Last week Aiden earned $50 for working 8 hours. At this rate, how
many hours would he have to work to earn $175?


Answer 1


x = 28

Step-by-step explanation:

We can write a proportion to solve

50 dollars       175 dollars

--------------- = --------------------

8 hours                  x hours

Using cross products

50x = 8 * 175

Divide each side by 50

x = 8 * 175 / 50

x = 28

Answer 2


[tex]\huge\boxed{\sf 28 \ hours}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

$50 = 8 hours

Using unitary method.

Divide both sides by 50

$1 = 8/50 hours

$1 = 0.16 hours

Multiply 175 to both sides

$175 = 0.16*175 hours

$175 = 28 hours


Related Questions

How do you read Square-1?


A Rubik's Cube puzzle variation is called Square-1. You must be familiar with the fundamental notation used to denote the puzzle's various moves and positions in order to read the puzzle.

The face serves as the fundamental unit of notation in Square-1. A Square-1 puzzle has four faces, and each face is identified by a letter: U denotes the top face, D the bottom face, F the front face, and B the back face.

You must specify the face you are turning and the direction you are turning it in order to signify a move. For instance, a move like "U" turns the top face in a clockwise direction, whereas "U'" turns it in a counterclockwise direction.

You can adjust the puzzle with a few more complex moves in addition to the fundamental ones. For instance, the move "r" denotes moving the right face in a clockwise direction, while "r'" denotes turning it in a counterclockwise direction.

You can manipulate the problem to find the solution by combining these movements and employing them in various combinations. Reading and utilizing the notation for Square-1 requires effort, but with persistence and time, you may learn to solve the puzzle fast and effectively.

To learn more about rubik cube variation:


radon-222 has a half-life of 3.8 days. an air sample from a basement in colorado was analyzed 5.0 days after it was collected and found to have a radon activity level of 0.17 bq/l. what was the original activity of this sample?


The original activity of the sample can be calculated using the equation A=A0e^(-kt), where A0 is the initial activity, k is the decay constant, and t is the elapsed time.

1. Identify the given values: Half-life (t1/2) = 3.8 days, Activity level (A) = 0.17 bq/L, and Elapsed time (t) = 5.0 days.

2. Calculate the decay constant (k) using the equation k = ln(2)/t1/2.

k = ln(2)/3.8 days

k = 0.1815

3. Calculate the original activity (A0) using the equation A0 = A/e^(-kt).

A0 = 0.17 bq/L/e^(-0.1815)

A0 = 0.21 bq/L

Therefore, the original activity of the sample was 0.21 bq/L.

Learn more about equation here


What is the formula of time?


The formula of time is time: distance/speed

Time is an important concept in physics, and it can be expressed in a variety of ways. The most common way to describe time is with the equation t = d/s, where t is time, d is the change in position of an object, and s is the speed of the object. This equation is known as the time-distance formula.  The time-distance formula can be used to calculate the time it takes for an object to travel a certain distance., also the time-distance formula can also be used to calculate the distance an object travels in a certain amount of time.

To know more about speed refer to  the link


how many 7-letter sequences (formed from the 26 letters in the alphabet, with repetition allowed) contain exactly one a and exactly two bs?


There are 34836480 number of 7-letter sequences (formed from the 26 letters in the alphabet, with repetition allowed) contain exactly one a and exactly two bs.

What is permutation?

A permutation of a set in mathematics is, broadly speaking, the rearrangement of its elements if the set already has an ordered structure into a sequence or linear order. The act or procedure of altering the linear order of an ordered set is referred to as a "permutation."

In order to fix 7 − letter sequences (formed from the 26 letters in the alphabet, with repetition allowed) contains exactly one a and exactly two b, we know that For a sequence having n letters, it is called n letter sequence. Such sequences exist with 26^n cases with repetition of letters are allowed.

So, the number of desired cases are,

= [tex]\frac{7_P_3(24)^4}{2} = 34836480[/tex]

Hence, there are 34836480 number of 7-letter sequences (formed from the 26 letters in the alphabet, with repetition allowed) contain exactly one a and exactly two bs.

