1. The urban centres of the Harappan civilization developed from which millennium BCE.


Answer 1


2600 BCE


The urban centers of the Harappan civilization developed from the 2600 millennium BCE.

The urban centers during this period included places like Harappa, Ganeriwala, Mohenjo-Daro in present-day Pakistan, Dholavira, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Rupar, and Lothal in present day India.

Harappan civilization occurred along with the Mohenjo-Daro civilization around 2600BC

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__________ is the process by which union representatives and employers attempt to reach an agreement about work conditions.
Collective bargaining
Workers’ compensation



Option c) collective bargaining is the answer


Option C.) collective bargaining is the answer


Right on Edge2021

. Enslaved Africans were tied together and kept below deck on dirty, crowded ship
as they made the long trip across the
a. Artic
b. Pacific
C. Atlantic
d. Indian


The answer would be b I’m pretty sure because it’s the longest


C. Atlantic


The Atlantic Ocean spans the space between the western coast of the African continent and the eastern coast of the United States.

full meaning of the abbreviaton of nersa​



NERSA= National Energy Regulator of South Africa .................. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) is a regulatory authority established as a juristic person in terms of Section 3 of the National Energy Regulator Act, 2004 (Act No. 40 of 2004). NERSA’s mandate is to regulate the electricity, piped-gas and petroleum pipelines industries in terms of the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No. 4 of 2006), Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001) and Petroleum Pipelines Act, 2003 (Act No. 60 of 2003).

Use A.P.E.P.E to explain how WWII began.


World War II began when Germany invaded Poland Great Britain and France responded by declaring a war on Germany. The main reason World War II began was the impact the treaty of Versailles had.

Describe how land and religion are reason for continuing conflict in the Middle East.



From 1920 to 1947, the British Empire had a mandate over Palestine. At that time, Palestine included all of Israel and today's Occupied Territories, of Gaza, West Bank, etc. The increasing number of Jewish people immigrating to the Holy Land increased tensions in the region.


Advertising that creates desire for products where no actual need exists where no actual desire exist contributes to


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Advertising that creates a desire for products where no actual need exists where no actual desire exists contributes to consumerism.

And consumerism is a serious problem that we have as a society.

Consumerism that citizens are purchasing things that are not necessary, they do not need them, products that do not cover a basic necessity, and neither are desired by consumers.

However, advertisement and other marketing techniques focus their messages on aspirations. And if people have money, they like aspirational things and the buy, and buy, although they don't need the products and keep them somewhere in their wardrobes and warehouses.

Who is the Governor of Georgia?

a. George Washington
b. Casey Cagle
c. Barack Obama
d. Brian Kemp



Brian Kemp ur welcome :')


Brian Kemp is your answer :))


3. Why did most Texans favor joining the Confederate States of America?
A. They supported the Republican idea of the abolition of slavery.
B. Texans feared abolitionist legislation would destroy the Southern economy,
C. Most Texans believed slavery was wrong and wanted to end it.
D. Texans supported the ideas of high protective tariffs to protect industries.



Texas Secession Convention, A Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union, (February 1861). According to one Texan, keeping them enslaved was the primary goal of the state in joining the Confederacy: Independence without slavery, would be valueless.

How did the Framers of the Constitution ensure the power of the legislative branch was limited?

A) The judicial branch has to approve laws.
B) Senators can serve only two terms.
C) The president can veto laws.
D) Only states can create laws for themselves.


The legislative branch of the federal government, composed primarily of the U.S. Congress, is responsible for making the country’s laws. The members of the two houses of Congress—the House of Representatives and the Senate—are elected by the citizens of the United States.

Portugal claimed to own land in what three regions?

1. The coast of Africa?


3. Islands in the Pacific ocean?

4.Islands in the Atlantic ocean?​



Atlantic Ocean


Portugal claimed to own land in the Island in the Atlantic Ocean

what is federal system?​


In federal systems, political authority is divided between two autonomous sets of governments, one national and the other subnational, both of which operate directly upon the people. ... The governmental structures and political processes found in these federal systems show great variety.

which agricultural practice has the most significant long term environmental impact in tropical regions?



Palm oil, an edible vegetable oil used in processing packaged food products, is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm tree, grown only in the tropics.

How did reunification impact Germany's economy? Group of answer choices Reunification cause East Germany's economy to experience a major setback when it was absobed by West Germany. Reunification caused West Germany's economy to improve when it absorbed East Germany. Reunification caused West Germany's economy to experience a major setback when it absorbed East Germany's economic problems.


it’s a I just done the same thing and I looked at the awncer

Can someone help me it easy please ❤️




executive-the president,vice president,cabinet members

Judicial-supreme court,justices


the president: executive

the vice president: executive

cabinet members: executive

supreme court: judicial

justices: judicial

congress: legislative

representatives: legislative

senators: legislative


goodluck! <3

The Clinton Riot resulted from?

an effort by federal troops to stop KKK activities.

an effort by white supremacists to disrupt a Republican rally.

an attempt by armed citizens to remove officials from office.

an attack on a Democratic rally by armed African Americans.​


3rd one ) an attack on a Democratic rally by armed African-Americans

In what ways did the limit on congress prevent the new government from uniting the country for a common good?


