which substance will evaporate first???????????????????

Which Substance Will Evaporate First???????????????????


Answer 1


I think it would be a liquid.


If the temperature hits a certain point, it will turn to ice. If the ice gets exposed to heat, it will melt and return back to it's natural form, a lqiuid. If the liquid is exposed to enough heat, it will evaporate. Not sure if this is right, but I tried my best!  

Related Questions

Name the type of light interaction sing the snow falling through a window

1. Absorbed
2. Reflected
3. Transmittied ​


Answer: 2


it’s reflected




Because this is when its granted safe passage through the medum

Absorbed: energy goes through and disappears

Reflected: is when light bounces off a surface (mirrors)

how many carbon dioxide molecules are produced if 8.45 x 1023 of water molecules of water are produced


The given question is incomplete. The complete question is:

Determine how many carbon dioxide molecules are produced if molecules of water are produced

[tex]C_2H_6(g)+O_2 (g)\rightarrow CO2(g)+H_2O(g)[/tex]

Answer: [tex]5.60\times 10^{23}[/tex] molecules of carbon dioxide are produced


The balanced chemical equation is:

[tex]2C_2H_6(g)+7O_2 (g)\rightarrow 4CO2(g)+6H_2O(g)[/tex]

[tex]\text{Moles of water}=\frac{\text{given molecules}}{\text{Avogadros number}}=\frac{8.45\times 10^{23}}{6.023\\times 10^{23}}=1.40moles[/tex]

Accoding to stoichiometry:

6 moles of water are produced along with = 4 moles of carbon dioxide

Thus 1.40 moles of water are produced along with = [tex]\frac{4}{6}\times 1.40=0.93[/tex] moles of carbon dioxide

Molecules of carbon dioxide = [tex]moles\times {\text {Avogadros number}}=0.93\times 6.023\times 10^{23}=5.60\times 10^{23}[/tex]

Plz help, will give brainliest!





No change.

The total number moles of products = The Total number of reactants

When scientists communicate about their work, what information should they make sure is included:


1.) publish a journal that is verified by other scientists
2.) present at conferences
3.) present at universities
4.) inform popular media’s
5.) show data
6.) show hypothesis
7.) and give a theory

Why can more sugar be dissolved in hot water than cold water (more solute be dissolved in hot solvent then cold solvent)


sugar dissolves faster in hot water than it does in cold water because hot water has more energy than cold water. when water is heated, the molecules gain energy and because of that, move faster. as they move faster, they come in contact with the sugar more often, causing it to dissolve faster.

what happens to the boiling point of hydrocarbon compounds when the number of carbon atom increases

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains the same
D. None of these



The boiling points of alkanes increases with increasing number of carbons. This is because the intermolecular attractive forces, although individually weak, become cumulatively more significant as the number of atoms and electrons in the molecule increases.

So therefore your answer choice will increase. (B)

A what is matter that is always composed of the same combination of atoms



A substance


Enzymes in your body act as a catalyst. Thus the role of enzymes is to
O inhibit chemical reactions
o increase the rate of chemical reactions
O help you breathe
decrease the rate of chemical reactions


Increase the rate of chemical reactions. Enzymes act as catalyst which, by definition, speeds up a reaction. Enzymes help just a little more :)

If water is added to 145 mL of a 0.55 M KOH solution until the volume is 250 mL, what will the molarity of the diluted solution be?



0.319 M


M1V1 = M2V2

M1 = 0.55M

V1=145 mL = 0.145 L

V2 = 250mL = 0.250L

M2 = M1V1/V2=0.55x0.145/0.250 = 0.319 M

How many particles are in one mole of copper (II) sulfate, CuSO4?


2. Avogadro’s number

2 HCl (9)
=H2(g) + Cl2 (9)
K = [H][CI]/[HCI)
UK = [H][CI]/2[HCI]
K = 2[HC]/[H]CI.)
K = [HCI)?/[H][1]



(K) = [H2] [Cl2]  /  [HCl]²


The equation of the reaction is given as;

2 HCl (g)  ⇔ H2 (g) + Cl2 (g)

The Equilibrium constant is the ratio of the concentration of the products and reactants raised to the power of their coefficients

Products =  H2 and Cl2

Reactants =  HCl

Equilibrium constant (K) = [H2] [Cl2]  /  [HCl]²

If 23.2 g of a given gas occupies a volume of 93.2 L at a particular temperature and pressure, what
mass of the gas occupies a volume of 10.4 L under the same conditions?