To know more about permutation, click on the link


what is the value of the expression when m = 2.5 and n = 5


Answer: 13.1

Step-by-step explanation:

(2.5)+(7*9)/(5) = 2.5+63/5 = 65.5/5 = 13.1



Step-by-step explanation:

Given rational expression:

[tex]\dfrac{m+(7 \cdot 9)}{n}[/tex]

To determine the value of the given expression when m = 2.5 and n = 5, substitute the given values into the expression and solve.

[tex]\begin{aligned}m=2.5, n=5 &\implies \dfrac{2.5+(7 \cdot 9)}{5}\\\\&\implies \dfrac{2.5+63}{5}\\\\&\implies \dfrac{65.5}{5}\\\\&\implies \dfrac{65.5 \cdot 2}{5 \cdot 2}\\\\&\implies \dfrac{131}{10}\\\\&\implies 13.1\end{aligned}[/tex]

If 12 subtracted from the product of a number n
and 4, the result is -8. Find the value of n.


Answer: -4

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (-8, 2) and (-11, 3)


The slope (m) of the line that passes through the points (-8, 2) and (-11, 3) is -1/3.  

What is the slop of the line?

A line's steepness can be determined by looking at its slope. Slope is calculated mathematically as "rise over run" (change in y divided by change in x).

We have,

The line that passes through the points (-8, 2) and (-11, 3),

Slop (m) = ?

The slope formula is:

m =  (y₂-y₁) ÷ (x₂-x₁)

so here,

m = (3 - 2) ÷ (-11 - (-8))

m = 1 ÷ (-3)

m = -1/3

Hence, the slope (m) of the line that passes through the points (-8, 2) and (-11, 3) is -1/3.  

To learn more about the slope of a line visit,


What function equation is represented by the graph



The equation represented by the graph is f(x) = -3x + 6

What is a linear function?

A linear function is of the form f(x) = mx + b where 'm' and 'b' are real numbers. Isn't it looking like the slope-intercept form of a line which is expressed as y = mx + b? Yes, this is because a linear function represents a line, i.e., its graph is a line. Here,

'm' is the slope of the line

'b' is the y-intercept of the line

'x' is the independent variable

'y' (or f(x)) is the dependent variable.

the straight line cuts the axes at (0,6) and (2,0)

Equation of straight line in slope-intercept form is f(x) = mx + c

when x = 0 f(x) = 6

6 = m(0) + c

c = 6

when x = 2, f(x) = 0

0 = 2m + c

2m = -c, but c = 6

2m= -6

m = -6/2

m = -3

Equation of line becomes f(x) = -3x + 6

In conclusion f(x) = -3x + 6 is the equation that is represented by the graph.

Learn more about linear equations:


m<1 = please help will give brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:

at a large university, data were collected on the number of sisters and brothers that each student had. let the random variable x represent the number of sisters and the random variable y represent the number of brothers. the distribution of x has mean 1.00 and standard deviation 0.94. the distribution of y has mean 1.07 and standard deviation 1.04. what is the mean of the distribution of x y ?


The required mean of the distribution of x + y for the given data is 2.07.

Explain mean distribution.

A statistical distribution, or probability distribution, portrays how values are dispersed for a field. As such, the measurable dissemination shows which values are normal and exceptional. There are numerous sorts of measurable appropriations, including the chime formed typical conveyance.

According to question:

We have,

mean = 1 and Standard deviation = 0.94

In distribution of Y

mean = 1.07 and standard deviation = 1.04

mean of distribution X + Y = ?


the mean of the distribution of X+Y

= mean of x + mean of y

=  1 + 1.07

= 2.07

Thus, the required mean is 2.07.

To know more abut mean distribution visit:


Need help, it’s a word form answer


Answer: Yes, he is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{3}*\frac{2}{2}=\frac{2}{6} +\frac{1}{6}=\frac{3}{6}[/tex] The (*) means x or multiply

If k3 – 9 = 12, what is the value of k?




Step-by-step explanation:





k=[tex]\frac{21}{3}[/tex] cross out 21 and 3


There are 7 songs on each CD. If
you have 60 CD's, how many total
songs will you have?




