Bullying prevention programs in schools reduce bullying by around _____ percent.


Answer 1

Thanks to school-based bullying prevention measures, bullying is down by roughly 25%. the first book to consider bullying as the purposeful infliction of another person's humiliation

What is bullying by a bully?

bully (countable and uncountable, plural bullies) (countable and uncountable, plural bullies) a person who purposely hurts others physically or emotionally, especially those they view to be weak or to have less privilege or authority than they do.

Why is it important to stop bullying?

Bullying can result in death, serious self-harm, emotional distress, and physical harm. It also increases the likelihood of experiencing dejection, anxiety, agitation, worse academic performance, and dropping out of school.

To know more about bullying visit:



Related Questions

in a ________ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


In a double-barreled question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.

In the field of research, a double-barreled question can be described as a question that discusses more than one issue but the respondents are told to only give one answer. There are more than one topic that in included in a double-barreled question but the respondent cannot have different answers and has to give one answer only.

Many research scientists considered double-barreled questions as a fallacy in research because the answers to these questions are not what exactly the respondent wants to say.

To learn more about issue, click here:



dr. chen studies how people grow and change during late adolescence and young adulthood. dr. doherty focuses on several traits that distinguish one person from another. dr. chen is a(n) ; dr. doherty is a(n) . group of answer choices health psychologist; clinical psychologist experimental psychologist; cognitive psychologist developmental psychologist; personality psychologist clinical psychologist; counseling psychologist


Dr. Chen is a developmental psychologist; Dr. Chen is personality psychologist if he studies all of these.

What is developmental psychology?

The study of human growth, change, and adaptation over course of life is known as developmental psychology. The field has grown to include puberty, adult development, aging, and the full lifespan after initially focusing on infants and young children. Understanding how thought, feeling, and behavior evolve throughout life is goal of developmental psychology. Physical development, cognitive development, and social and emotional development are three main characteristics that this field looks at when analyzing change. Developmental psychology studies processes of context change across time as well as the effects of nature and nurture on the process of human development. The interplay between personal traits, behavior, and environmental circumstances are of great interest to many academics.

To learn more about developmental psychology, visit:



anika, a new mother in sweden, gets 450 days of paid maternity leave, a practice most common in what type of culture?


The majority of European nations provide a range of assistance programs for working parents, such as paid maternity and maternity leaves and financial subsidies for families who have kids.

When can you begin donning maternity clothing?

when to start donning pregnancy attire. For the majority of the first trimester, often these women can wear their regular clothes (3 months). However, for comfort at this time, you might want to think about wearing a wider bra or looser-fitting clothing. Wearing larger clothing may be necessary once you are about 4 or 5 weeks of age.

Does lululemon sell maternity clothing?

While levi's doesn't have a collection specifically for pregnant women, many of their goods are great for both pregnancy and the postpartum period. Can I use Lululemon while carrying a child? Yes! We virtually only wear lululemon bras and leggings.

To know more about maternity visit:



Research found that employees could overcome fatigue and improve time management if they were motivated by money and job satisfaction.a. Trueb. False


The claim that employees who are motivated by money and job happiness may overcome weariness and better time management is True.

What is the strongest predictor of total job satisfaction, according to research?

According to study, the aspect of work-content, which includes the variety, amount of difficulty, and job clarity, is the best predictor of overall job satisfaction (Saari & Judge, 2004).

Which of the following is the most widely used job analysis predictor of job performance?

Volunteering, making an extra effort, cooperating, adhering to policies and procedures, and supporting organizational objectives are the best indicators of successful job performance.

To know more about time management visit:-



physical symptoms that have no identifiable cause and that are precipitated or maintained by emotional factors are suggestive of which of the following disorders: a. somatic symptom disorders b. factitious disorders c. malingering disorders d. anxiety disorders


(a). somatic symptom disorders. An severe, exaggerated concern over physical symptoms is known as somatic symptom disorder (SSD). The individual feels they are unable to perform various everyday tasks.

