Brad has five pieces of wood each measuring the exact same number of inches in length.
If three inches are cut off each piece, which expression represents the new total length of all five pieces of wood?





Answer 1




Answer 2
D. ! Hope this helped!

Related Questions


Read the passage below.

The story:
The police officer was ready for his first day at work. He put on his new uniform and got ready to drive to the station. Just as he was pulling into the parking lot, he realized that he had forgotten his badge! How was he going to get in? How could he forget such an important part of his uniform?

As he was trying to figure out what to do next, Karine, another new officer, pulled up next door. “Max, what are you doing in there?” She asked. He shyly mentioned that he had forgotten his badge and was trying to figure out what to do. “Oh, Max,” Karine giggled, “don’t worry! We don’t have our official badges yet. Let’s go inside and get them!”

Once you have read the story, explain what episodes show the climax of the story. Explain your answer in 1-2 sentences.



The climax is where he once realized that he had forgotten his badge. As you can see in the passage, it states "Just as he was pulling in the parking lot, he realized that he had forgotten his badge!" Then the falling action is where his new friend, Karine, helps him out by saying "Oh, Max,” Karine giggled, “don’t worry! We don’t have our official badges yet. Let’s go inside and get them!"


Hope this helped. If it didn't, then I'm sorry for wasting your time.

when you exhale how does the diaphragm behave as your breath in a relaxes b contracts he seems the expanse expanse expanse expand​



When you exhale, your diaphragm contracts. When you inhale, your diaphragm expands


5 examples of too broad



rasin bread and white bread


Why does Will compare his brother Shawn to a couch left outside after his murder in long way down?


I don't know.


I just wanted to say no one will understand this unless you show like an image or give more details..

Answer this correctly I’ll give brainly + 10 points





In the context of the text, what obstacles did Wilma Rudolph overcome to become an
Olympic gold medalist? How do you think she was able to overcome these obstacles?
Describe a time when you overcame something difficult to succeed. How were you able
to overcome your obstacle?


Answer: A time when I overcame something difficult to succeed is when I was going somewhere important with my mom and I had to wear a dress. The dress had a big hole in it and I didn't have any other dress to wear so my grandma teach me how to sew the dress back together to the point you won't, see the stitches and that how I was able to overcome my obstacle.


Which sentence shows the commas placed correctly? A.The mother’s sweet melodic, rhythmic, humming lulled the baby to sleep. B.The mother’s, sweet, melodic rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep. C.The mother’s sweet, melodic, rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep. D.The mother’s sweet melodic rhythmic, humming lulled the baby, to sleep.



it would be the third option: The mother’s sweet, melodic, rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep.



C. The mother's sweet, melodic, rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep.


After stating an adjective to describe something, you place a comma after it. (As long as there's two or more adjectives)

In which sentence is the adverb clause punctuated correctly? A. We'll go to the gas station when we finish washing the car. B. We'll go to the gas station, when we finish washing the car. C. When we finish washing the car we'll go to the gas station.​



I would choose A


The passage emphasizes a parallel between the narrator's unexpected experience of finding himself outside the building and his



C : sense of temporarily existing outside everyday time and space


It makes the most sense




Similar to the answer above, It makes the most sense and relates to the story.

Pareil which of the following best describes the tone of the article:

A. Sympathetic and firm
B.curious and philosophical
C.excited and inspirational
D.frustrated and critical



D. Frustrated and Critical


I went and read then article and the author was frustrated by people who think everyone should be given a "fair shake" and he was very critical about that. I would not want to work with or hang our with this guy. LOL!

who says turn hell hound turn​




played enough COD




Turn hell hound turn shouts macduff

Jake is writing a cover letter for a job. What information must he include in it?
Why he wants the job.
What his favourite book is.
Why he is suitable for the job.
His past related experience.
How he got his last job.
Information about his favourite hobby.