Step-by-step explanation:

60 x 7 = 420

Answer: 420

Step-by-step explanation:

If you have 7 songs on each CD then you have 60 CD'S just take 7 and times it by 60.

at noon, ship a is 8 miles west of ship b. ship a is sailing north at 10mph and ship b is sailing south at 7mph. how fast is the distance between the ships changing at 3:00pm?


The distance between the ships changing at 3.00 p.m is 12.2 mile/mph.

What do you mean by differentiation?

A derivative of a function with respect to an independent variable is what is referred to as differentiation. Calculus's concept of differentiation can be used to calculate the function per unit change in the independent variable.

A function of x would be y = f(x). Next, the formula for the rate of change of "y" per unit change in "x" is as follows:

dy / dx

It is given that ship A is 8 miles west of ship B and ship a is sailing north at 10mph and ship b is sailing south at 7mph

Let x and y be the initial position of the ships A and B

Let  x be the distance between A and x

y as the distance between B and x

z as the distance between A and B

Using pythagoras theorem,

[tex]z^{2} =x^{2} +y^{2}[/tex]

Differentiating both sides wrt t,

2z dz/dt = 2x dx/dt + 2y dy/dt

Divide the equation by 2

z dz/dt = dx/dt + dy/dt --- (1)

dx/dt = 10 mile/mph

dy/dt = 7 mile/mph

When t = 3 hours,

x = 30, y = 21 and

z = [tex]\sqrt{x^{2} +y^{2} }[/tex]

Substituting the values

z = √([tex]30^{2} +21^{2}[/tex])

z = √(900 + 441)

z = √1341 = 36.6

Substituting it in equation (1)

36.6 dz/dt =30×10+ 21×7

dz/dt = 447/36.6

dz/dt = 12.2 mile/mph

Therefore, the distance between the ships changing at 3.00 p.m is 12.2 mile/mph.

To learn more about the differentiation from the given link.


agent bourne transferred classified files from the cia mainframe into his flash drive. the drive has 72 megabytes on it before the transfer, and the transfer happened at a constant rate. after 136 seconds there were 1,160 megabytes on the drive. the drive had a maximum capacity of 3,000 megabytes.


Answer: The speed was 4.1 MB/sec.

We first find the amount that was transferred within the first 125 seconds:


Now we divide this by 125, the number of seconds:

512.5/125 = 4.1

The speed of the transfer is 4.1 megabytes per second.

It took 235 seconds for the drive to be completely filled.

Step-by-step explanation:

How do you find the maximum number?


To find the maximum number in a list of numbers, we go through the whole list of numbers and compare each values.

We know that the maximum number is nothing but a number having the largest value in the data set.

To find the maximum number in a list of numbers, we go through the whole list of numbers and compare each values.

The maximum number in the list is the largest value found when all values have been compared.

For example, in the list of numbers 23, 98, 76, 90, 17, 71

the maximum number is 98

Therefore, the maximum number in the list is the largest value found when all values have been compared.

Learn more about the maximum number here:


5.11.7 Check Your Understanding
Valerie takes, on average, 30 mins, to drive the 11.8 miles to her job everyday.
How many total hours will Valerie have driven to work on average after 10 days?
How many hours, on average, will it take Valerie to drive a total of 224.2 miles to work?
How many days did Valerie drive to work if the total number of miles she drove was 247.8 miles


The results obtained by using proportions to calculate are:

A) Valerie takes (4.995 ≅) 5 hours to drive to work on average after 10 days.

B) Valerie takes (9.4911 ≅) 9.5 hours to drive a total of 224.2 miles to work.

C) Valerie takes (20.98 ≅) 21 days to drive a total of 247.8 miles to work.

How to write proportions?

Proportions are the two ratios that are related by equality between them. I.e., w : x = y : z

We can rewrite them as

w/x = y/z or wz = xy

By using this relation, we can solve any of the variables.


It is given that,

Valerie takes, on average, 30 mins, to drive the 11.8 miles to her job every day.