Using Avagadro's law equation as follows:

V1/n1 = V2/n2


V1 = initial volume (litres)

V2 = final volume (litres)

n1 = first amount of gas in grams

n2 = second amount of gas in grams

According to the information provided in this question, v1 = 93.2L, v2 = 10.4L, n1 = 23.2 g, n2 = ?

Using V1/n1 = V2/n2

93.2/23.2 = 10.4/n2

Cross multiply

93.2 × n2 = 23.2 × 10.4

93.2n2 = 241.28

n2 = 241.28/93.2

n2 = 2.588

n2 = 2.59g

The mass of the gas is 2.59g that occupies a volume of 10.4 L under the same conditions.

Avogadro's law equation:

V₁/n₁ = V₂/n₂


V₁ = initial volume (litres)

V₂ = final volume (litres)

n₁ = first amount of gas in grams

n₂ = second amount of gas in grams


V₁ = 93.2L,

V₂ = 10.4L,

n₁ = 23.2 g,

To find:

n₂ = ?

On substituting the values:

93.2/23.2 = 10.4/n₂

93.2 * n₂ = 23.2 * 10.4

93.2* n₂ = 241.28

n₂ = 241.28/93.2

n₂ = 2.588

n₂ = 2.59g

Thus, the mass of the gas is 2.59g.

Find more information about Avogadro law here:


What kind of mixture is frozen
yogurt with sprinkles, fudge, and
gummy bears? How can you tell



a heterogeneous mixture


I can see all of the different parts of the frozen yogurt, and if I were to pick up a gummy bear, it would come out. Thus, it is not fully/completely mixed with the other components.

It is a heterogenous mixture.

What is the difference between Homogeneous  and Heterogeneous Mixtures ?

A type of mixtures where all the components are mixed uniformly called as homogeneous mixture.

Here the Particles are distributed in an uniform way, called as solution. Example rainwater, vinegar.

It consist of one phase, It can’t be separated out physically  

In heterogenous mixture, all the components are completely and equally mixed, particles can be seen under a microscope.

Here the Particles are distributed non-uniform way, Example: seawater, pizza, etc.

It can be in two or more phases and separated out physically

Learn more about heterogenous mixture, here:



Which statement about Niels Bohr's atomic model is true?
O Higher orbits have lower energies.
Each orbit has a specific energy level.
Electrons can exist in any energy level.
O Orbits close to the nucleus have no energy.






Each orbit has a specific energy level.


Bohr model

Hi! I need some help with this pleaseeee!!

When two objects of different temperatures are placed in contact with one another, eventually: (choose one option from below)

a) both their average kinetic energy and temperature will be the same

b) their average kinetic energy will be the same

c) neither their average kinetic energy and temperature will be the same

d) their temperature will be the same


a) eventually they will be in thermal equilibrium

Give examples which indicate that nylon fibres are very strong.​



is used for making ropes, used for climbing rocks and for making parachutes. Their usage shows that nylon fibres have high tensile strength

In terms of valence electrons, explain why metals form positive ions.




Metal elements form positively charged ions called cations because they are located on the left side of the periodic table These elements all have valence electrons in an s orbital. These electrons are relatively easy for the atom to lose to achieve a stable octet of electrons in its outermost energy shell.

What is the vapor pressure of propanone
at 50°C?


Answer: If we work it out with direct proportions, the vapor pressure of propanone is 56 degrees Celsius. The atmospheric pressure is about 101.

Explanation: hope this helps.

The vapor pressure of propanone at 50°C is :

- 78° vapor pressure


When the vapor pressure is specifically work through the extents to a temperature rate it response is intensely subordinate on their possess a mass nature.

The vapor weight of propanone is calculated and shape in degree Celsius in rate.

