calculate the average speed of a lion that runs 45 m in 5 seconds​


Answer 1


9 m /s

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the speed, take the distance and divide by the time

45 m/ 5 s

9 m /s

Answer 2


[tex] \sf9ms ^{ - 1} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sf \: Average \: speed = \frac{ Total \: distance }{Total \: Time}[/tex]

Let us find the average speed now.

[tex] \sf \: Average \: speed = \frac{ Total \: distance }{Total \: Time} \\ \sf \: Average \: speed = \frac{ 45m }{5s} \\ \sf \: Average \: speed = 9ms ^{ - 1} [/tex]

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1. Mr. Z's class has 18 boys and 22 girls. What is the ratio of girls to boys?

2. What is the ratio of boys to total students?

3. What is the ratio of girls to total students?


1 ))

simplified to

2 ))

simplified to

3 ))

simplified to

Solve. −45 = −2b + 3 + 8b



b= -8

Step-by-step explanation:

just trust me dude. I know what I'm doing

Annie's mother asked Annie to go buy oranges, dog food, and bug spray. Each square's side length is 1 block. How many blocks will Annie have to walk in all if she visits the fruit stand, the pet store, and the supermarket, in that order, before returning home?


Here using the length of square, it is obtained that

Annie walked 14 blocks in total.

What is a square?

Square is a two dimensional four sided figure.


Length of each side of one square = 1 block

From Annie's home to the supermarket, Annie will have to walk 1 block

From Supermarket to pet store, Annie will have to walk 1 block straight and then 2 blocks to the left

From pet store to the fruit vendor, Annie will have to walk 1 block straight and then 2 blocks to the left

Total number of blocks walked by Annie from home = 1 + 1 + 2+ 1 + 2

                                                                                        = 7 blocks

Total number of blocks walked by Annie while returning  home

                                                                                        = 1 + 1 + 2+ 1 + 2

                                                                                        = 7 blocks

Total number of blocks walked by Annie = 7 + 7 = 14 blocks

To learn more about square, refer to the link-


Complete Question

The figure has been attached

6. Chester paid a $30 membership fee to a toddler gym and $8 for each of 6 tumbling
classes for his son. The expression 30 + 8 x 6 can be used to evaluate the total cost
of the program. Is the cost $228 or $78? Explain.




Step-by-step explanation:

pemdas says we multiply then add




It is $78 and not $228 because we do not add first when doing order of operations and when we multiply first we get 78 also it’s each tumbling is 8 dollars and there were 6 of them so we just multiply the cost by each tumbling and add the membership fee after.

Hopes this helps please mark brainliest

i need help with a couple more im really confused. i'll post all of them.


The all three given problem are equivalent to each other.

64(2⁻ˣ)64/2ˣ64(1/2)ˣWhat is referred as the index/ indices?An index can be assigned to a number or a variable. A variable's index (or constant) is a value raised to a power of a variable. Indexes are also referred to as powers and exponents. It indicates how many times a provided number must be multiplied.If a constant or parameter has an index of '0,' the outcome will be one, regardless of the base value.If the index is negative, it can be represented by the reciprocal of a positive score raised to the identical variable.

For the given three problems;

Problem 1: 64(2⁻ˣ)

Taking reciprocal of the (2⁻ˣ),

64/(2ˣ)   ....1

Problem 2: 64/2ˣ   ....2

Problem 3:  64(1/2)ˣ

Taking (1)ˣ = 1.

64/(2)ˣ   ....3

Thus, three equation 1, 2 and 3 are in the same form so are equivalent.

To know more about the index/ indices, here


find 3 consecutive odd integers when the sum of the first and third integer is 26


Let's call the first odd number x.

The next odd number will be x + 2, and the last one will be x + 4.

If the sum of the first number and the last one is 26, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+x+4=26 \\ 2x+4=26 \\ 2x=22 \\ x=\frac{22}{2}=11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the numbers are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x\to11 \\ x+2\to13 \\ x+4\to15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

11, 13 and 15.