Answer: i would say why he wants the job, why hes suitable for the job and his past related experience

Jake is writing a cover letter for a job.  The information must he include in it are as follow:

Why he wants job.Why  he is suitable for job.His past related experience.  

A cover  letter is an archive sent close by your CV while going after positions. It goes about as an individual acquaintance and assists with sell your application.

A cover letter is important as it allows you the opportunity to disclose to a business why you're really great possibility for the work.  

At the point when you're going after a position, cover  letter allows you to show an individual side and exhibit why recruiting you is a brilliant choice.

Cover letters ought to associate with three sections in length and incorporate explicit models from your previous experience that make you qualified for the position.

For more information, refer the following link:

I _______ rather you didn't tell my parents about this.

a. would

b. had

c. did

d. should


a. Would fits better

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was......... mongoose.

a) a

b) an




a) a


Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was a mongoose.

What did you learn from this article? Write 2 sentences. You can use the sentence frames:

I learned ____. Another thing I learned is _____.


I learned that bamboo can grow much faster than most plants. Another thing I learned is pandas eat bamboo.

I mean just read the article. Put any line in your own words into the sentence frame. It’s not that long.
I learned that it can take bamboo around 3 or 4 months to get tall. Another thing I learned is that you can use bamboo to make instruments for music.

How does the section “Beyond greenhouse gases” contribute to the development of ideas in the text (Paragraphs 17-23)? Use details from the text to support your answer.

Bellow is the text/passage/reading




I'm here to help.


Hello, I see your question wasn't answered. Seems like no one made an effort to work on it. I will be here to help you again. Please let me know as soon as possible. just text me

PART A: Which statement expresses a general principle that
serves as a foundational basis for the argument Jefferson sets
forth in the "Act for Establishing Religious Freedom"?
A Civil or religious leaders who impose religion on others are
B Mandatory religious contributions should be abolished.
C God gave people free will, and as such to deny a person
religious freedom is an affront to God.
D Individuals interested in running for office have a right to do so
regardless of their faith.


Answer: A. Civil or religious leaders who impose religion on others are



Thomas Jefferson advocated for the separation between religion and government because he believed that it was hypocritical to impose religion on others.

He believed that if the Almighty God could decide not to impose his will on others, people would be hypocrites to do so in his name especially as they aren't infallible beings like God is.

The statement that displays a general principle that acts as the base for the argument proposed by Jefferson in "Act for Establishing Religious Freedom" would be:

A). Civil or religious leaders who impose religion on others are hypocritical.

"Act for Establishing Religious Freedom"

In this speech, Thomas Jefferson proposes the argument that the government must be separated from religious matters.

The reason behind this is that he feels it is deceiving to compel a particular religion to the people and force them to follow it.

He argues that when the almighty did not do so, the religious leaders or other authorities too must stay away from these matters as it shows hypocrisy.

Thus, option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Jefferson" here:

What is most intriguing to you about this painting? Check any that apply.

A. the dark and light colors
B. the textured paint style
C. the shape of the objects
D. the position of the scene
E. the feelings it evokes



I would say A and E.


B. The textured paint style

C. The shape of the objects

This is just in my personal opinion though. Hope this helps! Good luck. :)

Who is "Araby" about or who is involved in "Araby"?



"Araby" is about a young boy in Ireland obsessed with the girl living across the street.

When the young girl mentions how badly she wants to attend a certain bazaar, he sees an opportunity to win her heart by attending the bazaar himself and bringing her back a gift.



The narrator, an unnamed boy, describes the North Dublin street on which his house is located. He thinks about the priest who died in the house before his family moved in and the games that he and his friends played in the street. He recalls how they would run through the back lanes of the houses and hide in the shadows when they reached the street again, hoping to avoid people in the neighborhood, particularly the boy’s uncle or the sister of his friend Mangan. The sister often comes to the front of their house to call the brother, a moment that the narrator savors.