So, from this, we can find the time taken by her for driving 1-mile using proportions.


for 11.8 miles → 30 min

then 1 mile → X min

⇒ 11.8 : 1 = 30 : X

⇒ 11.8X = 30

∴ X = 30/11.8 = 2.54 mins

A) The time it takes for her to drive to work on average after 10 days:

for 10 days, she drives 11.8 × 10 = 118 miles

So, the time taken for 118 miles × 2.54 min = 299.72 min

We know that for 60 min it is 1 hour, then for 299.72 min, it is 4.995 hours that is on average Valerie takes 5 hours to drive for 10 days.

B) The time it takes for her to drive a total of 224.2 miles to work:

We know that for 1 mile she takes 2.54 min, then for 224.2 miles, she takes 224.2 × 2.54 = 569.468 min

That means 569.468 min/60 = 9.49 hours ≅ 9.5 hours

Thus, she takes 9.5 hours to drive 224.2 miles.

C) The number of days she takes to drive a total of 247.8 miles to work:

We know that for 1 mile she takes 2.54 min, then for 247.8 miles, she takes 247.8 × 2.54 = 629.412 min

If she takes 30 min to drive per day, then the number of days for 629.412 min is

= 629.412 min/30 = 20.98 days ≅ 21 days.

Thus, she takes 21 days for driving 247.8 miles.

Learn more about proportions here:


box 1 contains 3 red and 8 yellow balls, whereas box 2 contains 2 red and 1 yellow balls. a ball is drawn from a randomly selected box. let be the event that the ball is red, and the event that the ball came from box 2. are they independent?


The given events A and B are not independent events.

What is probability?

A probability is a numerical representation of the likelihood or chance that a specific event will take place.Both proportions ranging from 0 to 1 and percentages ranging from 0% to 100% can be used to describe probabilities.

As there is no information given on the probability if selecting Box 1 and Box 2, thus we assume the event of selecting any of the boxes as equi-probable

P(A) = 1/2 * 3/11 + 1/2 * 2/3 = 31/66

P(B) = 1/2

P(A|B) = 2/3

Thus, we can see that P(A|B) is not equal to P(A)

So, the events A and B are not independent events.

To know more probability check the below link:


Factor out the Greatest Common Factor (GCF): 64d5- 32d²


64d5? Is that 64d times 5?

The relationship between x and y can be modeled by an inverse variation function what is the value of k for the inverse variation function? k =.


In the inverse variation function, when x and y are given, the value of k will be K = x * y.

Inverse variation states that when the value of one quantity increases, then the value of another quantity decreases in the same proportion. It includes a relationship between variables that are mentioned as y=k/x where x and y are variables and k is constant.

Distance and speed can be taken as a great example of inverse variation. When speed increases distance decreases.

When 'K' is constant, we can find it by multiplying the x-coordinate by the y-coordinate. So,  we can say that in an inverse variation function, when x and y are given, the value of 'k' will be K =x*y.

To learn more about Inverse variation,


Janet, an antique dealer, purchaed a claic toy car a an

invetment. She wrote the equation y = 40x 100 to repreent

the value y in dollar of her invetment x year after he bought it. What are the initial value and rate of change! Explain


Using the provided equation and derivative for the rate, The initial value is 100 and the rate is 40.

What do you mean by equations?

The definition of an equation in algebra is a mathematical statement that demonstrates the equality of two mathematical expressions.

What do you mean by derivative?

in mathematics, the rate of change of a function with respect to a variable. Derivatives are fundamental to the solution of problems in calculus and differential equations.

y= 40x + 100

x=0 for initial value, We get y=100.

apply derivative on y with respect to x , We get

[tex]\frac {dy}{dx} =40[/tex]

rate =40

To learn more about derivative visit:


Does A and B have the same solution

A. 4x + 2 = 6 - x
B. 5x + 2 = 6



No, A and B do not have the same solution.