Solve for z in -3 < z-1 < 3.Give the result in the interval notation and graph on a number line





Given the inequality:

[tex]-3First, we add 1 to all parts of the inequality.[tex]\begin{gathered} -3+1We can represent this in interval notation as:[tex](-2,4)[/tex]

The solution set is graphed on the number line below:

help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeee


Answer: 19.6 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Pythagorean theorem,

[tex]x^2 +(x+6)^2 =48^2\\\\x^2 +x^2 +12x+36=2304\\\\2x^2 +12x-2268=0\\\\x^2 +6x-1134=0\\\\x=\frac{-6 \pm \sqrt{6^2 -4(1)(-1134)}}{2(1)}\\\\x \approx 30.8 \text{ } (x > 0)\\\\\implies x+(x+6) \approx 67.6\\\\\therefore (x+(x+6))-48 \approx 19.6[/tex]

Complete the similarity statement relating the three triangles in the diagram. Show work.



[tex]\Delta JKM\approx\Delta MKL\approx\Delta JML[/tex]


There are three right angled triangles are in the diagram of three different sizes.

Identify the right angles.

In the first triangle, the right angle is angle M. In the second one, the right angle is angle K and in the third triangle, it is angle K.

Now, identify the shortest sides of each.

The shortest side in the first triangle is MJ, in the second triangle, it is JK and in the third triangle, it is MK.

In the given triangle JKM, notice that JK is the shortest side and angle K is the right angle. Write the other two tringles also in the similar form with the first two letters gives the short side and middle letter represents the right angle.

So, the similarity statement is

[tex]\Delta JKM\approx\Delta MKL\approx\Delta JML[/tex]


In 1846 the depth of the river was 5 feet deep.

In 1847 it dropped to 3.8 feet.

This year, 1848, it rose to 6.4 feet.

Find the percent change in river depth & complete the table.


The percent change in river depth is 52%

How to calculate the percentage?

From the information, the depth of the river was 5 feet deep, it dropped to 3.8 feet and in 1848, it rose to 6.4 feet. The new feet will be:

= -5 - 3.8 + 6.4

= 2.4

Therefore, the percentage change will be:

= New feet / Initial feet × 100

= (5 - 2.4) / 5 × 100

= 2.6 / 5 × 100

= 52%

Note that there was no table given.

Learn more about percentages on:


The area of circular pound is 21.5 m2. Work out the diameter of the circle. Give your answer correct to the nearest centimetre.


The diameter of the circle is 5.2m.

The area of circular pond is 21.5 m2

area of a circle is given by the formula

area = πr²

21.5 = 3.14 r²

r² = 6.84

r = ±2.6

r is a length and it cannot be negative

So, r = 2.6

Diameter is twice of radius

d = 2r

d = 2(2.6)

d = 5.2

Therefore, the diameter of the circle is 5.2m.

To learn more about circle refer here


Solve the equations.a) 4t^2 - 5t = 0d) (y + 6)(y - 6) = - (y + 6)^2h) h) (u - 4)(u + 4) = (u + 2)(u - 2).



The equations are given

a) 4t^2 - 5t = 0

d) (y + 6)(y - 6) = - (y + 6)^2

h) (u - 4)(u + 4) = (u + 2)(u - 2).


a. 4t^2 - 5t = 0

[tex]\begin{gathered} t(4t-5)=0 \\ t=0,4t-5=0 \\ t=0,t=\frac{5}{4}=1.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

d. (y + 6)(y - 6) = - (y + 6)^2

[tex]\begin{gathered} y^2-6y+6y-36=-(y^2+36+12y) \\ y^2-36=-y^2-36-12y \\ y^2+y^2+36-36+12y=0 \\ 2y^2+12y=0 \\ 2y(y+6)=0 \\ y=0,y=-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

h. (u - 4)(u + 4) = (u + 2)(u - 2).