Every day begins for this narrator with such glimpses of Mangan’s sister. He places himself in the front room of his house so he can see her leave her house, and then he rushes out to walk behind her quietly until finally passing her. The narrator and Mangan’s sister talk little, but she is always in his thoughts. He thinks about her when he accompanies his aunt to do food shopping on Saturday evening in the busy marketplace and when he sits in the back room of his house alone. The narrator’s infatuation is so intense that he fears he will never gather the courage to speak with the girl and express his feelings.

One morning, Mangan’s sister asks the narrator if he plans to go to Araby, a Dublin bazaar. She notes that she cannot attend, as she has already committed to attend a retreat with her school. Having recovered from the shock of the conversation, the narrator offers to bring her something from the bazaar. This brief meeting launches the narrator into a period of eager, restless waiting and fidgety tension in anticipation of the bazaar. He cannot focus in school. He finds the lessons tedious, and they distract him from thinking about Mangan’s sister.

On the morning of the bazaar the narrator reminds his uncle that he plans to attend the event so that the uncle will return home early and provide train fare. Yet dinner passes and a guest visits, but the uncle does not return. The narrator impatiently endures the time passing, until at 9p.m. the uncle finally returns, unbothered that he has forgotten about the narrator’s plans. Reciting the epigram “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” the uncle gives the narrator the money and asks him if he knows the poem “The Arab’s Farewell to his Steed.” The narrator leaves just as his uncle begins to recite the lines, and, thanks to eternally slow trains, arrives at the bazaar just before 10p.m., when it is starting to close down. He approaches one stall that is still open, but buys nothing, feeling unwanted by the woman watching over the goods. With no purchase for Mangan’s sister, the narrator stands angrily in the deserted bazaar as the lights go out.


hope this helped, and if this is worthy, mark this as brainliest please ;)

Create a free verse poem about life​



Life is forever

everything in it is,

Life is held by fragile

beings. Upsettling held

in the most precious thing,

if you lose the thing you didnt live.

Living is hard but dieing is scary,

As life goes in comes everyday.

Death does the same it's more

patient, its always there as

a back up plan for people

tired of life of living

life is underrated


Please answer this correctly without making mistakes



B. The gutters were full of leaves and in need of cleaning.


simple sentence - a sentence consisting of only one clause, with a single subject and predicate.

Recitatif discussion questions: 100 points!

9. What does Twyla mean when she says, “I was dismissed without anyone saying goodbye?

10. How do you think Twyla feels at that moment? How would you feel if you were Twyla?

11. Why do think Twyla asks Roberta, “How is your mother?” What is she trying to accomplish by asking her this question? Does she succeed? Why?

12. What is a “Recitatif”? What words does it remind you of and how are these words related to the story?


Answer:9 answer:Twyla realizes that she's the only one leading their conversation and after embarrasing herself by not knowing who Jimi Hendrix was she could sense that the conversation was over (since the other party had no interest whatsoever in keeping it going) therefore she decides to ask one final question involving their families in order to walk away from the conversation and the characters themselves.

12 answer:”ecitatif" is the French form of the word recitative, which is a type of musical dialogue used during the narrative parts in an opera. The title is significant to the story because Twyla Benson shares each of her encounters with Roberta Fisk Norton as an operatic act.”The term "recitatif" also once included the now-obsolete meaning, "the tone or rhythm peculiar to any language."

Explanation: sorry I could not get the book page to read I found these one.

He had........ help, but he did the real fighting.

a) lesser

b) many

c) some




yan ang aking sagot...thanks i hope nakatulong ako

Why is family important?
1-6 sentences plz thank you



Family support is important to individuals for a variety of reasons, most of which are related to your personal well-being. Family is important to individuals because it provides benefits to your physical, emotional, and mental health that can't be found anywhere else. The love we inherit from our families, we pass on to our independent relationships. Moreover, families teach us better communication. When we spend time with our families and love each other and communicate openly, we create a better future for us.

Unlike her older brother Jerome, who stayed out all hours of the night, Kate
obediently followed the curfew her parents set.

