Can somebody please help me write a narrative writing essay it’s got to be made up it can’t be paraphrased and the prompt is you show up too school and all the teachers are zombies PLEASE HELP ME due by tomorrow


Answer 1


well today I went into school and went to my favorite teachers class room and seen random blood splatters on the wall and when I went to go sit down I smelt the nasty smell of decaying flesh looked and seen my favorite teacher was a zombie I ran out of the class and heard some growling seen another zombie!! I am freaking out I pull out a stick I forgot about in my bag I start slowly approaching the zombie and peirce the brain and the zombie dies then I run out of the school to live to fight another day

Answer 2


            Well it started as a wierd day my clock would not go off, but that aside what I found out later that day was what really shocked. Suddenly my clock not going off was the least of my of my worries well it turs out that there was this really wierd explosion last night.Beacuse some one spilt water all of this really high tech gear and well it let of this detonation that effected every technilogially advanced object the whole city.Now mind you the city thehy lived  in was New York City one of the BIGGEST CITIES IN THE WORLD.

        The whole city was pich black.It did not bother Nick because he was sleeping but that is why his clock did not go off well after he was ready he met up with some of his friends while he was walking to school when he came in everyone was moper then usaul. Nick thought hey It is a monday I know how you feel but later he realized it was not because it was a monday it was because of the detonation. He realized that when he was almost bitten  by the teacher he lost his friends because they were bitten and they had turned .

Explanation: sorry I ran out of Ideas but that is a solid two paragraphs can you give me a little more details on how long it has to be

Related Questions

3. Which is correct? *
(5 Points)
"No other poet ever came close his achievement." (Salk 42)
"No other poet ever came close his achievement" (Salk 42).



the first one. You need a period at the end.

What is the tone of this passage from Andrew Jackson's message to Congress?
A. Ashamed and apologetic
B. Bitter and jealous
C. Intelligent and professional
D. Entertaining and humorous


Answer: Intelligent and professional

Explanation: a p e x


intellegent and professional


Help me pls and thank you:(



im pretty sure the answer is A


context clues from question 7

Read this exchange between Creon and Antigone from Scene IV of Antigone.
Antigone: Ah! That voice is like the voice of death!
Creon: I can give you no reason to think you are mistaken.
How does this exchange move the plot forward toward Antigone's death sentence?
O Creon causes Haimon to hate his father.
O Creon changes his mind and shows mercy to Antigone.
O Creon makes Antigone reconsider her own fate.
O Creon gives up his last chance to show mercy to Antigone.



Creon gives up his last chance to show mercy to Antigone.


I took the test




The following question has two parts. Answer Part C first, and then Part D.

Part C: Which choice best identifies an internal conflict in the passage?

Becky's desire for Tom's attention vs. Tom's attention to Amy
Becky's failure to gain Tom's attention vs. her hurt feelings
Tom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his jealousy of Alfred
Tom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his desire to flirt with Amy


D is the answer I think

The choice which best identifies an internal conflict in the passage is:

D. Tom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his desire to flirt with Amy

According to the given question, we are asked to show the choice which best identifies an internal conflict in the passage.

As a result of this, we can see that from the complete text, there is a narration about Tom where he has an internal conflict about what he wants to do.

He os stuck between choosing to be independent from Becky or to flirt with Amy and this best describes his internal conflict

Therefore, the correct answer is option D

Read more about internal conflict here:

The Answer Is NOT D. Rhyme

A. chorus

B. ode

C. alliteration

D. rhyme



would it be a chorus? in our church when they have songs like that its called a chorus ;-;  



C. alliteration



Repetition is the use of any element of language—a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence—more than once. Poets use many kinds of repetition to add emphasis, drama, or musical rhythm to a poem.

Rhyming is a form of repetition in which the sound is repeated. Now you will learn about two other types of repetition used in lyric poetry: refrain and alliteration.