[tex]\begin{gathered} u^2+4u-4u-16=u^2-2u+2u-4 \\ u^2-16=u^2-4 \\ u^2-16-u^2+4=0 \\ -12\ne0 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Hence the solution to the equations are

[tex]\begin{gathered} a.t=0,1.25 \\ d.\text{ y=0,-6} \\ h.\text{ no solution} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which expression is a factored form of −32m+96 −8(4m+12) 32(−m−3) 16(−2m+6) 32(−m+3)




Step-by-step explanation:

1. Find the greatest common factor.
   32 is the GCF

2. Factor.
   32(-m + 3) -- you can check with distrubutive property.

ſ x - 5y = -9( 4x + 4y = - 12Step 1 of 2: Determine if the point (-4,1) lies on both of the lines in the system of equations by substituting theordered pair into both equations.



[tex]\begin{gathered} x-5y=-9\ldots\ldots(1) \\ 4x+4y=-12\ldots\text{.}\mathrm{}(2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The given point is (-4,1)

Let's check the ordered pair (-4,1) in the first equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-5y=-9 \\ (-4)-5(1)=-9 \\ -4-5=-9 \\ -9=-9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, (-4,1) is a solution of the first equation x-5y=-9.

Now, let's check (-4,1) in the second equation.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4x+4y=-12 \\ 4(-4)+4(1)=-12 \\ -16+4=-12 \\ -12=-12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, (-4,1) is a solution of the second equation 4x+4y=-12.

Hence, (-4,1) is a solution of both equation in the system, then it is a solution to the overall system.

What number is in the hundreds place after
(21 × 10¹)+(3×
10²) + (9 × 10²)
a) 4
b) 1
c) 3
d) 7


The digit in the hundreds place is 4

From the question, we have

(21 × 10¹)+(3×10²) + (9 × 10²)



The digit in the hundreds place is 4 and the value is 400.


Mathematicians use multiplication to calculate the product of two or more numbers. It is a fundamental operation in mathematics that is frequently utilized in everyday life. When we need to combine groups of similar sizes, we utilize multiplication. The fundamental concept of repeatedly adding the same number is represented by the process of multiplication. The results of multiplying two or more numbers are known as the product of those numbers, and the factors that are multiplied are referred to as the factors. Repeated addition of the same number is made easier by multiplying the numbers.

To learn more about multiplication visit:


6. Find the are of the Rectangle



about 3.09

Step-by-step explanation:

A = l  x w

A = 13/7 x 7/6

A = 1.857 x 1.666

A = 3.09

Hope it helps!

point(10) On Myra's family vacation, her mom drove on the highway at aconstant speed of 60 miles per hour. Based on this rate, which of thefollowing times and miles driven are correct? Select all that apply. GRP.30190 miles driven in 3 hours150 miles driven in 2.5 hours30 miles driven in 30 minutes


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{speed}=\frac{dis\tan ce}{\text{time}} \\ \text{speed}=60\text{ miles per hour} \\ \text{The possible speed = }\frac{150}{2.5}=60\text{ miles per hour} \\ 30\text{ miles per 30 minutes is also correct} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hello, I need help solving is and finding the checkpoints



161 feet lower

166 feet


a) Given the following parameters

Distance of checkpoint 3 above the sea = -197 feet

Distance of checkpoint 5 above the sea = -36 feet

Determine the distance between the checkpoints

Distance = checkpoint 5 - (checkpoint 3)

Distance = -36 - (-197)

Distance = -36 + 197

Distance = 161feet

Hence checkpoint 3 is 161 feet lower than checkpoint 5

b) If the top of the hill is 363feet above check point 3, the altitude of the top of the hill is given as:

Altitude = -197 + 363

Altitude = 166feet

Hence the altitude of the top of the hills is 166feet

If ABCD is dilated by a factor of 2, thecoordinate of B' would be:543С2B1-8 -7-6-5-4-3-2-1 012.34567891011-1A-2D-3B' = ([?], [ ]=4Cotor


We have a figure ABCD that is dilated by a factor of 2.

We have to find the coordinate of the image point B'.