What’s another word for obedient or what’s the definition in your own words.


Another word for obedient is compliant. Where you do as your told.


I would say the word loyal, because Kate would be loyal to her parents and wouldn't do anything unfaithful to them


hope this helps :)

Why is it important to be able to identify the author's methods of persuasion? How will this benefit you in life? Explain.



It's important to be able to identify the author's methods of persuasion because then you will be aware of the types of persuasion tricks that are being used on you in day-to-day life. Also, you can use persuasion skills to your advantage by using them on other people.


Why do you think that the percentage for being hired after an apprenticeship is so much higher than the percentage for being hired after an internship?



Porque yo-yo-estoy en las estrellas esta noche

Así que mírame traer el fuego y prender la noche

Zapatos puestos, levántate por la mañana

Taza de leche, vamos a rockear

King Kong, patea el tambor, rodando como un Rolling Stone

Canta una canción cuando camino a casa

Salta a la cima, LeBron

Ding dong, llámame a mi teléfono

Té helado y un juego de ping pong, eh

Esto se esta poniendo pesado

¿Puedes oír el boom de los graves? Estoy listo (woo hoo)

La vida es dulce como la miel

Sí, este ritmo cha-ching como dinero, eh

Sobrecarga de discoteca, estoy en eso, estoy listo para ir

Soy diamante, sabes que resplandezco

Oye, vamos

Porque yo-yo-estoy en las estrellas esta noche

Así que mírame traer el fuego y prender la noche (hey)

Brillando por la ciudad con un poco de funk y soul

Así que lo encenderé como dinamita, whoa oh oh

Trae a un amigo, únete a la multitud

Quien quiera venir

Palabra, habla, habla

Solo muévete como si estuviéramos fuera de la pared

De día o de noche, el cielo está encendido

Entonces bailamos hasta el amanecer

Damas y caballeros, tengo la medicina

Así que deberías mantener los ojos en la pelota, ¿eh?

Esto se esta poniendo pesado

¿Puedes oír el boom de los graves? Estoy listo (woo hoo)

La vida es dulce como la miel

Sí, este ritmo cha-ching como dinero

Sobrecarga de discoteca, estoy en eso, estoy listo para ir

Soy diamante, sabes que resplandezco


Porque yo-yo-estoy en las estrellas esta noche

Así que mírame traer el fuego y prender la noche (hey)

Brillando por la ciudad con un poco de funk y soul

Así que lo encenderé como dinamita, whoa oh oh

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, la vida es dinamita

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, la vida es dinamita

Brillando por la ciudad con un poco de funk y soul

Así que lo encenderé como dinamita, whoa oh oh

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ayy

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ayy

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ayy

Enciéndelo como dinamita

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ayy

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ayy

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, ayy

Enciéndelo como dinamita

Porque yo-yo-estoy en las estrellas esta noche

Así que mírame traer el fuego y prender la noche

Brillando por la ciudad con un poco de funk y soul

Así que lo encenderé como dinamita (esto es ah)

Porque yo-yo-estoy en las estrellas esta noche

Así que mírame traer el fuego y prender la noche (encendida, oh)

Brillando por la ciudad con un poco de funk y soul

Así que lo encenderé como dinamita, whoa (enciéndelo como dinamita)

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, la vida es dinamita

Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, la vida es dinamita

Brillando por la ciudad con un poco de funk y soul

Así que lo encenderé como dinamita, whoa oh oh


A  Higher Apprenticeship is comparable to a Bachelor's Degree, while Level 7 graduates are equivalent to Masters graduates in terms of their industry understanding.

What 3 differences between internships and apprenticeships struck you the most?