Physical symptoms might also result from anxiety. Consider a period when you had anxiety. Perhaps your knees were shaking or your hands were perspiring. Your heartbeat may have accelerated. You could have experienced nausea. You could have connected your anxiety to these symptoms. However, you might not have known why you were ill. Most people occasionally suffer anxiety. If anxiety lasts for a long time, causes major suffering, or affects your life in other ways, it may become serious or develop into a disorder.

learn more about physical symptoms here:



what location is a popular nighttime attraction for women in saudi arabia who are at home most of the day



shopping mall


What president believed that american individualism would get them through the depression?


Although the concept of laissez-faire and its supporters are frequently linked to the phrase, it was first coined by American president Herbert Hoover.

Who was the president who made a difference in the Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, who took office in the midst of the Great Depression, aided the American people in regaining their self-confidence. He offered encouragement by promising quick, forceful action and declaring in his inaugural speech that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Americans blamed which president for the Great Depression.

The Great Depression began in 1929, the year Herbert Hoover (1874–1964) became the 31st president of the United States. Hoover was mostly held responsible in the eyes of the American public, even though the policies of his predecessors clearly contributed to the crisis, which lasted for more than a decade.

To Know more about predecessors



Why is it important for the government to collect taxes from citizens?


The ability of governments to generate public money, which enables them to invest in infrastructure, human capital, and the provision of services to individuals and businesses, depends on their ability to collect taxes and fees from citizens.

Funding for providing the services that people require. For most governments, taxes are a crucial source of income that helps them pay for residents' basic services and infrastructure. Naturally, not all of the revenues will go toward providing such social goods.

Income, sales, and property taxes are the three main sources of tax revenue for state and local governments. While the majority of state taxes are collected through income and sales taxes, local governments, including school districts, receive the majority of their funding from property taxes.

To learn more about taxes



What is the term for a wooded area with heavy rainfall and persistent condensation?





wooded area=forest

rainfall =rain

Put them together=rainforest

Drivers under the age of 18 can talk on the phone while driving only if using headphones, a wireless device, phone holder or mounted device.


It is completely appropriate to state that the drivers under the age of 18 are allowed to talk on the phone while driving if they are using headphones, phone holders, or a mounted device. Therefore, the statement given above is true.

The drivers who are under the age of 18 are required to compulsorily obtain the driving license from the relevant issuing authorities before they drive vehicles on the highways. Although talking on the phones is not allowed for the drivers, it is allowed only when the drivers are using external devices or gadgets to talk on the phone hands-free.

Learn more about driving under the age of 18 here:



susie has just seen her test grade on her latest psychology exam on the grade sheet posted by her professor. she was disappointed to see that she received 75 percent. she feels better, however, when she looks further down the list and finds that she did better than 60 percent of her classmates. susie is engaging in:


The many arousal-promoting centers are directly connected to neurons in the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) of the hypothalamus. Signals from VLPO neurons inhibit activity in these areas rather than stimulating it. The VLPO promotes sleep by inhibiting the arousal centers.

What ways can social psychology guide people toward greater well-being?

By documenting materialism, reducing consumption, and reminding individuals that wealth, money, and material possessions do not improve morale, do not satisfy, and fail to focus on more intrinsic factors and rewards.

Sleep deprivation has an effect on which part of the brain?

Sleep deprivation has varying effects on multiple brain networks, including the thalamus, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC).

To learn more about VLPO here



What are the 5 components of muscular strength?


Body composition, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and cardiorespiratory endurance are five components.

The amount of force that a muscle can generate is known as muscular strength. Bench pressing, leg pressing, and bicep curling are a few examples. The push-up test is most frequently used to gauge physical prowess.

Exercises that build muscles help to create physical endurance and strength as well as healthy body composition. Stretching and yoga are two exercises that assist increase flexibility. Muscular strength increases the endurance with which you can carry out tasks like opening doors, lifting boxes, or chopping wood. lessen the chance of damage. assist you in maintaining a healthy weight. lead to stronger, healthier bones and muscles.

To learn about muscular strength, follow the below link:



jalisa is highly conscientious but lacks the motivation at work to do the best she can. what is jalisa most likely missing in her professional life?