To find the solution to A, we need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation and solve for its value. We can do this by subtracting x from both sides of the equation and then adding 2 to both sides. This gives us:

4x + 2 - x = 6 - x + 2

3x = 8

x = 8/3

To find the solution to B, we need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation and solve for its value. We can do this by subtracting 2 from both sides of the equation. This gives us:

5x + 2 - 2 = 6 - 2

5x = 4

x = 4/5

As we can see, the solutions to A and B are different, so A and B do not have the same solution. The solution to A is x = 8/3, and the solution to B is x = 4/5.

Step-by-step explanation:

Steven has a credit card with a line of credit at $2,500. He made the following purchases: $405.36, $300.33, $317.11, and $94.20. What is his available credit?​


Answer: It's either 60 or 232

Note: I'm not that good, in problem solving but i thought i can try.

Message: If this helps, let me know by giving me a thanks! :)

Explain whether this dilation is an enlargement or a reduction, and how you know. Triangle a b c is enlarged to triangle a prime b prime c prime.


Triangle ABC to triangle A'B'C' is enlarged by the dilation.

What is meant by dilation?

Dilation is the process of enlarging a shape, figure, or line. In mathematics, dilation means Reducing the object's size by dilation is a change. The items are enlarged or shrunk through dilation. An image that retains the original shape is created by this alteration. A dilation in mathematics is a function f from a metric space M into itself that fulfills the formula d=rd for all locations x, y in M, where d is the distance between x and y and r is some positive real number. A resemblance of the space exists in Euclidean space when a dilation like this occurs.

The query leads us to believe that:

Triangle A'B'C' is created by enlarging triangle ABC.

The diagram also demonstrates that triangle A'B'C"s side lengths are longer than ABC's.

The dilation is hence an augmentation

To know more about dilation, visit:



The dilation is an enlargement because the image, triangle A'B'C', is larger than the pre-image, triangle ABC.

Step-by-step explanation:

edge 2023

A certain fossil of a beetle contains 15% as much carbon as a living beetle. The age of the fossil can be found using carbon dating.
Calculate the age of this fossil given that the half life of carbon-14 is 5715 years.




are impressions of plants or animals embedded in rock and preserved. They may be in the form of a body or trace.

The age of the fossils is determined by the Radioactive carbon dating technique in which the half-life of carbon and found radioactive elements is determined to calculate the age of a fossil

the system of equations models the price per share, y, for two stocks overtime, x. which represents the viable solution to the system? -y<= 3x+4-3x-3y<=-9. A. all real number values of x and y.
B. all real number values, with x >=0
C. all real number values, with y >=0
D. all real number values, with x >=0 and y>=0​


The option that describes the viable solution for the system is D.

all real number values, with x >=0 and y>=0​

Which can be a viable solution for the system?

Here we have the following system of inequalities:

-y ≤ 3x + 4

-3x - 3y ≤ 9

We can rewrite the second inequality to get:

-3y ≤ 9 + 3x

-y ≤ 9/3 + 3x/3

-y ≤  3 + x

Then our system of inequalities becomes:

-y ≤  3 + x

-y ≤ 3x + 4

So, as long as x and y are both positive or 0, the system is true (this is a rough estimation), but that is enough to conclude that the correct option is D.

all real number values, with x >=0 and y>=0​

Learn more about systems of inequalities:


PLEASE HELP I will give brainiest!


The answer is going to be c



Step-by-step explanation:

Because the problem is written as:

[tex]x^{3}[/tex] =

You look for the option that would equal      [tex]\frac{125}{27}[/tex] when multiplied by itself 3 times,

[tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] =  [tex]\frac{125}{27}[/tex]

C.  [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex]  is your answer ( because  [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] =  [tex]\frac{125}{27}[/tex]   )

[tex]x^{3}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{5}{3}[/tex] =  [tex]\frac{125}{27}[/tex]  

Hope this is helpful!


1. During week 0, calculate how many more ants there are in ant colony A than in ant colony B

2. Use the equation to identify the growth rate of ant colony A

3. Find the growth rate of ant colony B

4. Use 1-2 complete sentences to compare the growth rats of ant colony A with ant colony B.

Function: a(x)=210(1.12)^x

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

# of ants 210, 235, 263, 295, 330, 370, 415, 464


1) 20 more ants there are in ant colony A than in ant colony B

2) The growth rate of ant colony A is 12%

3) The growth rate of ant colony B is 15%

4) The growth rate of ant colony A is 3% less than that of ant colony B.

