cost of completed jobs 560,240.00

Cost of unfinished jobs on January 31 76,760.00

Therefore the cost of the unfinished jobs at January 31 will be $76,760.00

Freeman Company's accounting records include the following information: Payments to suppliers $ 47,000 Collections on accounts receivable 99,000 Cash sales 26,000 Income taxes paid 4,400 Equipment purchased 14,900 What is the amount of net cash provided by operating activities indicated by these transactions?





Cash flow from Operating Activity

Cash sales                                                          $26,000

Collections on accounts receivable                 $99,000

Payments to suppliers                                      ($47,000)

Cash generated from operations                     $78,000

Income taxes paid                                              ($4,400)

Net cash provided by operating activities       $73,600


the amount of net cash provided by operating activities indicated by these transactions is $73,600

Two methods can be used to produce solar panels for electric power generation. Method 1 will have an initial cost of $740,000, an AOC of $190,000 per year, and $135,000 salvage value after its 3-year life. Method 2 will cost $870,000 with an AOC of $135,000 and a $170,000 salvage value after its 5-year life. Assume your boss asked you to determine which method is better, but she wants the analysis done over a three-year planning period. You estimate the salvage value of Method 2 will be 37% higher after three years than it is after five years. If the MARR is 14% per year, which method should the company select



method 2 should be selected


The computation is shown below:

For Method 1

Value = $740,000 + $190,000 ÷ 1.14 + $190,000 ÷ 1.14^2 + $190,000 ÷ 1.14^3 - $135,000 ÷ 1.14^3

= $1,089,988.93

For Method 2

Value = $870,000 + $135,000 ÷ 1.14 + $135,000 ÷ 1.14^2 + $135,000 ÷ 1.14^3 - $170,000 × 1.37 ÷ 1.14^3

= $1,026,219.458

As we can see that in the method 2 there is a less cost as compared with method 1

So, method 2 should be selected

A company's income statement showed the following: net income, $130,000; depreciation expense, $38,000; and gain on sale of plant assets, $12,000. An examination of the company's current assets and current liabilities showed the following changes accounts receivable decreased $11,000; merchandise inventory increased $26,000; prepaid expenses increased $7,800; accounts payable increased $5,000. Calculate the net cash provided or used by operating activities.





Calculation the net cash provided or used by operating activities.

Net income $130,000

Depreciation $38,000

Gain on sale long-term asset ($12,000)

Account Receivable decreased $11,000

Inventory Increased ($26,000)

Prepaid Expenses Increased ($7,800)

Account Payable Increased $5,000

Net cash provided by operating activities $138,200

Therefore net cash provided or used by operating activities is $138,200

Why does the quantity a supplier is willing to give go up when the price goes up


Because of supply and demand. More demand for a product makes the price go and and the supplier gives more because they get more
Supply and demand it’s simple

What was A contract between the government and a private producer.



government contract


____ is when the company and the customer
come to an official agreement. (Select the best answer.)
O Closing a sale
O Turning a lead into a prospect
O Self-actualization
O Creating a lead



a- Closing a sale


Got it right on edg, Self-actualization is wrong

define liquidity economics.​



Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset, or security, can be converted into ready cash without affecting its market price. Cash is the most liquid of assets while tangible items are less liquid. The two main types of liquidity include market liquidity and accounting liquidity.

Consider a firm with $9,331 in current assets. The firm also has gross property plant and equipment of $1,717, depreciation expense of $9,780. The firm decided to reduce their capital structure and hold $0 in notes payable, $5,189 in accruals and $7,224 in accounts payable. The firm has $924 in long-term debt, $1,493 in interest expense. Calculate the firm's Total Assets