If the center of dilation is the origin (0,0) and the factor is k = 2, we can write the rule:


Then, for B(-1,1), we will get:

[tex]B=(-1,1)\longrightarrow B^{\prime}=(2\cdot(-1),2\cdot1)=(-2,2)[/tex]

Answer: B' = (-2,2)

Suppose that h(x) varies inversely with x and h(x)=50 when x = 0. 25. What is h(x) when x = 2?.


If h(x) varies inversely with x , then the value of h(x) is 6.25  , when x = 2 .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the function h(x) varies inversely with x ,

that means h(x) ∝ 1/x ,

to remove the proportionality sign , we write the constant of proportionality  "k",

h(x) = k*(1/x)

given , that h(x)=50 when x = 0. 25

Substituting the values we get

50 = k*(1/0.25)

50 = k/0.25

k = 50×0.25

k = 12.5

So , the equation becomes

h(x) = 12.5/x

to find the value of h(x) when x = 2, we put  x = 2 , in the equation ,

h(2) = 12.5/2

= 6.25

Therefore ,  If h(x) varies inversely with x , then the value of h(x) is 6.25  , when x = 2 .

Learn more about Equations here


the product of 5 - 2i and i is



5i + 2

Step-by-step explanation:


5i - 2i^2

i^2= -1

5i -2(-1)

= 5i + 2

solveeeeeeeeeeeee for x




Step-by-step explanation:

set AC and BD equal to eachother because they are equal and solve

$57Mr. Harris attaches a full tank of propane to his grill. Then he turns on the grill and cooks food for a barbecue.Which graph shows the relationship between the amount of propane in the tank and time?OAOB.РРtTime (min.)PropanePropane


As he cooks on the barbecue, the weight of the tank goes down because some of the propane is getting used up.

Given that is happening, the graph showing that has to start with a lot in it and slowly decrease.

That being said, the graph representing the decrease in propane as time passes is C.

Answer: C.

help me out with this question..this is a k11..remember this is a practice question not a graded one


Each flight has a probability of 60% or 0.6 of being on time. This means that its complement, or the probability that the flight isn't on time is:

[tex]\text{\textasciitilde{}P(on time)}=1-0.6=0.4[/tex]

It is 40% or 0.4. "~P(on time)" stands for the probability of the flight not being on time.

1. The probability that at least 2 flights are on time is:

To find the probability that 2 or more flights are on time we can fight the probability that "0" or "1" are not on time.

[tex]P(0\text{ on time)}=0.4^9=0.000262144[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} P(1\text{ on time})=\frac{9!}{1!\cdot(9-1)!}\cdot0.6\cdot(0.4)^8 \\ P(1\text{ on time)}=9\cdot0.6\cdot(0.4)^8=0.003538944 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} P(1\text{ or less on time)}=P(0\text{ on time)}+P(1\text{ on time)} \\ P(1\text{ or less on time)}=0.000262144+0.003538944=0.003801088 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability of 2 or more flights are on time is:

[tex]P(2\text{ or more on time)}\cdot=1-0.003801088=0.996198912[/tex]

The probability of 2 flights or more are on time is 0.996198912


We need to calculate the probabilities of 7,8 and 9 flights are on time and then subtract by 1.

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(7)=\frac{9!}{7!\cdot(9-7)!}\cdot0.6^7\cdot0.4^2 \\ P(7)=36\cdot0.6^7\cdot0.4^2=0.161243136 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} P(8)=\frac{9!}{8!\cdot(9-8)!}\cdot0.6^8\cdot0.4 \\ P(8)=9\cdot0.6^8\cdot0.4=0.060466176 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]P(9)=0.6^9=0.010077696[/tex]

The probability of at most 6 flights are on time is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(6\text{ or less on time) = 1 - (}P(7)+P(8)+P(9)) \\ P(6\text{ or less on time) = 1-(0.161243136+0.060466176+0.010077696)=}0.768212992 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability of 6 or less are on time is 0.768212992.


The probability of exactly 5 flights are on time is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(5)=\frac{9!}{5!(9-5)!}0.6^5\cdot0.4^4 \\ P(5)=126\cdot0.6^5\cdot0.4^4=0.250822656 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability of exactly 5 flights are on time is 0.250822656.

