Explain how the quick victory over France impacted Hitler's authority within Germany


Answer 1

Answer:Blitzkrieg is a term used to describe a method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including armored tanks and air support. Such an attack ideally leads to a quick victory, limiting the loss of soldiers and artillery.


Answer 2

The quick victory over France impacted Hitler's authority within Germany as a lack of effective intelligence, bad operations and tactical strategy, and weak strategic leadership.

What is a victory?

Victory refers to victory in direct battle, following armed forces in general, such as or, by expansion, in any type of competition. The phrase originally pertained to conflict. While winning a military encounter is a tactical triumph, winning an army battle is an intellectual success.

The research that follows comes to the conclusion that the French's defeat in 1940 was primarily because of the plans that were made by them.

The Schlieffen Plan, Germany's war strategy, aimed for it to swiftly destroy France before moving east to battle Russia. Like a huge revolving door, its forces were to descend through Belgium and the northern part of France into Paris.

Learn more about victory, here:



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Can somebody please help me please


What do you need yep with? There is no question


what is your question ? you have nothing on this page

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has the same answers as Meghan, a white American student. Meghan copied
Maritza's answers, but the teacher, who is also white, instantly accuses
Maritza of cheating, even though he has no evidence. The behavior of both
the teacher and Meghan is an example of
O A. racial equality
B. inclusionary action
O c. white privilege
D. racial tolerance


white privilege, since the teacher is teaming with the white student no matter what was proven.

Explain how debt slavery made rubber merchants rich.



Debt slavery, also called debt servitude, debt bondage, or debt peonage, a state of indebtedness to landowners or merchant employers that limits the autonomy of producers and provides the owners of capital with cheap labour. Examples of debt slavery, indentured servitude, peonage, and other forms of forced labour exist around the world and throughout history, but the boundaries between them can be difficult to define (see slavery). It is instructive to consider one prevalent system of debt slavery as a means of identifying the characteristics typical of the condition. This article therefore describes the system that existed among sharecroppers and landowners in the American South from the 1860s until World War II.


The Oregon Country was added to the United States in 1803 tur or false?





it was added in 1859 February 19

that would be false.

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the California Gold Rush?
A. The rise of big cities in California like San Francisco and Los Angeles
B.Migration of people from different parts of the world to California.
C. Conflict between gold minors and California farmers



C. Conflict between gold miners and California farmers

Which statement BEST summarizes how the goals of the Freedmen's Bureau contrasted with the goals of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction?
The Freedmen's Bureau wanted to change the lives of all Southerners while the Ku Klux Klan wished to restore the South to its status before the Civil War.
The Freedmen's Bureau wished to help African Americans relocate to the North while the Ku Klux Klan wished to kill them
The Freedmen's Bureau wished to educate and enfranchise African Americans while the Ku Klux Klan wished to terrorize them
The Freedmen's Bureau wished to help African Americans remain in their homes while the Ku Klux Klan wished to force them to migrate to the North



either a or d


my brain say its more a

mark brainliest


b i believe


I need help on this and the first person who answer correctly gets a BRANLIST
(The story of civil war journal if you want to get a better understanding of this question)​



definition 1


I think but yeah

Which of these scientists made each of the following discoveries?
Anton van Leeuwenhoek; Robert Hooke; Rudolf Virchow
a. Observed some of the first cells and first used the term “
b. Observed the first human cells
c. Observed cells dividing


The cell was first discovered and named by Robert Hooke in 1665. He remarked that it looked strangely similar to cellular or small rooms which monks inhabited, thus deriving the name.

Hooke looked at the bark of a cork tree and located its microscopic shape. In doing so, he found and named the cellular – the building block of lifestyles. He concept the gadgets he had found appeared just like the individual rooms in a monastery, which were called cells.

Hooke became certainly one of a small handful of scientists to embrace the primary microscopes, improve them, and use them to find out nature's hidden info.

He designed his very own mild microscope, which used more than one glass lens to mild and magnify specimens. Underneath his microscope, Hooke tested a diverse collection of organisms.

Learn more about Robert Hooke here: https://brainly.com/question/28707686


How do you think this idea was meant to be viewed by U.S citizens


Answer: hey



I don't know


because I don't know

9. Which level provides garbage collection and schools?



level of what??then I can help you

Drag and drop the description to match each person into the boxes. Lord Cornwallis
Nathanael Greene
Alexander Hamilton
William Howe
Martha Washington
George Rogers Clark .Frontiersman who fought British and their Indian allies in Ohio valley. .Commander of British ship Serapis and said "I have not yet begun to fight." .Quartermaster general of the Continental Army; brought caches of food and supplies to Valley Forge and led troops in the South. .Commander of all British forces in America until 1778. .General's wife who helped boost morale at Valley Forge. .American colonel and aide to Washington who captured a key British earth fortress at Yorktown. pls help 50 points!!!!



1.) George Rogers Clark (Frontiersman who fought British and their Indian allies in Ohio valley.)

2.) Lord Cornwallis (Commander of British ship Serapis and said "I have not yet begun to fight.")

3.) Nathanael Greene (Quartermaster general of the Continental Army; brought caches of food and supplies to Valley Forge and led troops in the South.)

4.) William Howe (Commander of all British forces in America until 1778.)

5.) Martha Washington ( General's wife who helped boost morale at Valley Forge.)

6.) Alexander Hamilton (American colonel and aide to Washington who captured a key British earth fortress at Yorktown.)