Total Assets = Current Assets + Non - Current Assets

                      = $11,048

Other Questions
Place the events below in the order in which they occurred, from the start of the play up to the end of Act II, scene iii. If 120 g of potassium chloride are mixed with 100 g of water at 80C, how much will not dissolve? Writing Assignment So, you have learned about how the denaturation of proteins works during lecture, and you have seen examples in these videos. Now you will write a 2-3 page discussion of protein denaturation putting all that together Make sure you cover both the academic side (lecture knowledge) and practical side (what is done and observed in the lab). Make sure the answers to the following questions are contained in your report. Do NOT just answer them separately, but rather incorporate them seamlessly in your writing. This is a very broad topic, so comprehensive coverage is hardly expected, but you should demonstrate a good beginner's understanding. As usual, reference any and all resources you use. a. What are the various levels of organization that any protein structure may have that gives it its 3-dimentional shape?Which of these changes during denaturation?b. For each change made to a protein solution that you have seen or read about how might it affect the interactions that are involved in a protein's shape? c. What is the difference between precipitation of a protein and its denaturation? How might you tell the difference? d. If changing the pH of an enzyme solution greatly reduces the activity of that enzyme without precipitation, how could you tell in the lab if it were the result of denaturation or just going to a pH that is just not a good one for the enzyme? And how would a change in pH impact or even stop enzyme function without denaturation? (Consider the enzymes that are active in your stomach, such as pepsin-discussed in Wikipedia.) e. For changes that precipitate a protein, are some more likely than others to be denaturation? f. Etc. If you find one aspect of what you've see more interesting, go ahead and learn more and expand that section of your report and keep the other sections more basic. What do the arrows in this photograph represent?A. Gravity and air resistanceB. An action-reaction force pairC. A pair of unbalanced forces at workD. Friction and air resistance 2(4y) + 4(3r) answer 1. Girl Scout Troop 321 started with 25 girls and at the end of the year party there were 31 girls. Gabbyshows her work below to find the percent of change for her troop.31-25316310.1935Gabby figures that her troop increased by about 19.4%Describe and then correct the error Gabby made in finding the percent of change.Pick what Gabby did wrong.The real percent of change is: expand and simplfy (x+3)(x-3)(3x+2) is a 4(2x-3) There are 90 million pet dogs in the US. The number of dogs is 1000% the number of reptiles. How many reptiles are there? Use slope-intercept form to write an equation of a line passing through the given point and having the given slope. Express the answer in standard form.P(4, 6); m = 3/4 Read the excerpt from Chapter 4.Anne of Green Gablesby Lucy Maud MontgomeryMatthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla had decided to adopt a boy to help on their farm called Green Gables. When a girl, Anne, arrives, they are surprised. In this excerpt, Anne has just awoken after her first night at Green Gables.Anne could evidently be smart to some purpose for she was down-stairs in ten minutes time, with her clothes neatly on, her hair brushed and braided, her face washed, and a comfortable consciousness pervading her soul that she had fulfilled all Marillas requirements. As a matter of fact, however, she had forgotten to turn back the bedclothes.Im pretty hungry this morning, she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her. The world doesnt seem such a howling wilderness as it did last night. Im so glad its a sunshiny morning. But I like rainy mornings real well, too. All sorts of mornings are interesting, dont you think? You dont know whats going to happen through the day, and theres so much scope for imagination. But Im glad its not rainy today because its easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day. I feel that I have a good deal to bear up under. Its all very well to read about sorrows and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but its not so nice when you really come to have them, is it?For pitys sake hold your tongue, said Marilla. You talk entirely too much for a little girl.Thereupon Anne held her tongue so obediently and thoroughly that her continued silence made Marilla rather nervous, as if in the presence of something not exactly natural. Matthew also held his tongue,but this was natural,so that the meal was a very silent one.As it progressed Anne became more and more abstracted, eating mechanically, with her big eyes fixed unswervingly and unseeingly on the sky outside the window. This made Marilla more nervous than ever; she had an uncomfortable feeling that while this odd childs body might be there at the table her spirit was far away in some remote airy cloudland, borne aloft on the wings of imagination. Who would want such a child about the place?Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things! Marilla felt that he wanted it just as much this morning as he had the night before, and that he would go on wanting it. That was Matthews waytake a whim into his head and cling to it with the most amazing silent persistencya persistency ten times more potent and effectual in its very silence than if he had talked it out.When the meal was ended Anne came out of her reverie and offered to wash the dishes.Can you wash dishes right? asked Marilla distrustfully.Pretty well. Im better at looking after children, though. Ive had so much experience at that. Its such a pity you havent any here for me to look after.I dont feel as if I wanted any more children to look after than Ive got at present. Youre problem enough in all conscience. Whats to be done with you I dont know. Matthew is a most ridiculous man.I think hes lovely, said Anne reproachfully. He is so very sympathetic. He didnt mind how much I talkedhe seemed to like it. I felt that he was a kindred spirit as soon as ever I saw him.Youre both queer enough, if thats what you mean by kindred spirits, said Marilla with a sniff. Yes, you may wash the dishes. Take plenty of hot water, and be sure you dry them well. Ive got enough to attend to this morning for Ill have to drive over to White Sands in the afternoon and see Mrs. Spencer. Youll come with me and well settle whats to be done with you. After youve finished the dishes go up-stairs and make your bed.Anne washed the dishes deftly enough, as Marilla who kept a sharp eye on the process, discerned. Later on she made her bed less successfully, for she had never learned the art of wrestling with a feather tick. But it was done somehow and smoothed down; and then Marilla, to get rid of her, told her she might go out-of-doors and amuse herself until dinner time.Question 1Part AWhat is a theme of Anne of Green Gables?Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances.It's easy to adhere to a decision once one has committed to it.It's difficult to imagine possibilities when life has been hard.Children should be given the opportunity to express themselves.Question 2Part BWhich detail from the story best supports the answer to Part A?Im pretty hungry this morning, she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her.Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things!But I'm glad its not rainy today because its easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.Who would want such a child about the place?I REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS I CAN'T FIND THE ANSWER ANYWHERE!! Blueberries at a farmers' marketcost $18 for 6 pounds. Jerome pays$24.75 for blueberries to make pies.How many pounds of blueberries didhe buy?pounds How to get rid of an STD R1 Homework EXTRA CREDITR.7-1.1A set of seven hockey sticks costs $196. What is the cost of one hockey stick? Youre running late to school and have a test in 1st period, so you beg your mom to drive a little faster. Youre about a block away from your school when your mom gets pulled over by a police officer, who issues her a speeding ticket. Is this a local, state, or federal issue?I NEED A BIG LONG ANSWER THAT MAKES SENSE :) 3.3 mol Fe(OH)3 and 6.3 mole H2SO4react according to the equation 2Fe(OH)3 + 3H2SO4 Fe2(SO4)3 + 6H2O. If the limiting reactant is Fe(OH)3, determine the amount of excess reactant that remains. Answer in units of mol. State the operation used to solve the following equation X -7 equals 15 Complete with the correct form of the verb preterite tense.11. Yo _______________ la comida. (preparar)please help for the best answer i will give brainliest What was the name of the Judicial Branch under the Articles ofConfederation? How does the way a society is organized impact the people living in it?Directions: In the box below, answer the compelling question: How does the way a society is organized impact the people living in it? You can use examples from ancient Athens, ancient Sparta, ancient India, ancient China, or general use of social hierarchies to explain your answer. PLEASE WRITE THIS IN A ARGUMENTATIVE CLAIM