A refrain is a line or group of lines repeated throughout a poem. A refrain can be

a line or two of verse that comes at the end of a stanza; or

a stanza that is repeated regularly throughout the poem.

In musical terms, the repeated lines sung after a stanza are called a chorus.


Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound, such as many Mondays, or dazzling dream. This type of sound repetition can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.

ßth grade writing benchmark # 3 Your Task: You will read three texts on the use of child labor to manufacture products to write an argumentative essay on whether or not we should buy products that have been manufacture with the use of child labor. Remember to include textual evidence to support your claim. 1. Read "Nike Pledges to End Child Labor and Apply U.S. Rules Abroad" 2. Read 'Nike's Dilemma: Is Doing the Right Thing Wrong?" 3. Read "This Company is Employing Children? 4. Write your essay under this box Write your essay here:​



what do you mean


Which statement describes the viewpoint of Antigone in Antigone?

a. Antigone believes that Creon has acted unjustly.

b. Antigone believes that her society is fundamentally just.

c. Antigone has never liked Creon and is trying to provoke him.

d. Antigone enjoys causing mischief, especially for Creon



Antigone believes that Creon has acted unjustly.


took the test :)


Antigone believes that Creon has acted unjustly.

Confirmed by question asker and other guy!

lpease mark brainliest!

In a certain language, 'they are fools' plane is risky' 'we are wise' means' train is fast' and' wise never fools' means 'fast always riks' which word here stand for train'?





According to the information "‘ We are wise ’means‘ Train is fast ’" we were able to figure out which word means train. That's because, as you can see, each sentence has three words, the first word of a sentence symbolizing the second word of the other sentence and so on. In that case, we can see that the word "we" means "train."

Reasoning is a tool to determine the thinking and analyzing ability of people. According to the above question, the word which would stand for train would be ‘we’.

Reasoning in calculating answers

The above answer is further explained as given below:

• If we look at the information available in the question, each word in every phrase corresponds to the words in the resulting phrase. This means that first word of one phrase would mean the first word of the resulting phrase.

• According to this logic, the word that is corresponding to the word ‘train’ in the above question is ‘we’.

Therefore, the correct answer would be ‘we’ as the word being used for train.

Learn more about reasoning here:

Help me, please!!!! I need to finish this by the end of the day.



heres your essay for you im sorry if im late but hope this helps :)


Hello, today i will be talking about why practice is important. Firstly, you need to practice so you can start to get the hang of things, for example, perhaps you had a volleyball match coming up, you need to practice for it so you can get better at your receives or sets. Secondly, Practice is the act of rehearsing a behavior over and over, or engaging in an activity again and again, for the purpose of improving or mastering it, as in the phrase "practice makes perfect". Lastly, if you don't practice you could fail at whatever you are trying to do because your body or mind hasn't gotten used to the thing your trying to do yet. In conclusion, you need practice so that way you can get better at what your trying to do and so your body or mind can adjust to it and keep getting better at it.

Which sentence has an inappropriate shift in number?

Each of the boys wanted to take their own pulse.

Many of us will be lost during the first few days in our new school.

Every girl wanted to organize her own sleepover.

Some of the artists showed off their own projects.



Each of the boys wanted to take their own pulse.


The sentence that contains an inadequate shift in the number would be as follows:

A). Each of the boys wanted to take their own pulse.

What is a pronoun?

A pronoun is described as the words that are employed in the noun's place as a referent of the noun.

The antecedent employed in a sentence must match the pronoun that it refers to.

The first sentence fails to match the pronoun and antecedent in number as each carries a singular pronoun and hence, 'their' must be replaced with 'his' in the sentence.

Thus, option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Pronoun shift" here:

31. What can the reader conclude from paragraph 3?
A.The author's education did not fully prepare him for living in the
real world.
B.The author was better at sports than at academics while growing
Educational priorities at elite schools differ from those in public
Students in England are required to attend school through the
university level.