Jalisa most likely missing a job that fits her personality in her professional life. Many modern and traditional studies in psychology highlight Big 5 components of human personality.

Many modern and traditional studies in psychology highlight 5 essential components of character. Proof of this hypothesis has developed throughout the years with the guideline hypothesis arising in 1949.

Numerous contemporary character clinicians accept that there are five essential components of character, frequently alluded to as the Big 5 human personality. These five essential character attributes are extraversion (frequently spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Extraversion is sociability, agreeableness is kindness, openness is creativity and intrigue, conscientiousness is thoughtfulness, and neuroticism often involves sadness or emotional instability.

Know more about the Big 5 human personality - https://brainly.com/question/14934615


Which one of the following groups voted at the highest proportion in the 2012 presidential election?


In this instance, we must assess if registered voters in rural Minnesota were more likely to vote in the 2012 Presidential election than registered voters in urban Minnesota.

Blacks Voted More Frequently Than Whites in the 2012 Election, a First, According to the Census Bureau. According to a U.S. Census Bureau report issued today, 66.2 percent of eligible black voters participated in the 2012 presidential election, compared to 64.1 percent of non-Hispanic white voters.Voters who were registered in rural Minnesota were not more likely to vote in the 2012 presidential election than those who were registered in urban Minnesota, i.e.Ha: Registered voters in rural Minnesota were more likely to cast ballots in the 2012 Presidential election than registered voters in urban Minnesota.

learn more about Presidential election here:



during a presidential election, how are people who think their own economic circumstances have deteriorated likely to vote?


During a presidential election, people who think their own economic circumstances have deteriorated are more likely to vote against the incumbent.

An attitude in favor of ousting incumbent officials is known as anti-incumbency. The phrase "throw the bums out" is occasionally used to describe it. Wave elections are frequently associated with anti-incumbent periods.

When voting against an incumbent in a two-party system, anti-incumbent voters only have one party to choose from. In a multi-party system, however, the anti-incumbent vote can be cast for any number of parties depending on the public mood, or the inclination of voters' opinions on a group of related policy issues.

Learn more about anti-incumbency here brainly.com/question/28285795


which interest group opposed the u.s. clean water act? responses citizens of small towns that lacked water treatment facilities citizens of small towns that lacked water treatment facilities mayors of large cities such as new york and chicago mayors of large cities such as new york and chicago duck hunters duck hunters owners of printing companies in tennessee


Mayors of major cities such as New York and Chicago are among those that reject the United States Clean Water Act. Thus, option C is correct.

What is the clean water act?

The Clean Water Act is the principal federal legislation addressing water pollution in the United States. Its goal is to repair and sustain the nation's chemical, physical, and biological integrity.

The Clean Water Act (CWA) is the primary statute controlling pollution management and water quality in the nation's waterways. Mayors from large cities such as New York and Chicago are among those who oppose the US Clean Water Act.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the clean water act, refer to:



Answer: owners of printing companies in tennessee


I just took the test

What does Claudius reveal in his opening speech?


In his opening speech, Claudius displays himself to be a self-centered, hypocritical, cunning, and domineering politician through his use of diction, doubling, and metaphorical language. In the opening of his speech, Claudius mentions both the passing of Hamlet and his union with Gertrude.

King Claudius addresses his courtiers the morning after Horatio and the guardsmen witness the ghost explain his recent union with Gertrude, his brother's widow and the mother of Prince Hamlet.

In his introductory address, Claudius comes out as calm, collected, erudite, and compelling. Shakespeare, however, already hints to the audience that the King's public face hides a sick mind and a corrupt soul before they ever hear Claudius confess it.

This speech is effectively Claudius' inaugural address since it is his first formal act as Denmark's new king. It is imperative that he hits all the proper notes in this oration to demonstrate his legitimacy as the new head of state.