The rate of vapor when it is calculated by 50°C with propanone its at long last gives us a 78° vapor pressure.

Learn more about "Propanone":


Will mark BRAINLIEST. Molarity
Please no Bs answers. Only going to be reported.

If water is added to 145 mL of a 0.55 M KOH solution until the volume is 250 mL, what will the molarity of the diluted solution be?

What is the molarity of the solution that results from diluting 35.0 ml of a 9.02M solution to a new volume of 45.0 ml?​


We can use the equation for dilutions that relates concentration and volume:


where M is the molarity, V is the volume, and 1 and 2 refer to the initial and final states of the solution, respectively. Here, we are given the molarity of the initial solution and the volumes of the initial and final (diluted) solutions. To find the final concentration (i.e., the molarity of the diluted solution), we would be solving for M₂:

[tex]M_2=\frac{M_1V_1}{V_2} = \frac{(0.55 \text{ M})(145 \text{ mL})}{250 \text{ mL}} \\ M_2 = 0.319 \approx 0.32 \text{ M}.[/tex]

The molarity is given to two significant figures as both our M₁ and V₂ are given to two significant figures.

Note: Although our volumes are in mL instead of L, we do not need to convert them to L for the purposes of our calculation since we would be multiplying our V₁ and V₂ by a common factor that would cancel out in division. All that matters is the ratio between the two volumes, which is the same whether the volumes are in mL or in L.


We follow the exact same procedure in the second question as we did in the first problem: solve for M₂ given M₁ = 9.02 M, V₁ = 35.0 mL, and V₂ = 45.0 mL:

[tex]M_2=\frac{M_1V_1}{V_2} = \frac{(9.02 \text{ M})(35.0 \text{ mL})}{45.0 \text{ mL}} \\ M_2 = 7.02 \text{ M}.[/tex]

Find the mass of 3.27 x 10^23 molecules of H2SO4. Use 3 significant digits
and put the units.



Approximately [tex]53.3\; \rm g[/tex].


Lookup Avogadro's Number: [tex]N_{\rm A} = 6.02\times 10^{23}\; \rm mol^{-1}[/tex] (three significant figures.)

Lookup the relative atomic mass of [tex]\rm H[/tex], [tex]\rm S[/tex], and [tex]\rm O[/tex] on a modern periodic table:

[tex]\rm H[/tex]: [tex]1.008[/tex].[tex]\rm S[/tex]: [tex]32.06[/tex].[tex]\rm O[/tex]: [tex]15.999[/tex].

(For example, the relative atomic mass of [tex]\rm H[/tex] is [tex]1.008[/tex] means that the mass of one mole of [tex]\rm H\![/tex] atoms would be approximately [tex]1.008\![/tex] grams on average.)

The question counted the number of [tex]\rm H_2SO_4[/tex] molecules without using any unit. Avogadro's Number [tex]N_{\rm A}[/tex] helps convert the unit of that count to moles.

Each mole of [tex]\rm H_2SO_4[/tex] molecules includes exactly [tex](1\; {\rm mol} \times N_\text{A}) \approx 6.02\times 10^{23}[/tex] of these [tex]\rm H_2SO_4 \![/tex] molecules.

[tex]3.27 \times 10^{23}[/tex] [tex]\rm H_2SO_4[/tex] molecules would correspond to [tex]\displaystyle n = \frac{N}{N_{\rm A}} \approx \frac{3.27 \times 10^{23}}{6.02 \times 10^{23}\; \rm mol^{-1}} \approx 0.541389\; \rm mol[/tex] of such molecules.

(Keep more significant figures than required during intermediary steps.)

The formula mass of [tex]\rm H_2SO_4[/tex] gives the mass of each mole of [tex]\rm H_2SO_4\![/tex] molecules. The value of the formula mass could be calculated using the relative atomic mass of each element:

[tex]\begin{aligned}& M({\rm H_2SO_4}) \\ &= (2 \times 1.008 + 32.06 + 4 \times 15.999)\; \rm g \cdot mol^{-1} \\ &= 98.702\; \rm g \cdot mol^{-1}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Calculate the mass of approximately [tex]0.541389\; \rm mol[/tex] of [tex]\rm H_2SO_4[/tex]:

[tex]\begin{aligned}m &= n \cdot M \\ &\approx 0.541389\; \rm mol \times 98.702\; \rm g \cdot mol^{-1}\\ &\approx 53.3\; \rm g\end{aligned}[/tex].