Which of the following equation has one solution?

4x + 2x = 6x - 4

3 (2x + 4) = 2 (2x - 4)

5(x - 3) = 5x - 3

2x = 2x + 4


a) 4x + 2x = 6x - 4

= 6x = 6x - 4

cannot be solved further.

b) 3(2x + 4) = 2(2x - 4)

= 6x + 12 = 4x - 4

(bring the numbers and variables on one side)

= 6x + 4x = 12 - 4

10x = 8

x = 8/10 = 4/5

can be solved.

c) 5(x - 3) = 5x - 3

= 5x - 15 = 5x - 3

= (bring the variables and numbers on one side)

5x + 5x = -15 - 3

= 10x = -18

x = -18/10 = 9/5

can be solved

d) 2x = 2x + 4

= 2x + 2x = 4

= 4x = 4

x = 4/4 OR 1.





Please type what you are trying to solve or any questions that you would like answers for.

an arithmetic sequence has these properties: a1=2an = an-1 + 5 what are the first four terms of the sequence?


we have that the arithmetic sequence have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=2 \\ a_n=a_{n-1}+5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so we can replace for n=2,3,and 4 to find the first four terms so:

for n=2

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_2=a_{2-1}+5 \\ a_2=a_1+5 \\ a_2=2+5 \\ a_2=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

for n=3

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_3=a_{3-1}+5 \\ a_3=a_2+5 \\ a_3=7+5 \\ a_3=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

and for n=4

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_4=a_{4-1}+5 \\ a_4=a_3+5 \\ a_4=12+5 \\ a_4=17 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the first four numbers are


Use the elimination method to solve the system of equations.3x + 4y = 8x - y = 12



We have to use to elimination method to solve the provided system of equations, this method essentially involves eliminating one of the variables in the first equation by adding or subtracting a multiple of the second equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+4y=8\rightarrow(1) \\ \\ x-y=12\rightarrow(2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The elimination of the variable y in equation (1) is achieved by adding the 4 times the equation 2 into the equation (1), the steps of the process are as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+4y=8 \\ \\ + \\ \\ 4\times(x-y)=4\times12 \\ \\ ------------------------------- \\ \\ 3x+4x=8+48 \\ \\ \\ 7x=56 \\ \\ \\ x=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have found the x value, the last step is to plug in the variable x value in any of the (1) or (2) equations, and solve for the y variable, the steps are as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-y=12 \\ \\ x=8 \\ \\ \therefore\Rightarrow \\ \\ 8-y=12\rightarrow y=8-12=-4 \\ \\ y=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer is as follows:

[tex](8,-4)\Rightarrow\text{ Option \lparen B\rparen}[/tex]

Therefore the answer is Option(B).

while shopping for clothes, Daniel spent $26 less than 2 times what curtis spent. Daniel spent $10. write and solve an equation to find how much curtis spent. let x represent how much curtis spent


while shopping for clothes, Daniel spent $26 less than 2 times what curtis spent. Daniel spent $10. write and solve an equation to find how much curtis spent. let x represent how much curtis spent​


x ------> amount that Curtis spent

we have that

10=2x-26 ------> equation that represent this situation

solve for x





Curtis spent $18

laws exponents multiplication band power to a power simplifymake it small steps please the smallest you can like the minimum steps





Given the expression

m = -4x^4

You are to look for m^3 as shown;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=-4x^4 \\ m^3\text{ = (-4x}^4\text{)}^3 \\ m^3=(-4)^3\times(x^4)^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Open the bracket:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-4)^3\text{ }\times(x^4)^3\text{ = (-4}\times-4\times-4\text{)}\times x^{^{12}} \\ (-4)^3\text{ }\times(x^4)^3\text{ = (16}\times-4\text{)}\times x^{^{12}} \\ (-4)^3\text{ }\times(x^4)^3=-64x^{12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

THe correct answer is -64x^12

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