To learn more about Claudius



A committee is working on a proposal for improving resident participation in the local recycling program. Which of the following tasks aligns with the rational decision-
making model step "identify all potential solutions"?
O Interviewing leaders in other communities to find out how they encourage recycling
O Locating which neighborhoods in the community have the lowest rates of recycling
O Researching and reading articles that detail the chemical processes of recycling
O Discussing with officials the current trash-collection services and recycling


The option that would have to align with the with the rational decision-making model step "identify all potential solutions" is  Interviewing leaders in other communities to find out how they encourage recycling. Option A.

What is the  local recycling program?

Any effort, initiative, facility, or program designed to encourage or facilitate recycling falls under the category of a recycling program.

The reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and the bolstering of local economies through the creation of jobs and tax money are just a few of the many advantages of recycling. Recycling initiatives can also assist to improve the quality of the water and air, and they are the cornerstones of sustainable, expanding communities.

Read more on recycling here: https://brainly.com/question/23125075


Answer:A committee is working on a proposal for improving resident participation in the local recycling program. Which of the following tasks aligns with the rational decision-making model step "identify all potential solutions"?

Interviewing leaders in other communities to find out how they encourage recycling        <==========

Locating which neighborhoods in the community have the lowest rates of recycling

Researching and reading articles that detail the chemical processes of recycling

Discussing with officials the current trash-collection services and recycling


32. although keeping mentally and physically active slows the aging process, decline eventually will take place due to primary aging. which intervention meant to slow some of the aging processes includes selecting valued activities and dropping others, optimizing performance in the remaining activities? a.selective organization with withdrawal b.selective withdrawal c.selective optimization with compensation d.selective overt manifestation of aging


selective optimization with compensation is a theory that was founded by Paul and Margaret Baltes. particular improvement with pay.


Specific Enhancement With Pay is a technique utilized for further developing well-being and prosperity in more seasoned grown-ups and a model for fruitful maturing. It is suggested that these more seasoned grown-ups amass in improving their best capacities and most unblemished capabilities while making up for declines and misfortunes. For instance, an old individual with a blurring vision who loves to cook could zero in additional time and consideration on being a gourmet expert, while scaling back time spent perusing. They ought to be helped with putting forth achievable objectives that are attainable and significant.

Hence option (C) is correct.

Learn more about primary aging:



(q004) according to durkheim, why is a society predominantly bound by mechanical solidarity more likely to apply punitive justice rather than rehabilitative justice to a person who violates a law or social norm?


According to Darkheim, people in such a society are bound by sameness and any violation of social norms must be punished severely to reinforce the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.

A punative justice is a kind of justice which is intended to directly punish the criminal of endorse while rehabilitated justice is a kind of justice in which there is a meeting between the offender and the victim is arrange in order to reach a conclusion.

According to Durkheim, society predominantly bounded by mechanical solidatory more likely to apply penetrative justice rather than rehabilitative justice to a person who violets a law or a social now because there is a manner of sameness among the people and their has to be a example that has to be set in order to reinforce the boundaries of the behaviour that is acceptable among the societies.

To know more about justice, visit,



Family therapy tries to involve all of the members of the client's family in the process. Identify the true and false statements about family therapy.
-It holds to the systems approach that an individual is part of a larger context—in this case, the family.
-A family therapist helping a client quit drinking would examine the client's brother's resentment at no longer having a drinking buddy.
-It cannot successfully be used in the treatments of substance abuse or addictions because family relations in those situations are too volatile.
-It is based on the belief that most psychological disorders result from traumatic events occurring early in life—usually within the family.


In family therapy the therapist explores the role family plays and their behavior which contributes to the existing conflict.

Option A and D are TRUE. Option B and C are FALSE.

A form of psychological counselling (psychotherapy) called family therapy can assist family members in enhancing communication and resolving disputes. A psychologist, professional social worker, or a certified therapist typically offers family therapy. These therapists may hold credentials from the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and hold graduate or postgraduate degrees (AAMFT). Family counselling is frequently brief. All members of the family may participate, or only those who are able or willing to do so. Your unique treatment strategy will be determined by your family's circumstances. Even when your therapy sessions are over, family therapy sessions can educate you how to strengthen family ties and cope with difficult situations.