Hope that helps. Also I always go to quizlet for more help


was king charles i more powerful than king philip ii



i think so


He was a king and very smart man

What was NOT a reason for America’s entry in world war 1?

A) to ensure the world was safe for Democracy

B) threats against freedom of the seas

C) America’s ties with Great Britain

D) the American tradition of isolationism


d) the American tradition of isolationism

Which prediction best shows what the population could look like after many generations? What caused it to change?


Prediction 1 is best. Two hummingbirds with short or medium beaks had a baby with a mutation in its genes for the long-beak trait. Because long-beak hummingbirds are more likely to survive, that baby survived long enough to pass on its mutation, so the long-beak trait became more common over generations.

its due in 5 minutes help​


The correct answer to the question above is A and C mark me brainiest please

Explain how the development of the steam engine and the Erie Canal played a significant role in the development of the United States, specifically New York City.



It aloud goods to be transported further faster and less of a chance of being looted in doing so


what connections might there be between nationalism and a total war​



Direct causality can be drawn between nationalism and war. Nationalist groups within a state who desire their own independent state, may conduct regular or irregular warfare in order to forcibly persuade a state to grant them independence.

All of the following are true about the US government EXCEPT:
O A. The US government set up a system of Federalism.
O B. All branches of the US government have equal power.
O C. The US government has a system of checks and balances in place,
D. The US government gave us a Constitution to tell us our individual rights.





Because each branch has both individual and shared powers, no one branch has more authority than the other two, and each is accountable to the others. This "checks and balances" system means that the balance of power in our government remains steady.

In this 1896 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of
the Three-fifths Compromise
Jim Crow Laws
Affirmative Action program
Racial Integration


Jim Crow Laws is the answer.

The Supreme Court maintained the legitimacy of Jim Crow Laws in this ruling from 1896. Therefore, choice (B) is right.

The word "Jim Crow" is a derogatory nickname for an African-American that refers to the state and local laws that were implemented in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th century to impose racial segregation.

These laws were in effect up to the 1960s.Even though a number of states beyond the South had outlawed discrimination in public facilities and voting, official and informal segregation practices still existed in other regions of the United States.

White Southern Democrat-dominated state legislatures passed Southern legislation to deny African Americans the right to vote and to undo the political and economic progress they had won during the Reconstruction era.

Learn more about Jim Crow Laws, from :



Which statement best reflects Patriots feelings during the revolutionary war?


The answer is D. The colonies have the right to separate from Great Britain. They felt that they were being treated unfairly under British rule. Hope this helps! :)


The answer would be D


They have a right to separate

The United States is an example of what type of government?



A representative democracy, also referred to as a representative republic.


A representative democracy is a democracy where an elected official represents a specific group, such as Democrats and Republicans. Unlike a direct democracy, where the people decide and vote for everything.


It a federal Constitutional Democratic republic.

The president,Congress and judiciary shares powers reserve to the national government.

The __________ started the first farms and a town in what is now New York City.


Answer: Dutch


ive asked this same questions many time all people have done was put down fake this so please dont do that I GIVE BRAINLYIST,THANKS,5 STARS


1. Papyrus
2. Either c or d
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D








What helped Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rise to power in the 1930s?



Hitler rose to a place of prominence in the early years of the party. Being one of its best speakers, he was made leader after he threatened to leave otherwise. He was aided in part by his willingness to use violence in advancing his political objectives and to recruit party members who were willing to do the same.



OMG, WW2 is my favorite.I can't point my finger to it but I know he inspired many people in which he gained power from.There is so much details that I forgot.

What is Laozi said to have done as a job? China


Answer:As Taoism took root, Laozi was worshipped as a god. Belief in the revelation of the Tao from the divine Laozi resulted in the formation of the Way of the Celestial Masters, the first organized religious Taoist sect. In later mature Taoist tradition, Laozi came to be seen as a personification of the Tao. Laozi wanted people to be closer to nature. He wanted to get away from the rules made by the government or society. To him, the government was selfish and power-hungry. In his world, he would have no rules.Cited from Britannica and Wikipedia.

Did gender hierarchy exist during the Stone Age?





gender hierachy existed because men were thought of as hifher tjan women

How does the judicial branch of the United States government protect individual rights?



As cases are brought to the courts, court decisions shape policy outcomes. ... As part of checks and balances, courts protect the Constitution from breaches by the other branches of government, and they protect individual rights against societal and governmental oppression.


Even though the north outlawed slavery, how did they depend on the labor of slaves ?


Answer: No,Without big farms to run, the people in the North did not rely on slave labor very much. In the South, the economy was based on agriculture. The soil was fertile and good for farming. They grew crops like cotton, rice, and tobacco on small farms and large plantations.

Explanation: to the answer to your question is no but the south did.

What was a major result of the Missouri Compromise?

A. It increased the number of immigrants settling in the northern states.

B. It provided financing for canal construction.

C. It rapidly expanded railroad construction in southern states

D. It temporarily relieved sectional tensions.



D: It had temporarily relieved sectional tensions

which of the following contributed to the indian ocean tsunami disaster that occurred in december 2004?

a.) the earthquake that caused the tsunami was the largest earthquake ever recorded

b.) most of those killed lived in india where buildings were not constructed to withstand the forces of the wave

c.) levees built to withstand tsunamis failed due to poor construction

d.) there was no tsunami warning system in place in the indian ocean at the time



Its A



a.) the earthquake that caused the tsunami was the largest earthquake ever recorded


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