They come after both Intermediate Apprenticeships and Advanced Apprenticeships and are the highest level of all the apprenticeships you may enroll in. The career path of an apprentice offers an alternative to attending college or other higher education institutions.The main advantage is that you won't have to worry about paying for your education.You receive practical instruction.For people that learn best by doing the work in real-time, apprenticeships are a terrific option. Make flexible training choices available to make sure workers acquire the necessary skills.reduce liability expenses by providing staff with the proper training.Take advantage of employee tuition perks and tax credits in participating states. With the aid of apprenticeships, you may develop a dependable workforce that is dedicated to the business and highly motivated.Additionally, apprenticeships encourage employees to consider their careers carefully and commit to the organization for a longer period of time.By doing this, you can keep all of your talented workers. As they receive official training on the job and are qualified for a certain industry, apprentices are prepared to assume the role of employees as soon as they complete their apprenticeship program.While apprenticeships are compensated and frequently result in a permanent position, internships may not be paid Unlike an internship, anyone can participate in an apprenticeship regardless of their educational background.Since an apprenticeship is also a work experience or training program, the odds of it becoming a full-time job are always higher. Structure: Apprenticeships comprise a structured training program that places an emphasis on obtaining the particular skills required by an employer to fill a position within their business.Internships are unstructured and frequently concentrate on providing basic work experience. An internship does not come with any formal training or certification like an apprenticeship does.Work placements are brief chances (often no more than two weeks) that let someone see how an organization works while also learning the fundamentals of a job or workplace.

       To learn more about apprenticeship refer


2. Whats one disadvantage of using academic journals for research in this course?
O A. They contain long articles that are written at a high reading level
OB. They're published anonymously without including author credentials
OC. They're published so rarely that they usually contain out of date information
OD. They contain material too simple to use in a high school research paper





All other answers are false.

Academic journals traditionally have all credentials listed and are constantly being published. Academic journals tend to have complex details and concepts both disproving option D and supporting A simultaneously.

One disadvantage of using academic journals for research in this course is  A. They contain long articles that are written at a high reading level.

What is the benefit of a studies journal article?

Educational journals sell energetic analysis and initiate deep thinking. They offer a wealth of understanding which comes critiqued and forces you to critique it also. while you're offered so many information in one unmarried source, you are brought on to are seeking out their sources to affirm whether or not they are true.

What is a disadvantage of scholarly journal articles?

Has articles that regularly use specialized terminology that can be tough for non-specialists to examine.consists of scholarly journals that are pricey and might not be simply available.might not be as beneficial for cutting-edge activities or popular culture due to the long studies procedure.

Learn more about Journals at


Rewrite the sentence correctly using the apostrophe wherever needed.
1. We went to Angelas house last night


We went to Angela’s house last night.

Hope this helps!! :)


We went to Angela's house last night


angela is possessive of the house it is her how so the 's is in apostrophe

What had happened a few days before Alex and Conners eleventh birthday


Answer: They had a terrible fight and stopped speaking to each other. A fire destroyed their father's bookstore and his collection of fairy tales. hope this helps can u pls give me brainliest