To know more about Family therapy:



in early 2006, images from flybys of enceladus showed something amazing, which explained the surprising findings from 2005. what was it?


in early 2006, images from flybys of enceladus showed something amazing, which explained the surprising findings from 2005. It was Geyser-like plumes of material were seen erupting from Enceladus's south polar region.

Enceladus is defined as Ocean Moon. A masterpiece of deep time and wrenching gravity, the tortured surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus and its fascinating ongoing geologic activity tell the story of the ancient and present struggles of one tiny world.

In early 2006, it was Geyser-like plumes of material were seen erupting from Enceladus's south polar region that was the surprise findings from 2005 and it was the images from flybys of enceladus.

To know more about enceladus, click below-



the process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is:________


The process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is employee onboarding.

What is implied by onboarding process?

"Onboarding" alludes to the cycles where fresh recruits are incorporated into the association. It incorporates exercises that permit new representatives to finish an underlying recently added team member direction process, as well as find out about the association and its design, culture, vision, mission and values.

Which cycle includes further developing current and future administration execution by bestowing information changing perspectives or expanding abilities?

The board improvement is a device that aides in working on administrative execution by developing abilities, conveying information, and changing the perspectives of the representatives in the association.  Human asset the executives is a way to deal with drawing in, recruiting, and overseeing HR in the association.

What is the method involved with preparing and creating workers to improve and refresh their insight and abilities in order to play out their positions also called?

Representative preparation and advancement is a program that assists with mastering a specific expertise as well as information to further develop worker efficiency and execution in their ongoing association or occupation job.

Learn more about onboarding here:



What is the goal of affirmative action policies or programs?


Affirmative action policies or programs aim to enhance the employment of minorities, women, and people with disabilities in EEO job categories and job classifications where there is still a lingering effect of prior discrimination through focused recruitment.

In order to ensure the full and equitable involvement of women, minorities, and people with disabilities who have been identified as being underutilized in the workforce based on availability, affirmative action is a program of positive action that is performed with conviction and effort.

Affirmative action's goal is to build a workforce that accurately reflects the demographics of the competent workforce that is available in the relevant labor market. It does this through establishing fair access to employment opportunities.

To know more about affirmative action policies: https://brainly.com/question/1851735


Evaluate the extent to which economic developments from 1450 to 1750 affected social structures over time.


The economic developments from 1450 to 1750 affected social structures over time by creating New World European social hierarchical system.

What is New World European social hierarchical system?

New World European social hierarchical system can occur because the economic systems in the period of 1450 to 1750 is related to Triangular Trade, this systems occur because economic development in that era.

This system is to divide people into several social hierarchy with three class. The first class in the top is for Europeans people, the second in the middle is for any races include mixed races, and the third in the bottom is for Indians and Black people which usually used as slaves in that era.

Learn more about economic development here:



2. Suppose a small religious group formed in the United States about five years ago. One of its beliefs was that children should not be educated beyond the sixth grade, so it operated religious schools from grades one through six. The laws of your state, however, require that children must attend school until they are 18 years old. The group refuses to obey this law. What would be the effect of the Court's decision on this group? Explain. w-Hill Companies, Inc.​


The  effect of the Court's decision on this group is that the court will need to make the judgement base on the belief because the religion serves as a factor that influernce decion making in the country such as the political factor.

What was the effect of the Court's decision?

It should be noted that the Judicial decisions are also affected by various internal and external factors, including legal, personal, ideological, and political influences however Religious follows decisions which are been influenced by the moral code of there chosen religion in some sense the people will make decisions  with respect to their religious beliefs, and weather they think they are following their religions creed and code.

In conclusion, decisions do establish precedents which can entails the  lower courts in the same jurisdiction  as well as the  same court in future cases to be able to interpret  laws.

Learn more about  Court



Individuals joining a population is an example of


Answer: immigration


What did humans learn from wolves?


The Cherokee's story of two wolves teaches a wonderful lesson about humans. It says about human sacrifices that every person is struggling, fighting their own wars, whether in any way.