C. Educational priorities at elite schools differ from those in public



Over the course of the years, it has been argued that, the educational priorities at elite and public schools tends to differs fro each other. This could be seen in the actions of the author's education. His educational priorities at the elite school made it impossible for him to fit in appropriately into the society.

Julie of the Wolves

According to the novel's table of contents, what do the three parts of Julie of the Wolves have in common?

All three refer to wolves in some way.

All three end with the word Alaska.

Each describes a different setting.

Each focuses on a single character.



I would say option C - Each describes a different setting.


Have a great day.

The three Julie of the Wolves sections shares several similarities is stated in option (C): "Each describes a different setting."

What does the story of Julie of the wolves have in common?

Jean Craighead George wrote the children's book Julie of the Wolves, which was published by Harper in 1972 and had pictures by John Schoenherr.

It takes place on the Alaskan North Slope and centers on a young Inuk girl who is forced to adapt to changes made to her society by outsiders.

A young adult book called "Julie of the Wolves" is about an Alaskan girl named Julie. A book's storyline is comprised of its introduction, middle, and conclusion.

Julie of the Wolves is divided into three distinct sections: the present, a flashback to Julie's past, and a return to the present.

Part 1: Amaroq, the wolf.Part 2: Miyax, the girl.Part 3: Kapugen, the Hunter.

As a result, option (c) is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn about Julie of the Wolves;


hope that you're doing well today :)

May I ask you if you can help me with this exercise? Please

Thank you so much for your help! ​



2.The international Space station that was launched in 1998 is huge.

3. The train we can see its arriving at platform 3.

4. The new car he brought was made in Japan.

5. The astronauts that are repairing the satellite have trained for a long time.

6. The passengers who carry more than one bag will not be allowed to board the plane.

7. Millions of people are watching the spaceship that is headed towards the moon.

8. Gravity, a film praised by many film critics, is a film about space.

amog us..............









Question 4 of 10
Based on their prefixes, which word means that someone has not given
money for services rendered?
A. Repaid
B. Unpaid
C. Postpaid
D. Prepaid


The answer is Unpaid

Question 4 of 20 If you have 90 hours to complete 10 tasks, how much time do you need to set aside for each task? A. 9 hours B. 90 - 100 hours O C. 15 - 20 hours O D. 2 - 3 hours SI​



A. 2-3 hours


cause you can do it fast fast fast fast


9 hours


who is better juice wrld or NF




juice wrld


i lik lucid dreams and wasted


Propaganda becomes a problem when

A. facts are misrepresented.

B. people change their opinions.

C. it is used in politics.

D. all of the above.



A i  think is the answer if not im super sorry.


A. Identifying Moods of Verb
Identify the mood of the underlined verb in each numbered item. On th
corresponding line below, write Indicative, Imperative, or Subjunctive.
(1) The girls' soccer games at the university are very exciting.


The girl is playing at the soccer so it means she there so it’s a subjunctive

“The Beauty and Danger of a Volcano”. Make an essay please



Since you did not specify if this title was from an specific text, I will make an essay from that sentence.  


  The beauty and role of a volcano in the creation and maintenance of our atmosphere and climatic conditions make these not only passionate and occupy geologists but also astronomers, being essential to understand the evolution and habitability of planets.

From the impressive pictures of Fujiyama, Mount Teide, Kilimanjaro or Cotopaxi, to the stories about Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii, passing through the beauty of the telescopes at the top of Mauna Kea, the rivers of lava coming out of the Kilauea or the columns of smoke on Etna or Popocatepetl, the volcanoes surround us and fascinate us. Perhaps they have affected our subconscious in such a way that the importance of volcanoes for the Earth is manifested in our fascination for these giants, who when they awaken they wreak havoc and death, even though life as we know it would not be possible without them.