Other Questions
what is -2 to the 8th power Make a simple poem regarding the learnings that you acquired in managing the finances. (4 Stanzas only with rhyme and with no meter) come on i have so many questions and i need help Hurry!!!ReviewBookmarkWright,Unit Assessment (MC) / 10 of 13Gam wants to determine which football team is the most popular at a game between the home team and the visitingteam. Which of the following methods will give him the most accurate results?A surveying people wearing hats for the visiting teamOB surveying the cheerleaders for the home teamExhibitsCsurveying people who do not live in the home team's cityOD surveying a group of people standing in line for tickets A student runs 7 km in 2 hours to train for sports. What is the students average speed? ASAP PLZZZ HELPIF YOU DON'T KNOW DO NOT ANSWER PLZZ ANSWER ALL AS YOU SEE THERE ARE LETTERS IN THE CORNERS PLZ SAY WHICH CATEGORY IT GOES IN BY THE LETTER THE FIRST PERSON TO GET IT CORET GET 5 STAR RATING BRAINLEST AND 50 POINTS ON MY NEXT QUESTIONdrag and drop the into the categories. the graphs are either linear or nonlinear sort them into the correct box What is the main reason to put a telescope in space?A.It is much closer to the stars.B.It can receive star light that cannot reach Earth.C.Light reaching it is not affected by the movement of air.D.It can detect objects behind the moon. What percent of $80 is $20 How will the graph of the function f(x)=3^x translate the function is changed to f(x)=3(x-2) Explain how to use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the missing length of a right triangle. Suppose a car gas tank holds 21 gallons of gas. On a trip it uses 2/3 of a tank of gas on a trip. Then it uses 1/3 of what is left in the tank. How many gallons of gas are left in the tank? If u can could u show the work? According to a recent warning from the FDA, grain-free food might be giving dogs a life-threatening heart problem called dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM. Scientists interested in studying this link were trying to see if there was a difference in the average blood pressure of dogs on grain-free dog food vs the average blood pressure of dogs on food that includes grains. To minimize variation in subjects, scientists measured the initial blood pressure of 30 dogs while each was still on a grain-free diet, and then took a second measurement 8 weeks after each dog was switched to a diet that included grains. What hypothesis test would be appropriate for analyzing the above scenario what physical properties dose plutonium Can someone help me with this Evaluate the expression: 8 (1/2)^2 How does the content of the preamble of the Declaration of Independencediffer from that of the grievances? HELP SOON! Please!!!!How does an outlier affect the mean of a population? The median? The range?How can we adjust for the effects of outliers? Description Military time uses 24 hours for the entire day instead of 12 for am/pm separately. Military time is a 4 digit (base-10) integer with the following rules: The first two digits show the hour (between 00 and 23) and The last two digits show the minutes (between 00 and 59) There is no colon separating hours from minutes. Military time starts at 0000 in the morning and counts up When we get to the afternoon, we use 1300 for 1:00 PM and 2300 for 11:00 PM. When we get to midnight, the hour is 00 (not 24). TASK: Write a program that reads two times in military format and prints the number of hours and minutes between the two times (See example below). NOTE: Your program should consider the difference between the times IN THE SAME DAY. For example: The time difference between 2359 and 0000 is 23 hours and 1 minute (NOT 1 minute).Detailed Requirements Compose a written document (MS Word Document) describing your algorithm, feel free include a diagram if you like The program should prompt for two times separately, then print the duration of time between (see sample output below). The program should check the input for the correct military time format: . Make sure the hours are between 00 and 23. . Make sure the minutes are between 00 and 59 . If the validity check fails, it should print an appropriate error and prompt again. Your program should use io manipulators to produce military time with leading zeroes. e.g. 9 am should be printed 0900 (not 900). More points will be awarded to an implementation that can produce an accurate result regardless of the order of the inputs. Do not produce runtime errors that abruptly end your program (crash) Include descriptive comments, neat indentation, proper spacing for good readability, and appropriate and consistently named variables. Program source should have a comment block at the top with the student name, section, and description of your program. Please enter a time: 1sykdf Military Tine Format Required: Bad input, try again. Please enter a time: 2580 Military Tine Format Required: Hours must be between 2 and 23, try again Please enter a time: 2365 Military Tine Format Required: Minutes must be between me and 59, try again Please enter a time: 0900 First time 0900 accepted. Please enter a time: jdkjs Military Time Forest Required: Bad input, try again. Please enter a time: 39573 Military Tine Format Required: Hours must be between 28 and 23, try again Please enter a time: 1799 Military Tine Format Required: Minutes must be between me and 59, try again Please enter a time: 1730 Second time: 1738 accepted. Time difference between 1988 and 1732 ts 8 hours and 30 minutes Dismissed solder! Note! When I change the order of the time inputs. I get the same result! Sandras team is falling apart. Look back at what the team members have had to say so far. Using the four phases of The Team Clock, determine what areas the team is struggling with. Write your impression of Sandras team, including supporting examples from the case study and phases of The Team Clock, in a paragraph of at least five sentences. Submit your final paragraph for grading. can anyone help? i rlly need help !