What is exponential growth function ?

A process called exponential growth sees a rise in quantity over time. When a quantity's derivative, or instantaneous rate of change with respect to time, is proportionate to the quantity itself, this phenomenon takes place.

1)   colony A :

  Number of ants = 210

    colony B:

   Number of ants = 190 ( from the graph )

Find the difference: 210 - 190 = 20 ants

So, 20 more ants there are in ant colony A than in ant colony B

2 )  Exponential growth function: y= a(b)^x

b= 1+ r , r is the growth rate as decimal

We have a(x)=210(1.12)^x

b= 1.12 = 1+0.12

So, r= 0.12 = 12%

3 )  (x,y) = (1,220)

y= a(b)^x  

=> 220 = 190(b)^1

=> b= 220/190 = 1.15

b= 1+r

r= b - 1 = 1.15 - 1 = 0.15 = 15%

The growth rate of ant colony B is 15%

4) The growth rate of ant colony A is 3% less than that of ant colony B.

To learn more about the exponential growth function from the given link


1) 20 more ants there are in ant colony A than in ant colony B

2) The growth rate of ant colony A is 12%

3) The growth rate of ant colony B is 15%

4) The growth rate of ant colony A is 3% less than that of ant colony B.

What is exponential growth function ?

A process called exponential growth sees a rise in quantity over time. When a quantity's derivative, or instantaneous rate of change with respect to time, is proportionate to the quantity itself, this phenomenon takes place.

1)   colony A :

Number of ants = 210

colony B:

Number of ants = 190 ( from the graph )

Find the difference: 210 - 190 = 20 ants

So, 20 more ants there are in ant colony A than in ant colony B

2)  Exponential growth function: y= a(b)^x

b= 1+ r , r is the growth rate as decimal

We have a(x)=210(1.12)^x

b= 1.12 = 1+0.12

So, r= 0.12 = 12%

3) (x,y) = (1,220)

y= a(b)^x  

=> 220 = 190(b)^1

=> b= 220/190 = 1.15

b= 1+r

r= b - 1 = 1.15 - 1 = 0.15 = 15%

The growth rate of ant colony B is 15%

4) The growth rate of ant colony A is 3% less than that of ant colony B.

To learn more about the exponential growth function visit,


What are the 3 formulas for slope?


The three formulas for slope are: Slope formula, slope-intercept formula, and at the point-slope formula

 1. Slope formula  : (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)

 2. Slope intercept formula:  y = mx + b

 3. Point slope formula: y - y1 = m(x - x1)

The slope is defined as the steepness of a line, which is described by the ratio of the vertical change between two points (rise) over the horizontal change between the same two points (run). The first formula is the most commonly used and is used when we know two points in a line. The second formula is a for the  slope and y-intercept and  the third one is the slope of a line and  a point on the line.

To know more about slope refer to the link


Amir Najjar did reearch on the Internet to find the dealer' cot of a new car he wanted to purchae. He found that the dealer' cot of the bae price wa $15,455. 40 and cot of the option wa$585. 0. The dealer will pa the $675 detination charge on to the conumer. If the dealer' cot i 85% of the bae and 82% of the option, what i the car' ticker price?


By using percentage, it can be calculated that-

Sticker price of the car =  $14291.75

What is percentage?

Suppose there is a number and the number has to be expressed as a fraction of 100. The fraction is called percentage

For example 11% means [tex]\frac{11}{100}[/tex] . Here 11 is expressed as a fraction of 100

This is a word problem on percentage

Base price of the car = $15455.40

Cost of option = $585

Destination charge = $675

The dealer's cost is 85% of the base and 82% of the options

Sticker price of the car = [tex]\frac{85}{100}\times 15455 + \frac{82}{100} \times 585 + 675[/tex]

                                      = 13137.09 + 479.7 + 675

                                      = $14291.75

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