The beauty of volcanoes is not the only aspect that makes them special. Perhaps what we should most recognize about volcanoes is that thanks to them we have an atmosphere. The planetary formation models establish that when the solid part of the rocky terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) was created, they were very hot and the gas molecules that they could have were moving too fast, more than the speed escape, so the atmosphere we call primary must have been lost early in the history of our planet. This was not the case on the colder and more massive giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which still retain that primary atmosphere today. Returning to Earth, it was the volcanoes that, as the planet cooled, released gases to the outside, giving rise to the secondary atmosphere that we see today (or we could even speak of a tertiary one today).

Another great achievement of volcanoes and a gift for our lives has to do with their relationship with greenhouse gases and the internal heat they release.

In conclusion, volcanoes are another key player in Earth's delicate climate and vital balance, which humanity has joined in recent decades. The role of volcanoes and cryovolcanoes in the existence of life, as well as their usefulness to understand the interior of the planets, which gives information about their formation, is unquestionable, they deserve to break a spear for them.

*Media Literacy*
What is globalization?
A. A constant change in weather patterns that is occurring all over the globe.
B. The movement from many local economies to one economy that is global.
C. A movement for countries to turn an economy based on bartering.
D. The tendency for global companies to create small local businesses.


Answer: B. The movement from many local economies to one economy that is global.


can someone please help me improve this?



Esta es información en la que no puedo ayudarte lo siento


what is the theme for adapted from the mysterious portrait part 1


I don't knowwwwwwwwwwwwww

How can I get the right answer on the quiz before school night ​


Answer: Answer is simple: Study but if this has to do with an actual question then show me a picture please.


Based on the evidence provided in the paragraph, what is the best prediction?

Devin will sleep through his alarm.
Devin’s team will win the tournament.
Devin’s garage will be flooded by the rain.
Devin will be disappointed by the weather.



The correct answer is D) Devin will be disappointed by the weather.


Devin had started out the day before preparing for his game. He had dotted every 'I' and crossed every 'T'.

Given that the rain was intensifying at 7am, it's most likely that it would ruin the day. On the balance of probability, it is possible the game will be canceled due to flooding or just because the field might not be in the best shape for a game. It is also possible that Devin might sleep through the alarm given the cool weather induced by the rain.

Ultimately, Devin would most likely be disappointed.





i got all of them correct on edgenuty

The resolution of the story happens when the problem is solved. When does the resolution take place? . A when Jeff skateboards to his new house B when Jeff finds out he is moving to lowa C when Jeff is able to ride the gigantic wave D when Jeff watches until Randy seems to disappear​



probably A


Write few sentences about RDJ​



Born in New York City on April 4, 1965, Robert Downey Jr. began acting as a young child. He made his first film appearances and was a cast member on Saturday Night Live in the 1980s, but his growing success was marred by years of struggles with drug abuse. ... Robert Downey Jr. in an 'Iron Man' publicity still.


How does fake news communicate ideas to an audience?



first the reader tells to his family about the news and the family tell to their neighbors so by that the fake news will transmit

Fake news communicates ideas to an audience by playing on common knowledge and and baised views to fuel whatever the fake news is trying to spread.

In "Feathered Friend," why do crew members pass around an oxygen bottle? (sorry for the repetition of questions)​


To keep themselves from loosing consciousness :) x

To prevent themselves from falling asleep. Claribel was passing out due to the poor air quality, an air purifier had frozen, and the single, expensive alarm had not gone off the narrator notes. All of their lives had been saved by Claribel.

What is the moral of the story feathered friend?

A small canary on a space station helps save lives in Arthur Clarke's science fiction short story Feathered Friend, which is about her. The narrator claims that he is not aware of a rule banning pets from being on space stations and that Sven would disregard it in any case.

Claribel was passing out due to the poor air quality, an air purifier had frozen, and the single, expensive alarm had not gone off the narrator notes. Everyone's lives had been saved by Claribel, and they all care for her as if she were their own. It implies that the crew values Claribel's presence.

Learn more about the story feathered friend here:


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