Answer: - It ways difficult raising money as a Congress through tac for development, as any money to be raised would need it request passed through states.

- Each state were kind of maintaining their freedom and independence, this was also a limitation for governance by the congress


The limit in the Congress prevented the unity of the country in the following ways;

- It ways difficult raising money as a Congress through tac for development, as any money to be raised would need it request passed through states.

- Each state were kind of maintaining their freedom and independence, this was also a limitation for governance by the congress

- Congress could not regulate trade

- Finally, drafting of soldiers were out of their reach.

Did the US contain communism with the Vietnam war?





no we lost the war




The policy of containment had failed politically. Not only had the USA failed to stop Vietnam falling to communism, but their actions in the neighbouring countries of Laos and Cambodia had helped to bring communist governments to power there too. ... The policy of containment had failed in the propaganda war.

help ASAP please! ill mark brainliest


I thinks it's the north.

Your answer is:

B) West region



How are physical geologists different from historical geologists?
Report an Error
question 4 of 5
Physical geologists study oceans, while historical
geologists study the timing of past events.
O Physical geologists study the universe, while
historical geologists study the composition and
structure of the Earth.
Physical geologists study the timing of past events,
while historical geologists study oceans.
Physical geologists study the composition and
structure of the Earth, while historical geologists
study the timing of past events.
Physical geologists study weather, while historical
geologists predict earthquakes.



Physical geologists study the composition and structure of the Earth, while historical geologist study the timing of past events.

What is the length and direction of your shadow in the morning and afternoon


Answer: Shadows are longer in the morning and evening and short in the noon because the sun rays are slanting in the morning and evening whereas at noon it is just above our head. The size of the shadow depends on the position of the object from the source of light.

Which of the following is a core belief of St. Augustine?

a. The government should tell citizens which religion to follow.

b. The Church is more important than the government.

c. None of the above are true.

d. The government is more important than the Church.​


The answer is c I believe because he thought that the government went in hand with religion because it was made to punish man and put restrictions to them




help pls! ill mark brainliest if correct!



D the last one


Why was Buddhism able to spread throughout China during the 7th century? Plzzzz hellp



Silk Road and Han Dynasty.


It spread throught the silk roads and being the han dynasty ruler.

Plz help!! I need this right now


i think it’s the last one

Can someone please check my answer! FIRST PERSON TO ANSWER WILL GET BRAIN LIST A THANK YOU AND 5 STARS! I thank it is C or D

Which is not a duty of Muslims according to the Five Pillars of Islam?

making at least one pilgrimage to Mecca
regularly declaring the belief in one God
giving money that goes to the needy
confessing sins to local religious leaders



i believe c


How is Muhammad Ali a good role model for kids? Own opinion if you want.


Answer: Muhammad Ali was known to many as a champion boxer and a man who fought for racial and social justice his entire life. Muhammed Ali also had dyslexia and aquired Parkinson’s at age 42 and became a role model for people with physical disabilities. Role models such as Ali make a big difference in setting high expectations for youth with disabilities. Muhammed Ali is just one of the many peoplethat proves people with disabilities of all backgrounds can be amongst the highest achievers on earth.


Hope this is good! Mostly from the internet but if you want me to pharaphrase more just let me know!


god js


When not given furrow or canal method of irrigation,which type pf irrigation do you give as an answer



When the furrow or canal irrigation method is not displayed, you can use the methods known as sprinkler, drip or manual as an answer.


Irrigation is the way of providing water for agricultural crops in the quantities necessary for these crops to have commercial value. There are several irrigation methods that must be chosen according to the agricultural culture, the size of the area and the objectives and type of management that the farmer has decided to use. In this case, if irrigation using the methods known as furroe or canal are not presented as an option, you can mention other methods as an alternative.

Brainly >>>>>> socratic



yup ur right


I totally agree

How did W.E.B. Du Bois contribute to the Harlem
He composed music based on African American motifs
He led a movement to return to Africa
He wrote plays about the African-American experience
He wrote about the struggle for African-American identity


I think this answer is C

Algunos autores consideran que la densidad poblacional no ofrece real de la distribución de la población ¿ estas de acuerdo ? Explica tu respuestas mediante ejemplos



La densidad de población que indica un punto crítico en el crecimiento de la población se puede estimar a partir de la relación entre la densidad de población y el movimiento de población. En el caso de adoptar la definición habitual de densidad de población, el punto crítico depende de cómo dividir el espacio en unidades de medida. Encontramos una definición adecuada de densidad de población. Hay zonas habitables e inhabitables. Para la densidad de población ajustada por el tamaño del área habitable sin tierras agrícolas, la densidad de población crítica no depende de la unidad de medida. Observamos esta característica estadística a partir de datos detallados del censo japonés y datos de uso de la tierra.


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