(Rounded to three significant figures.)

How to make copper chloride from copper carbonate



Describe how a sample of copper chloride crystals could be made from copper carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid. Add excess copper carbonate to hydrochloric acid in a beaker, stirring until there is no further reaction. Filter the mixture to remove the remaining copper carbonate, then heat the remaining solution to the point of crystallisation.

Explanation: Hope this is right.

How many moles are there in 105.69 grams of FeCI2





I used an online converter (grams to moles for FeCl2)

What is the molar mass of the following compound: C1H3P2


the molar mass is44.26

What causes the high luster of a metal?
excitation of electrons into empty orbitals
b mobility of electrons
C easily ionizable metal atoms
d their low melting points



When light is shone on to the surface of a metal, its electrons absorb small amounts of energy and become excited into one of its many empty orbitals. The electrons immediately fall back down to lower energy levels and emit light. This process is responsible for the high luster of metals.


Your well-wisher :-)

Stock System naming for NaCl4, SO3, As2F4.


NaCI4: Sodium perchlorate

What is the pH of a 2.0 × 10-4 M HCl solution?



pH = 3.69


HCl is a strong acid. It will disscociates completely into dissoluted ions such that,

[tex][H^+]=2\times 10^{-4}\ M[/tex]

The formula for pH is given by :

[tex]pH=-log[H^+]\\\\pH=-log(2\times 10^{-4})\\\\pH=3.69[/tex]

So, the pH of the solution is 3.69.

The answer to your question is 4.

In 1774, Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen gas by heating mercury(II) oxide powder with focused sunlight through a lens. How many grams of HgO (216.59 g/mol) would be decomposed to produce 1.50 mol O2 ? A. 650. g HgO B. 325gHgO C. 162gHgO D. 3.00 g HgO



A. 650 g


The equation of the reaction is given as;

2 HgO(s) --> 2Hg(s)  + O2(l)

From the reaction;

2 mol of HgO produces 1 mol of O2

x mol of HgO would produce 1.50 mol of O2

2 = 1

x = 1.5

Solving for x;

x = 1.5 * 2 / 1 = 3 mol

Converting to mass;

Mass = Number of moles * Molar mass

Mass = 3 mol  * 216.59 g/mol

Mass = 649.77 g ≈ 650. g

Correct option is ;

A. 650 g

a. An undesirable constituent of air​


Complete Question:

Give one word for the following.

a. An undesirable constituent of air

b. The constituent of air that helps in burning

c. The thick layer of air surrounding the earth

d. Carbon dioxide does not support this process​


a. Pollutant.

b. Oxygen.

c. Atmosphere.

d. Combustion.


a. Pollutant: an undesirable constituent of air. Pollution can be defined as the physical degradation or contamination of the environment through an emission of harmful, poisonous and toxic chemical substances known as pollutants. Some examples of pollutant are carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, etc.

b. Oxygen: the constituent of air that helps in burning. Oxygen is an element that aids in the combustion (burning) process because it is an oxidizing agent.

c. Atmosphere: the thick layer of air surrounding the earth. It comprises of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon and other gases in very small proportion.

d. Combustion (burning): Carbon dioxide does not support this process but it is an end product of the process.

Combustion can be defined as an exothermic chemical reaction between physical substances, usually in the presence of oxygen and hydrocarbons to produce heat, light and carbon.

Which describes the molecule below?
O A. A lipid with three saturated fatty acids
• B. A lipid with two unsaturated fatty acids and one saturated fatty
• C. A lipid with three unsaturated fatty acids
• D. A lipid with two saturated fatty acids and one unsaturated fatty


C. A lipid with three unsaturated fatty acids.
(got the question correct on a test)

What is the percent of water in the hydrate whose formula is MgCl2 •6H2O?


Here is my answer. I hope this is helpful.

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