This is the main thing that is common among each and every person on earth, it’s that each and every person has  their share of suffering and pain in life. When you’re the only one and tormenting hard to fight with your pain, it’s easier to feel like you’re the only one who feels that pain and suffering in the world.

However, there’s a reason why the American story of two wolves has oscillated with so many people. Every individual has the same “struggle” going on deep within them, whether it’s between peace and anger or humility and arrogance .

Knowing that you’re not the only one facing the struggles of life can help face life’s problems with feeling of peace and confidence.

To learn more about the story "two wolves":



one way ____ occurs when one is physically present but unable to participate in any meaningful way in family interactions, as when someone is in advanced stages of dementia.


Ambiguous loss occurs when a person is physically present but unable to meaningfully participate in family interactions as when someone is in an advanced stage of dementia.

What is dementia and its causes?

Dementia is not a specific disease, but rather a general term that affects the ability to remember, think, or make decisions, affecting the ability to carry out daily activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. Dementia primarily affects old, but it is not part of aging.

Dementia results from damage or loss of nerve cells and their connections in the brain. Dementia can affect people differently and cause different symptoms, depending on which areas of the brain are damaged.

What are the first signs of dementia?

Common early symptoms of dementia: Amnesia. Difficulty concentrating. Confusion of time and place. Mood swings.

To learn more about dementia visit:



during a debate, what are people's attitudes and beliefs on issues most influenced by when they have low motivation to analyze the evidence of the speakers' points?


During a debate, the status of the speaker people's attitudes and beliefs on issues are most influenced by when they have low motivation to analyze the evidence of the speaker's points.

A motive is a reason why humans or other animals begin, continue, or end a behavior at a particular point in time. Motivational states are generally understood as forces acting within an agent that produce a propensity to engage in goal-directed behavior.

Motivation comes from the word motive and means the needs, desires, desires or motives of a person. It is the process of motivating people to take action to achieve their goals. Psychological factors that drive people's behavior related to their work goals may include their desire for money.

The keywords here are 'needs', 'values', and 'goals', these are the motivational building blocks that lead to action. Needs are basic requirements for survival, whether physical or psychological. For example, hunger, thirst, love, and friendship.

Learn more about Motivation https://brainly.com/question/11871721


Other Questions
e. Vitamin C Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that is important in many body functions, such as the synthesis of collagen, osteoid, certain neurotransmitters, and carnitine. In the synthesis of collagen, vitamin C functions as a cofactor for the hydroxylation of proline and lysine and for the formation of the triple helix of tropocollagen. Patients with decreased vitamin C (scurvy) have abnormal synthesis of connective tissue due to abnormal synthesis of collagen along with abnormal synthesis of osteoid. The former leads to impaired wound healing. In addition, previous wounds may reopen. Because the synthesis of collagen is abnormal, the blood vessels are fragile, leading to bleeding gums, tooth loss, subperiosteal hemorrhage, and petechial perifollicular skin hemorrhages. Abnormal synthesis of osteoid (unmineralized bone) leads to decreased amounts of osteoid in the bone and increased calcification of the cartilage. Vitamin C also functions as an antioxidant and is important in neutrophil function and iron absorption in the gut. These functions are also decreased in patients with scurvy. This syndrome is common in elderly people living on a diet deficient in milk, fruits, and vegetables. In contrast to scurvy, which is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, rickets is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. Rickets is characterized by a lack of calcium. In this abnormality the osteoblasts in bone continue to Do injuries heal faster when sleeping? at the tesla automotive factory, a model s sedan is built using 4 tires, a main chassis, and 5 lithium-ion batteries. how many sedans can be made if there are 17 tires, 5 chassis, and 22 batteries? fidelity systems reports net income of $81 million. included in that number is depreciation expense of $10 million, and a gain on the sale of equipment of $2 million. records reveal increases in accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable of $4 million, $2 million, and $2 million, respectively. calculate fidelity's net cash flows from operating activities using the indirect method. (negative value should be indicated by minus sign. enter your answer in millions.) a proper introduction can go a long way in establishing rapport with the audience. what information should be included when you introduce a speaker before a presentation? 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